Home Collection melamine plates, placemats and recipe cards
live your style
That’s our motto here at Boatman Geller. Since Boatman Geller started in 2002 we’ve used clean lines, colorful patterns, and delightful icons to create snapshots of “the good life”. We hope you enjoy our first ever Home Collection and are inspired to live your style™!
Founder, Jane Boatman Geller (far right) “living her style” while on Nantucket -1973
2010 home catalog Our first ever Home Collection catalog features plates, placemats and recipe cards. Important information on plate orders is listed below. • Please note that all plate orders are processed and shipped separately from all other Boatman Geller personalized orders and/or products.
new custom options! Custom Hair and Skin Tone Options available on designs marked with * Please make note of color changes in special instructions. If no changes are noted we will default to the book sample. We strongly recommended a proof.
Hair Color Options
• Shipping charges for plate(s) cannot be combined with any other Boatman Geller personalized orders and/or products. • Due to differences in materials, colors on the plates can be different than those printed on our paper products. We have done our very best to get our colors as close as possible. Every BG Personalization Program Retailer has a color swatch book and sample plate palette for your reference.
light brown
Skin Tone Options
fairy as shown in sample hair: blonde | skin tone: light
fairy with custom options hair: black | skin tone: medium
All designs ©Boatman Geller 2010
home collection
20912 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: chocolate
18942 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: kelly
19910 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: white
18944 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: raspberry
18943 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: white
19909 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: chocolate
click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
20900 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: cherry
18945 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
18947 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
Race Cars
19911 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: black
18946 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: chocolate
19912 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: black
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
home collection
Birthday Lime
Sports Girl
Peace Repeat
18958 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: chocolate
19907 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: bubblegum
20913 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #40 - avenir | type color: raspberry
Birthday Sky
Sports Boy
Peace Repeat Navy
18959 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: chocolate
19908 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
20914 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #40 - avenir | type color: navy
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melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
Alligator Repeat
Whale Repeat Navy
Folk Flowers Pink
18948 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: circle monogram | type color: raspberry
20916 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
18955 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: raspberry
Alligator Repeat Blue
Whale Repeat
Ladybug Repeat
20915 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #40 - avenir | type color: black
18949 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: single monogram | type color: navy
19916 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: classic monogram | type color: black
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
home collection
Little Sailboat Pink
Little Sailboat
19921 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: chocolate
20918 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #38 - solid antique | type color: kelly
20917 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
Stripe Starfish
Stripe Anchor
Stripe Lobster
18954 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: script monogram | type color: chocolate
18953 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: circle monogram | type color: navy
18952 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: black
click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
Ashley Plaid Navy
Ashley Plaid Pink
Bamboo Rings Navy
19925 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: cherry
