Brig Hart- Treasure Chest 24-47

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Roger Rinn, Ph.D., is a Licensed Psychologist, past President of the Alabama Psychological Association and past Chair of the Alabama Board of Examiners in Psychology. He has co-authored five books including Harnessing the Healing Power of Fruit and Achievement Motivation Training.



goal setting



chieving individuals have a lot in common with one another. One of the most important commonalities among achievers is the ability to set goals. Simply stated, a goal is an objective or a purpose. However, goal setting for achievement implies competition with a standard of excellence. Competition is a fact of life. Anyone who has tried to increase their family’s income from year to year or attempted to reduce their weight has experienced competition with personal or societal standards. No competition, no achievement. Know competition, know achievement. There are three things to think about in relation to goal setting. First, defining a goal with a standard of excellence does not require the achieving individual to actually reach the goal, but does give the pursuer of such a goal a target. “How well did I do?” “Did I measure up?” R3Global Teacher Roger Rinn enjoying a hike up Mount Elbert on the Colorado Trail. “How did I fare compared to others in my company?” A standard of excellence is critical. Setting a goal of better income product by June 1st or attain an annual also may be a function of your own needs in the next 12 months is actually not an income of $240,000 by New Years Eve. or interests. Dr. Ralph Carson and I ran in achievement goal since it is too vague. So, achievement oriented goal setting a 10k (6.2 miles) race last year. Our goal Such goals require the setter of such goals requires several easy but crucial steps. First, was very simple — run the race the entire to state clearly the criteria for success. make sure your goals represent competition distance without walking. Ralph showed Some goals will be attained by an with a standard of excellence. Then check mercy and stayed with me the entire way, either/or outcome — yes or no. Did you to see whether the goals are tough but finishing a mere .01 seconds ahead. Good add 30 more active** distributors to attainable. Next, make sure you develop a news: we reached the goal. Bad news: we your network? Did you earn your Black measurable success indicator. Finally, set a set no records. However, the standard of Diamond pin? Other goals may be placed time limit for goal attainment. Now, go out excellence was our own. on a continuum to allow you to determine a and get that Mercedes-Benz! TCM Second, an achievement goal must be percentage of goal attainment. You made tough but attainable. If one sets goals $110,000 from marketing your products that are too easily met, there is no joy in but you had a goal of $130,000, about victory, because anyone could have done 85% goal attainment. PLEASE VISIT WWW.R3GLOBAL.COM it. If one sets goals that are too difficult (if Finally, a goal must have a time limit. TO PURCHASE THIS ITEM: not impossible to meet) no one could have To say you are going to become a college done it, there is a predictable “agony of graduate or reach millionaire status sounds TL94 defeat.” Goals must be realistic with a good—but when? Putting a time limit on a moderate risk or challenge. Achievers goal gives the goal-setter a sense of urgency. HARNESSING THE HEALING take moderate risks. When they reach Some goals have their own built-in timelines, POWER OF FRUIT their moderately tough goals, they feel the such as semester grades. However, most By Roger Rinn, Ph.D. pleasure of reaching their objectives and goals are under the control of the setter and celebrate. require the achiever to define the time in Third, an achievement goal is which a goal attainment is expected. Some measurable. In order to identify whether examples of time limits would be to invite (RogerRinn,Ph.D.endorsestheR3GlobalSystem.) a goal has been reached, measurement 120 new prospective customers to use the VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 25


{One of the World’s Top Superfoods}


efore there was R3Global, there was a vision. As seen by Brig and Lita Hart, this vision was a successful relational marketing business that started with a Total Support System. The Harts believe that putting this vision into action was a mandate for them. Their first step? To find a product and a company that they believed in. Only then could they form R3Global to help those who are open and willing to build a successful business based on relationships, helping others, and being rewarded for their achievements. 26 | VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1

“We were just waiting for a place to apply it,” Brig says of the vision of The Total Support System that was birthed 10 years ago and implemented in 2006. “We saw a new culture of people helping people — a culture of relational marketing versus network marketing.” It all began with Brig and Lita looking for a healthier lifestyle and a new networking opportunity. Liquid nutritional beverages seemed to be the buzz in both. Tim Wilson, a friend and associate of Brig’s, was commissioned to seek out and find that

product or company. During Tim’s research he came across a company in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the name of Monarch Health Sciences. They were in the final stages of developing a product with the açai berry as its crown jewel and it was called “MonaVie”. They learned that MonaVie was a proprietary blend of 19 of the socalled Forgotten Fruits. The use of the açai berry in the product really sparked their interest, so Brig, Lita and Tim traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, to meet with MonaVie Founder and President

