B Nieuws 12, 2010-2011

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#12 16 MEI 2011


I BK INHOUD 2/3 Nieuws Visions on Haarlem Doe de tienkamp Join the ODC now! Editorial

4 Nieuws Docenten op cursus Research Review

5 BK in Focus An Act of Folly

6/7 Interview Exposing Borders Interview with Marc Schoonderbeek and Sang Lee about the Border Conditions studio and the exhibition of students work at the Rome Biennale

8 BK in Focus Lafayette Park in BK City The architect’s turn

9 Project Nomads in no man's land

10 Forum Column: Louche Kom stemmen op 25 en 26 mei! by ORAS

11 Update 'Herijking' BK Maatregelen onderwijs in kader herijking

12 Agenda



Call for new editors

B NIEUWS 12 16 MEI 2011


B Nieuws is looking for new editors to join our team. Since three of our lovely editors will probably leave the editorial board after the summer, we are looking for new talents in writing, editing and InDesigning. So do you have the skills and are you interested in working for the periodical of the Faculty of Architecture, please send an e-mail to:


Solar Decathlon nominated Bouwkunde’s Solar Decathlon team has been nominated for the UfD-E.ON Teamwork Prize. The ReVolt House, as the design is named, will be built in the upcoming Solar Decathlon competition in Madrid, in September 2012. The winner of the Teamwork Prize will be announced on Wednesday 11 May.

revolthouse.com universiteitsfonds.tudelft.nl

BK City Genomineerd BK City is genomineerd voor de Gulden Feniks 2011, voorheen bekend als de Nationale Renovatie Prijs. In de categorie Renovatie is het Bouwkunde gebouw één van de vijf kanshebbers. De prijsuitreiking vindt plaats op dinsdag 7 juni op de PROVADA in de Amsterdam RAI.

guldenfeniks.nl bk.tudelft.nl

Recent afgestudeerde bouwko’s scoren hoog in ontwerpwedstrijd De studio’s Surentu | De Mul en City4 zijn respectievelijk 2e en 3e geëindigd in de internationale ontwerpwedstrijd ‘Imagine the Future’ voor het Justitiepaleis in Brussel. De twee studio’s, opgericht door recent afgestudeerde oud-Bouwko’s, zijn in de prijzen gevallen uit bijna tweehonderd inzendingen. Ze hebben een nieuwe visie gepresenteerd op het monumentale Justitiepaleis, dat kampt met problemen inzake beveiliging, energieprestatie en functionaliteit.

brusselscourthousecontest.be surentudemul.com city4.nl

Above: ‘Energy city in Haarlem‘ by Dong Eun Lee Right: part of the exhibition Below: ‘De Muur‘ by Jerry Volkman

VISIONS FOR HAARLEM TEN GRADUATION PLANS OF BOUWKUNDE’S ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS ARE NOW EXHIBITED AT THE ABC ARCHITECTURE CENTRE IN HAARLEM. THE EXHIBITION ‘HAARLEM GOING EASTWARDS’ SHOWS SEVERAL VISIONS ON THE EASTERN BORDERS OF HAARLEM AND SPAARNWOUDE. HAARLEM – On 21 April, the mayor of Haarlem, Bernt Schneiders, opened the exhibition after an introduction of the plans by professor of the Architectural Engineering studio, Thijs Asselbergs. Since the students of the graduation studio were free to choose their own scale and functionality of their project, a wide variety of building typologies and technologies are exhibited, ranging from a dwelling ensemble to a transferium. Jerry Volkman, for example, proposes a new IMAX theater right next to the infamous dome prison complex. The iconography of the theater – a sphere inside a glass cube – emulates the prison. Dong Eun Lee’s plan takes a quite different approach: this proposal, a R&D centre for renewable energy, bridges the A200 highway and facilitates large research halls. In comparison to other architecture studios, Architectural Engineering holds the closest ties with the Building Technology department. Despite this, its students still graduate under the Architecture track, even though they take a much more technical approach compared to

the approach of other studios: technological innovation is often the central focus of the projects. On Friday the 20th of May, the municipality of Haarlem will organize a debate session in the ABC Architecture Centre. The ten exhibited projects will then be discussed in relation to the municipality’s vision on the area. The feasibility of the plans will also be discussed, together with the Haarlem chairman of spatial planning Ewout Cassee. The current exhibition is on display until the 22nd of May. (MS)

MORE INFORMATION ‘Haarlem GOing EASTwards’ 21 April to 22 May 2011 Debate: 20 May, 15:00 – 17:00 ABC Architectuurcentrum Haarlem, Groot Heiligland 47, Haarlem Students: Dong Eun Lee, Adjelko Harkema, Marcel van Hest, Daniel Kersbergen, Rein Roosma, Anne Marije Scheffe, Ieke Selen, Tim Veldhuis, Auke Verbraaken, Jerry Volkman



HET MOET MAAR EENS AFGELOPEN ZIJN MET HET WILLEN SCOREN DOOR HET GROENSTE BEDRIJVENPARK TER WERELD TE PLANNEN OF DE MEEST ENERGIEZUINIGE WOONWIJK VAN NEDERLAND TE WILLEN BOUWEN. VOLGENS PRAKTIJKHOOGLERAAR GEBIEDSONTWIKKELING FRISO DE ZEEUW IS HET TIJD VOOR EEN WERKELIJK DUURZAME AANPAK. DAAROM PUBLICEERDE HIJ VORIGE MAAND: 'DUURZAME GEBIEDSONTWIKKELING: DOE DE TIENKAMP!'. BK City — De publicatie, van de praktijkleerstoel Gebiedsontwikkeling in samenwerking met adviesbureau voor gebiedsontwikkeling H2Ruimte, presenteert een ontspannen en toekomstgerichte benadering op gebiedsontwikkeling die wars is van ideologie. Op dit moment zijn er talloze voorbeelden van plannen die willen exceleren op één milieuthema, vaak gaat dan alle aandacht uit naar bijvoorbeeld energie. Echter, vaak blijken ambities niet haalbaar of gaan ze ten koste van andere duurzame aspecten. De publicatie stelt dat als er gebieden moet worden ontwikkeld waar mensen prettig kunnen wonen, werken en recreëren, dan moet er ook aandacht worden besteed aan (cultuur)historie en identiteit van

een gebied, aan natuur en landschap, maar ook aan bodem, water en lucht en bijvoorbeeld sociaal-economische aspecten. “Je moet op alle onderdelen presteren, vergelijkbaar met de tienkamp. En de heroïek van de tienkamp is, dat als je te veel aandacht besteed aan één onderdeel dat altijd ten koste gaat van andere onderdelen. Duurzaamheid vraagt dus om een bredere benadering”, aldus Friso de Zeeuw. Maar volgens hem is de benadering en werkwijze, die ‘Doe de tienkamp!’ voorstaat, geen groen vergezicht. Het wordt in de praktijk al toegepast, bijvoorbeeld bij Bouwfonds Ontwikkeling. Directeur nieuwe markten, Bas van de Griendt, werkt daar met de MRE-benadering. In deze benadering worden Milieu en duurzaamheid gerelateerd aan de Ruimtelijke opgave

