CSU Magazine Fall 2021

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Gonzalez Serving Athletes Through AIA by Jan Joslin / File photos


azmin Gonzalez is passionate about athletes. As a former member of the Buccaneer soccer team, she knows their world and how they think. Gonzalez, a 2019 graduate, is currently preparing for a full-time ministry position with Athletes in Action, which is a branch of CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). She is raising funds to support herself and

has been assigned to work with athletes at North Carolina State University and Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Growing up in Philadelphia, Gonzalez went to church and attended a Catholic school. She believed there was a God, but she found her identity in soccer. Arriving at CSU as a freshman and being passed over as the head goalkeeper started her questioning

– who am I? She jumped from major to major and eventually graduated with a human and social science degree. Observing the Christians on the soccer team and how they lived convinced Gonzalez she wanted what they had. “The discipleship piece was never shown to me; I never studied the Bible growing up,” she said. Fellow team member Lydia Frierson Radcliffe ’18

Jazmin Gonzalez in action with the Buccaneers.

26 CSU magazine

Fall 2021, vol.31 no.3

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