Partnering with independent schools to meet the needs of students. Laurel Springs is your trusted school partner for high-quality, personalized academics. Your students are fully supported by qualified, caring teachers and staff, and are connected to a global community of learners. Our open enrollment means students can begin a course at any time and our accreditation by AdvancED, WASC, and SACS CASI ensures complete reciprocity of credits that students earn from Laurel Springs. • Full accreditation • Mid-year enrollment options • Summer courses • AP, Honors, World Language, and Elective courses • NCAA and UC a-g approved courses • Individual teacher interaction • Student-centered schedule • Expand your course offerings without increasing faculty expenses
11:00am – 5:30 pm Registration
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1:00pm – 5:00 pm
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Pre–symposium Sessions
MONDAY, APR IL 28 7:30am – 11:00am
8:00am – 8:45am
Continental Breakfast (Embarcadero)
9:00am – 10:15am
Featured Speaker:
Dr. Fernando Reimers
10:15am – 10:30am Break (Embarcadero Foyer) 10:30am – 11:30am Concurrent Sessions A
pulse of TABS Global Symposium activities. If you want to jump in the conversation, enter #TABSNAISglobal in your tweets. A N D YO U A R E …? Please wear your name badge at all times for admission to all sessions, meals and planned events. If you misplace your
11:30am – 1:00pm
Lunch (Embarcadero)
badge, just drop by registration
Featured Speaker: Dr. Yenbo Wu
for a replacement.
1:15pm – 2:15pm
Concurrent Sessions B
2:15pm – 2:30pm
Break (Outside Session Rooms)
2:30pm – 3:30pm
Concurrent Sessions C
during all sessions and events.
3:40pm – 4:30pm
Discussion with Dr. Reimers (Presidio III)
Also, recording of conference
4:30pm – 6:00pm
Reception in Exhibit Hall
sessions is not permitted.
SSSHHHH. Please silence electronic devices
HOTEL Sheraton Fisherman’s
8:00am – 8:55am
Continental Breakfast:
Wharf Hotel
Affinity Discussions (Embarcadero)
2500 Mason Street
9:00am – 10:00am
Concurrent Sessions D
10:00am – 10:15am Break (Outside Session Rooms)
San Francisco CA 94133 415 362 5500
10:15am – 11:15am Concurrent Sessions E
11:15am – 12:45pm Lunch (Embarcadero)
Steve Banks
Featured Speaker: Chris Cheney
202 270 0234
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Concurrent Sessions F
2:00pm – 2:15pm
2:30pm – 3:30pm
Concurrent Sessions G
Watson Jordan
828 479 5344
Schedule is subject to change
9:00am - 10:15am
Featured Speaker: Dr. Fernando Reimers
Featured Speaker: Dr. Fernando Reimers
Featured Speaker: Dr. Fernando Reimers
10:30am - 11:30am
A-1 How to Initiate a Global Curriculum in a Non-Global Community
A-4 Do We Want to Admit International Students and Why?
A-5 Fundraising with International Families – Lessons Learned
A-2 Leveling Up a Global Studies Program Through Gamification 11:30am - 1:00pm
Featured Speaker: Dr. Yenbo Wu
Featured Speaker: Dr. Yenbo Wu
Featured Speaker: Dr. Yenbo Wu
1:15pm - 2:15pm
B-1 A Collaborative Approach to Supporting International Students: From Inquiry through Graduation
B-4 Assessing Today’s Candidates as Tomorrow’s Global Workforce
B-5 One School, Two Campuses: Building Your Brand Overseas
B-2 Developing Global Leaders: An Action-Oriented Diploma Program 2:30pm - 3:30pm
C-1 Global in Every Classroom: Train to Sustain
C-4 Meet Your Mission: Start an International Student Program Tomorrow
C-5 Lead, Don’t Follow: Tools to Be the Best in Class
3:40pm - 4:30pm
Discussion Forum with Dr. Reimers
Discussion Forum with Dr. Reimers
Discussion Forum with Dr. Reimers
8:00am - 8:55am
Continental Breakfast: Affinity Discussions
Continental Breakfast: Affinity Discussions
Continental Breakfast: Affinity Discussions
9:00am - 10:00am
D-1 Does Your School Need an ESL Program?
D-5 China by the Numbers
D-6 Kimonos and Silk Robes: A Cultural Conversation About Raising Funds in Asia
E-5 Best Practices Working with International Consultant/Agents
E-6 Marketing on the Global Stage
Featured Speaker: Chris Cheney
D-2 A Strategic Vision for a Chinese Presence within a School 10:15am - 11:15am
E-1 Intercultural Competence: Strategies for Teachers & Students
E-2 Two Weeks Abroad is Good, But Two Months is Better! E-7 Global Leadership: Developing Values-Based Agents of Change 11:15am - 12:45pm
Featured Speaker: Chris Cheney
Featured Speaker: Chris Cheney
1:00pm - 2:00pm
F-1 The World Hunger Game, Engaging in a Global System
F-5 Effectively Recruiting in New International Territories
F-2 Kiva U: Connecting to the World Through Microlending
2:30pm - 3:30pm
G-1 Peer Mentors and English Learners G-2 The Evolution of a Global Program at a “Western” Boarding School
Track Sponsored by
G-4 Finding the Unusual Stories: Peppering Your International Community with Diversity
Featured Speaker: Dr. Fernando Reimers
Featured Speaker: Dr. Fernando Reimers
Featured Speaker: Dr. Fernando Reimers
9:00am - 10:15am
A-7 Why International Students Are Not Getting into the Colleges We Think They Should
A-6 A Global View of Global Citizenship Re-evaluating Our Assumptions
A-3 Small Residential Experience: In-between Dorm and Host Family
10:30am - 11:30am
Featured Speaker: Dr. Yenbo Wu
Featured Speaker: Dr. Yenbo Wu
Featured Speaker: Dr. Yenbo Wu
11:30am - 1:00pm
B-6 Standards for International and Cultural Exchange Programs
B-3 Orientation for Non-Native English Speaking International Students
1:15pm - 2:15pm
C-2 Boundaries Guidelines for Global Educational Settings
2:30pm - 3:30pm
B-7 10 Key Terms for Today: Lessons Learned in Independent School Global Programming C-7 Counseling Complexities with Asian & Pacific Rim Families
C-6 From the Ground Up: Inspiring Youth Advocacy through Service
C-3 Supporting and Communicating with Chinese Students and Parents Discussion Forum with Dr. Reimers
Discussion Forum with Dr. Reimers
Discussion Forum with Dr. Reimers
3:40pm - 4:30pm
Continental Breakfast: Affinity Discussions
Continental Breakfast: Affinity Discussions
Continental Breakfast: Affinity Discussions
8:00am - 8:55am
D-7 Cultivating Global Partnerships and Exchange Programs
D-3 Pieces of The Global Puzzle
9:00am - 10:00am
D-4 Coordinating a Proactive, Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Care Program E-3 Home Grown: How Day Schools Can Successfully Manage Their Own Homestay Programs
10:15am - 11:15am
E-4 Advisers: Keys to Encouraging International Leadership at Your School
Featured Speaker: Chris Cheney
Featured Speaker: Chris Cheney
Featured Speaker: Chris Cheney
11:15am - 12:45pm
F-7 Making Global Education Your Own
F-3 Are We Failing International Students If They Don’t Integrate?
