B_Nieuws07, April 2009

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monthly periodical | april 06, 2009

+ graduation project: Ilmar Hurkxkens

+ De nieuwe Bouwpub

+ interview Kees Duijvesteijn

+ and much more...

+ Building for Bouwkunde Faculty of Architecture

B_Nieuws 06 | january 07, 2008 | report

Delft21 University of Technology

content 2-4

architectural psychoanalysis Building for Bouwkunde Ania Molenda



Since May 13th 2008 the discussion about the future of Bouwkunde has taken a much more real and

an idea of exhibition

personal direction. It became more than a theoretical academic discourse. It became a matter of concern, that involved everyone ever affiliated with Bouwkunde and got people together. On March 14th 2009 this discussion finally reached a new stage. After nearly a year from the fire, after 5 months in the fields of BK where the Creative Festival took place (see: BN_13/08), after Archiphoenix exhibition/discussion at the 11th Architecture Venice Biennale when minister Plasterk announced his support of 25 million for the new faculty building, after the rehousing and the illness of the dean Wytze Patijn. After this weird and turbulent time an important phase has been closed as the winners and runner ups of the Open International Ideas Competition for Building for Bouwkunde were announced.

Peter Smisek

het afscheid van een pionier

Interview Kees Duijvestein Daan de Leeuw



a state of autarchy? Building a House with Joost Conijn Peter Smisek

Loss and opportunity

introduction graduation project

„Last year since May 13th we can say we have been through a year that the Romans call ‘annus horribilis’ – the horrible year.” – said Ole Bouman at the opening of the award ceremony of the Open International Ideas Competition for Building for Bouwkunde. Almost like in a mantra all of the following speakers including: Dirk Jan van den Berg, Roemer van Toorn, Liesbeth van der Pol and minister Ronald Plasterk repeated similar sentences, at the same time replacing the word ‘loss’ with the word ‘opportunity’ right in the next sentence. Stressing the fact that what happened was terrible, but now we need to re-focus and see the new opportunities in front of us.

Filip Geerts Stefano Milani

10-11 graduation project

‘Paradise Regained’ Ilmar Hurkxkens

12-13 rising the challenge Msc 3 Havana Exhibition

Msc 3 Havana Group

14-15 doorstart van de bouwpub 16

Marcello Soeleman


This is what needs to get done now, the opportunities need to be taken and turned into a suc-

Seminar Public Space Dino Arcilla



cess. Any other solution is not possible. Everyone is looking at us and expects a breakthrough, a fantastic building, a fantastic discussion, the spirit, everything has to be perfect, definitely...we cannot fail. We need to move things forward and rethink! ‘Rethink’ already became a keyword, which could describe the way towards Bouwkunde’s new building. We need to rethink the education, the profession and architecture! This sounds like a BIG TASK. I am not sure if anyone can keep up with this speed of multiplying expectations. Don’t get me wrong - I find it really great that there is so much focus on the BIG ISSUES – the spirit of responsibility and activism which it brings is really seducing. But perhaps we need to let some air out of the balloon before it bursts and give some more space to action. Instead of multiplying the possibilities and pumping up the expectations bring little answers, perhaps not definite but some. The outcome of the competition didn’t bring us almost any clear answer, dividing the honours between all of the eight nominees (2 honourable mentions, 3 second prizes and 3 first prizes). The jury left us debating and wondering which one is the best. Is there such a thing as the best? But if not, then what is going to be built in the end? However the decision to split the prizes seems to be well justified by the will to trigger further discussion, it makes me wonder if instead of promoting endless deliberation, perhaps a hint on the further direction could have been chosen.


colofon B_Nieuws is a monthly periodical of the Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Architecture - BK City Delft University of Technology Julianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft room BG.Oost.050 T please contact us via email E b_nieuws@bk.tudelft.nl W bnieuws.wordpress.com Editorial Board Dino Arcilla Anne de Haij Daan de Leeuw Ania Molenda Peter Smisek Marcello Soeleman

As Dirk Jan van den Berg admitted, this is not and is not going to be a clear-cut question-answer process. The university community created a long and complicated procedure to set up a proper debate, which hopefully will lead to the right decision. By now we are only at the beginning of stage three towards the new faculty: the first one was the setting up of the tents, 2nd – the temporary housing at the Julianalaan (which should have concluded by the 1st of April), the 3rd one – will be the new building. So the true excitement is still far in front of us. The winning projects of the Ideas Competition will contribute to the programme brief for the so called ‘real competition’ and therefore should bring us closer to the answer on what will happen to the faculty in 4-5 years from now. But it seems like there is still a long way to go. The choice of the jury makes me really curious about what sort of values from the 3 chosen projects will be distilled for the brief. As sketchily outlined

Editorial Advice Marten Dashorst Jeroen Borst Mick de Witte Machiel van Dorst Robert Nottrot Print Druk. Tan Heck, Delft Cover Illustration ‘Amalgam’, by Laura Alvarez one of the winning projects of the Building for Bouwkunde competition Contributors M&C, Msc 3 Havana Group, Ilmar Hurkxkens, Cristina Ampatzidou, Ceren Sezer, Filip Geerts, Stefano Milani, Sierksma, Robert Nottrot, Tom Haelvoet, Eveline Hanssens, Olli Raila, Heikki Muntola, Heikki Riitahuhta, Mikko Jakonen, Eetu Arponen, Elsbeth Ronner, Mick van Gemert, Marc Bringer, Ilham Laraqui

„The events of may 13th last year, have indeed been dramatic, but on the other hand I think that the faculty community and the university community can be very proud of the spirit and speed with which everything has been undertaken to get the faculty up and running again.” – Dirk Jan van den Berg

Next deadline Wednesday April 22, 12.00 PM B_Nieuws 08, 2009 Illustrations only in: *.tif- or *.eps format, min. 300 dpi Unsolicited articles can have a maximum of 1000 words; announcements 100 words. The editorial board has the right to shorten articles, or to refuse articles that have an insinuating, accusing or vindicatory character or contain unnecessary coarse language. The editorial board informs the author(s) concerning the reason for its decision, directly after it has been made.


in the Final Report of the jury this perhaps could be the notion of sustainability and a new sense of modesty, which as they point out gives a fresh counterbalance to the long domination of ‘starchi-

„Professional architects will have time now to do research. Now that they have run out of work because of the crisis they have plenty of time to think.” – Roemer van Toorn

“We have to reinvent what the human and civil society could be, now that the global era is total, we live a historical moment in need of a paradigm shift, in need of new visions and new models.” – Roemer van Toorn

18-19 news 20

Architectural Psychoan tecture’. “The designs do not impose themselves, but offer space for creativity, for development and for change, in such a way that it does not limit, but rather enhances architectural quality.”1 Nevertheless we might be still far from the final formulation of the outlines for the future Bouwkunde, one important goal has already been achieved and has to be put in a spotlight. Building for Bouwkunde has mobilized a tremendous amount of people – it brought a lot of discussion, controversy and activism. Let me remind you that it started as a student initiative introduced on the 19th of may 2008 during the opening of the first two tents. It grew, transformed and gathered 466 entries (about 30% of which were students) containing a plethora of ideas about the future of BK.

Hungry for change Another thing that seems quite clear to me, when I look at the past year of preparations and different stages of this event, is that the hunger for change and the belief that this is the time to say something new is hanging in the air. We are on the verge of a new paradigm, new beginning, new history, “we have to reinvent what human and civil society could be”2. Everyone seems to be repeating that this is a special moment. But during the evening of march 14th I have heard it so many times that I started to ask myself - do we really have to announce that there is history happening now? That we are writing it? That this is the exhibition of the Zeitgeist? The time is definitely going to judge it. Of course we are writing history, if we see history as everything that happened in the past. But when

“Are we standing on the sort of specific moment in history? Yes we are. You could see that directly. And it has to encourage all the young architects, maybe now looking into a field of no work and minimizing economic circumstances, so it should encourage them to study further to actively be involved in research for architecture of the future.” – Liesbeth van der Pol

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | Building for Bouwkunde



Spring has come Finally!!! The time has come my friends. That which we’ve all been waiting for has arrived. I am talking, of course, about spring.

Building for Bouwkunde International Open Ideas Competition

Spring is more than just a season between winter and summer. It is the time when sun finally starts shining, days have a decent length and the heat is not oppressive. In short, spring is time for optimism and renewed energy. I also noticed that the increased amount of sunshine has a positive effect on architecture. Take the polychromic windows on the second floor. Every time I approach Bouwkunde, they greet me, and inspire a general sense of playfulness and silliness.

By Ania Molenda

we say it now, it sounds desperate. Like one would really want something to happen, but it wouldn’t be really happening, or like one would want to put a spell on, because it is high time to bring something fresh forward but no one has a clue what to do. Roemer van Toorn said that we have to redesign ourselves as designers: „More than simply training architects how to design brilliantly and technically excellent, we have to redesign the figure of the architect and what architecture can mean to the future in confrontation with the crisis...”. Perhaps the disappointment brought by the breakdown of neoliberal capitalism ironically can bring some hope to the architectural profession, since it has the capacity to trigger new ways of looking at space, social engagement, ownership, ecology and such. We will also have enough time to think

the world with architecture, we want to change architecture with the world.” I think this sentence could serve as a counter motto of all the BIG words that were said at the award ceremony.


And right at this time, something else is going on as well. The building at Julianalaan is being finished and in addition, the ideas competition called “Building for Bouwkunde” has its winners. Maybe you’ve heard of them. Maybe you even went to see the exhibition at NAi in Rotterdam.

“So we opened the door and at the first sight we overlooked 477 entries and immediately we saw – this is a historical moment. Because you could immediately see this overwhelming quality of this overwhelming quantity.” – Liesbeth van der Pol

I too have had the opportunity to visit the NAi and look at the various proposals. Now is the time to discuss and reflect on what you saw there, whether you agree with the choice of the finalists and whether the exhibition really signals a new approach to architecture.

At the end of the day almost everyone became a winner. None of the eight nominated projects: Post Ignem, Ego EcoSystem, Learning and Creating, BK City, Not a Metaphor, Vertical Forum, A World Without Objects, Green Housed Culture or Amalgam were dismissed. – Why? To trigger a discussion, to open new ways of thinking. But how is it going to happen? Now we have 3 winning ideas, 3 almost winning and 2 almost-almost winning. Among the winning ones we can find three different approaches, and to make it even more interesting three different points of departure concerning the site (Green Housed Culture: old site at Berlageweg, World Without Objects: Park along Mekelweg and Amalgam: the Julianalaan). As Liesbeth van der Pol said: „This amount of ideas should stimulate a major discussion about what way a school of architecture should be in the future, but not only that, it should also stimulate and it is mentioned already before, the critical reflection and the debate on the architecture itself.” All of these ideas should now contribute to the brief for the competition, and it seems like a confirmation of the fact that everything is possible and „In the end this is just a competition of ideas and MVRDV is building it of course...” – as Jorg den Hollander joked.

But back to spring. See, just as the windows on Julianalaan seem somehow different in the spring sunshine, perhaps we should also re-evaluate what we think about the qualities of the winning proposals. There are more important questions than those of form, load bearing structure or grand ideas. The really important question is: do any of the invited proposals inspire silliness? Is there a place for optimism, joy and playfulness among the grand ideas about the architectural education of the future? Can one stick a picture of SpongeBob Squarepants on a door without desecrating the building and its idea? These are the crucial questions that we must ask ourselves. Who wants to spend five years or more in an icon (but hey, it did cost 25 million extra), if the time spent there is not pure joy?

“It appeared to us that this competition is like a sort of a rich catalogue of the current state of architecture today.” – Liesbeth van der Pol now about how to make our profession better and make the breakthrough happen (suggested Roemer van Toorn). It almost makes me want to say: God bless the crisis, if I hear sentences like this. But I would rather like to ask after Jorg den Hollander if we are not going too far in this auto psychoanalysis? Expecting a mission-project for the entire profession, that resembles “a shrink lying on his own couch examining himself, doing his own analysis.”3 I don’t remember who said that anymore, but I think it was one of the young architectural offices: “we don’t want to change

“Today’s economic fallout is in fact an urban crisis, a real estate crisis, which demands other urban models and another kind of financial models. We are in need of other spaces; another ideas of what architecture can produce.” – Roemer van Toorn

Perhaps it’s too early to discuss this important issue, I mean, we are still in the very beginning of the design process. But we also must note that time will come (and hopefully it will be soon) when we, staff and students alike, will need to take an active part in ensuring that the new building we will ultimately use gives us space to express the more naïve and less serious parts of our nature. To really live and work not only for architecture, but also for the joy of living. To ensure that whenever we think back on our time at Bouwkunde, we’ll have more to remember than just several years of architectural education or generic office work. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go lie in the sun and enjoy spring while it lasts.

“Architecture and the idea of the city have to be rethought if we want to overcome the current economical urban crisis.” – Roemer van Toorn

After all there is an additional lump of money from minister Plasterk to make a change – to make the new faculty not an ordinary building, but to make it good architecture. I personally hope that this money and the entire process of selecting and decision making for the new building will focus on how to make Bouwkunde a better faculty not by how it looks but by what it is. I don’t think that having fancy furniture or a fancy building will make students into better architects and Delft into a better university. Perhaps this new sense of modesty fished out by the jury as an important direction for the future is a valid way to go, leaving all the ‘fireworks’ behind and focusing on architecture that is fascinating for its performance not for its ‘coolness’. <b

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | Building for Bouwkunde

Peter S.

If you would like to find out more about the competition and its results, you will find more information on: http://www.buildingforbouwkunde.nl You can find all of the winning entries and the Final Jury Report there. On may 13th 2009, the Building for Bouwkunde – Open Ideas publication, with the long list of final 50 plans, the final report of the jury and the results of the Think Tank, will be released.

footnotes: 1 Report of the jury meeting Open International Ideas Competition Building for Bouwkunde, p.21 2 Roomer van Toorn – quote from a speech during the award ceremony of the Open International Ideas Competition – Building for Bouwkunde, 14/03/2009, NAi 3 Jorg den Hollander – quote from a speech during the award ceremony of the Open International Ideas Competition – Building for Bouwkunde, 14/03/2009, NAi


Debate of the nominees

We treated the jury’s objective for triggering a discussion about the ideas seriously. Therefore we present here for a good beginning opinions of Bouwkos’ collected in streets of BK and opinions of the winners and runners-up themselves. We hope that this exchange of opinions will continue to grow! Enjoy reading and comparing, and if you also want to share your opinion, please send it us at B_Nieuws@bk.tudelft.nl.



Could you tell which of the 8 selected proposals (apart from your own) did you appreciate the most and why?

2 What do you think about the fact that all of you from nominees became winners in a way, without a clear focus on one proposal?

Halvoet & Hanssens Post Ignem 1

We really liked the proposal [Learning and Creating - red.], the reference to the hut and its constellation seems an interesting approach. In a way it is a reaction against the eclecticism of the spectacular architecture. We immediately thought of Laugiers hut. This project has some kind of primitive beauty, architecture that corresponds with the human nature.

2 We think it’s a quality that out of 500 different entries a broad selection has been made. It really shows the potential of different approaches. But in the same time in a competition we feel the need to have a winner, one proposal that has the preference of the jury. Nevertheless it’s an idea competition and we understand that the jury wants to keep several options open for discussion.

Raila, Jakonen, Riitahuhta, Muntola, Erponen Learning and Creating 1-Amalgam The synthesis of the Julianalaan building and the new architecture school is beautifully carried out. The proposal seems realistic and well thought. The Jury’s statement about enhancing sustainable values by starting with an existing building instead of a totally new structure was also a good argument

-Vertical Forum We do like the basic idea of people meeting spontaneously inside the Bouwkunde building. This is how ideas are born. The design is still in sketch level but its concept is free enough to make it possible to make the plan work in many ways. The design is also easily extendable if needed.

contest. And if an “extend contest” was to be organized, we also would be much in favor to participate in it. We have also been very sensitive to the project a world without objects, which concept reflects Leonidov well-known projects - Culture Palace of Proletarian neighbourhood (1930) & Centrosoyouz Building (1928) in Moscow. It appeared as Post-manifesto of Modern architecture, a reminiscence of the Vhutemas spirit.