Dallin Larsen. Looking back they believe God ordained this divine appointment. None of them were very impressed with the small office building housing MonaVie, but they were impressed with the product and most importantly with the person. “I look for people who are passionate about what they do,” Brig states. “Dallin was the guy with the vision I wanted to invest in.” The three left Utah feeling exhilarated. When Brig and Lita arrived back home in Florida they did two things. First, they had the product tested by Dr. Donald Mayfield who said, “Number one, you’ve got a product that’s good for a 3-year-old and a 108-year-old. This is a phenomenal product — 19 fruits, synergistically blended. Two, you have a ‘live’ product. How did they get live enzymes into this bottle?” At the time, Brig didn’t understand what he was asking, but Lita did. She understood that what made MonaVie so unique was the patentissued flash freeze process. Brig and Lita launched out in a quest to share with as many folks as possible this message of better health — physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually — through MonaVie. Brig then gave out seven bottles of MonaVie to his neighbors. They instantly loved it and asked him to introduce the beverage to their friends. Brig and Lita got even more excited. They had the juice and “The Story of MonaVie” DVD, so they decided to host a tasting party. He explains, “The bottom line of networking is exposing new people to the product and the program. We did that then and we continue to do the same now.” Sponsoring people into the MonaVie opportunity became their full focus. Building a

ORAC measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other chemical substances. It was developed by scientists at the USDA.

MonaVie’s freeze-dried Açai Cranberry Blueberry (lowbush) Açai (spray dried power) Blackberry Raspberry Strawberry

network was one thing, but actually managing that growth and maintaining it was a whole other issue. Past experiences in the industry led Brig and Lita to institute the teaching and training that would be necessary to keep the people in the business. Hence the implementation of R3Global and The Total Support System in early 2006. Four years later R3Global and the Total Support System have earned their rightful place in full alignment with MonaVie and Dallin Larsen’s vision to be the best business for the world. We believe in the Power of “One”. By reaching one person at a time by connecting and then empowering them, we can reach that one family who in turn can reach another. One by one we can exponentially grow and reach a community, a city, a country and even the nations. Faithfulness, diligence and obedience will always produce desired results. Who could have predicted that this little dark berry from the Amazon (the açai) and a little East Coast couple with a big vision (the Harts) would rock the networking industry as they have? The finest chapter in the MonaVie and R3G adventure has yet to be written. R3G and the Team that Brig and Lita have assembled have plans to fully redefine the limits of where a company like MonaVie can be taken. Taking the message of living a happier, healthier and more prosperous lifestyle through MonaVie is the Harts’ chosen life mission now. Stay tuned as we forge ahead with R3G’s commitment to assisting one and all to succeed at any chosen level. MonaVie, You, and R3G are a match made in heaven. Till death do us part. Focus Forward! TCM


{Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity}

2006 The year Brig & Lita Hart implemented R3Global.



Nu mber of MonaVie & R3Global Dia monds created over the past four years!



Total nu mber of R3Global Black Dia monds established since 2005!

2,Nu0mber0of 0 Dia monds Tea m R3Global pledges to build in the next two to three years! VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 27




ell-known reporter and author Elmer Davis once said, “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the

home of the brave.” From Veterans to Active Duty members of the United States Armed Forces and their families, we at R3Global salute you for everything you’ve sacrificed in defending our great country. We live a life free of persecution and rich in liberty because you have served our nation with honor, dignity and pride. Many of us at R3Global live in the “Land of Opportunity.” We are patriots and have so much to be thankful for. Because of you, our lives have been enriched through the opportunity of relational marketing. Everyday, we build strong, lasting relationships. We speak the word of God and concentrate on helping those around us become free from the burdens of financial stress and free so that they are able to forge and strengthen their family. Because of everything you do... we live in a land where the sky’s the limit! We will always remember and thank you as the Stars and Stripes will forever fly free. God Bless America!




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sharing a heart SHARING A HEART by Rodney Howard-Browne

good news

GOOD NEWS! by Mylon Le Fevre


have I got some great news for you! God’s not mad at you; He’s in love with you! And He truly wants to bless you so that you can do the same thing for others! “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you hope and a future!” Jeremiah 29:11. The economy may fluctuate but God’s plan for His children is always the same. He loves us and if we will trust and honor Him then He will bless us even in the middle of a recession. “For the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever!”



Over the years my wife, Adonica, and I have traveled the

world introducing the presence of God and the reality of the Lord. We have met millions of people during our journey. When I met Brig Hart in the early ‘90s, I knew he was one of those people who I must keep in my life. Brig and I share the same kind of heart.