19924 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: circle monogram | type color: kelly
18965 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: script monogram | type color: navy
Nautical Knot Navy
Nautical Knot Kelly
Repp Tie Red & Navy
20919 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #2 - caslon open face | type color: navy
20920 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: circle monogram | type color: navy
18966 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: single monogram | type color: navy
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
home collection
Madras Patch Pink
Madras Patch Blue
Madras Patch Bright
18951 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: single monogram | type color: bubblegum
18950 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: single monogram | type color: navy
20911 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: circle monogram | type color: raspberry
Espadrille Preppy
Espadrille Nautical
Espadrille Bright
19913 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: classic monogram | type color: white
19914 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: white
19915 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: single monogram | type color: white
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melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
Coral Repeat
Bright Floral
Classic Floral Blue
19918 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: script monogram | type color: navy
19917 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: circle monogram | type color: raspberry
19919 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: classic monogram | type color: navy
Chevron Bright
Chinoiserie Navy
Chinoiserie Red
20921 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #41 - pt barnum | type color: tangerine
20923 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: script monogram | type color: navy
20922 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #14 - mclaren | type color: black
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
home collection
Tennis Repeat
Emma Floral Pink
19923 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
20924 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #35 - odette | type color: black
20928 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: bubblegum
Golf Repeat
Emma Floral Periwinkle
18967 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: chocolate
18961 | personalized plate | price code PLA typestyle: classic monogram | type color: chocolate
20927 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: script monogram | type color: navy
click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
Bright Vine Pink & Green
Initial Confetti Pink
Initial Plaid Raspberry/Lime
20925 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #41 - pt barnum | type color: raspberry
499-F001 personalized plate | price code PLT1 type: select initial
499-F013 personalized plate | price code PLT1 type: select initial
Bright Vine Green & Blue
Initial Confetti Blue
Initial Plaid Navy/Kelly
20926 | personalized plate | price code PLT1 typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: cornflower
499-F002 personalized plate | price code PLT1 type: select initial
499-F012 personalized plate | price code PLT1 type: select initial
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
home collection Initial Vine Girl plate style: 479 pattern color: LGK - girl letter K
479 plate style
LGK pattern color: LGK - girl letter K
one letter choice only, capital format only
Pattern Color (letter choice) letters shown below are smaller than actual size
LGA girl letter A
LGJ girl letter J
LGR girl letter R
LGB girl letter B
LGC girl letter C
LGK girl letter K
LGL girl letter L
LGS girl letter S
LGT girl letter T
LGD girl letter D
LGE girl letter E
LGM girl letter M
LGU girl letter U
LGV girl letter V
LGF girl letter F
LGN girl letter N
LGG girl letter G
LGO girl letter O
LGW girl letter W
click here to find a dealer near you
LGX girl letter X
LGH girl letter H
LGP girl letter P
LGY girl letter Y
LGI girl letter I
LGQ girl letter Q
LGZ girl letter Z
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
Initial Vine Boy plate style: 489 pattern color: LGA - boy letter A
489 plate style
LBA pattern color: LBA - boy letter A
one letter choice only, capital format only
Pattern Color (letter choice) letters shown below are smaller than actual size
LBA boy letter A
LBB boy letter B
LBC boy letter C
LBJ boy letter J
LBK boy letter K
LBL boy letter L
LBR boy letter R
LBS boy letter S