2 We understand the Jury decision to have multiple winners, considering the difficulty to reach a selection of a single winner, across these 3 so different projects, in the concept, the economics or the aesthetics. Indeed each of the first prizes represents a different contextual family of the TU Delft Campus. The contest allowed identifying three main project approaches, three different sites for the final rebuilding of Bouwkunde. We are very satisfied to be the winners among competitors with common approach, which was to build a new structure on the initial site of Bouwkunde. We definitely think, as presented in our project, that the campus needs a new rejuvenated image through a progressive and ecological project.

-Ego Eco-system The idea of flexibility in an architecture school is a positive factor. However the strong points of this concept may also turn into its drawbacks. After years of rearrangement the campus could be the most interesting and inspiring school to study in the world. It could also end up in total chaos where orientation would be too difficult.

Ronner & van Gemert Vertical Forum

2 As being an idea competition and to be followed

1 Raggers’ A World without Objects is a bold state-

by another competition it seems fair that not only one of the proposals is praised above others. The purpose of this competition was also to raise conversation of the future role and standing of the architecture school.

ment which gives a strong suggestion of the way architecture should be represented in a building for architectural education. The various references to historical projects enrich the environment for future architects. The defined space enables both students and employees to relate themselves to the building and reflect on architecture as a whole. Like our proposal Vertical Forum, this project also addresses the problem of the programmatic vacuum of the Mekelpark, which is a critical stance towards the current developments in the core of the campus. However, will the central space of the design actually be a social space, or will it turn out in a somehow alienating surface? Will the differentiation presented in the sections be enough to facilitate a diverse program and provoke the nec-

Bringer & Laraqui Green-Housed Culture 1 We were initially surprised and very interested in the extend of the Julianalaan Building project named Amalgam. We appreciated the high level of programmatic definition, that is a breakthrough in the actual “idea contest”, to the extent we perceived that we were not participating to the same

Streets of BK City First of all I think it’s a good idea to keep this building as a new building, we have already started to appropriate the space. As for the proposals that want to move back to the old site; I think that they are too minimalistic for Bouwkunde. The old building was a statement, and the proposals are too subtle. And considering the current transformations, I think we should just keep building upon this what is already happening. That is the best method of proceeding. And what will happen to the old site: who knows? Sander Janssen, MSc 3, Public Building

The choice to pick three winners was, I think, the right one. They all raise questions. The old site raises questions about sustainability; I also like the idea of using Mekelweg as a sort of connecting structure on an urban scale; and from the re-use perspective, I think Amalgam is a very inspiring plan. Job Roos, coordinating architect BK City


essary encounters? It seems that the jury saw a great potential in developing the Mekelpark as a plot for a new faculty. As in our design the ‘ego’ element in positioning the Facuty of Architecture in the hart of the campus is compensated by sinking a large part of the programme into the ground. Is this a smart typology or can’t we claim such a central position within the ensemble?

Amalgam, the beautiful proposal by Alvarez, is a clear and realistic answer to the current state of the faculty. The completion of the old building for the faculty of Architecture reflects on the responsibility of architects to the existing context. The spatial diversification derived from the merging of the old and new evokes room for social encounters as a base for student life. This is a condition which cannot be disregarded in the context of a university. Alvarez proposes interesting interventions that do conflict with the way the Julianalaan is currently being developed. How likely is it that these extensions will be modified again when the faculty will continue at the Julianalaan? Let us express our confusion about the first prize for a proposal that sees green-houses and solar panels essential for sustainability. Are we still living in the nineties? Is this supposed to be typically Dutch…please. The project Green Housed Culture is well thought trough but rather cliché and little interesting in terms of spatial qualities. Time for discussion!

2 The fact that almost all nominees became first or second prize winners has a double connotation. Firstly it shows that the jury had the intention to point out a wide spectrum of objectives for the brief of the new faculty. It emphasizes the aim of the jury to what extend and in which manner the new building should be social, sustainable, considering the context and what kind of architecture is favored. Yet, it might also be said that by doing so, the jury just scratched the surface by not pointing out essential objectives. The question might also be posed whether the proposals sufficiently accentuate the perspective on the non-physical aspects of the educational system.

What do you think of the winners of the Building for Bouwkunde competition?

I thought the winners were very different, as were the locations. I did not expect that. There were some good ideas there. I find the concept of using Mekelpark really beautiful. I don’t have a preference for either design, they’re just pretty pictures, but I really like the idea in general. Tomas de Meulder, BSc 2 In an ideas competition, it’s not about the plan, but the idea, and the choice of the winners is very strategic. Now the programme and the idea has to be developed further and can be given to the famous or maybe less famous architects to make a building. I don’t know, but I like the idea to stay here, it would be a strategic base, I think there are good ideas to renovate which would be good. the this building. I never experienced the Max Risselada, emeritus professor old one as I am a new student, but the old site was too far away to really connect it with the campus. But this building has a potential to be a good new building of the faculty. It is sustainable to develop it in this way. Apart from that, I also like the proposals for Mekelpark. But I don’t think I will experience the new building anyway. Teera Dhanamun, MSc 2, The ? Factory

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | building for bouwkunde

An Alvarez Amalgam 1 If the jury was not able to announce only one winner... how could I do it? The jury selected a very wide range of possibilities without pointing in one direction. So I cannot really say if one is better than the other. They look for very different things. What I can say is that the ones that impressed me the most were Learning and Creating, Vertical Forum and Post Ignem. The three of them are strong statements and although at first sight you could think that they are utopic, they opened the debate about a new understanding of education.

2 I think the fact that there are serveral winners in this competition means that it is still not very clear what will happen next. Do we go back to the old location, do we stay at Julianalaan? Some decisions have to be taken, otherwise all these ideas that came out of this competition would become just a mental exercise! And of course, one thing I wish is that they let us participate on the restricted competition that probably will be organized for this project. I wish that the words of Liesbeth van der Pol about opportunities for young architects will come true.

Idea of Exhibition


Dit wordt mijn laatste bijdrage aan dit blad. Er zijn nevenschikkende redenen om er mee op te houden. Er is ook een voorname reden – de voornaamste reden. Die doe ik hier uit de doeken.

BY PETER SMISEK The Building for Bouwkunde Ideas competition has come to an end. After all the curiosity, rumours and the grand opening on March 14, we can finally take a look at not only the winners and the nominees, but also other interesting and inspiring submissions.

If you are planning to go to the NAi in Rotterdam anytime soon, you might want to go all the way up to Zaal 3. The attraction would be to see the 50 or so of the 466 panels that were sent to the Building for Bouwkunde ideas competition and which the jury appreciates for their visionary power. The reason to see the exhibition should be clear: you want to see, comment on and become inspired by all the different ideas. On the opening night, the room was rather full, so full in fact, that the well-natured NAi security had to stop people from getting in unless someone left. Now that things are back to normal, this should no longer be a problem, and an eager visitor has all the time to linger and ponder at all that’s on display. The exhibition begins with a note about the events of 13th May last year, which many of us still remember. It goes without saying that we’ve seen this all before, but there are some interesting pieces; such as the results of the initial ideas workshops, and all in all, this is quite a good introduction to the rest of the show. Then it continues to show the models, sketches and photographs of the old building, from the first entry in 1954 to the completion in 1970 and the situation of not-so-long-ago. This is further complemented with the notes from the competition back

The proposals are quite good; I like the idea of reusing the current building, especially if you look at what’s happening now. That’s why I really like Amalgam. I was in NAi, most of the proposals on display were too much ‘faculty’, they didn’t bring any new ideas. Only the nominees did, not so much the design, but ideas and proposals. I also like this one (World without objects), but that’s ‘cause I’m Italian, you know, Superstudio. Raul Forsoni, MSc 4, Border Conditions


I think there are some good ideas, but I disagree with one of the winners, The Green-Housed Culture. I do not believe that you should build any more greenhouses and I wonder whether it’s appropriate, it could be very monotonous. They chose a good range of ideas. My favourite is the rural proposal of the Finnish students (Learning and Creating). It’s very adventurous and there’s more than meets the eye. Marloes van Zelst, BSc 4

It’s just the idea competition. Amalgam is very beautiful. I like this building and reusing it is a good idea, but this proposal is too realistic for me. Let’s see. I liked an idea to use transportation links, like trams in the building, this was an idea at the exhibition at NAi. I also like the proposals that use Mekelweg. Mai Yoshitake, exchange student

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | building for bouwkunde

then (Fun Fact: Did you know that the architect of the old building: van der Broek, was also on the jury?). Although informative and certainly interesting, this section seems a little out of place with the general layout of the rest of the exhibition.

Een dikke vijfendertig jaar heb ik mijn bijdragen ingezonden. Die varieerden van hartverscheurende stukjes over onze existentie tot gepointeerde historische notities, van educatieve hints tot wellicht vernietigende polemieken – kortom van alles tot nog wat.

The rest of the exhibit is organized into several isles, each with a dedicated theme (Sustainability, Monolithic, and so on). The posters in the isle adhere to the given theme. The themes are further reinforced by video recordings of jury members that are placed within the isles and played on a little screen with headphones. If you plan to view them all, do count on staying a little bit longer. A reminder: since this was an idea competition, do not expect to find any models, detailed sections or accurate numbers of any kind.

Aan een aangename, me dunkt zelfs voor serieus schrijven noodzakelijke voorwaarde, was in die lange periode meestal voldaan. Ik doel op de onafhankelijkheid van de redactie bij wie ik mijn stukken en stukjes inleverde. Jarenlang waren dit vooral studenten. Zelf zou ik het wel aardig gevonden hebben als stafleden ook eens mee hadden willen doen. Op enkele uitzonderlijke perioden na, waren die redacties vrij te doen en te laten wat ze wilden. Goed herinner ik me nog één van die uitzonderingen. Het College van Bestuur – toch al niet de meest democratische loot aan de universitaire stam – besliste dat B-Nieuws nu maar eens moest ophouden met zoveel papier te vullen met hersenspinsels van lieden zoals ondergetekende. Veel te kostbaar. Ons Faculteitsbestuur moest er op toe zien dat het blad een circulaire werd, slechts gevuld met mededelingen over onderwijs, kantineroosters en rookinstructies. Ook daar protesteerde ik toen tegen – door net als enkele andere die hards gewoon stukjes te blijven inleveren. En ze werden langzaam aan weer geplaatst. Einde autoritaire oefening.

No matter if some of the proposed ideas are wildly unrealistic, they will certainly stick with you, and at least you’ll have something to think about on the way home. The maddest idea I can recall is a project by a group of students from Australia. They proposed to build a bullet-train terminal on the site of the old Bouwkunde, with the faculty above it, believing this would stimulate the knowledge network and exchange of ideas around the world. Sure, some might argue that the exhibition suffers from some minor deficiencies: the winners are not given a special place, but are grouped within their theme for instance. On the other hand, there is a very informative booklet available only about the eight final nominees. All in all, this should be a must for any Bouwkunde student. And while you’re at it, grab an EXTRA copy of the booklet and show it to all your friends. Let the discussion begin. <b

Intussen heeft een toenemend autoritair bestuur van Bouwkunde er voor gezorgd dat de vulling van dit blad onder de eindverantwoordelijkheid valt van enkele bureaucratische onnozelen – functionarissen, die vooral de agitatie en propaganda ten behoeve van het facultaire imago beogen. Slechts in schijn is er een hoofdredacteur, slechts in schijn is er een redactie van studenten, ook al doen ze natuurlijk hun best. Maar de manier waarop bijvoorbeeld het eerste nummer na de zomer van 2008 door de ‘Behörde’ werd gekaapt voor de regelrechte verkoop van het nieuwe facultaire ’concept’ spreekt voor zich. Het is trouwens een illusie van nogal wat gezagsdragers op Bouwkunde, om de invoering van flexibele arbeidsplaatsen en het toenemende autoritarisme los van elkaar te zien. Niets is meer bevorderlijk voor de eenzijdige uitoefening van facultaire macht, dan het versnipperen van zowel studenten als stafleden. Ook de groeiende scheiding van onderzoekers en onderwijzers, in plaats van de vereniging van die taken in een zelfde persoon, vraagt om een versnippering van mensen en van beleid, waarbij allerlei segmenten steeds meer een eigen ‘behandeling’ ondergaan.

I like the proposal from Laura Alvarez. You can either build something new, but you can also adapt this building until it’s good enough to stay here. I also like the proposal by Elsbeth Ronner and Mick van Geemert to use the Mekelpark. There was also a project that looked like third world gardens. It was quite funny, I got a sort of impression of a warzone. But I did appreciate the idea of the little free-standing blocks; a lot of interaction between the buildings. At least, that’s what I remember. Rosalie van Dijk, SADD 3

In dit verband plaats ik de bureaucratisering van de facultaire media, in het bijzonder van B-Nieuws. Mij zint het niet, vandaar deze laatste kolom.

I like the idea of using the Foundations of the Old Bouwkunde (Post Ignem project), I think it could save a lot of money. I am also like the idea of using this building on Julianalaan, I just wonder how it would be organized. You could not do such major building works with all the students here. I think that it’s quite an achievement that they managed to pick three ideas from 466. I like the idea of using the Mekelweg from Vertical Forum. I wonder whether other faculties would agree. For the current location, Amalgam looks like the best project. Milou Joosten, BSc 4


De redactie wil de heer Sierksma hartelijk danken voor zijn jarenlange bijdrage aan B_Nieuws.


het afscheid van In september 1961 zette Kees Duijvestein zijn eerste stappen als student op de faculteit Bouwkunde. Na een onderbreking voor de militaire dienst van 25 maanden werkte hij een half jaar in de Verenigde Staten bij Skidmore, Owens & Merill om in 1973 af te studeren. Nu, haast 48 jaar na de eerste stappen, neemt hij afscheid als hoogleraar Milieutechnisch Ontwerpen. Op donderdag 16 april wordt een groot afscheidssymposium georganiseerd. Op vrijdag 17 april zal Prof. Duijvestein zijn afscheidsrede houden.

Wat is het verschil tussen de faculteit toen en nu? “In de eerste jaren was de opleiding heel schools, na 1968 onstond er meer verantwoordelijkheid en collectiviteit onder de studenten. Er heerste een gevoel van: we gaan er met z’n allen tegen aan. Er waren heel veel gemeenschappelijke ideeën. Wat je nu ziet is dat studenten denken: hoe stap ik in de rijdende trein en welke trein neem ik om zo snel mogelijk aan het eindpunt te komen. Terwijl volgens mij het gehele traject van de reis, het onderweg zijn, veel belangrijker is. Die saamhorigheid van toen begint nu weer een beetje terug te komen, omdat we door de brand een gemeenschappelijke taak hebben om er tegen aan te gaan.” Kunt u in al die jaren een hoogtepunt aanwijzen? “Het eerste hoogtepunt was in de jaren 1980 tot 1988. Er waren destijds inter-universitaire stedenbouwkundige studiegroepen, waarbij afstudeerders