1:00pm - 2:00pm
F-4 Student Handbooks Go Global: Polices for the International Student Body F-6 Developing Global Citizens in a Diverse Community G-6 Challenges of the College Admission Process for International Students
G-5 The Power of Collaboration
G-3 Fostering Global Citizens: A Case Study of a New Global Citizens Program
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Track Sponsored by
Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm
W-1 International Recruitment 101 Presidio I
Traveling abroad can be a daunting endeavor for those new to international recruitment. It’s stressful, time-consuming, expensive, filled with unknowns, and in the end, must produce results. But with knowledge, proper guidance, and a comprehensive strategic plan, international recruiting can be both successful and enjoyable. This session will take you through the nuts and bolts of creating and implementing a successful international enrollment plan _ including thoughts on: market selection, top notch travel tips, how to deal with government agencies and embassies, how to process visa applications, forging relationships and scheduling meetings with consultants, agents and alumni, as well as tips on interviewing international candidates. You’ll emerge from the session ready to plan, implement, and conduct a successful international recruiting plan for your school. Christopher Beeson, Director of Admission, The Athenian School, CA; Clayton Johnston, Director of Admissions, Brentwood College School, BC; and, Sarah Todd, Director of the International Program, St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, TX
W-2 Managing Risk in Overseas Study and Travel Programs Presidio II
International study, travel and exchange programs are growing more popular with independent schools. But with such programs come the health, safety and security risks that have many schools thinking twice. Are you fully prepared to face the special challenges that could pose threat to such programs? In this interactive four-hour workshop, a panel of seasoned experts will examine recent developments, trends, and case studies of international travel programs, and will take you through the nuts and bolts of the most pressing legal issues. You will leave equipped with practical strategies for day to day operations of your international programs along with the knowledge of which questions you should be asking to properly anticipate and avoid risk. David Wolowitz, Attorney, McLane Law Firm, MA; John Creeden, Ph.D., President, School Year Abroad, MA; David Miller, Director of Global Studies, Deerfield Academy, MA; and Bill Frederick, Founder and Principal, Lodestone Safety International, MA
W-3 Creating a Global Studies Diploma Program – the What, How and Why Presidio III
A global studies “diploma-type” program is a great way to establish an upper school global curriculum without a “revolution.” In fact, many schools already have the necessary components to start such a program. After providing overviews of two prominent programs _ one at Providence Day School and one at Hathaway Brown _ the presenters will provide activities to help you create your own programs by identifying requirements, global-type courses, capstone projects, leadership needs, funding and strategic imperatives. You will also learn about other advantages of global studies diploma-type programs _ including benefits to enrollment, admissions and faculty recruitment. Loren Fauchier, Ph.D., Director of Global Education, Providence Day School, NC, and Joseph Vogel, Director, Center for Global Citizenship, Hathaway Brown School, OH
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2013-2014 TABS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Susan Nelson, Chair Head Emerita The Webb Schools CA
Jada K. Hebra Vice Rector for Faculty St. Paul’s School NH
Dr. Katherine G. Windsor Head of School Miss Porter’s School CT
Ben Williams, Vice Chair Headmaster Cate School CA
Ayanna Hill-Gill Head of School Purnell School NJ
Peter W. Upham, ex-officio Executive Director TABS NC
Dr. Dennis Campbell, Secretary Headmaster Woodberry Forest School VA
Anne-Marie Kee Executive Director CAIS ON
John P. Tuke, Treasurer CFO The Hotchkiss School CT
Charles E. Lovelace Jr. Executive Director Morehead-Cain Foundation NC
Dr. Richard (Rick) Schubart, emeritus Bates Russell Distinguished Faculty Professor (Retired) Phillips Exeter Academy NH
Theo W. Coonrod Head Emerita Saint Mary’s School NC
Andrew R. Miller III Director of Admission Cranbrook School MI
Dr. Henry (Skip) Flanagan, Jr., emeritus Dean Avon Old Farms School CT
Robert J. Gustavson, Jr. Head of School Fay School MA
Meg Milne Moulton Vice President of Advancement ASSIST MA
Tom Hassan Principal Phillips Exeter Academy NH
Antonio Viva Head of School Walnut Hill School for the Arts MA
GLOBAL COMMITTEE Steve Banks Director of Operations TABS, NC
Jeremy Goldstein Director of Global Programs St. George’s School RI
Elizabeth Verhalen Director of Professional Development TABS, NC
Metta Dael Director of International Admission Northfield Mount Hermon School MA
Paul Miller Senior Director of Global Initiatives NAIS DC
Andrew Weller Executive Director of Advancement Ridley College ON
Loren Fauchier Director of Global Studies Providence Day School NC
Allison Raineville ESL Teacher Fay School MA
Dr. Fernando M. Reimers Harvard Graduate School of Education
Fernando M. Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of International Education and Director of Global Education and of International Education Policy at Harvard University. He teaches courses on the relationship between education policy, democratic citizenship, instructional improvement and educational innovation and social entrepreneurship. His current research focuses on educational innovation and the impact of education policy, leadership, and teacher professional development on literacy competencies, citizenship and advanced skills and competencies. He is conducting research on school leadership in Brazil; evaluating a multicountry initiative to support civic education in Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Paraguay; evaluating the impact of a curriculum to teach entrepreneurship to high school students in the Middle East. He recently led the development of a global studies K-12 curriculum for Avenues, a global network of independent schools. He serves on the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education and on the Educator Preparation Advisory Group tasked with developing a 21st century educator preparation system. Sponsored by
Dr. Yenbo Wu
San Francisco State University Dr. Yenbo Wu has been Associate Vice President for International Education since January 2007, was Director of Office of International Programs at SF State from July 2000, and is Associate Professor in Education Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies. Prior, he was an international education administrator and faculty at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, State University of New York at Buffalo (UB), and Capital Normal University (CNU) in Beijing, China. Dr. Wu received his undergraduate education in English from CNU, Master of Education in TESL and Ph.D. in Comparative Education, both from UB. He taught graduate and undergraduate courses in both the States and China and has served on varies committees for national organizations such as AIEA and Fulbright. He is a current member of NAFSA Board of Directors. Dr. Wu’s academic interests include: comparative higher education, cross-cultural communication, internationalization of universities, international exchange and collaboration, international curriculum articulation.
Chris Cheney
African Leadership Academy Chris is the Assistant Dean of African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg, South Africa and oversees Admissions and University Guidance. With over twenty years experience in education as a teacher, coach, advisor, department head and college counselor, Chris has spent his entire professional life preparing young leaders for maximum impact in their careers and communities. In his previous role as Director of College Advising at Kimball Union Academy in New Hampshire, Chris was an instrumental part of the senior leadership team. Chris has also worked at Milton Academy, Northfield Mount Hermon and the Williston Northampton School over the course of his career. A graduate of Bowdoin College with a Coordinate Major in Biology and Environmental Science, Chris also holds a Master’s degree in Education from Harvard University in Administration, Planning and Social Policy. With his deep passion for innovative education and social change, Chris plays a very strategic role in helping to fulfill ALA’s mission of transforming Africa by identifying, developing and connecting the next generation of African leaders.
Monday 10:30am - 11:30am STUDENT AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE
Breakfast & Featured Speaker 9:00 - 10:15am • Embarcadero
Dr. Fernando Reimers Bringing Global Education to the Core of Curriculum
Breakfast Sponsored by PennGSE
A-3 Small Residential Experience: In-between Dorm and Host Family Presidio I
While boarding schools have a built-in model and infrastructure, day schools have often utilized host families in local areas. Another option is for a school to create a Small Residential Experience. This presentation is an overview of what it takes to “start up” a program like this. We will cover everything from advice for your town zoning to remodeling suggestions. How should meals be handled? What happens during school breaks? What kind of vehicle should the school purchase? How do you diversify your international population? Diana Gleeson, Head of Upper School, Allendale Columbia School, NY
A-1 How to Initiate a Global Curriculum in a Non-Global Community
A-4 Do We Want to Admit International Students and Why?
