2014 TABS Conference Preview

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December 4-6 • Washington DC

Schedule at-a-Glance W E D N E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 3 4:00pm – 6:00 pm

Registration for Pre-Conferences

T H U R S D AY, D E C E M B E R 4 7:00am – 6:30pm


7:00am – 8:00am

Breakfast (For Pre-Conference Registrants Only)

8:00am – 12:30pm

Pre–Conference Workshops

8:00am – 4:30pm

New Heads Symposium

12:00pm – 3:45pm

Exhibitor Set-Up

12:30pm – 1:00pm

Lunch (For W1, W2, W3 & W4 Pre-Conference Attendees Only)

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Lunch (For W5 New Heads Symposium Attendees Only)

1:00pm – 4:45pm

UnConference (Focus on Teaching & Learning)

4:00pm – 4:45pm

Canadian Welcome Reception

4:00pm – 6:45pm

Exhibit Hall Open

4:15pm – 4:45pm

Welcome Reception – For new TABS Conference attendees

4:45pm – 6:45pm

Conference Kickoff Reception – Sponsored by ERB


F R I D AY, D E C E M B E R 5 7:30am – 4:00pm


7:30am – 8:45am

Breakfast in Exhibit Hall – Sponsored by Classbook.com

8:45am – 10:15am

TABS Welcome / Keynote Address: Susan Cain, Author of “Quiet” Sponsored by Carney Sandoe

10:15am – 10:45am

Break in Exhibit Hall

10:45am – 11:45am

Concurrent Sessions A

11:45am – 1:00pm

Lunch & Ruzicka Compass Leadership Award

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Concurrent Sessions B

2:00pm – 3:00pm

Dessert in Exhibit Hall

3:00pm – 4:15pm

Concurrent Sessions C & Speed Sessions – Sponsored by Student Discoveries

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Leadership Forum (For Heads, Trustees & Senior Program, Academic & Student Affairs Officers) – Sponsored by Flik Independent School Dining

5:00pm – 6:15pm

Attendee Reception

6:45pm – 9:30pm

Heads Dinner (by invitation only)

S AT U R D AY, D E C E M B E R 6 8:00am – 11:00am


7:45am – 8:30am

Affinity Breakfast & TABS Member Relations Forum Breakfast (All Attendees are welcome)

8:30am – 9:30am

Concurrent Sessions D

9:30am – 10:00am


10:00am – 11:00am

Concurrent Sessions E

11:00am – 11:30am


11:30am – 12:30pm

Concurrent Sessions F


Grab & Go Lunch – CONCLUSION of Conference

Schedule is subject to change. Register at TABS.org/Conference

More bang for your travel buck if you join one of our Pre-Con sessions below! Attendees for sessions W-1 through W-4 must also register for the Conference in order to take part.

W-1 It Takes Three to Tango: Transforming the Adviser-Parent-Student Partnership Stay ahead of the evolving role of adviser by turning traditional expectations upside down. Conceptualizing parents as helicopters, students as doormats, and advisers as CEOs is outdated. It is time schools recast parents as experts, students as pilots, and advisers as professional coaches. Learn how to shape expectations, capitalize on strengths, and draw upon all that is healthy in students’ families to help students succeed at school. Blending research, psychology, management best practices and communication secrets, this dynamic workshop will prepare participants to turbocharge their advisories. Steve Barrett, Director of Outreach, Wildwood School; Dan Morrissey, Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid, Western Reserve Academy; Dr. Christopher Thurber, Psychologist and Educator, Phillips Exeter Academy

W-2 Time, Pace, and Priorities: Managing Student Stress Boarding schools are becoming a microcosm of the hectic world around them. Increasingly sophisticated information and technology, higher and higher standards for desirable college placement, entitled expectations, and a foreboding fear of failure have led to an outbreak of “competitive collapse” for both students and faculty. We can either prepare our students for this stressful, disconnected lifestyle or we can do what we do best, and challenge the status quo by creating communities and schedules that educate students and faculty members to live and learn together in efficient, challenging, learning communities that preserves time for in-depth learning, sophisticated social skill development, community engagement, self and global reflection, and play. In this workshop we will look at the priorities and realities of your school and explore the real choices that can shape the health and effectiveness of your community, students, and faculty. A pre-workshop survey will help you identify the current stressors and uses of time in your school. From this base, participants will realistically examine ways for their school to become more efficient, less anxious, and a better teaching model for the future. Carol Hotchkiss, Director, Durango Institute; Elizabeth Beck, Senior Associate Director of College Advising, The Hotchkiss School 4


W-3 Admission Roundtable: Value & Affordability Join us for a robust discussion on the most pressing issues facing the independent school admission/enrollment management profession—and the boarding sector. This pre-conference workshop will center on two critical topics: value and affordability. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful and collaborative discussions on defining the value proposition and overcoming the challenges of independent school affordability. Through group-led discussions and case studies, attendees will explore and discuss some of the most common obstacles faced by admission professionals as well as collectively strategize on how to overcome these hurdles. Tommy Adams, Assistant Head of School for Enrollment, Mercersburg Academy, PA; Quentin McDowell, Senior Associate Director of Admission & Financial Aid, Mercersburg Academy, PA; Leo Marshall, Director of Admission, The Webb Schools, CA

W-4 Latest Thinking in Teaching and Learning As more and more schools wrestle with strategies for successfully educating today’s students, understanding the impact on learning and teaching must be a fundamental part of the conversation. Leveraging research supported by an E.E. Ford Foundation Grant, we will explore what it means for schools to effectively engage students and nurture today’s skills. There are countless lists of the essential skills for current and future students, so the controversy is seldom about “what”, and more about “how.” We will explore ways that school leaders can start down the path toward a more future-focused curriculum that leverages the best thinking and practices from schools, research and experiences from around the world. Stephen Dunn, Assistant Head of School, and Sarah Edson, Dean of Academic Technology & Innovation, The Ethel Walker School

W-5 New Heads Symposium: Supporting the Unique Life and work of a boarding school Leader