én met Economische aspecten. Er wordt gezocht naar een balans tussen deze drie aspecten, waarbij ook gekeken wordt naar haalbaarheid en betaalbaarheid. Anders dan in vergelijkbare handreikingen, heeft 'Doe de tienkamp' geen top down benadering, waarbij een bepaald label of keurmerk hoort die afhankelijk is van de milieu- of energieprestaties. Deze handreiking staat een pragmatische benadering voor, die juist bottom up en locatiespecifiek is gericht, waarbij wordt uitgegaan van de kenmerken en mogelijkheden van een gebied. En met deze publicatie hoopt De Zeeuw duurzame gebiedsontwikkeling hanteerbaar te maken. De publicatie is beschikbaar op:

gebiedsontwikkeling.nu (FvdZ)

JOIN THE ODC NOW! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WHAT IS GOING ON IN AND AROUND THE FACULTY AND ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES, THEN TAKE THIS CHANCE AND JOIN THE ONDERDEELCOMMISSIE (ODC). ALL STAFF MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE CAN JOIN THE ELECTIONS! BK City — The Faculty Personnel Committee, in Dutch Onderdeelcommissie (OdC), is the institution that represents the staff members of the faculty. With this call for applicants the OdC asks you to sign on for this years elections of the 31st of October and the 1st of November 2011. The Ondernemingsraad (OR) of the university has founded Faculty Personnel Committees at all the faculties and service departments of the TU Delft. This means that all rights and powers of the OR are in the hands of the OdC at each faculty. The task of the OdC is to monitor the agreements on the working conditions and it also tries to improve the possibilities for employees to develop themselves and to stimulate individual potentials.

Current OdC: Ivan Nevzgodin, Sjoerd Bijleveld, Charlotte Lelieveld, Nellie Schut-Baak, Guus Westgeest, Ben Bruens, Klaske Havik, Gerrie Hobbelman. Koos Vercouterena & Jolanda Dijkshoorn are not on the photo.

The OdC meets the Dean once a month, next to this the committee has an internal meeting each month as well. The current main topics are the Review Process, BK Slim and the 'flexplekken'. In the upcoming years the faculty has to realize a lot of budget cuts and it is the responsibility of the OdC to look after staff members’ interests as much as possible towards the Mangement Team. Therefore it is important that all the departments and services are represented in the OdC. The elections are open for each staff member of the faculty, although applicants from the Urbanism and the Service departments are desirable, since

the current OdC lacks members of these departments. And if you feel interested in applying, but you would like more information first, do not hesitate, ask one of the current OdC members. Are you willing to think along current issues and developments at the faculty and do you dare to be critical, please send an e-mail to secretary of the OdC, Tahnee van den Heuvel (T.vandenHeuvel@tudelft.nl), before July 1st. This e-mail should include a short motivation as well as your name, function and department. (FvdZ)

For more info about the OdC: Medewerkersportal > Overleg & advies > Medezeggenschap > Onderdeekcomissie

The department formally known as… Within our Faculty of Architecture we always reconsider - nearly everything. Currently, there is an ongoing restructuring of the layout of the faculty’s departments from quite a lot to some larger and some smaller ones (some do call these last ones the free radicals) - to a more rigid structure that perhaps makes it easier to organize the four large departments. Well, it has its positive aspects like shorter routes, a smaller management team and more structure, but the question of the rather big dimension of some of the new department’s remains. However, the decision has been made and now some units are in the process of reshuffling: where are the DSD and History placed, has Hyperbody to be a part of Architecture or, as Kas Oosterhuis commented in one of the latest issues of B-news: is Architecture itself to be redefined? And where do Winy Maas and Jo Coenen find their place? The department Building Technology is now facing the situation of integrating the Chair of Hyperbody, a fact since January 2011, and it is set to be merged with the RMIT unit. And of course, these changes influence the positioning of the new department to be built: it is about technology and design, it is about integration, it is about how to realize things, or it is about the technologies and aspects of reuse? Considering all this we do see that aspects of technology influence our architecture - not only in the way architecture is built but also how it is designed and why it is designed that way. We do have to understand technology as a source, a potential that influences the design - either you use it or you don’t - but then it will be established by someone else and out of the architects control, so not in his/ her thoughts. Still, some of these questions have to be answered. The department formally known as Building Technology will become the department of …. “HyperBmiT” - of course a working title and to be changed - but it expresses the level of influences and potentials. Prof.dr.ing. Ulrich Knaack Chair of Design of Construction & chairman of the department of Building Technology


B NIEUWS 12 16 MEI 2011

DOCENTEN OP CURSUS ALS ONTWERPDOCENT BEN JE JE NIET ALTIJD BEWUST VAN JE EIGEN MANIER VAN LESGEVEN EN HOE JE OVERKOMT OP STUDENTEN. MET DE CURSUS ONTWERPDIDACTIEK WILLEN CURSUSLEIDERS ELISE VAN DOOREN EN LUC WILLEKENS ONTWERPDOCENTEN MEER INSTRUMENTEN GEVEN OM HUN ONTWERPBEGELEIDINGEN EFFECTIEVER AAN TE PAKKEN. BK CITY – Sinds de start in september 2010 worden ontwerpdocenten ieder kwartaal uitgenodigd om aan de cursus deel te nemen. In zes dagdelen (de afgelopen keren zes dinsdagochtenden) wordt de theorie en praktijk van het doceren van studenten behandeld. Van Dooren: “Het is natuurlijk geen volwaardige opleiding didactische vaardigheden, daarvoor is de cursus veel te kort. Het doel is vooral om docenten bewuster les te laten geven. Hoe geef je opbouwende kritiek, hoe geef je studenten zelfvertrouwen?” Er zijn al wel cursussen didactiek op de TU Delft, maar deze zijn gericht op het doceren van colleges, in een zaal voor een grote groep studenten. “Onze cursus is specifiek gericht op ontwerpdocenten, die een veel persoonlijker en directer contact met hun studenten hebben”, aldus Van Dooren. De cursus vloeit voort uit een langer traject van onderzoek naar ontwerpdidactiek van Van Dooren en Willekens. Dit onderzoek heeft onder andere geleid tot het keuzevak ‘Van Gezel tot Meester’, waarin studenten les geven aan eerstejaars. Dit hele traject is weer onderdeel van het 3TU-traject ‘Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO)’, waarbij de TU Delft optrekt met de TU Eindhoven en de Universiteit Twente om de ‘onderwijsprestaties’ van docenten te verbeteren. Onderdeel van zowel het keuzevak als de cursus ontwerpdidactiek is het ter plekke lesgeven aan medecursisten. Tevens maak je een ontwerp dat beoordeeld wordt door je medecursistsen. Volgens cursist Luc de Vries was de cursus een confronterende, maar positieve ervaring. “Je weer even student voelen en de docent moeten overtuigen van de kwaliteit van je plan met alle onzekerheden, miscommunicaties en vooroordelen die daarbij horen, dat is in essentie wat de cursus je laat ervaren. De docenten weten binnen de groep een ontspannen sfeer te scheppen waarin je met plezier een snel ontwerp maakt en dit aan een medestudent voorlegt die dan voor ‘de docent’ speelt. In dit rollenspel komen alle valkuilen aan de orde die in het ontwerponderwijs op de loer liggen. Bijvoorbeeld dat je als docent van je eigen manier van leren uitgaat en te weinig rekening houdt met de verschillende manieren waarop de studenten leren”. Zo wordt docenten geleerd om studenten niet alleen te beoordelen op hun ontwerp, maar ook op het proces. Dan wordt het voor studenten duidelijker wat het ontwerpproces precies inhoudt en daar Neem voor meer worden ze weer zelfstandiger van. De kern informatie van de curus is dus tweeledig. Het gaat om contact op met de vragen over hoe je met studenten Elise van Door en: omgaat en om de inhoud van het doceren In e.j.g.c.vandoore n @tudelft.nl september 2011 kan de cursus, open voor alle (gast)docenten, weer worden gevolgd. Het is één van de maatregelen van Bouwkunde om de kwaliteit van het onderwijs te bewaken en te verbeteren. Van Dooren: “Het is een verdere stap in de professionalisering van het ontwerpdocentschap”. (MS)

