Preparing pupils for the transition to senior schools
The crucial process of transitioning from prep school to senior school has seen significant changes over recent years, with a
Simone Mitchell, Deputy Head, Director of Teaching and Learning, Swanbourne House School
more bespoke, nurturing start earlier. It used to start about 18
was a tense wait for Common
months before a pupil left us, now the
Entrance results taken in June for
preparation starts four years before
September entry, with the anxiety of
they will set foot in a senior school.
waiting for a place to be confirmed.
At Swanbourne House, we know it’s
This is a very positive development for
Now, it is very rare for a senior school
an evolving and creative process, with
families and schools. Indeed, when I’m
not to give an unconditional offer.
no ‘catch-all’ approach. A personal
asked what can be the biggest pitfall in
This development benefits pupils,
approach is rightly expected by families,
the process, I often say timing.
allowing prep schools time to create
and tailored approach sought by families.
a tailored approach to their learning,
and creating a robust, specific path for the child to their chosen senior school
All senior schools publish details of
preparing pupils so they can thrive
can be a challenging process, but one
their registration process on their
in their senior school. Starting the
that reaps significant rewards.
website well in advance – my advice
process early gives schools and
to families would always be to check
parents an opportunity to plan
If I could point to one significant change
the dates and don’t assume all
accordingly for the child.
in the transition process over recent
schools will have the same timings
years, it’s seeing the whole process
and process. In years gone by, there