adidas Outdoor magazine spring/summer 2011

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spring summer 2011

trick of

the trad

beat kammerlander and alex luger - rätikon

outdoor 1

t highlights spring / summer 201

adidas outdoor magazine & produc

loferer steinberge

just for the thrill of it highline kapuzenturm

magic moment bernd zangerl

microcosmos bouldering ÂťstoamanndlÂŤ


For some it’s the sheer enjoyment of the outdoors, no matter what you are going for. For others it’s a particular thrill – a stunning highline, pinning it up and down trails, finding new challenges in your neck of the woods or getting this new route done you’ve always had in mind. Winging it solo, teaming up with a partner, or as a group of friends it’s a passion for the outdoors that brings us all together...

all passion


imprint outdoor Magazine & Product Highlights Spring / Summer 2011 is the official outdoor catalog with editorial content of adidas AG. adidas outdoor Magazine is published twice a year. Published by adidas AG World of Sports Adi-Dassler-Straße 1 91074 Herzogenaurach Germany

Concept and realisation bøa! agentur gmbh supported by Michael Meisl Photographer Michael Meisl Additional photographers Gerhard Heidorn and Christian Waldegger Text Denise Günzel, Bernd Zangerl Copy writing and english translation Giles Tilling / wordworks 3D graphics Mario Kaufmann / MKFX all data are subject to change and are provided without any guarantee. printing and layout errors excepted.all rights reserved. may not be copied. © 2011 adidas AG. adidas, the 3-Bars logo, and the 3-Stripes mark are registered trademarks of the adidas Group.

4 I5

Loferer Steinberge

Highline Kapuzenturm

13 summits and more than 4000 metres’ total ascent in a day. Friends say it’s crazy; Kogs and Toni say it’s fun. Share their adventure as they set out to run their home mountain range with plenty of thrills along the way.

Ever experienced a magical moment? Imposing, isolated and set in a mountainscape of jagged peaks as far as the eye can see - take a walk across to the Kapuzenturm with nothing but a twoand-a-half centimetre wide slackline line between you and the valley floor below.

just for the thrill of it

magic moment




02 all passion






06 loferer steinberge 18 technology footwear 20 products footwear 26 highline kapuzenturm 34 TERREX™ SOLO 36 trick of the trad 42 technology apparel 44 BodyMapping 48 products apparel 60 specials



62 huberbuam

Grade 10+ overhangs, extended runouts and one of the most impressive natural backdrops anywhere in the world.

When it looks impossible, it‘s irresistible.

70 microcosmos bouldering 78 all together



Follow the first red point ascent of this awesome route - minimum fixed protection and a dream line - christened “Stoamanndl” by non other than the Huber brothers.


Bouldering has pushed back the limits to the technical possibilities of climbing. Block out your surroundings and focus on the next move. Imagine the line and then try, try again.


loferer traverse

01 6 I7


steinberge Just for the thrill of it 13 summits, 14 kilometres and more than 4000 metres of climbing – bristling with jagged ridges, exposed vie ferrate and sections of climbing without ropes. In just twelve hours the two friends Toni and Kogs traversed this challenging route across the Loferer Steinberge. A fun challenge from valley to summit full of adventure, adrenaline and speed ...

loferer traverse

1 Note from the editors: This is not recommended! The decision to not use ropes for this expedition was taken by Toni Moßhammer and Markus Kogler themselves. Both athletes are trained and experienced climbers and mountaineers and were already familiar with the climbing sections of this route that needed to be covered without ropes. They were aware of the technical challenges of the route and its dangers in advance and were able to assess the risk they were exposing themselves to.

A chain of rocks stretches from Rothörndl as far as the horizon. Mountain peaks as far as the eye can see. Both of them grew up in the Loferer area. Markus turned his passion into a profession and Toni has been climbing at the top end of the difficulty scale for a long time. He also wants to become a mountain guide. He has a day job at a bank. Every free minute is spent in the mountains.


steinberge The Loferer Steinberge is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps. These are located in the eastern Alps (Tirol/Salzburg) and border the Leoganger Steinberge. The highest summit is the Große Ochsenhorn at 2513 metres (8245 ft).

Two men stand at the summit of the Ulrichshorn as the sun cautiously appears over the edge of the horizon. The grand backdrop of the Loferer Steinberge fills their field of vision from east to west. The day is still cold with dawn dragging its feet – but that’s not how they feel. They are focussed on just one thing ...

Expedition Facts Start: St. Ulrich am Pillersee 847 m (2779 ft) Finish: Kirchental 880 m (2887 ft) Total time taken: 12.5 hours Distance: 14 kilometres (8.7 miles) Total elevation approx. 4,000 metres climbed: (13,123 ft)








14 km

2750 2500 2250 2000 1750

Markus “Kogs” Kogler and Toni Moßhammer have been on the move since five in the morning to cross their local mountain range in just one day. Nobody has done that before. Some people would say they are crazy: the route is 14 kilometres long and involves 4000 metres of climbing. A continuous succession of steep approaches and descents; along trails with exposed roots, jagged ridges, scree slopes and precipitous rock passages – often on unmarked trails. A distance normally covered in four day-long stages - even for trained mountaineers.

1500 1250 1000 750 04:00







Kirchental Rothorn Gr. Ochsenhorn

St. Ulrich

source: Google

Nackter Hund

The sun rises gingerly into the sky. Gradually, a soft golden red glow frees the Earth from the darkness of the night. Toni shuffles his feet nervously. The wait becomes a nerve-racking ordeal. They can’t go on until daybreak. The route along the ridge is too dangerous in the dark. Nervously he fumbles with the button on the walkie-talkie. It starts to crackle. A final weather check with friends down in the valley – there are many people down there with their fingers crossed. The weather guru confirms once again: “Green light - everything ok”. In slow motion the sun finally settles into place in the heavens to scare away the last grey shadows. Toni and Kogs can’t hold back any longer. They exchange glances one last time. Toni takes a deep breath and takes off over rocks and outcrops, straight ahead along the edge of the precipice – the race against time has started.

9 o’clock and the day is still young. But time is not on their side, it is their foe. Kogs and Toni are running against it - they want to reach the finish by evening. They are wearing only the bare necessities: jacket, pant and hiking boots. Good equipment is decisive. Their backpacks contain drinks, energy bars and a first aid kit – every gram of weight counts. That’s why they haven’t brought a rope with them. That would be too heavy . Kogs has been mulling over this idea for some years, looking out of his kitchen window at this foreboding silhouette. Mountain after mountain. Summit after summit: Rothorn, Mitterhorn, Nackter Hund and the Ochsenhörner. Cross this mountain range in a day – “That would be awesome, a genuine challenge“. And that was how it all started. When he told his friend Toni about it he immediately caught the bug. Toni just happens to love a challenge as well ... They take turns at running in front. Always straight ahead. From one summit to the next. Muscles are warm, ligaments and tendons supple – running across this amazing scenery is pure enjoyment. Markus spies the beginning of the next stage. Adrenaline rushes through his body. He accelerates with his sights set on the summit of the Mitterhorn. Toni is hot on his heels. They both nimbly climb the ladders to the top. The final paces - three, two, one - and they’ve reached the cross at the summit. They have only taken four hours so far. They’ve already got more than 2,000 metres of climbing in their legs. Still no sign of tiring though. They are just getting into the swing of things. Toni says what they both dared to hope: “I reckon we can do it.” The two athletes survey the mountain range euphorically. It’s beautiful up here. The full heat of the late summer sun bears down while the warm wind whispers around them. >>


Start St. Ulrich 05:30



8 I9


almost 12 hours, 13 summits, 4000 metres of elevation.


loferer traverse

Mitterhorn 08:57 2483 m

Kirchental 17:45 880 m


Mitterhorn 08:57

Nackter Hund 09:30

10 I11


Grosses Reifhorn 10:40 2487 m

Ochsenhorn 15:53 2365 m

Nackter Hund 09:30 2372 m

Wehrgrubenjoch 10:12 2218 m


Wehrgrubenjoch 10:12

Grosses Reifhorn 10:40

loferer traverse


12 I13


There are still several summits to go. Tic, tic, tic. The stopwatch is still running. The descent to the Nackten Hund is tricky without ropes and you’ve got to be a total pro to handle it. Then there is a steep via ferrata. But these boys know the way. Half an hour later they are standing on the next summit. On Wehrgrubenjoch they take a well-earned rest. Top up the energy reserves, take off their jackets and study the map. They’re quiet for a moment to absorb the view – the Lofer mountains from their most impressive side. The clock doesn’t need a rest. Tic, tic, tic. Restlessness drives Toni on. Just keep the flow going. In three-quarters of an hour he wants to be standing on the top of Reifhorn.