RESEARCH REVIEW LAST SEMESTER A REVIEW ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS AND PROGRAMMES IN ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT AT THE TU DELFT WERE CARRIED OUT FOR THE PERIOD OF 2004-2010. THE FINAL RESULTS OF THIS PROCESS ARE DUE TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE COMING WEEKS, BUT BEFORE THAT HAPPENS, B NIEUWS WAS INVITED FOR A SNEAK PREVIEW OF THE FINAL DOCUMENT. BK CITY – While students are well acquainted with the process of research, the most critical and pioneering research is conducted by several research institutes and programmes at the TU Delft on the field of Architecture and the Built Environment. These institutes and programmes currently operate under the titles of Architecture, Computation & Performance, Design & History, Governance of Geo-information and Land Development, Green Building Innovation, Housing Quality, Innovations in Management of the Built Environment, and Urbanism. The review assessment analysed each of these groups and summarised their findings at an institutional level and at the level of each individual programme. At an institutional level, the assessment mostly sings the praises of research at the TU Delft in a loud voice, and with acceptance worldwide as a ‘Level One’ institute in the field of architectural education and research, who would be surprised? To summarise, the review group were vastly impressed with the productivity and volume of actual output, as well as the quality of the research conducted. ‘Simply put, the output of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is phenomenal’. A strong emphasis on design as a methodology for conducting research was also praised within the field of architectural research and it was well stated that the TU Delft can and should be competing not only at a national and European level, but also at a global scale. Despite this, there were still aspects that the review group highlighted as being problematic and restricting. In particular, management of research seems to be a challenging subject. In the document it is stated that

management of all research is a ‘hit and miss’ affair, and the review group felt that with all of the re-organisation that has taken place over the last number of years an extra burden and weight was created upon the research programmes. During this time, former dean Wytze Patijn literally abolished the entire management infrastructure for research, so with these elements combined, the review groups comments are hardly surprising. Also, despite being overwhelmed with the volume of output, the assessment illustrated disappointed that more of this was not publications in peer reviewed journals. Concerning each individual research institute and programme, again there was a folly of praise and excitement. A five point scale is used in the assessment, with 5 meaning ‘research is world leading’. Programmes were assessed in terms of Quality, Productivity, Societal Relevance, and Vitality and Feasibility. The average score between all of the programmes was just above 4 (‘research is internationally competitive’) and six of the eight programmes scored 5 in one or more category. The highest scoring programme, with an average of 4.75, was Governance of Geo-information and Land Development. While they are not currently part of the Faculty of Architecture at present (they are part of OTB), they will become part of the faculty of Architecture next semester. In summary, the TU Delft’s research institutes in the fields of Architecture and the Built Environment have proven that amongst fires, recessions and changing of deans, it is still, and will continue to be, one of the leading universities in the world. (SS)



AFTER SEVERAL MONTHS OF DESIGNING, MODELLING, DETAILING AND RE-WORKING, MARTIN FIALA EMERGED AS VICTOR IN THE STYLOS PAVILION COMPETITION. ONE MIGHT THINK THAT HE COULD NOW SIT BACK AND WAIT TO SEE THE FRUITS OF HIS LABOUR, BUT IN ACTUAL FACT, TO SEE THE PAVILION CONSTRUCTED, THE HARD WORK IS ONLY JUST BEGINNING. DESPITE THIS HARSH REALITY OF THE ARCHITECTURAL WORLD, WHERE WINNING A COMPETITION CAN SOMETIMES JUST BE THE BEGINNING, MARTIN HAS ALREADY INVESTED MANY PRECIOUS HOURS OF HIS OWN TIME ON THE PROJECT. BY SEAN SIMPSON BK CITY – As in all good design, the relationship between a project and its context is fundamental. In the case of ‘An Act of Folly’, this is no different as Martin’s proposal starts with an understanding of the courtyard at the entrance to the faculty and its urban condition. Compiling this with a perspective on the lack of informal meeting spaces in the interior of the faculty, the proposal aims to address these issues through the formation of a folly that creates focus upon the entrance courtyard. These design parameters are engaged in the design through its dynamic shape of sails, its sculptural qualities, and the creation of a ‘sitting landscape’ beneath the projects form. Combined with addressing these spatial contexts, the project also engages metaphorically with the social context of the faculty by creating a ‘symbolic umbrella’ that represents Stylos’ position as an organisation that gives cover

and support to students throughout the faculty. While this all may seem like plain sailing (pardon the pun) the process has been anything but that. When Martin, a bachelor student of architecture, started the project in the initial competition phase, he was going through a relatively quiet period of study and was working on the project in collaboration with another student, Aldrin van Loon. When the project made it through to the second phase of the competition, the conditions changed. Aldrin decided to focus on his studies and Martin’s normal work load began to pile up. This left Martin on his own to develop the project while also working on his own studio design project and various other assignments. Not to be fazed by these challenges, Martin pursued with the project investing evenings and weekends towards improving the design. The project, along with

the other entries, was given further development at the faculty during the second phase of the competition under the supervision of Hans Kalkhoven with the advice of Rob Nijsse from ATB (multidisciplinair adviesbureau voor bouwtechniek) for technical and budgetary issues. Pressurised for time amongst his studies, it seems that this lack of time may have proven to be a blessing in disguise. Ironically, it forced Martin to seek out a design that was ‘both effective and simple’, design qualities that he feels made the difference when it came to judging the project as it made the design feasible and ‘eye catching’. Also contributing to the win was the return of Alrdrin to the team during the final stages of the competitions second phase where he helped out with final competition submission, something that Martin is very grateful for. As mentioned previously, despite winning the competition, many

more months of work lie ahead as Martin strives to bring the project from a drawing board design to a tangible element to be constructed in the entrance courtyard of the faculty by the end of the next academic year. During these months the final design will be conceived through the last alterations to the design of the sails and further development of the landscape that nestles beneath the sails. Another crucial and painstaking task to be conducted during these months is the securing of financial backing for the project, a challenge the most professional of architects would be weary of in the current climate. Again, not to be fazed, Martin, along with the help of Stylos, hopes to secure part of the funds from the faculty while also trying to secure sponsorship for the project, preferably from whoever they find to manufacture the fundamental and bespoke elements of the project, the sails. For Martin, the process has indeed been a challenge, but as a student of architecture, the prospect of seeing a design that was first ‘scribbled on a piece of paper’ emerge into a tangible expression in front of the faculty will hopefully prove to be an ‘unimaginable feeling’ for the aspiring young architect.