Marina I
From grass roots interest to full implementation, we have changed from a traditional girls’ school in a provincial community to one whose mission, values, and vision challenge us to be active citizens in an ever-changing world. The obstacles we faced as a school were dramatic: We needed to educate faculty, parents, and even our Board of Trustees, getting them to partner with us in this exciting venture. We are eager to share with you a “Bottom Up” story that has worked for us.
During this presentation we will explore the many reasons why an institution might want to expand and begin recruiting international students. We will look at how to identify the regions of the world to recruit, the reasons to ID the regions of the world where one recruits from, and the direct correlation to the institution and its vision and mission. We will explore the world of opportunity that the institution might offer to students and what the students will bring to the institution to enhance the culture.
Jessica Good, Assistant Head/Upper School Principal, and Linda Moss Mines, Head of History Department, Girls’ Preparatory School, TN
Laura Desai, Director of Global Studies and International Student Services, The Pennington School, NJ
A-2 Leveling Up a Global Studies Program Through Gamification Marina II
In this presentation, the attendees will learn how Sewickley Academy transformed its Global Studies program by introducing game-based elements into the heart of the program. In order to earn a graduation certificate in Global Studies, students need to make thoughtful choices in four realms of Global learning. Like many sandbox-style video games, the way a student goes through Global Studies is informed by their own desires. Jon Cassie, Head of Senior School, and Ken Goleski, Dean, Sewickley Academy, PA
A-5 Fundraising with International Families: Lessons Learned Presidio III
Within a generation, international boarders in independent schools have increased from a few to almost 30%. TABS teamed with Marts & Lundy to conduct an in-depth study of the effect of the changing population on advancement practices and outcomes. Analysis gained from a survey of 28 boarding schools combined with in-depth interviews will be the fodder for conversation on this important topic. Kathleen Hansen, Senior Consultant & Principal, Leader of Schools Practice Group; Karen Callahan, Senior Consultant & Principal; and, Catherine McGrath, Senior Consultant & Principal, Senior Analyst, Marts & Lundy, NJ
Monday 10:30am - 11:30am
E X C H A N G E / T R AV E L P R O G R A M S
A-6 A Global View of Global Citizenship: Re-evaluating Our Assumptions
A-7 Why International Students Are Not Getting into the Colleges We Think They Should
Presidio II
North Beach
Much of the scholarship on global citizenship focuses a small segment of the world: schoolchildren born and raised in the United States. However, our schools (and our lives) impact a broader population, and our conversation as educators must reflect this reality. This seminar addresses assumptions surrounding international students, multilingualism, and foreign travel, delving into the meaning of global citizenship for different regions and socioeconomic groups. We conclude by discussing ways to embed travel experiences into school curriculum as a more thoughtful avenue towards global citizenship.
The landscape of college admissions has changed tremendously in the last 10 years, even in the last 3 years! When college decisions are rendered, it often leaves school communities asking the question: ‘Why didn’t this top student get into these schools’? How have the demographics shifted to effect the college admission process? What are the nuances of how these students are advised in our schools and reviewed by college admissions professionals? How does financial aid factor into the admissions process for international students?
Seth Leighton, Executive Director, and Marina Lee, CDO, Envoys, MA; and, Luis Enrique Garcia, Board Member, Gimnasio La Montana, Colombia
We recognize the necessity of experiences outside of the classroom to develop globally competent youth.
We begin teaching months before the trip commences, using a series of online courses to prepare students for their experience.
Nancy Icenhower, Director of College Counseling, and Beth Ann Burkmar, Associate Director of College Counseling, The Hun School of Princeton, NJ; and, David Tobias, Director of Freshman Admission, University of San Francisco, CA
We build upon this foundation while incountry with a series of interdisciplinary lessons that support students to realize their individual learning goals.
Following the trip, our students produce high-quality, meaningful outputs, extending and deepening their learning experience.
Lunch & Featured Speaker 11:30 - 1:00pm • Embarcadero
Dr. Yenbo Wu
Cross-cultural Understanding & Communication on a Global Campus Lunch Sponsored by Pottery Barn
B-1 A Collaborative Approach to Supporting International Students: From Inquiry through Graduation Marina I
In schools, we aren’t simply working with applicants, students or residents - we are developing whole people. Our international students face a unique set of challenges that can be overwhelming if we don’t implement a holistic approach to supporting them. Do you know what your Admission Office promises? Is your school sensitive to the academic needs of international students? Does your residential life office understand students in the broader context of their experience? Learn how three departments at one school collaborate to ensure international student success. Stephanie Morin, Director of Enrollment and Marketing; Tracy Weitz, Director, Center for International Students; and, Emily Strahler, Director of Residential Life, Fryeburg Academy, ME
B-2 Developing Global Leaders: An ActionOriented Diploma Program Marina II
Appleby College has developed a rich experiential program which cultivates global leaders. Through combining local and international service learning, intercultural immersion, global connections within the academic curriculum and a culminating global action plan, students graduate with distinction in global leadership. Global action planning ensures that the valuable lessons students have learned and skills they have developed through their experiences are being applied in their plans beyond graduation. Graduates have mapped out a plan for their own future as global citizens and community leaders. Rob McGuiness, Assistant Head of School, Global Education; and, Sarah Kehoe, Faculty, Guidance, Appleby College, ON
B-3 Orientation for Non-Native English Speaking International Students Presidio I
Non-native English speaking international students can feel socially isolated and academically besieged. To address these risks, four years ago Lawrenceville implemented an early orientation pilot program whose primary goals are for these students to meet adult and peer leaders; to understand our community’s academic expectations and residential culture; to explore surrounding areas; to become acquainted and develop a sense of group. With such preparation, students more quickly develop the skills necessary to navigate our residential academic community. The presentation will outline essential structures and best practices. Helena Cunningham, French Instructor & Language Department Chair, and Yangyang Daniell, Chinese Instructor & International Student Director, The Lawrenceville School, NJ
B-4 Assessing Today’s Candidates as Tomorrow’s Global Workforce Lombard
Today’s global workforce demands more than just strong academic skills. Corporations are moving towards non-cognitive assessment in interview and recruitment, identifying what is necessary to succeed in the global business environment How do today’s admission professionals find the right candidates to help build this future workforce? SSATB’s Think Tank on the Future of Assessment will summarize the latest research and data in non-cognitive assessment, and provide an overview of non-cognitive assessment tools/methods currently being used by independent schools. Jonathan Martin, Principal, JonathanEMartin Educational Services, AZ; Heather Hoerle, Executive Director, SSATB, NJ; and Ray Diffley, Director of Admission, Choate Rosemary Hall, CT
Monday 1:15pm - 2:15pm A D VA N C E M E N T & M A R K E T I N G
E X C H A N G E / T R AV E L P R O G R A M S
B-5 One School, Two Campuses: Building Your Brand Overseas
B-7 10 Key Terms for Today: Lessons Learned in Independent School Global Programming
Presidio III
What does it look like when a North American independent school and an international school fuse in an attempt to create a new model of education? How does a North American Independent School education translate in an international market? In 2010, Chadwick School in California opened a new campus in Songdo, South Korea, attempting to replicate the success of a leading and established California day school in a brand new “city of the future” over 7000 miles away. In 2012, The Barstow School of Kansas City opened their own school in Huizhou, China bringing 129 years of Western Education to a city of 4 million in China. This presentation will focus on the journey of two schools in building the case for and commitment to an international campus.