in a day Just for the thrill of it

They manage that too. At top speed they progress from the Kleine Reifhorn up to the Große Reifhorn – a stone’s throw practically. The descent is the most dangerous section of the route. The toughest five metres. A traverse with overhang. Normally an enjoyable grade five friction climb. But not an easy one without climbing shoes, which they have left down in the valley to save weight. Kogs has often guided climbers along this route. Going up is no problem. But going down? Without a rope? – Risky. The main thing is to concentrate and keep your cool. Just don’t rush. Very slowly they feel their way down - inch by inch. Hands searching for a hold, but there is nothing except smooth rock. Vertical drop to the left and right. Gradually they inch their way forward. Fear piles on the pressure. Again and again they have to use their legs to maintain their balance pure exhilaration. When Toni finally reaches the safety of the ridge below he can feel the burden evaporate from his shoulders. As a reward they both sign the logbook – a special moment for any mountaineer.

Hiking, skiing, ski mountaineering – as a mountain guide the Loferer mountains are where Markus spends every day at work. But he has still put in a great deal of preparation for this expedition. He spent the whole summer climbing and lost a whopping seven kilograms in weight to be faster. For Toni the main thing was endurance training. The dedicated climber even kept away from the rock face to train properly. In spring he bought a racing bike and has since peddled thousands of kilo-metres. Relieved, they continue running across the Schihörndl to Rotscharte and then across to the Ochsenhörner, sticking to the ridge all the way. The mountainscape appears to be even more breathtaking than usual. It is already midday and their legs are starting to get heavy. They take another rest on the summit of Großes Ochsenhorn. They just want to sit down for a moment. Have a quick drink. Their bodies feel like lead; it’s difficult for them to keep their heavy eyelids open. The cry of a jackdaw tears them out of their split-second snooze. They are both reluctant to get to their feet, but their will is unbroken. “This is going to be tough.” – But there is no giving up! Toni and Markus have been friends for years, often seeing each other through thick and thin. Two buddies who together can take on anything. They plough on at amazing speed - up hill and down. Now they need to spur each other on: jumping over rocks and racing along the west ridge - hazardous terrain. Suddenly it happens. A stone breaks away from under Toni’s feet in the middle of a leap between two pinnacles! – “Oh sh...!” He feels everything happening in slow motion, steering his body through the air by flailing his arms and legs like a long jumper. He just manages to touch down on the edge of the ridge and grasp hold of a piece of rock. With all his strength he pulls himself into the rock face and looks down past his feet into the gaping chasm. Falling would have been fatal. – His guardian angel must be an athlete! There is no time to dwell on the incident; still the last few kilometres to go. The time is 15:53. From the Vorderer Ochsenhorn Toni glances down towards Kirchental – the finish appears to be within easy reach. “We’ll be there in about an hour”, he announces on a high into the two-way radio. >>


Gr. Ochsenhorn 15:53

Kirchental 17:45

loferer traverse

Many friends, colleagues and fellow mountain guides have cross-questioned them about the route across their home mountain range, have studied maps and hiked sections themselves. “But, although the Steinberge are on our doorstep, there’s no way we could know everything. The mountain range is simply too vast.” explains Kogs. Appearances are indeed deceptive, because there is no path down to the saddle. Dusk is approaching and the clock is still ticking. Damn. From the top the descent looked like a cake walk. Now there is no path where there should be. Not even a goat track, just a huge scree slope. Once more they have to get their act together. It’s strenuous making any headway, at times sinking up to their ankles in scree. Good equipment and the ability to focus are now decisive. “This is brutal”, pants Kogs... They eventually reach a hunters’ lodge below. There is a path down from there. The valley seems within reach. They struggle on across clumps of grass and rock outcrops. Their legs have switched to autopilot. They have been running on the reserve tank for some time – finally they are now on the last stretch through the forest. It is 17:45. And it is all over; they’ve managed to cross the mountain range! Toni and Markus were underway in the mountains for almost 12 hours. 13 summits, 4000 metres of elevation. Unbelievable! A small group of fans are waiting for them at the car park – friends, colleagues and relatives – they have accompanied the athletes in their thoughts all day long. Markus glances back up for a last time ... “What a laugh – brutally tough but great fun.” He winks at Toni. “Who knows what you are going to dream up next time you see the Loferer mountains out of your window”, he answers dryly...


steinberge Route and Summits: St. Ulrich am Pillersee Ulrichshorn Rothörndl Grosses Rothorn Östliches Rothorn Mitterhorn Nackter Hund Wehrgrubenjoch Westl. Reifhorn Großes Reifhorn Östl. Reifhorn Schihörndl Rotschartl Großes Ochsenhorn Mittleres Ochsenhorn Vorderes Ochsenhorn Lärchengrube Kirchental

(847 m) (2055 m) (2394 m) (2409 m) (2402 m) (2483 m) (2372 m) (2218 m) (2448 m) (2487 m) (2436 m) (2286 m) (2513 m) (2365 m) (2299 m) (880 m)

14 I15


“But, although the Steinberge are on our doorstep, there’s no way we could know everything. The moutain range is simply too vast.”

loferer traverse



head to toe Jagged ridges, steep climbing routes, long scree fields – the route through the Loferer Steinberge was an adventure full of challenges. Toni and Markus needed to be able to rely on their equipment 100%. Best possible fit an absolute functionality – top criteria for choosing their equipment. From head to toe, neither of them wanted to make any compromises. Light, functional and flexible – especially in the choice of footwear - they were looking for a perfect symbiosis of comfort and reliability. The TERREX™ Fast X FM Mid GTX® proved to be the ideal boot. Thanks to its flexible and lightweight construction plus the perfect grip of the 05:00

rubber sole, it accompanied them quickly and safely through the expanses of the Steinberge mountainscape. Slippery grass, long scree runs and tricky rock section - with the TERREX™ Fast X FM Toni and Markus were able to handle everything on their route. Confronted with wind and cold – on wind-swept summits, shadowy forests and clambering over south-facing exposed rock faces. That wasn’t a problem either, thanks to the adidas TERREX™ collection. TERREX™ Hybrid Jacket, Zip Tee and Multi Pant provided Toni and Markus with ideal protection at all times so that they could concentrate on what mattered: spending an unforgettable day in the mountains. 17:45

16 I17


adidas eyewear agilis page 61

TERREX™ 1/2 Zip Tee page 52

TERREX™ Hybrid Jacket page 48

TERREX™ Multi Pant page 48

Backpack TERREX™ 35 page 60

TERREX™ Fast X FM Mid GTX® page 21




The lightweight TERREX™ Fast X FM Mid GTX® supports you to move fast and sure-footed over any terrain. adidas cutting edge FORMOTION™ technology adapts perfectly to the ground, reducing stress on joints and giving you ultimate ground control. At any angle of touchdown, a pair of horizontally sliding plates in the midsole begin to slow forces the moment your foot touches the ground.

Downhill Comfort // Reduces sole angle velocity for smoother, more natural strike with every step

Injury Prevention // Reduces critical knee loads and that means fewer injuries

Ground Adaptation // Adapts to uneven terrain and gives improved ground control

18 i19

Speed lacing speed lacing construction for fast & snug lacing

GoRE-TEX® extended Comfort membrane: waterproof & breathable, ideal for higher activity levels

heel stabilizer for enhanced stability

ToRSIoN® bar supports the midfoot and provide extended control, fit, and protection elements

adiPRENE®, adiPRENE®+ adiprene®+ in the forefoot maintains propulsion and efficiency, adiprene® under the heel for superior cushioning at impact

EVA mid sole optimal and lightweight cushioning

adidas cutting edge FOrmOTiOn™ technology

protection plate special impact plate is incorporated for protection from hazards such as sharp rocks

EVA wedge ensures enhanced cushioning

out sole + TRAXIoN® TrAxiOn® outsole provides the best grip during fast activities


footwear men

20 i21



Terrex™ FAsT x Fm mid gTx® #u44055 equipped with a breathable gOre-Tex® membrane, this lightweight hiking boot offers excellent protection against water and mud. A TrAxiOn® outsole helps feet stay fast, agile and stable on unpredictable terrain, while FOrmOTiOn™ brings cushion and control to your descent.