B NIEUWS 12 16 MEI 2011



MARC SCHOONDERBEEK Marc Schoonderbeek is the coordinator of ‘Border Conditions’. He has practiced architecture in the Netherlands, Germany and Israel. In 1998, he founded '12PM-Architecture' At present, he is editor of Footprint magazine, lecturer and a regular contributor to architectural magazines. In January 2004, he co-founded 66EAST-Centre for Urban Culture and in 2008 published the book ´Houses in Transformation: interventions in European gentrification´ together with J.J. Berg, T. Kaminer, and J. Zonneveld.

SANG LEE Prior to his appointment at the TU Delft, Sang Lee was a lecturer of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania as well as an independent architect in New York. He has taught and served as a guest critic at numerous architecture schools around the world. In 2007, he co-edited "The Domestic and the Foreign in Architecture". He is currently editing "Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture" due out in July 2011.

What does Border Conditions do within the Public Building group and the Department of Architecture at large? Marc Schoonderbeek: Border Conditions is a full master’s programme in Architecture, which also includes research in combination with Territories. Border Conditions’ subtitle is “Experimental Architecture in Socio-Political Contexts”. It’s about investigating the borders of the discipline, the critical understanding of architecture and the way we theorize about it, but also the design techniques one uses and the ethical responsibilities of being an architect in a contemporary society. This idea of experimenting comes from a belief that an academic programme should be about testing the limits of the discipline. The second interpretation is that of borders as an architectural and spatial element. So we talk about the conflict of space where the border is the dividing line between us and the “other”. We really operate within the whole width in which one can interpret borders. Sang Lee: As a general position, if you want to expand your knowledge, you need to explore its borders. On a more practical level, this means some form of navigation using “maps”. In fact, maps form the basis of reality, not the other way around. In other

words, you understand the world by looking at the map, by observing the borders and thinking how you can cross these lines. In a way that falls within our conceptual framework. As Marc said, you need to experiment. You can learn formulas that work and practice their application. But is that why we come to study at a university? I personally feel that there are too many formulas taught at the faculty. MS: This might be considered provocative, but I think our faculty is more practical than being a forum for discussion and a probing ground. SL: And sure, the faculty does these formulaic exercises very well, but with the experimental side that expands the field, I don’t think the faculty is very comfortable. How did Border conditions get involved in the first Rome Biennale on Public Space and the embassy? MS: We simply responded to an open call for submissions. There were several categories and we submitted our students’ work into one of them. The organizing committee selected our studio’s work. We did not start the project itself because there would be a biennial exhibition in Rome where we could exhibit it. It was a regular studio project that we submitted.

SL: When I was in Rome in January to talk about Asger Jorn’s house in Italy at the Belgian Academy, there was a representative of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from its cultural section. After the lecture, he told me he liked what I talked about and if he could do anything to “help”. So I told him about our participation in the Rome Biennale and later got an e-mail from the embassy that they would host an event for us in parallel to the biennale. Does the studio often participate in these kinds of exhibitions? MS: We participated in the last edition of the Rotterdam Biennale, where we also submitted our studio's work in response to an open call. But whatever comes our way, it’s never that we plan a project in a specific place only because we might get exhibited. So the reason that Border Conditions can enter these exhibitions and answer these calls is because of the subject matter in the studio or is it just a coincidence? MS: It depends on the themes that are called for. Sometimes they fit, some other times they don’t. SL: For the faculty to do something that is considered relevant is an important issue, especially


L’Acqua Felice acqueduct in Rome and its mapping by Border Condition students

MS: We started this project in September, after the release of the Border Conditions book and we tried to set up a cooperation with a couple of people we worked with on the book. So the Rome project was set up with Francesco Careri of the Stalker group in Rome and Francesco Marullo was also initially involved, but that did not work out because of the budget. We then visited Rome for two and a half weeks. We had discussions and presentations and we also did our own exploration of the city. The work that we will show at the Rome Biennale is the group analysis of the Felice Aqueduct [L’Acqua Felice - ed.]. The group made a series of maps based on the walk and the spatial investigation of the aqueduct. Some students have taken up this investigation and incorporated it in their design proposals and others didn’t. MS: At the Rome Biennale we are only going to show the research, because it is related to understanding of public/non-public space. At the embassy, we will also show the student projects which have dealt with the aqueduct. This is still a work in progress, as the Rome Project is a graduation studio and the students have yet to graduate. The students are very enthusiastic about the project and the opportunity to present their work.

“PARTICIPATING IN THESE KINDS OF EXHIBITIONS ... SHOWS THAT WHAT WE’RE DOING IS RELEVANT OUTSIDE THE FACULTY” when the faculty is cutting its budget. Whenever there is a budget cut, it will most likely be in research before education. Participating in these kinds of venues as much as we can is one way to make what we do relevant outside of the faculty. That is one of the ways in which we can measure how our work relates to a wider context beyond the narrow confines of the faculty. This is the first Rome Biennale, can you tell us more about the exhibition?

MS: To be honest, the flow of information from the curators has not been very smooth, so we are not very clear about what to expect. We don’t know how it will be exhibited, but we do know that we have to bring the work there ourselves. After the presentation, it will be discussed with five or six other groups [that will also be exhibiting – ed.], which will last about an hour. SL: That’s the public presentation part. The venue itself is in a former slaughterhouse district in Rome. It’s a fairly large complex,

so it will be in a large exposition environment. This Biennale is framed around the notion of public space. So unlike Venice, which is about the individual architects, this is about public space at large. This is where the interest of the embassy comes; they are interested in economic and cultural development through regional and spatial planning and design. In that way, the idea behind the Rome Biennale, Border Conditions’ research and education agenda and the ineterest of the embassy all became connected together.

Since the work has been exhibited in Rome, will it be exhibited at the faculty? MS: We have a tradition of always exhibiting the graduates’ work somewhere at the faculty, and most of the time it is announced via B Nieuws as well. Last time the students themselves initiated the exhibition; they called it the P6. It’s required for them to display their work at the end of MSc 3 anyway. In addition to exhibiting their work in the faculty, the P6 group have taken the initiative to show their work at the Schieblock in Rotterdam, hopefully on display very soon.