For new Heads—and Heads new to Boarding—who begin their roles in 2014 or 2015 Being a Head is being a leader. Heading a Boarding School is a unique journey encompassing many domains of leadership. Designed specifically for new Heads just starting or about to begin the journey, TABS New Heads Symposium is a rich, daylong exploration of the challenges and opportunities of leading your community, your school, your organization—and yourself. A faculty of boarding school Heads with diverse experiences will share what you can expect professionally and personally, and offer thoughts on how to best orient yourself for initial and enduring success. The program does not replace, but builds upon the NAIS New Heads Institute and other standing offerings in the field, yet it takes a singular view of the unique dimensions and differences of boarding school Headship. In addition to key information and sound professional counsel, you’ll also develop a peer network of new and experienced Boarding School Heads, and leave with a set of resources you can carry with you as you step forward into leadership. Alex Curtis, Ph.D., Headmaster, Choate Rosemary Hall; Anthony Sgro, Ed.D., Head of School, Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School; Antonio Viva, Head of School, Walnut Hill School for the Arts; Katherine G. Windsor, Ed.D., Head of School, Miss Porters’s School



Fresh for this Year! TABS UnConference FOCUS ON TEACHING & LEARNING

Now on Thursday, following the Precons and in place of our traditional networking discussion groups. Thursday, December 4 • 1:00-4:45pm Free to Conference registrants. Join your colleagues for this organic program to share the latest intriguing trends, fresh concepts, and best practices. Bring your session ideas—or just yourself—and come ready to participate. The Unconference will begin with a very brief meeting and orientation. Those interested in hosting sessions will post their topics, then everyone votes with their feet to attend the what they’d like. Consider it real-time, crowd-sourced professional development!

For Heads: TABS Leadership Forum: Exceptional Endeavors Friday, December 5 • 3:00-4:30pm The focus of this year’s Forum is exceptional collaborations between faculty and students to build distinctive programs. We will hear from instructors, current students, and alumni/ae of Berkshire School, Thacher School, and Miss Porter’s School about the genesis, the delivery, and the impact of endeavors relating to entrepreneurship and innovation, advanced independent study, and collaborations with higher ed. The leadership here is by example and best practice, leaving participants the opportunity to apply similar principles to advance efforts in their own schools. After the Leadership Forum

TABS Heads Dinner Friday, December 5 • 6:45pm By invitation only. Heads of school can enjoy a memorable evening honoring your esteemed colleagues at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Sponsored by

Thanks to





Susan Cain is the co-founder of Quiet Revolution LLC and the author of the award-winning New York Times bestseller QUIET: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking, which has been translated into thirtysix languages, has appeared on many “Best of” lists, and was named the #1 best book of the year by Fast Company magazine, which also named Cain one of its Most Creative People in Business. Cain’s book was the subject of a TIME Magazine cover story, and her writing has appeared in the The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and many other publications. Her record-smashing TED talk has been viewed over 8 million times, and was named by Bill Gates one of his all-time favorite talks. Cain has also spoken at Microsoft, Google, the U.S. Treasury, the S.E.C., Harvard, Yale, West Point and the US Naval Academy. She received Harvard Law School’s Celebration Award for Thought Leadership, the Toastmasters International Golden Gavel Award for Communication and Leadership, and was named one of the world’s top 50 Leadership and Management Experts by Inc. Magazine. She is an honors graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School. In 2014, Cain partnered with office design company Steelcase to create Susan Cain Quiet Spaces, with a range of architecture, furniture, materials and technology to empower introverts at work. She lives in the Hudson River Valley with her husband and two sons. Sponsored by






Sessions by Track (but feel free to mix it up!) ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION


Collaborating to Expand Opportunity, Update Pedagogy & Reduce Costs Brad Rathgeber, Cathy Murphree

Balancing the Portfolio: The Future of Admissions Assessment Jonathan Martin, Ray Diffley, Heather Hoerle

Demystifying the Bright yet Struggling Student Heidi Molbak, Helen Waldron From Roots to the Essay: Power up Your Writing Program with Performance Tasks Pamela Appleton Managing Classroom Distraction in a 1-1 World Ryan Bennett Placement and Progress via 3rd Party Assessment Melissa Szarowicz Tailor Made Professional Development Kim Sivick, Scott MacClintic, Thomas Steele-Maley The Phone Call Christopher Thurber

Beyond the Viewbook: Re-Envisioning Traditional Marketing Quentin McDowell, Mike Conklin Driving for Admissions: How Your Data Fuels Success Liz Schmitt, Peter Baron North American Boarding Initiative Project Panel The Role of Data in Enrollment Planning Stephen Ritchie, Susanne Carpenter Trends & Perceptions of the International Student Payment Experience Sharon Butler

Tying Core Content to Digital Tools Michelle Castellanos

Unabashedly & Authentically: Communicating the Value of Your School Laura Burgess, Jamie Hicks-Furgang

Understanding & Effectively Using English Language Test Scores Jean Alderman, Meredith Hanson

China 101: A Soup to Nuts Understanding of the Chinese Market Christopher Boehner, Ben Douglass

All In: Meaningful Professional Development and Faculty Evaluation Brian Jurek, Emily Bonis

Find out What Prospective Families Want from You Aimee Gruber, Dave Taibl, Kate Auger-Campbell

An Offer You Can’t Refuse Christopher Brueningsen, Christopher Post

Open House & Road Shows – Are They Dead or Just a Little Broken? Kathy LaBranche

Degrees of Learning Support: Mainstream to Specialized Models Carol Kinlan, Sara Lynn Leavenworth, Kristina Stevens Digital Portfolios – Making Them More than Just a Technology Shift Chad Hanning E-Textbooks - The Next Big Thing Julia Maurer, Emily Howley, Amy Kelley Emerging Trends in Public Education & Their Impending Impact on the Boarding School Brenda Vishanoff

Retention: Not a Coincidence, a Commitment Peter Curran, Dan Morrissey, Andrew Bogardus Rethinking Faculty Roles in the Admissions Process Brett Barnett, Jeannie Rumsey, Jason Park What Heads & Trustees Need to Know about Affordability Aaron Wachholz, Kristen Power

Grit Lit: Teaching Resilience through Literary Study Michael Riendeau, Jed Geary MAPS: Educating the Individual Student through Goal Setting Sean Brennan, Erin Cohn Revolution and Evolution – Creating a New School Schedule Julie Faulstich, Ben Gregg

Track Sponsored by



Track Sponsored by



How Do You Measure Up? Strategies for Engaging Users Online Jon Moser, Pat Bassett

Auditing IT: A Strategic Plan for Heads, Board Members & Leadership Katherine Koestner, Jeff Dayton, Arthur Diaz