Light, fast and stable: outdoor athletes who really want to up the ante will find the Terrex™ Fast x Fm series just what they’re looking for. Because these lightweight hiking boots offer 100% reliability in rugged terrain: they give you traction you can rely on, great comfort and exceptional cushioning properties.





Terrex™ FAsT x Fm gTx® #g43881

Terrex™ FAsT x Fm

FOrmOTiOn™ unit, gOre-Tex® extended Comfort membrane, full forefoot adiprene®+, protection plate, TrAxiOn® outsole

softshell vamp, FOrmOTiOn™ unit, full forefoot adiprene®+, protection plate, TrAxiOn® outsole





Tackle quick adventures and tricky trails in the adidas Terrex™ sWiFT hiking shoe. This lightweight hiker is built with shockabsorbing adiprene® for extra cushion and a grippy TrAxiOn® outsole to stabilise your stride.


Terrex™ sWiFT x #u43995 adiprene®+, protection plate, TrAxiOn® outsole


The adidas Terrex™ HiKe Fm mid gTx® is an agile, lightweight, yet stable hiking boot enhanced with gOre-Tex® for breathable waterproof protection. A TrAxiOn® outsole grips the trail, while FOrmOTiOn™ helps control your stride and cushion your descent.

Terrex™ HiKe Fm mid gTx® #u41594 FOrmOTiOn™ unit, gOre-Tex® performance Comfort membrane, protection plate, TOrsiOn® system, TrAxiOn® outsole


Terrex™ FAsT x Fm mid gTx® #u44053 equipped with a breathable gOre-Tex® membrane, the lightweight adidas women‘s boot offers excellent protection against water and mud. A TrAxiOn® outsole helps feet stay fast, agile and stable on unpredictable terrain, while FOrmOTiOn™ brings cushion and control to your descent.


Light, fast and stable: outdoor athletes who really want to up the ante will find the Terrex™ Fast x Fm series just what they’re looking for. Because these lightweight hiking boots offer 100% reliability in rugged terrain: they give you traction you can rely on, great comfort and optimal cushioning properties.

Terrex™ FAsT x Fm gTx® #u44052

Terrex™ FAsT x Fm #u44054

FOrmOTiOn™ unit, gOre-Tex® extended Comfort membrane, full forefoot adiprene®+, protection plate, TrAxiOn® outsole

softshell vamp, FOrmOTiOn™ unit, full forefoot adiprene®+, protection plate, TrAxiOn® outsole


Tackle quick adventures and tricky trails in the adidas women’s Terrex™ sWiFT hiking shoes. These lightweight hikers are built with shock-absorbing adiprene® for extra cushion and a grippy TrAxiOn® outsole to stabilise your stride.


Terrex™ sWiFT x #u43954 adiprene®+, protection plate, TrAxiOn® outsole


The women’s adidas Terrex™ HiKe Fm mid gTx is an agile, lightweight, yet stable hiking boot enhanced with gOre-Tex® for breathable waterproof protection. A TrAxiOn® outsole grips the trail, while FOrmOTiOn™ helps control your stride and cushion your descent.

Terrex™ HiKe Fm mid gTx® #u41595 FOrmOTiOn™ unit, gOre-Tex® performance Comfort membrane, protection plate, TOrsiOn® system, TrAxiOn® outsole

22 I23


footwear men

24 i25


developed with our adidas Athletes, this high-performance shoe is ready for every outdoor action. Featuring an outsole design with different zones for hiking and climbing, and shock-absorbing adiprene® for cushion in each step.

Sizes 3.5-11.5, 12.5, 13.5 unisex Terrex™ sOLO #g41937 evA midsole with Tpu film for protection, comfort and midfoot stability, protection plate protects the foot against roots and rocks, adiprene® under the heel for superior cushioning at impact, TrAxiOn® outsole for optimal grip in every situation

Terrex™ sOLO #g42947

Terrex™ sOLO #u43956

evA midsole with Tpu film, protection plate, adiprene®, TrAxiOn® outsole

evA midsole with Tpu film, protection plate, adiprene®, TrAxiOn® outsole

Terrex™ sOLO #g42950

Terrex™ sOLO #g42949

evA midsole with Tpu film, protection plate, adiprene®, TrAxiOn® outsole

evA midsole with Tpu film, protection plate, adiprene®, TrAxiOn® outsole



HigHLine KApuZenTurm

turm rely exposed Incredibly high, seve t up – and complicated to se puzentur m Ka the the highline on vement, only is the ultimate achie few. adidas managed by a selec t er & friends was with Michi Aschab r mo un ta in in th e Wi ld er Ka ise range.

magic moment

02 26 I27


HigHLine KApuZenTurm


28 i29


Have you ever ex perie nced a magic al moment? A moment that you can never delete from your brain ’s hard disk - one that remains in your mi nd for ever? I have. And it was when I open ed a small metal tin on the Kapuzenturm pinnacle. Because the contents of this old, dented metal tin were invalu able to me. in d to spend two day s Fla shb ack : we wante nne s, Ha are e” “W ge. ran the Kai ser geb irg e hi. and you rs tru ly: mic gre gor, Chr is, da ve e the mountains. lov all and nds frie d We are goo we ekend wa s to exp erThe objective of this and have a goo d time ure ience some advent nne d som eth ing aw etog eth er. plu s we pla the most spectacul ar of one up ting some: set g across it. lkin wa n the highlines and 17 metres long and ma above the valley.

ny hundreds of metre


n our work cut out . eve so we cer tainly have vily hea all are We ge. the approach is a challen nt cks are at bur sting poi kitted out. Our backpa too ls, sle epine ckl sla ll, dri a wit h rop es, k, coo kin g ute nsils and ing bag , biv oua c sac y we save weight on our provisions . That’s wh ctional jacket, good hik fun hly hig a – g clothin ctional shirt to fun t igh twe ligh a ing boots and re. We set off from the change into, nothing mo us via long forest paths valley. Our route takes d scr ee run ste eply ose exp ep ste a r and late no doubt about it! ss, ine bus y uphill. A sweat

The fi rst time i heard about this line on the Kapuzenturm pinnacle it took my breath away. none other than Alexander Huber was fi rst to set up this highline. i’d seen his photos on the internet i don’t know how many times. i was fascinated, and still am today. Alexander appeared to balance effortlessly on his highline walk across to the Kapuzenturm pinnacle – despite the dizzy height and his modest equipment. We fi nally reach the summit by a climbing route – we’ve been underway for more than four hours in total. suddenly, directly behind the ellmauer Halt summit, we catch a glimpse of it for the first time. Fifty metres high, striking, isolated. Overwhelming and yet beautiful: the Kapuzenturm pinnacle. This needle of rock seems all the more impressive set in the rough and majestic Kaisergebirge range. it is precisely this backdrop that makes highlining the Kapuzenturm pinnacle so unique: it’s neither the highest nor the longest, but it has got to be the most spectacular in the world!

d ell mauer Halt we nee Fro m the summit of the ch rea to ge rid rl to tra ver se the Kop ftö uzenturm. Once there, plateau facing the Kap . set ting up the line ork mw tea to it’s all dow n on eac h oth er one y rel to me ans being abl e our lives depend on all, r hundred percent - afte gregor and Hannes . ups gro two into it it. We spl and then climb the dle sad the to abseil dow n e. sid er pinnacle on the oth . g from them at the top A little chamois is waitin mit sum of d kin a and is it is made from metal on keeps a watchful eye mascot. suspicious, it what we are doing.


HigHLine KApuZenTurm

The fi ve of us take all of three hours to set up the line: transporting material, drilling anchors, spanning the highline and then a safety line. This would be almost impossible alone. Working as a team makes it a great deal easier. mist gathers and the chamois still has its eye on us. Highlining requires more than just a sense of balance. mental strength is needed more than anything else. Fear is always part of the deal. even dave, a gifted slackliner, has to acknowledge that. down in the valley he manages a 100 metre line effortlessly, but at the height of the ellmauer Halt his mind plays tricks on him. He doesn’t manage to place one foot on the line. That doesn’t dampen our spirits though. This isn’t just about athletic achievement or nerve-racking challenges – it’s more than that: spending time together in the mountains, having fun outdoors, a passion for the Alps and true friendship.


