TABS-NAIS Global Symposium 2014 Preview

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Help your students succeed with the TOEFL Junior® tests. you ciascnover d ible s u p l e h at’s poss wh

Discover Potential. Expand Global Opportunity. To ensure your students have more opportunities beyond the classroom, administer the TOEFL Junior® tests so you can be sure they have the English-language skills they need to succeed. The TOEFL Junior tests: • Determine whether your students have sufficient communicative English skills to succeed in a classroom that uses English for instruction • Support placement of students into programs designed to increase English proficiency • Provide objective information, through meaningful score reports, about a student’s progress in developing academic and social English-language skills over time

To learn more, Email: Visit:

Plus: • Help you widen your enrollment pool — and help your institution stay competitive Copyright © 2013 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, LISTENING. LEARNING. LEADING. and TOEFL JUNIOR are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. 24329

G L OB A L SY M P OSIU M SCHEDULE S U NDAY, A P RIL 27 11:00am – 5:30 pm Registration 1:00pm – 5:00 pm

Pre–conference Sessions

MONDAY, A P RIL 28 7:30am – 11:00am


8:00am – 8:45am

Continental Breakfast

9:00am – 10:15am

Featured Speaker – Dr. Fernando Reimers

10:15am – 10:30am Coffee Break 10:30am – 11:30am Concurrent Sessions A 11:30am – 1:00pm

Lunch / Featured Speaker – Dr. Yenbo Wu

1:15pm – 2:15pm

Concurrent Sessions B

2:15pm – 2:30pm

Coffee Break

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Concurrent Sessions C

3:40pm – 4:30pm

Discussion Forum with Dr. Reimers

4:30pm – 6:00pm

Reception in Exhibit Hall

T U ES DAY, A P RIL 29 8:00am – 8:45am

Continental Breakfast

9:00am – 10:00am

Concurrent Sessions D

10:00am – 10:15am Coffee Break 10:15am – 11:15am Concurrent Sessions E 11:15am – 12:45pm Lunch / Featured Speaker – Chris Cheney 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Concurrent Sessions F

2:00pm – 2:15pm

Coffee Break

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Concurrent Sessions G




endeavor for those new to international

A global studies “diploma-type” program

International study, travel and exchange

recruitment. It’s stressful, time-consuming,

is a great way to establish an upper school

programs are growing more popular with

expensive, filled with unknowns, and in the

global curriculum without a “revolution.” In

independent schools. But with such pro-

end, must produce results. But with knowl-

fact, many schools already have the neces-

grams come the health, safety and security

edge, proper guidance, and a comprehen-

sary components to start such a program.

risks that have many schools thinking

sive strategic plan, international recruiting

After providing overviews of two promi-

twice. Are you fully prepared to face the

can be both successful and enjoyable.

nent programs—one at Providence Day

special challenges that could pose threat

This session will take you through the nuts

School and one at Hathaway Brown—the

to such programs?

and bolts of creating and implementing a

presenters will provide activities to help

successful international enrollment plan —

you create your own programs by identi-

including thoughts on: market selection,

fying requirements, global-type courses,

top notch travel tips, how to deal with

capstone projects, leadership needs, fund-

government agencies and embassies,

ing and strategic imperatives. You will also

how to process visa applications, forging

learn about other advantages of global

relationships and scheduling meetings

studies diploma-type programs—including

with consultants, agents and alumni, as

benefits to enrollment, admissions and

well as tips on interviewing international

faculty recruitment.

candidates. You’ll emerge from the session ready to plan, implement, and conduct a successful international recruiting plan for your school. Christopher Beeson, Director of Admission, The Athenian School, CA Clayton Johnston, Director of Admissions, Brentwood College School, BC Sarah Todd, International Program Assistant, St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, TX

Loren Fauchier, Ph.D., Director of Global Education, Providence Day School, NC Joseph Vogel, Director, Center for Global Citizenship, Hathaway Brown School, OH

In this interactive four-hour workshop, a panel of seasoned experts will examine recent developments, trends, and case studies of international travel programs, and will take you through the nuts and bolts of the most pressing legal issues. You will leave equipped with practical strategies for day to day operations of your international programs along with the knowledge of which questions you should be asking to properly anticipate and avoid risk.