ROME BIENNALE The first Rome Biennale on Public Space took place on 12, 13 and 14th May 2011. biennalespaziopubblico.it


B NIEUWS 12 16 MEI 2011



LAFAYETTE PARK IN BK CITY EVEN THOUGH OUR FACULTY HAS HOSTED A FEW NOTEWORTHY EXHIBITIONS, INCLUDING THE PRESTIGIOUS ARCHIPRIX (BEST GRADUATION PROJECTS BY DUTCH STUDENTS), THE UPCOMING EXHIBITION ABOUT LAFAYETTE PARK IS SLATED TO BE THE FIRST MAJOR INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION THAT HAS VISITED OUR FACULTY SINCE THE OLD BUILDING BURNED DOWN IN MAY 2008. The exhibition’s subject is Lafayette Park, a postwar urban renewal project in Detroit, USA. And while Detroit has been the subject of much interest and infamy lately, with its depopulation and decline, the exhibition does not focus on these aspects. “The exhibition focuses on the urbanistic and architectural qualities of the plan as it was executed,” says Henco Bekkering, professor of Metropolitan Design at the faculty. The full exhibition, which is coming to the faculty from Milan is ready-made, although some adjustments will have to be made in displaying the material. “In addition, students from Design as Politics will produce extra material regarding the project that will be exhibited alongside the material from Milan.” But why is the exhibition of such interest to the faculty? Possibly due to the fact that the original project was planned by two of the most (in)famous modernists of their time, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Ludwig Hilbeseimer. Mies, well known for his motto “Less is more” and Hilbeseimer for his (in this writer’s opinion) dystopian-looking visions of the modern metropolis, he designed, perhaps quite surprisingly, one of the few areas of Detroit that even now seems to defy the decay of the city. But the project was not without its controversies. “Large areas of slums were cleared and their original inhabitants displaced. Lafayette Park was meant to bring the more affluent classes back to the city,” Bekkering continues. “This is what our students will focus on in their analysis.” The exhibition will open in the Oostserre on the 6th of June and will remain open to all interested until the 1st of July. “The project itself is a Gesamtkunstwerk [total work of art], with Hilbeseimer's urban plan, Mies's trademark architectural style and landscape designed by Alfred Caldwell,” stresses Bekkering. As is fitting, the exhibition will be started by a mini-symposium on the 9th of June from 14:00-16:30, with lectures by Henco Bekkering, Susanne Komossa (who initiated the exhibition be brought to Delft) Dick van Gameren (professor of Dwelling and Head of Architecture) and will also feature a lecture from the department of Building Technology and a guest from Milan. (PS)

The second edition of the book ‘Tubular Structures in Architecture’ presents an encyclopaedic overview of the use, considerations, benefits and dangers of an architecture made of metal tubes. But first and foremost, the book presents the joy of designing buildings with these structures. “Initially, the publisher came up with twenty recommendations on tubular structure design they wanted me to put into the book. But I told them that not one architect would read that. This book should inspire architects, show them what’s possible and how far this technology has developed already”, says Eekhout. The design and technology of tubular structures have come a long way since the days of the Forth Bridge, built with riveted tubes in 1889. When the first edition of ‘Tubular Structures in Architecture’ was published in 1996, the Kansai international airport (by Renzo Piano) was at the time the state-of-the-art of tubular architecture. From the 90s onwards, freeform architecture, characterized by Gehry’s Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, was the next trend to feature tubular structures. However, the relationship between freeform architects like Gehry and building engineers became more difficult: the engineers had a hard time realizing the soaring ambitions of the architects, what more often than not resulted in suboptimal structures and detailing.

Nowadays however, the engineers have caught up. The complexity of freeform architecture required close cooperation between different building engineers, inevitably leading to working with a three-dimensional computer model shared between architects, engineers and contractors: a so-called BIM-model (BIM stands for Building Information Modelling). Eekhout: “BIM opens up the opportunity for architects to take back their role as the leading director of the building team. Now more than ever, they can have their say on any aspect of the building, from its setting in the context down to the smallest detail. But this does imply that they also take responsibility for their project, which could end badly if something goes wrong. It takes courage, but if the architects don’t do it, their role in the building team will be marginalized until they do nothing more than making fancy images”. This notion, described at length in the book, makes its scope even broader, linking the future of the architect to the need for the architect to take responsibility now in the building process. As an example, Eekhout again points to Renzo Piano, who at 74 is still travelling the world to coordinate every project his office is involved in. “You can wonder if it’s good for your health, but he has a devotion to his work that’s clearly needed if architects want to stay in control. It’s their turn now”. (MS)

MICK EEKHOUT Prof. Dr. Mick Eekhout is professor of Product Development at the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft since 1991. He has worked as an architect, structural engineer, industrial designer and specialized contractor. Since 1983 he is director of Octatube International BV, designing, developing and realizing three-dimensional tubular structures in architecture. mickeekhout.nl octatube.nl




Urban Proposal



Internally displaced person: a person who has been forced to flee their home due to violence or disaster without crossing a border. Refugee: a person who, due to the threat of violence or disaster, has fled their home and is outside the country of their nationality. Stateless person: a person with no registered citizenship, or who has renounced their citizenship while on foreign soil. UN Refugee Agency: an agency mandated to protect and support refugees in repatriation, local integration or resettlement in a third country. The Refugee Convention: an international convention that defines who is a refugee and the rights of individuals who are granted asylum. No man’s land: land that is unoccupied or is under dispute between parties that leave it unoccupied due to fear or uncertainty. There is a Burmese saying, “difficult to move forward, difficult to move back”.

It is estimated that that up to five million illegal Burmese immigrants are currently living in Thailand. Burmese refugees are the main beneficiaries of UN resettlement programs and Burmese refugee camps on the Thai border (150,000 refugees) recently ‘celebrated’ their 25th birthday. As a result of these consequences, a state of permanent "temporality" has evolved in these camps creating specific spatial consequences as a result of migration. A fascination of these statistics and conditions forms the case study of the project. During a two month experimental field research qualitative interviewing methods were used and a mental map was drawn representing the spatial situation. The Burmese military regime has forced ethnic minorities (Shan, Mon and Karen) to flee to Thailand. Thailand never signed the Refugee Convention, making it impossible for refugees to gain basic human rights. Besides political disaster, US sanctions have closed down Burmese garment export, creating a huge illegal border industry. Humanitarian organizations are trying desperately to formalise the rights of illegal workers but the informal and formal processes are intertwined.


The main potential lies in the possibility for refugees to inhabit in-between space. An existing friendship bridge between the two countries functioned as host for the design of an extraterritorial garment factory. This allows Burmese migrants to work and live in better spatial circumstances with optimisation of humanitarian aid. The factory was designed as a low-tech and informal structure: a parasite to the existing formal bridge with bamboo is an obvious local choice. Poles are joined with pegs and bolts to form a suspended structure under existing concrete beams. A woven facade of bamboo and textile protects against the elements. The urban layout of the river raft is determined by sanitation units (provided by humanitarian organizations), forming a grid around which makeshift houses create intimate courtyards. For more information on Laura’s project and her research, visit her blog at laurasplaceinspace.blogspot.com