North Beach
St. George’s School Global Programs have expanded considerably since being formally established ten years ago. The school’s increased engagement with partner institutions, third party providers, and faculty innovators is a reflection of strategic planning in action. Along the way, lessons have been learned regarding program sustainability, budgets, faculty collaboration, and a collection of other components. This presentation takes a look at 10 key terms in Global education and how they apply to the future of independent school Global Programs. Jeremy Goldstein, Director of Global Programs, St. George’s School, RI
Siri Fiske, Director of Cross-Campus Collaboration, Chadwick School, CA; David Maher, Upper School Head, Chadwick International, Incheon, Korea; Kellye Crockett, Director of Admission and Marketing; and, Shane Foster, Head of School, The Barstow School, MO
E X C H A N G E / T R AV E L P R O G R A M S
B-6 Standards for International and Cultural Exchange Programs Presidio II
A panel of advocates, policy makers, and practitioners will discuss a variety of standards, practices and developing trends regarding the recruitment, selection and care of international students in an independent school environment. Topics will include: student visa trends (2007-2013), international student athletic eligibility, and SEVIS requirements. Attendees will have a chance to pose questions to the panel in advance and during the session. Christopher Page, Executive Director, CSIET, VA, and Martin Milne, Vice President, ASSIST, Inc., CT
Monday 2:30pm - 3:30pm
C-1 Global in Every Classroom: Train to Sustain
C-4 Meet Your Mission: Start an International Student Program Tomorrow
Marina I
In this session we will explore professional development and training strategies for schools seeking to move its global education program to the next level. We will explore frameworks for Global Education published by Asia Society, Buck Institute for Education, and Columbia University, among others. We will also explore outcome and evaluation models to ensure your teacher training program has the greatest impact. Participants will learn the strategies and practical steps and benefits of a full-scale global education program in varieties of schools. Matt Nink, Executive Director, Global Youth Leadership Institute, WI, and Eve Juarez, Computer Science Teacher, Ursuline Academy Dallas, TX
How can an international student program lead your day school toward attaining its mission? Learn how during the past two years, St. Paul’s School for Girls and St. Paul’s School built a mission-driven program from the ground up that serves our school communities and integrates our students from China. Explore what we have learned about recruitment, student support, and host family management. Work in groups to share your ideas on how to develop a missiondriven international student program for your day school. Adrianne Cusick, International Student Coordinator, and Janet Wolfe, Associate Head for Academics, St. Paul’s School for Girls, MD; Susan Kearney, Head of Institutional Initiatives, St. Paul’s School, MD
C-2 Boundaries Guidelines for Global Educational Settings Presidio I
Crucial issues of appropriate and safe behavior between adults and students become even more complex when dealing with global education. It is impossible to create policies or rules to cover all of the various interactions that may occur with foreign students attending schools in the United States or with American students studying or traveling abroad. This workshop will offer behavioral guidelines utilizing a nationally recognized risk management approach applicable to any educational environment, at home or abroad, regardless of cultural differences David Wolowitz, Attorney, McLane Law Firm, MA, and Melissa Mischke, Dean of Students, Phillips Exeter Academy, NH
C-3 Supporting and Communicating with Chinese Students and Parents Presidio III
As a boarding school in China, our Student Life Curriculum focuses on the unique needs and expectations of our Chinese students and parents. We will share how we created systems of mentoring, leadership and community living to foster adolescent development for our students who have come from an academic rich environment, but are in need of greater social opportunities. We will also share how to communicate effectively with the Chinese parents about the adolescent development of their child while still honoring Chinese traditions. Joe Elias, Director of Student Life, The YK Pao School, China
A D VA N C E M E N T & M A R K E T I N G
C-5 Lead, Don’t Follow: Tools to Be the Best in Class Marina II
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and it’s no secret that independent schools look to their peers for inspiration and tips on current trends. Past NAIS president Pat Bassett and Finalsite CEO Jon Moser will show you how to be the leader rather than the follower in the global independent school marketplace with an in-depth look at “sticky” messages that engage, and how to use the latest in educational technology to connect your constituents on campus and around the world. Pat Bassett, Senior Consultant, Heads Up Educational Consulting, GA, and Jon Moser, President and CEO, Finalsite, CT
E X C H A N G E / T R AV E L P R O G R A M S
C-6 From the Ground Up: Inspiring Youth Advocacy through Service Presidio II
School Service Learning programs offer a unique opportunity for students to build cultural bridges through collaboration with local organizations on sustainable development projects. By partnering with NGOs, like the Peace Corps, we can design a long-term development model that addresses specific community needs and allows for our partners to pool resources and tackle together some of the world’s most pressing development issues. These innovative programs allow for mindful reflection and inspire youth to advocate for change in their own communities. George Stewart, Director of Curriculum and New Program Development, EF Education First, MA, and Jeremy Goldstein, Director of Global Studies, St. George’s School, RI
Monday 2:30pm - 3:30pm
C-7 Counseling Complexities with Asian & Pacific Rim Families North Beach
While the “Tiger Mom” imagery garners the national headlines, college counselors in independent schools can struggle to counsel our Asian students and families effectively, both international students from Asia and domestic Asian-Americans, given the wide diversity in Asian communities, the constantly shifting standards and policies in college admissions regarding ethnic/cultural backgrounds, and the normal complexities in counseling relationships that occur within during any student’s college search. This program will discuss the larger implications of admission and higher education practice with regard to both international and domestic Asian students as well as provide practical strategies for working with students from diverse backgrounds in today’s admission climate.
