Liquid Life and Leisure - May

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BIA WA Page 46



7 Things To Do Before You Start Your Family House Sit

When someone has put their complete trust in you and your family to care for their home and their precious pets, it can feel like a huge responsibility. Add kids to the mix with their unpredictable nature and sometimes wild ways, and the stress levels can bubble over! We know you want to do it well, and return their home in the same, if not better condition than it was when you moved in, but we also know that accidents can happen. We want your house-sitting experience to be an enjoyable one and minimise the risk of any mishaps. To help you out, here are our top 7 tips for getting your house sit off to a good start.

1. If possible, visit the house beforehand.

While it may not always be possible, we recommend a tour of the house with the owners first. This way you can familiarise yourself with the property, there will be no surprises when you get there, you will also have a chance to meet any pets and familiarise yourself with their personality. You can also assess how the house will be for YOUR family. If you see anything that you know will need to be moved, rooms that will need to be closed off or anything else that will make your house sit with your family incident free, let the owner know. They will appreciate the guidance!

2. When you arrive at the house to start the house sit, do a sweep of the place before your kids enter!

And no, we don’t mean a sweep with a broom… more like a sweep for any potential disasters! When we did a recent house sit, the home owner was kind enough to leave a bunch of toys, (like marbles!) out for our kids to play with. This was awesome for the 4 & 7-year-old. Not so

awesome for the baby who loves to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. I went through the house and boxed up everything that was not baby friendly, that was breakable or that was at risk of being sabotaged by Edward, our 1 year old. Having all this stuff away from the beginning made for an easier start and a more pleasant stay. Ask the home owners beforehand if they’re alright with you clearing off shelves or moving things like photo frames and vases (and try to put them back as best you can how they were at the end of the sit).

3. If you have kids under 3 …have a Baby Proofing kit!

After you have cleared out any excess, now it’s time to baby proof (if that’s still required in your family). We have a collection of cupboard locks, a baby gate, and a playpen that we use when we’re house sitting. We were a bit slow to get these initially and spent a good deal of our time picking the contents of Tupperware cupboards off kitchen floors and wondering if it was us that had lost lids! We use this baby gate… and these baby proof locks. Both are available from Kmart, but places like Bunnings, BigW and Target have similar. Local Facebook Buy Swap & Sell or Marketplace are also a good place to pick baby proofing supplies up cheaply.

6. Take note of stock levels!

4. Waterproof mattress protectors for the beds.

Going around the house before you get settled in, and taking note of the ‘amount’ and brand of things left, will leave no guesswork at the end of your stay. Toilet paper, washing powder, milo… if you’re going to use it, replace it! It is easy to forget if there were 5 rolls of toilet paper or 10, if the washing powder was yours or theirs… especially when there is more than one person in the house. Take photos or take note and you will thank yourself later.

5. Have a family meeting to establish ‘house rules’.

Sure, most home owners won’t mind if you use what is in the pantry or bathroom… but there are some that might. Here at Family Friendly House Sitters, we encourage you to leave the house that little bit better than you found it, and this is one of the ways to go about achieving this.

Before anyone has any naps or goes to sleep, make sure that you have popped a mattress protector on the bed. You can guarantee that the moment you don’t have one on, someone will have an accident. You don’t want to clean your own mattresses, let alone someone else’s.

Our kids loved being involved in discussing and setting rules for our house sits! Miss 7 enjoys being the scribe and law enforcer! Setting some rules from the beginning makes it clear to all family members what’s expected of them and the level of respect that is required in the house. We stick ours up on the fridge for easy review by all. No jumping on couches, no throwing things inside, etc etc.

7. Complete the Family Friendly House Sitters checklist with the owner

We designed the Family Friendly House Sitters House Sit Handover Form to ensure that there is an open line of communication between the home owner and the house sitter, and you’re not left wondering if it’s okay to use the tomato sauce in the fridge or not! The most successful house sits that end with the best feedback are the ones where there have been clear guidelines for both parties. Our tools help you with that! Go through the checklist with the home owner and make sure you have as many bases as possible covered. That way you know who to call if there is a water leak, what to do if a pet gets sick and if the Grandparents are welcome to come and spend a night! We hope that you found these 7 ways to make your house sit family friendly helpful! Are there any that you would add?

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Contents... ON THE COVER

Coral Sea Foundation 14

Learn about the amazing work from Coral Sea Foundation

Ride Electric 36

Introducing Smart Motion Bikes

BIA WA 46 Boating WA

Australian Medical Supplies 58 Clean & fresh without wasting water BUSINESS PROFILES

Fuel Tank Cleaning QLD 21

What’s on in May 10th – 19th May Good Beer

17th – 19th May Cairns Expo

Keep your investment running smoothly

24th – 26th May

Meals made easy

Gourmet Meals 22

East Coast Marina 42

The perfect base to explore Moreton Bay USUAL SUSPECTS

Food Junkie 32

Why whole grains and superfoods??

Everything Caravan and Camping 50 Staying alert at the wheel

Kelly’s Column 68

Mountain Bike Tourism SPECIAL FEATURES

Family House Sitting 2

Planning a trip?

Munro’s Making Memories 24 Coping with life post lap Tailfin explained

Mackay Expo

24th – 26th May

Captain Cook Festival Agnes Water en-au/event/1770-festival 1770 1770

24th May – 19th June Vivid Festival

from the editor......

Everything Boating, Caravanning, Camping, Travel and Outdoors… in one App!

App Latest products and news in Caravans, Camping, Stand-Up Paddle boarding (SUP), Kayak, Boating, Boarding, Dining, Health and Wellness, Must See and Do around Australia plus more!

Service, Products, Weather, Blogging, Events, Latest News and our Monthly magazine delivered to your device for FREE. DOWNLOAD IT TODAY AND RECEIVE: • Alerts- Receive up-to-date news and the latest information • Events- See all our upcoming events in detail and rsvp • Blog- Read our blog posts and stay connected • Photo Share - Share your photos with us • Magazines- View and print our magazines

Plus much, much more.






Our Mission

The Coral Sea borders the Great Barrier Reef and the island archipelagos of Melanesia, and contains marine ecosystems of exceptionally high quality and biodiversity. Our aim is to raise awareness of the ecological and social value the Coral Sea and Eastern Coral Triangle, and to be proactive in its sustainable management. This region contains the last great reservoir of ultra-diverse coral reef in the world, yet most of it is remote and rarely visited, and is in urgent need of our assistance. Combining an ethos of science, ecotourism, and sustainability, the Foundation works with traditional owners to develop marine reserves that enhance fisheries and ecotourism resources, while improving the basic quality of life of people in our partner villages. We fully support a global transition to renewable energy as a means of mitigating the effects of climate disruption on coral reefs, and we have a strong commitment to deliver our programs with innovative sailing vessels driven by wind power and biofuels. Simply put, these coral reefs are too precious to lose. We greatly value and appreciate your support.

Our Founder

Dr Andy Lewis CEO

Andy is one of the most skilled and widely traveled ecotourism professionals in the Indo-Pacific region, with a strong background in small ship adventure cruising. He has managed the ecotourism activities aboard the luxury vessel True North for the last decade, exploring and delivering outstanding guest experiences across a wide variety of tropical locations, from the Rowley Shoals to the Kimberley and Great Barrier Reef in Australia; Komodo, Raja Ampat, and West Papua in Indonesia; the Bismarck Sea and Louisiade Archipelago in PNG, and the Western Province

of Solomon Islands. Andy has a PhD in coral reef ecology from James Cook University and has extensive experience in scuba diving, surfing and kiteboarding in tropical locations. An expert underwater photographer and engaging public speaker, Andy’s passion for the reefs, islands and people of the SouthPacific is tangible, and drives the development of the Coral Sea Foundation as a platform for delivering his vision for sustainable reef management and the ultimate marine ecotourism experience.

Sea Women of Melanesia

Sea Women of Melanesia/ Coral Sea Foundation YouTube Page


n important aspect of our mission strategy involves selecting intelligent and determined young Melanesian women and training them in conservation theory, scuba diving and marine biology survey techniques so they have the skills to communicate the need for marine reserves to their local communities and are able to identify areas suitable for marine protected areas on their own coral reefs.

Please follow this link for more information on the program and access to our Sea Women of Melanesia donation portal.

Several UN studies have shown that educating girls and young women in developing nations is a very practical way to achieve lower birthrates and positive outcomes in environmental management, along with a slew of other social benefits. At the Coral Sea Foundation, we are committed to implementing that that strategy in a way that benefits both the people and coral reefs of Melanesia.

Sea Women of Melanesia

Nua Marine Reserve Network


s a direct result of our last expedition to PNG, funded by your donations, we are very pleased to announce the creation of the Nua Marine Reserve Network in the waters of East Ferguson Island in the Milne Bay Province!

“Nua” means Coral in the local Dobu language, and this area of the Eastern Coral Triangle contains some of the most biodiverse coral reef ecosystems in the world. Our surveys last month revealeda they are still in excellent condition with no damage from recent bleaching events. I have spent thousands of hours underwater in my career, and the reefs I saw in the Nua Network had me saying “WOW” into my snorkel on more than one occasion!

