FORMALLY INFORMAL. Belgrade Self-organized Cultural Production

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[ c a rd• s ] APRIL− MAY 2016

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane Künste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

Actopolis Belgrade FORMALLY INFORMAL, Belgrade Self-organized Cultural Production Belgrade edition of Actopolis is to gather a number of cultural practitioners working in very different directions, all gathered to respond to the questions how, why and for whom to produce urban culture in times of crisis, which has been ongoing in Serbia for over twenty-five years. What are the capacities and what does it mean to self-organize and thus secure autonomy for thought and action? What is the institutional response to self-organization? How do artists and cultural practitioners position themselves in relation to institutions, and also to the wider audiences? Besides the artistic research in very different media – researches, exhibtions, workshops, urban interventions, artist publications, etc. – there are also going to be public discussions. Some of the FORMALLY INFORMAL art productions are to happen in open city space, others in closed alternative cultural spaces and some of the productions are to happen in space 'conquered' particularly for this occasion. City Guerilla and Urban Incubator have been initiated by Goethe-Institut for many years now, keeping a fresh view of young people’s initiatives in working with the city. Within FORMALLY INFORMAL they are to produce workshops looking deeper into the practices they tried so-far, and also looking into the forthcoming endeavours into self-organization. Artists and cultural practitioners Anica Vučetić, Irena Ristić, Mariela Cvetić, Nikola Radić Lucati, Art Collective U10, Marijana Cvetković, Aleksandra Sekulić/Ivica Đorđević, Nebojša Milikić/Tadej Kurepa, Miroslav Karić/Marija Radoš, Vahida Ramujkić/Noa Treister, Aleksandar Nikolić and KURS are all with idiosyncratic approach to tackle the subject of ‘self-organization’. Last but not least, a number of guests from other Actopolis cities are to visit Belgrade edition and join us, bringing experiences from their towns and Actopolis projects, making it all connect and intertwine. MFA Boba Mirjana Stojadinović ACTOPOLIS Belgrade curator

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

BGD ART A Map of Belgrade's Visual Arts Venues Aleksandar Nikolić Monthly printed map with up to date Belgrade art space programme, accompanied with a web-site containing expanded information. The project BGD ART (Belgrade Art Map) in accordance with contemporary trends and possibilities of promotion has a role of a mediator among over ninety Belgrade art galleries and the audience – the regular one, the non-audience and the potential audience from the local community and wider. With the purpose to create new contents in the city, which would connect different sectors and resources, Belgrade Art Map offers to the audiences up-to-date information on all current and permanent displays and other additional programmes, opens exhibition spaces for new audiences and contextualizes the art scene. The result is a so needed, yet non-existing, monthly printed map with the Belgrade art space programme, accompanied with a web-site containing expanded information.

Aleksandar Nikolić - Graduated on Faculty of Biology on Belgrade University, Ecology and environmental protection, after which he focussed on waste management as a source of renewable energy. His dedication to the problems of contemporary society, as well as engagement in the raising of public consciousness on their interconnectedness gets him involved in art activism and brings him to collaborate with artists and producers on realizing different projects and programmes, from workshops and debates, to art exhibitions and festivals. Author and producer of the pilot project Exhibitions in Belgrade, a local web-site launched to draw attention to the richness of Belgrade's cultural offer – more than 160 exhibitions within just one month, including artistic, cultural-historical & sci-tech programs. Multi-year associate of artistic spaces Remont – independent artistic association and Street gallery, photo-collective Belgrade Raw and a non-government organizationTačka komunikacije. One of the initiators of an open platform Akumulator (, with the aim of improving the visibility of the art scene in Serbia, within which the annual award Pohvala was established for personal contribution to the development and significance of contemporary visual art practice in Serbia.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