“Ik zou het leuk vinden als studenten weer een beetje proberen uitvinders te worden.” in teamverband een half jaar lang actuele onderwerpen aanpakten. Deze onderwerpen, zoals de groenstructuur in de Randstad of de stadsvernieuwing in de Baarsjes in Amsterdam, werden aan de orde gesteld door medewerkers en studenten. Dat was een heel mooie periode, waarin de faculteit Bouwkunde een voortrekkersrol had. Een goed voorbeeld is de Oosterscheldedam. Het eerste idee voor de doorlatende dam is aan de TU Delft ontwikkeld door een team van studenten dat hier georganiseerd werd. Er zijn toen in totaal acht interfacultaire studiegroepen StadsOntwerp & Milieu georganiseerd en door middel van dit soort inter-disciplinaire teams hadden we veel wisselwerking met en invloed op de praktijk. Uiteindelijk zijn de studiegroepen toch opgeheven in één van de vele bezuinigingsronden. Je zou kunnen zeggen dat het ten onder is gegaan aan zijn eigen kracht; het feit dat het over meerdere universiteiten en faculteiten verspreid was. Maar om die reden was er dus ook geen verantwoordelijke hoogleraar en was het vrij gemakkelijk op te heffen. Het tweede hoogtepunt was het moment dat we in 1998 met de facultaire studiegroep StadsOntwerp & Milieu van twee ministeries een prijs van honderdduizend gulden kregen voor het beste milieuonderwijs van Nederland. Ook deze studiegroep ging uiteindelijk een beetje aan zijn eigen succes ten onder. Het prijswinnende onderwijs blok, IMAGO (Integratie


van MilieuAspecten in de Gebouwde Omgeving), had zich volgens de toenmalige onderwijsdirecteur bewezen en werd dus opgegeheven. Het milieuonderwijs werd geïntegreerd in het hele curriculum, waardoor het eigenlijk versnipperde en onherkenbaar werd.” Hoe bent u ooit betrokken geraakt bij duurzaamheid? “In 1969 heb ik een half jaar in de Verenigde Staten gewerkt bij Skidmore, Owens en Merill, destijds een van de grootste architectenbureau’s van de wereld. Daar deden ze eigenlijk niet zo veel aan duurzaamheid, maar de burgerbeweging in de Verenigde Staten was heel sterk gericht op zowel de emancipatie van zwarten en vrouwen als op het milieu. Die nieuwe bewegingen interesseerde mij allemaal en daar is uiteindelijk mijn betrokkenheid bij het milieu uit voortgekomen. Bij terugkomst in Nederland in 1970 heb ik tijdens mijn studie het Bureau voor Onderzoek en Ontwerp voor het Milieu, kortweg BOOM, opgericht. Dat is lang een spraakmakend bureau in Nederland geweest. We verzonnen steeds nieuwe dingen en gingen onze fascinaties achterna. We vergaten daarbij echter dat het economisch noodzakelijk is om die nieuwe dingen ook te gelde te maken. We vonden het niet erg als iemand anders dat ging doen. Zij verdienden er dan veel geld mee en wij gingen weer iets anders verzinnen. Een beetje een uitvindersmentaliteit, maar niet echt een mentaliteit om rijk mee te worden.” Tegen welke problemen liep u aan om duurzaamheid van de grond te krijgen binnen Bouwkunde? “Dat waren vaak administratieve en organisatorische problemen. Eind jaren tachtig ontstond er een structuur binnen Bouwkunde die veel hiërarchischer was dan daarvoor: je hebt een baas en je doet wat de baas zegt. Wij hadden als studiegroep SOM geen hoogleraar als baas en waren daardoor kwetsbaar. Toen heb ik op een gegeven moment voorgesteld om een hoogleraar plaats aan te vragen. Dat is uiteindelijk gelukt, we kregen zelfs twee hoogleraren, Jon Kristinsson en ik. Verder is eigenlijk een terugkerend probleem dat voor heel veel ontwerpers de ruimtelijke kwaliteit de belangrijkste kwaliteit lijkt te zijn. Het is best begrijpelijk, maar ik vind het wel heel belangrijk dat er ook naar de sociale, economische en milieutechnische aspecten wordt gekeken. Het is nog steeds heel moeilijk om dat op deze faculteit voor elkaar te krijgen. Je ziet het een beetje aan de inrichting van dit gebouw. Het is natuurlijk hartstikke leuk, de meeste ruimtes zijn redelijk prettig om te werken, maar qua energie is het een ramp. Alle ramen hebben enkel glas en we

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | interview Kees Duijvestein

an een pionier een interview met Kees Duijvestein DOOR DAAN DE LEEUW

stoken het 22, 23, 24 graden. Heel vaak zitten er geen knoppen op de radiatoren. Het enige dat je dus kunt doen als je het warm krijgt, is het raam openzetten.” Wat zou u adviseren om dit gebouw met een snelle ingreep milieutechnisch te verbeteren? “Het zou goed zijn om overal dubbele ramen te maken. De eerste stap is dat je thermostaatkranen plaatst waarmee mensen zelf de temperatuur kunnen regelen. In het enorme enthousiasme voor dit nieuwe onderkomen is er totaal geen aandacht besteed aan dit soort duurzame aspecten, terwijl we daar toch al zo’n 30 jaar over praten. Het zou juist een uitdaging moeten zijn om zo’n oud gebouw milieutechnisch in orde te maken. Als je het milieuaspect vanaf het begin van het ontwerpproces meeneemt, krijg je misschien heel nieuwe concepten. In woorden vindt iedereen milieu als onderdeel van duurzaamheid heel belangrijk, maar als het er op aankomt, als echt de nood aan de man is, gebeurt er weinig mee. Terwijl dit gebouw er misschien wel in deze hoedanigheid voor een periode van 10 tot zelfs 50 jaar staat.” Zou u dat leuk vinden? “Zeker, maar dan zou er wel echt gewerkt moeten worden aan het energieconcept. Ook vraag ik me af of je het flexwerken kan doorzetten voor mensen, zoals promovendi en andere onderzoekers die bijvoorbeeld jaren op één onderwerp moeten studeren.” Wat ontbreekt er nog binnen Bouwkunde op het gebied van duurzaamheid? “Ik denk dat je moet proberen om duurzaamheid herkenbaarder te maken. Ontwerpers zien duurzaamheid vaak als een extra, terwijl het in mijn geval de grote drijfveer en in het algemeen de mogelijkheid is om überhaupt te blijven bestaan. Dan kun je nog steeds met vormgeving of op constructief gebied mooie dingen doen. Veel ontwerpers maken eerst iets en kijken dan ‘even’ of het duurzaam is. Ik vergelijk dat vaak met het voorbeeld dat je een chocoladetaart bakt en dan achteraf bedenkt dat het een vruchtentaart had moeten zijn. Dan doe je er nog vlug drie mandarijnen in en dan noem je het een vruchtentaart. Zo krijg je natuurlijk nooit een goede vruchtentaart! Nu wordt vaak iets ontworpen vanuit één idee, één concept en dan wordt daarna gezegd: oja het moet ook nog duurzaam, oja er moet ook nog in gewerkt worden, oja het moet ook nog betaalbaar. De kunst is denk ik om dit soort aspecten vanaf het begin in het ontwerp mee te nemen.” Maar deze richtingen zijn juist erg geschei-

den in het huidige curriculum, zeker als je kijkt naar de afstudeerrichtingen… “Ja, dat is waar. Vroeger was het mijn taak om alle afstudeerrichtingen te voorzien van inspiratie op het gebied van duurzaamheid. Dat was een onmogelijk taak. Nu is er besloten dat iedere afstudeerrichting een hoogleraar krijgt die zich bezighoudt met duurzaamheid. We hebben op dit moment Anke van Hal bij Real Estate & Housing en sinds kort Dirk Sijmons bij Urbanism. Bij Bouwtechnologie komt binnenkort een nieuwe hoogleraar en bij Architectuur hebben we nog een vacature openstaan. We hopen dat deze vier hoogleraren alle afstudeerrichtingen kunnen inspireren tot duurzame ontwerpen.” Bent u duurzaam in ‘t dagelijks leven? “Zo duurzaam mogelijk, maar niet extreem. Als ik de fiets kan pakken, doe ik dat. Ik denk wel vaak van: dat kan wel handiger. Ik heb ook veel geëxperimenteerd in mijn eigen huis, bijvoorbeeld met zonnepanelen op het dak. Toen wij het huis in 1970 verbouwden hebben we 10 centimeter isolatie aangebracht. Iedereen dacht toen dat ik gek geworden was, terwijl dat nu standaard is geworden. Ook heb ik geprobeerd om douchewater op te vangen om het toilet te spoelen. Dat was niet zo’n succes. Ik had zelf een opstelling in elkaar geknutseld en daar bleef een beetje water in staan. Dat begon op den duur een beetje te stinken. Maar ik heb het wel geprobeerd, en daar leer je van.” Wat is het meest inspirerende project binnen Nederland op het gebied van duurzaamheid? “Ik denk dat het GWL-terrein in Amsterdam, waar Kees Christiaanse het stedenbouwkundig plan voor heeft gemaakt en waar BOOM als adviseur bij betrokken was, een mooi voorbeeld is. Niet alleen is de manier waarop het tot stand gekomen is interessant maar ook hoe het project nog steeds door de bewoners wordt geprezen. De centrale bibliotheek van de TU Delft vind ik ook een goed voorbeeld. Het grasdak is natuurlijk het meest in het oog springend, maar er zijn nog ongeveer veertig andere duurzame oplossingen in het gebouw geïntegreerd. Dat kunnen heel kleine oplossingen zijn zoals verlichting, maar ook grotere zoals warmte-koude opslag in de grond.” Is er een film, documentaire of boek dat u zou aanraden aan studenten die geïnteresseerd zijn in duurzaamheid? “Ik zou in ieder geval iedere student aanraden om naar het symposium te komen. Er komen tal van interessante sprekers en we hebben zelfs een cabaretier! (Voor het volledige programma, zie het

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | interview Kees Duijvestein

kader) We gaan de beelden van het symposium ook op collegerama zetten, zodat je het later als film kunt bekijken. De Tegenlicht-documentaire Cradle to Cradle is natuurlijk ook zeer de moeite waard. Het heeft op dit moment wel de kenmerken van een hype, maar het is heel interessant om te zien hoe Braungart & McDonough een nieuwe manier van denken introduceren. De dingen die wij al dertig jaar zeggen, zeggen zij op een iets andere en radicalere manier en dat spreekt aan.” Wat is voor u de mooiste plek op aarde? “Ik kom de laatste tijd veel in Noord-Italië, in de buurt van het Lago Maggiore, bij het Lago d’Orta. Daar zijn prachtige combinaties van landschap en de bebouwing te vinden. Maar er zijn natuurlijk heel veel mooie plekken op aarde.” Wat nu? Wat gaat u doen als het op 17 april voorbij is? “Voor mij verandert er niet zo heel veel, want ik ben al sinds september gepensioneerd. Op de faculteit heb ik nog wel allerlei korte termijn projecten lopen en daar ga ik voorlopig ook mee door. Ik zal ook nog wel lezingen en workshops geven en jureringen doen, maar weinig lange termijn projecten. Daarnaast ben ik een enthousiast beoefenaar van het Canadees kanovaren. Dat hoop ik wel wat meer te kunnen gaan doen.” Wat is het advies dat u mee wilt geven aan uw opvolgers en de huidige generatie studenten? “Vooral volhouden! Er zullen altijd tegenslagen zijn, zoals nu met die enorme bezuinigingsronde. En altijd je goede humeur bewaren, ondanks alles. Ik zou het leuk vinden als studenten weer een beetje proberen uitvinders te worden. Ingenieur zijn, betekent ook dat je vernuftig moet zijn: dat je iets maakt dat niet alleen mooi is maar ook slim in elkaar zit. Je zou niet moeten zeggen: dit is de vorm en laat het de constructeur maar oplossen. Mijn vroegere collega Jon Kristinsson is een goed voorbeeld van zo’n architect/uitvinder. Je kan ook architect worden door mooi te construeren én slimme oplossingen te bedenken.” <b Symposium en Afscheiddrede Op donderdag 16 april 2009 wordt op BK City in het kader van het afscheid van Kees Duijvestein een symposium georganiseerd met als onderwerp de 4 P’s. De 4 P’s staan voor People, Planet, Prosperity en Project. Op vrijdag 17 april zal Prof. Duijvestein om 15:00 zijn afscheidsrede uitspreken in de Aula van de TU Delft.

Programma Symposium 08.30 – 09.30: 09.30 – 09.40: 09.40 – 10.10: 10.10 – 10.55: 10.55 – 11.15: 11.15 – 12.00: 12.00 – 12.45: 12.45 – 13.30: 13.30 – 14.00: 14.00 – 14.45: 14.45 – 15.30: 15.30 – 16.00: 16.00 – 16.45: 16.45 – 17.45: 17.45 – 18.15: 18.15 – 21.00+:

registratie deelnemers opening door dr. Jacqueline Cramer prof. ir. Kees Duijvestein, in troductie Ecologisch Bou wen / Tetraëder People: prof. ir. Arnold Reijndorp, de sociale aspec ten van Duurzaam Bouwen koffiepauze Planet: prof. dr. Lucas Reijn ders: de milieuaspecten van Duurzaam Bouwen Prosperity: prof. dr. Arnold Heertje: de economische aspecten van Duurzaam Bouwen lunch Jan Jaap van der Wal: re flectie en visie op het voor gaande en op de rest van de wereld Triple P: prof. dr. ir. Anke van Hal: Hoe combineer je People, Planet en Prospe rity? PPPP: Adri Duijvestein: C2C en de casus Almere. koffiepauze PPPP: prof. ir. Dirk Sijmons: De 4 P’s door de schalen heen panel discussie: olv ir. Cees Anton de Vries , met o.a. Taeke de Jong, Wubbo Oc kels en Hugo Priemus afsluiting diner en feest

Deelnamekosten €90,- inclusief lunch, het boek Echte Economie van prof. dr. Arnold Heertje en feest met diner op donderdagavond. Voor medewerkers van de TU Delft geldt een aangepast tarief van €45,Voor medewerkers van de afdeling Urbanism en de duurzaamheidsleerstoelen van Bouwkunde is de deelname na registratie gratis. Voor studenten aan de TU Delft geldt een tarief van €10,- inclusief het boek Echte Economie en het feest op donderdagavond, exclusief lunch en diner. voor meer informatie: http://www.4ptetraeder.nl/


A State of Autarchy? building a house with Joost Conijn

In the history of architecture, the individual house is often considered a laboratory in which architects are able to try out new ideas before these are applied more widely. That is one of the first things that students are confronted with when they come to study architecture. As the years go by, many architects dream of getting a carte blanche from their clients in hope of realizing that special one-of-a-kind design that will revolutionize the way we live. Now, some 35 students have the chance to dream and build together with and under the supervision of the artist Joost Conijn.

Reuse in Africa

BY PETER SMISEK Lecture, 2nd March Zaal B filled up quite nicely. The expectations were high, although no one really knew what exactly to expect. Surprisingly, rector Fokkema gave a short introductory speech. After a few brief remarks about our faculty and the importance of inventive engineers, he gave the word to Joost Conijn. Conijn, although looking a little bit out-of-place in the lecture room, captivated the audience’s attention by showing several passages from his films, in which his artworks, places and people became a part of a surreal experience. From the car-gate that he built using old Citroen parts, which he assembled in an African desert; to plum picking in the Balkans in a plywood car that runs on wood; the sense of the primitive and the technological could be felt.

world are changing very rapidly, with the economic crisis, gas crisis and climate change to name but a few. Conijn said he believed that people should become more self-sufficient, even autarchic, in order to avoid these crises. He argued that a house needs to be reinvented in our time, just as houses needed to be reinvented in the 1920s by Le Corbusier. Conijn, however, claims that he has no preconceived notions about the form of the dwelling. He is open to all ideas that would support invention and autarchy, which is what might have surprised and stunned the students present at the lecture. After a intervention by rector Fokkema, the room finally dared to ask questions, and more importantly, to write down their names on a mailing list prepared outside the lecture room. Participating on this project does not only look good on anybody’s curriculum vitae, but it is also possible to earn 15 ECTS points.

Idea Location, Location, Location After viewing these short excerpts of film, Conijn explained that he wanted to build himself a house in which he could rethink the form, function, construction and materialisation of the dwelling. He cited that the conditions in the

There is a good chance that the house will stand in Amere; a strange choice at first, but logical if we look more closely. As a new town, Almere has often been a place where new architecture and African welding machine

urbanism was put into practice. Indeed, Almere stimulated innovation in the 1980s during the ‘Unusual Homes’ competition. Therefore, when it came to choosing a location where building codes (such as the famous ‘welstand’) could be partially ignored, Almere seemed ideal, as the city wishs to attract innovative architecture On 12th of March, Joost Conijn, accompanied by a city official, drove around Almere to look at possible sites. A concrete building site was not yet chosen, although Conijn claims his house should be autonomous and autarchic, the ideal size of the plot was established as between 1000 and 2000 square meters, although this can change, as everything else in the project.