30 i31



HigHLine KApuZenTurm

magic moment

anse of the imposing We are alone in the exp chamo is is there to the ly On e. irg geb Kai ser me in challenge, and at ht rig res gla greet us. it come. has nt me i know that my mo

eve r the sam e. Win d, no hig hlin ing fea t is sion – new line, new ten , gth len , ngs sur roundi gregor helps me ge. llen cha conditions , a new checks the knot he e tim t get started. One las to the slackme ts We set up our camp on the summit. We on the rope that connec shu t out the and nt poi a on us foc sit in our bivouacs, drink tea and observe line. i the starry heavens until deep into the night. world around me:

The chamois glints encouragingly under the light of the moon.

We awake early in the morning to the first rays of sunlight. innumerable peaks and summits appear behind the Kapuzenturm pinnacle - all bathed in the soft glow of sunrise. The night was starry-clear but short.

hin g mu st dis tract lan dsc ape, win d – not , elastic line under thin this ept exc , me now my feet. can still feel the cold i can hear the wind. i ts. i can fee l the join my in ht nig of the timetres bet ween cen f hal a line – two and me and heaven.

32 I33


I concentrate on placing one foot in front of the other. Slowly does it. “Looking good” calls Dave, softly. Like a tightrope walker I cautiously extend my arms over the empty expanse for balance. Step by step I get closer and closer to the Kapuzenturm. Under my feet there is nothing - except infinite space. When Alexander floated over to the Kapuzenturm for the first time in 2004 I didn’t even know what slacklining was. I didn’t start practising in my back garden until 2006. I trained on a very tight line just above the ground. I was proud of every trick I managed, no matter how small: walking forwards and then backwards, turning, and then after a great deal of practice I managed to jump on the shaky line as well. The last few metres are the most difficult.Always. My arms have become heavy and concentration is waning. Each step seems to take an eternity. I’m afraid of screwing up at the last minute. It just takes a tiny moment of distraction, a split second - and you fall. Stay cool. I feel my way forward slowly. The line swings and wobbles to and fro dangerously. The chamois looks on expectantly.

I have to block it out of my thoughts. – Aft er pai nst aki ng sec ond s ful l of con cen tra tion I finally touch the me tal sculpture. It is shi ny and mu ch mo re del ica te tha n I ima gin ed. Mo re like a deer tha n a goat. Joy and rel ief flood through me - I scr eam out in delight. My wh oop ech oes aro und the wh ole val ley . My buddies clap in cel ebr ation with me. The little chamo is has a sec ret . It is standing guard over a well-h idden metal container. Dented and rus ty and yet so valuable. That’s bec aus e it con tain s the sum mit log boo k. After Ha nne s has cro sse d the hig hlin e, the great moment has arr ived: We open the boo k reverently. Only ver y few people are immortalised her e. It is an honour to be abl e to join them. We flic k through the book pag e by page. And there he is. A sm all signat ure for suc h a big nam e a carefree scr ibble: Ale xander Huber. A shi ver runs dow n my spine in reverence as I add my name to the list .

michael aschaber Age: 28 Hometown: St. Johann in Tyrol Profession: Sport and Maths Teacher Slackline Professional from 2008 to 2010 Hobbies: Slacklining, Telemarking, Mountain Biking, Cooking



The TERREX™ SOLO: one for all – all for one

What do you get when Bernd Zangerl, Beat Kammerlander and the Huber Brothers work together on a project? Easy: an approach boot in a class of its own. In summer 2009 Bernd Zangerl and Beat Kammerlander had an ingenious idea: they needed a lightweight, flexible and comfortable approach boot that looks good and makes no compromises on safety. A boot that is just as suitable for reaching climbing areas quickly as it is for damp trails webbed with tree roots in the forests of Fontainebleau. Rugged enough for lengthy descents in alpine terrain and yet comfortable enough for extended tours through the city. In a nutshell: a boot for every occasion. When adidas product manager Andrej Zwer heard about it he was immediately taken with the idea.

Full of enthusiasm he got to work with his development team; they produced design drafts and discussed technical features and how they were to be implemented. Andrej needed to choose materials, coordinate the development process and listen to feedback. When he received the first prototype after weeks of intensive work, he also asked Alexander and Thomas Huber for their feedback. All for one: the trad climbing specialist Beat, the extreme climbers Thomas and Alexander plus boulder professional Bernd – all played a major role in developing the SOLO. Each of them input their own ideas and valuable know-how. That’s because each of these top athletes has individual performance requirements at the very highest level. One thing was equally important to all of them though: the new boot should ensure optimum safety. The SOLO was therefore designed with an ingenious sole: the forefoot features a smooth yet

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EVA Tongue Top

longer lacing

for enhanced fit and comfort

for tighter fit

Asymmetrical Heel loop

Rubber toe and heel guards for added protection

easy to attached to a backpack or harness

Synthetic and textile upper

TRAXIoN® outsole

for comfort and durability

for maximum grip in all directions

push-through protection plate

EVA midsole with TPU film

protects the foot against roots and rocks

for comfort and midfoot stability

adiPRENE® under the heel for superior cushioning at impact

oNE foR All – All foR oNE TERREX™ Solo The Terrex™ sOLO made a fantastic debut at the Outdoor Fair in 2010, immediately winning one of the coveted industry Awards. And deservedly so, because the technically high-quality and extremely light (375 grams) approach shoe is a winner even on rough paths and in rocky terrain. it was developed with the cooperation of real pros: Beat Kammerlander, Bernd Zangerl and the Huber brothers were all involved in designing the shoe. The result is an approach shoe of a kind never before seen. A supremely functional cross between a climbing and hiking shoe, the Terrex™ sOLO meets the requirements of even the most demanding outdoor athletes.

highly adhesive asymmetrical climbing zone for exceptional grip while the midsole and heel have an extra rugged profi le for reliable step placement. A sole that allows you to handle rocky trails as well as climbing: none other than the Huber brothers were fi rst to try it out – and the sOLO passed the test: the two brothers even climbed a route rated in the upper 6 level of difficulty! An additional sOLO highlight is the TPU layer around the middle of the foot that stabilises the instep and supports the EVA midsole. special adiPRENE® foam provides optimum shock absorption in the heel area for a pleasant and dynamic run. if, like Beat, you want to handle approaches and descents as efficiently as possible - you’re going to love it! Of course the boot needs to be practical too; thanks to its wide lacing you can slip into the sOLO without losing time. perfect, if like Bernd Zangerl, you need to change between climbing shoes and hiking boots to get to the next boulder.

Solo second draft

Solo first draft

The asymmetrical heel loops are also a clever feature: now you can attach them to your backpack or harness quickly and securely – without them bouncing around; a practical detail that all athletes really appreciate. Andrej and his team invested a great deal of time in implementing all these ideas. The development team – all enthusiastic mountain athletes – put the sOLO through its paces in every free moment – in alpine terrain, on fast hikes and even on climbs. some months, several prototypes and innumerable tests throughout mountains all over the world later - at last all are satisfied. An approach boot is launched that had not been previously available: a lightweight and highly functional mix of climbing shoe and hiking boot that has impressed Beat, Alex, Thomas and Bernd 100%. All outdoor athletes can now experience the benefits of the Terrex™ sOLO.

”The TERREX™ SOLO is ideal for approaches and is highly suitable for vie ferrate. It provides an excellent fit and super grip. As a mountain guide I use the SOLO on alpine routes up to grade 5.” Beat Kammerlander

”... for me it was important that the shoe shouldn’t be too hard and can adapt to the surface of the rock. To get the right combination we tested different sole profiles on a wide range of rock surfaces. The shoe now offers reliable step placement and a feeling you can trust: and it’s also excellent for climbing :-).”

