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Member Feature: Dr. Christopher Brown
Eight-year-old Christopher Brown was going to be a professional tennis player. As the youngest of three boys, he had been pulled into doing the same sport as his two brothers…but this had a unique benefit. He was able to receive the most training and was soon playing tennis a couple of hours every day and traveling to tournaments around the country on the weekends. He even played at Duke University and the Future Tournaments after graduation (the minor leagues of professional tennis) but it was at some point in college that he realized that he didn’t want to make this his career path. So…what were the alternatives?
Right around the time of this realization, our now Dr. Brown had an older brother in medical school who nudged him to at least look into dentistry. He was taking basic science classes in college at the time but hadn’t truly considered the sciences overall as an option. But the more he researched dentistry, the more it became appealing. Ultimately, Dr. Brown went on to receive his dental degree from the University of Maryland, graduating magna cum laude and being recognized for his academic achievements in oral surgery and anatomy. He then went on to complete a surgical internship at the University of Maryland, including working at the MD Shock Trauma Center. His interest in the surgical aspects of dentistry finally led him to the University of Washington to complete his Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery training.
Turns out, the Pacific Northwest made quite an impression and Dr. Brown decided to stay here, opening his practice ‘Sammamish Oral Surgery’ not long after completing his training. One of the biggest surprises that has popped up when it comes to running your own practice: the amount of administrative work that goes into the simplest day-to-day things. No one talks about it in dental school, but the administrative challenges are ever a work in progress.
Whenever he’s not running his busy practice, Dr. Brown loves spending time with his family and enjoying the outdoor opportunities that are so plentiful in the Pacific Northwest! He has a beautiful wife and two young daughters who he absolutely adores, and finds hilarious. Watching them explore and taking them outside whenever possible (to do just about anything you can imagine) is an ongoing treat. Hopefully, they will be able to take their adventures to Hawaii soon! Also, as the girls get older, Dr. Brown is looking forward to teaching and practicing with them in whatever sports they decide to pursue.

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