Quarterly FALL 2011
VOL 10 / ISSUE 2
VOLUNTEER DENTISTRY The need is greater than ever Page 7 >>
CDE COURSES 2012 Mark your calendars Page 18 -20 >>
Social Media: Right for your practice? Page 12 >>
Dr. Samantha Tran and her daughter enjoy a Foundation event. More photos page 16 >>
Dr. Munk’s advice on love and sex.
Page 22 >>
2201 Sixth Ave. Suite 1210 Seattle, WA 98121-1831 206-448-6620
legislative news save the date for dental action day
‘12 dental action day january 27 · 7:15 a.m.
one profession, one voice Decisions made during the 2012 legislative
Schedule of Events 7 AM
session could result in fundamental changes to dental care delivery Issues facing the 2012 Legislature include: • Dental midlevel providers • Health care reform • Funding for higher education and dental residency programs • Further cuts to dental care funding for children,working poor, and medically-complex patients
Doors open to the General Administration Building Auditorium
7:15 AM Legislative Briefing Breakfast General Administration Building Auditorium All Day
Appointments with Legislators WSDA Display – Legislative Building, South Entrance
Register ONLINE Today!
For details:
Call Michael Walsh at 800-448-3368 or email at
Seattle-King County Dental Society Membership Quarterly
STAFF Managing Editor: Ms. Jennifer L. Freimund Contributors: Dr. Gary E. Heyamoto Dr. Alan M. Munk Ms. Krystal Bishop Publisher: Ms. Liz Enbysk, State Street Writing, LLC COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Dr. Elizabeth K. Lyons, Chair Dr. Victor Barry Dr. Gary E. Heyamoto Dr. William E. Hooe Dr. Dan G. Middaugh Dr. Gregory Y. Ogata Dr. Jason P. Pehling Dr. Christopher Pickel Dr. Douglas P. Walsh Dr. Leah D. Worstman Dr. Judson Werner / Liaison OFFICERS Dr. Cynthia R. Pauley, President Dr. Princy S. Rekhi, President-Elect Dr. Linda J. Edgar, Past President Dr. Kirk E. King, Treasurer Dr. Amy M. Winston, Secretary EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Dr. C.R. Anderegg, 2012 Dr. Patrick E. Taylor, 2012 Dr. Judson A. Werner, 2012 Dr. Barton S. Johnson, 2013 Dr. Edmond L. Truelove, 2013 Dr. Amrit K. Burn, 2014 Dr. Audrey K. Tatt, 2014 Ms. Jennifer Freimund Executive Director Change of Address: To ensure continued receipt of issues, change of address must be reported to: SKCDS Central Office, 2201 6th Ave., Suite 1210, Seattle, WA 98121, as soon as possible -(206) 448-6620. Email: The information in this publication is for the exclusive benefit of SeattleKing County Dental Society members. Neither the Society nor the publisher makes any express or implied warranties as to the information herein, including the contents of any advertising. Opinions in the Quarterly do not necessarily express the official policies of the Seattle-King County Dental Society, nor the opinions of the editor, unless so stated. For advertising and publishing details, contact: Liz Enbysk, State Street Writing, (425) 373-3285
FALL 2011 Volume 10, Issue 2
CONTENTS Dental Action Day ....................................................................................... 2 President’s Page with Dr. Cynthia Pauley ........................................................... 5 Central Office Team ..................................................................................... 5 Elective Office Openings .................................................................................6 Give Kids A Smile ........................................................................................ 7 Erin Go Bragh! SKCDF Gala .......................................................................... 7 New Dentist Programs .................................................................................. 8 Volunteer Dentistry ....................................................................................... 9 Welcome New Members ............................................................................11 Tech Corner: Exploring Social Media ............................................................. 12 Support Your Dental Foundation .................................................................. 15 Hire a Husky: Job Board ..............................................................................15 SKCDF Beach Party Revisited .....................................................................16 CDE 2012 Programs • CPR / First Aid ................................................................................ 18 • How to Protect Against Embezzlement ........................................... 19 • Predictable Advanced Restorative Dentistry .................................. 20 Dental Humor with Dr. Heyamoto ................................................................. 21 Exposures with Dr. Al Munk ........................................................................ 22
THANK YOU TO OUR ADVERTISERS DSG Harrison & Cardillo ..............................................................................4 Washington Dentists Insurance Agency ............................................................ 6 Dr. Dennis Kuplan CPA ................................................................................. 7 Robert L. Horchover Sleep Apnea & Snoring ................................................. 8 Ann J. Durham Attorney at Law ..................................................................... 8 Dr. Joe Schneider, The Guest Dentist ............................................................... 9 Dental Professionals .................................................................................... 9 NORDIC .................................................................................................. 10 Dental Employment Services ......................................................................... 11 Home Owners Club ................................................................................... 11 TopFlight Real Estate / First Rate Mortgage .................................................. 11 DP Incorporated ........................................................................................ 12 Sleep Apnea and Facial Pain Center ............................................................ 13 AFTCO ..................................................................................................... 14 Pacific Continental Bank ..............................................................................17 CLASSIFIEDS ............................................................................................ 21 CCADS ................................................................................................... 23 Constantine Builders ................................................................................. 24 2011 SKCDS FALL QUARTERLY l 3
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“We have met the enemy and he is us” -- Pogo
On the surface this quote may appear negative but here’s what I mean: perhaps we have become victims of our own modesty. The general public and the legislators of our State do not know all that we are doing in our offices every day to improve oral health and to provide access to dental care. We have to continue to get the word out in our legislative arena and in our communities. It has never been more critical that we ALL participate in this process. While we are hard at work taking care of our patients, someone else may be telling a different story to our legislators and to the public. We have to tell our story. It needs to be our voice. The following is a checklist of positive things you can do right now for our profession. If you do them all (AND YOU CAN), it will mean you have made a significant dent in legislative and public opinion. • Count the number of volunteer hours you have given providing care to those less fortunate through our kidney program, Medical Teams International, the Smile Mobile, and many other deserving organizations. • Report the information to the Dental Society and get the information out to your patients and friends. • Attend all meetings where you advocate for your rights as participating dentists. You cannot rely on others to speak for you.