Meeting The first meeting was as unusual and surreal as the lecture. It took place in the Liquid Mechanics lab of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The sloping floor and the industrial atmosphere were strangely appropriate. When asked why and when Conijn became fascinated with houses, he showed the group a set of photographs from his journey to Mali. These illustrated the completely different approach to housing that exists in Africa. In Mali, the building of a dwelling is seen as a task for the whole community, with all the villagers helping to make mud bricks. Conijn also noted that Africa is a genuinely interesting place for us. “There’s a lot we can learn from Africa. They use everything until it is really completely broken.” In one of his photos, an old car trunk was used as a collective toolbox by the various mechanics in the village, which effectively demonstrates this point. This low-tech, low-budget and highly ecological lifestyle appeals to the artist, and the essence of this would certainly find its way into the dream house. Conijn, above all, emphasized the freedom that the students were given. This was apparent when an eager student asked for a description of functions. The rest of the group concluded that it is far too early to do that, and alternatively, that the house might be conceived in a way that is free from programmatic dogmas. Some mentioned installations as a way to determine the house. In general, little was decided, although there was a lively debate, mainly concerning the question of autarchy and autonomy. Can a house really be 100% self-supporting? Should Joost Conijn grow his own vegetables? Is a connection to the power grid out of question? What is the acceptable comfort that the inhabitant of the dwelling wishes to have? These issues will be resolved during the course of the process, but there is a sort of optimism within the group that these questions will be answered. In the mean-


B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | review Joost Conijn

time, looking for reference material seems to be the main task for the enthusiastic students. Formally, the house should reveal how it “works”. Conijn considers his ideal house as a sort of machine (where have we heard this before?). In his view, we are so used to packaging that we can no longer recognize the real thing. As an example, he showed a photograph of a welding machine; nobody knew what it really was, although a few hazarded a guess at a transformer or an electromagnet. Conijn jokingly added that this is like thinking that eggs come from little cardboard boxes from the supermarket. The form of the house thus remains a mystery, but form will most likely follow function. However, Conijn wants a low-tech machine, a machine that one can understand and fix himself if need be. It will be up to Conijn and commited group of students to design and build the house. Most students are from the Faculty of Architecture and represent a varied cross section: from Bachelors to Masters. Jurjen Vos, one of the participating bouwko’s commented that it is surprising that there are no more students from other faculties participating. He noted that this would be a great opportunity to get to know other disciplines and people. At the meeting, it was noted that the project would benefit from engineers from other disciplines. In fact, two students of Industrial Design joined the ranks of the committed students. One of them, David Dirksen, brought his own idea along. During his study in Eindhoven he conceived a machine in which people can grow their own vegetables. After transferring to Delft, he believes that his design, when perfected and built, will be an essential accessory to autarchic living. An architecture student, Lotte Middelkoop, is also eager to share her expertise. She’s building a house in Belgium with her fellow students as a part of a graduation project. Like Conijn, she believes that people should have an opportunity to build houses for themselves if they want to, how they want to, although she does not believe that all houses should be necessarily autarchic. So far, the house still remains a further unelaborated autarchic statement in the mind of its inventor, and the approach to the design and construction process is just a little bit anarchic. The success of the project is ultimately in the hands of the Conijn and the students. We hope to report on futher developments in this project in the future and wish the team the best of luck. <b Photos: Joost Conijn

graduation project – Ilmar Hurkxkens

Paradise Regained introduction by the tutors BY FILIP GEERTS

of the Dutch sea-ramparts, except for the few coastal settlements that are unable to expand, and, as the ‘things’ analysis shows, featuring only ‘remains’ of architecture. The ‘things’ of the dunes are the bunkers, the pieces of that short-lived but immense artifact: the Atlantik-wall – pieces of mere archeological evidence in a linear archipelago along the coast of which the French sector was so poignantly discussed by Paul Virilio in ‘Bunker Bunker Archéologie’ (1975). These objects an sich, interrogate the role of architecture in a context not defined by an urban figure-ground and neither a picturesque landscape scenography.

Territory in Transit is an Architecture (Public Building/Territory) final project studio where a group of students tackle ‘the large dimension’ of territory through the lens of architecture. The ‘territory’ is both the context the studio operates in and the material at hand for research and design. The project of Ilmar Hurkxkens comes at the end of a three-year cycle of studios during which the methodology of the studio has been consolidated and the limits of the architectural project have been explored – and in the case of his project ‘Paradise Regained’ thoughtfully expanded to include infrastructure, landscape and the horizon itself. When reconsidering the large dimension as architecture, one is faced with a problematic split in contemporary architecture culture, as the studio description has stated: architecture seems to deal either in a rather autistic way with its own ‘makingof’ or with the narration of the reality (found or global) in the midst of which architecture is supposed to operate. In the first case the project is a disinterested self-referential test case, while it is conspicuous only by its absence in the second case - with description as its replacement. The result of this dichotomy is that architecture seems to

SURVEY: The Dutch dunes in relation to the whole Seaboard

magically emerge as an art/science of ‘intervention’, ‘transformation’, or even ‘mutation’ in a field described ad nauseam as ‘city of flows’, ‘network city’, ‘sprawl’, etc. Nausea with these descriptions, cannot however be the reason to ignore ‘the problem of the whole’. Hurkxkens’ project truly fulfills the studio’s objectives of contesting that project and the territorial reality are mutually exclusive concerns and instead proposing reality in-themaking: an ‘expanded field’ (Krauss) for architecture, against dismissing the ‘whole’ as project

SYSTEM: Water purification in the dunes of South Holland

by the ‘desire to reduce the city itself to a natural phenomenon’ (A.Laugier according to M.Tafuri), yet in favor of ‘geographic invention’ (V.Gregotti) and ‘taking measure’ (J.Corner), underneath a ‘firmament of statistics’ (R.Smithson). The territory is both the ‘whole’ operated in and the material at hand. The groundwork of the studio is formed by the research revolving around three moments of analysis and inquiry about the territory: survey, systems, things — charting the terrain for the design. The palimpsest (A.Corboz) nature of territory and its resulting complexity is confronted by these three ways of looking, analyzing and redrawing. The ‘survey’ produces first a field of knowledge across the territory in question: not just by producing a map to represent its geography, but to offer a drawn speculation in order to (re) discover reality and ‘take measure’ (J.Corner). In the case of Hurkxkens the one exception in the hollow coast of the Netherlands between the Delta and the Waddenzee, is identified: where the narrow strip of dunes is historically interrupted for about five kilometers, a lone artifact (the Hondsbossche Zeewering) forms the coastline and the line of sea-defense. It is the only place for architecture on the Dutch coast, for the rest consisting of protected dunes which are traditionally used for water purification, as the second moment of analysis – ‘systems’ – shows. The dunes are looked at and rendered evident as a system: an abstract diagram of relationships projected on the territory, appropriated by the different regimes acting upon it. Protected as a natural habitat, the dunes are not ‘natural’ as such, but part of a consistent choreography of artificial sand suppletion from the sea. The near un-accessible nature of the dunes forms the large zona non-aedificandi

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | introduction graduation project

The brief for the project ‘Paradise Regained’, almost naturally emerges from the predicament made evident by the research on the Dutch coastal dunes: a city for the Hondsbossche Zeewering. What kind of city? How to piggyback on the technical necessity of upgrading this problematic piece of seadefense infrastructure by reinventing it en-passant as a city? The project enters the ambiguous territory between survey and actual modification: with a technique that is both technocratic and poetic, but above all precisely framing a piece of possible reality.

the house in the form of a cabin, the hotel, convey (deliberately or not) the shrinking of the moment where a stability of inhabitation is framed and manifested. Probably, here, it is precisely the very “urban design” to be absent. Or maybe it is unnecessary in this project, inadequate at this level of investigation. Among the different scales of the project that involve, at different levels, notions of the physical environment, the urban design defines the relationship among ‘things’ and parts, more than the things themselves. In this case the negotiation is rendered abstract by the mono-dimensionality of the linear infrastructural system and of its narrative. To pursue the ‘whole’ the project indexes

The city for the project is a conclusion, not a starting point: a new city is founded, a different one than the one we know. The project is not about the ‘architecture of the city’ that we find, but about making a different kind of city on a new frontier – in close proximity. <b

BY STEFANO MILANI The project Paradise Regained by Ilmar Hurkxkens dwells upon different levels: a landscape level, an urban level, an architectural level and last but not least the level of the project as representation. Inside each of these ‘realms’ the project has attempted to construct and develop its reason and rationality; a rationality of a particular kind, one that exceeds the mere organization of data into a programmatic and functional diagram to one with the ability to reach a visionary character through a specific morphological research, rendered in the diaphanous and ethereal atmosphere of the representation. The very interest of this project lies upon the fact of being liminal between the category of landscape and of the urban, and the crystallization of some of their general and specific themes into a settlement principle; a principle that has been developed through an understanding of the site and through specific morphologies. It is not landscape, rather in the landscape. It insists on an environment that the project reconstructs … ideally. It is not a city (or not yet). The project limits itself only to presuppose an urban principle. The urban system, as it is presented, precedes its inhabitation. The functions foreseen such as the cemetery, the sanatorium,

THINGS: German bunker typologies and organization in the dunes of Zuid-Kennemerland an abstract sequence of episodes that are suspended in a state of conceptual indistinctness. In reality, this aspect probably could have been investigated further by defining with more precision the critical distance between the parts of the linear sequence. The realm of urban design would have found a space of analysis and investigation even at this level of abstraction. A last observation regards the project of the panorama building. With the panorama the project (conceptually) splits; it doubles its significance proposing the inversion and the paradox between architecture and its image. The choice of this particular ‘function’ is not an accessory one. It is part of the narrative, its conclusive moment, but at the same time, as architectural theme, it is able to absorb thematically the entire elements previously investigated in the form of a spectacle, in a ‘form’ for the spectacle of an ideal relationship between the manmade and the landscape. <b




Paradise Regained– The Watchman, The Sleeper, The Dreamer, and the City The Hondsbossche Zeewering at Petten Architecturally Reconsidered

Ilmar Hurkxkens Graduation lab: Territory in Transit Tutors: Filip Geerts, Jelke Fokkinga, Olaf Gipser, Stefano Milani


ONCE there was a land called Doggerland. It was a rich habitat, where the first men quietly roamed on endless sloping meadows. It was the Garden of Eden as imagined in paintings. Then, by the end of the last iceage, Doggerland disappeared under the rising waters. In the south, this new sea was called Helle, a name from which Christianity took the word for the archetype of all fear and terror–hell–originating in the belief that the sea was the resting place for the dead. Further north the sea was referred to as Holle, from which came Holland (A. Cornelis, Amsterdam, 1997). With Doggerland drowned, this paradise was lost. TEN THOUSAND YEARS LATER in ancient Greece, it was said there existed a coastline where Hades ruled over the Gates of Hell. It was a land of eternal fog, where the sea

Paradise Regained, or the Hondsbossche Zeewering at Petten architecturally reconsidered

14, 15

15, 16

were scattered across the land, forming a landside archipelago where the surrounding land was farmed like fishermen harvesting the sea. The external reality of nature conditioned the terp as a model of radical technocratic simplicity. The sea of land remained un-urbanized because it was too dangerous to inhabit, while on the safe terpen a culture of congestion was automatically generated. The level of technological advancement determined the maximum size of the mounds: an archipelago of scattered terpen conditioned this territory of individual parts. TODAY this land is called the Netherlands. After years of dredging, draining, and reclaiming land from the sea, the apocalyptic outcome of this much celebrated manmade country seems near. Half of the land lies beneath sea level, protected by an artificial ecosystem of permanent

rushed over the sandbanks into the marshlands behind. The sun never shined over these sandy shores and not a single tree would grow in this silted swamp. The only people that were able to survive in this inhospitable landscape were known as the ferrymen for the dead. THOUSAND YEARS THEREAFTER, in this unforgiving and uninhabitable land, settlers known as watermen inhabited the edge between land and water. On artificial mounds they lived democratically by the unwritten ewa or Law of Eternal Rights. This law had to be agreed upon at annual gatherings called thing, where he who knows better must say so. Their sole civic duty was to pledge defending their land from the sea (J. van Veen, Den Haag, 1948). On mounds of clay farmhouses and small villages were erected. These terpen

Modification of morphological and functional dike-systems in isometric projection

A dike module: foundation, two cabins, and two spill ways for the discharge of the seawater and for the support of the tram line.





13 14


5 16


5 8






1 Wetland 2 Beach


Infrastructure 3 Bus Terminal 4 Parking 5 Tram Station 6 Tram line 7 Boardwalk 8 Harbour

Theater of Machines


9 The Lab 10 The BoatLift 11 The Floodgate


12 Hotel 13 Sanatorium 14 Cemetery 15 Chapel 16 Amphitheater 17 New Petten 18 Boathouse 19 Terminal / Lido 20 Cabins 21 Lookout 22 Panorama


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6, 17


sand suppletion, dikes and dams. Rising sea levels and the ongoing settlement of polderland make a continuous elevating of the defense structures necessary. If this situation continues forever, dikes will have to rise to inconceivable heights along with the consequences of disaster. The total control of this landscape-artifact resulted in a unified defense line. With external forces completely eliminated behind it, the hinterland is left to unrestrained urbanization. Almost the entire Dutch coast between the Deltawerken and Waddenzee consists of fragile dune formations, maintained by sand suppletion. The Hondsbossche Zeewering is a the only artifact in this natural seawall, and as a weak point in the system, the obvious place to contemplate different possibilities for both sea defense and urbanization in the Netherlands.



ARCHITECTURE / Is it possible to reimagine the model of the terpen: zones of absorption instead of one single defense line and instead of a detached dike-infrastructure, an architecture where means and ends for construction merge? The modification of the Hondsbossche Zeewering into a zone of coastal protection reinstates the three dikes present: The Watchman, The Sleeper and The Dreamer. This modification is making the main dike available for the construction of a new city. The village of Petten, historically often washed away by sea, will find its final destination on the dike. The new city does not organize itself by means of parallel functional zoning, as is often the case with linear cities, yet superimposes all program onto the dike in a linear succession of artifacts, maximizing the relation between infrastructure and architecture.

Construction drawing of the underground panorama building


Maximum metropolitan density is combined with the proximity of landscape in a scheme of linear congestion. The city combines a morphological system and a functional one. The first consists of the found form of the dike modified in plan and section; the second consists of artifacts that are modeled within the specific constraints left by first, thus belonging to the spirit of the site. The new city is a combination of programs found at coastal sites that are transformed and modified to fit the specificity of the site. The dike becomes a city by manipulating the linear proximity of urban artifacts, each of these the synthesis of the restraints imposed by the site and their formal individuality. Dike and city are a continuous artifact, with not a singular center, but a continuous centrality between sea and land—the extension of which makes


the occupation of the whole seaboard of the Netherlands a theoretical possibility. PANORAMA / The endpoints of the city, where the dike meets the dunes, feature on one side The Lab (of Rijkswaterstaat) and on the other side a panorama—articulating respectively the technical and the poetic premises framing the project as a whole. The function of the panorama doubles as an empty space an sich and as a screen emitting a representation of Doggerland. This image of Mesolithic Doggerland confirms the presence of the primordial wetland reality outside. Whereas cinema presents fragments in sequence, the circular panorama exposes the entire landscape, not discriminating between architecture, infrastructure and nature but showing the territory as a whole. <b

The image displayed in the panorama building depicts Doggerland 10.000 years ago

A sectional view of the panorama building




5 11 5


5 3 4 5


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Rising the Challenge THE BORDER CONDITIONS, MSc 3 HAVANA Group, 2008-2009 Exhibition An unexpected and offhand remark from the studio tutor that we should organize an exhibition for the annual Border Conditions publication was first met with trepidation; the outcome, however, would prove to be a fantastic experience for all. RYAN FORSTER, GURHAN UCAROGLU, NEGAR SANAAN BENSI ,CAROLYN LEUNG, GERALDINE LI, , MARCELLO FANTUZ (Photo Credits: MAHTAB AKHAVAN)

THE EXHIBITION If you missed the wafting smell of mint and rum and the constant beat of Latin music coming out of Zaal U in the East wing this past February, there is a good chance you missed the exhibition and launch party for the masters studio Border Conditions student work presented in the Havana Book. While the launch party was suggested by the studio tutors, the entire exhibition was organized by the students to showcase the research undertaken during their Msc3 semester and their three week experience in Havana, Cuba.

prepared to host a large scale student exhibition. An excellent film the entire studio watched last fall, The Five Obstructions, by Lars Von Trier and Jørgen Leth from Denmark (a must see for architecture students) proved an inspiration to overcoming the constraints imposed on the exhibition by the faculty. (For a more detailed listing of our obstructions, please see the excerpt below). The students used their creativity and worked with the faculty to find solutions.