LBT boy letter T
LBD boy letter D
LBM boy letter M
LBU boy letter U
LBV boy letter V
LBE boy letter E
LBF boy letter F
LBN boy letter N
LBG boy letter B
LBO boy letter O
LBW boy letter W
LBX boy letter X
LBH boy letter H
LBP boy letter P
LBY boy letter Y
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
LBI boy letter I
LBQ boy letter Q
LBZ boy letter Z
home collection Cameron plate style: 439 pattern color: P02 - raspberry accent color: A12 - lime typestyle: classic monogram type color: navy
439 plate style
P02 pattern color
A12 accent color
Pattern Colors patterns shown below at 100%
P01 jungle
P02 raspberry
P03 navy
P04 cornflower
P05 cherry
P06 midnight
P07 teal
P08 sunflower
P09 kelly
P10 mocha
P11 petal
P12 lime
P14 chocolate
P15 tangerine
P16 pine
P17 slate
P18 cranberry
P19 butter
P20 lilac
P22 melon
P23 gray
Accent Colors for all patterns A01 jungle
A02 raspberry
A03 navy
A04 cornflower
A05 cherry
A06 midnight
A07 teal
A08 sunflower
click here to find a dealer near you
A09 kelly
A10 mocha
A11 petal
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
Silo Leaves
Madison Damask
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 319 pattern color: P08 - sunflower accent color: A12 - lime typestyle: #40 - avenir | type color: navy this sample: 319+P08+A12
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 309 pattern color: P07 - teal accent color: A12 - lime typestyle: #22 - typo upright | type color: chocolate this sample: 309+P07+A12
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 349 pattern color: P05 - cherry accent color: A06 - midnight typestyle: script monogram | type color: black this sample: 349+P05+A06
Mod Diamond
Polka Dot
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 579 pattern color: P12 - lime accent color: A07 - teal typestyle: #23 - engravers gothic | type color: black this sample: 579+P12+A07
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 569 pattern color: P15 - tangerine accent color: A03 - navy typestyle: circle monogram | type color: navy this sample: 569+P15+A03
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 339 pattern color: P03 - navy accent color: A12 - lime typestyle: #40 - avenir | type color: lime this sample: 339+P03+A12
A12 lime
A14 chocolate
A15 tangerine
A16 pine
A17 slate
A18 cranberry
A19 butter
A20 lilac
A22 melon
A23 gray
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
home collection Zebra plate style: 399 pattern color: P06 - midnight accent color: A02 - raspberry typestyle: #41 - pt barnum type color: raspberry
399 plate style
P06 pattern color
A02 accent color
Pattern Colors patterns shown below at 100%
P01 jungle
P02 raspberry
P03 navy
P04 cornflower
P05 cherry
P06 midnight
P07 teal
P08 sunflower
P09 kelly
P10 mocha
P11 petal
P12 lime
P14 chocolate
P15 tangerine
P16 pine
P17 slate
P18 cranberry
P19 butter
P20 lilac
P22 melon
P23 gray
Accent Colors for all patterns A01 jungle
A02 raspberry
A03 navy
A04 cornflower
A05 cherry
A06 midnight
A07 teal
A08 sunflower
click here to find a dealer near you
A09 kelly
A10 mocha
A11 petal
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
Awning Stripe
Mod Damask
Ann Tile
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 389 pattern color: P11 - petal accent color: A03 - navy typestyle: circle monogram | type color: kelly this sample: 389+P11+A03
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 539 pattern color: P23 - gray accent color: A12 - lime typestyle: #41 - pt parnum | type color: raspberry this sample: 539+P23+A12
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 409 pattern color: P01 - jungle accent color: A11 - petal typestyle: circle monogram | type color: chocolate this sample: 409+P01+A11
Petite Floral
Grand Border
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 429 pattern color: P14 - chocolate accent color: A07 - teal typestyle: script monogram | type color: teal this sample: 429+P24+A07
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 549 pattern color: P22 - melon accent color: A14 - chocolate typestyle: classic monogram | type color: chocolate this sample: 549+P22+A14
custom personalized plate | price code PLT1 plate style: 609 pattern color: P04 - cornflower accent color: not applicable typestyle: script monogram | type color: cornflower this sample: 609+P04 (accent color not applicable)
A12 lime
A14 chocolate
A15 tangerine
A16 pine
A17 slate
A18 cranberry
A19 butter
A20 lilac
A22 melon
A23 gray
note: plates ship separately from all other bg personalized product click here to find a dealer near you
home collection We love pairing our Home Products with our Custom Products - have fun!