PRESIDENT’S PAGE By Cynthia Pauley, DDS • Plan to be a guest at our auction where we highlight many of the accomplishments of our Society on March 17, 2012. This is both a time of fellowship and celebration. The good works of the Foundation and Society are a part of your story. • Advocate for dentistry by attending Dental Action Day on Friday, January 27, 2012 down in Olympia. While we had over 100 dentists last year, we have to ask: Why not over 1,000? We have over 1,200 active dentist in our Seattle-King County Society alone. • Tell anyone and everyone who will listen about the practice of dentistry- that you are a small business owner, that you are patientfocused and that you are the part of healthcare that works and doesn’t need to be reformed. I know this may seem a bit intimidating to those of you who have been practicing and volunteering your dentistry quietly and effectively. We in the Dental Society are here to help. We can provide materials that explain what the Society is doing to improve lives in King County. We can match you up with volunteer activities for you and your staff. We will match you with people to go with you to your local legislators. We will take you step by step through Dental Action Day where you will never be alone and there is always someone to ask for help. If you aren’t sure where to start, call the Dental Society at 206-448-6620. Let’s change the dialog and stop being modest.... get up, get out, and let’s spread the word.
Central Office Team Over the summer, the Seattle-King County Dental Society has had two new team members join us! I thought I would tell you a little bit about them so that you will know a bit more about the voice on the other end of the phone line or e-mail! Sandra Anderson, our director of membership, is a lifelong Washingtonian and a Communications graduate of Western Washington University. After college, she has worked with a wide variety of organizations—including being the sole support for a busy office of 15 engineers. She has worked closely with volunteers at Camp Fire Girls and Orchestra Seattle/Seattle Chamber Singers. She has planned fundraising events and holds a Certificate in Fund Raising Management from the University of Washington. She is the proud mother of two boys and, in what little spare time she has, enjoys graphic design, crafts and getting outdoors.
Krystal Bishop, our director of administrative services, comes to us from another membership organization. There, she was responsible for their financial recordkeeping, helping to prepare the annual budget and other reports and scheduling meetings. She also worked with members in the submission of claims and provided member services throughout. Prior to that, she worked at several local universities where she provided academic advising and other student services like financial aid. She has an Associate of Arts degree from Highline Community College and is working on her bachelor’s degree. She, too, is the proud mother of two boys and enjoys creative writing, cooking and watching Seahawks football. You will, hopefully, have an opportunity to meet these two new team members in person soon. Until then, please join me in welcoming them to the Dental Society! 2011 SKCDS FALL QUARTERLY l 5
2012-13 Elective Office Openings Announced In accordance with the Seattle-King County Dental Society Bylaws, the Nominations Committee will meet in early December 2011 to formulate a slate for the 2012-13 Society year. The following leadership positions are open: o President-elect The president-elect will automatically become president in the year following the year in this position. The president-elect will be a member of the Budget and Finance and Program Committees as well as the Executive Council. o Executive Council – four (4) openings for three year terms. Executive Council members meet approximately 10 times a year and always in the evening with a meal provided. This is the governing body of the Dental Society, and it is an excellent way to participate in the organization. o Delegates to the WSDA—Up to six (6)* openings for three year terms This position represents the Seattle-King County Dental Society at the governing body of the Washington State Dental Association’s House of Delegates. Delegates must attend at least one—and ideally two— evening caucuses before each meeting of the House of Delegates. The
SOCIETY NEWS delegates must also plan to attend the Washington State Dental Association’s House of Delegates meeting (usually held from Thursday evening to Saturday noon in September). *The number of Seattle-King County Dental Society Delegate seats for the WSDA House of Delegates is determined each year based on membership as of January 2012; therefore, we do not know at press time how many seats will be open. This change in how the seats are allocated was approved by the 2005 WSDA House of Delegates. If you are interested in learning more about the duties of these positions or wish to be considered for one of the offices, please call Jennifer Freimund at 206-448-6615. We encourage your consideration of these open positions. There is a lot going on at the Society and we welcome your participation. We also thank all of our current volunteer leadership who give so freely of their time and talents on behalf of the Seattle-King County Dental Society.
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Give Kids A Smile Coming in February, 2012
Erin Go Bragh! Wondering what to do for St. Patrick’s Day in 2012? We have an idea for you! On Saturday, March 17, 2012, the SeattleKing County Dental Foundation will host its 17th Annual Gala, beginning at 5:30 pm.