Show & Tell: Intriguing Examples of School Marketing Rob Norman, Liza Fisher Norman The Art of Crafting & Delivering Your School’s Key Messages Sydney Neuhaus, Anne Granfield 5 Videos Every School Needs Hans Mundahl, Will McCulloch Parent Communication Gone Digital: Planning & Optimizing Web Strategies Maura Ciccarelli, Jennifer Settle What Boarding Schools Can Learn from Higher Education Admissions Marketing Strategies Joe Cliber

Board not Bored – Board Meetings That Really Work Zachary Lehman, Jonathan Martin Facility Recycling: Saving Money – and the Planet James Selman, James Barrett, A.I.A., LEED, Wayne Mattson, P.E. Information Security for School Leaders Jon Ostendorf It’s All about the People: So Why Is It so Hard to Get It Right? Stephanie Rogen, Elizabeth Hardwick Leadership Forum (For Heads, Trustees & Senior Program, Academic & Student Affairs Officers) Ben Williams The Four Guideposts for Creating a Healthy & Low Risk School Culture David Wolowitz, David Hanson Give and Take – Offering and Accepting Mentoring Rachel Stone, Katie Titus, Lucy Goldstein Keep Calm & Carry On: Maximizing the Accreditation Process Aggie Malter, Kip Nygren Making Value the Driver of Strategy & Marketing: A Case Study Richard Hardy, Benjamin Edwards

Speed Session

Technology Interest


Sessions by Track (but feel free to mix it up!) HEALTH & COUNSELING


“Everybody’s Doing It!” Dealing with Substance Abuse Kelly McAdams, Chris Button, Peter Quilty

Navigating the Legal & Practical Complications Associated with Employee Leave Christopher Brigham, Stephen Dunn

Care of the GLBT Student Davis Smith, MD

Shades of Grey & Blurred Lines – Defining Boundaries in Boarding Schools Sara Schwartz, Eric Peterson

Eating Concerns in Boarding Schools: Prevention, Risks & Interventions Melissa Smith,Ph.D. Listen for the Silent Scream: How to Respond to Cutting Christopher Thurber Sex & Cupcakes: Fun, Factual & Student-Centered Sex Education Tracie Epes, Nicole Cologne, Rebecca Zahradnik Students Need to Talk, When and How Should We Listen? Ellen Porter Honnet, Ed.D., Paula Chu, Ph.D. Talking about High-Risk Behaviors – Learn How to Tackle the Tough Topics Carol Cahalane, Shane LaPointe, Michelle Soucy The Power of Positive Psychology Applied to the School Setting Margaret Nagib The State of the Boarding School Health Center Allen Cobb, Adrianna Bravo Don’t Let Legalized Marijuana Make You Paranoid. Is Your School Ready? Kevin O’Connor, Renee Soulis Return to Learn – Getting Back on Track after a Concussion Jody McLean, Mary Gauthier Step up, Shout out, Opt In: Using Peer Education to Educate & Motivate Christina Mazzola, Sophie Speidel, M.Ed. Today’s Teen: What’s Trending? David Chiarella, PhD



The Next Step in Embracing Diversity: The Transgender Student Linda Johnson, Nate Snow



A Community Service Opportunity for Boarding Schools Marius Felix, Andrea Felix Building “Selfie”-Esteem in Girls Brooklyn Raney Ice Breaker Games that Teach School Culture (and Don’t Stink)! Chad Hanning Making Space during the Day; Adding Choices at Night Brett Potash, David Fitzgerald Risky Business: Finding Risk Indicators in the Dorm Joe Fernald, Melissa Fernald Social Media – Teenagers versus Residential Staff Thomas Dunsmore That’s L.I.F.E. – Finding Time for a Residential Life Curriculum Maxwell Jones The Disorganized Student: Help Me, Help You! Leah Stancil, Jeremy LaCasse You’ve Selected Student Leaders, Now What? Alex Godomsky

Academy Open – a Comprehensive Orientation Approach Brian Lafond, Stephen Brotschul Challenges & Threats to the Very Existence of Private/Boarding Schools Mark Siegel Grace Notes: Putting a Mission Statement into Print and Practice Michael Bonin, Ph.D. How to Simplify Managing Your School’s IT Mark Davies, Jim Huffaker Improve Communication Flow through Microsites Ryan Dobbins M&M’s and Paper Bags – Ready to Use Adviser Activities on a Budget Dan Morrissey, Steve Margio The Future is Video – Want a Network? Sam Klein

Developing Student Leaders, and Building Connections in Your Local Community Jennifer Siff, Meg Allen “Help! I Can’t Find My Classes!” Low Cost, High Impact New Student Orientation Laura Jalinskas, Vera Polacek A Student-Run Anti-Bullying Program Linda Rosenberg Mcguire, Kevin Eppler Appreciation for Diversity: Training Activities for Student Leaders Maureen Harrison Design Thinking for Change: Creating Global Student Leaders George Stewart Elevating Student Leadership in the Dormitory Whitney Suttell, Anastasia Zink, Anne Coleman

Three Boarding Problems Solved by Technology Andy Olson, Brent Lee You Are Not the School You Think You Are: Steps for a Positive Transformation Phil Cocchiola, Matthew LaSota, David Tuttle Australian Boarding Schools: Current Issues & Trends Richard Stokes Making Your School Cashless: Simplify Operations & Enhance Student/Parent Services Lori Caffrey Product Demonstration by CardSmith

From Beijing to Berlin: Helping to Create a Home Away from Home Brian Murray, Shelley Frank Student Leadership & Promoting Intercultural Awareness Stephen Telling, Andrea Kelly

I’ve Decided to Retire; Now What? Kevin Moultrie

What Does, “A Caring Community” Really Mean? Carol Dopp, Tobi Pfenninger, Duane Ford Dormitory Control and Efficiency at the Press of a Button Steven Montgomery Product Demonstration by REACH Boarding School System