LOW-FI VIDEO REMEMBERED Reviving the archive of a microcinema Aleksandra Sekulić & Ivica Đorđević Exploring the possibilities to adequately enable the archive of Low-Fi Video movement online, carefully developed to evoke the particular continuity of “radical amateurism” in SFR Yugoslavia The term Low-Fi Video (1997–2003) refers to the organized and coordinated production, distribution and presentation of film and video, whose models of production and representation, in continuity with Yugoslav cine-amateurism and in collaboration with the international movement Microcinema enabled involvement of self-organized, amateur, vernacular production together with artistic production in the process of production of a new language of alternative culture in Serbia. Exploring the possibilities to adequately enable the archive of Low-Fi Video movement online, carefully developed to evoke the particular continuity of “radical amateurism” in SFR Yugoslavia but at the same time intervening within the context of the alternative culture of the 1990s in Serbia, intensively intertwined with its contemporary media and political discourses, the online project has accumulated a certain number of video pieces and initiated a contextualization of the movement, by joining the video contributions from Media Archaeology and Kosmoplovci groups. In order to rise the development of the Low-Fi Video archive capillary data management and evoke the emancipatory models of cinema that movement revived in continuity with the cine-amateurism, Media Archaeology team will organize a live two-day event which will gather members of the movement from its original period and new artists and activists who can offer their contemporary response to the ideas of the movement.

Aleksandra Sekulić – PHD candidate in Theory of Art and Media, University of Arts, Belgrade.Master thesis: “Archiving as a Cultural Form: Creating Video Archives and Databases”. Program director in Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade. Member of the organization Media Archaeology in Belgrade, cooperative of Kosmoplovci collective. Ivica Đorđević – Master candidate for Audio and Video Engineer at The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, University of Belgrade. Video and film editor, as well as the author of numerous short films, some of them were awarded. Member of the organization Media Archaeology and music band FBD. Former Technical Coordinator at Alternative and Balkanima festivals in Belgrade. Aleksandra Sekulić and Ivica Đordjević, within the framework of the Media Archaeology platform, together with their team colleagues, have realized variety of programs and projects, among them are: Youth Culture in Yugoslavia, in 2011 with National Television of Serbia; Voting Machine with BKV, 2011; Possibility of Choice, 2010, Nadezda Petrovic Memorial; Media Archaeology: The Nineties, 2008/9.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

INITIATIVES Belgrade Self-organized Cultural Production Anica Vučetić One-day assembly of colleagues, involved in art and culture, discussing work conditions and functioning of the local visual arts scene. The marking points of our reality in Serbia over the past decades were: the war of the nineties in Yugoslavia, the transition to neoliberal capitalism, vanishing art market and the formation of the gray economy, harboring culture into the background (focus is on culture as a commodity), the flood of trash and primitivism at all levels (politics, media...), the closure of newsrooms for culture in the media, reducing the budgets for culture, repealed exhibition fees for visual artists (practicing art becomes an expensive hobby), collapse of artistic associations, the inability of artists to be professionally organized, in order to protect their rights and working conditions... One of important characteristics of Belgrade art-scene is associating. To provide an insight into a wider picture of situation in culture and a general diagnosis of the situation, I intend to include in research a number of close colleagues and associates in one-day assembly, to present and note their experiences and observations regarding work conditions and functioning of the local visual arts scene (artists, consumers, institutions, laws, money...). This would be outlined in the form of a large common "map", documented in photo and video material, as a result of our joint efforts.

Anica Vučetić – Born in 1962 in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, Serbia. Works on video installations and video environments. Education: University of Arts in Belgrade – Faculty of Fine Arts: Graduate Studies – Bachelor of Arts, Painting (1981/’86); Postgraduate Studies – Magister of Arts, Painting (1986/’89). Politika Award, for the best exhibition in 2008, Serbia. Selected Solo-shows: Nostalgia (1995), MAC USP Ibirapuera, São Paulo, Brazil; Environmental Works (1999) and Dreams about the Big Wave (2001), Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen, Germany; Video installations (2002), Galeria 23 y 10, ICAIC, Havana, Cuba; Compression (2006) and Flowing In (2009), Belgrade Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Serbia; Cut (2008), Art Gallery “Nadežda Petrović”, Čačak, Serbia; A Long Trip (2010), MoCA of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegowina; Flowing In (2011), Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia; The Big Wave (1997) and The Fall (2013), Salon of the MoCA Belgrade, A Long Trip (2015), Centre for Contemporary Art of Montenegro, Podgorica.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