alligator repeat plate pairs well with alligator + swiss dot band custom design placemat
bright vine pink & green plate pairs well with fairy placemat
sailboat plate pairs well with navy & cherry awning stripe custom design placemat click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards
bicycle plate pairs well with lime & petal swiss dot custom design placemat
stripe starfish plate pairs well with seashore placemat
black grand border custom design plate pairs well with toile black placemat click here to find a dealer near you
home collection
Double-Sided Placemats
20000 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: chocolate
20001 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: kelly
20002 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: raspberry
20003 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: white
Sports Girl
20004 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: white
20005 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: raspberry
click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards Double-Sided Placemats
20006 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: cherry
20007 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
20008 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
20009 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: chocolate
Sports Boy
Race Cars
20010 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: navy
20011 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: black
click here to find a dealer near you
home collection
Double-Sided Placemats
Madras Patch Bright
Madras Patch Blue
20024 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: circle monogram | type color: raspberry
20025 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: single monogram | type color: navy
Espadrille Preppy
Espadrille Nautical
20026 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: classic monogram | type color: white
20027 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 - bodoni | type color: white
Espadrille Bright
Nautical Knot Navy
20028 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: single monogram | type color: white
20029 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #2 - caslon open face | type color: navy
click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards Double-Sided Placemats
Grosgrain Ribbon Red & Navy
Grosgrain Ribbon Pink & Green
20030 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #2 - caslon open face | type color: white
20031 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: script monogram | type color: white
Crest Lobster
Crest Tennis
20032 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” crest: select initial only one line of copy may be added below - see Crest Golf sample
20033 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” crest: select initial only one line of copy may be added below - see Crest Golf sample
Crest Lacrosse
Crest Golf
20034 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” crest: select initial only one line of copy may be added below - see Crest Golf sample
20035 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” crest: select initial only typestyle: #13 - engravers roman | type color: chocolate
click here to find a dealer near you
home collection
Double-Sided Placemats
Bright Floral
20012 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #27 - wendy | type color: chocolate
20013 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: classic monogram | type color: raspberry
Bright Vine Green & Blue
Bright Vine Pink & Green
20014 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #24 -bodoni | type color: cornflower
20015 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #41 - pt barnum | type color: raspberry
Chevron Bright
Coral Repeat
20016 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #41 - pt barnum | type color: tangerine
20017 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: script monogram | type color: navy
click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards Double-Sided Placemats
Classic Floral Blue
Chinoiserie Navy
20018 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: classic monogram | type color: navy
20019 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: script monogram | type color: navy
Madison Damask White & Black
Chinoiserie Red
20020 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: script monogram | type color: lime
20021 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: #14 - mclaren | type color: black
Floral Toile Red
Toile Black
20022 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: script monogram | type color: chocolate
20023 | personalized placemat | price code P | size - 17 x 11” typestyle: script monogram | type color: black
click here to find a dealer near you
home collection Double-Sided Recipe Cards
Bright Floral
Classic Floral Blue
20929 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
20930 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
typestyle: classic mongram | type color: raspberry
typestyle: classic monogram | type color: navy
Madison Damask White & Black
Floral Toile Aqua
20931 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
20932 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
typestyle: script mongram | type color: lime
typestyle: #22 - typo upright | type color: black
Floral Toile Red
Toile Black
20933 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
20934 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
typestyle: script monogram | type color: chocolate
typestyle: #33 - serlio | type color: black
click here to find a dealer near you
melamine plates, placemats and REcipe Cards Double-Sided Recipe Cards
Chinoiserie Navy
Chevron Bright
20935 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
20936 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
typestyle: #22 - typo upright | type color: navy
typestyle: #41 - pt barnum | type color: tangerine
Grosgrain Ribbon Pink & Green
Madras Patch Bright
20937 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
20938 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
typestyle: script monogram | type color: white
typestyle: circle monogram | type color: raspberry
Emma Floral Periwinkle
Nautical Knot Navy
20939 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
20940 | recipe card | price code R | size - 6 x 4”
typestyle: script monogram | type color: navy
typestyle: #2 - caslon open face | type color: navy
click here to find a dealer near you
Typestyles - Open
Caslon Open Face - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Fiddlestix - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Stuyvesant - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Typestyles - Scripts
Snell - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Amelie - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Typo Upright - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Wendy - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Mayfair - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Exmouth - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Gravura - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Typestyles - Small Caps
Engravers Roman - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
McLaren - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Engravers Gothic - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Eaves Small Caps - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Serlio - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Typestyles - Serifs
Bodoni - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
PT Barnum - the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Odette - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Clarendon - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Eaves Roman - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
38 Solid Antique - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! #
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Typestyles - Sans Serifs
Family Cat - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Avenir - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ - ! Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Typestyles - Hebrew
Altona - ,ar e . m ;p g xibonkl f hy jz u v s dct
& @ - !
Boatman Geller is not responsible for typestyle choices that do not appear correctly in a monogram. Please request a proof if you are unsure of your monogram’s appearance.
single monogram
classic monogram
circle monogram
script monogram
Style of letter on the left and right of monogram.