Technology Interest

Speed Session


Tommy Adams, Mercersburg Academy

Alex Curtis, Ph.D., Choate Rosemary Hall

Jean Alderman, ETS

Mark Davies, The Hun School of Princeton

Meg Allen, Salisbury School

Jeff Dayton, Madeira School

Pamela Appleton, ERB

Arthur Diaz, Pomfret School

Kate Auger-Campbell, SSATB

Ray Diffley, Choate Rosemary Hall

Brett Barnett, Brewster Academy

Ryan Dobbins, Brooks School

Peter Baron, Blackbaud’s K12 Group

Carol Dopp, Holderness School

Steve Barrett, Wildwood School

Ben Douglass, Saint James School

James Barrett, A.I.A., LEED, DRA Architects

Stephen Dunn, The Ethel Walker School

Pat Bassett, Heads Up Educational Consulting

Thomas Dunsmore, Australian Boarding Schools Association

Elizabeth Beck, The Hotchkiss School Ryan Bennett, Mercersburg Academy Christopher Boehner, Vericant Andrew Bogardus, Berkshire School Michael Bonin, Ph.D., Portsmouth Abbey School Emily Bonis, Hebron Academy Adrianna Bravo, Episcopal High School Sean Brennan, Vermont Academy Christopher Brigham, Updike, Kelly and Spellacy, P.C. Stephen Brotschul, West Nottingham Academy Christopher Brueningsen, The Kiski School Laura Burgess, Emma Willard School Sharon Butler, peerTransfer Chris Button, Virginia Episcopal School Lori Caffrey, CardSmith Carol Cahalane, Phillips Exeter Academy Susan Cain, Quiet Revolution LLC Susanne Carpenter, Walnut Hill School for the Arts Michelle Castellanos, ClassBook.com David Chiarella, PhD, Western Reserve Academy Paula Chu, Ph.D., S H King Counseling Institute Maura Ciccarelli, Magic Hour Communications Joe Cliber, Creosote Affects Allen Cobb, Magnus Health Erin Cohn, Vermont Academy Phil Cocchiola, The Oxford Academy Anne Coleman, Westtown School Michael Collins, TIAA-CREF Nicole Cologne, The Madeira School Mike Conklin, Mercersburg Academy Peter Curran, Blair Academy 12


Sarah Edson, The Ethel Walker School Benjamin Edwards, Art & Science Group Tracie Epes, The Madeira School Kevin Eppler, Westtown School Julie Faulstich, Walnut Hill School for the Arts Andrea Felix, Brentwood College School Marius Felix, Brentwood College School Joe Fernald, Brewster Academy Melissa Fernald, Safe Surroundings NE, LLC Liza Fisher Norman, InspireED School Marketers David Fitzgerald, The Webb Schools Duane Ford, Holderness School Shelley Frank, Pickering College Mary Gauthier, Upper Canada College Jed Geary, Eagle Hill School Alex Godomsky, Hebron Academy Lucy Goldstein, Episcopal High School Anne Granfield, Finsbury Ben Gregg, Walnut Hill School for the Arts Aimee Gruber, SSATB Chad Hanning, Virginia Episcopal School David Hanson, Phillips Exeter Academy Meredith Hanson, North Country School Elizabeth Hardwick, Greenwich Leadership Partners Richard Hardy, Concord Academy Maureen Harrison, Emma Willard School Jamie Hicks-Furgang, Emma Willard School Heather Hoerle, SSATB Carol Hotchkiss, Durango Institute

Emily Howley, Mercersburg Academy

Vera Polacek, Miss Porter’s School

Jim Huffaker, The Hun School of Princeton

Ellen Porter Honnet, Ed.D., S H King Counseling Institute

Laura Jalinskas, Miss Porter’s School Ero Johnson, TIAA-CREF Linda Johnson, McLane Law Firm Maxwell Jones, Hebron Academy Brian Jurek, Hebron Academy Amy Kelley, Mercersburg Academy Andrea Kelly, Appleby College Carol Kinlan, McMillan, Howland & Spence Sam Klein, The Bleachers Corp Katherine Koestner, Campus Outreach Kathy LaBranche, Trinity College School Jeremy LaCasse, Taft School Brian Lafond, West Nottingham Academy Shane LaPointe, Phillips Exeter Academy Matthew LaSota, The Oxford Academy Sara Lynn Leavenworth, The Gunnery Brent Lee, Brentwood College Zachary Lehman, The Hill School Scott MacClintic, Loomis Chaffee Aggie Malter, Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) Steve Margio, Baylor School Leo Marshall, The Webb Schools Jonathan Martin, JonathanEMartin Ed. Services Wayne Mattson, P.E., Griffith & Vary, Inc. Julia Maurer, Mercersburg Academy Christina Mazzola, St. Anne’s-Belfield School Kelly McAdams, Caron Treatment Centers Will McCulloch, New Hampton School Quentin McDowell, Mercersburg Academy Linda Rosenberg Mcguire, Westtown School

Christopher Post, Boys’ Latin School of Maryland Brett Potash, Mercersburg Academy Kristen Power, SSS by NAIS Peter Quilty, Berkshire School Brooklyn Raney, Kimball Union Academy Brad Rathgeber, Online School for Girls Michael Riendeau, Eagle Hill School Stephen Ritchie, The Proof Group Stephanie Rogen, Greenwich Leadership Partners Jeannie Rumsey, The Madeira School Liz Schmitt, Miss Porter’s School Sara Schwartz, Schwartz Hannum PC James Selman, Milton Academy Jennifer Settle, Magic Hour Communications Anthony Sgro, Ed.D., Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School Mark Siegel, Delphian School Jennifer Siff, Salisbury School Kim Sivick, PA Association of Independent Schools Melissa Smith, Pd.D., Center for Change Davis Smith, MD, Westminster School Nate Snow, The White Mountain School Michelle Soucy, Phillips Exeter Academy Renee Soulis, FCD Educational Services Sophie Speidel, M.Ed., St. Anne’s-Belfield School Leah Stancil, Cheshire Academy Thomas Steele-Maley, The Bridge Year at Kieve-Wavus Kristina Stevens, Gould Academy George Stewart, EF Education First

Jody McLean, Upper Canada College

Richard Stokes, Australian Boarding Schools Association

Heidi Molbak, Seed Starter Educational Consulting

Rachel Stone, Blair Academy

Steven Montgomery, REACH Boarding School System

Whitney Suttell, Westtown School

Dan Morrissey, Western Reserve Academy

Melissa Szarowicz, Boston Educational Services (iTEP exam)