Aren’t you glad that the Lord is never in a bad mood? He doesn’t have a bad temper. He is loving, peaceful, patient, kind, merciful, gentle, faithful and true. He is always good! King David said, “I would have despaired had I not expected to see the goodness of God in the land of the living.” So please let me encourage you today to trust the Lord and expect (that’s what faith is) to see (experience) the goodness of God at your house, in your family, health, and finances. Peace and joy! Christi and I are praying for you today. We are praying you will have the wisdom of God and the mind of Christ. I encourage you to invest the time it takes to keep your relationship with God and His Word first in your life, family and your MonaVie business so that you will taste and see that the Lord is good! We love you and if there is any way we may serve the Lord in your lives, please contact us at TCM

What knit my heart together with Brig’s was that we are always looking to help people. Our hearts reach out for the harvest of souls. Everywhere Brig goes he talks about Jesus. He realizes the danger of people who don’t have their priorities straight ­— those that are not on this Earth to help others and are not for the harvest of souls for eternity. It’s easy to get caught up in the money and the things, but as long as we keep our hearts focused on eternity and helping people, then the money can come and the money can go. We must keep our hearts pure. The moment our hearts are for things, we will forget about the people. That’s when you end up with marital problems, divorce and all kinds of problems that come with unlimited amounts of unchecked wealth. Our message is that as long as we keep our hearts to help people, for the harvest and for eternity, we will keep everything in the right perspective. Heed the warning. This is essential. We’ve seen so many couples ruin their lives in the pursuit of money, fame, and fortune without having a guideline for eternity. The day’s going to come when we have to give an account of our life on the Earth — what we did with our time, what we did with our talents and what we did with our treasure. Make sure that you are able to account for your life on Earth. TCM 30 | VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1





diamonds AND ABOVE





“Making a quality decision will produce results. When you go all in, the chances of succeeding are so much greater.”

Brig & Lita Hart Double Crowne Black Diamond Executives Ponte Vedra Beach, FL



“This ain’t no dress rehearsal,” Brig Hart announces from a booth at one of his favorite breakfast spots. “Life’s too short not to be real.” It’s one of the few “days off” Brig and Lita enjoy in their hometown of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. They’re one of the busiest couples in the world — not because they HAVE to work, but because they WANT to work. The Harts love what they do so much that they can’t imagine not doing it. On this leisurely morning, they’ve decided to go out for a late breakfast. With everything that the Harts have accomplished (and it’s a laundry list), you would think that it would be a bit intimidating to be around them. It’s anything but. Brig and Lita (husband and wife for over 27 years) have the ability to make R3Global Double Crowne Black Diamond Executives Brig and Lita Hart with children Daniel, Brittany and Paul — you feel comfortable in an instant. relaxing in their California vacation home. This is one of the reasons they have become the top earners in one of to the Bahamas and go fishing all day. A New Beginning the most successful relational marketing But these two can’t and they won’t. They God may not have a beginning, but the companies in the world — MonaVie. are so passionate about what they do that Harts do, and it’s essential to understand they see Double Crowne as the beginning. their past before you can understand When God Is Your Guide “A dream is progressive. I don’t have just their future. Over five years ago, Brig In fact, the couple’s continuous one dream. I’ve got lots of dreams,” Brig and Lita were semi-retired from another achievements have caused the company says. “It’s kind of like climbing a mountain. successful relational marketing business. to keep raising the bar and creating new The further up on the mountain you go, the They were looking to combine a new levels for them to reach and more fantastic further you see. So what’s next?” opportunity with promoting better health. incentives to reward. Recently, they For Brig and Lita, each level is just Brig had spent years surfing under the achieved Double Crowne Black Diamond another stepping stone in their journey. hot, unforgiving Florida sun. He wanted — the first to ever reach this prestigious There is no end when God is your guide. to lead a healthier lifestyle, so he started level. Other than a hefty annual income, “My standard isn’t set by anybody here on looking into liquid fruit juice. Research the honor comes with perks — a $2 million earth,” Brig explains. “My standard is set led him to MonaVie — a nutritious blend cash bonus and the Exotic Destinations by God, whose ways are so much higher of 19 fruits including the Brazilian açai program (the couple will choose from one than our ways. He is infinite. Doing less berry, an antioxidant-rich food. He calls of five once-in-a-lifetime trips to places like than what God made you capable of is the introduction a “divine appointment.” China, Switzerland or South Africa). probably the greatest tragedy of mankind. Brig had never heard of the company A lot of people in the Harts’ situation We want all that God wants for us.” or the product, so along with Lita and his might close up shop, buy a sailboat, move good friend Tim Wilson, the three boarded VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 33

[Pictured from left to right] Lita Hart; Brig & Lita Hart at their intracoastal property in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL; Brig Hart; the Harts next to their MonaVie Crowne Black Diamond gift, a vibrant orange Lamborghini Murcielago.