Discussion Forum 3:40 - 4:30pm • Presidio III
Dr. Fernando Reimers
Jeffrey Durso-Finley and Holly Burks Becker, Directors of College Counseling, Lawrenceville School, NJ
Residence Hall
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Tuesday 9:00am - 10:00am STUDENT AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE
Continental Breakfast: Affinity Discussions 8:00 - 8:45am • Embarcadero
D-1 Does Your School Need an ESL Program? Presidio II
An experienced boarding school ESL teacher talks about when and why schools should consider adding an English as a Second Language (ESL) program and what considerations need to be made when doing so. Included in the discussion will be: the kinds of ESL programs that can be offered, when and why (or why not) to modify graduation requirements, how to look for and hire an ESL teacher, and why the Admissions office needs to be a part of the conversation as well. Bring questions and concerns for discussion! Allison Rainville, ESL Teacher, Fay School, MA
D-2 A Strategic Vision for a Chinese Presence within a School Marina II
The session will show how a school can advance global learning with a multifaceted strategic vision for a Chinese presence within a school. The presentation will explain Culver’s comprehensive approach to teaching students from China, improving the teaching of ESOL, teaching Chinese in a Confucius Classroom, sustaining exchanges, supporting international service learning, and integrating international advancement in China. The session will show how a school can build integrated partnerships between departments within a school and external partnerships with students, families, schools, and international organizations. John Buggeln, Director, The Global Studies Institute; Catherine Tulungen, International Student Coordinator and Department Chair; and, Tony Giraldi, Director of International Advancement, Culver Academies, IN
D-3 Pieces of The Global Puzzle Presidio I
As the world gets smaller and the growing number of countries represented within our boarding schools, the need for intercultural competence is more apparent than ever. Providing opportunities to learn beyond simple exposure to other cultures, but rather respect and understanding, is a focus within aspects of academic, residential and extra-curricular programs. We intentionally create opportunities for our students to practice thinking outside of one’s self. You will leave with solid examples of how to implement this 21st century skill within programming. Todd Eckenfelder, Assistant Head of School; Ty Kennedy, Dean of Students/Dean of Residential Life; and, Amie Mondragon, Assistant Dean of Residential Life/Dorm Parent, Wasatch Academy, UT
D-4 Coordinating a Proactive, Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Care Program Presidio III
International students arrive on our campuses with a variety a life experiences and emotional needs. Evaluating a student’s psychological wellness in a safe, non-threatening environment early in the first semester can prepare your team for needed care and emergencies later in the school year. Providing this service in a culturally sensitive setting can allow students to stay at your school even in tough times and will serve the needs of your greater international family. Brenda Vishanoff, Director of International Students, Wheaton Academy, IL
D-5 China by the Numbers Lombard
When an applicant says, “I’m from the #1 school in China” what does it really mean? In this session, we’ll explore the Chinese K12 ranking system, and then compare Chinese rankings with spoken English ability and SSAT performance. We’ll then examine prevalence/influence of test prep in China, and other issues admission professionals and school leaders should be aware of when evaluating Chinese applicants. Attendees can expect to gain a better context for evaluating Chinese applicants and insights on where to focus limited recruitment resources. Chris Boehner, Executive Director, Vericant, China, and Aimee Gruber, Senior Director of Outreach, SSATB, NJ
Tuesday 9:00am - 10:00am
A D VA N C E M E N T & M A R K E T I N G
E X C H A N G E / T R AV E L P R O G R A M S
D-6 Kimonos and Silk Robes: A Cultural Conversation About Raising Funds in Asia
D-7 Cultivating Global Partnerships and Exchange Programs
North Beach
Marina I
Developing solid relationships and raising funds can seem overwhelming as schools navigate through new cultures, customs and philanthropic principles. This interactive session will provide ideas and inspiration to help improve your school’s international fundraising efforts in synergy with admission and alumni relation practices. Presenters will share actionable information including Asian trends, tactics and logistics learned through trial and error. Plan to leave this session with a concrete action plan to organize successful global relations and fundraising within your institution.
Building a good partnership and/or exchange programs can enrich all students, schools and communities as the program develops. But how do you get started? How do you develop the right partners? Can you afford it? How can you improve upon an existing program? Join us for this comprehensive discussion session and hear from a panel of experts who will walk you through the process of establishing successful programs, while discussing the benefits, rewards and challenges.
Pamela Lefferts, Director of Global Alumni Relations, Worcester Academy, MA, and Margaret Bradley, Assistant Headmaster for External Affairs, Cate School, CA
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Lucy Shih, Director, Haiyi Immigration & Education Group, China; Cecilia Nipp, Director of Global Relationships and Cultural Exchange, Ursuline Academy of Dallas, TX; Dion Crushshon, Director of International Programs, The Blake School, MN; Leigh Perkins, Faculty Member, and John McLoughlin, Exchange Coordinator, Brooks School, MA
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Tuesday 10:15am - 11:15am
E-1 Intercultural Competence: Strategies for Teachers & Students
E-4 Advisers: Keys to Encouraging International Leadership at Your School
Marina I
Presidio III
As international student populations increase, a myriad of cultural issues are faced by students and faculty. Challenges range from language and cultural miscues to difficulties integrating socially and adjusting to the US educational system. In this fun and interactive session, we explore how cultural values and perspectives vary around the world, and we equip teachers with some ready-touse strategies to raise intercultural awareness in their classrooms. Participants take away concepts and techniques to increase their own and their students’ intercultural competence.
Is your school fully benefiting from the global viewpoint that international students bring by helping them to realize their potential as leaders on your campus? Advisers are in the perfect position to help teach students how to enter into leadership roles by giving them the confidence to lead and by teaching the basics of positive group dynamics. This session is your chance to practice some of those adviser activities that will bring your school’s international students into leadership positions. This is a participation based session!
Patricia Szasz, Assistant Dean for Language & Professional Programs, and Alisyn Henneck, Enrollment Marketing Manager, Monterey Institute of International Studies, CA
Dan Morrissey, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Western Reserve Academy, OH
E-2 Two Weeks Abroad is Good, but Two Months is Better! Marina II
After transitioning from a spring break “travel and culture” model to a full-scale academic trimester abroad, Vermont Academy has successfully navigated the growth of its global model for education. With programs in Spain and Belize, and planned expansion into Chile and China, Vermont Academy’s program is unique in that students are able to maintain their core academic schedule while studying abroad. The Vermont Academy team will explain the history and development of their successful plan to open satellite campuses abroad while maintaining an integrated curriculum.
E-5 Best Practices Working with International Consultant/Agents Lombard
Recruiting international students from diverse corners of the world is now an everyday challenge for boarding school representatives in the field. International families seek out local educational consultants/agents to help them in their boarding school search; building relationships of trust between boarding schools and such agents is key. This presentation identifies best practices for schools working with international agents in order to optimize returns on investment when deploying this marketing strategy. Mary Danby, Director, North American Boarding Schools Workshop, Retford, Notts, UK, and Izabella Lauterpakht, SYSTEM-3 Education, Russia
Fanning Hearon, Assistant Head of School/Academic Dean, and Sean Brennan, Head of School, Vermont Academy, VT A D VA N C E M E N T & M A R K E T I N G STUDENT AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE
E-3 Home Grown: How Day Schools Can Successfully Manage Their Own Homestay Programs Presidio I
More and more day schools are welcoming international students to their campuses. As a result, quality homestay programs are in high demand. Learn how one school created and now manages their homestay program. From processing visas to educating the homestay families, see how Barstow has retained 90% of homestay families in the program. Kellye Crockett, Director of Admssion and Marketing, and Shane Foster, Head of School, The Barstow School, MO
E-6 Marketing on the Global Stage North Beach
How do I reach out to the international community? What aspects of my school do I promote? Whom do I trust in recruiting students? Marketing and recruiting on the international level can be daunting and overwhelming. In this presentation, we will look at different ways to connect with the international market, with attention paid to working with agents. We will also look at different methods of marketing such as fairs, social networking, and summer programs. Dmitry Sherbakov, Director of Global Marketing & Programs, and Van Nguyen, Summer Camp Director, The Northwest School, WA
Tuesday 10:15am - 11:15am
E-7 Global Leadership: Developing ValuesBased Agents of Change
We assist schools reach their enrolment targets by helping them attract and build a more diverse, professional, and highperforming agent network.
Presidio II
To truly groom future global citizens, independent schools must assume the responsibility of instilling a values-based approach to learning that empowers students with the leadership skills, confidence and knowledge to become agents of change at the local, national and global levels. Powerful models created by two institutions will demonstrate different approaches: Pickering College through the intentional and systematic integration of global leadership true to Quaker values, and Havergal College through an Institute acting as a quasi-independent catalyst for change in school programming focused on building self-efficacy and global capability. Two different approaches with the same end result: preparing students to rise to the challenges and make a difference as global citizens of today’s world. Participants will walk away with practical tools, ideas and strategies to implement a powerful values-based model to develop global leadership capacity in your own school.