Jon Moser, Finalsite

Dave Taibl, SSATB

Kevin Moultrie, TIAA-CREF

Tamara Telesko, TIAA-CREF

Hans Mundahl, Hans Mundahl & Associates

Stephen Telling, Appleby College

Cathy Murphree, The Hockaday School

Christopher Thurber, Phillips Exeter Academy

Brian Murray, Rothesay Netherwood School

Katie Titus, St. George’s School

Margaret Nagib, Timberline Knolls

David Tuttle, The Oxford Academy

Sydney Neuhaus, Finsbury

Brenda Vishanoff, Wheaton Academy

Rob Norman, InspireED School Marketers

Aaron Wachholz, SSS by NAIS

Kip Nygren, Wyoming Seminary

Helen Waldron, The Forman School

Kevin O’Connor, Asheville School

Katherine G. Windsor, Ed.D., Miss Porter’s School

Andy Olson, Shawnigan Lake School

David Wolowitz, McLane Law Firm

Jon Ostendorf, The Hotchkiss School

Rebecca Zahradnik, The Madeira School

Jason Park, The Peddie School

Anastasia Zink, Westtown School

Eric Peterson, St. George’s School Tobi Pfenninger, Holderness School TAB S.ORG/C ON FERENCE • # TABS14



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CardSmith is a leading provider of cloud campus ID card solutions for boarding schools nationwide. We bring you the technology, service and expertise to make your ID card the key to a cashless, efficient campus without systems or software to manage on site. With CardSmith, you can replace cash handling and reduce billing and collections with highly valued services for students and parents. Lori Caffrey, Marketing Director 2005 S. Easton Road, Ste. 208 Doylestown PA 18901-7101 908 306 1114 x2115 www.card-smith.com sales@card-smith.com

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With Classbook.com, schools automate the ordering and fulfillment of eBooks and traditional Print books. This saves time and money and provides a digital road map for schools incorporating digital books into the classroom. Alyssa Bongiorno, Support 34 Commercial Drive Castleton NY 12203 518 336 2109 www.classbook.com ppetruccione@classbook.com

The TOEFL Junior® tests, intended for students ages 11+ in middle school and lower levels of high school, provide insight into your students’ English communication skills to help you make the best decisions and guide them on a path to success. To better meet the expectations of English-language programs worldwide, the TOEFL Junior tests are available in two testing modes and measure a range of skills. Magali Daumas, TOEFL Marketing Brand Manager 660 Rosedale Road Princeton NJ 08541 609 683 2058 www.ets.org/toefl mdaumas@ets.org


ERB (Educational Records Bureau) is a global nonprofit organization providing admission and achievement assessment as well as instructional services PreK – Grade 12. With over 2,000 member schools and districts around the world, ERB continues to be a trusted source for quality assessment, programs, and services to inform admission decisions and/or to support curriculum and instruction. Pamela Appleton, Northeastern Regional Director 470 Park Avenue South New York NY 10016 800 989 3721 x2619 www.erblearn.org pappleton@erblearn.org

At Flik we’re here to fuels students’ minds both in and out of the dining hall. It is our mission to provide good, healthy, diverse menus that you will look forward to eating every day. Elsie LaCourt, Project Manager 3 International Drive Rye Brook NY 10573 914 935 5401 Eileen.Coughlin@compass-usa.com www.FlikISD.com

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Automating your school boarding house management with REACH can simplify your operations and save you many work hours per week with efficient, fully traceable and reportable transactions that will help you to reduce risk and improve student care. Steven Montgomery, Director 2/28 Exchange Road Malaga 6090 Australia 61 300 215199 reachboarding.com steven@touchlne.com.au

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For more than 85 years, the Globus family of brands has been telling the stories behind the world’s most extraordinary destinations. Now, we’re bringing this experience to life for student groups through Student Discoveries, an alternative to traditional educational travel. Michael Lundquist, National Group Sales Manager 1819 Grace St Winston-Salem NC 27103 84 3597 2131 mlundquist@globusfamily.com www.studentdiscoveries.com




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Boardingware was founded by ex-boarding school students to eliminate paper, clipboards and outdated software. Boardingware is used around the world to connect students, parents and staff under one streamlined cloud-based solution. To see how you can improve the experience for everyone at your boarding school, go to www.boardingware.com/demo Paul Organ, Co-Founder Office 206, 91 St. George’s Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052 New Zealand +64 212 107832 paul@boardingware.com www.boardingware.com

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CCS is one of the most comprehensive and widely recommended fundraising consulting and management firms in the world, retaining the largest and most experienced permanent staff in the industry. Established in 1947, CCS designs and implements significant fundraising campaigns and programs for outstanding independent schools throughout the U.S. and worldwide. Samantha Bromley, Marketing Coordinator 461 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor New York NY 10017 646 572 7610 sbromley@ccsfundraising.com www.ccsfundraising.com

Every EF tour helps expand your students’ perspectives and prepare them for success in our interconnected world. Through the U.S. and overseas, all of our travel programs promote in-depth exploration, greater cultural understanding and hands-on learning. Hannah-Rose Mann, Education Manager 8 Education Street Cambridge MA 02141 617 619 1128 Hannah-Rose.Mann@EF.com eftours.com

Finalsite’s online learning and communications platform facilitates the distribution of digital content across school communities and in classrooms from both desktops and mobile devices. Finalsite’s software enables customers to engage dynamically with a wide range of third party data providers including student information systems, learning systems and social media applications. Rob DiMartino, Director 655 Winding Brook Drive Glastonbury CT 06033 800 592 2469 x115 education@finalsite.com www.finalsite.com


Founded in 2001, Fire Engine RED serves 350+ clients in the education market. Our new Fireworks CRM provides admissions offices with a consumer-like experience, focused on good design. Fireworks makes it easy to manage complex relationships between students, parents, alumni, and more. You can access Fireworks from any computer or mobile device; it includes unlimited users, training, and support. Rebecca Ohler, Vice President of People PO Box 1017 Havertown, PA 19083-1017 215 779 9987 info@fire-engine-red.com www.fire-engine-red.com

Folio is a non-profit partnership of independent schools with a proven professional growth platform. We believe that everyone deserves meaningful feedback and encouragement. Leveraging technology and a passion for teaching excellence, we provide a flexible framework that fully engages the school community and enables educators to achieve their full potential. Lissa Caltrider, Director of Membership 10451 Mill Run Circle, Suite 400 Owings Mills MD 21117 443 926 9179 lcaltrider@foliocollaborative.org www.foliocollaborative.org