Compositie met Geel, Blauw en Rood Als de schilderwerken van Mondriaan kunnen worden opgevat als werken bevrijd van de symboliek en verbeelding in kunst (die immers altijd ondergeschikt zouden zijn aan hetgeen ze symboliseren of uitbeelden), dan is het werk van Rietveld en zijn moderne architectkornuiten het exact tegenovergestelde. Zij zorgen ervoor dat abstracte indelingen weer functioneel worden en ondergeschikt aan iets werkelijks en nuttigs. De compositie met Geel, Blauw en Rood wordt opeens een Vinex-huis, waar op is ingezoomd, zodat we nu alleen nog ongeveer de helft van het gebouw kunnen aanschouwen, met de garage. De garage, aan de linkerkant van het werk, ligt iets terug en is met de weg verbonden door een geel oprijlaantje. Het heeft bovendien een traditioneel rood dak, waarschijnlijk een zadeldak met de kruin parallel aan de straat. Een witte garagedeur. Rechts staat het hoofdgedeelte: het woonhuis. We zien een horizontaal ritme, kleiner dan de hoogte van de garage, en dus naar alle waarschijnlijkheid een grafisch gevelritme, in combinatie met een verticale verdeler. Een blauw vlak lijnt zich af binnen het ritme. Op het totale oppervlak van de façade lijkt dit een vrij groot vlak te zijn. We hebben dus te maken met het raam van een lichte doorzonwoning. De keuze om het oninteressante vlak tussen de garage en het raam centraal te plaatsen in de gekantelde canvasindeling van dit schilderij, is logisch: de garage aan de ene kant is een fundamenteel onderdeel in de forens-cultuur die de Vinex over het algemeen kenmerkt. Werk en privé zijn gescheiden, en die scheiding is tegenwoordig in kilometers uit te drukken. Zonder garage geen Vinex. Het raam, aan de andere kant, is een net zo essentieel onderdeel van de Vinex-doctrine. Via het raam onthult de privé-bewoner zich, en vice versa, aan een verzameling mensen die we tegenwoordig de "gemeenschap" noemen: buren en eventuele verdwaalde voorbijgangers uit aangrenzende stadsdelen. We kunnen ons constant geruststellen dat we in de nabijheid zijn van andere mensen – een gegeven wat het sociale dier in ons verlangt. Bovendien refereert menselijke activiteit aan de tijd waarin het dorpsgevoel nog verplicht was, en een algemeen idee van 'gezelligheid', of althans de potentie daartoe. En al deze geruststellingen komen de woning binnengevloeid zonder de bijkomende narigheid van fysiek contact, geluid, geuren of andere verstoringen: de gemeenschap wordt veilig buiten gehouden door het raam. Achter de blinde muur bevindt zich misschien de ingangpartij (met een deur aan de garagekant, zodat men zo min mogelijk afstand hoeft te overbruggen van auto-cocon, via buitenlucht, naar huis-cocon), met toilet en/of trap naar boven, aangezien die meestal in de omgeving van de entree te vinden zijn. Voor het huis ligt een tuintje van onbepaalde grootte. Door de schilder aangegeven in zwart, kleur van Nederlandse zeeklei. Mondriaan is dood.

Louche louche@mail.org

B NIEUWS 12 16 MEI 2011


Deep-rooted sentiments? Interesting views? Use forum as your discussion platform! Send your articles and letters to bnieuws-bk@tudelft.nl. Texts may be edited for length or clarity.

instellingen een beroep gedaan bij het

Kom stemmen op 25 en 26 mei!

bestendigen van dit succes. (….) Je kunt

Woensdag 25 en donderdag 26 mei is het

dus de conclusie trekken dat wordt

weer zover: alle TU-studenten kunnen

voorgesteld om af te breken wat in 20

stemmen voor de studentenraad van

jaar is opgebouwd.

volgend jaar. Vorig jaar waren het geel en

het bedrijfsleven regelmatig op ons als

groen van partij ORAS de enige kleuren De schade bij het NAi gaat veel verder

die de TU-wijk kleurden tijdens de

dan dit ene aspect. Er wordt weliswaar

verkiezingen, maar dat is dit jaar anders:

voor het NAi vanuit gegaan dat het voort

ook het donderblauw van de kakelverse

kan gaan op de integrale basis van

studentenraadpartij Lijst Bèta zal te zien

erfgoedfunctie, museumfunctie en

zijn. Een tegenstander van ORAS dus en

Op 29 april 2011 presenteerde de Raad

podiumfunctie. Tegelijkertijd moet dit

daar is ORAS blij mee.

voor Cultuur zijn ‘Advies bezuiniging

gebeuren met veel minder middelen. Dit

cultuur 2013-2016’. Het advies geeft

is erg onrealistisch. Een miljoen, ook als

Afgelopen jaar is ORAS bewuster dan

concrete aanwijzingen – per sector en

deze deels wordt “gecompenseerd” door

ooit bezig geweest met haar eigen

soms zelfs per instelling – waar de door

gelden voor de IABR, betekent voor het

profilering en haar rol in de studenten-

de staatsecretaris OCW voorgestelde

NAi dermate korting op de activiteiten-

raad. Recent is de visie van ORAS in

bezuinigingen dienen te worden

begroting, dat continuering van het NAi

foldervorm verschenen en deze is nu op

doorgevoerd. Zo ook voor de sector

zoals we het kennen in het geding komt.

te halen bij studieverenigingen en

architectuur. Ole Bouman – directeur van

Laat staan dat het zijn reputatie met

natuurlijk bij ORAS zelf. Dit is gedaan

het NAi – reageerde op de bezuinigings-

verve gestand kan doen.

omdat het belangrijk is dat studenten

Bezuinigingsvoorstellen Raad voor Cultuur raken architectuur

voorstellen van de Raad voor Cultuur

weten waar ze op kunnen stemmen

voor de sector architectuur onder de titel


tijdens de verkiezingen.

‘De rekensom regeert’. Een deel van zijn

Al deze observaties ten aanzien van wat

ORAS is een partij die zich onderscheidt

reactie leest u hier:

er in het Raadsadvies staat, vallen in het

door naast de kwaliteit van het onderwijs

niet bij alles wat er niet in staat maar er

en de faciliteiten, ook ontplooiing van


in de realiteit wel is. Wat heb je aan een

studenten hoog op de prioriteitenlijst te

“Het advies van de raad is om de

advies dat zich vrijwel uitsluitend

plaatsen. Een goed ingenieur word je

architectuur sector met 20% aan te slaan,

beperkt tot reductie van het bestaande,

immers niet door slechts over vakinhou-

waarmee het nog enigszins gunstig

terwijl iedereen begrijpt dat het in deze

delijke kennis te beschikken. Je moet

afsteekt ten opzichte van andere

tijd minstens zoveel moet gaan om de

kunnen samenwerken, plannen,

disciplines (gemiddeld 26%). Echter, door

creatie van het nieuwe? En dan te

wereldwijs worden, met verantwoorde-

de relatief kleine subsidie voor deze

bedenken dat innovatie en experiment

lijkheid kunnen omgaan, communicatief

sector hakt het er niettemin enorm in.

leidend zijn geweest als een van de

sterk zijn, noem maar op. Daarom is het

Hier volgt de prijs die de bezuiniging op

beoordelingscriteria om tot de Nieuwe

belangrijk dat studenten zich met

het architectuurbudget met zich

Infrastructuur te komen. Hier blijven

extra-curriculaire activiteiten (commissie-


legio kansen om munt te slaan uit nieuwe

en bestuurswerk, verdiepingsprojecten

dynamiek onbenut. Waar blijven de

zoals de NUNA, buitenlandervaring etc.)

a. Beëindiging van de functie postacade-

inzichten die ontstaan uit: de lessen van

op meerdere vlakken kunnen ontwikkelen.

mische instelling (Berlage instituut)