While the premise of the exhibition was to present the experimental research each student undertook in Border Conditions, the idea to keep the exhibition fun and inviting to all students was equally important. This was achieved by creating a Havana themed room, conveying the atmosphere that influenced each student’s research fascination, with photos, movies, and panoramas displayed alongside a Mojito Bar and Cuban music on the opening night! For students who have ever organized an exhibition, the entire process is a lot of work, and this one was no exception, hence the original trepidation. With a two week deadline to finish an entire book production and the P2 work, there were limited time and resources to organize and execute the presentation. To achieve this, the studio formed two groups of students, one involved in the production of the book and another group concerned with organizing the exhibition. The exhibition group had to organize and decide which student work was displayed, how to create a Havana themed room and how to present the entire exhibition. The main constraint faced by the students was a new faculty building un-

The outcome of the event was deemed a great success by the students, drawing upwards of 50 people during the opening evening! The main draw, Mojitos and music, were quite a hit with the supply of rum quickly running out. Fellow student feedback was equally positive, with as much interest on the student work and the making of the book as with the method of presentation of the material itself, leaving the studio tutors to admit they were left a bit ‘speechless’! The combination of a themed event combined with student work proved to be an excellent way of generating dialogue between students about our personal research and the studio itself. The organization and success of the exhibition allowed what was supposed to be a 1 day show to be continued for the entire week thanks to the willingness of the faculty to support student work. In the end we as students learnt that creativity doesn’t stop at architecture, and can overcome a wide range and scale of problems; we saw firsthand the benefit of sharing our work with people unfamiliar with our process, a continuation of the learning process. Perhaps more importantly, we showed the faculty that even in times of financial strain and strict rules, that a little student inventiveness can go a long way towards increasing the community atmosphere within the new Bouwkunde building. <b

ABOUT OUR BOOK Havana has been frozen in time since the start of the revolution in 1959. Years of economic crisis and shortages left much of Havana in decay and decomposition making the cities atmosphere unicue in the world. It made Havana into an authentic that is real. In the Havana Project (Border Condition Ms3 Book), the Border Condition Havana book was a chance to collect the most important parts of the different researches which were done by students, and the exhibition was the first chance to present the book. Boxes of “Cohiba” Cigars on a bench at the center of the exhibition; inviting to open them and see what is inside! “ The Border Condition Project Book”... The book is as a collection of different steps of the process in Havana project. The project was set up in three phases: The pre- Havana phase, the Havana-phase and the after-Havana phase. We started with collecting as much information as possible with regards to the current and historical contexts of Cuba. We diverted into five main themes (visibility, mobility, socio-political, city patterns and public). Then follow with the second stage, based on in situ research for 3 weeks, Havana is a testing ground. Several layers of research were done. We first developed maps of pre-Havana stage and re-checked in order to understand the differences between our perceptions before Havana and during our stay in

Havana. Then the city was explored in depth by our individual proposals. Also three games were organised and developed into the so-called game maps. These maps show how a sensitive new mind might experience the city of Havana. The obstructions forced the gamers to observe their surrounding and translate the emotional inputs into by utilizing conventional notation systems to represent the city as perceived in an unconventional way. Last stage was used to reconstruct our perceptions and experiences into mappings and analyses as represented by our research in the city of Havana. Each participant developed their collected material concerning his or her own fascination and developed this into various mapping studies. Besides the mapping, every participant theorized his fascination and in some cases aimed to connect their studies of Havana to their essay. These phases can be seen as part of the research methodology in order to capture the complexity of the contemporary urban conditions of Havana. The book itself contains three parts: Introduction, Collective research and Individual projects. The introduction part is a general explanation about Cuba, Socio-Political context, historical outlines, and working methodology of the project. The second part includes the final maps of five groups around different subjects of interest before going to Havana, three deriving maps and a map of westeast photostrip. The last part includes the essays and the mapping researches of students. <b

LEARN HOW TO BEND THE RULES Since it was the first exhibition being held in the BK City, we would like to share our experience of how to overcome obstructions and being creative. Most importantly, how to bend the rules while also utilising what is available:

OBSTRUCTIONS: - DO NOT put/do anything on the white walls - HIGH renting cost of the pin-up panels (€ 32 each, we needed more than 5 panels) - LIMITED magnetic boards in Zaal U - DIFFICULTIES to hang materials from the ceiling. A lift and workmen were required. It is time consuming and inefficient. - NO CURTAIN/BLINDS; not ideal for projections - LOW budget; no subsidy from faculty, no sponsorship - SHORT preparation time - LIMITED choices of room - LIMITED time-usage of the room (1 day only)

SOLUTIONS: A table is MORE THAN just a table We used 20 tables in total and put them vertically, tied them together and become 4 small interventions- ’walbles’. They are simple but economical, costs almost nothing! All you need is a bit of imaginations, strength, tape and rope. Sorted! We have the surfaces as ‘pin-up’ panels and inside as a projection box! Projecting Screens = Sun Screen? The windows in BK are so big that it is difficult to project our exhibited materials. There are no large canvases or other solutions available from the faculty. At the end we used the big projection screens (rented from service point) to block the sunlight, instead of spending money on black cardboard/ fabric to cover the windows. Be Cheap ,Creative and Patient Of course we want to make a fancy exhibition, but we were being careful of every penny that we


needed to spend. String and masking tapes are fantastic to hold tables together! Make good use of things that are FREE!! Rent beamers, projection screens and laptops from Service Point. All we needed was emailing in advance. Also Savita Lissing from service point has been very patient and helpful. It is always good to ask for the experienced ones for advice. Self-financed Mounting boards, tapes, rope, printing posters and flyers, refreshments ,paper cups,ice (from aula) etc are all self-financed by our fellow-students. EXTRA help, extra brains, extra hands are always welcome! Ask your studio-mates to help. We started with 5 people organising the exhibition, ended up most of us get involved in it! It saves a lot of time to worry and organise everything within 2 weeks. Not to forget to mention! Ask friends outside your studio to help! Marcus Chaidez (from Hyperbody), our most privileged man of the evening, made us

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | Havana

fresh mojito for the celebration! It brought us so many good memories of Havana! Thanks Marcus!! Something more than just architecture! How can we forget about the Cuban music?! Apart from exhibiting our mapping, music was extremely important! The latino and reggae music with a glass of mojito, and a small area for our famous studio ‘Malecon’ dance- Isn’t it perfect! There is always tolerence! After the 1 day of exhibition, we were able to extend it for another 2 days more. All you need is to ask, ask and ask!


CREATIVE MISUSE OF ABUNDANT FURNITURE WALBLE: Neither a wall, nor a table. Hybrid object of silence resistence, you can make it anywhere.

A: 75 cm. 16 0c m.


. cm 80

Secret recipe from the Mojito guru Marcus: 900

1. Cut fresh lime into wedges, you are going to use 4 wedges.

The Mojito is a refreshing cocktail originated from the island of Cuba, where people flock to the famous bar La Bodeguita del Medio which is hailed as the birthplace of the Mojito.

2. After you put the limes into your highglass, put in the mint leaves.


The gist of recreating a Havana atmosphere...

3. Lastly, cover the mints in a layer of CASTER sugar. The reason i like to use caster sugar is that the granules are smaller and dissolve easier.

A glass of MOJITO!!!!!!


4. Now comes the fun part, you need to muddle the ingredients together with a Mojito/Capirinha Muddler, which is kinda like a pestle designed for drinks. You’ll want to make sure the lime juice is squeezed out and the mint is broken up. The way to tell if it is done, is that the smell of the mint will be prevalent.






5. Fill the glass to the top with crushed ice 6. Add your Rum, you want 2 shots, which is about 50-60ml.






7. Top up the rest with FRESH soda water, not flat or the drink is ruined. you will need...

8. Enjoy!

1 teaspoon powdered sugar Juice from 1 lime (2 ounces) A handful of mint leaves Havana Club white Rum (2 ounces) 2 ounces club soda


EXHIBITION SETTING 1. Mandy Xu - Body-centric space

12. Qian Ren - Reading the city

2. Raul Forsoni - Processing metasplaces

13. Ruben Bergambagt - Movement in space-time

3. Mahtab Akhavan - Light, shadow and dark spaces

14. Projector 1 - Individual mapping

4. Victor Verhagen - Littoral Habana

15. Projector 2 - Photos

5. Marcello Fantuz - Towards an urban tomato

16. Projector 3 - Videos

6. Gurhan Ucaroglu - Havana politics

17. Projector 4 - Group mapping

7. Carolyn Leung - The ritual of hitchhickers

18. Refreshment corner - Mojitos

8. Negar Sanaan Bensi - The depth of flatness

19. Bench - The Havana book

9. Geraldine Li - Sculpturing the in-between

20. Administration desk - Overall control

10. Thomas Boerendonk - The open community 11. Valery van Nooijen - Externalization of interior spaces




A. Be ready early in the morning to take possession of a few 12

tables. Flip them on one side, by 900. That way, they won’t be 17





tables anymore. B. Unite them in couples. Consider the thickness of the legs,




3 cm. C. Order the couples in a row. Don’t forget to stabilize them



and to triangulate the structure. We suggest the use of string, the colour is up to you.



D. On one side, add another walble to close the box. On the other hand, insert the “projector-mobile” directed towards the







B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | Havana

E. Use the facades as exhibition walls.




Bijna een half jaar lang heeft de Bouwpub zich moeten behelpen met een plekje pal naast de hoofdentree. Hoewel de plek natuurlijk geweldig is voor de bekendheid en zichtbaarheid van de Bouwbub - iedereen komt immers langs de hoofd-entree - blijft het passen en meten met deze tijdelijke noodoplossing. Een oplossing die de Bouwpub, toch inmiddels een begrip op deze faculteit, te weinig eer aandoet. Maar binnenkort komt daar verbetering in.


Linda de Vos, Peter Boelhouwer en Frans Snijders (voorzitter Bouwpubbestuur) voor de Tempel

Wist je dat...

...toen het hoofdgebouw nog in bezit was van Fortis en het nog bestemd was voor appartementen, de Tempel gesloopt zou worden omdat het niet paste in het herinrichtingsplan?

Een klein feestje Op 12 maart heeft het College van Bestuur namelijk groen licht gegeven voor de verbouwing van ‘De Tempel’: het gebouwtje naast de Oostvleugel van BK City, direct te zien vanaf de Espressobar. Het gebouwtje was zeer gewild toen bekend werd dat BK City het voormalige hoofdgebouw van de TU Delft zou bezetten. Onder andere RMIT en de DSD wilden er wel hun eigen stekje van maken. Wytze Patijn besliste echter anders: dit gebouw was bestemd voor de Bouwpub, en daarmee uit. Er zijn wel andere opties geweest voor de locatie van de nieuwe pub. Het hoofdgebouw had al een eigen cafeetje in de kelder, de Blauwe Knoop. Hier waren alle voorzieningen voor een café al aanwezig en de pub zou hier dus met minimale aanpassingen haar intrek kunnen nemen. Maar ja, dan zit je nog steeds in de kelder… Een andere optie was de plek waar FMVG (Facilitair Management en Vastgoed) nu zit, in de Westvleugel. Hier heeft, toen de studentenvereniging DSC haar intrek in het hoofdgebouw nam, namelijk een bar gezeten. Het is echter wel een vreemde plek voor de Bouwpub, vlak naast een collegezaal en midden op de gang.

Het ontwerp De nieuwe Bouwpub moet natuurlijk kunnen voorzien in de functies van de oude pub, plus nog enkele andere. Hieronder vallen dus: de bar, zitruimte, opslag, toilet, entree en ruimte voor een muziekinstallatie. Om zich te kunnen presenteren als faculteitscafé zijn er ook enkele andere vereisten: vergadermogelijkheid, buitenruimte, een podium en spelruimte. De ruimte in de Tempel is echter beperkt: het is dus noodzakelijk dat enkele functies gecombineerd worden. Aan de hand van een analyse van de tijdsindeling van de bezoekers kan hier rekening mee worden gehouden. Door het meubilair verplaatsbaar te maken kan de gewenste flexibiliteit van de ruimten bereikt worden. De Tempel wordt gestript opgeleverd: kale plafonds, kale wanden en een onafgewerkte vloer. De verdiepingsvloer wordt voor het grootste deel gesloopt, alleen bij de opslag blijft een verdieping over. FMVG wilde dit overigens eerst niet: zij gaven de voorkeur aan meer gebruiksruimte. Uiteindelijk is besloten dat de dubbele hoogte van de centrale ruimte de ervaring van die ruimte ten goede komt.


Bij het ontwerpen van de nieuwe pub had ontwerper Koen van Tienen vooral te maken met twee vereisten vanuit de Stichting Bouwpub en de faculteit: het beperkte budget, dat er voor zorgde dat er maar minimale aanpassingen aan de Tempel konden worden gedaan en dat het interieur van de nieuwe pub eenzelfde uitstraling zou krijgen als het interieur van de faculteit. Eenvoud werd daarom de norm. De vloer krijgt dezelfde afwerking als in het hoofdgebouw, een gietvloer. De wanden die nu wit zijn afgewerkt zullen wit blijven en hier en daar worden bijgewerkt, met uitzondering van de tussenwanden: die zullen worden afgewerkt met de multiplex beplating die ook in de straat van BK City te vinden is (zie de referentieafbeeldingen). Ze krijgen ook een grotere diepte dan ze nu hebben, zodat hierin leidingen opgenomen kunnen worden. Een van de tussenwanden is bestemd voor de sponsorlogo’s. De meubels krijgen een underlayment afwerking met waterdichte laklaag.


Het doel is om zo veel mogelijk voorzieningen van de pub naar de Tempel te halen. De verrijdbare bar, die nu dienstdoet als Bouwpubbar, blijft wel in het hoofdgebouw. Ook zullen er nieuwe verrijdbare barren komen, zodat de Bouwpub ook borrels in het gebouw kan blijven faciliteren. Voor het uitwerken van de plannen heeft Koen veel gehad aan het overleg met de aannemers. “Ja dit was een prettige samenwerking, ik ben blij dat die gesprekken zo goed verlopen zijn.” En zo is dus met minimale middelen geprobeerd een goed werkende, prettige ruimte te maken, waar de pub opnieuw een mooi vervolg kan krijgen.

Referentieafbeeldingen voor het ontwerp. Rechts: Frans Snijders en Peter Boelhouwer tekenen samenwerkingsovereenkomst


B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | bouwpub


Een relatief rustigere plek, waar een groep mensen no

2 3

In de oude Bouwpub stond ook een voetbaltafel; die k


Vanaf de bar heb je overzicht over de hele Bouwpub. dient ook als muziekhoek voor een DJ.


De bierbanken die hier zullen staan moeten interactie t

6 7

Deze ruimte biedt plek voor een kleine opslag, toiletten

Op dit podium is plaats voor aankondigingen, kunnen

Naast de trap naar de eerste verdieping worden twee

Belangrijk was dat de nieuwe Bouwpub goed zichtbaar zou moeten zijn, dus op maaiveldniveau, en goed te bereiken. De Tempel bleek al snel de ideale locatie te zijn en dus werden alle andere verzoeken voor het gebouwtje afgewezen. Al snel werd een prijsvraag uitgeschreven voor de herinrichting van de Tempel voor de Bouwpub. Drie bureaus mochten een ontwerp inzenden, en uiteindelijk won het plan van Braaksma & Roos Architecten. Iedereen tevreden, zou je denken. Totdat de inmiddels beruchte bezuinigingsstorm door de bouwkunde woedde. De hele faculteit werd getroffen, zo ook de pub: het budget voor de verbouwing slonk door de herverdeling van de financiën van € 400.000,- naar € 0,- en de verbouwing werd op de lange baan geschoven. Maar het Bouwpubbestuur zou het Bouwpubbestuur niet zijn als ze het hierbij hadden laten zitten. Met de toezegging dat – op de lange termijn – het plan van Braaksma & Roos alsnog uitgevoerd zou kunnen gaan worden, zijn er onder de vrijwilligers van de Bouwpub ideeën voor de verbouwing ontwikkeld. Uiteindelijk heeft Koen van Tienen - een van de vrijwilligers - de taak op zich genomen om

met de minimale beschikbare middelen de nieuwe pub te ontwerpen, uit te werken en de verbouwing te realiseren. De faculteit heeft vervolgens met het Bouwpubbestuur een lijst met aannemers, bedrijven en sponsoren die mogelijk hun bijdrage aan de herhuisvesting van de Bouwpub zouden kunnen leveren doorgenomen. Het voordeel hiervan was dat deze aannemers al aan het werk waren voor de verbouwing van het hoofdgebouw. Met de herhuisvesting van de Bouwpub konden ze dit grote project mooi afsluiten. Dit was overigens ook de enige manier waarop de faculteit heeft geholpen. Linda de Vos, secretaris van de Stichting Bouwpub: “Bouwkunde heeft ons wel gesteund met advies. We hebben goed overleg gevoerd met onder andere Wytze Patijn, Jan Rots, Peter Boelhouwer en Dennis Cruyen – maar we zijn niet gesteund in mensuren en middelen. Daarvoor moesten we bij sponsoren en bedrijven aankloppen. Uiteindelijk hebben we toch nog € 150.000,- bij elkaar gekregen, precies het bedrag dat de verbouwing zou gaan kosten.” Het ontwerp moest vervolgens worden goedgekeurd door Hans Wamelink, hoogleraar bij RE&H

en waarnemend decaan Hoofdgebouwzaken. Voordat het plan zou worden voorgelegd aan Wamelink moesten alle aannemers hun akkoord geven. In dat laatste gesprek met Wamelink werd ook duidelijk hoe de Tempel zou worden aangesloten op het hoofdgebouw op het gebied van onder andere ICT en (brand)beveiliging. Ook moesten natuurlijk bij de gemeente Delft de nodige vergunningen worden geregeld, negen in totaal. Toen dat alles rond was, stapte de Stichting Bouwpub dan eindelijk naar het CvB, die op donderdag 12 maart de laatste goedkeuring gaf.