David Wolowitz, Attorney, McLane Law Firm, MA John Creedan, President, School Year Abroad, MA Nelson Chase, Executive Director, School Year Abroad, MA David Miller, Director of Global Studies, Deerfield Academy, MA Bill Frederick, Founder and Principal, Lodestone Safety International, MA





Harvard Graduate School of Education

San Francisco State University

African Leadership Academy

Fernando M. Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of International Education and Director of Global Education and of International Education Policy at Harvard University. He teaches courses on the relationship between education policy, democratic citizenship, instructional improvement and educational innovation and social entrepreneurship.

Dr. Yenbo Wu has been Associate Vice President for International Education since January 2007, was Director of Office of International Programs at SF State from July 2000, and is Associate Professor in Education Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies. Prior, he was an international education administrator and faculty at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, State University of New York at Buffalo (UB), and Capital Normal University (CNU) in Beijing, China.

Chris is the Assistant Dean of African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg, South Africa and oversees Admissions and University Guidance. With over twenty years experience in education as a teacher, coach, advisor, department head and college counselor, Chris has spent his entire professional life preparing young leaders for maximum impact in their careers and communities. In his previous role as Director of College Advising at Kimball Union Academy in New Hampshire, Chris was an instrumental part of the senior leadership team. Chris has also worked at Milton Academy, Northfield Mount Hermon and the Williston Northampton School over the course of his career.

His current research focuses on educational innovation and the impact of education policy, leadership, and teacher professional development on literacy competencies, citizenship and advanced skills and competencies. He is conducting research on school leadership in Brazil; evaluating a multi-country initiative to support civic education in Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Paraguay; evaluating the impact of a curriculum to teach entrepreneurship to high school students in the Middle East. He recently led the development of a global studies K-12 curriculum for Avenues, a global network of independent schools. He serves on the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education and on the Educator Preparation Advisory Group tasked with developing a 21st century educator preparation system. Sponsored by

Dr. Wu received his undergraduate education in English from CNU, Master of Education in TESL and Ph.D. in Comparative Education, both from UB. He taught graduate and undergraduate courses in both the States and China and has served on varies committees for national organizations such as AIEA and Fulbright. He is a current member of NAFSA Board of Directors. Dr. Wu’s academic interests include: comparative higher education, cross-cultural communication, internationalization of universities, international exchange and collaboration, international curriculum articulation.

A graduate of Bowdoin College with a Coordinate Major in Biology and Environmental Science, Chris also holds a Master’s degree in Education from Harvard University in Administration, Planning and Social Policy. With his deep passion for innovative education and social change, Chris plays a very strategic role in helping to fulfill ALA’s mission of transforming Africa by identifying, developing and connecting the next generation of African leaders.




A Collaborative Approach to Supporting International Students: From Inquiry through Graduation Stephanie Morin, Tracy Weitz, Emily Strahler

Assessing Today’s Candidates as Tomorrow’s Global Workforce Jonathan Martin, Heather Hoerle, Ray Diffley

Fundraising with International Families – Lessons Learned Kathy Hansen

A Strategic Vision for a Chinese Presence within a School John Buggeln, Catherine Tulungen, Tony Giraldi Developing Global Leaders: An Action-oriented Diploma Program Rob McGuiness, Dr. Jennifer Hurley, Sarah Kehoe Does Your School Need an ESL Program? Allison Rainville Global in Every Classroom: Train to Sustain Matt Nink, Rhonda Bush, Eve Juarez Global Leadership: Developing Values-based Agents of Change Ann Peel, Chantal Gionet, Kim Bartlett How to Initiate a Global Curriculum in a Non-Global Community Jessica Good, Linda Moss Mines Intercultural Competence: Strategies for Teachers & Students Patricia Szasz, Alisyn Henneck Kiva U: Connecting to the World Through Microlending Jessica Hansen, Kristen Goggin Leveling Up a Global Studies Program Through Gamification Jon Cassie, Ken Goleski Peer Mentors and English Learners Maya Ramirez Drake, Lisa Basista The Evolution of a Global Program at a “Western” Boarding School Susan Carrese The World Hunger Game, Engaging in a Global System Wendi Kamiya, Chai Reddy Two Weeks Abroad is Good, But Two Months is Better! Fanning Hearon, Sean Brennan

Track Sponsored by

Best Practices Working with International Consultant/ Agents Mary Danby China by the Numbers Chris Boehner, Aimee Gruber Do We Want to Admit International Students and Why? Laura Desai Effectively Recruiting in New International Territories Metta Dael, Naomi Levine Finding the Unusual Stories: Peppering Your International Community with Diversity Brenda Vishanoff Meet your Mission: Start an International Student Program Tomorrow Adrianne Cusick, Janet Wolfe, Susan Kearney