George K. Baum & Company is a full service investment bank dedicated to meeting the borrowing needs of independent schools of all sizes and types across the country. Members of our team have overseen more than 175 independent school financings, totaling approximately $2.6 billion as investment banker or financial advisor. Chuck Procknow, Executive Vice President 1400 Wewatta Street, Ste. 800 Denver CO 80202 303 292 1600 x5444 procknow@gkbaum.com www.gkbaum.com/is

inRESONANCE (iR)—a strategic productivity partner for schools and nonprofits—has worked with over 300 schools worldwide since 1999. Our suite of open, customizable FileMaker Pro solutions and related web applications—including iR’s Enrollment Suite: PORTAL + SchoolForms Online + Student Billing—for admissions/ enrollment, registrar, and development has the simplest user interface on the market. Ryan McFarlane, Director, Strategic Sales 32 Industrial Drive E West Hartford MA 01060 413 587 0236 x149 ryan@inresonance.com www.inresonance.com

Follett Virtual Campus is a pure ecommerce solution and full-service provider for K-12 schools, providing a tailored one-stop-shop for textbooks, supplies, technology, and more without the footprint of a local store. FVC brings the largest inventory of affordable course material options from a network of over 8,000 publishers. FVC also features API to seamlessly integrate with SIS & LMS.

At InspirED you’ll find expert advice, inspirational examples, case studies, useful resources, and the experience of your peers. A sharing community awaits to answer your questions, help tackle your challenges, delight in each other’s accomplishments, and promote independent schools. It’s like going to a conference dedicated to school marketers—24/7 and there when you need us.

Bill Blaikie, Regional Sales Manager 3 Westbrook Corporate Center Westchester IL 60154 708 884 2181 info@fvc.follett.com follettvc.com

Liza Norman, Master Electrician PO Box 525 Washington Crossing PA 18977 267 714 8860 liza@inspiredsm.com www.inspiredsm.com




At the Klingenstein Center, we dedicate ourselves to improving the quality of independent schools by developing and strengthening the leadership skills of teachers and administrators at every stage of their careers. Create your own path as you build your skills, achieve your goals and join a network of distinguished leaders in independent and international schools around the world. Pete Simpson, Assistant Director Klingenstein Center,Teachers Clg, 525 W 120th St Box 125 New York NY 10027 212 678 6666 simpson3@tc.columbia.edu www.klingenstein.org

Laurel Springs is your trusted online school partner for high-quality, personalized academics. Our open enrollment means students can begin a course at any time and our full accreditation ensures complete reciprocity of credits. Boarding schools partner with us to expand course offerings without increasing faculty expenses in AP Courses, World Language Offerings, and Electives. Stephanie Fyfe, Director of Partnerships 1615 West Chester Pike, Ste. 200 West Chester PA 19382 877 775 0372 partnerships@laurelsprings.com partners.laurelsprings.com

Lice Treatment Center (LTC) provides professional on-site head lice treatment 24/7. Pediatrician-owned and operated, LTC offers a full-line of all-natural, non toxic treatment and prevention products. Founded by a boarding school graduate. Adrian Picheny, Director of School Services 200 Main Street, Unit 1D Monroe CT 06468 917 648 3789 info@licetreatmentcenter.net www.licetreatmentcenter.net



Metz Culinary Management is a leading provider of dining service management. Metz brings a customized offering that fits your school. Most importantly, we understand what an increasingly sophisticated student population desires in their dining program. At Metz Culinary Management, it’s all about the food. Specifically, it’s all about tailoring our menus to the tastes and needs of each location. John Geronimo, Vice President of Sales Two Woodland Drive Dallas PA 18612 724 312 6758 johng@metzcorp.com www.metzculinary.com

Founded in 1941, Outward Bound is a non-profit educational organization and expedition school that serves people of all ages and backgrounds through challenging learning expeditions that inspire self-discovery. Outward Bound offers high school, gap year, and semester programs. Amanda Murphy, Marketing Director 41 Mechanic Street Camden ME 04843 207 404 0220 info@outwardbound.org www.outwardbound.org

The PFM Group of companies is a national leader in providing independent financial advice as well as investment advisory, management and consulting services to local, state, and regional government and non-profit clients. We are proud to help independent schools meet their financial challenges with a broad array of products, backed by unquestioned professionalism and outstanding service. Jeanette Davidson-Flowers, Senior Managing Consultant Two Logan Square, Ste. 1600 Philadelphia PA 19103 215 557 1245 sosinskis@pfm.com www.pfm.com


Ruckus Wireless, Inc. (NYSE: RKUS) is a global supplier of advanced wireless systems for the rapidly expanding mobile Internet infrastructure market. The company offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor “Smart Wi-Fi” products to mobile carriers, broadband service providers, and corporate enterprises, and has over 40,000 endcustomers worldwide. Marco Gallo, Director, Events 350 West Java Drive Sunnyvale CA 94089 408 598 2082 info@ruckuswireless.com www.ruckuswireless.com

Established in 1990, SAGE Dining Services® is the nation’s leading provider of campus dining and upscale catering services for discerning independent schools. Paco Rodriguez, President 1402 York Road, Ste. 100 Lutherville MD 21093 410 339 3950 sales@sagedining.com www.sagedining.com

With over 10 years’ experience providing responsive school websites, apps, interactive prospectuses, branding and SEO and PPC services to schools internationally, our client list is a testament to our success. We add value not by just building a school website, but by producing a digital marketing strategy that covers all aspects of your school marketing.