Nua Marine Reserve Network

On behalf of myself, my team, and all the people in our partner villages at Ferguson Island, I just wanted to say a huge THANK-YOU to everyone that has supported the Foundation over the last two years, it is your generosity that has directly led to this expedition and amazing result we have achieved here. Conservation of the high-biodiversity reefs of the Eastern Coral Triangle is now recognised as a global priority, and we were able to do some ground-breaking work in a remote area of PNG to support this initiative, secure fisheries resources for the local people, and create ecotourism assets of an exceptionally high quality.

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Post Lap Blues – How the Munro’s Making Memories are coping post lap.

There are many families out on the road across Australia, living their best life, on their family lap. Many families have taken years, while others plan shorter trips. The one commonality for everyone though is the come down at the end. Post lap blues, while not discussed widely, is very real. Many people may scoff but the sadness felt at the end of what becomes a new lifestyle needs to be dealt with properly. Munro’s Making Memories are a family who finished seven months on the road in January 2019. They hail from Dubbo in Central West NSW where they have a farm at Cunnock, which has been in the family for over 140 years.

They are Andrew – a farmer turned property valuer who loves travel and photography; Azaria – an Environmental scientist turned strategic planner who loves the beach and travel; Lachie (8) – loves sport, reading and adventure; and James (6) – who loves cars, lego and waterfalls. The Munro’s spoke to Liquid Life and Leisure about their trip and how they are managing the transition back into life post-lap. Azaria said, “We are a family who loves adventure and wanted to take the trip to see the country and experience life – we didn’t want to be the family who just keep saying – lets do that one day…” “We were on the road for seven months. We both wish we could have taken more time off – but neither of us quit our jobs at home (I had long service leave)– so we both had to get back to work. Because our lap was a bit shorter, we skipped NSW (as we have done lots of this before), Tas, Vic and most of SA – these will be the focus for future travels”.

She said the hardest part about readjusting to life back at home has been getting back into routines. “The monotony of the routine has been the thing that has hit us the hardest. School and work are naturally regimented activities – with start/finish times, uniforms etc. On the road sometimes we got up at 4:30am (in Karijini NP to do hikes) but we could just adjust our days to suit our moods, weather or the activities we wanted to do”. “At home we both work busy high pressure jobs and travel a lot for work –this makes our home schedule fairly hectic and unlike the trip, this schedule doesn’t involve a beer on a deserted beach at the end of the day, so it’s a bit harder to handle!” “We have all had to adjust to wearing shoes (we basically lived in thongs!) and more formal clothing. We followed the sun, so spending our days in swimmers and now having to transition back to office attire and school uniforms has been tough!”

“We are fairly adventurous and didn’t want to miss out on much on the trip – so we had very busy days a lot of the time, so we feel like we are much less active at home – sitting in the office or classroom is definitely not as active as hiking and mountain climbing!” “The feeling of that freedom you have when on the road, you can literally go wherever the wind takes you. Now we are home, we are tied back to the web of responsibility – house cleaning, mowing lawns, school lunches, paperwork, school sport and the endless small tasks that keep you anchored in that one spot”. Everyone copes with the end of something special in different ways. Azaria said this is true for them too. “When we topped the hill coming back into town, James piped up from the back seat and said “we are back in Dubbo aren’t we?”. When we confirmed that was true, he burst into tears.

So we drove into town with James crying and the rest of us tearing up”.

The way the post lap is handled though is the key to readjusting says Azaria.

“James has started school and he is loving playing with his friends, but he is the one that mentions the trip most often – asking when we are going away again. James is also the one who keeps saying ‘you are just so far away’ because we are sleeping in a bedroom down the hall, rather than so close in the van”.

“There are only two things that help manage our post trip blues – talking about the trip and planning new ones!”

“Lachie has probably dealt with it the best, he has settled in well, started sport again and loves school. Though he is the one that often says that school is way too long and he just wants to be outside!” “Andrew has been doing it tough, more with the realisation that he now has to work for an entire year before he can take a four week holiday again. He is not loving having lawns to mow again either, so there is a bit of grumbling about that every weekend. He’s also even more committed to downsizing – even though we decluttered before the trip – we just still have so many things that we’ve realized we really don’t need!” “When we got home, I felt like I just wanted to curl up on the couch and shut out the world. The reality of work/school life routine was looming and I didn’t want the adventure to end. For the first few days, I just walked around the house muttering “weird” to myself like a crazy person – we just had so much space compared to the van – we felt like it was a mansion!! Its been a slow adjustment and I’ve just had to relearn all those skills about how to make work and life exist in harmony”.

“Not everyone wants to hear about the trip – most people find it boring to hear all the details, but our close friends and family have let us bore them with all the ins and outs!! What has been really great is helping others who are thinking of travelling and giving other people advice – it gives us a chance to inspire other travelers and also lets us reminisce about our good times!” “We have been planning lots of new trips. On the long trip home, we each wrote down a couple of things we wanted to do in 2019 – so we have committed to do one activity a month. Some of these are as simple as “visit a waterfall” or “climb a mountain”, so we can have something to look forward to every month!” “Since we have finished the trip we have been to both Mount Kosziosco to see the first snow of the year and to Noosa over Easter. During our coastal trip we also caught up with three travelling families we met on the road – so that has been a lovely way of keep the dream alive!” “As well as the smaller trips, we are planning a few big ones. A couple overseas in the next five years and some local ones to Tassie and to Uluru to fill in some of the gaps in our lap map!” Azaria also agrees that the Post Lap Blues are a real thing that shouldn’t be dismissed.

“How can you go from living your best life with no work or responsibility and then head back to reality without there being a period of adjustment? The hardest thing is that everyone else doesn’t think it’s a real thing! After an amazing trip, not many people wanted to hear how sad we were – after all – we had it good for seven months right? So we didn’t have many sympathetic ears”. “The loss of freedom and adjustment back to the nine to five makes the trip seem even more amazing. So it’s natural to wish for those days to be back again”.

way to somewhere, it feels like we are on the trip again! We have also realised how many amazing things are in our own backyard!” •

“Have a new travel goal – somewhere you want to revisit, somewhere you didn’t get to and then make a plan of how you are going to get there. Set long term goals and savings plans and work out how it can become a reality”.

“Connect with like-minded people and other travelling families who are happy to chat about their experiences and share the memories with you. They can also help you plan your next adventure!”

“Put your photos where you can see them – we have ours scrolling on the computer screen in the study nook – we are often just standing there looking at them and retelling those little stories that might be easily forgotten. We are also working on a photobook (omg – we have over 30,000 pics to sort through!) and some removable wall stickers for the boys rooms. This helps keep the memories front and centre”.

Azaria says if she has any advice to other families who are finishing their travels it’s the following: •

“If you can change your life when you get back, then do it! Declutter, downsize, destress and try not to go straight back to the old like you left behind! We have had lots of discussions about how we had to save for the trip and go without all the “stuff” that other people might have – so now we are back – we are buying less and putting that money towards future travels”.

“Plan some short overnights or weekends in your local area. Every time we get in the car on our

Facebook: Instagram:

AVIDA – reducing your ends to make them all meet Have you been thinking about joining the grey nomads as they start their annual migration north to warmer climates? Maybe you are planning your lap of Australia with your kids, your partner or escaping the rat race solo? You’ve worked hard for many years to make ends meet, and now it’s time to refocus. You’ve been researching how to realistically live on the road but not sure about some of the massive set ups. Avida have a fantastic range of motorhomes and caravans that make life on the road and discovering your dreams so easy. Avida motorhomes and caravans are designed to withstand Australia’s harsh conditions so you have no limits on where you can go whether it’s the red centre or a deserted beach.

needs, offering different layout options, colours, and performance needs, making your home on wheels exactly what you want. Downsizing doesn’t mean you have to go without any of life’s necessities or luxuries. Downsizing should just be the first step to your next adventure. Top ten tips for reducing your ends to make them meet 1 See a financial planner to ensure all your financial interests are easily manageable 2 Finalise selling any property or assets you are wanting to sell 3 Ensure all medical records are updated and easily accessible

4 Have all legal documents available electronically or easily accessible 5 Sort through all furniture and household items and decide if you are selling, storing or passing onto to family members 6 Breathe 7 Start researching the type of motorhome to suit your needs 8 Contact Avida and order your motorhome 9 Move into your new motorhome 10 Hit the road

Discover your dreams!

Downsizing to a motorhome or caravan is really no different to downsizing your house, except it’s on wheels and you can go where your heart desires. A motorhome or caravan is the perfect option for self-contained living. Avida understand that purchasing a motorhome is a significant investment, Avida can help make sure you have a motorhome or caravan to suit your individual

Travelling Family Circus make the most of our Real Life Classroom We all know how important education is, but did you know learning doesn’t have to be limited to the school classroom? In fact, some of the most valuable educational experiences can often take place outside of typical learning environments! Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s 2017 Real Richness Report found significant educational advantages to caravan and camping trips: • 94% of campers believe camping enables children to engage socially • 97% believe it allows children to learn about the environment • 71% believe it improves children’s behaviour. • Importantly even 69% of non-campers surveyed believe it teaches children important life skills With this in mind, Caravan Industry Association of Australia, Discovery Parks and Apollo Motor Homes came together this year to launch the 2019 Real Life Classroom initiative, wherein a family have just completed a once-in-a-lifetime journey combining adventure and education around Tasmania. Husband and wife team Erin and Jules Davenport, along with their sons Sebastian, Aiden and Saxon (aka @travellingfamilycircus online) are no strangers to the fantastic learning opportunities offered via caravan and camping trips. The family are travelling filmmakers and regularly share their experiences to their online audience through a combination of videos, written blogs, and social media. The children spent the trip in Tasmania becoming junior explorers and made the most of the learning opportunity through writing, photographing and filming their educational adventure! Their journey took them to fantastic destinations and attractions including Mount Field National Park, the Museum of Old and New Art, The Wooden Boat Centre in Huon Valley and more! If you would like to find out more about the family’s educational adventure, you can take a look at their Real Life Classroom content at or https://www.