a flight to Salt Lake City, Utah, to meet with MonaVie founder and CEO Dallin Larsen. The Harts were impressed with the fruit juice, but even more impressed with Dallin. He encompassed everything they were looking for in a company — integrity, a relationship with Christ and the desire to help people get free. After some initial due diligence and heart searching, Brig and Lita knew this was the company for them. R3G: Building The Individual When the Harts got back to Florida, they were fired up. They held their first home meeting on January 16, 2005. It took an entrepreneurial spirit, a vision and hard work, but the couple started building one of the most successful relational marketing teams in the world. In turn, they’ve been rewarded handsomely; everything from millions of dollars in cash to exotic trips to an orange Lamborghini Murcielago. They’ve also enjoyed trips on MonaVie’s private corporate jet and their 100-foot plus private luxury yacht. It’s not just an exceptional life... it’s an exceptional lifestyle. But it’s not the material things or the money that keep Brig and Lita Hart building at such a phenomenal rate. It’s the ability to help others reach the same level of freedom that they have. They want other couples 34 | VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1

to be able to invest their time building a relationship with God and strengthening the relationships within their family. This is why the Harts started the R3Global Total Support System. Brig explains, “R3G is there to help build the individual so that they can in turn build a highly desired and respected business.” R3Global’s mission is to become one of the leading support systems in the relational marketing industry by providing a complete range of Teaching, Training, Motivation, Inspiration, Communication, Calendar & Events and Promotional Items (the 7 Pillars of Support). Brig wrote the M.A.P. Book (Maximum Action Plan), a step-by-step guide to success in relational marketing. The M.A.P. Book includes the ten activities that when diligently and faithfully followed can assist distributors in attaining the results they desire. Brig explains, “Recruiting and enrolling is one thing. Sponsoring, managing, and maintaining is where the Total Support System comes into play.” A Brighter Future Another way Team R3Global helps people is by encouraging people to dream. “We enjoy people. We’re not just in the MonaVie business — we’re in the people business. People let circumstances

direct them,” Brig explains. “People lose their vision. They lose their dream.” The Bible says that without a vision the people will perish (Proverbs 29:18). You have to have a dream and a reason to go on and live, not just survive. Brig says, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal or dream. This is the premise for all we believe — in helping others to move beyond where they are presently. You really are in charge of your own destiny — success is by choice, not by chance.” Over the past four years, Team R3Global has established one of the most vibrant and successful organizations in network marketing history. Brig compares this journey to going to the Super Bowl. “You don’t build a championship team that is going to win overnight,” he says. “We’ve invested five years to build this championship team. Everyone’s had to learn how to interact, find their place, learn the plays and run them successfully. My goals are to develop unity, agreement and synergy within our team. Once adopted we will be equipped to win!” Staying Humble One of the coolest things about the Harts is their ability to stay humble amidst wild, unparalleled success. They never forget

“Ninety-nine point nine percent of all success is attitude. If you think you can, then you can. God knows where He’s going to take us next. I don’t know, but I have an idea it’s further than we’ve gone thus far. ”

where they came from. Native Floridians, Brig and Lita grew up in hardworking families. They understood early on that you didn’t have to have a fancy education to succeed in life. You just need an entrepreneurial spirit, a love for people, the willingness to work hard and smart, and a dream of freedom. So when the network marketing industry knocked on their door, they walked through with open minds and open hearts. “We’re just normal people like everyone else,” Lita explains. “We face

the same obstacles everyone else does... but we choose to focus on the possibilities versus the challenges. Hope for the future produces power in the present!” Brig shares that “People have to dream to eliminate the negative in their lives and promote the positive. Success is only a decision away. It’s a journey, not a destination. It’s kind of like the never ending story.” So what’s next for Brig and Lita Hart? “Our best years are ahead of us — being more, doing more, giving more and

becoming more is our mandate. We are so blessed to be in this position in our lives,” Brig says. “Ninety-nine point nine percent of all success is attitude. If you think you can, then you can. God knows where He’s going to take us next. I don’t know, but I have an idea it’s further than we’ve gone thus far. We love doing what we’re doing. We don’t HAVE to do this. We GET to do this.” TCM




“Get excited about what you have your hands on. Treat your MonaVie business like a million dollar opportunity. Do the basics and do them often.”