TIAA-CREF is a full-service financial services company serving the needs of those working in the academic, research, medical, cultural, religious and governmental fields. We provide advice and guidance, and offer products that provide lifetime income options. We are mission-driven and committed to helping our more than 4.8 million participants plan for their financial well-being. Kevin Moultrie, Director 601 13th Street, NW, Ste. 700 North Washington DC 20005 202 637 8945 kmoultrie@tiaa-cref.org www.tiaa-cref.org

Based in Beijing, Vericant empowers admissions officers to better assess their growing Chinese applicant pool via 3rd-party verified video interviews, proctored writing samples, and spoken English evaluation. Vericant’s Behavioral Interview delivers a raw look at each applicant’s communicative abilities, thought process, maturity level, attitude and personality, for the fastest way to target top applicants. Chris Boehner, Executive Director Room 15E, Oriental Kenzo, Building C No. 48 Dongzhimen Street Beijing 100027 China +86 010 8485 6364 www.vericant.com info@vericant.com

Daniel Clarke, Managing Director Prudential Tower, 800 Boylston Street 16th Floor Boston MA 02199 866 622 0604 DanielC@schoolwebsite.com www.schoolwebsite.com



WHITE LEVEL SPONSORS Applerouth Tutoring Applerouth Tutoring provides premiere SAT & ACT tutoring in group, online, or individual settings. Torie Cadenhead, Operations Manager 1768 Century Blvd., Ste. B Atlanta GA 30345 678 608 2510 info@applerouth.com www.applerouth.com

Bowie Gridley Architects Collaborative Master Planning and Architecture for Academic, Arts, Athletics, STEM and Student Life Suzanne Singleton, Director of Marketing 1010 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Ste. 400 Washington DC 20007 202 337 0888 x3106 mktg@bowiegridley.com www.bowiegridley.com

Art & Science Group Market-informed strategy for higher education, independent schools, and nonprofits. Ben Edwards, Principal 300 East Lombard Street, Ste. 610 Baltimore MD 21202 919 489 9827 x241 consult@artsci.com www.artsci.com

CareFlow, LLC Customized healthcare solutions that meet the needs of health centers, counselors, & athletic trainers. Marlene Chotkowski, Operations 433 West Market Street, Ste. 6 West Chester PA 19380 610 422 2969 Careflow@Careflowemr.com www.careflowemr.com

Association of Independent School Admission Professionals Supporting and advancing the work of all independent school admission and marketing professionals. Janice Crampton, Executive Director PO Box 709 Madison CT 06443 203 421 7051 info@aisap.org www.aisap.org Barbarian Sports Wear Inc Canadian manufacturer of authentic striped rugby shirts. Custom orders from 24 pieces. John Pezzack, Sales & Marketing Manager 575 Trillium Drive Kitchener ON N2R 1J9 Canada 519 895 1932 customerservice@barbarian.com www.barbarian.com Bernhardt Fudyma Design Group The Bernhardt Fudyma Design Group creates athletic branding and design solutions for schools. Craig Bernhardt, Principal/Creative Director 38 East 29th Street New York NY 10016 212 889 9337 craig@bfdg.com www.bfdg.com Beyond Green: Sustainable Food Partners Beyond Green is a consulting firm for scratchcooked foods, local sourcing, and zero-waste. Kim Blomquist, Communications Manager 1043 West Grand Avenue Chicago IL 60642 312 275 6801 greg@beyondgreenpartners.com beyondgreenpartners.com 20


Caron Treatment Centers Adolescent substance abuse treatment as well as prevention and intervention services for schools. Kelly McAdams, Business Dev. Officer PO Box 150 Wernersville PA 19565 800 854 6023 kmcadams@caron.org www.caron.org Center for Change A leading eating disorder treatment center for females. Discover how we can help with recovery. Tamara Noyes, Director of Business Development 1790 N. State Street Orem UT 84057 888 224 8250 x267 info@centerforchange.com www.centerforchange.com Chill Expeditions CE customizes global eco-immersion expeditions for school groups to Spain and Latin America. Andrea Sarko, Sales Guide 124 Sibley Avenue, 2nd Floor Ardmore PA 19003 800 551 7887 requests@chillexpeditions.com www.chillexpeditions.com

WHITE LEVEL SPONSORS Creosote Affects Creosote is a brand provider--creating the best opportunities for our clients to meet their goals. Joe Cliber, Principal 314 W. Main Street, PO Box 207 Emmitsburg MD 21727 301 447 2338 joe@creosoteaffects.com www.creosoteaffects.com

Finsbury A leading strategic communications firm that helps manage crises to protect schools’ reputations. Anne Granfield, Principal 1345 Sixth Avenue New York NY 10105 646 805 2033 anne.granfield@rlmfinsbury.com www.rlmfinsbury.com

CulinArt Group CulinArt provides custom dining solutions for Independent and Boarding Schools across the country. Bob Kelly, AVP, Business Development Education 175 Sunnyside Blvd Plainview NY 11803 516 390 2700 x2748 rkelly@culinartinc.com culinartinc.com

FlynnO’Hara Uniforms For over 40 years, FlynnO’Hara has been the premier school uniform supplier in the United States. William Ditro, Territory Manager 10905 Dutton Road Philadelphia PA 19154 800 441 4122 x8054 msellecchia@flynnohara.com www.flynnohara.com

CWRA CWRA helps create critical thinkers through authentic alignment of teaching, learning and assessment Chris Jackson, Director 215 Lexington Avenue, Floor 16 New York NY 10016 212 217 0845 cjackson@cae.org www.cae.org/cwra Drummey Rosane Anderson, Inc. Specializing in the planning and design of educational environments. James Barrett, Principal 235 Bear Hill Road, 4th Floor Waltham MA 02451 617 964 1700 barrett@draws.com www.DRAarchitects.com The Experiment in International Living Meaningful, culturally immersive summer abroad programs for high school students since 1932. Heather Beard PO Box 676, 1 Kipling Road Brattleboro VT 05302 800.345.2929 heather.beard@experiment.org www.experimentinternational.org FCD Educational Services FCD is the leading provider of school-based substance abuse prevention services around the world. Renee Soulis, Client Relations Officer 398 Walnut Street Newton MA 02460 617 964 9300 schools@fcd.org www.fcd.org

Frank Cooney Company Furniture for educational environments... create learning spaces that inspire! Gregory Cooney, Owner 1226 Michael Drive Wood Dale IL 60191 630 694 8800 gregory@frankcooney.com www.frankcooney.com Grand Classroom Grand Classroom provides educational trips to national parks and other destinations for schools. Eddie Jones, Sales PO Box 7166 Charlottesville VA 22902 800 852 1453 johnraymond@grandclassroom.com www.grandclassroom.com Greenwich Leadership Partners Specializing in leadership development and transition, organizational change and strategic planning for schools. Stephanie Rogen, Principal and Founder One Park Avenue, Ste. One Old Greenwich CT 06870 203 570 2717 stephanierogen@greenwichleadershippartners.com www.greenwichleadershippartners.com H2O for Life H2O for Life, youth taking action to provide water for a partner school in a developing country. Patty Hall, President H2O for Life 1310 E. Hwy 96, Ste. 235 White Bear Lake MN 55110 651 756 7577 shall@h2oforlifeschools.org www.h2oforlifeschools.org TAB S.ORG/C ON FERENCE • # TABS14