Many children lack access to dental care… but so do many expectant mothers.
SKCDS is shifting the focus of Give According to the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, Kids A Smile (GKAS) children whose mothers have poor oral to include pregnant health are five times more likely to have women and young oral health problems than children whose mothers ... mothers have good oral health. This year, SKCDS is shifting the focus of Give Kids A Smile (GKAS) to include pregnant women and young mothers, in hopes that we can help to instill the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits in the people who influence children the most - their parents. We are also going to focus more on middle and high school-aged children, who are often overlooked when we think of the word “kids.”
We will be returning to the fun venue we used last year: Herban Feast, located at 3200 First Avenue! Like last year, we will have great wine tasting, a small live auction and a BIG FUN party! We will be encouraging you to wear kilts or other festive attire. We’re still thinking about the green beer… Keep an eye on your e-mail. This year, we will be offering a special early bird (lower price!) rate for folks who buy their tickets early AND you will also be entered into a drawing for a great prize. Expect to see information on that before the end of the year. This year, we are raising funds for our Seattle-King County Dental Society’s Access to Care programs which include our partnership with the Northwest Kidney Center and Swedish Hospital.
The Seattle-King County Dental Foundation is dedicated to proactively eliminating dental infection and pain in the King County population that lacks resources and/ If your practice would like to volunteer by partnering with a social service or access to dental care. Established in 1992, the Foundation has made grants to agency, a local middle school or high school or by conducting your own over 30 non-profit and educational organizations, totaling well over $966,000. Day of Care – we are here to help. Please contact our office for more For more information, call us at (206) 448-6620 or e-mail us at information.
The CPA with ... The Dental Touch Are you looking for a CPA who gives you straight answers to your questions? Are you dissatisfied with generic, sugar-coated responses? (Remember, sugar is not only harmful to your teeth, it is harmful to your profits.) Are you looking for a CPA who actually has practiced dentistry? (15 years) Are you looking for a CPA who is a member of SKCDS, WSDA and ADA? If your answer is yes, then call:
Dennis H. Kuplan, DDS Certified Public Accountant
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References upon request
Announcing the New Dentist Program 2012 Unsure about practice management? Don’t know a tax break from a benefits plan? Confused about your next move? You’re not alone… and we can help! Join Seattle-King County Dental Society for a series of programs designed especially for the New Dentist.
Scott Welton - The Business Space Advocate
Paul Schaber - The Management Trust
Join us for a high-energy program discussing real estate survival essentials. Maximize your lease potential! Securing space for your own practice. Location, location, location – and more.
NORDIC Insurance
Boot Camp 2012
Insurance is a business essential but sometimes it can be very confusing. How much should you invest? Get answers to this and other financial questions. Everything you needed to know but didn’t learn in dental school! This half-day intensive course covers practice management topics and information to help you launch into your first practice.
“Everything was great. Speakers were knowledgeable. Thank you for sponsoring this event.” – 2011 Boot Camp Attendee
Dig deep into issues of hiring your staff, motivating and keeping good employees. Develop your team!
All speakers will be presenting at the Seattle-King County Dental Society office unless otherwise noted. The SKCDS is located at 2201 Sixth Ave Suite 1210, in downtown Seattle.
Pizza and beverages are served at every event and there is no charge for attending. CDE credits are also awarded.
Practice Pearls from Senior Dentists
Learn from those who are “long in the tooth”! Words of wisdom from member dentists who bring humor and insight into the practice of dentistry. The event will be held on the University of Washington campus.
New Dentists are anyone who is under the age of 40 and/or has been in practice for less than 10 years.
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8 l 2011 SKCDS FALL QUARTERLY Practice Transitions
Employment Contracts
Business Formations & Dissolutions
Commercial Property Leases & Purchases
Estate Planning
Restrictive Covenants
Volunteer Dentistry
The Need is Greater Than Ever ... Can You Help?
As the fall and winter seasons approach, the needs of the homeless and low-income are more pronounced than during the warmer months. Shelters are full, resources are limited and the weather is cold. These challenges are compounded if you are in dental pain or suffering from infection. Last year there were at least 10 clinics in King County that regularly served seniors and adults on a drop-in basis. Now the same clinics offer limited hours and availability for emergency treatment. At the Society, we frequently refer callers to dental educational facilities, like Shoreline Community College’s Dental Hygiene program. However, even these options can be difficult for people with very limited income or no access to transportation. The other option is referring to private organizations that are reaching out to the disadvantaged with free dental services.
mobile units consists of two-chair operatories - with x-ray, current up-to-date equipment and instruments for all basic dental procedures. Their ability to offer care is based solely upon the willingness of dental professionals to volunteer.
Medical Teams International is one group that is actively reaching those in need within our community.
Dental volunteers are urgently needed to help with 6-hour dental clinics in the mobile van. A dentist’s volunteer participation with Medical Teams International fulfills up to seven annual hours of continuing education credit under WAC 246-817-440 – one credit for each hour volunteered.