Hoe nu verder? Linda de Vos: “Als alles goed gaat kunnen we over één tot twee weken beginnen. We hopen in juni klaar te zijn, maar eind juni of begin juli is waarschijnlijker. Deze dingen zijn heel lastig te plannen, omdat je afhankelijk bent van de goodwill van je sponsors. Ze werken op vrijwillige basis: als ze dus ineens ergens anders een ontzettend gave opdracht binnenkrijgen, denken ze geen twee keer na.” Hoe zit het dan met het MidZomerNachtfeest, het traditionele eindejaarsfeest? Zullen ze daarvoor klaar zijn? “Ja, dat wordt dus kille kille…”

Op dit moment worden de werktekeningen en details door Koen van Tienen afgerond. De verbouwing gaat worden uitgevoerd door aannemers, er zullen hier dus geen vrijwilligers voor nodig zijn. Deze vrijwilligers zullen echter hard genoeg nodig zijn om de pub de komende maanden draaiend te houden. “Duidelijk mag zijn dat de belangstelling van vrijwilligers om te komen tappen of om barbeheer te komen doen behoorlijk is verminderd de afgelopen tijd. Maar geef ze eens ongelijk: je bent beheerder van een verrijdbaar barretje en een koelkast, meer niet,” aldus Linda. De verwachting is dat dat weer zal gaan toenemen als de nieuwe pub klaar is. Want hoe je het wendt of keert, een goed draaiende Bouwpub hoort gewoon bij Bouwkunde. “Het uiteindelijke doel blijft om weer een representatieve Bouwpub te creëren, waar studenten en medewerkers elkaar in ontspannen sfeer kunnen ontmoeten, waar afstudeerders hun P5-feestje kunnen houden, waar overlegd kan worden met een wijntje erbij, en waar natuurlijk komende zomer met z’n allen lekker een pilsje kan worden gedronken. Daar doen we het voor.” <b Met dank aan Linda de Vos en Koen van Tienen Illustraties: Koen van Tienen. En van de website: www.bouwpub.nl Voor meer informatie: l.h.i.devos@tudelft.nl en www.bouwpub.nl



6 Impressie van het interieur

Wist je dat...

...de Bouwpub elke dinsdag geopend is van 17.00 tot 20.00 uur en elke donderdag van 16.00 tot 20.00 uur? Een korte geschiedenis



In 1974 besloten enkele medewerkers van de faculteit om in de kelder van Bouwkunde een ontspanningsruimte te maken. Dit werd een kegelbaan, waarnaast uiteraard ook een drankje werd gedronken. Hiervoor werd toen in een kleiner deel van de kelder een bar gebouwd. Tot 1992 was de faculteit hiervoor verantwoordelijk, daarna werd een stichtingsbestuur gevormd dat vooral uit studenten bestond. Sindsdien verdrievoudigde de omzet. Hierdoor werd in 1995 een grote verbouwing mogelijk en ontstond de pub in zijn laatste hoedanigheid op het oude Bouwkunde. De laatste aanpassing was in 2005, toen de dichte wanden van het trappenhuis werden weggehaald, zodat de glazen wanden weer tevoorschijn kwamen. De kegelbaan was lang voor die tijd al verdwenen. En toen brandde Bouwkunde af. Terwijl de as aan het wegtrekken was en iedereen nadacht over wat er nog te redden viel, was er al een tentenkamp opgericht waar bijna alle faculteitsgerelateerde activiteiten konden worden voortgezet. Een week later opende ook de Bouwpub weer haar deuren in het tentenkamp. De medewerkers, die over verschillende faculteiten verspreid werden, zagen in de Bouwpub hun enige ontmoetingsmogelijkheid.

og even bij elkaar kan komen om de dag af te sluiten en te overleggen. De garderobe vormt de afscheiding.

krijgt op deze plek een plaats. bandjes optreden en is ook ruimte voor statafels. Vanwege het steeds wisselende personeel moet deze overzichtelijk ingedeeld worden. De ruimte bij het podium

tussen verschillende bezoekers bevorderen.

n met urinoirs (de andere toiletten bevindein zich op de eerste verdieping), en de nooduitgang. biertanks van 1000 liter per stuk geïnstalleerd.

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | bouwpub

Ondertussen wordt de Tempel aangewezen als de nieuwe locatie voor de pub. Er was zelfs even sprake van dat de nieuwe pub als één van de eerste voorzieningen zou worden opgeleverd. Het liep echter anders: prioriteiten kwamen elders te liggen, het onderwijs kreeg logischerwijs voorrang en met de herverdeling van het verbouwingsbudget lijkt de pub in een zwart gat te vallen. Na overleg met de faculteit werd beslist dat de hal bij de hoofdentree tijdelijk gebruikt zou mogen worden om de pub voort te zetten. Ze neemt hier nu dus al bijna een half jaar haar intrek. De functie van de Bouwpub is echter in al die jaren vrijwel nooit veranderd: het bieden van ontspanningsmogelijkheid in het faculteitsgebouw. Elke dinsdag en donderdag is de pub geopend en iedereen die betrokken is bij Bouwkunde is welkom om als vrijwilliger achter de bar te staan. Hiernaast heeft de Bouwpub altijd diverse activiteiten georganiseerd, zoals live-optredens, het Bouwpubfeest en diverse thema-avonden. De meest beruchte zijn het Deutsches Bierfest in oktober en uiteraard de viering van de Beaujoulais Primeur, iedere derde donderdag in november. Ook verzorgt de Bouwpub regelmatig borrels bij speciale gelegenheden, zoals tentoonstellingen, workshops en afstudeerbijeenkomsten.


column Delft University of Technology hosted the International PhD Seminar on Public Space on the 19th and 20th of March 2009 in the Berlage Zaal at the Faculty of Architecture. The seminar was an initiative of two PhD candidates, Wenda van der Laan BoumaDoff (OTB Research Institute) and Ceren Sezer (Department of Urbanism), who are both working on public space from different aspects in the fields of sociology and urbanism. The seminar call received wide international attention in a great range of topics and geographical logi from the fields of architecture, urban design, spatial planning, sociology, urban geography, cultural anthropology and history. The seminar hosted fifty participants who were mostly Ph.D. candidates from universities in Europe, Middle East, United States and Canada, as well as, researchers from municipalities, NGOs, and research institutes. The presentations were organized in the form of power point and poster presentations divided into three workshops distributed in two days. The first workshop, Public Space and Neighborhood Quality, begun with the presentation of the keynote speaker, Prof. Talja Blokland from Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. In her presentation, ‘Home in Streets and Squares’, Blokland has addressed the ways in which community or anomy is experienced in short everyday interactions in public streets and squares. Her lecture is followed by the presentations of the Ph.D. candidates on related issues, with case studies from Milan and Barcelona, Amsterdam, Nashville (USA), and Kigali (Rwanda). The keynote speaker of the second workshop, Public Space Interventions, was Matthew Carmona from Bartlett School of Planning, UK. Carmona’s presentation, ‘Contemporary Public Space: Critique and Classification’ highlighted two dominant contemporary discussions on public space debates: the over-managed and undermanaged public spaces. The following presentations were Ph.D. works which dealt with different aspects of public space interventions by presenting case studies about street art in Sweden, urban lighting at night in France, the street as a social contact place in the Netherlands and situation of public spaces in shrinking regions in Spain. The theme of the third workshop was Politics of Public Space. The workshop begun with the presentation of the keynote speaker, Prof. Rob Shields, from University of Alberta, Canada. Shields, in his presentation ‘Politics of Public Space’ talked about the current status of three forms of publics: Public space, transnational publics, and public domain. His presentation is followed by Ph.D. presentations about political struggle on a square in Ankara, media communication as politics of attention in Berlin, micro politics of public space in a multi ethnic neighborhood in Rotterdam and finally, phone centers in Verona and Modena. The third workshop is followed by a field trip in Rotterdam organized by Pact Op Zuid and the municipality of Rotterdam. Participants visited three different public space scenes in Rotterdam with the guidance of urban designers from the municipality. The trip ended with a short discussion where participants reflected on their observations of the visited sites. Based on the feedbacks from the participants, we are very pleased to report that the seminar has achieved its objective to provide and stimulate knowledge exchange between public space researchers. We hope that this small gathering will also be able to generate future collaboration on the studies of public space.

Public Space

Review international PhD Seminar

The International PhD Seminar on Public space took place on March 19-20 in the Berlagezaal. Organized by the Faculty of Architecture - Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy and OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies of TU Delft. The seminar aimed to set up discussions regarding the current transformation of public spaces. Though public space should be accessible to anybody, the current development of public space seems to head in the exact opposite direction, namely to privatize and to exclude certain layers of the public. In the two-day seminar, three workshops about the neighborhood quality, the interventions and the politics of public space were given. The three reviews all concern the second workshop: ‘Public Space Interventions’. How does a Neighborhood Street work as a Social Contact Place between Residents and Strangers of a Neighborhood in Amsterdam? ir. Ceren Sezer, Architect and PhD Candidate in Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Sezer addresses the problem of many Dutch neighbourhoods today, the social cohesion and integration of the different layers of society. She gave the example of the neighborhoods where the population profile is relatively homogeneous and belonging to the low-income groups. Dutch politics aims to make these neighbourhoods more divers, urban renewal projects therefore offer more housing for the higher income groups, for example in the Bijlmer and the Indische buurt in Amsterdam. According to Sezer, these projects focus only on the material quality (e.g. greener and cleaner space) of public space. Her PhD will investigate the quality of social cohesion and integration of several ‘neighbourhood streets’, by researching the potential for encounters in these streets between ‘locals’ and ‘strangers’ . Sezer showed three different cases: the Warmoesstraat, van Wousstraat and Burg. De Vlughtlaan. The first being dominated by strangers (tourists), the second is a ‘balanced’ street and the third is dominated by locals (residents). The Warmoesstraat has no place for local life and the Burg. De Vlughtlaan is the exact opposite. By researching e.g. the morphology, public transportation accessibility, use (e.g the type of establishments: touristic shops or turkish bakeries), user and control aspect, Sezer pinpoints the factors that attract locals and strangers. For example, the presence of a tramline could mean the influx of ‘strangers’ in a ‘local’ neighborhood. With this knowledge, spatial interventions can be proposed, that can transform a neighborhood street from a socially passive place to a socially active place. Thus, giving a better solution for public space than the current urban renewal projects. Sezer will continue her PhD by finishing the case studies, mapping the public- and private-ness of Amsterdam and proposing design recommendation to improve neighborhood street social cohesion quality.

Public space: open to everybody – but how? Street Art as threat or prospect Emma Paulsson, Landscape architect and PhD candidate, Dept of Landscape Architecture, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden In her research presentation Paulsson discussed the democratic value of public space. It ought to be open to everyone. But nowadays, public space is excluding more and more layers of society (e.g. ‘alternative’ layers like homeless and skaters). In her thesis ‘Street Art as threat or prospect?’, she takes two visions on public space into account. The first one concerns the public space that is used by the general public and that offers little room for the alternative public. It concerns a rather restricted public space that coincide with rules, security, camera’s etc. The second one concerns public space that is free for interaction, a place where one can use the space in its own way. These two visions on public space often conflict with each other. For her research she interviewed street artists from the street art haven in Sweden: the city of Malmö. Street artworks can only be made in spaces that aren’t controlled well. These spaces are often poorly maintained. Therefore people tend to experience these spaces, including the artwork, as threatening. But, Paulsson shows, street art can also be seen as a prospect. According to the second vision of public space, it’s space should belong to everybody. Hence, street artists often use their work to ‘reclaim’ the city from often privatized spaces, street art can be seen as a way to prevent structures (e.g. commercial/corporate institutes) from being to dominant in a space. Street art is dynamic (facades can change overnight) which spreads the notion that nobody can take a hold over the public space. Everybody can temporarily make use of the space in their own way. When approaching street art from a more general point of view, one can say it is just an appropriation of public space. Referring to this view, Paulsson sees street art as a form of local involvement in the development of a neighborhood. Therefore she questions if street art can contribute in the developing of neighbourhoods by involving the local community in it’s planning. In her PhD she will highlight and problematize different interpretations of public space by using street art as an example.


Public spaces in small cities in a shrinking region. Putting public interest back into the Agenda Marian Simon Rojo, Architect, PhD Candidate Department of Town and Land Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Instead on focusing on big cities, Simon Rojo put forward the urban development of the smaller cities. She showed the case of the middle stretch of Douro Valley in Spain. Like many other peripheral areas, the Douro region is just trying to survive. The region is known for it’s many wine fields and the river that runs through it. The biggest city in the region is Valladolid, which strives to become part of the urban European system. The other smaller cities in the region have no other choice than to compete, therefore local and regional governments turned almost all their money and effort to attract business and industry, while goals of public interest and well-being almost vanished from the agenda. The government of Aranda de Duero (a small city in the region) aspired to compete with other cities in the region. Master plans were set up in the 80’s and 90’s, aiming to attract industry and to provide residential areas for the expected growth. The plans targeted the unused land, leaving out the abandoned buildings and the poorly maintained plots. This kind of exploitation would cost less money than redeveloping the whole area. Several multinational corporations, such as Michelin and GlaxoSmithKline settled down in the city, but expected growth didn’t occur. Thus many empty plots came into existence (41% of the urban fabric). The plans for the future turned into public spaces of poor quality. According to Simon Rojo, taking this history of town planning as example, town planning should focus more on the quality of life it offers to the users, applying the concepts of Max-Neef’s fundamental human needs. She presented nine ‘needs’: protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity, subsistence, and freedom. According to Simon Rojo, the spatial conditions of public spaces can act as potential ‘synergic satisfiers’ of most of these needs. The PhD aims for a methodological proposal to expose goal inconsistency in urban planning at different scales and to visualize their spatial translation into the ‘synergic satisfactors of human needs’.

photo by Kolbjörn Guwallius

Ceren Sezer co-organized the PhD Seminar on Public Space Warmoesstraat, Amsterdam


street art in Malmö, Sweden

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | review

empty plots in Aranda Duero


1st steps

Deep-rooted sentiments? Interesting views? Please use Forum as your discussion platform! Articles and letters should be sent with the writer’s name and e-mail adress to b_nieuws@ bk.tudelft.nl Texts may be edited for length or clarity.

Step #6 the first REAL project They all did it! Le Corbusier did it, Frank Lloyd Wright did it, Robert Venturi and Rietveld did it. Toyo Ito and Philip Johnson, everybody started like this. You can also do it and hopefully this will be the first step of your huge success.