Kimonos and Silk Robes: A Cultural Conversation About Raising Funds in Asia Pamela Lefferts, Margaret Bradley Lead, Don’t Follow: Tools to Be the Best in Class Pat Bassett, Jon Moser Marketing on the Global Stage Dmitry Sherbakov, Van Nguyen One School, Two Campuses: Building Your Brand Overseas Siri Fiske, David Maher, Kellye Crockett The Cultural “Ask”; Maximizing Your International Giving Dawn Gubanc-Anderson, Scott McNevan

Session descriptions are available at




Challenges of the College Admission Process for International Students Tony Lambert, Angel Perez, David McCauley

10 Key Terms for the 21st Century: Lessons Learned in Independent School Global Programming Jeremy Goldstein

Advisers: Keys to Encouraging International Leadership at Your School Dan Morrissey

A Global View of Global Citizenship Re-evaluating Our Assumptions Seth Leighton, Marina Lee, Luis Enrique Garcia

Are We Failing International Students If They Don’t Integrate? Amy Berner-Hays

Why International Students are Not Getting into the Colleges We Think They Should Nancy Icenhower, Beth Ann Burkmar, David Tobias Working with Pacific Rim International Parents Jeffrey Durso-Finley, Holly Burks Becker

Cultivating Exchange and Partnership Programs Dion Crushshon, Lucy Shih, Cecilia Nipp, Leigh Perkins, John McLoughlin From the Ground Up: Inspiring Youth Advocacy Through Service George Stewart, Jeremy Goldstein, Rob Moore Making Global Education Your Own Melissa Brown, Susanna Jones Standards for International and Cultural Exchange Programs Christopher Page, Martin Milne The Power of Collaboration Saya McKenna, Vicki Weeks

Boundaries Guidelines For Global Educational Settings David Wolowitz, Melissa Mischke Coordinating a Proactive, Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Care Program Brenda Vishanoff Fostering Global Citizens: A Case Study of a New Global Citizens Program Lisa Glenn, Michael Mancini Home Grown: How Day Schools Can Successfully Manage Their Own Homestay Programs Kellye Crockett, Shane Foster Orientation for Non-Native English Speaking International Students Helena Cunningham, Yangyang Daniell Pieces of The Global Puzzle Todd Eckenfelder, Ty Kennedy, Amie Mondragon Small Residential Experience: In-between Dorm and Host Family Diana Gleeson Student Handbooks Go Global: Polices for the International Student Body Susan Schorr Supporting and Communicating with Chinese Students and Parents Joe Elias, Cynthia Zhang

Track Sponsored by


EF, Education First


EF Educational Tours is a pioneer in experiential learning,

The TOEFL Junior® tests, intended for students ages 11+ in mid-

leading students abroad for the past 50 years to encounter new

dle school and lower levels of high school, provide real insight

cultures and languages firsthand. As an accredited organization

into your students’ English communication skills to help you

with a focus on critical thinking, problem solving and global

make the best decisions and guide them on a path to success.

awareness, EF’s blended learning model ensures every EF tour is

To better meet the expectations of English-language programs

rich with educational experiences that bring classroom learning

worldwide, the TOEFL Junior tests are available in two testing

to life.

modes and measure a range of skills: TOEFL Junior Standard

George Stewart, Director of Curriculum

test & TOEFL Junior Comprehensive test.

One Education St.

Grace Espeut, Sr. Convention Coordinator

Cambridge MA 02141

660 Rosedale Rd.

PHONE 617 619 1554

Princeton NJ 08541


PHONE 609 683 2657



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Pottery Barn

innovative schools to build quality global education programs,

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Hall Program offers students a convenient way to purchase resi-

Seth Leighton_Envoys, Executive Director

dence hall essentials—from basic bedding to personality packed

1 Broadway, 14th Floor Cambridge MA 02142

décor. Our collections include a broad selection of XL twin bedding, no-nail message boards and calendars, bath essentials

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and storage bins.