Medical Teams International is a relief and development organization based in Redmond. In the Pacific Northwest, their Mobile Dental Program offers free/low-cost dental care to low-income individuals who have no other access to care. Urgent care needs are their priority. Each of the
Clinic hours are typically 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (sometimes 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.). A volunteer can specify time, date, location and population served. When information is received by Medical Teams International, the volunteer Continued next page >>
Medial Teams International
Keep your General Dentistry practice open and profitable during vacations, maternity leaves and other unanticipated absences with the reliable locum tenens dentistry services offered by Dr. Joe Schneider, DDS, FAGD.
THE GUEST DENTIST Extensive experience in General Dentistry, including many years in practice as a sole proprietor Available for temporary placements for a day, week or longer References, resume and fee schedule upon request
TELEPHONE 206-878-1237 21024 7th Place South Des Moines, WA 98198 Dr. Joe Schneider The Guest Dentist
Volunteer Dentristry continued ...
org. An updated list of needed equipment and instruments can be found at .
is contacted by phone to get an idea of their availability, procedure ability and preference of population served (i.e. children, seniors, etc.). Since there United Way Community Resource Exchange For those who have limited time to give, the United Way Community are several vans available on any one day in several locations, there are Resource Exchange Day might be the ideal usually some options to pick when volunteering. volunteer opportunity. For additional information and a volunteer application, please contact Nancy “A very Utt, Mobile Dental Program Manager for Medical Teams International at The United Way of King County brings together affirming 425-284-1936 or email: numerous service providers, including dentists, to give free assistance to the homeless. This oneexperience” Christ Community Free Clinic time-only commitment requires seeing homeless Another emerging organization serving the South King County area is the individuals throughout the day at Century Link Christ Community Free Clinic in Auburn. This group has been providing lowField. Dr. Denis Falcone participated in 2010 income medical services for many years and is now branching out to offer and said it was a”very affirming experience that more dentists should get dental services as well. They have received generous equipment donations involved with.” from Burkhart Equipment, but now need small equipment and – most importantly – volunteer dentists. For more information please contact Morgan Winkler at the United Way of Currently, volunteer physicians see patients on the same day each month. The expectation is that the dentist will select a convenient day to volunteer, and appointments will be set accordingly. Additionally, volunteer hygienists, office staff, dental assistants and IT professionals are needed to make the dental clinic fully functional. For more information, please go online to dentalclinicinfo@christfreeclinic.
King County, 206-461-8582 or go online at
The Seattle-King County Dental Society website at is always a good resource for learning about volunteer opportunities in the greater King County area. We are happy to put you in touch with an organization that needs your valuable services. CDE credit may be available and – best of all – know that you are impacting change one person at a time.
PEACE OF MIND… “Of all the decisions we as dentists have to make, making NORDIC your dental liability company should be one of the easiest. NORDIC management works hard to prevent claims or assist in resolving claims before they become real issues, and will quickly answer your questions when patients are not completely satisfied. NORDIC is sold by WDIA, and both companies are owned by you, WSDA members. Profit and commissions come to you as non-dues income. If there is a reason not to use NORDIC, I want to know. Feel free to call me directly at (253) 380-2902. No other company will work as hard for you or profit you as much, end of conversation.” — Dr. Jim Ribary, Immediate Past President, WSDA
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Please welcome our new members! JULY/AUGUST 2011 Dr. Ramtin Amini Dr. Ryan Anardi Dr. Tameem Anwar Dr. Jasmine Bassali Dr. Veronica Bello Dr. Michael Chiulli Dr. Tom Cho Dr. William (Chris) Clave Dr. Anita Fok Dr. Derick Hahn Dr. Stefanie Hamamoto Dr. Marc Hayashi Dr. Alison Hoover Dr. Brandon LaDoux Dr. Hsin-Fong Liao Dr. Kiran Mistry Dr. Kyong Hwa (Amy) Moon Dr. Thi Nguyen Dr. Christopher Park Dr. Tisha Rekhi Dr. Kevin Ritole Dr. Callisto Rojas Dr. Ashley Schwark Dr. Mindy Sessions Dr. Pamela Sursley
Dr. Jessica Tsukamoto Dr. Lauren Vainio Dr. Yi Ming Yang SEPTEMBER 2011 Dr. Jayanthi Bantwal Dr. Meagan Camp Dr. Janice Chen Dr. Nima Dejbod Dr. Jennifer Emerson Dr. Michael Holler Dr. Victor Marfo Dr. Jennifer Numata Dr. Jansen Richins Dr. Javid Sagafi Members of SKCDS are encouraged to invite non-member dentists who are practicing in King County to join the Dental Society. A quick call to the WSDA Office at 206448-1914 is all that is needed for them to apply for membership at all three levels: Seattle-King County Dental Society, Washington State Dental Association and the American Dental Association.
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Exploring the Benefits (and Risks) of Social Media
Whether you have a Facebook account and tweet on a daily (or, let’s face it, hourly) basis, or just reading this sentence already has you confused and reaching for a dictionary, let’s face it: we are living in the Social Media age. More than ever, people are consulting their online communities for tips and advice before making a decision. Whether it be shopping, real estate, politics or even healthcare, the Internet has become the ‘go to’ source. Are you making yourself and/or your practice available? Should you be? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of social media for small businesses (dental practices in particular), and see if I can help shed some light on the situation.