Bernd Zangerl

trad climbing RÄTIKON

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trick of

Why are three top climbers sacrificing valuable climbing time to clean up two almost forgotten Alpine routes? What are great climbers doing hanging around in harnesses to refurbish a grade VI+ climb? They’re doing it for fun, of course. But Beat Kammerlander, Alex Luger and Reinhard Sperger have got a little bit more to reveal in answer to these questions ...

the trad Trad climbing in Rätikon

trad climbing RÄTIKON

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The Rätikon: a far-reaching mountain range of jagged rock formations and dizzying vertical rock faces. Here, deep into Austria’s climbing Wild West, is a mountain shrouded in legend. Climbing routes with only the minimum of embedded iron criss-cross its mighty rock face: the Große Drusenturm – a paradise for alpine climbers who know what they are up to. This wild rockscape is home to two real climbers: Beat Kammerlander and Alex Luger – hungry for rock and adventure; they are tough and they have the experience. For many years Beat has been one of the professionals, always looking for new challenges, seeking awesome routes across the vertical world. In 2009 he set a new milestone in his climbing c.v. with “Prinzip Hoffnung” (8b/8b+, E9-E10): the trad route with fingernail-sized holds, tiny friction footholds and minimum belay points is one of the most difficult in the world. Alex is also into physically and psychologically demanding climbing: the talented young Austrian has an extraordinary instinct on the rock face and is also a gifted climber. He was the first to repeat Beat’s masterpiece. Beat and Alex are connected by a deep friendship based on mutual respect and trust. They are often climbing on the same rope together, sharing a passion for alpine climbing and high summits.

However, they are not interested merely in difficult climbs and prestige routes: above all they share respect for the rock faces and their history. Both are champions of traditional climbing – the absolute blue riband discipline in climbing, where climbers have to belay themselves without using anchors drilled into the rock face.

In summer 2009 Beat met his old friend Reinhard Sperger on the face of the Rätikon. The mountain guide had just completed the arduous route to the southwest wall of the Großer Drusenturm. That is where two illustrious and at the same time greatly feared routes head up the rock: the “Seth Abderhalden memorial route” (V+/A2; free: VI+), first conquered in the wild fifties by a team of famous climbers (Seth Abderhalden and Paul Diener) and the “Burgerführe” (V+/ A1; free: VII), which was opened back in 1933. The rock face soars vertically fifteen rope lengths and more than six hundred metres of climbing. Daring gaps between hooks and crumbling rock make the routes extremely dangerous. You can never be absolutely sure that you will exit the rock face in one piece. The risk of being hit by falling rock is too high. The few hooks still in the rock face are old and unsafe. No wonder then, that only very few climbers dare tackle the Drusenturm. Beat knows this terrain well – as a novice alpine climber he once climbed the Abderhalden.

„Burgerführe“ „Seth Abderhalden Gedächtnisführe“

A great experience of which he has unforgettable memories. “This route is one of the most daring and athletic trad routes in Rätikon. It’s such a shame that it has got into decay”. But Reinhard has a brilliant idea. “We need to look after these routes.” The motto: restore instead of refurbish. They started work with great zeal, but only made slow progress on the “Burgerführe” route. – “I would like to maintain this piece of alpine history for the next generation. The character of the route should remain unchanged. It just needs to be made safer,” he explains. Beat is immediately impressed: “That is a good thing. I’ll help you.”

trick of

Beat Kammerlander Reinhard Sperger and Alex Luger

the trad Trad climbing in Rätikon


trad climbing RÄTIKON

And he kept his word. Bit by bit they worked on replacing old hooks and fitting new ones. Nevertheless, climbers still need to use mobile protection on these pitches. As before, this is well beyond the capabilities of entry-level alpine climbers. – In Rätikon your wedges and friends are more than just decorations for your harness! The restoration proves to be really tough work: Reinhard and Beat have to drag belay ropes, equipment and tools right up to the summit. Then they have to transport away cubic metres of loose rock. Rope length by rope length they have to tackle the route with hammers and crowbars. But the opportunity of maintaining such a significant and unique piece of alpine history for future generations keeps them both motivated. “The rock face was a huge, overhanging pile of gravel,” admits Beat. “In the beginning I really thought we would never finish.” As the days passed, however, the work became easier. The experienced mountain guide and the top climber became a well-rehearsed team. Naturally, Beat could have been spending the summer on much more difficult routes, completing new projects. Reinhard also had plenty of other things to do. But it isn’t about grade of difficult, fame or recognition - that’s not important to either of them. For Beat it’s much more than that: “The Rätikon is my climbing homeland. I feel responsible for these mountains; I’m like the caretaker here.”

beat kammerlander

Many months later, after innumerable hours on the rock face – in sun, wind and even rain sometimes – and an infinite number of times climbing down and jumaring up the 600-metre-long fixed rope to clear rock, at last the project was finished: Reinhard and Beat managed to stick precisely to the thin line between increasing safety and retaining character. The two received welcome assistance for dismantling and transporting away the fixed rope from Alex Luger and several other climbing friends. For all the effort, sweat and muscle cramps, there was still the best bit to come. What could be more satisfying than being the first to free climb the restored masterpiece? Because Reinhard had left for a long journey to Yosemite Valley, Beat was looking for another partner to do the climb with. Somebody he could rely on. It didn’t take long to find the right person: he wanted to climb the restored “Abderhalden” with non other than Alex Luger.

reinhard sperger

It was already clear at the base of the southwest face of the Drusenturm: both routes are still real alpine adventures, because the pitches require superior climbing ability, endurance and orientation skills. There are several hours of hiking to get to the foot of the rock face. It’s worth it though: from the first rope length until you get out at the top there are six hundred metres of climbing with cracks and chimneys in the best quality rock waiting for you. Thanks to the modest protection now in place, the daring performance of these climbers to make the first ascent is now retraceable for future generations of climbers. Just think: Abderhalden, Diener, Burger & Co. used to be tackled with hemp rope and a few hooks! Beat and Alex reach the exit at the end of a wonderful day of climbing. The heavens are painted in intense red and gold tones. Really spectacular colours. A light wind blows around them at the summit. Satisfied, they sit down and stare out into the distance. This unbelievably beautiful and majestic mountainscape that Beat so loves reaches as far as the eye can see. He is happy and proud in the knowledge that he has restored something so valuable to the climbing community.


alex luger

Early morning chill, drizzle and wind – Beat and Reinhard wore the highly functional TERREX™ Hybrid Jacket for their restoration work – and were impressed. The comfortable jacket provides ideal protection against wind and rain; it is also well ventilated and weighs next to nothing. Folded up it has space in the fullest of backpacks and its anatomical cut ensures a perfect fit and unrestricted movement. Thanks to the intelligent mix of heat-retaining and yet breathable materials, Beat and Alex were perfectly attired, even for the hike on the approach. That’s because the Hybrid jacket keeps athletes warm and dry in all weather conditions – regardless of whether it’s on strenuous fast hikes, exposed climbs or long alpine tours.

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GoRE WINDSToPPERÂŽ fabric provides full wind protection and extra breathability

BodyMapping identifies key sweat and heat areas of the body in a gender specific way. HYBrid COnsTruCTiOn using the advantages of different performance fabrics in respective body areas.

Ventilation Pockets

full zip with stand-up collar and pull tab cover

is specifically tailored for the unique motion patterns of outdoor sports. enables you to perform with perfect comfort and freedom of movement.

Elastic sleeve hem opening

Draw cord adjustable hem

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TERREX™ HYBrid JACKeT designed to give you an advantage during fast-paced mountain sports. The adidas Terrex™ Hybrid Jacket targets ventilation and weather protection exactly where you need it. A super-lightweight and packable gOre WindsTOpper® Active shell blocks chill-inducing wind without sacrificing breathability in the sensitive body zones whilst a soft four-way stretch fabric in the sleeves allows highest freedom of movement.


Clima zones and BodyMapping

Why men sweat uphill and women chill Men are different. So are women. Especially during sport. While he runs through the mountains in a T-shirt and shorts, she is still wearing her winter outfit. Whether it’s hiking in the mountains, climbing or ski touring - men and women have different specifications for their ideal attire. Why?

Because men and women have a remarkably different build, which is accentuated during sport: while men perspire heavily and tend to overheat across large areas of the body, women often feel cold at the same points of the body. The adidas innovation team (ait) therefore localised the different climate zones of the body and created a kind of map for men’s and women’s bodies - at adidas it’s called Bodymapping.

body’s own energy and what effects the wind has on body heat. They made an interesting observation: during a trial at 15 °C and with no wind, the male athletes started perspiring heavily on the front and upper arms after 20 minutes of exertion. After just two minutes - at exactly the same temperature but with a strong wind - these points of the body were already very cold.