Ying Tarantino, Brand Marketing Manager


3250 Van Ness Ave. San Francisco CA 94109 PHONE 415 402 4700 EMAIL WEB


Blackbaud offers a full spectrum of cloud-based and on-premise software solutions and related services for organizations of all sizes including: fundraising, eMarketing, advocacy, constituent relationship management (CRM), financial management, payment services, analytics and vertical-specific solutions. For more information, visit Jessica Gladback, Event Marketer II 2000 Daniel Island Dr., Charleston SC 29492 PHONE 843 654 2214 EMAIL WEB

Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs School has over 20 years of experience cultivating partnerships that allow students to benefit from a high-quality blended learning experience. When you select Laurel Springs as your partner, you are choosing a private school that values student achievement and allows your students to benefit from a wide range of courses to enrich their school transcripts and college applications. Laura Leonard, Marketing Coordinator 1615 West Chester Pike, Ste. 200, West Chester PA 19382 PHONE 484 947 2011 EMAIL WEB

Middlebury-Monterey Summer Intensive College English

The intensive summer English (ESL) program features a college environment where English is spoken 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Students live in residence halls on the campus of Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island and learn about American history and culture through content covered in class as well as field trips to nearby Boston and New York. Alisyn Henneck, Enrollment Marketing Manager 460 Pierce St., Monterey CA 93940 PHONE 831 647 4115 EMAIL WEB

Mindpower Inc.

Mindpower is a thinking firm with a love for branding. We create marketing strategies and tools that can be applied in virtually any media, from cutting-edge digital to tried-and-true traditional. We’re happiest working with organizations nationwide that are doing good things in the world – schools, colleges, hospitals, and other non-profits – because they inspire us to do great branding. Jenny Brower, Mission Control 337 Georgia Ave. SE, Atlanta GA 30312 PHONE 404 581 1991 EMAIL WEB

Rustic Pathways

Rustic Pathways offers high-quality, hands-on international community service, adventure, and educational programs for high school students, recent high school graduates, and schools. Programs focus on creating cross-cultural dialogue and connecting the world through meaningful service and immersion. Customizable teacher-led trips allow schools to create programs that align with learning goals. Lauren Alvarez, Global Partnerships 2527 Ursulines Ave., New Orleans LA 70119 PHONE 440 487 3249 EMAIL WEB


Student Discoveries by Globus

For more than 85 years, the Globus family of brands has been telling the stories behind the world’s most extraordinary destinations. Now, we’re bringing this experience to life for student groups through Student Discoveries, an alternative to traditional educational travel. Michael Lundquist, National Group Sales Manager 5301 S Federal Circle, Littleton CO 80123 PHONE 843 597 2131 EMAIL WEB


TADS is the private school industry’s only provider of integrated web-based tuition management, enrollment, financial aid and admissions with fully hosted and supported services. Our first-class experience, relationships and technology allow us to provide schools of all sizes with innovative, custom-designed products and services based on your specific needs. Lindsey Peterson, Sales Director 1201 Hawthorne Ave., Ste. 100, Minneapolis MN 55403 PHONE 612 548 3325 EMAIL WEB

Travel For Teens

Travel For Teens offers students the chance to live the life of a local all around the world and insider access that is simply unattainable otherwise. We focus on Community Service, Language Immersion, Cultural Exploration and Photography trips. We specialize in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central & South America and Oceania. Ned Clark, Vice Pres. & Program Director 900 West Valley Rd, Ste. 300, Wayne PA 19087 PHONE 484 654 1034 EMAIL WEB

Working With Agents

Strong international student enrolments depend on a thriving agent network which is based on effective marketing, outstanding levels of customer service and attracting the right agents. We help schools build a more diverse and professional agent network through the creation of targeted marketing strategies and agent audits of your existing network to ensure you’re reaching your enrolment targets. Cam Harvey, Owner 51 Lyon Ave., Guelph ON N1H 5C7 Canada PHONE 519 830 2600 EMAIL WEB

EXHIBITORS Boston Educational Services iTEP-International Test of English Proficiency-is an innovative, online English assessment test. Michael Salenko, Executive Director 22048 Sherman Way, Ste. 210 Canoga Park CA 91303 PHONE 818 887 3888 EMAIL WEB

Finalsite Finalsite provides a complete web solution for more than 1500 schools around the world. Kathy Venezia, Executive Assistant 809 Main St. East Hartford CT 06108 PHONE 800 592 2469 EMAIL WEB

Global Routes A pioneer in international programs, Global Routes offers authentic immersion experiences abroad. Dianna Hahn, Director One World Way Windsor NH 03244 PHONE 413 585 8895 EMAIL WEB

InspirEd Educators Engaging, thought-provoking units for cross-disciplinary SS / LA, service, antibullying, and more! Sharon Coletti, Author and President 20150 5th St. West Sonoma CA 95476 PHONE 770 649 7571 EMAIL WEB