1. Social Networking Builds Your Business You’ve probably heard the saying - “Oh, just find them online”… but what does that mean? Instead of carrying around names, numbers, addresses and other details, customers (and patients) now mainly refer their friends and family to a business’ (or doctor’s) website or, if they have one, their Facebook account. Think of social media as the new business card; why carry something
TECH CORNER By Krystal Bishop, Director of Administrative Services around with you, when you can point someone to a wealth of information online? By creating a place your current patients can send their friends and family to, you are creating a more effective way to answer common “who/ what/where” questions about your practice, while also showing just how up-to-date and accessible you really can be. 2. Connect with Potential Partners and Employees Whether you’re looking to take on a partner or hire a hygienist, posting your specifications and interest online is a great way to ‘weed out’ the serious inquiries from the merely curious… as well as to attract a fresh group of tech-savvy, adaptable pool of applicants. 3. Build Rapport and Trust Nothing says “I care about your concerns” like being accessible in a way that your current and potential patients are most comfortable with - social media. By creating a networking page (Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc.) for your practice, patients are free to ask questions and learn more about you and the services you offer.
Building Inspiring Dental Environments. On Budget. On Schedule. Dental clinic construction requires extreme attention to detail and a contractor with an eye for excellence. For over 20 years, DP Incorporated has worked with area dentists to achieve this while delivering first-rate clinics that are both welcoming and exciting to work in. Whether your project is new construction or clinic rejuvenation, we handle all the details so you can focus on the opportunities your new space will provide. From pre-lease budget pricing to the final punch list, we build value and trust every step of the way. Visit our website at to see some of our success stories and find out more about all that DP Incorporated can offer you.
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Cons 1. Who Updates What? It’s one thing to have an online social presence… it’s another thing entirely to maintain it. Someone from your office is going to have to update the page with content, monitor the comments (if you choose to allow any, but more on that later) and just generally keep things running. For a solid article on how to set-up a Facebook page, head here: http:// Also, it’s a good idea to have a policy, however simple, on what gets posted and what does not, who can post and who cannot, just to minimize any confusion. 2. Angry Patients Of course your office never has an unsatisfied patient, but you’ve heard of offices that have… and you know how persistent they can be with their complaints. Now, imagine that you have a website, Facebook, LinkedIn, or blog site where they can find you and post whatever they want for all of Internet-land to read. If you do decide to take the plunge and have an online presence, you will have to think about how much impact the guests to your page will be allowed to have. You may delete comments that are abusive, defamatory, or spam but consider leaving other negative comments, reviews, or Continued next page >>
Did you know SKCDS is on Facebook?
Sleep...without CPAP or Snoring
If your patients are having trouble with CPAP, we at The Sleep Apnea & Facial Pain Center provide comfortable and effective alternative treatments for sleep apnea and snoring, as well as long-term management of complex TMJ disorders. We understand the interrelationships between these problems, and through expert diagnosis and specialty care, we offer hope. Call 425.646.6409 or visit our website @ to learn more.
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Exploring Social Media continued ...
presence will outweigh the (very manageable and avoidable) risks. As always, you know what’s best for your practice and what your patients want to see.
critiques online. You should always acknowledge them, but it’s up to you how you address them (e.g., offer to meet in person, or ask to correspond in email).
Next time in the TechCorner: “How did my computer get a virus, and how do I get rid of it?”
3. Computer Security No matter what you’re doing online, you open yourself up to spam, malware/viruses and criminals. Social media sites are no different.
To Blog or Not To Blog...
To protect your computer data, installing a basic antivirus software - designed for small businesses - is a great first step and likely the only one you’ll need. For ideas, check out: small-business-antivirus/. Chances are your computer system came with some already installed or your Internet service provider (ISP) includes it freeof-charge. When it comes to protecting your practice, ask yourself this: “Is this something I would share with a patient in my chair?” Posting on a message board that your office is going to be closed for the week is fine, but adding that “everyone will be in Hawaii, so don’t bother stopping by!” might give someone an idea to do just that… and help themselves to some costly equipment. Hopefully you’ll find that the benefits of your practice having an online defines a blog as: “A Web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis.” What better way to stay in-touch with your patients - and attract new ones? Blogging is an excellent opportunity to give tips, share the latest update about your office and mention all those studies that prove that yes, indeed, flossing is important. There are many blog hosting sites out there - Blogger, WordPress, MyBlogSite - and most are free, easy to set-up, and can even be linked to your current website.
Laura B. Wilson, D.D.S. has acquired equity in the practice of Mark M. Sodorff, D.D.S. - Spokane Valley, Washington Andrew P. Johnson, D.M.D. has acquired the practice of
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Robert B. Smith, D.D.S. - East Wenatchee, Washington AFTCO is pleased to have represented all parties in these transactions.
AFTCO is the oldest and largest dental practice transition consulting firm in the United States. AFTCO assists dentists with associateships, purchasing and selling of practices, and retirement plans. We are there to serve you through all stages of your career.
Helping dentists buy & sell practices for over 40 years. 14 l 2011 SKCDS FALL QUARTERLY
Did You Know… All (100%) of Your Gift to SKCDF is Tax Deductible! It is that time of the year again - time to support your own Dental Foundation! We’ve sent you a letter, but we think this is so important that we’re adding this article too.
patients that our community dental “safety net” clinics are not equipped to handle. • Created and funded a program that matches our members with low income patients who are receiving kidney dialysis.