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Ann Peel, Director, Institute at Havergal, ON; Chantal Gionet, Vice-Principal, and, Kim Bartlett, Curriculum Coordinator K-12, Pickering College, ON WWA_Symp_Ad.indd 1
1/23/2014 2:30 PM
Educational Tours PREPARING STUDENTS FOR GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP As the World Leader in International Education, EF is proud to be a sponsor of the 2014 Global Education Symposium and honored to present this year’s featured speaker, Dr. Fernando Reimers, Director of Global Education at Harvard University. Join George Stewart, EF’s Director of Curriculum and Program Development, for a discussion on service learning and global awareness through authentic community connections.
Your partner in global education For nearly 50 years EF has helped teachers and students discover the world through culturally immersive educational travel. From language immersion to service learning programs, EF offers a diverse range of international experiences across the globe. Learn more at eftours.com or contact Hugh Robbins at hugh.robbins@ef.com.
Tuesday 1:00pm - 2:00pm STUDENT AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE
Lunch & Featured Speaker 11:15am - 12:45pm • Embarcadero
Chris Cheney
Lessons from the African Leadership Academy
F-1 The World Hunger Game, Engaging in a Global System Marina I
The Student Global Leadership Institute brings together international youth leaders who understand and are engaged in shared global challenges to create positive social change. In 2013, the Hunger Game was created to create an engaging and dynamic experience that demonstrates the complexity of global diplomacy and systems of personal survival, group relationships, and collaboration. Though the game topic used is food, any resource can be substituted to challenge students. The creators will share their insight and how the game played a role for the program. Wendi Kamiya, Chief Information Officer, and Chai Reddy, Associate Director Wo International Center, Punahou School, HI
F-2 Kiva U: Connecting to the World Through Microlending Marina II
Kiva, the first international online micro-finance lending platform connecting people around the world to alleviate poverty, recently launched a new initiative for educators and students: Kiva U. Kiva U provides real-world connections across diverse subject areas while providing students opportunities to impact lives in a meaningful way around the world. It connects students to global issues and understanding poverty through project-based service learning curriculum and student resources help them develop core global competencies, as well as life skills and financial literacy. Jessica Hansen, Education Development Manager, Kiva, CA, and Kristen Goggin, Math Teacher, Town School for Boys, CA
F-3 Are We Failing International Students If They Don’t Integrate? Presidio I
Explore the social, emotional and academic trajectory of international students superimposed with normal adolescent development to help answer the question “Are we failing international students if they don’t integrate?” While still aiming for the best possible cross cultural experience for all students, what is reasonable to expect and how do we maximize the opportunities? After 25 years of a continuously evolving model the international boarding program at The Northwest School has some thoughts to share. Amy Berner-Hays, Dean of Residential Life, The Northwest School, WA
F-4 Student Handbooks Go Global: Polices for the International Student Body Presidio III
As an increasing number of international students enroll in independent schools, it is important that the Student Handbook meets their needs. With international diversity comes a variety of cultural differences and varied expectations concerning acceptable campus behavior, and the Student Handbook is the place to establish the level playing field. From managing different traditions around alcohol consumption, to expectations of personal freedom, to visa requirements, this interactive presentation will highlight Student Handbook policies particularly applicable to the global student and family. Susan Schorr, Attorney, Schwartz Hannum PC, MA
F-5 Effectively Recruiting in New International Territories Lombard
International travel can be quite daunting. Expectations for diversifying international communities are rising while the travel budgets shrink. This interactive session will examine how schools can determine viable markets, develop recruitment strategies in those markets and create an admission plan to support new market travel. Learn how schools increase diversification by utilizing fairs, small group travel, and individual receptions and visits. We will also discuss the importance of partnering with the school community to provide support for the international students and how this affects future admissions. Metta Dael, Director of International Admissions, and Naomi Levine, Director of Admissions, Northfield Mount Hermon, MA
Tuesday 1:00pm - 2:00pm STUDENT AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE
E X C H A N G E / T R AV E L P R O G R A M S
F-6 Developing Global Citizens in a Diverse Community
F-7 Making Global Education Your Own
North Beach
Many boarding and day schools have very diverse communities. Day students are from a broad range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Boarding students may be from the Pacific Rim, Africa, Latin America or Europe. Often times, these groups will self-segregate based on language or culture. Learn how to build programs to bring students together so that they learn more about each other and the world around them. Create an assembly program that builds tolerance and understanding, an advisory program in which students engage in activities to build global awareness and tolerance, and a sustainability project in which students learn about the environment. Sharon Lawrence, Assistant Head of School, The Knox School, NY
In other courses, I use content to build skills. In Cambridge Global Perspectives, I use skills to deepen understanding of content CAMBRIDGE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES TEACHER
Presidio II
How can you build a school-wide global education program that goes beyond the traditional service-learning and international exchanges? Through long-standing local and global partnerships, Holton-Arms School has designed and executed transformative global learning experiences in five countries that connect their mission and curriculum to pressing global issues. In addition, their collaboration between schools and local and global organizations has yielded an integrated, comprehensive and student centered approach to Global Education that can serve as a model for others. Join this interactive session and explore how schools can shape their programs to respond to current and future global challenges and opportunities. Melissa Brown, Director of Global Education, and Susanna Jones, Head of School, Holton-Arms School, MD
Are your students up for a good argument? We certainly hope so! Cambridge Global PerspectivesTM is an innovative inquiry-based program which develops Common Core skills including research, analysis of sources, argumentation, collaboration and presentation skills. It is a flexible curriculum available as a one- or two-year program from sophomore through to senior year and leads to a globally recognized assessment.