Steve & Gina Merritt Crowne Black Diamond Executives Lantana, FL



Nothing will slow down the Merritts. The couple traveled the globe in 2009 building their MonaVie business in Australia, Israel, Canada, Poland, and England. Treasure Chest Magazine caught up with Steve and Gina enjoying the Reef Towers Penthouse at the Atlantis Resort and Casino in Paradise Island, Bahamas with their three daughters Mia, Chloe, Raimi and son Blake. They were enjoying their Royal Black Diamond Incentive Trip, which is just one of the many perks the Merritts have enjoyed as one of MonaVie’s most successful couples. A Driving “Why” If you’ve ever heard Steve and Gina talk at a major R3Global function or if you’ve met them on a personal level (they are an extremely approachable couple), then you know that these two make a great team. They met back in 1985 at a record store. Gina was about to give up on finding a soulmate when Steve came into her life. “He said he was praying for a Christian girl and I was praying for a Christian guy,” she remembers. They spent the next 20 plus years raising four kids and working to support their family — Gina as a flight attendant and Steve as a World Champion and professional barefoot water skier turned sales rep. Steve actually negotiated his way out of high school. He told his teachers “If you don’t pass me I am coming back,” and then went water skiing for 20 years. “Even though I do not have an education, Gina and I have had big dreams our entire life and we’ve never been afraid to work hard,“ Steve explains. “I paid $300 a month to work at my first Ski School driving the boat and teaching all day, then washed dishes in the evening to pay to work at the Ski School. Gina had three jobs when I first met her.” The Merritts feel

R3Global Crowne Black Diamond Executives Steve and Gina Merritt at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas.

that “praying like it depends on God and working like it depends on you” is key in having a successful MonaVie business. In August of 2005, Gina had just taken a 50 percent pay cut at her job when the Merritts received a phone call from Bob and Linda Robinson. They introduced them to the MonaVie opportunity. “My main focus when I started was to bring Gina home from work,” Steve remembers. “That has been my dream for the 23 years we have been married. I believe you need to start with a dream that will make you cry and watching my wife cry, as she left her kids for three to four days at a time as a flight attendant, will motivate most husbands. We moved all the way through the ranks for that simple ‘why.’” Steve’s referring to R3Global Crowne Black Diamond status — a prestigious and well-deserved honor that took the couple 36 months to reach and includes a $1 Million bonus check and an exotic car of your choice. In this case,

they picked a lime green Lamborghini Murcielago. Though the couple’s original “why” was to bring Gina home from work (they replaced her income within six weeks and Steve’s within six months), it’s not what keeps them still building today. “Our next ‘why’ is to bring our friends home from work so that they can travel and spend time with their family and not have to worry about paying the bills anymore,” Steve says. “By getting involved in your friends’ lives and focusing on their needs, you forget about your own situation. We really enjoy the fight, or should I say, journey of helping our friends win big with this MonaVie opportunity. I’m not really great about coming out from behind a bush with my cooler bag and a bottle saying ‘MonaVie’ to people, so I had to get uncomfortable and start talking because my ‘why’ was so big. I had to get Gina home from work and I truly believed I could do it with using the VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 37

[Pictured from left to right] R3Global Crowne Black Diamond Executives Steve and Gina Merritt on the boardwalk in the Bahamas; Steve and Gina enjoying the Bahama’s coast; Steve and Gina with their children, Mia, Chloe, Raimi and Blake [Below] The Merritts having fun at the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island.

MonaVie Opportunity and the R3Global Support System.” So what’s made this couple so successful? Well, other than their innate ability to work as a team, it’s their positive attitude and infectious energy — especially Gina’s. “Gina is one of the most excited people I know,” Steve confesses. “I have heard folks say they are not into all the hype. My take on that is, if folks can get so excited about your local sports team that they paint themselves in the team colors, you can surely find a few people that will get fired up about getting out of rush hour traffic and the daily grind to spend more time with their family and friends.” “In this business you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself; you have to take ownership of your MonaVie Business. Our upline helped us get moving in the right direction by pointing to the R3G Support System as well as encouraged us, but they did not build our business for us.” Steve and Gina explain, “We had to get out there and make it happen for our family’s financial freedom. When people told us it would never work and we couldn’t do it, we had to have a dream big enough to get past their skepticism.”


Build Locally and Think Globally Steve and Gina spent their first few years building their MonaVie business locally in the state of Florida and traveling around the United States before MonaVie and R3Global called them to the four corners of the world. “People have been asking me since I started four years ago, ‘Can you help me internationally? When is this country or that one going to open?’” Steve says. In America, he would point them to the R3Global Matrix System for guidance, but the rest of the world wasn’t set up like that yet. Now, with the help of the Merritts and the Harts, MonaVie and R3Global are moving into key countries across the planet where the leadership agrees to work within the R3Global International guidelines. The Merritts recently traveled to Australia for the Asia-Pacific Conference. “We went there to help support the other part of the world,” Steve explains. “We guided and told them where they can find the ‘How To’ within the R3Global system. The digital age is upon us and R3Global has the answer with their R3G Virtual Training website and platform. Steve admits that, internationally, the business is still in its infancy stage so there is a lot of room to grow. That’s why he and Gina are busy traveling the world — it takes a leader to lead. They encourage