We can all agree that dentistry’s image could be improved in the eyes of the general public. Many of us are frustrated by the negative views of dentistry or the overly simplistic approach that legislators and foundations have taken towards solving the access to dental care issue. Where we as dentists disagree is how to address these challenges. We have an avenue for you to consider: Support your local Seattle-King County Dental Foundation. We fund many wonderful initiatives which are enhancing dentistry’s image and, more importantly, helping our neighbors receive vital dental care. Here’s what we’ve done in the last year: • Funded equipment for a complex oral extraction clinic which treats
• Funded 21 visits by the mobile dental vans run by Medical Teams International. • Paid for supplies at the Johnny Johnson Dental Clinic run by PROVAIL. • Helped fund the construction of the Neighborcare Rainier Beach Dental Clinic. We need your help to raise the perception of all that dentists do to improve oral health. All of this great work would not be possible without the generous support of donors like you. Please consider an annual gift to the Seattle-King County Dental Foundation. You can make a tax deductible gift by either mailing a check to the Central Office, returning the pledge card that was recently mailed to you or by calling them at 206-448-6620. Do it now!
Get a sneak peek at some of the impressive talent emerging from the
UW School of Dentistry.
Check out the SKCDS Job Board and look at our Soon to Graduate section. We are posting resumes from D4 students who are ASDA members. Students list their areas of interest Including: • Community clinics • Associateships • Practice purchasing If you are exploring the possibility of hiring in the next 12 months, take a look at some of the University of Washington’s finest. You know the quality of education is second-to-none. Join us in supporting the next generation of UW dentists.
Reliving summer fun at the SKCDF BEACH PARTY! Aug. 14 @ Vasa Park Resort
Counter clockwise from upper left: The Dr. Judson Werner family; Dr. Kirin Mistry, Dr. Alison Hoover, Dr. Amy Winston, Dr. Lauren Vainio and Dr. Bart Johnson; Dr. Steven Carstensen with his wife, Midge; Foundation chair Dr. Karim Alibhai and his daughter; Jason Little with Dr. Christy Kirchner’s son Aiden.
Left to right: Hailey Kim enjoys the face painting; Dr. Lina Kim and her family. - Photos by Bill Zude Photography
Banking on Your Terms ORTHO
Ops P roduc t ion
Leigh Sinni, V.P. Relationship Banking Officer G reater Seat tle
Practice Build-Out
Days Of Hyg iene
When Pacific Continental banker Leigh Sinni talks to her dental-banking clients, she knows the difference between a pano and an intraoral camera. Whether helping to grow a practice with a line of credit or just financing a digital x-ray, Leigh’s dental knowledge makes a world of difference. At Pacific Continental, our bankers not only speak dental, they’re experts in delivering the financial services you need, when you need them…on your terms.
2011 SKCDS FALL QUARTERLY l 17 Seattle King County Dental Society ~ 7.5 X 4.75 ~ Fall 2011 Insertion ~ Seattle Dental Team: Leigh Sinni
CPR/FIRST AID COURSE Blanchard Plaza Building 2201 6th Ave, 12th Floor Seattle, WA 98121
DATE: Friday, January 20, 2012 TIME: 8-2 PM (varies) Credits: 3 CPR / 2 First Aid The Dental Quality Assurance Commission (DQAC) requires anyone who provides direct patient care to have Healthcare Professional Life Support/CPR training, and many dental professionals must also have basic first aid certification. SKCDS is offering these two courses at cost to our membership. Now, we are making it even easier for you and your staff to take the class because you can take it online at your convenience if you would like. New American Heart Association training options allow you to take the CPR and First Aid classes on your time schedule. Then, come to our office on January 20, for in-person testing (only takes about 30 minutes!) and receive your certificate which is good for 2 years. On top of all this, you earn CDE credit. The only catch is that you will be paying slightly more the convenience of this option.
Anyone who provides direct patient care is required to have Basic Life Support/CPR training for Healthcare Professionals
For those who prefer the traditional class, which is taught in person with all the live demonstrations and practices, we will th offer that on January 20 as well. The traditional class will go from 8:00 – 11:00 AM. We will not be offering First Aid in the traditional format. That can only be taken online with testing done in person from 11:30 – 12:30. Our training and testing schedule will be as follows: 8:00 - 11:00 AM 11:30 - 12:30 PM 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Traditional CPR class with demonstrations, practices and testing (3 CDE credits) $50 per person First Aid testing for on-line class (2 CDE credits) $20 per person (additional fee to register for online class--$28) CPR testing for on-line class (3 CDE credits) $40 per person (additional fee to register for online class--$22)
For more information on the AHA on-line program please view the info/demo at this link: and click on Course Catalog. The American Heart Association will collect their class fee online.