The fact is that men need to ventilate large areas of their bodies while women appreciate materials with more protective properties. reflecting their anatomically different climate zones, men and women have different performance requirements from their clothing.

The conclusion: the wind can quickly lead to chilling. especially in the mountains, where the weather can suddenly change without warning you need equipment that can also handle such climatic changes.

But how can these differences be catered for? Adidas answered this question with Bodymapping technology – an ingenious material mix. The innovative Hybrid Jacket combines the functionality of different material components to keep athletes’ bodies at optimum core temperature. depending on the behavioural patterns of each zone of the body, different windproof and non-windproof material elements are combined to guarantee the best combination of ventilation and thermal insulation. Thanks to this gender-specific climate zone arrangement outdoor athletes are provided with a highly function symbiosis of optimum wind protection and no-compromise breathability. – A concept that has been tested by the adidas innovation team in the company’s own climate chamber in the test laboratory in true-to-nature conditions. On a treadmill with varying inclinations and varying temperatures between 5˚C and 50˚C male and female team members had to complete a range of trials in the wind tunnel. Thermal imaging cameras and moisture sensors provided important information about which zones of the body can be kept warm during intensive activity by the

clima zones men - women Evaporation Conduction FlowMapping Wicking Wind Protection

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men women Evaporation areas where heat and sweat is evaporated away from the body to keep a comfortable climate

flowMapping areas for air intake and ventilation

Wicking areas where lots of sweat is produced and needs to be wicked away

Wind Protection areas where wind protection is needed to keep the body comfortable

Conduction areas where sweat is conducted away for fast evaporation

climate tests - heat image men

after 3 minutes

after 15 minutes

climate tests - heat image women

after 3 minutes

after 15 minutes


adidas TERREX™ Hybrid Jacket – developed together with and for outdoor athletes

That’s why the Terrex™ Hybrid Jacket for men features the windproof WindsTOpper® active shell membrane for especially effective protection of the front and arms against the wind. in the shoulder and back regions, where men have been proven to perspire particularly effusively, a lighter, extremely well-ventilating soft-shell material with no membrane ensures the best possible air flow. Women, on the other hand, are more sensitive to wind in the front shoulder and upper arm areas - their Hybrid Jacket is therefore also equipped with protective WindsTOpper® active shell membrane in these zones. regardless of whether pinning it uphill or on the way down, stormy weather or no wind – thanks to Bodymapping technology the body always remains dry and at optimum temperature. Another highlight of the Hybrid Jacket is the three-dimensional FOrmOTiOn™ cut, which perfectly matches the male or female build to guarantee the best possible freedom of movement and high level of wearing comfort. This is ensured by the body-hugging cut, ideallyplaced seams and lightweight materials. regardless of how strenuous the current stage is, the Hybrid provides an ideal fi t at all times and can be worn as either an outer or mid layer.

The result is that you have more fun during gruelling ascents and long alpine climbs, no matter what the weather throws at you. All twenty team members - designers, product developers and material specialists - live for their outdoor passion. many of them have worn this jacket in the laboratory and have put it through its paces in the mountains. What’s more, over sixty other outdoor professionals, mountain guides and athletes were involved in development. in the final test phase many of them wore the jacket for two months solid - day in, day out for alpine climbing, strenuous fast hikes and a wide range of other athletic challenges. And as if that weren’t enough: mountain legends such as Beat Kammerlander and the Huber brothers also contributed to the development process - trying out the Hybrid Jacket in alpine terrain to see what it could do. As a result much specialist know-how and outdoor experience flowed into the optimisation process. After many months of intensive work a soft-shell all rounder has been created, designed by outdoor athletes for outdoor athletes, setting new standards in flexibility and performance.

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men Hybrid Construction using the advantages of different performance fabrics placed according to the Bodymapping system

WINDSToPPER® Active Shell lightweight; packable, highly breathable, windproof and water resistant fabric

Soft Shell 4-way stretch softshell fabric for ventilation and perfect freedom of movement

foRMoTIoN™ cut constructed in a 3 dimensional way to follow every curve of the body while in motion for enhanced freedom of movement during Outdoor activities

Ventilation Pockets zip pockets with mesh inserts for individual climate control and ventilation

women foRMoTIoN™ cut designed specifically for women tailored for the unique motion patterns of outdoor sports

Sleeve Pocket Zip security pocket, for women only

WINDSToPPER® Active Shell lightweight; packable, highly breathable, windproof and water resistant fabric

Ventilation Pockets zip pockets with mesh inserts for individual climate control and ventilation

Soft Shell 4-way stretch softshell fabric for ventilation and perfect freedom of movement

WINDSToPPER® Active Shell - Inside good wicking properties, perfectly attuned to the body temperature zones of women

AppAreL men



With the Terrex™ Hybrid Jacket adidas has created a real allrounder for outdoor sporting activities: the ultra-light and hard-wearing soft-shell jacket is even resistant to cold, wind and damp and can be worn either as an outer layer or a mid layer.

Terrex™ Hybrid Jacket #v37132

Terrex™ Hybrid vest #v37125

adidas Bodymapping, Hybrid Construction, gOre WindsTOpper® Active shell, softshell fabric, FOrmOTiOn™ cut, ventilation pockets

adidas Bodymapping, Hybrid Construction, gOre WindsTOpper® Active shell, softshell fabric, FOrmOTiOn™ cut, ventilation pockets

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Terrex™ Feather 3Layer Jacket #v37134 FOrmOTiOn™ cut, gOre-Tex® pro shell, fully adjustable and helmet compatible storm hood, underarm zips for ventilation, two zip front pockets on chest

Terrex™ mountain pant #v37124

Terrex™ multi pant #v37122

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, nano-Tex fabric for improved water repellency, built-in adjustable belt on waist, inner drawcord on bottom leg hem for comfort and adjustable fit

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, 4-way stretch fabric for improved freedom of movement, stretchable knee panels for added durability, drawcord on elastic waist

AppAreL men


excellent lightweight weather protection for any of your favourite, fast-moving outdoor sports. The adidas Terrex™ sWiFT 2.5 Layer CLimAprOOF® storm Jacket is built with a technically advanced 2.5-layer fabric with dry Touch backside for improved comfort. Fully adjustable storm hood ensures a secure fit, and ventilation pockets help to manage your body temperature.

Terrex™ sWiFT 2.5L CLimAprOOF® storm Jacket #v37118 FOrmOTiOn™ cut, CLimAprOOF® storm material, water / windproof, breathable, adjustable hood, underarm zips for ventilation, fully seam sealed

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Terrex™ sWiFT CLimAprOOF® Wind softshell Jacket


Terrex™ sWiFT Fleece Jacket


FOrmOTiOn™ cut, CLimAprOOF® Wind material, softshell fabric, adjustable hood

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, pOnTeTOrTO TeCnOsTreTCH Fleece, durable face and strong wicking properties, bonded chest pocket

Terrex™ sWiFT Lite short #v34132

Terrex™ sWiFT pant #p91421

CLimALiTe® soft, lightweight nylon fabric for superior moisture management, waist belt

4-way stretch fabric for improved freedom of movement, elastic waist with belt, ankle zips for convenience

AppAreL men



stay cool and focused while conquering high-altitude endeavours in the adidas Terrex™ Half-Zip T-shirt. sport-specific FOrmOTiOn™ actively supports muscles, while CLimACOOL® ventilation keeps you dry and comfortable. This t-shirt’s bonded seams and edges reduce chafing during strenuous pursuits.

Terrex™ sWiFT shortsleeve 1/2 Zip Tee #v37102

Terrex™ 1/2 Zip Tee #v37144

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, Cocona fabric with outstanding wicking and moisture transportation, odor management and uv protection (+50spF), half zip for ventilation

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, CLimACOOL ventilation, half zip with stand-up collar, mesh panels under arms for ventilation ®

Terrex™ swift Longsleeve 1/2 Zip Tee #v37104

Terrex™ sWiFT Tee #v37098

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, CLimACOOL® ventilation, half zip with stand-up collar, bonded sleeve pocket

FOrmOTiOn™, CLimACOOL®, crew neck


AppAreL WOmen



dynamic, durable and ready for your most extreme outdoor sport use. The adidas Terrex™ Feather Jacket provides full waterproof protection courtesy of a gOre-Tex® pro shell while remaining unbelievably feather lightweight and breathable. The jacket’s stretchy three-layer material insert along the back and FOrmOTiOn™ technology work together to offer flexible comfort during your most aggressive moves.