Hire a caravan and become a green nomad

The best way to see the heart of Australia

Uluru is the physical and spiritual heart of Australia. It’s possibly the best-known natural A huge percentage of landmark in Australia, sitting nicely at Australia’s population are the top of the ‘must visit’ locations based in major cities where around the country, and despite its space is in short supply. remote location, it’s a fantastic family holiday.

For many, that means apartment One of the bestliving ways with to getlittle, to or no parking options. Tjuta explore Uluru Uluru-Kata

National Park is in a caravan or RV.

In many cities, things like car And one of schemes the best ways do this, if sharing aretogaining you alreadyto have one, isthe to hire indon’t popularity counter fact one from Caravan and Camping Hire people don’t have space for Australia.

We already have more than ten families who this year are planning their Uluru adventure in a caravan they areReady hiring through and a car. accessCaravan to public Camping Australia.

transport also reduces the need for a car all the time.

You could join them, from anywhere in Australia. Caravan and Camping For others, utilising a shared Hire Australia are the biggest and car isexperienced an environmental most peer to peer RV decision. Less the road hire company. Wecars haveon caravans and equals less congestion, and RV’s based in every corner of the less pollution. country ready for you to hook up and experience what will be a life long There isfora your whole cohort of memory whole family.

people who don’t have the Uluru special significance abilityhas to aown a caravan or to

Australians. It is over 600 million years old and has been a sacred site for the local Anagu people since they have been in the this areameans for the last camper trailer, they 10,000 years. have limited options when it

comes to going camping or The rock, a massive sandstone caravanning.

monolith, has an incredible history. It originally sat at the bottom of an Hiring a caravan or RV is inland sea, but now is 348 metres aabove perfect option for the ground, andcity 2.5 kilometres dwellers whoIt are looking for long underground. is 3.6 kilometres an towide get out andopportunity 1.9 kilometres with of a 9.4 the urban jungle and back to kilometre circumference.

somewhere a little greener.

There is so much more to Uluru than it just being a rock, it seems to have Here is aand great idea for a many faces, many moods, greener,onmore environmentally depending the time of the day and friendly trip in a caravan exactly where you arehired looking. There or RV. are so many valleys and caves and different surfaces that have changed “Pick up a and van from with millions of car years of erosion.

Brisbane City, heading north

It isup located over 450 the coast via kilometres the Brucefrom Alice Springs and the ideal Uluru Highway. experience has you visiting here and experiencing the art culture of the Choose from anand enormous local Indigenous community, either amount of bush or beach before or following your visit to the camps on your journey before rock.

reaching your destination, just over 640km away at one of Australia’s most

on a 33 hectare property. Capricorn Caves has a variety of experiences from guided cave tours, including some wheelchair accessible caves through to adventure challenges.

ground and about 22 kilometres around the circumference. There are The incredible Cathedral lots of walkswith that perfect can be done around Chamber, here, including through the Valley acoustics, is a must visit. It is of the Winds. often used a venue for opera

At Uluru you must see a sunrise and a sunset. Visit the cultural centre and learn about the Anagu people and their connection to the rock. There is a 10km track around the base of the rock and you can hire a bike or walk around it and take in every surface while reading about environmentally friendly camp different cultural practices.

grounds. The award winning eco experience at Uluru-Kata Capricorn Also located within the Caves just Park pastare Rockhampton, Tjuta National The Olgas, 36 will give you located the opportunity red-rock domes about 35 to explore these geologically kilometres from Uluru but equally as significant caves, which are set impressive. The highest point is Mount Olga which is 546m above

There are camp grounds and resort caravan parks at both locations so you will have everything you need from the comfort of your caravan or RV. Exploring the red centre from the comfort of a caravan or RV is the best family holiday around.

this incredible show which is a natural phenomenon due performances and weddings. The Olgas are known as Kata Tjuta to to the alignment of the sun over the tropic of Capricorn at the local Aboriginal people, which There is also an enormous midday. means many heads. variety of other caves showcasing stalactites, rare The sunlight penetrates the The third must see on a trip to Uluru ferns and some insectivorous darkness of the caves which is Kings Canon, which is located in bats. the Watarrka National Park and is then creates an incredible light only around four hours drive from

For families, including young children, there is so much to keep you busy while exploring Uluru Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.

do as much or as little as they can manage, alternatively take a helicopter flight and take it in from the air.

There is a live palaeontology Alice Springs. dig site and a cave with marine fossils from the ancient barrier Kings Canyon is an incredible reef. towering canyon where you can walk along the base or along the Rim of the canyon. Outside the caves the habitat

includes rock wallabies, Kids will love exploring and you can echidnas and other native fauna, including the endangered rare fern, the Tectaria Devexa, which is not found anywhere else in Australia. Capricorn Caves is also famous for its summer solstice light spectacle, which takes place in December and early January. Thousands of people visit each year just to witness


You and your kids will be talking

If you are looking for an about it for many years to come. adventure experience you can do anything from a family caving adventure through to a high ropes course, and a climbing wall. Once you are all adventured out you can head back to camp which is hidden in the bush, enjoy a camp fire and relax under the stars.

Capricorn Caves is a perfect location for the green nomad, bring your hired van and If you want to join the families enjoy this award winning eco already planning this trip this year experience�. then give us a call or visit the website to find out how.

So why whole grains and superfoods one might ask

So here we go on the healthier side of eating. Not the junkies usual fare, not what I’m known for, generally not a chef’s strong point. Well, all food fascinates me, and I mean everything. There are always new and exciting dishes to create. Ingredients I have used before and new ones I’ve just discovered. The intriguing factor it is a fascinating hit - a true food junkie hit!

the ancient grain world. As trendy as they are now and after some experimentation I can understand why. The Aztecs and Incas were onto something then and thank goodness it hasn’t been lost. Just so many options, textures, tastes and then the added bonus of their nutritional value. Some you can even feel the benefits just by their touch, gloss, shape and colour.

Who doesn’t love a basket full of fresh greens, the glossy green to the warm hints of sage green. Berries kissed by the summer sun. The earthy, nutty, wholesome feeling of the grains. Fulfilling in so many ways. The culinary delights that these ingredients can marry together is a true foodies dream.

The test kitchen is open. Using my skills that I’ve gathered over the years of being a chef. This is my time to mix ingredients to bring new dishes to life, my creations. It’s my true passion. I start with designing a recipe, then test and test, until I’ve mastered the one, I wish to share. Then I record and write the final recipe which isn’t common for chefs, as it’s usually all in the brain.

What has taken me by surprise is what’s out there. What’s available within

It has and certainly is always a culinary journey discovering new ingredients and find new idea with some old favorites. A foodie trail that has blown me away and I can’t wait to share. I know it won’t be the only superfood dishes I will be exploring with. Way too many avenues to explore. These two recipes I’m sharing this month are a snippet of what’s out there. The quinoa crumb works so well for many other crumbing recipes and fillings for the crepes, well watch out for some recipes next month where I show you any easy on the on the road béchamel (white sauce) that’s so versatile for so many dishes. Got any ideas and not sure how to bring them all together, ask me. Always happy to discuss the joys of food. Its creations, sharing and pure pleasure.

Quinoa crumbed asparagus with a roasted tomato and capsicum sugo

Ingredients • 8 asparagus spears • 1 red capsicum • 8 cherry tomatoes • 1 cup quinoa flakes • 1 egg • ½ cup milk • 1 tsp maple syrup • 1/4 cup amaranth flour • Sea salt • Ground white pepper • Spray oil

Method 1. Spray the capsicum and tomatoes ready for roasting, place capsicum on oven tray. Roast capsicum at 180 till charred and skin lifted, approx. 30-40mins. Roast the tomatoes for 15 mins. Remove and cool. Once cool blend with maple syrup and season with salt and white ground pepper to taste. Set aside. 2. Snap the woody ends off the asparagus, spray with little oil, sprinkle salt and pepper and roast for 8- 10 mins. You don’t want it cooked through, just softened. You can also steam. 3. Get three bowls ready for crumbing. Mix the egg and milk in a bowl and place the flavour in another and flakes in the last bowl. Add a little salt and pepper to the flakes. Have oiled and lined baking tray ready. First dust the asparagus spears in the flour, then dip in the egg and then coat with the flakes. Spray coated asparagus with little oil and bake for ,,,,, at 180. Serve drizzle with the sugo. 4. Serve 4 as an entrée. (Vegan option make a mix of the flour with water to a batter consistency, dip in batter and coat in flakes)

Buckwheat crepes

Ingredients • 1 cup buckwheat flour • 1 cup almond milk • 2 eggs • Spray oil • Water • Pinch sea salt •

Method 1. Mix the eggs and almond milk together with pinch of salt. In a separate bowl place the flour. Add the egg and milk mix to form a batter. Let rest for a while. 2. Heat lightly spayed non-stick pan. Add a ladle of batter and swirl around the pan to thinly coat. Cook approx. 30-40 seconds, till golden brown. Flip with spatula and cook for around 30 seconds on the other side. Repeat with the rest for the mix till all cooked, spraying the pan lightly with oil each time. Lay them out on bench separately to cool. 3. When crepes are cool, place on plate and cover with cling film till required. To reheat, you can zap in the microwave for 10 seconds or better still if using soon, let the heat from the filling warm the crepe through.