people to follow where the R3G leaders are building and to focus on those countries which will get R3G support. “If you have ever been in business for yourself, you know that the bigger your business gets, the more overhead you have and the bigger the headaches. Think about this: Gina and I now have a residual income and have the same threecase overhead as we did when we first got started. Eventually, the goal for everyone on the R3Global team is to have a business that never sleeps, so your business is running 24 hours a day. While you’re sleeping, you’re getting paid,” Steve says. “I don’t want anyone thinking they’re too late to be successful in this business. We’re just getting started. We have barely even begun nationally or internationally.” We Are One While most cultures differ, Steve and Gina find that people around the world are all motivated by the same thing — a willingness to fight for their dream and for their family. “All of the people in these different countries are kind-hearted folks who have a big dream,” Steve admits. “Just because they speak a different language doesn’t mean they don’t want more for their family and friends.” They also find a similarity in the

“ The second big wave of MonaVie has already begun.” way business is conducted. “It’s no different anywhere around the world. You start out with tasting parties, do the basics and follow the R3Global Support System.” That is exactly how they started Canada, with a small Tasting Party, and now it is one of MonaVie’s biggest countries. During this recent trip to the Bahamas, the Merritts were able to spend a week catching up. The kids are almost as busy as their parents — Raimi’s been traveling the world for her professional wakeboarding career (read about it on page 88), Chloe’s in Bible school in Georgia, Mia’s going to art school for fashion design and Blake’s going to school, wakeskating and hanging out with his Black Lab, Lambo (named after the family’s Lamborghini). The Merritts spent the week in paradise relaxing, shopping, tubing, going down waterslides, playing on the rope bridge over “Predator Pool” and riding water bikes. Steve and Gina even got a romantic night together. As for their business, “We’re more fired up than ever. We believe we’re just getting started,” Steve explains. “Now’s the time to get serious about taking charge of your family’s financial freedom. There’s never been a better time to build a MonaVie business. We are looking to break 2,000 New Diamonds and take MonaVie to a

$5 Billion Company. The second big wave of MonaVie has already begun. It will be a tsunami five times bigger than the first wave — many distributors will get caught up in the momentum and momentum is everything!” One thing’s for sure, Steve and Gina are on a mission to help their friends reach their goals and dreams by taking MonaVie to a level that no other

networking company has ever reached. The question is: will you be part of this exciting journey? They are looking for people who want to make a difference in the world by taking advantage of the MonaVie opportunity using the R3Global Support System and they encourage you to join them. TCM




“Show the people you put in the business the duplication process.”

Corbin & Holly Roush Presidential Black Diamond Executives Tulsa, OK



When Holly Roush started making a thousand dollars a week building a successful relational marketing business, her husband Corbin wasn’t on board. When she handed him a $17,000 check to pay off one of their cars, he still resisted. It wasn’t until the couple took an intimate Black Diamond Destination trip to Costa Rica that he saw the need for them to build it as a team. A few years later, the Roush’s are one of the most successful sales teams in the industry — prestigious R3Global Presidential Black Diamond Executives. Convincing Corbin Holly, a stay-at-home mom at the time, was introduced to MonaVie by her brotherin-law Bo Van Pelt and her sister Carrie. “I got really excited about the product because we have small kids and we’re always on the go. I knew that they weren’t getting the nutrition that they needed,” Holly says. “I wasn’t taking the time to cut up all of their servings of fruit, and even if I did, that wasn’t going to be what they grabbed.” MonaVie became an easy solution to fulfill the daily recommendation of antioxidants. While Holly was excited about the product, she wasn’t thrilled about getting involved in “network” marketing, but she just couldn’t shake her enthusiasm for the health possibilities. So she sat down and immediately wrote a list of the friends and family she wanted to share it with. The business started growing exponentially. “When I got involved, the company was only about eight or nine months old,” Holly remembers. “I didn’t even know about the financial success other distributors were having.” But it wasn’t long before the Roush’s started receiving checks for Holly’s efforts.

R3Global Presidential Black Diamond Executives Corbin and Holly Roush with their sons Dakota, Drake and Ethan.