Terrex™ Feather Jacket #v37095 FOrmOTiOn™ cut, gOre-Tex® pro shell, fully adjustable and helmet compatible storm hood, zip security pocket on left arm

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For female outdoor athletes, there is the Terrex™ Hybrid Jacket: perfectly attuned to the body temperature zones of women and with the FOrmOTiOn™ cut designed specifically for women.

Terrex™ Hybrid Jacket #v37093

Terrex™ Hybrid vest #v37091

adidas Bodymapping, Hybrid Construction, gOre WindsTOpper® Active shell, softshell fabric, FOrmOTiOn™ cut, ventilation pockets

adidas Bodymapping, Hybrid Construction, gOre WindsTOpper® Active shell, softshell fabric, FOrmOTiOn™ cut, ventilation pockets

Terrex™ multi pant #v37087

Terrex™ mountain pant #v37088

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, 4-way stretch fabric for improved freedom of movement, stretchable knee panels for added durability, drawcord on elastic waist

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, nano-Tex fabric for improved water repellency, built-in adjustable belt on waist, inner drawcord on bottom leg hem for comfort and adjustable fit

AppAreL WOmen

Terrex™ sWiFT 2.5L CLimAprOOF® storm Jacket

Terrex™ sWiFT midlayer Longsleeve CLimALiTe® fabric, curved quarter zip with stand-up collar, raglan sleeves and thumb loops for freedom of movement and comfort



Terrex™ sWiFT softshell Jacket

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, CLimAprOOF® storm material, adjustable hood, underarm zips for ventilation

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, CLimAprOOF® Wind material, softshell fabric, fully adjustable storm hood for maximum protection

Terrex™ sWiFT Lite pant

Terrex™ sWiFT pant


CLimALiTe® soft, lightweight stretch fabric for superior moisture management and freedom of movement, waist belt, leg hem draw cord placed inside



FOrmOTiOn™, nano-Tex finishing on the garment, 4-way stretch fabric for improved freedom of movement, elastic waist with belt, Ankle zips for convenience

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AppAreL WOmen


stay light and fast in the mountains with the help of these technical adidas Terrex™ high functional T-shirts. High performance fabrics wicks away moisture to keep you cool and focused, while FOrmOTiOn® guarantees superior fit and comfort over strenuous routes.

Terrex™ sWiFT Longsleeve Tee #v37068 CLimALiTe® fabric, crewneck, raglan sleeves, activated carbon in fabric for cooling, odour control and uv protection

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Terrex™ sWiFT shortsleeve Tee #v37067

Terrex™ 1/2 Zip Tee #v37136

CLimALiTe® fabric, crewneck, raglan sleeves, activated carbon in fabric for cooling, odour control and uv protection

FOrmOTiOn™ cut, CLimACOOL® ventilation, half zip with stand-up collar, mesh panels under arms for ventilation


HEADBAND Keep sweat at bay under the midday sun with the help of the adidas Headband. ideal to wear on hikes or while bouldering, this headband is made with super-stretchy seamless fabric for excellent fit and comfort, and can be easily worn under a climbing helmet. HeAdBAnd #v34566 moisture-wicking material for quick-drying comfort stretchable fabric for improved fit 93% nylon / 7% elastane seamless available colours: - intense green - radiant pink - pool - real red - seaweed - black


Terrex™ 15 #v42385


Terrex™ 35 #v42387


Terrex™ 35 W #v42386

With the TERREX™ 35 and the TERREX™ 35 W adidas adds a multifunctional mountain backpack to the TERREX™ sports line that fans of outdoor sports will love. The lightweight TERREX™ 35 backpack is engineered to haul the necessities on fast-paced athletic tours. FOrmOTiOn™ ensures a superior fi t and comfort on the move, while vertical and horizontal compression straps tighten the load. includes a large main compartment, a zip-secure valuables pocket and a 2-litre bladder.

FOrmOTiOn™, 2-litre bladder

FOrmOTiOn™, 2-litre bladder


TERREX™ 35 W: an overall design perfectly adapted to the female anatomy makes even demanding fast hikes a real pleasure. With its ingenious FOrmOTiOn™ technology, and shoulder straps and hips belts designed specifi cally for women, the Terrex™ 35 W provides female mountain athletes, including those who demand the very highest standards, with a perfect fit and supreme comfort. The minimalist adidas TERREX™ 15 Backpack streamlines the essentials for effortless transport on fast-paced outdoor treks. FOrmOTiOn™ delivers an adaptive fi t and superior comfort during sport. includes two main compartments, a zip-secure valuables pocket and a 2-litre bladder.

FOrmOTiOn™, 2-litre bladder



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BoAT CC lace The ultimate expression of summer fun, these grippy, breathable and lightweight adidas Boat CLimACOOL® Lace shoes combine water sports performance with outdoor sneaker style. Available in bright and fun underwater sea life-inspired colours, they feature a quick-drying mesh upper and evA tongue for a perfect fit. The TrAxiOn® outsole offers exceptional grip in wet and slippery conditions. CLimACOOL® provides 360-degree cooling for the entire foot.

Terrex™ pro

see better. be better. The multiple prize-winning TERREX™ pro from sports eyewear specialist adidas eyewear is a high-end mountain sports model for alpine sports enthusiasts aiming to reach the top.

TERREX™ Socks Keep feet dry and energised during athletic tours in these adidas Terrex™ Light socks. super-soft primaLoft® yarn controls heat and moisture, while air channels continuously cool the feet. Anatomical cushioning puts support and shock absorption exactly where you need it.

in the mountains, the higher you go, the more important it is to protect your eyes from uv rays and extreme weather conditions. professional mountaineers such as Thomas and Alexander Huber (ger) know this only too well. That’s why their experience has been used in the development of the latest adidas eyewear outdoor model. What makes the Terrex™ pro so special is its unique design and the many features. including: headband, nose cover, second bridge, orange replacement filter (not in the LsT™ vario model) and a second pair of Cp lenses for the detachable Twin Filter™. One important technical innovation is the Twin-Filter™. if needed, it is clipped to the inside of the outdoor eyewear, keeping moisture or cold air away from the eyes. This guarantees optimum protection for the eyes when you are up in the mountains. Quality sports eyewear is part of your essential kit for outdoor sports, especially if you’re heading for the mountains. The additional models elevation CLimACOOL® and agilis are regarded as two genuine classics in the mountain and outdoor sports community. For more information ask your local dealer or visit

elevation CLimACOOL®


HUBERBUAM stoamanndl

Huberbu »This ingenious line immediately caught my eye.« Alexander

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Loferer Alm Sonnwand

The Sonnwand above the Loferer Alm is one of the most impressive natural backdrops anywhere in the world: an awesome, steep rock face with perfect climbing routes surrounded by a captivatingly beautiful landscape.


»STOAMANNDL« first ascent Redpoint

Alexander Huber was here for the first time two years ago and has been fascinated by this magical location ever since. Back then he opened up a new route running out over the overhanging section of the face with Guido Unterwurzacher. Two years later – in June 2010 – they both finally found the time to return and climb their old project – the “Thunderbird” (X) – red point. During this ascent Alexander caught sight of another route on the majestic Sonnwand. The route follows a line just to the left of the Thunderbird, taking an impressive course through the rock promising plenty of varied climbing with technically challenging pitches and physically demanding passages - a new project, which was just crying out for him to open up.

The “Stoamanndl” (X) is born It’s no wonder, then, that Alexander returned to the call of the Sonnwand. Just a few days later, together with his friend Hellei Limmer, he opened up this route as well – lead climbing with a minimum of fixed anchor points. Only in the first pitch (X) did he set six bored hooks – after that there is only one more in the second pitch ( X–). Alexander climbed all other sections – with grades of difficulty up to VIII+ – with very little protection. – A mental masterpiece. But it wasn’t over by a long way: following the initial ascent, Alexander also wanted to secure the first red point climb on the “Stoamanndl”. For this job he needed a strong rope partner. Somebody with the same rock-hard attitude and climbing ability. Somebody he could rely on one thousand percent - his brother. Thomas had never climbed at Loferer Alm before, but was immediately interested when Alexander told him about the unique landscape and excellent quality of the routes.