There could be a better Bouwkunde By Laura Maasry

I am hopeful about the future of Bouwkunde. Ironically, this hope was triggered by Jules Schoonman’s negative column in the last BK_ Nieuws Forum, ‘Bouwkunde bestaat niet (meer)’. Perhaps this could be the start of a long-needed debate at our faculty. We are indeed in need of more communication and critical thought at Bouwkunde. However, those of us who recognize this are equally guilty as the dormant among us, as there is no student initiative to bring change to the status quo. Chicken or the egg I too struggle with the ‘aw, just leave it’ attitude among Bouwkunde students. But I wonder whether we are to blame while we are not properly informed about so many things that happen around us. It seems that the faculty’s financial and structural plans and issues such as the shortened library hours are decidedly out of our reach. Indeed there is a notion that decisions come from a holy force from above, something that students have acquired at the beginning of their Bouwkunde carreer. The notion is accepted, partially because of our full agendas, but mostly because we do not know another system to compare it with. If we consider the scale of our faculty, and that most students are interested in concepts, sketching and architectural fabric rather than politics, perhaps when it comes to administrative and curricular change, ignorance is bliss? No! Ignorance is more ignorance. The ‘because there’s no money’ answer from the librarian about shortened hours or that the quiet rule is not respected and no one complains, should not be accepted. That we lack the energy to criticize and resist such everyday occurrences cannot be justified. Here I’d have to agree with Jules that such passivity does not belong to a university community. The trouble is, one is the product of his environment. This is why I believe something fundamental at Bouwkunde needs to change. And there needs to be a collective, bottom-up, positive surge of energy to achieve it. A touch of curiosity Any movement, student or political, comes from a framework that is sufficiently open and structured to make it happen. Speaking of university, such a

framework is influenced by the Academic approach of the faculty or sub-community. The academic field of Architecture – and actually anything analytical at all – should be based on critical thinking. Being critical means questioning everything. Western culture attributes the concept of learning to this, originating from the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates declared that analytical thought begins by asking of questions. He taught his students to draw out answers instead of feeding them with assumptions and rules of thumb. Today we know this as the scientific approach and for two thousand years Western academics progressed by applying Socratic reasoning: How did I get to this assumption? What alternative ways of looking at this issue are there? What are the consequences of my own assumptions?

above. That would be anti-Socratic. Somebody we know, knows. Information could be made public, if it were publicly demanded. Last year, when no one expected it, Americans demanded a new, transparent government and did this with an ever-growing, collective force. And they received it. Looking at one example of the government’s audacious wiping out of big-time AIG’s bonuses: this was for the people, not the government budget! There is nothing stopping us from testing the democratic integrity of our faculty. Neither is there any reason to be afraid of it. We could make noise, and failing to have our calls answered would increase awareness about the limits of the faculty. Changing the way we communicate with one another and those ‘above’ us is a good start for concrete change in the future. Socratic questioning, in collective demand

At Bouwkunde we are not bothered, or we are too afraid, to ask these questions. This counts for both in and outside of the classroom. As a result there is no critique; no doubting of the assumptions or decision-making that happen around us. And that is why there is no basis for a public standpoint. It is important that we change this. By applying Socratic questioning in our academic lives I think we can break the cycle of input-assumptions, passivity, and fear of challenging decisions. Once broken, input will come from bottom-up, in increasing amounts and with more students willing to put-in. There will be more opportunity, as well as the increasingly obvious need, for public debate. Breaking the code The current budget of Bouwkunde could be our starting point. We could Socraticize the assumption that there is money available for state-of-the-art furniture yet not enough for library staff, by demanding increased transparency on these issues. Where is it all going? Are alternatives possible?

I was glad to see some critical input in the last Forum because it reminded me why Socratic questioning is so relevant to Architecture. In early Roman society, Vitruvius himself called for Socratic teachings because, he explained, the censorship and the suppression of public criticism was allowing buildings to be commissioned to unskilled, uneducated Architects. Surely there is relevance in this story to our faculty, as well as in other topics of education and politics? To trigger such consciousness, Bouwkunde needs to provide us with more information as well as with an organized forum for critical, open debate. We would do well with a system of checks and balances, where each department and community has a stake in the pot. We are the student community, and let’s be the first to make our check. Laura Maasry is a student at Bouwkunde.

For your parents, it doesn’t matter if they just moved into a great new apartment; they want to give you the opportunity to prove that you have not been studying for nothing, all these years. They will even pay for your own house! Phillip Johnson did it like this: he designed and built his own little house, even before graduating and managed to get his diploma using his house as a graduation project, in 1943. So, it is actually possible to get a house and a diploma at once! Needless to mention that the next project Johnson designed for himself was the renowned Glass House, but this gossip story can fill a column on its own. Robert Venturi went the traditional way: he made a small house for his mother, Vana Venturi, in the Chestnut Hill, which was recently recognized as a “Masterwork of Modern American Architecture”. Not bad for a first project! The famous Schroder House in Utrecht was the first project of Gerrit Rietveld, in 1924. Well, what else can I say? Do you know any other project of him, as famous as this one? Don’t mention the chair, I am talking about architecture here! Of course not everybody managed to get his first project to be recognized as a masterpiece. Who really knows the Aluminum house of Toyo Ito? Most of his biographies start with the White - U in 1976, but he had already started practicing in 1971. Not to mention how many architects had to wait for years before getting their projects realized. Rem Koolhaas founded OMA in 1975 but had to wait till 1992 to supervise the construction of Kunsthal in Rotterdam, his first realized project. His student, Zaha Hadid did not manage to get the trust of any client for quite some time, with the strange shapes she was designing! She started her independent practice in the early ‘80s but her first realized project was the Vitra Fire Station, in 1994. Where am I getting at? Your first project is a gamble! You can start small with your mother’s house or you can wait for the big commission! In either case, you have the chance to make a statement and become famous. This can happen right away or can take some time. Don’t get desperate! This final advice about starting your star life after graduation will the subject of the next column.

If students had more concrete knowledge on this front, we could start an interesting debate about the faculty’s priorities: should the building equipment, interdepartmental relations, or library hours, come first? The more input from bottom-up, the more representative our assumptions about the faculty’s priorities will become.

Cristina Ampatzidou

Cristina is a former student of Bouwkunde and former editor of B_Nieuws

Above all, we should not accept that such issues are controlled by anonymous untouchables from

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | forum

Take advantage of the fact that you just graduated! There must be an aunt, your mother or another relative waiting for you to finish your school in order to wish you luck with your first project. A small family house for them.


column Docent

Maandag. Kwetterende vogels, lichtgroene bladknopjes, warmte van de zon. Op weg naar de faculteit heb ik mijn belastingpapieren bij de boekhouder achtergelaten. Met vrije schouders en de lente in mijn hoofd loop ik BK City binnen. Samen met een handvol enthousiaste studenten is de afgelopen week een intensief project afgerond: drie schitterende maquettes staan klaar voor hun reis naar Beijing. Het danstheater van Koolhaas, het Schröderhuis van Rietveld en de Beurs van Berlage zullen in China bewondering oogsten en zullen bij terugkomst deel uit gaan maken van onze Schatkamer. Curatorwaardig stap ik op de rode loper in Oost en met nog opgeheven hoofd arriveer ik in West. Dankbaar voor de mooie woorden van de maquettebouwers – “het was een zware, maar mooie ervaring” – verkeer ik nog even in mijn roes van gelukzaligheid en de trap in West bestijg ik als met vleugels. De verdere dag assisteer ik ‘mijn’ afstudeerders met grote geestdrift bij hun projecten, vol begrip voor hun successen en tegenslagen, meelevend met hun strijd voor wat tijdelijk hun levenswerk is. Een mooie dag. Vrijdag. Ik sta op met hoofdpijn. De zon hangt bleekwit achter een sluier van diffuus grijs. De natte krokussen, dwangmatig in de vorm van driehoeken aangeplant in de berm van de weg, zijn daarom vaal van kleur. Grieken duiden zo een dag met (aspros ilios, mavri mera - witte zon, zwarte dag). De regenboog boven de Julianalaan, het ornament dat als een filmstrip boven het klassieke fries rondom het faculteitsgebouw is gewonden, wint ineens aan betekenis voor mij: als analogie van mooi weer spelen in regentijd. Op weg naar de Veldacademie een groep studenten die ‘in het veld’ (Charlois/Rotterdam) afstudeert - krijg ik (auto A) een botsing met de achter mij rijdende auto (B), omdat ik een noodstop moet maken voor een buschauffeur, die links knipperend zijn onvervreemdbaar recht uitoefent om plotsklaps bij een halte te vertrekken. Met mijn collega en medereiziger, die naar zijn nek grijpt en whiplash mompelt, doorloop ik het ietwat gênante ritueel van het uitwisselen van gegevens voor de verzekering met de chauffeur van auto B, die verslagen naar de diepe deuk staat te kijken die mijn trekhaak heeft achtergelaten. De buschauffeur heeft niets gemerkt. Mijn collega en ik arriveren in Charlois en assisteren - alsof er niets gebeurd is - onze studenten. Toch een mooie dag. Maandag of vrijdag, weer of geen weer, gebouw of tent, Ahrend of Vitra, BSc of MSc, architectuur of bouwtechniek, decaan of interim, P&O of R&O, geluk of pech, spenderen of bezuinigen, Oost of West, Nederlands of Engels, groep of individu, moe of fit, man of vrouw, jong of oud, warm of koud, lawaai of stilte, bouwen of slopen, voltijd of deeltijd, gast of vast, bindend studieadvies of harde knip, Plasterk of Ritzen, Blackboard of studiegids, brutaliteit of bescheidenheid, Delft of Eindhoven, docent of onderzoeker, digitaal of analoog, flexwerken of hokjesgeest, inspiratie of transpiratie: doceren is bij de les zijn, doceren is doseren, doceren is begrijpen, doceren is geduld oefenen, doceren is herhalen, doceren is argumenteren, doceren is motiveren, doceren is communiceren, doceren is herkennen, doceren is expliciteren, doceren is analyseren, doceren is incasseren, doceren is geven, doceren is leren, doceren is van elke dag een mooie dag maken. Robert Nottrot Delft, 21 maart 2009

Robert Nottrot is docent Architectuur en Vormstudie en curator van de Schatkamer

review ‘A change of heart’ – a refreshing point of view on the environmental discourse Lecture: ‘Architecture’s need for environmental aesthetics’ Speaker: Prof. Karsten Harries (Yale university, USA) Organised by: Delft School of Design Date: March 13 2009, 11:00-13:00 Reviewed by: Dino Arcilla

Prof. Karsten Harries is a noted scholar of Heidegger, early modern philosophy and the philosophy of art and architecture. He was invited by the Delft School of Design (DSD) to take part in the ‘public lecture series 2009’ of DSD. A human point of view Prof. Harries is concerned about the environment, but instead of focusing the typical notions of durability - green dreams, C02-neutral, hybrid cars Harries is more interested in the human being and adopted a more philosophical point of view. According to Harries, questions like ‘How can human beings be of value to the environment’ and ‘How do people value the environment?’ are fundamental ones in the debate on sustainability. He kicked off by stating that the world is heading towards all kinds of disasters: mass starvation, polluted air, scarcity of important resources. Actually, according to Harries, we are already facing one big disaster, a moral one. This moral disaster is in enrooted in (Western) society by the appraisal of the Enlightenment. Since then humans have turned to reason as the sole bringer of progress and good. But, Harries says, “The individual…who cares neither for his neighbor nor for coming generations, is not unreasonable. His is a different problem: he has a heart of stone. Needed is a change of heart”. Nature as part of human being Harries continued by questioning why we do not respect nature, like we do respect other human beings. Does nature have an intrinsic value: a value that is independent of human consideration? If so, nature should be respected just like people respect each other. But the problem is that “there is no value without valuing” and values depend on human consideration. One might ask why humans respect each other. According to Harries, it is this same respect which is necessary for the environment. “Once we recognize that we cannot exist except as part of nature and community, we will also recognize that full self-affirmation requires respect and responsibility for both nature and community. If there is an argument to show that we ought to preserve wilderness, this is not because polar bears or mushrooms have certain rights, but because we owe this to ourselves.” The preservation of wilderness should be seen as intrinsic to the preservation of ourselves. Continuing, Harries claims that to have a meaningful life, one should value something that transcends your own death-bound life, for example


‘the community’ and nature. Therefore, we need to develop an aesthetics of nature and the built environment. High standards of living Another problem for the enviroment is the human need for a high standard of living. Our western way of living depends on the ‘carrying capacity’ of the earth. The ‘carrying capacity of the earth’ refers to how many individuals can be supported by the earth without degrading the natural, social and cultural environment. How can one live his desired quality of life without harming the environment? According to Harries, people should ask questions like ‘what constitutes the desired quality of life?’ and ‘Who is to enjoy this life?’ in order to solve the problem of high standards of living and the carrying capacity. The wrong attitude First world countries once set out this high standard of living. People in other countries of the world now aspire to live this western high quality life. For example a country as China, which is catching up fast. The aspirations of Chinese people expose a big problem: the earth cannot cope with these amounts of human beings living the western standard of living. Former president of the United States of America Bill Clinton once told the former president of China Jiang Zemin that the Chinese people could not live life like the Americans because that would be the greatest environmental threat for the United States. That is a perfect example of the wrong attitude towards this problem and the selfishness of the West. It depicts the moral disaster Western society is in discussed earlier. Harries: “All of us need to affirm our environmental responsibility as members of a global community and should not try desperately to hang on to some desired quality of life, even if that means a detoriation of the quality of life elsewhere or in the future. All such attempts inevitably mean a drop in the moral quality of the life of the country and its citizens.” Full self-affirmation Harries sees more and more cities becoming places of ‘self-centered individuals’. Harries - quoting Manfredo Tafuri - about New York: “The city is as a system of solitudes, as a place wherein the loss of identity is made an institution, in which the maximum formalism of its structures gives rise to a code of behavior dominated by vanity and comedy.” In this city one takes in a role that grants ‘place, identity and security’. Instead of choosing a role which isn’t really you, Harries pleads for full self-affirmation: “Full self-affirmation requires an affirmation of myself as inescapably placed in time and in space” He explained that one must know his place in space and time and therefore he must know his past and be open to the future. A good example is a far journey: you are confronted with a whole different world, which displaces you, but at the same time making you aware of the place that you left. According to Harries this tension - between the known and unknown, the far and near, the past and future, “the beauty and the sublime” - is necessary in an environment to acquire full self-affirmation. And if I may interpret Harries: to affirm oneself, is to affirm your past, your community, your environment. It is to affirm the need for an environmental aesthetic. Prof. Harries pleaded for a change of heart and to value the environment as part of human being. He pleaded for many other things too. By turning to the concept of the human being as a starting point of his theories, instead of the typical green dreams, Prof. Harries took in a refreshing viewpoint on the environmental discourse and the at-

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | news

titude of human being towards it. Sometimes the philosophical thinking of Prof. Harries was difficult to understand, but he compensated well by giving real life examples or thought experiments.

announcement BOSS bedrijvendag

Oriënteer je op de vastgoedsector tijdens de BOSS bedrijvendag

23 april 2009 Aanvang: 08.45 uur Faculteit Bouwkunde - Berlagezaal en Oostserre Het toekomstige werkveld van studenten Real Estate & Housing is zeer gevarieerd en herbergt een enorme hoeveelheid organisaties en functies. Het kan de gemiddelde RE&H-student dan ook wel eens duizelen als hij zich bedenkt bij welke organisatie hij aan de slag zou willen gaan. En juist in tijden van crisis – waarin de vastgoedsector zich herbezint op haar positie – is een helder inzicht in de arbeidsmarkt een must-have. Praktijkvereniging BOSS organiseert daarom voor RE&H-studenten op 23 april 2009 de BOSS bedrijvendag. Tijdens de BOSS bedrijvendag bezoek je in één dag een groot aantal bedrijven uit de vastgoedsector. De deelnemende bedrijven staan alle in relatie tot de vastgoedsector en sluiten aan op de drie afstudeerrichtingen, Real Estate Management, Design and Construction Management en Housing van de opleiding Real Estate & Housing. De BOSS bedrijvendag is verspreid over twee dagdelen. Het ochtendprogramma staat in het teken van een casestudie, workshops en bedrijfspresentaties. Het middagprogramma begint met de opening van de bedrijvenmarkt met aansluitend eventuele individuele gesprekken tussen bedrijf en student. Bedrijvenmarkt De bedrijvenmarkt biedt studenten de ideale gelegenheid om kennis te maken met veel verschillende bedrijven en functies in het werkveld. Elk bedrijf heeft een eigen stand. Bij de stands kunnen studenten met al hun vragen over werken in de vastgoedsector terecht. Bedrijfspresentaties Een aantal bedrijven zal een verdiepende presentatie geven waarin onderwerpen als de organisatie, het soort projecten en de werksfeer aan de orde zullen komen. Per presentatie is twintig minuten gereserveerd. Workshop/ Casestudy In het ochtendprogramma worden vier workshops en één casestudy aangeboden. De inhoud van de workshops is divers en niet per definitie vastgoedgerelateerd. De casestudy daarentegen is wel vastgoed gerelateerd. Als je deelneemt aan een casestudy zal je gevraagd worden in een kort tijdsbestek een oplossing te bedenken voor een Real Estate probleem. Een workshop duurt ongeveer