New Global Citizens

Kiva U: a movement of students & educators empowered with tools & opportunities to change the world. Jessica Hansen, Education Development Manager 875 Howard St., Ste. 340 San Francisco CA 94103 PHONE 202 841 3519 EMAIL WEB

Global competency curriculum, professional development, and after school programming. Lisa Glenn, Director of Programs 1430 W. Broadway Rd., Suite 208 Tempe AZ 85282 PHONE 256 998 0236 EMAIL WEB

Liebert Cassidy Whitmore

SAGE Program

Liebert Cassidy Whitmore is a full service employment and labor relations law firm. Katey Yorra, Marketing Specialist 153 Townsend St., Ste. 520 San Francisco CA 94107 PHONE 415 512 3009 EMAIL WEB

For over 20 years SAGE has provided world-class educational travel to teachers and their students. Todd Newcomer, Marketing Coordinator 19 Old Town Sq. Suite 238 Fort Collins CO 80524 PHONE 970 482 3188 EMAIL WEB

Lodestone Safety International

The Experiment in International Living

Lodestone helps individuals and groups make their international programs as safe as they should be. Bill Frederick, President 39 Dodge St., Ste. 311 Beverly MA 01915 PHONE 978 740 1009 EMAIL WEB

The Experiment in International Living – Make Your Summer Matter Heather Beard, Director of Admissions PO Box 676, 1 Kipling Rd. Brattleboro VT 05302 PHONE 802 258 3412 EMAIL WEB


Helping admissions officers identify best-fit Chinese applicants with one-toone video interviews. Chris Boehner, Executive Director 525 Barnwell Ave. NW Aiken SC 29801 PHONE 803 341 7322 EMAIL WEB

NAIS empowers independent schools and the students they serve. Stop by the booth to learn how you can engage. Vivian Dandridge, Member Services 1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 PHONE 202 973 9700 EMAIL WEB


Integrated Services

Rustic Pathways


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We assist schools reach their enrolment targets by helping them attract and build a more diverse, professional, and highperforming agent network.

Study English This Summer!

Contact us for a free consultation Cam Harvey

The Summer Intensive College English program is uniquely designed to support international students who would like to attend undergraduate programs in the United States. The foundation of the program is coursework in the English language skills necessary for academic success. Students also learn about American history and culture through content covered in class as well as field trips to nearby Boston and New York.

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1/23/2014 2:30 PM

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Book your trip with us and earn up to a $1,000 non-profit donation for your school! * Visit us at table #78 in the exhibit hall! Or, call 888.258.0012 or visit

*To qualify, minimum group of 20 travelers is required. Groups under 26 travelers will receive $500, groups of 26 or more travelers receive $1,000. Bonus will be paid to non-profit organizations only and will be paid following travel. Applies to new bookings only. Additional restrictions may apply.


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“ We recognize the necessity of experiences outside of the classroom to develop globally competent youth.

The belief that all genuine education comes about through experience does notmean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative

-John Dewey

We begin teaching months before the trip commences, using a series of online courses to prepare students for their experience.

We build upon this foundation while incountry with a series of interdisciplinary lessons that support students to realize their individual learning goals.

Educational Tours PREPARING STUDENTS FOR GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP As the World Leader in International Education, EF is proud to be a sponsor of the 2014 Global Education Symposium and honored to present this year’s featured speaker, Dr. Fernando Reimers, Director of Global Education at Harvard University. Join George Stewart, EF’s Director of Curriculum and Program Development, for a discussion on service learning and global awareness through authentic community connections.

Your partner in global education For nearly 50 years EF has helped teachers and students discover the world through culturally immersive educational travel. From language immersion to service learning programs, EF offers a diverse range of international experiences across the globe. Learn more at or contact Hugh Robbins at

Following the trip, our students produce high-quality, meaningful outputs, extending and deepening their learning experience.

Partnering with independent schools to meet the needs of students. Laurel Springs is your trusted school partner for high-quality, personalized academics. Your students are fully supported by qualified, caring teachers and staff, and are connected to a global community of learners. Our open enrollment means students can begin a course at any time and our accreditation by AdvancED, WASC, and SACS CASI ensures complete reciprocity of credits that students earn from Laurel Springs. • Full accreditation • Mid-year enrollment options • Summer courses • AP, Honors, World Language, and Elective courses • NCAA and UC a-g approved courses • Individual teacher interaction • Student-centered schedule • Expand your course offerings without increasing faculty expenses



july 19-24 2014 • BOSTON UNIVERSITY

G L OB A L - S Y MP OS IU M .O RG • #TABSN AISGlo b a l

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