HuBerBuAm sTOAmAnndL

iii ix-

»six hooks in The firsT secTion and one in The second afTer ThaT There is no fixed proTecTion a challenge ThaT you shouldn’T underesTimaTe.«

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»you’ve goT everyThing here: The exposed locaTion high above The valley floor, The sTarTing poinT wiTh The old sycamore aT The base of The wall and The awesome firsT piTch on The overhanging perforaTed rock face - we call This place our liTTle paradise.« alexander

However, mother nature put them through a tough test – a test of patience. A lengthy spell of rain postponed their red point plans. summer moved on relentlessly and the rock face stayed wet. On 26 August the big day arrived. A window of fine weather provided ideal conditions. The Huber brothers could get going. After just 45 minutes they were standing at the foot of the wall. Thomas was just as captivated by this spot: idyllic, archaic and secluded – with this unbelievable rock face – a perfect place for climbers – “a real paradise”. They take turns in the lead. The “stoamanndl” (x) is a route that is precisely up the Huber brother’s street: eight rope lengths – the first two both grade ten – on an overhanging wall with the minimum of protection – 250 metres of climbing under constant pressure: athletically, technically and mentally.

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»Climbing together as brothers is more intense than climbing with friends. – You know exactly what makes the other tick, and it’s ok if you have a really good argument. We are both dominant types, but because we are brothers we still work well together.« Thomas


HUBERBUAM stoamanndl

»It’s not just the technical difficulties of climbing; fitting your own protection kit is also a challenging aspect of each route. On the »Stoamanndl« climbers also need to be able to handle the mental side.« Alexander

»I am sure that Loferer Alm is going to play a major role in the climbing world in future.« Alexander

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ÂťAs far as quality is concerned, this rock face definitely belongs to the best in the world.ÂŤ Alexander


HUBERBUAM stoamanndl

»A classic location a classic route.« Thomas

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»This corner of the Loferer Alm is A real goldmine for climbers.« Thomas

»If I was going to create a route with drilled anchors then it would look like the »Stoamanndl« : varied, challenging and overhanging. That’s because every hold, every move on this route is an absolute dream.« Thomas


boul dering Text: Bernd Zangerl Photo: Michael Meisl, Gerhard Heidorn


It only took BOULDERING a few years to become established as an OUTDOOR SPORT. While it used to be just a handful of individuals who whisked through the woods, today more and more people are discovering the pleasures of this sport. Young people in particular are “into” (drawn to/fascinated by) rope-free climbing and even the most ambitious sport climber now goes bouldering on a regular basis. For some, “clambering around” on small-scale rocks has nothing to do with real climbing, whereas for others, bouldering has become a crèmede-la-crème experience. And it is here - often just a few feet above the ground - that the limits to the technical possibilities of climbing have been redefined.

Diving into this microcosmos means forgetting all that’s around me concentrating on the next move is all that matters.

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The Tyrolean Bernd Zangerl also belongs to these “freaks”. He has been 100% dedicated to bouldering for almost 10 years now. In central Europe he has influenced and shaped the sport like no other. Back in 2003 he was nominated “Boulderer of the Year” by none other than “Climbing Magazine”.


Since then the unassuming Tyrolean has clocked up more than 500 first ascents and together with his friends has cleaned up many boulder areas for others to enjoy as well. Others will follow, because Bernd’s enthusiasm for the sport and his search for the perfect line remain as strong as ever.

It’s my PASSION. Diving into this microcosmos means forgetting all that’s around me concentrating on the next move is all that matters. Tranquility. Everyday stuff just loses its meaning. Bouldering is play, acrobatics and meditation, all in one. You have to be able to focus completely on the movement, switch off. When mind and body are in absolute balance, when everything is in the flow, that’s when bouldering is like dancing, on the rock, or even better: with the rock. I often try out a single move for weeks, even months. Fred Nicole compares bouldering to a music score. Only here it is nature - the rock that gives you the notes. To overcome a complex boulder problem you need to learn to understand it, decode it and try, try again. The repertoire of moves knows no limits in bouldering.

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It's my PASSION. Each problem is unique, requiring its own style. Often the difficulty is being able to even imagine the move in the first place. That’s why creativity and willpower are especially in demand in this sport. My motivation to work on a project for a long time comes mainly from the beauty of a line, a boulder, and whether the line in my head is even doable. And when a line looks impossible, it’s irresistible. I’m looking for the perfect boulder, the perfect line, and actually I don’t really know what it is I’m looking for exactly. Then, suddenly it’s right in front of me and I simply have to climb it. You can’t force the successful line though. On the day I conquer the boulder I need to have a completely free head and forget everything around me. (I can’t even want to do it, because just the wanting to do it is going to block movement.) I have had to learn to wait, practise being patient, and then suddenly I’ve done it without really knowing what actually happened. All the pain, the effort and the frustration is forgotten. Only one feeling remains: joy.

bernd zangerl



Alex Luger - ‘Thomahawk‘ Silvapark Galtür/Austria

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Bouldering, however, is not a new trend sport as many believe. The roots of this sport go back a long way. As long ago as 1896 Oskar Eckstein, an English climber, describes overcoming a “boulder problem” in one of his articles. The first boulders in Fontainebleau were opened around the same time. Today, 100 years on, the small village just a few kilometres outside Paris is the largest and most popular bouldering hotspot worldwide. And don’t forget the American John Gill, who is acknowledged as the father of modern bouldering. In the 1950s he trained to be able to climb around specific problems. Ahead of his time, Gill overcame challenges that are today rated at the top end of grade 8 on the difficulty scale. While Gill was solving the most difficult moves on boulders, in the Alps rock faces were being conquered with ladders and hammers. Grade 6 was where it was at! “It’s not possible to climb anything more difficult than that,” was the general opinion at the time. Meanwhile it has become clear that today’s performance standards in free-climbing would be unimaginable without the playful challenges and visionary attitude that stems from bouldering. The long tradition of bouldering has always been regarded as a discipline for loners, visionaries and freaks. This is where we have to mention legendary personalities such as Flipper Fitz, Jacky Godoffe and Fred Nicole, who have given the sport its character and elevated it to the very highest level worldwide.



Bernd Zangerl - ‘Falsche Götter‘


For me bouldering means much more than grabbing onto small holds and “clambering about” on rocks. It means being outdoors in beautiful, breathtaking natural surroundings. Seeking out new boulders with friends and enjoying a great day out together, having fun. Bouldering is about getting together with friends in the great outdoors. We have loads of fun and there is a lot of laughing going on. But when we get down to bouldering, while somebody is trying something out, then you could hear a pin drop. Everybody has got their fingers crossed; you motivate and look after each other. Your friends are also your spotters; giving you extra safety while you are bouldering. The spotter is responsible for placing the crash pads in the right place and trying to break your fall so that you land on the soft mats. The social aspect of bouldering plays a very important role. You work together on a problem and try to find a solution together. You discuss it and then each tries it out. You drive each other on and when it works you are pleased for one another. Many long-term friendships have resulted from my journeys to the far corners of the world. We keep meeting up and work on different projects together.

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Barbara Zangerl - ‘Krieger des Lichts‘ Silvapark Galtür/Austria

One of these special friendships that came out of such a constellation is with Barbara Zangerl. (no relation). This Tyrolean travelled with me for many years. “Babsi” would spend every free minute bouldering and her motivation wasn’t cooled by icy temperatures or snow. There’s no such thing as “no can do”, is her motto, which is why within a few years Barbara belonged to the best in the world. Willpower and extreme strength in the fingers characterised the otherwise quiet Tyrolean. Barbara was the youngest women to manage a boulder in the ultra-difficult Fb.8a grade. Then she tackled a dozen other problems and the boys were unable to take their eyes off her. Her greatest achievement has to have been in 2008 at the tender age of 22. Following her ascent of “Pura Vida” Barbara became the first woman to climb a boulder problem with a difficulty of Fb.8b. Oh, and apart from that, Barbara also won the legendary MELLOBLOCCO boulder event three times in a row.


Each outdoor story is unique. Each outdoor story is told with a passion. Taking the lead, or motivating your friends - the buzz is in planning a challenge and making the most of the day. Maybe you only have one day like this a year - but you’ll be telling the story and sharing it with the community until you go out and create a new one!

all together

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