één uur en zal tweemaal parallel worden aangeboden. De casestudy neemt ongeveer 2 uur in beslag. Studenten moeten vooraf opgeven aan welke workshop of casestudy zij willen deelnemen. Individuele gesprekken Studenten die behoefte hebben aan verdiepende informatie over een specifiek bedrijf kunnen een individueel gesprek met een bedrijf aanvragen. Zo kunnen mogelijkheden op gebied van stages, afstuderen of toekomstige banen worden besproken. Om in aanmerking te komen voor een individueel gesprek dien je je voor aanvang van de dag bij praktijkvereniging BOSS in te schrijven met motivatie en curriculum vitae. Een commissie zal deze persoonlijke aanvragen in overleg met de bedrijven inplannen.

jonge dansers de kans om zich op een groot toneel te bewijzen. Het is een interdisciplinair en interactieve performance waarin de ruimte tussen dansers, bewegingsgrafieken, decorontwerp en licht&audio centraal staan. De choreografie (bewegingen van de dansers) wordt vertaald naar een architectonische 4-dimensionale tekening op een geprojecteerd scherm. voorstellingen: 29 april - 20.30 uur 1 mei - 20.30 uur 2 mei - 2-.30 uur www.stadsschouwburgamsterdam.nl www.het-ballet.nl



programma BOSS bedrijvendag

08.45–09.15 09.15–11.30 09.15–10.15 09.15–10.15 10.30–11.30

Ontvangst studenten Casestudie ABC Workshop 1:Vesteda Workshop 2:Micheal page Workshop 3:DTZ Zadelhoff

10.30–11.30 11.45–12.05 12.05–12.25 12.25–12.45

Workshop 3:ICP+ Presentatie VUhuisvesting Presentatie ICS Presentatie OBA



13.15–13.30 13.30–16.00 13.30–15.30 16.15–17.15 17.15–18.15 19:00–22:30

Opening bedrijvenmarkt Bedrijvenmarkt Individuele gesprekken Spreker: Mathijs Bouwman Netwerkborrel Bedrijvendiner

Op zoek naar de master die bij jou past!

news Wijziging openingstijden Sinds deze maand zijn de openingstijden van de faculteit Bouwkunde aangepast. Iedere vrijdag sluit de faculteit voortaan om 19.00 uur. Daarnaast zal de faculteit op piekdagen voorafgaand aan eindpresentaties en peilingen tot 24.00 uur open blijven. Op deze piekdagen zijn de repro en plot faciliteiten van JB&A ook bereikbaar tot 24.00 uur. Op de volgende dagen verruimt de faculteit de openingstijden tot 24.00 uur: ma 18, di 19 en wo 20 mei

BOSS bedrijvendag ma 25, di 26, wo 27 en do 28 mei 23 april 2009 di 2 juni Aanvang: 08.45 uur ma 8, di 9, wo 10 en do 11 juni Faculteit Bouwkunde – Berlagezaal en Oostserre ma 15 juni, di 16 juni, wo en do 18 juni B_Nieuws has a facebook account! Would you like to be our friend and/or fan? Search for us!

Capita Selecta 13, 14, 20, 27 & 28 mei, 3, 4 juni 17:00-20:00 uur De Capita Selecta organiseert een lezingenserie, met als hoofdthema ‘Architecture as Craft’. In totaal zullen 18 sprekers (3 per avond) een debat aangaan over de vaardigheden van een architect op verschillende subthema’s. Het doel is om een discussie te starten over de beroepspraktijk tussen theoretici, sociologen, filosofen, architecten en kunstenaars. 13/05: Quintus Miller / Kersten Geers 14/05: Wiel Arets / Mark Linder 27/05: Inaki Abalos / Joan Ockman 28/05: Enrique Walker / Sou Fujimoto 03/06: Gregg Pasquarelli / Michael Maltzan 04/06: Kenneth Frampton* / Paul Robbrecht*/ Elisabeth Diller* *to be confirmed

Architectonisch ballet In de voorstelling ‘Nieuwlichters’ geeft Het Nationale Ballet in samenwerking met Marc Koehler (docent aan de faculteit Bouwkunde) vijf

EMU geaccrediteerd Sinds 2006 biedt de TU Delft, samen met de partneruniversiteiten IUAV di Venezia, UPC Barcelona en KU Leuven, een joint post graduate programma aan in Urbanism getiteld ‘European postgraduate Masters in Urbanism’ (EMU). EMU is, sinds de geslaagde accreditatie in januari 2009, het eerste post graduate programma in Nederland dat is geregistreerd in CROHO (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs). Dit betekent dat de graduates van EMU de titel ‘Master of Science’ (MSc.) mogen dragen. EMU is een tweejarig postgraduate master programma en richt zich op architecten, bouwkundigen, planologen en landschapsarchitecten die al een masteropleiding hebben afgerond of een vergelijkbare 5-jarige bacheloropleiding en die daarna een aanvullend specialisme in Stedenbouwkunde willen volgen. www.em-urbanism.net.

rectificatie In B_Nieuws 06 is een stuk gepubliceerd van Jasper de Haan, getiteld ‘Bouwkunde is al af’, dat eerder verscheen op Archined. Door een fout van onze kant is het stuk geplaatst op de forum-pagina’s. Hierdoor lijkt het of de heer de Haan het stuk zelf heeft ingestuurd. Wij hebben hem echter gevraagd of wij het reeds verschenen stuk in B_Nieuws mochten plaatsen. De redactie

B_Nieuws 07 | april 06, 2009 | news

Ben jij bachelorstudent aan de TU Delft of een andere universiteit en ben je geïnteresseerd in een master aan de faculteit Bouwkunde? Of ben je na de afronding van je HBO-opleiding toe aan een verdiepende opleiding binnen jouw vak- of interessegebied? Kom dan op 23 april naar de Master Studieadviesdag van de faculteit Bouwkunde. Zie jij ook door de vele masters het ‘bos’ niet meer? Vind jij ook zo veel masters interessant, maar heb je geen idee welke master nu het beste aansluit bij je interesses en capaciteiten? Dan heb jij vast behoefte aan verdiepende informatie over de verschillende masters die je binnen de faculteit Bouwkunde kunt volgen. Want er is een groter en interessanter aanbod dan je wellicht denkt! In november 2008 organiseerde de TU Delft een masterweek voor alle HBO- en universitaire bachelorstudenten in Nederland. Tijdens deze week werden studenten ingewijd in het aanbod aan masters aan de TU Delft. Bezoekers van de masterweek gaven in een evaluatie van de week aan dat zij nog behoefte hadden aan meer verdiepende informatie. De TU Delft springt nu in op deze behoefte en de faculteit Bouwkunde presenteert tijdens een avondprogramma alle masters overzichtelijk bij elkaar en geeft je de mogelijkheid écht het fijne te weten te komen over de masteropleidingen van de faculteit. Tijdens het avondprogramma krijg je

de kans met alle studieadviseurs om de tafel te gaan zitten, het international office ‘het hemd van het lijf te vragen’ over het volgen van een master in het buitenland en worden al je vragen beantwoord over het combineren van masters. Studenten die eerst een schakelsemester moeten doen voordat zij een master kunnen volgen, komen tot slot ook aan hun trekken: tijdens een presentatie in zaal F komt alle praktische informatie over het volgen van een schakelsemester nog eens aan bod. Wil jij een bewuste keuze voor een master maken? Kom dan langs op de Master Studieadviesdag en praat één-op-één met een studieadviseur, een docent of student van de master van jouw keuze en beslis welk master bij jou past! De Master Studieadviesdag: het aanbod van de andere faculteiten Ook de andere faculteiten organiseren een Master Studieadviesdag op 23 april. Check de website www.masterevent.tudelft.nl voor de tijden en programma’s van de facultaire Master Studieadviesdagen. De Master Studieadviesdag is zo ingericht dat je de presentaties van verschillende faculteiten kan bijwonen.

Programma donderdag 23 april 2009 Locatie: Masteratelier 01.West.430 (boven de Berlagezaal) tijd



17.30-17.45 17.45-19.30 17.45-18.30 17.45-18.30 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.30 18.45-19.30

Welkom Doorlopen informatiemarkt -dubbel afstuderen -studieadviseurs -international office 1e ronde snacksessie met docenten van Mastervarianten -Architecture -Urbanism -Building Technology -Real Estate & Housing Presentatie schakelsemester (voor HBO-studenten) Pauze 2e ronde ronde snacksessie met docenten van Mastervarianten -Architecture -Urbanism -Building Technology -Real Estate & Housing Presentatie schakelsemester (voor HBO-studenten)

Masteratelier 01.West.430 Masteratelier 01.West.430 statafel 1 statafel 2 statafel 3 Masteratelier 01.West.430


tafel 1 t/m 9 tafel 10 tafel 11 t/m 12 tafel 13 t/m 15 (balkon) Zaal F

Masteratelier 01.West.430 tafel 1 t/m 9 tafel 10 tafel 11 t/m 12 tafel 13 t/m 15 (balkon) Zaal F

april MON 06.04 lecture



Job Roos en Hielkje Zijlstra.

1000h - 1230h / Bouwkunde / Delft


9 april 2009 NAi Rotterdam

De rol van beeldende kunst en architectuur in onze samenleving is in de afgelopen twee eeuwen voortdurend onderhevig geweest aan beweging en verandering. De doelstelling van de Prix de Rome is echter altijd hetzelfde gebleven: ze wil artistieke artistieke ontwikkeling stimuleren, in een internationale context. De huidige Nederlandse Prix de Rome heeft de vorm van een staatsprijs die wordt uitgereikt ter aanmoediging van kunstenaars en architecten in de leeftijdscategorie tot 35 jaar. Naast de Kunsthal staat ook het NAi stil bij het bijzondere jubileum van de 200 jaar oude Prix de Rome. Op 9 april maken twee oud-winnaars van de prijs hun opwachting op het NAi Rotterdam voor lezingen en een debat: Adriaan Geuze en Carel Weeber.

WED 08.04 debate

THU 09.04 lecture

FRI 10.04 holiday

SAT 11.04 / SUN 12.04 party

Christian Welzbacher

Maak onze stad

200 jaar Prix de Rome

Good Friday

Salsa Sunday Paasspecial

How to write about architecture? How to be an architecture critic? These and more questions will be part of Welzbachers lecture...

Welke functies willen we in de toekomst in onze steden mengen? Hoe draagt dit bij aan de maatschappelijke veerkracht van die steden? Wat voor openbaar leven wordt hiermee mogelijk?

TUE 14.04 workshop

WED 15.04 party

Strees Relief & Meditation

Afscheidsrede Kees Dromen van een Viva la Revolucion People, Planet, Na de tentamens en Prosperity, Project Duijvestein metropool

1245h - 1345h / Bouwkunde, Zaal B / Delft / € 0 www.stylos.nl/drupal

12.04 / 2200h / Speakers / Delft /€5 speakers.nl

2000h / NAi / Rotterdam / reserveren gewenst/ € 5 (€ 3 voor 2000h / NAi Rotterdam / reserveren: www.nai.nl/inschrijven studenten) / € 5 (€ 3 voor studenten) www.nai.nl www.nai.nl


MON 13.04 holiday

Easter Monday

Tijdens de workshop leer je je lichamelijk te ontspannen, waardoor je tot rust komt en beter functioneert 1300h - 1430h / Gebouw O&S, Zaal AO.030/ Delft / € 0 www.smartstudie.tudelft.nl

THU 16.04 symposium

projecten is het weer Afscheidssymposium Kees tijd voor een feestje! Duijvestein. De EJC organiseert voor 0830 - 2100h / Bouwkunde, Zaal F studenten van Bouwkunde / Delft / € 90 (€ 10 voor studenten) www.4ptetraeder.nl in Speakers 2130h - 0400h / Speakers / Delft / € 5, presale € 3 www.stylos.nl/drupal

FRI 17.04 lecture 1500h / Aula TU Delft / Delft/ € 0 www.4ptetraeder.nl

study day

‘Kwalitiet, wat mag dat kosten?’

1600h - 2000h / Bouwkunde, Zaal F / Delft / € 5 tot € 45 www.forum-vhv.nl


MON 20.04 open day

100% Research promotiedag

WED 22.04 deadline

THU 23.04 open day

FRI 24.04 theatre

SAT 25.04 / SUN 26.04 party


B_Nieuws April

Master Studieadvies Dag

The Art of Swimming

Salsa Sunday Live!



1100h - 1800h / Bouwkunde / Delft



Thijs Asselbergs, Yonne van der Voorde en Emmy van Eijck


april week 18

MON 27.04 holiday

Het beeld van Rotterdam is in de afgelopen dertig jaar geregeld veranderd. Dit beeld, dat invloed had op de manier waarop aan de stad werd gewerkt, werd 180 graden gekanteld.

TUE 21.04 lecture

Please send us all you If making contact is not want to be published in For who: PhD-candidates, easy... 1330h - 1630 / Gebouw O&S, Zaal the next B_Nieuws promoters, daily supervi- AO.030 / Delft / € 0 sors, DSD-director, Rector www.smartstudie.tudelft.nl Magnificus About: Future of PhD research at Bouwkunde

1000h - 1230h / Bouwkunde / Delft

SAT 18.04 / SUN 19.04 lecture

19.04 / 1500h / Stroom, Lloydstraat 1/ Rotterdam / reserveren aanbevolen / € 5 www.airfoundation.nl

Over kosten en kwaliteit in de woningbouw.


week 17

Deze Paasspecial met DJ’s Chuck & Franklin!

2100h / ‘t Hoogt, Hoogt 4/ Utrecht / reserveren aanbevolen / € 8 www.aorta.nu



Op 9 april maken twee oud-winnaars van de prijs hun opwachting op het NAi Rotterdam voor lezingen en een debat: Adriaan Geuze en Carel Weeber.


TUE 28.04 lecture

WED 29.04 festival

Urbanism 60 jaar

Haagse KonigninneNach

1500h - 1800h / Bouwkunde /

Every last sunday of the month: Salsa Sunday Live! ‘The Art of Swimming’, This time with Resample & written and performed DJ Pepez! by Irish writer Lynda 2100h / Speakers / Delft / € 6 Radley, and with musical speakers.nl accompaniment by Bouwkunde / Delft John McCarthy, revolves around the life of the career event long-distance swimmer BOSS bedrijvendag Mercedes Gleiwtze. SCHRIJF JE NU IN VOOR 2015h / Museum Beelden aan Zee/ DE BEDRIJVENDAG 2009!! Den Haag/ € 18,50 Informatie over de MSc opleiding Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences.

In het hart van Den Haag verrijzen vier livepodia en wordt de Grote Markstraat getransformeerd in een opgepimpte jazz-avenue. 1900h / Centrum Den Haag / € 0 www.koninginnenach.nl

THU 30.04 holiday


FRI 01.05 holiday

SAT 02.05 / SUN 03.05 holiday


Koornbeurs Open Air Tijdens koninginnedag spelen diverse bands buiten voor de Koornbeurs. 2130h -1600h / Koornbeurs / Delft / € 0 www.koornbeurs.nl

27 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 17 WEEK 18 ‘Building For Bouwkunde’, NAi, Rotterdam, 15 maart t/m 7 juli 2009 ‘Maak ons land’, NAi, Rotterdam, Bepaal mee hoe Nederland er uit moet zien tijdens de manifestatie ‘Maak ons land’, t/m 03 mei 2009 ‘Part of Dystopia’, ARCAM, Amsetrdam, 17 maart t/m 18 april 2009 ‘Stad voor Straks’, Architectuurcentrum Amsterdam, 14 maart t/m 23 mei 2009 ‘Why Not’, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, 7 maart t/m 17 mei 2009 ‘Observations on the present state’, Stroom, Den Haag, 19 april t/m 14 juni 2009 ‘Oscar Niemeyer’, SCUNCK-Glaspaleis, Heerlen, 7 maart t/m 1 juni ‘200 jaar Prix de Rome’, Kunsthal, Rotterdam, De kunst- en architectuurprijs van Nederland, 24 februari t/m 1 juni 2009



Deze film laat zien hoe er wordt geleefd, gedacht en gebouwd in de suburbane buitenwijken in Amerika.

week 16

200 jaar Prix de Rome

week 15

Radiant City

TUE 07.04 lecture


B_Nieuws 07 | B_Nieuws april 06, 2009 01 || september agenda 29, 2008 | agenda

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