DutchDFA, de adoptie van Creatieve

b. Bezuiniging op Nederlands Architec-

Industrie als topgebied, de ontwikkeling

Dit is waar ORAS al 38 jaar succesvol

tuurinstituut (NAi) a 1 miljoen

van het architectuurbeleid binnen een

voor strijdt en waar ze de komende jaren

c. Onderbrengen Internationale

nieuwe configuratie van verantwoorde-

mee door zal gaan. Jij kan ORAS daarbij

Architecuur Biennale Rotterdam bij het

lijke Ministeries, de relatie met het

helpen door op ORAS te stemmen op 25

NAi. De biënnale kan daarmee niet op

nationaal ruimtelijk beleid, de relatie met

of 26 mei. Als je het echter helemaal niet

het zelfde niveau worden gehouden.

de innovatieagenda van het kabinet, de

eens bent met bovenstaand verhaal,

d. Het Stimuleringsfonds voor Architec-

relatie met de erfgoedsector? Al deze

neem dan vooral de tijd en moeite om uit

tuur wordt een overheidsgestuurd fonds

zaken zijn essentieel om de impact van

te zoeken hoe Lijst Bèta tegen het

het advies te wegen en de inhoud zwaar

studentenleven aankijkt en maak dan je

te nuanceren.

keuze. Stem in ieder geval, zodat de

Een snelle analyse van deze ingrepen laat zien dat vooral wordt gekort op het

studentenraad van volgend jaar jou weer

internationale imago van Nederland en

Zelden zal zoveel verandering zijn

met voldoende draagvlak kan vertegen-

het economische bereik van de

voorgesteld op grond van zo weinig


ontwerpsector dat daarmee gepaard



gaat. NAi, IABR en Berlage instituut belichamen de grote internationale reputatie van de Nederlandse architectuur. Daarmee hebben ze ook een belangrijk deel in het zakelijke succes van de ruimtelijk-creatieve sector in het buitenland. Er wordt vanuit het Rijk en

Voor het Advies bezuiniging cultuur 2013 – 2016 van de Raad voor Cultuur: www.cultuur.nl Voor de volledige reactie ‘De Rekensom Regeert’ van Ole Bouwman: www.nai.nl.

Disclaimer Lijst Bèta was tijdens dit schrijven niet bereikbaar voor een reactie. Toch wil B Nieuws hen niet onthouden van publiciteit. Kijk voor meer informatie op:


UPDATE ‘HERIJKING’ BK / STREETS 11 MAATREGELEN ONDERWIJS IN KADER HERIJKING MET INGANG VAN SEPTEMBER 2011 LAAT DE FACULTEIT BOUWKUNDE NOG SLECHTS EEN BEPERKT AANTAL STUDENTEN TOE TOT DE BACHELOROPLEIDING (NUMERUS FIXUS). VANAF HET COLLEGEJAAR 2012-2013 WIL BOUWKUNDE DECENTRALE SELECTIE INVOEREN. Deze maatregelen dragen bij aan de herijkingsopgave van de faculteit: onderwijs blijft betaalbaar en met minder studenten kan ook in de toekomst hoogwaardig onderwijs worden aangeboden. Numerus Fixus voor het collegejaar 2011-2012 Vanaf komend collegejaar stelt de Technische Universiteit Delft een Numerus Fixus in voor de faculteit Bouwkunde. Elk jaar kan slechts een beperkt aantal eerstejaars aan de Bacheloropleiding Bouwkunde beginnen (450 studenten in 20112012). Decentrale selectie Bouwkunde heeft voorgesteld

decentrale selectie in te voeren met ingang van collegejaar 20122013; de faculteit vindt dat alleen hoge gemiddelde eindexamencijfers niet alles zeggen over de kans op studiesucces. Decentrale selectie betekent dat Bouwkunde scholieren selecteert op kennis of vaardigheden die voor de opleiding belangrijk zijn. Deze manier van selecteren is ook een proef voor latere volledige ‘selectie aan de poort’ (zonder loting). Bouwkunde stelt decentrale selectie in twee rondes voor. Scholieren moeten allereerst een online toets maken. Vragen zijn gericht op het inzicht in en de verwachtingen over de Bacheloropleiding en het

werkveld van de bouwkundig ingenieur. De beste gegadigden worden in de tweede ronde uitgenodigd voor een ‘bouwkundige’ toets ‘op zaal’. Dan worden zij getest op ruimtelijk inzicht en de aanleg voor ‘ontwerpdenken’, als ook van het vermogen om een vraagstuk al tekenend op te lossen en de oplossing schriftelijk te verantwoorden. Studiesucces en studeerbaarheid De herijkingsopgave gaat verder dan alleen vermindering van het aantal studenten. Het studiesucces moet omhoog; de studieduur moet omlaag (naar ten hoogste zeven jaar). Michiel Riedijk, opleidingsdirecteur Bachelorop-

leiding, neemt daarom niet alleen de kwaliteit maar ook de studeerbaarheid van de Bacheloropleiding onder de loep. De gevolgen van de voorstellen uit de nota Naar een bacheloropleiding in vier jaar (TUD, Januari 2011) worden daarbij in kaart gebracht. Beter en betaalbaar onderwijs In het najaar van 2010 is een verkenning gedaan naar de gevolgen op langere termijn van de lagere instroom en de maatregelen gericht op studiesucces. De studentenpopulatie van Bacheloren Masteropleiding samen daalt van ruim 3300 in 2010 naar 2500 in 2014 en ruim 2000 in 2018. Met een kleiner aantal meer geschikte studenten blijft de kwaliteit van het onderwijs ook in de toekomst gewaarborgd. Het onderwijs wordt zo beter en blijft betaalbaar.



Anouk Brouwer, MSc 1 Architecture Public Building In that case I would check out Eindhoven and other studies. My grades in high school weren’t that great to just pass through numerus fixus. But apparently people with lower grades often have more discipline and they can do well here, so selecting people on grades is not the best choice. Decentral selection seems a better measure than numerus fixus, and I would study up on architects and architectural styles before applying. COLOFON

Rik Holierhoek, MSc 2 Architecture Dwelling I always wanted to go to Delft, so I would still go for it, but I would apply to Eindhoven as my second choice. I actually went from MBO to HBO to the university and didn’t do the bachelor here, but if any of these measures were for master students, I would still apply.

Sylke Koopmans, MSc 1 Urbanism I wouldn’t choose this study again, but not because of these measures. My grades were good and I would have made it through numerus fixus, but I would have chosen a more technical study, so with this motivation I probably wouln't have made it through decentral selection.

B Nieuws is a three-weekly periodical of the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft.