Any questions contact me on Facebook The Food Junkie

Treat yourself to a taste of Persi

Instagram @ the_food_junkie Website and blog Facebook - The Food Junkie @ thefoodjunkiechef

Unit 2 / 48 Junction Road, Burleigh Heads, QLD 4220 PH 0404 858 688

SMARTMOTION ELECTRIC BIKES Electric bikes have been around for a while, however the recent surge in sales across the globe points to all indications that electric bikes are now here to stay. In fact due to the quickly evolving market they have now introduced a range of E scooters to support demand in the industry. There are many reasons electric bikes, or e-bikes, are a good idea. There’s obviously the ease of the ride, which breaks down barriers for new cohorts of cyclists, for example people who may not believe they have the fitness to commute or regularly ride regular bikes or older people who may struggle with continuing to cycle.

There’s also the environmental considerations. Lots of people like the idea of cycling instead of using a car but fear of using he road system and being able to safely cycle at the required speed means they won’t consider it. E-bikes are perfect for people travelling. Most caravans on the Australian roads have bikes attached to them. People use bikes to explore new areas, they use them to access retail centres and other services instead of using a car. An electric bike is a great added extra for life on the road. With an e-bike the increased power means many more people can use them instead of using a car. Contrary to what you might think an e-bike doesn’t mean you don’t have to pedal. Electric bikes are battery powered assisted. This means that as you pedal it engages a small motor which can give you the boost you need to get up those big hills or go the longer distances.

ZERO 8 | Electric Scooter | High Performance Budget E Scooter | PET/ Personal Electric Transport Ltd. YouTube Page

Obviously the harder you pedal, the more power you will get in the battery and you’ll be able to go faster. However it is a bike and you definitely won’t be travelling at 100km per hour along the freeway. E-bike proponents say that even though you are being assisted with extra power there is still a fitness component to riding an e-bike. You will still be able to get a decent work out from the ride, and they say people who ride an e-bike will ride it a lot more than a conventional bike, because you are able to use the extra power. Also like conventional bikes there are e-bikes for everyone. You want to ride on the road, there’s an e-bike for you, you prefer the trails, there’s one for that too. Maybe you just want something recreational with some satchels to head to the shop? Yep there’s one for you too. In fact there are predictions that e-bikes will reduce the usage of cars in our cities.

E-bikes in Australia are just starting to infiltrate the local market. Smartmotion Electric Bikes based in Queensland are designing an e-bike that will meet the tough Australian conditions. They are rugged and reliable and have long range batteries, which are ideal for cities and urban areas. Smartmotion Electric Bikes have also been recommended by Choice Magazine and Ride on Magazine. Smartmotion Electric Bikes are available through dealers throughout Australia, or check out one of their stands at your local Caravan and Camping show. Head to their website www.smartmotionbikes. to see the range and where the closest dealer to you is. Quote this article to receive the lival bh51 scoot skate helmet with any bike purchase



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DRY RACK STORAGE Boat Storage at East Coast Marina is like valet-parking for boats • • • • • • •

Just a quick phone call and your boat is launched and ready to go Unlimited launch and retrievals by the latest US Marine Forklift Wash down boat hull included Motors flushed included Boat storage client waiting area Secure on-site parking Valet services available on request*

Introduction to East Coast Marina, Brisbane/ East Coast Marina YouTube Page

Why dry rack boat storage stacks up for trailerable boats • • • • • • • • •

No anti-fouling required Reduced engine maintenance Save time and money travelling Save time waiting at boat ramps Free up your driveway or backyard No expensive trailer and no trailer maintenance costs No need for large towing vehicle No security issues for car and trailer after launch End of day, it’s easy… pull up – step off – leave the rest to us

East Coast Marina is the smart place to store your trailer boat East Coast Marina’s state of the art boat storage facility is the only one of its kind in Brisbane. It’s like valet-parking for your boat. The modern storage facility stores 240 power boats up to 10 metres in length, large boats with fly bridges will be accommodated in our high bay facility. When it comes to looking after boaties from Brisbane and beyond, this unique undercover dry rack boat storage facility is second to none. It’s fully secured with card access and 24/7 CCTV surveillance and the ability to launch and retrieve power boats of various shapes and sizes with incredible efficiency. Customers can ring ahead, and the East Coast Marina team will have their boat ready and waiting for them in the water by the time they arrive. On return after their day on the water, our staff will lift the boat, wash the hull down and flush the motor before returning it to secure dry storage. The hull wash and engine flush service is included in the rates. Our boat storage facility is also environmentally sustainable using recyclable rain-water harvesting for boat washing, motor flushing and landscape irrigation. Sewerage pump out and disposal, and grey water recovery and treatment has also been provided. East Coast Marina is perfect for all Brisbane residents who may not have room for their boats or don’t want to tow through traffic. It’s also ideal for those further away looking for boat storage and a convenient launching place to explore Queensland’s waterways and beautiful Moreton Bay.

MARINA BERTHS East Coast Marina, Manly Boat Harbour, located in Moreton Bay, is just a short drive from Brisbane’s CBD, International and Domestic Airports. We offer protected berth rentals with direct access to the popular cruising waterways of Moreton Bay and the Moreton Bay Islands. A safe harbour, we have 330 secure marina berths for vessels ranging from 9m to 18m available for long and short term occupancy. Vessels over 18m can be accommodated for short term periods, subject to availability. Our marina berth rental fees are all inclusive, with no club joining fees or surcharges and we offer a 10% discount for all cruising yachties on our weekly and monthly rates (maximum 3 months).

• • • • • • •

Marina office open 7 days Security card access to Marina berths Secure on-site parking Electricity and water available to all berths Pump-out facility Ice for sale and gas refill service Showers and Toilets

• 24hr coin operated washing machine and dryers • Free Wi-Fi • Courtesy Bikes • Public transport close by • Various Marine Services on site • Fuel available within Manly Harbour

The Marine services within our precinct consist of a Mechanic, Shipwright, Trimmer, Electrician, Boat Broker and Sailing School. We also have a cafÊ on site for breakfast and lunch 7 days a week. Within Manly there is a Marine Chandlery and Sail Makers. Manly Village is under 10 minutes’ walk along the peaceful foreshore of Manly Boat Harbour where you will find a well-stocked IGA supermarket for stores replenishment, Chemist, Post Office, Newsagency, Bottle Shop, Information Centre, many cafes and restaurants and markets every Sunday with the Jan Powers Fresh Food market twice a month. The friendly staff have a vast knowledge of the area and boating and are eager to answer any questions you may have. Phone: 07 3393-3811

PO Box 5043 MANLY QLD 4179 570 Royal Esplanade, Manly, Brisbane, Qld, AU

BOATING IN WA Imagine a capital city where you can waterski in five separate specifically allocated areas with a 10km radius of the city centre, dive for crayfish and abalone right off the metropolitan coast, or take a cruise to a beautiful natural island with sparkling blue water and white sandy beaches, just 20 minutes from the city and choose to stay overnight, go for a week, or simply just make a day trip of it. Imagine this city has easy freeway or highway access to ports and marinas up

to 500kms away to both the North and to the South offering access to reefs, stunning islands and archipelagos, great offshore game-fishing grounds and cruising adventures to remote bays and harbours. Imagine a State with thousands of kilometres of sparkling waters, pristine beaches, extensive sub tropical reefs, some of the most amazing tourist sights on the planet, and great fishing extending from off-the beach to off-shore game fishing. This is Western Australia’s Boating Paradise...

Did you know Western Australia boasts: • • • • • • •

the highest boat ownership per capita of any State in Australia; the greatest wealth per capita of any State in Australia; the fastest growing coastal development of any State in Australia; most extensive coastline in Australia with major boating centres extending north and south of the City of Perth.jetski01.jpg a capital city with huge inland waterways and extensive and expanding, waterfront living; new marina and canal developments occurring within the City and regional areas; waiting lists on marina berths, and more launching facilities in the planning process.

Aside from great fishing and diving, watersports are highly popular, and with a perfect Mediterranean climate extending to tropical in the north and a cool forest climate in the South, there is a boating season all year and every reason why your marine product would be in demand in this State. THE BOATING INDUSTRY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Western Australia has a proud tradition as the foremost State in boat building and manufacture and over the past two decades this has been rivalled by developments within the industry in Eastern States. However, Western Australia has established itself as a niche industry, producing specialised vessels in high

demand internationally. Ranging from large commercial ferries, to coast guard vessels, tourist vessels and charter boats. The recreational boat manufacturing industry builds a range of top quality vessels highly suited to the conditions experienced in the oceans along our coastline. We boast a highly innovative marine accessory design and manufacturing industry with products in high demand all over the world. The WA marine industry is focused on innovation, quality and leading edge technology and so will continue to lead the nation and to build its international reputation in this regard.