Corbin certainly enjoyed the new income, but he still wasn’t convinced. “The turning point was when I met Steve Merritt, Charlie Kalb, Bob Robinson and Brig Hart,” he says. “I really got to hear their hearts and how they were building this business. It became an eye-opener that I needed to do this.” About a month later, Corbin’s boss told him he would have to cut his salary by twothirds. The couple was making three times more in MonaVie than Corbin was at his job, so he quit and took full ownership of their relational marketing business. “I tell people that you can build this by yourself — I proved that can happen — but if you’re married and you can bring your spouse on board, it’s so much more fun to do it together,” Holly says of her husband of 16 years. More Time for Family Time The Roush’s are enjoying immense financial freedom while living a debt-free

life. Holly says, “It’s not about going out and buying a ton of stuff, it’s about getting your cars and your home paid off.” Other than earning a generous income, the Roush’s are able to spend more time with each other and their three kids, calling this past year the “most peaceful and relaxing time of their lives.” A New Generation While their lives have changed, so has the business. Holly and Corbin agree; when they first got started, they saw a lot of “sippers” and not a lot of builders. That’s transformed. Corbin says now, more than ever, it’s important to nurture your new distributors. “Don’t just throw them in and hope they get started, but invest time with each and every person,” he says. “This thing’s big. It’s going to be around for years and years and years to come.” TCM




Charlie & Debbie Kalb

“Dig your well before you need the water.”

Royal Black Diamond Executives Lake City, FL



South African cleric and Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu once said, “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gifts to you, as you are to them.” R3Global Royal Black Diamonds Charlie and Debbie Kalb know a lot about this — they surround themselves with the unconditional love of family everyday. Keeping it in the Family Before their relational marketing introduction, Charlie spent 35 years working in real estate while Debbie owned her own hair salon for 20. Brig Hart, a close

for the first corporate function. While there, they felt an infectious excitement and positive energy and immediately wanted their whole family involved. Now, their son-in-laws and daughters help with the daily workings of the business while their granddaughters help with the smaller tasks. “[As a] matter-of-fact, last night, we all flew on the MonaVie jet to Hammond, LA, and my grandbabies went and they were the juice girls. It was a one-hour flight there and a one-hour flight home. We were in bed before midnight. It’s pretty cool,” Charlie says of one of the most prestigious

R3Global Royal Black Diamond Executives Charlie and Debbie Kalb.

friend for nearly two decades, knew that the Kalbs worked well as a team — that’s why he came calling with the MonaVie and R3Global opportunity. “I’m looking at something that can help people and make some money,” Brig told Charlie during that first call. By Brig’s third call, he offered to pay their enrollment fee, so Charlie said, “Well, it’s your money.” When the Kalbs decided to start working the business, they flew out to Salt Lake City

incentive rewards offered by a relational marketing company. Life’s Rewards Flying on a private jet’s not bad, but it’s the life-long dreams that Charlie and Debbie have been able to fulfill that really keeps them building. “Our lifestyle’s been enriched by making money, but the things that are important to us have stayed the same,” Charlie says. “We’ve stayed

focused on God, Family and Country.” With the success of their business supported by the R3Global Total Support System, the Kalbs were able to fulfill their two biggest dreams. First, they bought a home on Anna Maria Island off the Gulf Coast of Florida to fulfill Charlie’s dream of being on the water. Next, they fulfilled Debbie’s dream of owning a home in the mountains by buying a lot on Lake Lure in North Carolina where the movie Dirty Dancing was filmed. Enjoy the Journey to Enjoy the Reward While the rewards are a great incentive to work hard and get your team building, Charlie stresses that you must enjoy the journey before you can enjoy the reward. That, and stay humble. “You’re being acknowledged every night that you’re something special — it is very, very tough to stay humble,” he admits of being an esteemed Royal Black Diamond Executive. “That’s why I keep my family together and keep them close because it keeps us accountable. They don’t care that you’re something special out there — they’re going to tell you the way it is.” “We’re blessed to be a part of this business. If you don’t stay humble, you start thinking that you’re the reason that you’re succeeding, but we know that nobody could do what we’ve done without the Lord on our side,” Charlie explains. “It’s been an incredible journey. We’re looking forward to the years to come. We’re not slowing down, but we’re doing more things in order than we’ve ever done. You need to enjoy the journey because if you don’t, getting there won’t be what you thought it would be.” TCM




Scott & Sue Olsen

“Be persistent. Don’t give up.”

Royal Black Diamond Executives Alpine, UT



Scott and Sue Olsen are no strangers to relational marketing. In fact, they have a total of 31 years experience in the industry. But it wasn’t until MonaVie and R3Global blessed their lives that they fully understood the power of building a business through people. The Olsens have gone through a lot in the past few years. They became the very first distributors in the history of

MonaVie and R3Global. In July of 2003, the couple heard that Dallin Larsen was starting a new company. “The company didn’t even exist. It was just a vision,” Scott says. But after a few years of hard work and due diligence, they launched in January of 2005. “It wasn’t easy in the very beginning,” Scott remembers. “There was no product,

R3Global Royal Black Diamond Executives Scott and Sue Olsen in Ireland.