Find out more about Cambridge Global Perspectives at www.cambridgegp.org
TABS half page US.indd 1
03/04/2014 15:49
Tuesday 2:30pm - 3:30pm
G-1 Peer Mentors and English Learners
G-4 Finding the Unusual Stories: Peppering Your International Community with Diversity
Marina I
The Army and Navy Academy attracts international students worldwide. To address needs of our English Learners, we have implemented a successful peer-mentoring program. The top domestic students in our Leadership Educational Training course are peer mentors to our English Learners. They help each student academically and socially with their daily lessons and with social issues on campus. It is a successful program where both students are learning from one another. The EL learners are gaining confidence with their English Language skills and with life on campus and the Peer Mentors are becoming more confident leaders to their international partners. Maya Ramirez Drake, Director of International Student Services, Army and Navy Academy, CA
G-2 The Evolution of a Global Program at a “Western” Boarding School Marina II
Four years into the Global Scholar Diploma at FVS, this session explores the successes and failures of an interdisciplinary, curricular and co-curricular program. Topics will include Round Square membership, Challenge 20/20, Capstone projects, travel programs, residential life, global service learning, and admissions marketing. Assessments from faculty, alumni, administrators, and students currently in the program provides an opportunity to learn about the evolution and strategic impact of one school’s model for global education. Susan Carrese, Director of Global Education, Fountain Valley School of Colorado, CO
G-3 Fostering Global Citizens: A Case Study of a New Global Citizens Program Presidio I
New Global Citizens and San Francisco Day School have worked together to create a Global Citizenship program at SFDS to serve middle school students. In this presentation we will highlight how to create a global studies program integrated with existing academic and service learning curriculum focused on real-world problem solving. Topics range from choosing global partners, creating student action committees, and effectively involving family and community stakeholders. Suggestions and models will be shared with other independent schools for developing student Global I.Q. Lisa Glenn, Director of Programs, New Global Citizens, AZ, and David Jackson, Head of School, San Francisco Day School, CA 20
Many of our international programs consist of students predominantly from a handful of affluent countries. While we are thankful for the strong enrollment from these popular countries, we also struggle with diversity within our programs. Come be challenged to find unique students from a broad variety of countries who will change the culture of your international program and create a more global experience on your campus. Operational implications and strategies will also be discussed. Brenda Vishanoff, Director of International Students, Wheaton Academy, IL
Tuesday 2:30pm - 3:30pm E X C H A N G E / T R AV E L P R O G R A M S
G-5 The Power of Collaboration
G-6 Challenges of the College Admission Process for International Students
Presidio II
The mission of the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG), formed in 2008, is to identify best practices in global education by collecting, analyzing, and sharing data from GEBG members. Individually as member schools and together as a group, we promote the development of global citizens by benchmarking global curriculum, experiences, and institutional support. Although we do all of that, we have discovered that the true work of this group is in the collaboration we model and promote. Board members share resources, experiences, and work to identify best practices through a List-serve, a wiki page, phone calls, and by running collaborative travel programs. Come learn from two of the GEBG board members about our joint projects and how you can get involved. Saya McKenna, Director of Global Citizenship, Head Royce School, CA, and Vicki Weeks, Global Educational Consultant, Global Weeks, WA
North Beach
International families face increasing challenges in the college admission process. This session will focus on the challenges, from assessing and valuing unfamiliar colleges/universities to the role of agents, to building a strong application. How do rankings continue to affect the college lists of international students? How will NACAC decision permitting the use of commissioned agents in the recruitment of students outside the United States affect the process for international students studying here? What does a strong international applicant look like? Test scores, strength of schedule, full pay? Tony Lambert, Director of College Counseling, The Perkiomen School, PA; Angel Perez, Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, Pitzer College, CA; and, David McCauley, College Counselor, Beijing No. 4 High School, China
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Teacher Infused. Student Inspired. The Global Competence Certificate is the first-of-its-kind online graduate level certificate program in global competence education for educators. Developed by Teachers College, Columbia University, World Savvy, and Asia Society, the innovative program model includes:
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Online Academic Coursework – Participatory online courses that explore the theory, content, and pedagogy of effective instruction for global competence. Fieldwork – 2-3 weeks with partner institutions across the globe that extend and deepen core understanding. Collaborative Practice Groups – Small interdisciplinary cohorts that work together to develop a capstone project. Enrollment options include 48 Continuing Education Units or 12 Graduate Credits Applications are open now through June 15, 2014 For more information and to apply, visit www.globalcompetencecertificate.org
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EF, Education First EF Educational Tours is a pioneer in experiential learning, leading students abroad for the past 50 years to encounter new cultures and languages firsthand. As an accredited organization with a focus on critical thinking, problem solving and global awareness, EF’s blended learning model ensures every EF tour is rich with educational experiences that bring classroom learning to life. George Stewart, Director of Curriculum One Education St. Cambridge MA 02141 PHONE 617 619 1554 EMAIL Hugh.Robbins@ef.com WEB www.eftours.com
Envoys Envoys is an educational organization. We work directly with innovative schools to build quality global education programs, blending preparatory online learning with focused international experiences and rigorous assessments. Seth Leighton_Envoys, Executive Director 1 Broadway, 14th Floor Cambridge MA 02142 PHONE 267 253 2922 EMAIL info@envoys.com WEB www.envoys.com
EMAIL toefljunior@ets.org WEB www.ets.org
Penn GSE Penn GSE strives to be the intellectually, most exciting place in education – in the world. Penn GSE seeks students interested in promoting a deeper understanding of educational issues and contributing to societal change. No other education school enjoys a university environment as supportive of practical knowledge-building as the Ivy League’s University of Pennsylvania. Tyler Baker, Marketing Coordinator 3700 Walnut Street Philadelphia PA 19104 PHONE 215 573 6115 WEB www.gse.upenn.edu EMAIL admissions@gse.upenn.edu
Pottery Barn Pottery Barn is a trusted brand, offering high quality furnishings and stylish, comfortable bedding. The Pottery Barn Residence Hall Program offers students a convenient way to purchase residence hall essentials—from basic bedding to personality packed décor. Our collections include a broad selection of XL twin bedding, no-nail message boards and calendars, bath essentials and storage bins. Ying Tarantino, Brand Marketing Manager 3250 Van Ness Ave. San Francisco CA 94109 PHONE 415 402 4700 EMAIL jejohn@wsgc.com WEB www.ets.org
Blackbaud offers a full spectrum of cloud-based and on-premise software solutions and related services for organizations of all sizes including: fundraising, eMarketing, advocacy, constituent relationship management (CRM), financial management, payment services, analytics and vertical-specific solutions. For more information, visit www.blackbaud.com. Jessica Gladback, Event Marketer II 2000 Daniel Island Drive, Charleston SC 29492 PHONE 843 654 2214 EMAIL solutions@blackbaud.com WEB www.blackbaud.com
Laurel Springs School
Laurel Springs School has over 20 years of experience cultivating partnerships that allow students to benefit from a high-quality blended learning experience. When you select Laurel Springs as your partner, you are choosing a private school that values student achievement and allows your students to benefit from a wide range of courses to enrich their school transcripts and college applications. Laura Leonard, Marketing Coordinator 1615 West Chester Pike, Suite 200, West Chester PA 19382 PHONE 484 947 2011 EMAIL partnerships@laurelsprings.com WEB www.laurelsprings.com
Máximo Nivel
Máximo Nivel offers High School Abroad, Youth Spanish Camp, International Volunteer, and Native Spanish Programs in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru. We believe in experiential education as a means to transform young learners into global citizens and leaders. We are dedicated to providing a successful learning environment and delivering the best education and cultural experiences in Latin America. Samantha Kapaun, Director of Program Development 7950 NW 53rd Street, Suite 337 Miami FL 33166 PHONE 800 866 6358 EMAIL international@maximonivel.com WEB www.maximonivel.com
Middlebury-Monterey Summer Intensive College English
The intensive summer English (ESL) program features a college environment where English is spoken 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Students live in residence halls on the campus of Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island and learn about American history and culture through content covered in class as well as field trips to nearby Boston and New York. Alisyn Henneck, Enrollment Marketing Manager 460 Pierce Street, Monterey CA 93940 PHONE 831 647 4115 EMAIL languages@miis.edu WEB go.miis.edu/ice
Mindpower Inc.
Mindpower is a thinking firm with a love for branding. We create marketing strategies and tools that can be applied in virtually any media, from cutting-edge digital to tried-and-true traditional. We’re happiest working with organizations nationwide that are doing good things in the world – schools, colleges, hospitals, and other non-profits – because they inspire us to do great branding. Jenny Brower, Mission Control 337 Georgia Avenue SE, Atlanta GA 30312 PHONE 404 581 1991 EMAIL smartmarketing@mindpowerinc.com WEB www.mindpowerinc.com
Minds Abroad
We offer both customized programs for academic groups and set programs for individual students in Asia, specifically in China, India, Vietnam and Thailand. We offer programs incorporating classes, rural homestays, internships, and extensive service learning. We were recently selected as a “Top Ten Best Practices Program” by the Center for Citizen Diplomacy and the U.S. State Department. Carl Jaramillo, President 6000 Brass Lantern Road Raleigh NC 27606 PHONE 877 U ABROAD (877 722 7623) EMAIL info@mindsabroad.com WEB www.mindsabroad.com
Heather Campbell, Partnership Manager 1337 Third St. Promenade, 2nd floor Santa Monica CA 90401 PHONE 424 214 2377 EMAIL stephanie.rollo@revolutionprep.com WEB www.revolutionprep.com
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Revolution Prep is a full academic service provider for students in grades 6-12. Families, schools and organizations choose to work with Revolution because of our approach in building a customized academic plan for each student. Our goal is to raise grades and test scores, and build stronger, more independent learners.