*Return Address printed in Eaves Small Caps. *Return Address printed in Eaves Small Caps. *Return Address printed in Avenir. *Return Address printed in Eaves Small Caps.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Style of letter in the center of monogram.
type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: *white
type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: *butter
bubblegum cranberry
type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: type color: *sunflower
* Do not use these these type colors on white or light colored backgrounds
home collection Boatman Geller Printing Prices Announcements, Invitations, Photocards - includes up to 10 lines of copy
25 $80 $135 $85 $140 $110 $165 $100 $155
50 $105 $185 $115 $195 $150 $230 $130 $210
75 $143 $248 $158 $263 $225 $330 $180 $292
100 $170 $290 $190 $310 $295 $415 $230 $350
+25 $42 $72 $47 $77 $73 $103 $57 $87
25 $66 $55 $66
50 $96 $85 $96
75 $132 $120 $132
100 $166 $150 $166
+25 $41 $37 $41
25 $42
50 $48
75 $58
100 $68
+25 $17
24 $30 n/a
48 $40 $30
72 $60 n/a
96 +2 Sheets $76 $19 $40 $19
24 $35
48 $55
Set of 8 wine tags
8 $24
+8 $12
Notepads & Note Sheets in acrylic - includes 1 line of copy
Per Unit
Small Announcement/Invitation Small Announcement/Invitation + Ribbon Invitation / Announcement / 5x7 Flat Photocard Invitation/Announcement / 5x7 Flat Photocard + Ribbon Large Folded Photocard Large Folded Photocard + Ribbon Long Flat Photocard / Small Folded Photocard Long Flat Photocard / Small Folded Photocard + Ribbon
Foldover Notes, Stationery - includes 1 line of copy
Foldover Note Stationery - Small Stationery - Standard
Return Address Envelopes - includes up to 3 lines of copy
Return Address On Envelopes
Stickers - includes up to 3 lines of copy
Square/Rectangle Stickers Address Label
Recipe Cards - includes up to 3 lines of copy
Double-Sided Recipe Cards
Wine Tags - includes up to 5 lines of copy
PE Set of 2 Pads, 75 sheets each N NPA Note Sheets Acrylic, 150 loose sheets ENV8 Optional set of 25 Envelopes
$38 $46 $6.50
Placemats - includes 1 line of copy
Double-Sided Laminated Placemat
Plates - includes 3 lines of copy
PLT1 10� Round Melamine Plate
all prices subject to change at any time, 4/2010
Boatman Geller Policies Order Form · Please print all orders clearly specifying quantity, stock numbers, typestyle, type color, copy and descriptions (cards, top cards, ribbons, etc). Utilize our order form so that we can minimize errors. Fill out a separate order form for each personalized order. · Boatman Geller is not responsible for handwriting errors. · You may not add parts to your order after it is placed. You would need to resubmit the order and the order will follow the current turnaround. Our turnaround time can always be found at http://dealer.boatmangeller.com. Please indicate how many parts to the order or if parts are to be shipped together. · Orders must be submitted via fax (317.466.1384), email (orders@boatmangeller.com) or our dealer website (www.dealer.boatmangeller.com) and will not be accepted over the phone.
Copy · Stationery is priced to include up to one line of copy. Monograms and initials are considered one line. Announcements and Invitations are priced to include up to ten lines of copy. Additional lines of copy can be added for $3 net per line. · If we have questions to clarify grammar or spelling of the text, the order will be on hold until the customer contacts Boatman Geller with the resolution. The normal turnaround time will begin anew.
Layout · If there is a layout in the book you would like us to work from or follow exactly, please make note on the order form. Please indicate which sample and then clearly note any modifications to the layout. We will follow your instructions exactly. If layout, color, or type is not selected we will default to the layout in the book sample. · Please clearly indicate any special placement or size of copy (top, flush, left, etc.). Underline All Capital Letters. · All copy/type will be centered and set with a standard type size and spacing based on the sample shown in the corresponding album,unless otherwise instructed.