Keep our waterways litter-free Clean Marine is an education and awareness campaign targeting the recreational fishing and boating community in Western Australia. The campaign aims to reduce litter and waste in and around marine and river environments by: •

Increasing awareness of the effects of litter on the environment - especially the harm caused to marine

animals, oceans and rivers. Encouraging responsible litter disposal behaviour when people are fishing, boating or at the beach. Keeping marine and river environments litter-free is not just the responsibility of fishers and boaters. It is estimated that about 80 per cent of marine debris is from land based sources. Littered items such as cigarette butts

and food and beverage containers, reach the ocean and rivers through run-off from storm water drains. The Clean Marine campaign brings together partners from across government and community, all spreading the same message - keep our waterways litter-free.

Marine litter-what’s the problem? Marine litter (debris) not only kills and injures, but leads to great economic costs and losses to people and communities worldwide. Entanglement and ingestion are the primary types of direct damage to wildlife caused

by marine debris; it can smother sea beds and it is increasingly believed to be a source of toxic substances in the marine environment. Floating debris can be a hazard to boats; cleaning up beaches

and coastal areas of litter and pollutant spills costs many thousands of dollars every year; and humans can also be at risk from items like broken glass washed up on beaches.

Be part of the clean marine campaign Calling all fishers, boaters and recreational rivers users – it’s time to clean up Perth’s waterways with the Clean Marine campaign. Clean Marine offers information and resources to river and ocean users on the consequences of littering and ways to help clean up the marine environment. The campaign, a joint initiative between Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KABWA) and other government and community agencies, was triggered by ongoing littering into waterways and the

evidence of deaths and injuries suffered by wildlife. Evidence shows that every year hundreds of thousands of sea birds are found dead or injured as a result of eating or becoming entangled in marine debris. It also kills thousands of turtles, dolphins, seals and fish. Fishing litter such as bait bags and plastic bags, fishing line, hooks, sinkers, food packaging and cigarette butts have the potential, if not disposed of correctly, to cause significant harm to our marine and river environments.

Clean Marine resources are available through Keep Australia Beautiful and include stickers, brochures, fact sheets and jetty signage. Groups who connect with others on recreating around waterways are urged to contact KABWA to find out how to participate in the campaign. Find out more; phone 6467 5339 or visit and enter the competition to win a $250 voucher to your favourite boating or fishing store plus get a free stubby holder or key ring just for entering.


When you buy a car, a house, a boat or any other type of major investment you immediately make sure your asset has insurance.

If you look at your policy, you will probably find that if your caravan or trailer comes loose and hits another car it won’t be covered.

But what about your caravan or RV? We’ve all heard the horrific

So what sort of insurance do you for aimportant caravan.for Thisneed is more

road statistics of crashes It’sbeing not actually caused abylegal fatigue or requirement have insurance for your caravan and for the most part your car’s Third Party It’s estimated that 20 to 30 insurance should cover percent of all road crashes are incidents that occur on caused by fatigue. the road, however that is only while its attached to your car.

those of us that are regularly Well that’s like any a usingI guess the roads and towing other type of insurance it on van, particularly if we are depends on your use it and long highways and in of regional how much you want to pay. areas. Caravan insurance be a Obviously the mostcan important minefield and with more and way to counter fatigue is more people living in their to ensure you get enough caravans as a primary

residence the insurance industry is struggling to keep up with the changes. Many long term travellers find themselves getting incorrect advice or getting confused with what they need. sleep before a big drive, you regularly take breaks, and The 2019 Australian where possible share the Caravan Insurance Guide as driving. some helpful tips in deciding what sort of caravan insurance There are other ways to will suit your needs, however boost your energy levels and make sure you do your own maintain alertness though research to ensure you are fully and it’s not litres of coffee or covered. rounds of eye spy.

Why do you need Caravan When you buy a car, a house, a insurance? boat or any other type of major investment you immediately Whatcaravan we eat when we are If your smashes into make sure your asset has driving is car: actually important. someone’s this should be insurance. covered by your comprehensive very easy to fill up carIt’s insurance. But what about your caravan or on greasy fatty junk food RV? whencaravan regularly If your is stopping stolen: at roadhouses or travel stops caravan insurance will cover It’s not actually a legal but bucket of hot chips you tothat its full value. requirement to have insurance or burger will is make you by If your caravan damaged for your caravan and for the sleepierorthan eating a wrap or someone vandalised: most part your car’s Third Party Insurance will cover the insurance should cover incidents damage. that occur on the road, however that is only while its attached to your car.

If you caravan is destroyed by fire, flood, hail, explosion, put some lemon slices lightning, impact, high windor or lemon/peppermint or other other natural events. flavoured essential oils in your water. If someone steals items from your caravan or trailer: most • Veggies like carrot policies will offer some sticks; contents celery sticks; snap peas; insurance for things inside your tomatoes; youtocan van,cherry however you need include dips as well like ensure this amount is enough andtoother and hummus if not speak yourraw insurer veggies you and your about increasing the contents cover.

Have your van towed, plus accommodation if needed while repairs or replacements are • sought. Cheese – even the packaged cheese slices with crackers are handywhich For electrical appliances are part of the van, ie • airconditioning, Hard boiled eggs – perfect fridges. for a road trip and a great snack If protein you have extras like annexes speak to your insurer about • whether Energythey barsare – just make in included sure they or areif not of to add your policy youfull need these in separately.

If you look at your policy, you will probably find that if your caravan or trailer comes loose and hits another car it won’t be covered. So what sort of insurance do you need for a caravan. sandwich. Well I guess that’s like any other Being prepared for the drive with healthy food choices, or making healthier choices when you are getting take away will ultimately be better, not just for What be and aware of but also yourtohips thighs for your levels of tiredness. If you haven’t secured your caravan wellthe enough its likely Here are Everything your insurerand will Camping refuse your Caravan claim, just like in house orroad car suggestions forahealthier you need to take every effort to trip foods: secure. • Water – it’s important to Insurers also deny a claim mixcan your coffee and tea if its thought damage has up and stay hydrated. If occurred thestraight assessor you because don’t enjoy believes it was poorwater or water, try from coconut

family enjoy. • Fruit – I probably wouldn’t take messy fruits like mangoes or peaches but anything else is great, including dry fruits! upkeep, this can even include • Smoothies mould damage.– this is a great option for breakfast on the goand or atear filling snack! not Wear is generally considered a reasonable claim. thebecause yogurt of a It• willYogurts need to– be pouches are perfect for legitimate event. kids! If you are in areas with extreme weather, check your policy, • Nutsmay are anot great insurers payoption out onfor a a caused quick snack on the go claim by extreme weather.

processed sugar • Rice crackers are a perfect alternative to chips • Chocolate – you can’t The best advice have a road tripwhen without considering caravan insurance, chocolate but consider asdark withchocolate all insurance as ais to shop around. Speak to a feworinsurers healthier alternative and seechocolate what theycovered offer and even how meets fruitit or nuts your individual needs. • If you have time you could You really don’t need to be even make sure healthy caught in or a cyclone you muffins slices tobefore replace realise you aren’t for the sugar laden covered store cyclone boughtdamage. ones.

More information available at at More information available




Couran Cove

Couran Cove are thrilled to announce the opening of their new office at Mariners Cove. Targeting the day visitor market the office expects to see thousands of new holiday makers visiting South Stradbroke Island as part of their Gold Coast Holiday. Mariners Cove will also give resort guests access back to the heart to the Gold Coast making Couran Cove a viable alternative for tourists wanting to visit Gold Coast attractions and still enjoy the tranquillity of an Island Resort Holiday.

Couran Cove will continue to operate a ferry service from Hope Island to service guests travelling from the North, meaning guests will be spoilt for choice on accessing the Gold Coasts only Island Resort.

Contact Us

Address: 1203 Dandenong Rd, Malvern East 3145 Phone: (03) 8554 4397 | Mobile: 0419 215 443 Email:

Spot Satellite Messenger Whether you're just checking in, allowing others to track your progress, or calling for help - SPOT gives you a vital line of communication with friends and family when you want it, and emergency assistance when and where you need it. And since it utilizes 100% satellite technology, SPOT works around the world - even where cell phones don't. Size: 4.38 X 2.75 X 1.5" (approx. 111 mm x 69 mm x 44 mm) Approximate Weight: 7.37 ounces (209 grams

SafeLink SOLO The SafeLink SOLO PLB with GPS is particularly useful for sailing and water sports enthusiasts, as it is waterproof to 10 metres and buoyant when used in its floatation pouch. The SafeLink SOLO is tough, durable, lightweight and compact, and designed to be carried with you at all times.

Satellite Phone’ Only Iridium's global service allows field personnel to send and receive voice, messaging and data regardless of location. Individual-to-office, office-to-individual, individual-to-individual. Compact, rugged, and flexible, Iridium equipment is easy to carry, easy to use, and yet affordable.

Rental Rates 2 Days $60.00 1 Week $99.00 2 Weeks $185.00 3 Weeks $270.00 4 Weeks $350.00 Rates for other rental periods available on application. This item is available for hire Australia Wide. Freight charges apply.

The Ultimate camper has everything that you need to go adventuring in comfort, reliability and style.

Ultimate Off-Road Camper Trailer This ideal go anywhere camper has just the right amount of luxury options to make remote camping an absolute joy, this camper will appeal to customers that want the best that off road camping has to offer.

