Seth on Moonshot thinking

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Date: Andromeda Year 5

PENIEL NEWS Dumile Feni Talks Some Unified Field Theory

You can fly to the skies or stay low to the ground if you please. The mistake I made, at age 17 I saw cloud computing coming, talked to a friend about it but did nothing else. You see, before the era of smart phones I wanted to send away my contact details incase I lose my phone, in the same manner you send emails and always have them in any pc you log in to. I failed because I asked myself, what do I already know how to do? The impossible is now available through the internet. Who would have thought all records (music) in the world would now be digitised. Its taken a long time for the legacy systems

For God so loved the earth that he put it in correct proximity to the sun. There is at least one planet orbiting a star you see in a bright night and all the ones observed are not in the Godly like zone. A planet is a piece of mud orbiting around the star to get energy.

On what Seth told us

to be appended which is a good thing.

New Possibilities


michio kaku


Date: Andromeda Year 5

My advise to you, target a small market, be different and don’t compete and exploit design thinking. Normal distribution does not work anymore. Its Metcalfe’s Law v Fight Club, build products and services worth taking about. Kamiwasi is Japanese for God like. Frank Lloyd Wright designed a house and said, if you want it I will build it for you. Get into the market and make mistakes and learn and update the AI. If the customers want to see you then they can enrol. Our task is now to coordinate, trust, exchange of ideas, generosity and art. The “I got something in the box, but if I give you I have nothing I lose” mentality is replace by if we share we both win. You are here to create a community that connects people, that build a culture of purpose, that challenges them to go to the next level, that commits, thats clear. That communicates what we do over and over. The story of Eukerous, the instruction was that also don’t fly too low otherwise the water and mist will weigh down your wings.

You can look up to the stars or look down or around to the crowd. The stars are also sentient beings, even they ask you to look at them. The word limit, is a false creation it does not exists. No one knows how big our universe is. Keep dreaming black man.

Bob Marley did not invent reggae, he just showed up to lead them. I am committed in saying I have no guarantee of success, but together in the journey we will figured it out and it will work.

By 2100 I predict that we will have eradicated all poverty, and indeed work in the entire world and all the work remaining will be art. We have to dig deeper into the emotional labour, seat when you feel like

“ The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings” - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

running, whisper when you feel like screaming, its called the moment of choice. You can build an entire life based on these choices. The the world responds and invites you to play in the bigger stage. The world hates hustlers and loves those who take responsibilities and give away credit.

P bk ngejane 2024 TITLE: INTUITION PATHFINDER @ PENIEL GA +2782 998 7879 Floating Office (coming soon)

New Possibilities


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