Before January 17, 2012
After January 17, 2012
ADA Members/Non-Members/Retired/Staff - FA test only
ADA Members/Non-Members/Retired/Staff - CPR test only ADA Members/Non-Members/Retired/Staff - CPR & FA test
$40 $60
$50 $70
ADA Members/Non-Members/Retired/Staff – Traditional CPR
About our Presenters “I Know CPR" courses are nationally recognized and include American Heart Association (AHA) as well as Medic First Aid International (MFA) programs. All courses are OSHA, WISHA, Labor and Industry (L&I) and DSHS approved. "I Know CPR" is a Washington State STARS organization trainer. Additionally, "I Know CPR" is a recognized Gold Training Center for Medic First Aid. The owner, Randall Flitz, is a Regional Faculty member of the AHA, as well as being an Independent Master Trainer for Medic First Aid International. All instructors have educational degrees in Registered Nursing or other healthcare backgrounds. Instructors have first-hand knowledge and experience in all training areas, with backgrounds in adult & pediatric intensive care, trauma, cardiac intensive care, orthopedics, surgery, psychiatry and emergency response. 2201 Sixth Ave, Suite 1210 Seattle, WA 98121-1857 206.448.6620 FAX 206.443.9308
Academy of General Dentistry Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. 2007 to 2011 AGD Provider 212499
How to Protect Yourself Against Embezzlement The Doubletree Guest Suites Tukwila
DATE: February 7, 2012 TIME: 6 - 9PM Credits: 2 credits No one thinks embezzlement will happen to them. Statistics prove otherwise. It is estimated that 60-70% of all dentists will experience embezzlement at some point in their career. A recent Huffington Post article quoted the following shocking statistics: One-third of all business bankruptcies are due to employee theft, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. And at least 20 percent of Mike Smith, MS all business failures are the direct result of employee theft, according to the American Management Association. In this economy, it’s important to be aware of the signs and know what to do if you suspect embezzlement in your business.
Thanks to our sponsor
During the presentation, we will cover the most common ways that embezzlers steal from a dental practice and how unsuspecting dentists make an embezzler’s job too easy. We will discuss the tale-tell signs for detecting embezzlement. And most importantly, we will outline systems every practice can put in place to provide stronger protection against embezzlement. Our informative experts will share their knowledge and help you protect your practice. Dentists only, please. Kristi Harris, CPA
ADA Member
Before January 31, 2012 $80
After January 31, 2012 $90
Non Member
Retired / Staff
About our Presenters With more than 16 years in the dental industry, Kristi Harris, CPA, has a wealth of proven business and financial knowledge. She is a principal at Fluence, a national dental accounting firm that provides practice consulting, tax planning, and business advisory services. Known for her engaging style, Kristi excels at teaching dental professionals how to build well-run operations, increase their practice profitability, prevent embezzlement, and build their personal wealth. She is a frequent speaker at the OHSU School of Dentistry, dental societies, study groups, and for Board of Directors on investment strategy, business financing, mergers and acquisitions, wealth management, and staffing. Since 1999, Mike Smith, M.S. has helped dentists improve treatment acceptance, increase practice growth, and build stronger teams. He is a senior manager at Fluence, where he provides comprehensive practice and staff management consulting along with accounting services for dentists. Mike’s hands-on approach is enhanced by the practical experience he gained managing a dental practice for five years. He frequently speaks at dental association meetings and study groups to help doctors improve all aspects of practice performance and the patient experience, fine-tune leadership skills, and prevent embezzlement. 2201 Sixth Ave, Suite 1210 Seattle, WA 98121-1857 206.448.6620
Academy of General Dentistry Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. 2007 to 2011 AGD Provider ID Number 212499
Diagnosis and Treatment for Predictable Advanced Restorative Dentistry DATE: March 2, 2012 TIME: 8:30 – 4:30 PM Credits: 7
Lynnwood Convention Center 3711 196th Street SW, Lynnwood
Dr. Jeff Brucia comes back to Seattle to speak on how advanced restorative care demands continuous learning in the areas of material science and restorative technique. It is estimated that more than 80% of restorative failures are due to clinical error, not material selection. This fast paced course will go beyond the basics of cosmetic dentistry, concentrating on a scientific, evidence-based rational for clinical success. Advanced diagnosis and treatment planning for comprehensive restorative dentistry is absolutely necessary to ensure the best possible chance for successful treatment. Learn when occlusal factors may play a role in temporomandibular disorder and how to restore them using the latest materials coupled with the time-tested approach of occlusion and gnathology. Based on solid principles, clinical cases will guide you through the management of more involved cases including joint and muscle pain management and indications for full mouth restorative care. Topics will include:
Snohomish County Dental Society
CO vs. CR. When to treat in Centric occlusion and when to restore to Centric Relation. Methods of treatment that ensure success in all aspects of restorative dentistry, ranging from single tooth restorations to full mouth reconstruction. Articulator selection. Non-hinge, semi-adjustable, fully adjustable. Why should we consider a facebow transfer? How to achieve and confirm Centric Relation without guess work. Hinge movement, does the jaw move like a hinge? Learn about Bennett angle and angle of eminentia. TMD – Diagnosis and treatment. Rational and methodology of splint therapy. When is a case equilibratable? Treatment sequence and material selection.
The presentation will also review articulator selection, facebow records, centric bite registration, mounted study model evaluation and splint therapy. This course is designed for the serious thinkers and operators.