MonaVie — then Scott survived a tragic ski accident that left the couple in financial ruin — and they currently travel the globe introducing the purple super juice to every corner of the world. New Beginnings Although the Olsens had previous relational marketing experience, none proved as successful or rewarding as

there was no company name, there were no brochures, there were no materials, there was no corporate headquarters and there was no track record.” But the couple persevered. They walked around with empty bottles, trying to sell people on the notion that one day the bottle would have juice in it and MonaVie would become a multi-billion dollar company.

Overcoming An Obstacle In the thick of building the business, Scott had a tragic skiing accident that left the couple in a few hundred thousand dollars of medical debt. But they didn’t let this enormous obstacle squash their dreams. Instead, they let it become the flame that would ignite their hard work, determination and unwillingness to look back or give up. “It’s an amazing story and it’s changed our family’s life,” Scott shares. “We started humble, right here in our own home — with Tasting Parties and showing people the program.” Soon the Olsens found themselves reaching out beyond their community to other states and, now, to other countries. They travel around the world to countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Mexico, Israel and Brazil. “Wherever the leadership emerges... that’s where we go. We work with those leaders who have the same vision and the same desire that we do,” Scott says. And they teach those leaders the same set of skills that they’ve learned from the R3Global Total Support System. Scott explains, “R3Global has had a tremendous impact on the overall growth of not only our business, but the overall growth of the company that is MonaVie.” Sue agrees, “It provides people not only the tools to build their business, but the tools to come full circle in their lives: financially, relationshipwise, physically and spiritually.” In their free time, Scott and Sue enjoy the mountains near their home in Utah. They ski, ride mules, snowmobile and four wheel with their kids and grandkids. This is one couple who has truly learned the meaning of a glass half full — even when they’re trying to sell an empty bottle. TCM




Ron Prudhomme

“This business must be treated as a business.”

Royal Black Diamond Executive Jacksonville, FL



Ron Prudhomme was head under water. He was growing weary of long hours spent working the heating and air company he owned for over 28 years and was starting to think there must be more to life. This was March 2005, around the same time Ron had a chance meeting with his good friend R3Global Black Diamond Todd Smith. The guys pulled up next to each other at a stoplight. “I was extremely busy that day, as I was every other day,” Ron says. “Todd blew his horn and flashed his bottle of MonaVie around. He pulled me over right there and talked to me about the juice.” Apprehensive at first, Ron became interested in the health benefits — especially of the glucosamine in MonaVie Active that supports healthy joint function. He enrolled on the spot and went to tell his friends about the product. “I didn’t call them. I just went wherever they were, talked with them and placed a bottle.” At that time, what Ron didn’t realize was this was going to be a situation where his previous business experience would actually hurt his efforts. Traditional Business vs. Relational Marketing “Being in the corporate world, being self-employed and having a traditional company then building my MonaVie relational business has changed my outlook on what business truly is,” he says. “This is the purest form of free enterprise.” Ron admits building a relational marketing business takes a commitment of time and a commitment of work, but once you build it — you will be rewarded handsomely. At first, Ron tried to apply his own business knowledge, but the growth became stagnant. “I failed totally,” he says honestly. “I did not follow my business partners like Brig [Hart] and Charlie [Kalb] or the M.A.P. Book because I didn’t feel that there was

a need for it. I was a business owner and I thought I understood all forms of business. I was way off-base.” Becoming a Leader So Ron decided to ask Brig Hart for help. Brig told him to read the M.A.P. Book and start building a depth to his business — thus, becoming a leader. That’s when Ron plugged into the R3Global Total Support System and started “racking up the pins.” He went Black Diamond in 14 months and was able to sell his heating and air business. “It was like taking a load of concrete off my shoulders,” Ron remembers. “It was the sweetest day of my life. I didn’t know how much I wanted to leave it until that day.” He was finally free from his prison of owning a small business. R3Global Royal Black Diamond Executive Ron Prudhomme. Now, a prestigious R3Global Royal Black Diamond Executive, Ron has found that anymore. You’ve already achieved financial dreams change. At first, he was looking to freedom. Now it’s time to help the people spend more time with his family. Once he that you love achieve it.” achieved that, his dream started to become “How many cars are you able to have? about a big house, cars and toys. But that How many countries are you able to visit? faded quickly. Ron realized there was much How many trips are you able to make?” more to this opportunity than material he asks. “You want your friends with you possessions. “I started to focus on the at this time. It becomes about the people.” people and I started to build relationships,” TCM he says. “It’s not necessarily about you VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 47

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