WHITE LEVEL SPONSORS Holsag Canada Holsag chairs are made exclusively from 100% European beech hardwood, and are truly built to last! Vanessa Archer, Tradeshow Coordinator 164 Needham Street Lindsay ON K9V5R7 Canada 888 745 0721 x234 info@holsag.com www.holsag.com

Magnus Health Magnus Health’s Student Medical Record collects and securely stores health information online. Amy Weaver, Marketing Manager 323 West Martin Street Raleigh NC 27601 919 443 5202 info@magnushealth.com magnushealth.com

iTEP Providing high quality and flexible English language testing for schools and businesses Melissa Szarowicz, Sales Director 22048 Sherman Way, Ste. 210 Los Angeles CA 91303 818 887 3888 contactus@iteponline.com www.itepexam.com

The New York Times The New York Times offers EDU subscriptions that promote critical thinking & global awareness. Mark Condor, Education Account Manager 533 Albany Shaker Road Loudonville, NY 12211 917 846 19676 edu@nytimes.com nytimes.com

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC Serving independent schools with their capital financing and debt restructuring needs. Joseph Bosch, Managing Director 575 Lexington Avenue New York NY 10022 212 888 2527 jbosch@janney.com www.janney.com Jess Crate Furniture, Inc. Manufacturer of high quality solid wood and steel furniture dorm mattresses & linens. Steven Silver, Vice President 525 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia PA 19123 215 625 3600 info@jesscrate.com www.jesscrate.com Magic Hour Communications Magic Hour partners with independent schools to design and develop unique and easy-to-use websites. Jennifer Settle, Business Development Coordinator 11 Union Avenue Bala Cynwyd PA 19004 610 617 4515 jennifer@magic-hour.com www.magic-hour.com



Nutrition Management Services Company Provide contract food service for private schools and boarding schools. Brian Fioravanti, Vice President PO Box 725 Kimberton PA 19442 610 935 2050 bfioravanti@nmsc.com www.nmsc.com peerTransfer peerTransfer is the leader of innovative global payment solutions for the education industry. Lindsay Zanga, Marketing Associate 295 Devonshire Street Boston MA 02110 617 340 2254 info@peertransfer.com www.peertransfer.com The Proof Group Proof offers software and professional services to meet schools’ core data and reporting needs. Stephen Ritchie, Co-founder 223 Bolt Hill Road Eliot ME 03903 617 440 4650 info@proofgroup.com www.proofgroup.com

WHITE LEVEL SPONSORS RenWeb School Mgmt Software RenWeb is the leading provider of Cloudbased student information systems to over 3,300 schools. Jon-Mark Davey, School Management Consultant PO Box 1622 Burleson TX 76097 866 800 6593 Sales@RenWeb.com www.RenWeb.com The S/L/A/M Collaborative, Inc. S/L/A/M Collaborative specializes in campus planning & facilities of independent schools. Richard Connell, AIA, Principal 80 Glastonbury Blvd. Glastonbury CT 06033 860 657 8077 mail@slamcoll.com www.slamcoll.com SchoolDoc.com SchoolDoc.com is the leading electronic health record system for schools! Michael Ambrose, M.D., Owner 526 S Maple Road Ann Arbor MI 48103 734 629 5900 info@schooldoc.com www.schooldoc.com Schwartz Hannum PC SHPC works with schools to develop strategies that foster positive relationships & resolve disputes. Sara Schwartz, Founder and President 11 Chestnut Street, Ste. 11 Andover MA 01810 978 623 0900 shpc@shpclaw.com www.shpclaw.com SEG, Swiss Education Group SEG Swiss Education Group: World’s Leading Hospitality Education Network of Hotel Management Schools Laurent Soulé, Regional Manager Avenue des Alpes 27 Montreux 1820 Switzerland 888 566 2009 info@swisseducation.com www.swisseducation.com

Senior Systems Senior Systems is a complete school administrative software solutions for independent schools. Belinda Nanez, Office Admin/Sales 15915 Katy Freeway, Ste. 260 Houston TX 77094 888 480 0102 sales@senior-systems.com www.senior-systems.com Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center Residential treatment for girls ages 12+ with eating disorders, substance abuse, trauma and more. Karen Hall, Professional Outreach Representative 40 Timberline Drive Lemont IL 60439 630 248 4930 info@timberlineknolls.com www.timberlineknolls.com Travel For Teens Offering global language and cultural immersion travel experiences for students. Live like the locals! Ned Clark, Vice President & Program Director 900 West Valley Road, Ste. 300 Wayne PA 19087 484 654 1034 ned@travelforteens.com www.travelforteens.com Updike, Kelly and Spellacy, P.C. Updike, Kelly and Spellacy provides comprehensive legal representation to schools and businesses. Christopher Brigham, Principal 100 Pearl Street Hartford CT 06123 203 786 8310 cbrigham@uks.com www.uks.com Veracross LLC Veracross is an integrated database connecting staff, parents, students, alumni into one community. Ed Magin, Sales Director 701 Edgewater Drive, Ste. 360 Wakefield MA 01880 781 246 0010 info@veracross.com www.veracross.com






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Teachingstudents studentstotomake makethe theright rightchoices choiceswhether whetherthey theyare areinin Teaching theclassroom, classroom,dining diningroom roomororhome...wherever home...whereverthey theyEat. Eat.Learn. Learn.Live. Live. the At Flik Independent School Dining we’re here to fuel At Flik Independent School Dining we’re here fuel choices whe Teaching to ofmake the tohall. right students’ minds; students both in and out the dining • Real chefs cooking real food students’ minds; both in and out to of the dining hall.right choices wh Teaching students make the • Real chefs cooking real food the classroom, dining room or home...wherever the Since every student and every campus is different, we • Fresh, local sustainable foods standard theevery classroom, roomis different, or home...wherever th Since student and dining every campus we • Fresh, local && sustainable foods asas thethe standard partner with each school community to customize a fresh

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Flik Independent School FlikDining Independent

School Dining Flik Independent School Dining



@FlikISDining @FlikISDining

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