• Fridge/Freezer • Handy multi draw storage system built into the modern galley • Internal galley cook top • Weber-Q BBQ for cooking outdoor • 110 litre food grade polyethylene water tank • Pressure water system • King size bed • 12 volt outlets • 2 x LED lights • 7 pin trailer connector plug • 4 keyed alike external storage lockers • lounge • 12v battery

• 1340 Litre Storage • Indoor table • Fire extinguisher • Bedside storage pockets • Mini awning • Double jerry can holder • Draw bar level gauge • Removable jockey wheel electronic pulse brakes • 4.5kg gas bottle • Under lounge stowage cells • Spare wheel • Onboard multi staged charging system • Flood Light • Water Tank Gauge • Medium size ring burner • NO COOKING INSIDE outside only

Tvan Camper Trailer Since its launch in 2000, the Tvan Camper Trailer quickly became well known for its distinct design and industry leading off-road capabilities. Throughout the years the Tvan has been widely acclaimed by journalists, owners and explorers. Faster access for side of the road stops Family friendly tent extension and loads of room for everyone's gear Mc2 suspension - Go anywhere without limits Super fast access to kitchen and fridges Revolutionary tent with quick & easy magnetic catches Protected from insects and the elements by strong walls that provide great insulation from noise, hot sun, cold nights and wind. When the tent is deployed (doubling your living space) it's attached to a fold out hard floor, so you'll be up off the ground, dry and secure. Most importantly, when it's time to move on, your bed will remain made up and dry, even after a wet pack-up.

Features: Genuine queen size mattress Fabric lined roof for insulation and comfort Large storage area in the cabin and under the bed Large tinted windows with sliding glass Easy to use magnetised tent fixings for a quicker and easier set up and pack up Magnetised window curtains Double glazed roof hatches with screens and blinds 4.8 metres of usable cabin and tent living area & much more

Visit: to find out more information

Contact Us

Address: 1203 Dandenong Rd, Malvern East 3145 Phone: (03) 8554 4397 | Mobile: 0419 215 443 Email:

Spot Satellite Messenger Whether you're just checking in, allowing others to track your progress, or calling for help - SPOT gives you a vital line of communication with friends and family when you want it, and emergency assistance when and where you need it. And since it utilizes 100% satellite technology, SPOT works around the world - even where cell phones don't. Size: 4.38 X 2.75 X 1.5" (approx. 111 mm x 69 mm x 44 mm) Approximate Weight: 7.37 ounces (209 grams

SafeLink SOLO The SafeLink SOLO PLB with GPS is particularly useful for sailing and water sports enthusiasts, as it is waterproof to 10 metres and buoyant when used in its floatation pouch. The SafeLink SOLO is tough, durable, lightweight and compact, and designed to be carried with you at all times.

Satellite Phone’ Only Iridium's global service allows field personnel to send and receive voice, messaging and data regardless of location. Individual-to-office, office-to-individual, individual-to-individual. Compact, rugged, and flexible, Iridium equipment is easy to carry, easy to use, and yet affordable.

Rental Rates 2 Days $60.00 1 Week $99.00 2 Weeks $185.00 3 Weeks $270.00 4 Weeks $350.00 Rates for other rental periods available on application. This item is available for hire Australia Wide. Freight charges apply.

The Ultimate camper has everything that you need to go adventuring in comfort, reliability and style.

Ultimate Off-Road Camper Trailer This ideal go anywhere camper has just the right amount of luxury options to make remote camping an absolute joy, this camper will appeal to customers that want the best that off road camping has to offer.

• Fridge/Freezer • Handy multi draw storage system built into the modern galley • Internal galley cook top • Weber-Q BBQ for cooking outdoor • 110 litre food grade polyethylene water tank • Pressure water system • King size bed • 12 volt outlets • 2 x LED lights • 7 pin trailer connector plug • 4 keyed alike external storage lockers • lounge • 12v battery

• 1340 Litre Storage • Indoor table • Fire extinguisher • Bedside storage pockets • Mini awning • Double jerry can holder • Draw bar level gauge • Removable jockey wheel electronic pulse brakes • 4.5kg gas bottle • Under lounge stowage cells • Spare wheel • Onboard multi staged charging system • Flood Light • Water Tank Gauge • Medium size ring burner • NO COOKING INSIDE outside only

Tvan Camper Trailer Since its launch in 2000, the Tvan Camper Trailer quickly became well known for its distinct design and industry leading off-road capabilities. Throughout the years the Tvan has been widely acclaimed by journalists, owners and explorers. Faster access for side of the road stops Family friendly tent extension and loads of room for everyone's gear Mc2 suspension - Go anywhere without limits Super fast access to kitchen and fridges Revolutionary tent with quick & easy magnetic catches Protected from insects and the elements by strong walls that provide great insulation from noise, hot sun, cold nights and wind. When the tent is deployed (doubling your living space) it's attached to a fold out hard floor, so you'll be up off the ground, dry and secure. Most importantly, when it's time to move on, your bed will remain made up and dry, even after a wet pack-up.

Features: Genuine queen size mattress Fabric lined roof for insulation and comfort Large storage area in the cabin and under the bed Large tinted windows with sliding glass Easy to use magnetised tent fixings for a quicker and easier set up and pack up Magnetised window curtains Double glazed roof hatches with screens and blinds 4.8 metres of usable cabin and tent living area & much more

Visit: to find out more information

NO WATER? NO WORRIES! STAY CLEAN AND FRESH WITHOUT WASTING WATER Anyone who travels in remote areas knows that water is a previous commodity, which often means that a shower is a luxury that can’t always be afforded.

HiCare’s LEISUREBath™ Bath in a Bag is the ideal solution. This disposable bathing solution comprises single-use wipes that are tougher, thicker, softer and larger than baby wipes. LEISUREBath™ will leave your skin clean and refreshed with no sticky residue, and is designed specifically for off-roading, camping, boating, fishing, hiking, mountain biking or any outdoor activity that can leave you sweaty, dirty or dusty. With no need for water or soap, it is a ready-to-use solution that cleans skin while also keeping it healthy. The perfectly pH-balanced formula also contains moisturisers and emollients to nourish and protect your skin. The wipes are alcohol, soap and latex-free and are dermatologically tested, making them suitable

for both adults and children on all areas of the body and face. They can be used straight from the pack, or for added comfort, cooled in a refrigerator or heated in a microwave. In a light and resealable package, these wipes can be carried wherever you go and are a must-have items for your backpack, glove box or first-aid kit.

HICARE SHAMPOO 60ML PUMP HiCare Waterless Shampoo is an ideal solution for situations when regular showering and hair washing is difficult or impossible. It provides excellent benefits across a range of applications including intensive care patients, dementia patients, palliative care patients, immobile patients, disaster relief, and travel. HiCare Waterless Shampoo’s pH balanced and alcohol free formula has been dermatologically tested and proven. The surfactant cleanser in our unique formula returns the hair to its neutral pH, and is able to remove dirt, oil, perspiration and more in one easy application. The addition of the nourishing agent Keratin helps to rejuvenate the hair follicles, leaving hair healthy and nourished, as well as clean. You will get 10-12 washes/60ml pump bottle.


Portable Exercise Kits. Take on your adventures to keep you fit and active.

RESISTIVE BAND KITS • Powder free • Low allergy (reduced protein) • Very durable • Endorsed by the APA (Australian Physiotherapy Association). The Sanctband Active Resistive band is by far one of the most popular and versatile products. The widespread applications of the bands take them seamlessly from the rehab room to general fitness and athletic conditioning. The bands can be used at any length and can be gripped at any point, making it very easy to adjust tension levels to suit an unlimited variety of exercises. There are multiple options for toning the shoulders and arms by pulling the band apart. Performing these movements in different planes, targets and sculpts different areas of the shoulders and arms. There is 4 resistance levels: Pink (light), Amber (medium), Purple (heavy), Teal (extra heavy). It comes complete with a door anchor for effective upper body exercises.

SUPERLOOP BAND The Super Loop Band is the biggest and toughest training tool in our range of products. Highly versatile and durable (one continuous length without joins), these can be looped around the waist or shoulders, anchored or stepped on and held like a barbell. They are ideal for athletic conditioning, sport specific drills and building explosive strength. Most traditional barbell exercises can be performed using the Super Loop. The loop design is popular for assisting body weight training exercise, such as chin ups. The high dynamic tension in these bands also make them invaluable tools for myofascial release and self-care. Joint distraction and deep stretch done with Super Loop bands can greatly improve and maintain mobility. They are 41” (lay flat) and come in 7 resistance levels. It comes complete with an exercise guide.

MINI LOOP BAND The Sanctband Active Mini Loop is the smallest and most portable band in our range of products. It can be hand held, looped around the wrists, feet, ankles or knees for multiple options. It has a shorter range of movement that can be used to target smaller, isolated muscle groups in more clinical setting to build joint stability. It can also be used to add intensity and variety to existing body weight and HIIT exercises, making them even more challenging for enhanced metabolic conditioning. They are 13� and come in 5 resistance levels. It comes complete with an exercise guide.

variety of upper and lower body exercises. There is 5 resistance levels and comes complete with a door anchor, handles and exercise guide. The length of the tubing is 1.2m.

SPIDERCORD Sanctband Active Spidercord, features a unique 4 loop design with handles. This creates resistance from 8 lengths of tubing. The 4 loops naturally allow for easy anchoring between both hands and feet, making it especially ideal for compound movements involving both upper and lower body. The highly versatile X – shape resistive tubing is able to provide dynamic resistance and a variety of challenges to improve balance, stability and core strength. These come in 2 resistance levels: Amber (light) and Purple (medium) and comes compete with an exercise guide.

