Life at a state boarding school Dr Chris Pyle Head, Lancaster Royal Grammar School England’s state boarding schools
Co-curricular opportunities are a particular
families from Europe and the Middle East
have a very special place in our
strength. After-school activities flourish in a
and boarders from Hong Kong and West
education system. They often have an
residential community with no commuting
Africa are all well represented.
‘independent’ ethos and education is
required. Many pupils play competitive
free. Boarding fees are typically around
sport against independent schools, some
a third of the cost of independent
schools offer outstanding debating and
boarding schools.
music while others, including LRGS, place a high value on thriving CCF Army, Naval and
State boarding schools come in all shapes
RAF sections as a mainstay of their outdoor
and sizes, from non-selective schools in
and leadership programmes.
rural settings to grammar schools in towns and small cities. A few are single-sex while
Academic results are a major factor for
others are co-educational. Several are
most parents in choosing a state boarding
very ancient – Lancaster Royal Grammar
school, and here too the sector punches
School (LRGS) traces its roots back to the
above its weight. ‘Value-added’ analysis
thirteenth century – while others have been
shows that our boarders tend to do even
established recently to meet demand in this
better than day pupils at GCSE, as a result
vibrant sector.
of the support and encouragement they receive from boarding staff who engage
All state boarding schools are united by
with boarders’ academic challenges during
a shared belief in the opportunities of
and outside prep times.
boarding. There is a consistent concern for
MODERN LIFE Most of our families are ‘first generation’ boarders. They may not initially have considered boarding or even been aware that exceptional state schools offer this opportunity. Boarding fits modern life for many families living with the realities of commuting, travel commitments, divided families or older siblings away at university. A mother bringing up her son on her own told me how boarding allows her to manage her growing business, while her son benefits from positive role models and support. ‘We have the best weekends ever!’ said the mother of another weekly boarder. The boarding experience changes with age. Our younger boarders are in light and airy
the wellbeing and personal development
At LRGS, two-thirds of our 170 boarders live
shared dorms of four to six. The emphasis
of the young people in our schools.
within an hour of the school, but growing
is on establishing excellent habits both in
Wraparound pastoral care creates a very
numbers are from London and elsewhere
boarding and in the classroom. Pastoral
special environment where friendships
in the UK. We have about 30 overseas
care is led by the housemaster and the
and shared activities become for many the
students, who must have EU passports or
matrons – whose days include reuniting
defining privilege of their teenage years.
right of UK residence. Bilingual or expat
pupils with lost property and supplying