Rustic Pathways
Rustic Pathways offers high-quality, hands-on international community service, adventure, and educational programs for high school students, recent high school graduates, and schools. Programs focus on creating cross-cultural dialogue and connecting the world through meaningful service and immersion. Customizable teacher-led trips allow schools to create programs that align with learning goals. Lauren Alvarez, Global Partnerships 2527 Ursulines Ave., New Orleans LA 70119 PHONE 440 487 3249 EMAIL lauren@rusticpathways.com WEB www.rusticpathways.com
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies produces an array of programs for gifted students everywhere. Our programs are available online and in-person, during the summer and year-round, and feature broad exploration or intense study in a single subject. Our students are intellectually adventurous, highly motivated, and passionate in their desire to come together and accelerate their learning. Diana Sunshine, Director of Marketing and Communications 220 Panama Stanford CA 94305 PHONE 650 269 9751 EMAIL dsunsh@stanford.edu WEB precollegiate.stanford.edu
Student Discoveries by Globus
For more than 85 years, the Globus family of brands has been telling the stories behind the world’s most extraordinary destinations. Now, we’re bringing this experience to life for student groups through Student Discoveries, an alternative to traditional educational travel. Michael Lundquist, National Group Sales Manager 5301 S Federal Circle, Littleton CO 80123 PHONE 843 597 2131 EMAIL mlundquist@globusfamily.com WEB www.studentdiscoveries.com
TADS is the private school industry’s only provider of integrated web-based tuition management, enrollment, financial aid and admissions with fully hosted and supported services. Our first-class experience, relationships and technology allow us to provide schools of all sizes with innovative, custom-designed products and services based on your specific needs.
Travel For Teens
Travel For Teens offers students the chance to live the life of a local all around the world and insider access that is simply unattainable otherwise. We focus on Community Service, Language Immersion, Cultural Exploration and Photography trips. We specialize in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central & South America and Oceania. Ned Clark, Vice Pres. & Program Director 900 West Valley Rd, Ste. 300, Wayne PA 19087 PHONE 484 654 1034 EMAIL info@travelforteens.com WEB www.travelforteens.com
Working With Agents
Strong international student enrolments depend on a thriving agent network which is based on effective marketing, outstanding levels of customer service and attracting the right agents. We help schools build a more diverse and professional agent network through the creation of targeted marketing strategies and agent audits of your existing network to ensure you’re reaching your enrolment targets. Cam Harvey, Owner 51 Lyon Ave., Guelph ON N1H 5C7 Canada PHONE 519 830 2600 EMAIL charvey@workingwithagents.com WEB www.workingwithagents.com
World Savvy-Global Competence Certificate Program
The premier online graduate-level Global Competence Certificate for educators. Developed by Teachers College, Columbia University, World Savvy, and Asia Society, the program prepares K-12 educators to cultivate students who are globally informed, engaged citizens. The innovative program includes engaging online coursework, domestic or international fieldwork, and collaborative practice groups. Jennifer Lofing, Academic Affairs Associate 917 Irving St., Suite 4 San Francisco CA 94122 PHONE 415 813 1681 EMAIL info@globalcompetencecertificate.org WEB www.globalcompetencecertificate.org
Boston Educational Services iTEP-International Test of English Proficiency-is an innovative, online English assessment test. Michael Salenko, Executive Director 22048 Sherman Way, Ste. 210 Canoga Park CA 91303 PHONE 818 887 3888 EMAIL msalenko@iteponline.com WEB www.itepexam.com
Finalsite Finalsite provides a complete web solution for more than 1500 schools around the world. Kathy Venezia, Executive Assistant 809 Main St. East Hartford CT 06108 PHONE 800 592 2469 EMAIL education@finalsite.com WEB www.finalsite.com
Global Routes A pioneer in international programs, Global Routes offers authentic immersion experiences abroad. Dianna Hahn, Director One World Way Windsor NH 03244 PHONE 413 585 8895 EMAIL mail@globalroutes.org WEB www.globalroutes.org
InspirEd Educators Engaging, thought-provoking units for cross-disciplinary SS / LA, service, antibullying, and more! Sharon Coletti, Author and President 20150 5th St. West Sonoma CA 95476 PHONE 770 649 7571 EMAIL info@inspirededucators.com WEB www.inspirededucators.com
New Global Citizens
Kiva U: a movement of students & educators empowered with tools & opportunities to change the world. Jessica Hansen, Education Development Manager 875 Howard St., Ste. 340 San Francisco CA 94103 PHONE 202 841 3519 EMAIL KivaU@kiva.org WEB KivaU.org
Global competency curriculum, professional development, and after school programming. Lisa Glenn, Director of Programs 1430 W. Broadway Rd., Suite 208 Tempe AZ 85282 PHONE 256 998 0236 EMAIL contact@newglobalcitizens.org WEB www.newglobalcitizens.org
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore
SAGE Program
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore is a full service employment and labor relations law firm. Katey Yorra, Marketing Specialist 153 Townsend St., Ste. 520 San Francisco CA 94107 PHONE 415 512 3009 EMAIL info@lcwlegal.com WEB www.lcwlegal.com
For over 20 years SAGE has provided world-class educational travel to teachers and their students. Todd Newcomer, Marketing Coordinator 19 Old Town Sq. Suite 238 Fort Collins CO 80524 PHONE 970 482 3188 EMAIL info@sageprogram.org WEB www.SAGEprogram.org
Lodestone Safety International
The Experiment in International Living
Lodestone helps individuals and groups make their international programs as safe as they should be. Bill Frederick, President 39 Dodge St., Ste. 311 Beverly MA 01915 PHONE 978 740 1009 EMAIL bill@lodestonesafety.com WEB www.lodestonesafety.com
The Experiment in International Living – Make Your Summer Matter Heather Beard, Director of Admissions PO Box 676, 1 Kipling Rd. Brattleboro VT 05302 PHONE 802 258 3412 EMAIL experiment@worldlearning.org WEB www.experimentinternational.org
Helping admissions officers identify best-fit Chinese applicants with one-toone video interviews. Chris Boehner, Executive Director 525 Barnwell Ave. NW Aiken SC 29801 PHONE 803 341 7322 EMAIL info@vericant.com WEB www.vericant.com
NAIS empowers independent schools and the students they serve. Stop by the booth to learn how you can engage. Vivian Danbridge-Charles, Member Services 1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 PHONE 202 973 9700 EMAIL membership@nais.org WEB www.nais.org
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Athletes Career Change Executive Certificate Educational Linguistics Education, Culture and Society Education Entrepreneurship Education Policy Elementary Teacher Education and Certification ESL Certification Executive Chief Learning Officer Program Executive Doctorate in Higher Education Management Executive Medical Education Program Executive Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership Executive Program in Charter School Leadership and Certification Executive Program in Independent School Leadership Executive Program in Public School Leadership and Certification Executive Program in School and Mental Health Counseling Higher Education Intercultural Communication Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development
International Educational Development Language and Literacy Learning Science and Technologies Middle Level Teacher Education and Certification Principal Certification Professional Counseling and Mental Health Services Quantitative Methods Reading, Writing and Literacy Residency Master’s in Teaching Secondary Teacher Education and Certification School Leadership Statistics, Measurement, Assessment and Research Technology Teach For America Urban Teacher Master’s and Certificate Program Teacher Education Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Teaching, Learning and Leadership Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education