RESISTIVE TUBING WITH HANDLES: Sanctband Active Resistance Extra Safe Multi-Layer Tube is known for its exceptional breakage resistance. Produced with the highest quality raw materials, our tubing is made from layer upon layer of bonded latex, for maximum strength and resistive elasticity with minimum risk of breakage. Our tubing comes with comfortable foam handles and can be hand held, stepped on, wrapped around a pole or affixed at any height to its accessory door anchor for an unlimited

We have a variety of videos showing a lot of exercises at the below link Contact us: Ph: 1300 770 921

Experience the Condamine Campers unique design From humble beginnings in 2015, Condamine Campers is now a highly regarded manufacturer of Australian Hybrid Campers. Initially it was the brain child of two software engineers looking for a way to cater for their families camping needs. The company has since evolved offering an innovative solution allowing a family to travel and camp together in luxury. Condamine Campers prides itself on its unique design, producing a high-quality product whilst maintain pricing affordability. • 100% Australian workmanship and materials • Designed in computer using 3D modelling software • All components including chassis are lasercut in SE Queensland

The companys’ strength is its willingness to listen to its clients’ needs and be willing and able to adapt its products to suit changing demands. The owner John Huth has a hands-on approach to the business, involved in each step from the initial design process, through the sales, build and after sales service.

Condamine Campers Setup Video / Condamine Campers YouTube Page

Phone: 0418 761 161 Email: Address: 85 Sungold Rd, Chambers Flat QLD 4133

Federal government funding for defibrillators in caravan parks Recently the Federal Government announced one million dollars in funding for the installation of defibrillators at caravan parks and camping sites across Australia. The Government has partnered with Caravan Industry Association of Australia who welcomed the funding, saying it is an exciting initiative. With an estimated eleven million travellers on the roads these days, and many grey nomads, having this life saving technology in holiday locations is common sense. The defibrillators will be installed in around 1,000 caravan parks across Australia. Health Minister, Greg Hunt said this will make heading off on a caravan and camping trip and exploring our regional areas across the country just that much safer, knowing that medical help is at hand. Minister Hunt said, “Research shows that if a person is defibrillated within the first five minutes of collapse, their chance of survival is around 90 percent.�

“For every minute that is delayed, the chances of survival decrease by up to ten percent”. “This initiative will save and protect lives”. Having life saving medical tools readily available in the regions will also increase the accessibility to not only domestic but also international visitors who may not have had the confidence to venture out of the metropolitan areas because of health problems, therefore assisting regional economies. CEO of the Caravan Industry Association of Australia, Stuart

Lamont said caravan parks are popular holiday destinations, especially for the grey nomads and senior Australians who may be at an increased risk of hearth attack. Mr Lamont said, “This is a concern for older Australians when they travel as we know that in rural and regional areas it can take longer for an ambulance to arrive, given the distances they sometimes have to travel”. “This program will ensure that if a person suffers a heart attack in a caravan park that lifesaving

help is close to hand”. Caravan Industry Association of Australia will manage the implementation of the program in a 50:50 partnership with caravan parks contributing half the cost of each defibrillator, and will work with caravan parks to ensure the roll out of the program. Caravan parks wanting to be part of the program should contact the Caravan Industry Association of Australia for more information on available funding.

Tailfin Revolutionising Boating

The Tailfin creates a suspension enhancement, highly complementing modern-day boat performance. Flying through rough water without that dreaded pounding on every wave. A much dryer, safer, faster and comfortable ride, making boating enjoyable in all sea directions and conditions. The Tailfin is the biggest advancement in boating performance since the introduction of the outboard motor itself. From using oars to row a boat, followed by spinning prop propulsion, we have now introduced the Tailfin, designed to save and free massive wasted prop energies. Such as; removing Traditional prop thrust, directional steering and massive energy costs, replaced with Reflective water flow and direct steering, freeing prop power. You can talk to the Tailfin owners at the ramps, whom have first-hand Tailfin knowledge, instead of bias people with no actual Tailfin knowledge, and have not even used the product. They may be salesman, or even worse comparing Major Brand Hydrofoils, bias to their own product, before they have even tried the amazing

Tailfin. Major brand Hydrofoils and the Marine industry will attempt to stop you from buying a Tailfin (most likely never actually trying one themselves, and with no legitimate knowledge of the way it works) so they can sell their outdated products before the Tailfin takes over. Instead of selling my Tailfin Product in their stores. Major brand Hydrofoils can only use water flow from below, on the contrary, the Tailfin works using a completely different innovation technology. Adding 22 extra improvement performance points, including but not limited to, water flow, power steering, self-levelling, stern traction and freeing prop thrust just to name a few. People listen to people with power, you should be listening to those with first-hand knowledge of the way the Tailfin has improved their boating experiences. Post in your favourite local group and ask members that own Tailfins questions, if you’re still not sure find a few members, not just one. Message members who own Tailfins directly and have a chat with them about the Tailfin product, receiving real feedback directly from Tailfin owners.

You can also contact me through messenger • Tailfin Hydrofoil group: • Tailfin Water Rail Page: • or Tailfin Water Rail Web Page: • Text or call Peter on: 0450018840

• Revolutionizing Boating Performance. • Add suspension to your Boat. (Yes that’s right, suspension!) • Early correction. (Self-levelling enhances suspension) • Additional Water flow. • Power Steering. • Reverse the outward or inward leaning for both Cats and Vee Hulls. • New boating lifestyles. • A new boating performance previously impossible. • 22 extra boating improvements to all major brands. (now low-performance Hydrofoils)

• The Tailfin vertical water rail is truly an amazing Product • Such a simple device, the key to unlock Suspension for old or New Boats, providing a higher boating Performance on water never before seen. • The Tailfin is more economical with the additional enjoyment in rough water boating. • Instead of dreading the rough, Tailfin customers are saying bring it on! • Total domination! • A massive breakthrough in boating technology, embraced and enjoyed by Tailfin owners.

Mountain bike tourism

I have previously written about my love of running to explore whenever we are in a new place. However, a running injury which put me out of action for a while forced me to consider alternatives and I can now say I am a recent convert to mountain biking. I even competed in my first race just recently.

This has opened a whole new world to me and who knew there is a whole tourism industry around mountain biking! Mountain biking is a perfect sport while travelling. Let’s face it most of us have a few bikes attached to the back of the van. Many councils and governments are also seeing

the virtues of putting in trails in their regions to attract riders who travel the country seeking out new trail experiences. The economic benefits, especially to small regional towns are significant.

Take for example Derby in Tasmania. Once a ghost town and now with the Blue Derby trails, this tiny north-east Tasmanian town now attracts an estimated 30,000 trail riders each year.

In WA, it was also recently announced that in the Collie region in the South-West a new mountain bike trail system is being planned, and across the country more and more mountain bike trails

are being promoted to boost visitor numbers, especially during off tourist season.

Mountain biking can be as easy as just peddling down a genteel track, or a major adrenalin pumping experience that will see you climbing up and down mountains at high speed. I personally fall somewhere in the middle, I’m still making friends with the downhills and still can’t quite grasp the concept of completely letting go of the brakes, but I’m gaining confidence and loving every second of it.. (except those times when I crash into the Pilbara spinifex and have to

spend three days pulling the spikes out of various parts of the body). Mountain biking is an incredible way to maintain fitness while you are travelling, as well as exploring areas that you might not have seen either on foot or in a car. It’s also a fantastic way to experience the natural environment. Mountain Bike Australia are a great source of information on

trails and events all over the country. If you are a member then you are automatically covered by insurance whenever you are on your bike, and you also have the opportunity to compete in events wherever you are with local clubs or bigger events such as the Cape to Cape, Gibb River Road or countless other events. See you on the trails!

Mountain bike trails you need to ride: • Blue Derby – Derby Tasmania • Forrest Mountain Bike Park, Otways, Vic • Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast hinterlands in Queensland • Falls Creek, Thredbo and Mt Buller alpine areas in NSW and VIC • Alice Springs, NT • Karratha – WA • Ourimbah State Forrest, NSW • Margaret River, WA • Kuitpo Forrest, SA • And basically anywhere you find a trail!

KOOL KAMPERS We are the Williams family we’ve thrown caution to the wind and made our retirement ‘pipe dream’ of travelling Australia a reality in our 30’s - setting off on indefinite travels in January 2019. As a young family, we have always enjoyed escaping the fast pace of standard suburban life by venturing to new locations in the great outdoors with our everevolving camping/ caravan set up. Following a few key life events, we took a long look at our lives and realised they didn’t exactly look how we wanted them to. Considering our ages, careers,

finances and EVERYTHING in-between, we knew it was time to shake things up, lead a more simplistic life and look for somewhere new to call home. We decided that NOW is as good a time as any to live our dreams. We’ve been talking about this trip since we met in 2006, and with both of our father’s passing of cancer before they hit retirement age, we figured we best stop thinking we could do things like this ‘tomorrow’. It was a fairly easy decision... to sell everything we had and create a new full time travelling lifestyle but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t

scary - or without it’s sacrifices. Of course tough decisions had to be made. One of the hardest was to leave Wayne’s two oldest sons behind, as being children from a blended family means things like this are just ALL the more difficult. One parent always has to miss out, and in our experience that’s always the Dad. It took a year of prepping, saving, planning and modifying our set up - but experiencing all our beautiful country has to offer is more than worth it and we are just having the most incredible time together!