0031 (0) 6 347 443 25 bnieuws-bk@tudelft.nl bnieuws.wordpress.com b-nieuws.bk.tudelft.nl issuu.com/bnieuws

Editorial Advice Board Marten Dashorst Ania Molenda Robert Nottrot Linda de Vos

Contributors Louche Ulrich Knaack Laura van Santen ORAS

Faculty of Architecture, BK City, Delft University of Technology Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft room BG.Midden.140

Editorial Board Anne de Haij Sean Sipmson Peter Smisek Marcello Soeleman Floris van der Zee

Cover illustration INDESEM 2009. Photograph by Willem Barendregt

Next deadline Wednesday May 26, 12:00 PM B Nieuws 13, July 02 2011

Print Drukkerij Tan Heck, Delft

Tom Kuipers, MSc 3 Urbanism I would choose this study again, because I’ve known I wanted to do it for a long time; I wouldn’t know what else to do. As long as your grades are good you can make it through the numerus fixus. I think decentral selection seems a very bothersome process, but I would go for it anyway. I would prepare for it already in high school and I’d choose different subjects. Decentral selection seems suitable for those who have always wanted to do this study.

Illustrations only in *.tif, *.eps or *.jpg format, min 300 dpi Unsollicited articles can have a maximum of 500 words, announcements 50 words. The editorial board has the right to shorten and edit articles, or to refuse articles that have an insinuating, discriminatory or vindicatory

character or contain unnecessary coarse language. The editorial board informs the author(s) concerning the reason for its deciscion, directly after it has been made.



WEEK 20 Lecture



17.05.2011 When Henco Bekkering, professor of Urban Design at TU Delft, was Visiting Scholar at the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University in Beijing, P.R. China, he experienced at first hand the two main differences in culture that influence Chinese cities: about privacy and publicness and about historical continuity. Bekkering shows his impressions of Beijing as a city of the fastest growth, resulting in the disappearance of most of the historical tissue, and in building amazing new infrastructures in an attempt to create a working urban machine that can keep up with its rapid development. Room B/ BK City/ 12.45 bk.tudelft.nl

20.05.2011 Voor Bachelorstudenten die meer aankunnen dan het studieprogramma voorschrijft is er het Challent programma: een uitdagend aanvullend programma voor studenten die bovengemiddeld presteren. Voor geïnteresseerden in het programma zal een lunchvoorlichting worden georganiseerd waar zal worden uitgelegd hoe het facultaire Challent programma er uit ziet en aan welke toelatingsvoorwaarden een Bouwkunde student moet voldoen. Zaal A/ BK City/ 12.45 - 13.30 challent.tudelft.nl

30.05.2011 Paul Glover (Green Planners) gaat in zijn workshop getiteld 'Making Money: How to Start a Local Currency', dieper in op het systeem van timebanken. Paul Glover is community organizer, voorvechter van alternatieve economische systemen en oprichter van de 'Ithaca Hours', een zeer succesvolle lokale munteenheid in de staat New York Stroom/ Den Haag/ 10.00 17.00/ reserveren noodzakelijk stroom.nl

Beijing, City of Growth


The Future Envelope 5 19.05.2011 All around us, new technologies and materials emerge at an unknown rate. However, where other disciplines are advancing, it seems that the building industry is reluctant to pick up new trends. Since we want to be at the top we need to find ways to integrate new developments into the unique and project oriented building discipline. Aula/ TU Delft/ 8.30 - 17.30/ student: €15/ employer: €50 bk.tudelft.nl

Capita Selecta

Catalysts Interventions in Urban Transformations 19.05.2011 The Capita Selecta lectures focus on a number of both 'research by design’ projects and contemporary examples from practice, where the interplay between new interventions and urban context gets another dimension. The main goal is to give a more detailed insight into the strategies followed in urban transformations. This Thursday lectures by Jean-Pierre Pranlas (Atelier Pranlas-Descours - Paris) and Antonio Ortiz (Cruz y Ortiz – Sevilla) Room A/ BK City/ 18.00 buildingtypology.nl


How do you landscape? 19.05.2011 The Master Track Landscape hosts its third public lecture series. The focus of this 3rd lecture series is on the approach of memories that build up the many strata of landscape, versus an ideas-based approach - arising from and connecting back to memory. This afternoon lectures by Jelly Reumer and Bruno Doedens. 01.WEST 550/ BK City/ 16.00 bk.tudelft.nl

Challent - BK

Making Money: How to Start a Local Currency

Public lectures

New Urbanism Seminar


Utopia London 24.05.2011 Utopia London is Tom Cordell’s journey in film through the city he grew up in, meeting the architects who designed it, and reflecting upon their utopian visions to build a fair and open society. Room B/ Bk City/ 18.00/ €5 - €7 including pizza Explore lab 12

Capita Selecta

Catalysts Interventions in Urban Transformations 26.05.2011 The Capita Selecta lectures focus on a number of both 'research by design’ projects and contemporary examples from practice, where the interplay between new interventions and urban context gets another dimension. The main goal is to give a more detailed insight into the strategies followed in urban transformations. This Thursday lectures by Giacomo Delbene (SelfArquitectura - Barcelona) and Toni Casamor (Baena Casamor Architects - Barcelona) Room A/ BK City/ 18.00 buildingtypology.nl

Stylos Masterclas V: Wouter Vanstiphout On the 10th of June, prof. dr. Wouter Vanstiphout will be giving the next Stylos Masterclass. Vanstiphout is professor at the 'Design as Politics' chair and therefore this masterclass will deal with the socio-political aspects of a problematic location in Rotterdam. The result will be a new proposal for development. Information regarding the Masterclass and Wouter Vanstiphout can be found on stylos.nl->commissies>Masterclass. Subscription will be open from May 16th until June 1st. Subscribe for the Stylos Masterclass now!

WEEK 21 24.05.2011 In light of the New Urbanism Seminar two public lectures will be held on Tuesday 24th of May. Guestspeakers are prof. Samantha Salden of the University of Notre Dame (USA) and Ir. Peter Verschuren of the Council for European Urbanism (NL). They will address the embodied values and design principles of New Urbanism. Zaal B/ BK City/ 16.00 bk.tudelft.nl


INDESEM Program:

Losing Ground

Vanstiphout will also be giving a new lecture series ‘Blame the Architect’for which the enrollment will close on May 27th (AR0494). stylos.nl

16.05.2011 12.45 - 13.30: Oostserre Herman Hertzberger 17.45 - 18.30: Room A Warren Neidich 18.45 -19.30: Room A Marcos Novak 17.05.2011 12.45 - 13.30: Oostserre Julius Huijnk 17.45 - 18.30: Room A Chris Speed 18.45 -19.30: Room A Christine Boyer 18.05.2011 12.45 - 13.30: Oostserre Erik Kluitenberg 17.45 - 18.30: Room A Frans Vogelaar 18.45 -19.30: Room A Daan Roosegaarde 19.05.2011 12.45 - 13.30: Oostserre Neil Leach 20.05.2011 12.45 - 13.30: Oostserre Peter Cook indesem.nl

TENTOONSTELLINGEN Lafayette Park, Detroit BK City/ TU Delft/ 05.2011 - 0.2011

Haarlem GOing EASTwards

ABC Haarlem/ Haarlem/ 21.04.2011 - 22.05.2011

Interactieve city game YAP-YASA

BK City/ TU Delft/ 16.05.2011 - 20.05.2011/Oostserre/ afterwards till June in the Zuidserre

The pilgrim, the tourist, the flaneur and the worker van Abbemuseum/ Eindhoven/ 26.02.2011 - 20.08.2011

Rotterdam Woont

City Promotion Centre/ Rotterdam/ 31.03.2011 - 31.05.2011

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