Typestyles · All stationery orders can be printed with any of the typestyles shown on the Typestyle Pages found in the back of each Personalization Kit Catalog.
Ink Colors · Any item can be printed with any of the colors shown on the Typestyles Page at no extra cost. · Orders requiring a double pass (printing on two sides of the card) will incur an added fee of $40 net.
Ribbons · Ribbons can be added to some cards. See Pricing Page for costs. · On horizontal foldovers and photocards, ribbons CANNOT be placed at the top. · Flat photocards CAN have a ribbon placed at the top. · Personalized cards are shipped fully assembled.
Advance Ship Envelopes · Advanced ship envelopes must be requested on the order form at the time the order is placed. We cannot change an order to include advanced ship envelopes once the order is in process. · Envelopes (plain or printed) can be shipped in advance for an additional charge of $10.00 net plus shipping costs. · Allow 2-3 business days in-house for plain envelopes and 4-6 business days in-house for printed envelopes.
Proofs · Proofs can be provided upon request for a charge of $10.00 net. This includes 2 rounds of proofs (fax or email) for your order, up to 10 parts. All subsequent parts will be an additional $1 charge per proof. All subsequent rounds are $8.00 net each. Requesting both fax and email proofs will be $15.00. · A free proof will be provided on all orders over $1,000 retail. · All Hebrew orders require a proof. · We will not accept proof approvals over the phone. · Once the proof is approved the order will be shipped following the current turnaround schedule. Orders with enhancements will take an additional two business days.
Reorders · A 25-card minimum is required for all reorders. · Reorders are priced as new orders and are billed according to the price sheet.
Canceled & Changed Orders · ONCE AN ORDER IS SUBMITTED NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE. · If you cancel your order, you will be charged for the work that has been completed prior to cancellation or changes made. Any order in the faxed or order entry stage can be canceled at no charge. Orders that are in the typesetting stage can be canceled for a fee of $10. Once an order has been sent to our production facility you will be charged for the order in full.
Errors · Please review your order very carefully! All errors must be reported within 14 days of receiving the order. Any errors reported after this time will not be refunded and will be reprinted at full cost. · Errors made by the customer/store will be reprinted at 25% off the original price plus shipping costs. We will only provide shipping compensation if we exceed the current turnaround schedule. · Call tags may be issued for orders in which Boatman Geller is at fault. All errors on our part will be reprinted on a 3 day turnaround and shipped via 2 Day Air at no additional cost, unless after 14 business days of receiving the order. · On a redo, Boatman Geller will redo the original mistake(s) but the customer will not be permitted to make additional changes to the order.
Colors · Due to disparities in the printing process, colors may vary from the samples presented in the Catalogs. Samples viewed in the albums or online may show variations due to the inconsistencies of recreating a likeness in each corresponding media. No discounts will be given for such variations.
Turnaround Time
· For the current turnaround schedule visit http://dealer.boatmangeller.com. · Orders received after 3:00PM EST will be entered the next business day.
·P ersonalized photocards that do not have a digital photo are supplied with pre-applied double-stick tape.
Shipping Charges
Digital Photocards ·P lease see the Dealer Site for a full description of the requirements and policies regarding digital photos.
Envelopes · Envelopes come in white and match the paper stock of your product. · Two additional envelopes are included with each order at no extra charge. To order additional envelopes add $.25 each / plain and $.50 / printed.
· Shipping rates are determined by the weight and zip code of your order. Please state your preference - Ground, 2 Day Air or Next Day - clearly on your order otherwise we default to Ground shipping. · There is no extra fee for drop shipping. · If a customer does not choose to require a signature, then Boatman Geller is not responsible for packages that have delivery verification.
Company Holiday Schedule · We will be closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
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