February 24, 2012
February 24, 2012
ADA Member
Retired / Staff
About our Presenter
Dr. Brucia is a graduate of the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry where he is currently an Assistant Professor of Dental Practice. He is practicing Aesthetic and Restorative dentistry full time in San Francisco, California. Dr. Brucia is the Co-Director of the FACE institute where he chairs the department of Aesthetics and Adhesive Material Science. His focus is to build a partnership between gnathology, occlusion and adhesion. He is the 2011 recipient of the Gordon J. Christensen Lecturer Recognition Award. In 2010, Dr. Brucia was elected a fellow in the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He has also been selected by Dentistry Today as one of the top clinicians in dental continuing education today. As a published author of clinical articles, he has worked as a guest editor and a clinical reviewer for several journals. He has received Fellowships in the American and International College of Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry International, the Pierre Fauchard Academy and the Doctoral Degree with Delta Sigma Delta. He has worked as a developer and evaluator for new materials with several manufacturers and laboratories.
2201 Sixth Ave, Suite 1210 Seattle, WA 98121-1857 206.448.6620 FAX 206.443.9308
Academy of General Dentistry Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. 2007 to 2011 AGD Provider ID Number 212499
DENTAL PROVIDERS MOBILE I.V. SEDATION Have your patients treated in your office with safe and proven techniques. Set your practice apart from others. Attract new patients. Increase quality referrals. Neil E. Bergstrom DDS 360--825-6596.
LYNNWOOD DENTAL CONDO Sale or rent 1300 square feet. Owner financing or 4 months free rent. Three ops, built in 1984. Dr. Hertl 206-300-7060 FOR LEASE IN BELLEVUE Attractive full floor 1500 SF dental clinic in wooded setting near Overlake Hospital. Four operatories/treatment rooms wired, plumbed and partially equipped. Contact Steve Bordner at 425-462-6919.
SKCDS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SKCDS members: $50 for the first 25 words; $1 for each additional word. Non-members: $75 for the first 25 words; $1 for each additional word. To Request a Classified Submission Form Please Email NO ADS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY PHONE. YOU WILL BE BILLED UPON PUBLICATION. CHECKS ONLY, NO CREDIT CARDS.
Dentist’s Guide to Love and Sex By Al Munk DDS Greetings from Ballard! Sooner or later every writer has to write about sex. It is what sells magazines, books and movies. It sells pretzels and beer. It even sells dentistry. How many veneers and tooth whitening systems would be sold if not for sex? Thus, it was only a matter of time before your dependable humor writer from Ballard broached this ever entertaining yet ever controversial subject. Sex is nearly always preceded by dating. After eight years of college and dental school, dentists are not always the most practiced at dating skills. During the first date with my current wife, I adjusted her occlusion. Yes, this is true. I could not have made this up. Do not adjust your partner’s occlusion on the first date! It only leads to trouble later on. I had to get married within the year and now she expects me to repair her teeth and those of our children for a reduced fee! Just because I set the precedent with that free adjustment thirty years ago.
The correction of occlusal disharmony (one of my favorite terms) should be left for later on in the relationship. Rather than a clinical procedure, your author suggests something more romantic on the first date such as a tour of your office or perhaps a demonstration of the hydroscopic expansion investment technique. Later on, as you become more intimate, you might read to her in bed from the Journal of Cranio-Facial Pain Dysfunction. For the truly uninhibited among you, try a home session with the myo-monitor. This will let her know that to you, she is really something special. Next comes another important warning: Do not have sex in the dental chair! That chair which is responsible for your livelihood looks like it is really solid, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not bolted to the floor and it will almost certainly tip over in the heat of the moment. This may cause damage to the unit or the dental light which may be difficult to explain to your assistant the next day. Of course, if you are with your assistant, then this is not a problem. However if this is the case, then you need your head examined to see through which opening all your brains leaked out. Do not listen to the guys in study club who talk about their sex lives! Just because you only have sex at the vernal equinox does not mean you should 22 l 2011 SKCDS FALL QUARTERLY
be jealous of the guy in study club who has sex during his lunch hour everyday. There is a good chance he is lying. He probably lies about his golf scores and gross income as well. If in doubt, ask his wife next time you see her. She will clarify the situation and, no doubt, will be proud that her husband is talking about her to his friends. Since it is usually desirable to have sex with a partner, I will now briefly discuss this issue. First off, do not have sex with your patients. They will only demand a discount on future services which would be unfair to other patients. Second, do not have sex with your staff for reasons previously discussed. Which leaves us with the question of where do we meet women? I suggest the personal want ads. Place an ad but first call me to help you write it. It is important to stretch the truth a little in these matters. For example, an untutored dentist might write: Single male dentist, bald with paunch, enjoys sitting in chair watching golf and football with beer, desires Jennifer Aniston look-alike to bring him the beer. Though this may be the truth, it will not necessarily achieve the desired objective. Rather it should read: Single male health professional, looks good in his baseball hat, exercising to lose a few unwanted pounds, enjoys all sports, looking for exciting woman for life-long fun and romance. As you see, this is a very scientific process. Finally if you already have a partner and want to have sex with her once in awhile, you must carry out certain formalities. Aside from all the usual things written in books and told on Oprah, you must occasionally bring her flowers. This is especially true when you have been a particular louse and want to get out of the doghouse. I recommend QFC for their $4.99 bouquet. It works almost every time. I am on a first name basis with their clerks... That’s all for now from Ballard.