OUR FAMILY Wayne, 36. A typical Aussie bloke, doting dad and loving husband who has always wanted to travel his ‘backyard’ and is completely in his element in the great outdoors. Total Master chef on the campfire and BBQ, lover of history and a keen fisherman, Wayne gets a kick out of exploring new places. [Most excited about] “Having the freedom to do whatever we want, whenever we want!” [Most scared of] “Running out of money!” [Place he cant wait to visit] “The Gibb River Road”. Katie, 36. Feeling my freest while driving and camping, I have always held big dreams of travel. Totally in awe of mother nature, I love to lose myself in stunning landscapes and surrounds whenever we hit the road. With my creative flair (I’m a hairdresser by trade - and YES, I have brought my scissors along, so keep an eye out for my huge pink ‘Salon’ flag), a love of photography and a desire to live life to its fullest, I thrive off the closeness that camping brings to our family. [Most excited about] “All the new experiences, memories and stories to be collected along the way”! [Most scared of] “Letting Wayne stay at Wolf- Creek Crater”..

[Place I can’t wait to visit] “Ningaloo Reef, Exmouth WA - to swim with the whale sharks and other marine life”! Dylan, 12 Dylan constantly soaks in everything around him.... from scenery and new faces to history and facts about our changing locations. He’s our little bookworm and loves to immerse himself in various genres! Dylan loves to seek out hills and sand dunes to sprint up and roll back down; waterholes he can flip, jump and plunge into and enjoys fishing from the tinnie along with being first to try out dads rope swings. One of the funniest, most caring and protective big brothers you’ll ever meet! [Most excited about] “All the new places we’ll get to explore and things we’ll get to learn!” [Most scared of] “Crocodiles!!”

[Place he can’t wait to visit] “Cable Beach, Broome WA - to ride a camel along the beach at sunset”! Cody, 8 Cody loves to have FUN! He makes friends wherever he is with his inclusive nature, giggly laugh and caring manner. Cody’s an ace with the fishing ‘jig’ and is quick to catch bait fish for his bigger brothers and dad to use.. he takes his job VERY seriously! Loving the limelight, Cody is all character and definitely keeps things entertaining for the rest of us. [Most excited about] “Making new friends and seeing heaps of cool indigenous art on rock walls and in caves!” [Most scared of] “Sharks, missing my friends from home and probably crocodiles too”..

[Place he can’t wait to visit] “Ayers rock in Uluru!” Linkin, 5 The youngest of our family, and we think the most mischievous as well! Butter wouldn’t melt...... with his big baby blues, crazy hilarious storytelling efforts and affectionate personality, Linkin sure does add a certain element into the mix! He loves a good splash in the water; squeals with excitement when he sees new things (particularly animals); and is just pure joy, from the inside -out! [Most excited about] “Spending lots of time with Mummy and Daddy and my brothers!” [Most scared of] “Swimming in the water”.. [Place he can’t wait to visit] “Any zoos or crocodile parks!

Favourite Camps Along the Gwydir River in Bingara, NSW; The Murray River in Renmark, SA; And the entire Yorke Peninsula in S.A Giving the old debit card a rest in locations that offer an abundance of fishing, crabbing, boating and swimming opportunities; nature walks; mesmerising scenery (including sunsets and rises); campfires and a reconnection with nature (and each other) gets a MASSIVE tick from us! Learning, growing, exploring and creating memories as a family is extremely important to us, and we

love to share our journey through an array of pictures, videos and blogging along the way! We invite you to check out our social profiles and come along for the adventure! SOCIALS: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: UCkAhRq_AvzPewBSuBTLky-w

Caretta Teardrop Camper Our robust on road teardrops - the Caretta teardrop - have a spacious interior which features a queen size bed, a perfect luxury space. Superb insulation, all have two jumbo doors with built in blinds and mosquito nets and roof ventilation. Contact us for a full brochure and current price list.

The pop out’s sleek design sits a little lower to the ground, features a built-in aerodynamic spoiler to give superb towing performance and handling. The tailgate lifts to reveal the beautifully proportioned kitchen, complete with sink, fridge, water supply and a quality worktop with cupboards above.Fit an optional awning, and the pop out becomes ideal for compact family getaways.

To complete the overall versatility of the pop out, an integrated front locker box gives easy access to battery and electrics, and plenty of additional storage space. Light and easy to tow with the smallest of cars, no need to purchase a large 4WD vehicle. Accessible adventures for all.

Caretta Offroad Teardrop

The caretta offroad teardrop caravan - is suited to the offroader who likes extra comfortable accommodation. The offroad Caretta includes fully braked custom offroad chassis, protective bars, basement storage, offroad tyres and roof mounted spare tyre. It can handle all terrains and has been tested extensively in Australian conditions. Optional solar, canvas awnings and offroad gear. The spacious interior features an extra long queen size bed, perfect after an intrepid adventure. Superb insulation, jumbo doors with built in blinds and mosquito nets.

The Caretta’s ergonomic teardrop design gives excellent towing performance and handling. The tailgate lifts to reveal a luxurious, well proportioned kitchen, complete with sink, fridge, water supply. Plug into the sun, add optional solar panels to be truly self sufficient. The integrated front locker box gives easy access to battery and electrics, and plenty of additional storage space. Excellent towing, even offroad, you are only limited by your imagination.

1800 998 319

Some of our favourite FREE and LOW COST camps. When preparing to leave on our ‘big trip’ we spent a couple of thousand dollars on setting up the van to free camp as we knew it would save us a fair amount of money in the long run! We have not been disappointed! Some of the absolute best camps we have stayed has been completely FREE or very low cost. We had in our mind that free camps would just be gravel pits next to the road but that is definitely not the case! Here’s some of our favourites.

Gregory River - Outback QLD Situated on the beautiful crystal-clear water of the Gregory river just outside of Gregory QLD this camp is awesome to set up, relax and cool off. The camp has no amenities BUT is completely free and there are well kept toilets, warm showers and drinking water available no more than 500 metres away. Gregory River camp is just an hour’s drive from the magical Lawn Hill National Park which makes it the perfect base of your van is only on road as the road in to Lawn hill is dirt and fairly corrugated.

Red Cliff Camp - Tumby Bay SA Tumby Bay was our favourite stop on the Eyre Peninsula, as well as it’s crystal blue waters capturing our hearts we found an awesome low cost camp just a few kms out of town! Red cliff camp was just $15 a night for unpowered, $25 per night for power and even had a couple of cabins if you wanted some luxe! The best part about this camp was the Ocean views, you’re basically camped on the beach but with a lovely grassy area instead of sand - and what a beach it was with a boat ramp and lots of squid to catch. The facilities at Red Cliff were just like those you expect at a caravan park with clean hot showers and flushing toilets, there’s even a donation washing machine! Drinking water is also available. The road in to camp is dirt but fine and 2WD accessible.

Florence Falls camp - Litchfield national park NT Florence Falls camp was in prime location as the stunning falls themselves were just a 400m walk from the camp! The camp was a wicked spot for just $6.60 per adult per night. The sites were large and secluded and the amenities were great as they were spotless and included flushing toilets and hot showers - winner in a national park! Fire pits were also available out of fire ban season so you can get warm and cosy at night and in fire ban season you’re definitely going to be warm anyway in the top end! Florence falls camp really is the perfect base to explore the beautiful Litchfield National Park.

Devils Marbles Camp - NT Well what a spot this was to spend our first night in the NT. This camp was awesome! At only $3.30 per adult per night and located right next to the Devils Marbles themselves this camp is a must visit. There are only long drop toilets here and no other facilities but the views make up for that! The Marbles themselves are a breaking down of rock, they are what’s left of a mass of granite which still lays beneath them. The Marbles were magical and the sky at night was amazing!

Babinda Boulders - FNQ This 72-hour free camp was seriously good! Located in Babinda, Queensland, the boulders and camp are about 80kms south of Cairns and it is definitely up there as one of our favourite spots. As well as its perfect location just a 5-minute walk to the boulders and stunning views the camp has flushing toilets and showers (they are cold but it is FNQ). There are just 9 large sites here so get in early as it is a popular spot. Just a 2-minute walk from the camp there is a playground for the kids and some electric BBQs. Workman’s Beach - Agnes Water QLD Well we went to Workman’s Beach for 2 nights and stayed a week! That’s how good it was! Just 100 metres walk from a beautiful quiet beach and with the friendliest ranger ever this camp felt like home. Workman’s beach has everything you need with water readily available, flushing toilets and an outdoor, cold shower and a massive

BBQ area. The camp is located just a 10-minute walk from Agnes Water, 5-minute drive from Deepwater National Park and a 10-minute drive to 1770. Workman’s beach is just $9.20 per person per night or $25.50 for a family of 4 if kids are over 5. Both Agnes Water and 1770 are small very chilled out places with amazing beaches - surf and calm. North Head camping area - Batemans Bay NSW North Head camping area is a beautiful free camp 15 minutes outside Batemans Bay! The camp has heaps of space with clear marked sites and over looks its own private beach! The best thing about a free camp is when it comes with free activities! We didn’t have to leave this camp as we were busy exploring our surroundings, relaxing on the beach and going for bush walks. Although this is an amazing spot, I wouldn’t recommend for anyone towing a van over 15ft as it was a tight entrance.

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