Inspections of accredited independent boarding schools Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) All English accredited independent
an additional inspection, the next ISI
number of standards was reduced from 53
boarding schools are inspected on a
inspection experience for a boarding
to 20, reflecting the way in which boarding
three-year cycle. If the boarding school
school in the cycle will be a Focused
schools promote the highest standards
is in membership of one of the five
Compliance Inspection (FCI) and an Inspection
in care, education and the personal
independent school associations (GSA,
of Education Quality (EQI). The FCI will
development of boarders. The 2011
HMC, IAPS, ISA, Society of Heads) and
inspect the boarding provision against
Standards were further updated in 2013
thus accredited by its association,
the NMS. Immediately following the FCI,
and 2015.
the inspection of boarding is carried
the EQI will evaluate the quality of the
out by a specialist team of boarding
outcomes for pupils. This will evaluate
A significant aspect of raising the quality of
inspectors from the Independent
pupils’ achievement and pupils’ personal
the boarding experience has been schools’
Schools Inspectorate (ISI). If it is
development. Educational quality findings
investment in boarding training. The
an independent school, but not a
will be reported against a four-point scale.
Boarding Schools’ Association’s programme
member of one of those associations
For boarding provision, the inspection and
of continuing professional development
or is a state boarding school, the
the report will include the contribution of
(CPD) is the major provider of this training.
inspection of boarding is carried out
boarding to boarders’ achievement and
The full programme can be found at
by a specialist team of Ofsted boarding
their personal development. Full details
inspectors. A small number of ISI-
of this new inspection framework can be
inspected schools are classified as
found on the ISI website. Readers should
special schools, which have an annual
note that, depending on the dates of
social care inspection.
previous inspections, a FCI-EQI inspection might come before a RCI inspection.
All accredited independent boarding
Schools should prepare for both types.
schools are inspected under the ISI
NATIONAL BOARDING STANDARDS The 20 National Boarding Standards cover: • Policies, procedures and practice: includes anti-bullying, boarders’ activity programme, boarders’ induction, complaints, confidential counselling and guidance, contact with parents, equal opportunities, guardianship, health and safety, management and leadership, medical care, promoting positive behaviour, role of prefects, boarders’ meals.
Inspection Framework which came into
Over the last 20 years, good practice
force in January 2017. Every three
in boarding schools has developed
years, the inspection will be a Regulatory
significantly and schools have responded
Compliance Inspection (RCI) which, in terms
positively to national legislation. The effect
of boarding, will inspect the boarding
of this has been to raise the level of care
provision against Boarding Schools: National
and management in boarding schools. This,
Minimum Standards (NMS). Full details
in turn, has supported the improved quality
of the Standards (the latest April 2015
of the boarding experience for the more
supervision, boarders’ privacy,
version) can be found at
than 75,000 boarders in independent and
recruitment checks on boarding staff,
state boarding schools.
relationships between boarders and
People: includes boarding staff
between boarders and staff, seeking These improvements have been recognised
boarders’ views, leadership and
Assuming the school meets the minimum
by the Government, so much so that
management of the boarding provision.
standards and no immediate action
the DfE consulted with boarding schools
is required, or unless the Department
and boarders and in September 2011
for Education (DfE) has commissioned
published a new set of standards. The