City Guerilla SELF-ORGANIZED YOUTH IN URBAN ENVIRONMENT City Guerilla members Young people gain and exchange new skills and knowledge necessary for strengthening self-sustainability and self-organizing in the urban environment. Within the Actopolis Project, City Guerilla will apply and convey the experience gained in Savamala throughout the past six years on other city neighbourhoods, join new networks with the self-organized cultural scene of Belgrade, analyze their results so far and provide a critical overview of what has been done in previous years by making and presenting its archive as a workshop learning process, a public exhibition and a publication, thus defining the guidelines of the association's future development.


City Guerilla is a creative laboratory which rests on the following principles: self-organized youth, their creative association, peer and alternative education, exchanging a wide range of skills, knowledge and ideas. Synergy of these versatile factors forms specific creative spaces to apply various ideas in the fields of art and social activism. During six years of the project more than hundred young people from Belgrade were given an opportunity to put their ideas into action by allowing them to gain experience through self-organizing during the process of implementation of the project they devised themselves: Right to a City – improving your own urban environment. Between 2010 and 2015 there were many exhibitions, installations, workshops (in collaboration with local and international artists), debates, lectures, concerts, creative and environmental events and interventions in public spaces, research projects, regional and international events and workshops. There were also two international working meetings supported by "Youth in Action" EU program.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

REHEARSAL Irena Ristić As if inquiry that results in the polymedia work about modelling self-organized cultural scene in Belgrade. In the context of “great divides” in which Belgrade’s cultural scene reproduces the existing social relations, what is evident is the vast fragmentation and focus on different, more or less, convincing attempts of individual entities to sustain themselves and consolidate regardless, and perhaps even precisely because, of weakening of others. Such induced relations resulted in a high degree of disunity; the situation has been radicalised and this point even maintains the system from which it formed. In perseverance of many independent organisations we have come to negate the self-organisation in its very domain. Thus the question of what self-organized cultural scene is gets consequently replaced by its conditional form: what could it be? Why should it exist, what would it aim for, on which principles would it function? Can we even begin to imagine it? What would it look like if we tried? The plan is to have multiple artists and cultural workers answer the line of questioning aimed at articulating a new construct. Their answers would then be used as a starting point for the polymedia work in which the focus would be to question the needs of involved participants, as well possible models for self-organized cultural scene in Belgrade.

Irena Ristić is a researcher and art maker. She leads Hop.La! and teaches psychology and psychology of art at Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Main productions: "Thus Spoke Irena Ristic" (Rex, 2015), "Careful Observation" (Rex, 2014), “Unpaired” (Rex, 2012) “process_K” (CC Grad, 2011), "Appetite" (57th DSFFB, 2010), "Room of the Little Fears" (Rex, 2009), "Saga" (CZKD, 2006), "Autopsy" (MSUB, 2005), “On the way…” (Washerei P, Hall in Tyrol), etc. Books: “Beginning and the end of creative process” (2011) and “Psychology of creativity” (2013). Focus: poly media and participatory works, social experiments and interdisciplinary research of arts

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

WALL NEWSPAPER Editors – KURS (Miloš Miletić and Mirjana Radovanović) Wall Newspaper is a visual and informative media form that considers different social issues. The main goal of Wall Newspapers is to increase the visibility of the contents that critically assess the processes of neo-liberal capitalism, by producing sharp-cut texts and illustrations. We have perceived the form of a wall newspapers as a way of intervening in public space, that would have a greater effect on a broader public. Wall Newspaper was initiated in 2013, during the campaign Culture On Strike which was organised by the Association Independent Culture Scene of Serbia. Wall Newspaper is being distributed in a number cities in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.

KURS (founded in 2010) is an organization that examines wider social problems by means of artistic production. KURS acts through various visual forms, primarily through producing murals, illustrations, wall newspapers and video reports. The main aim of KURS is to produce educational and informative content framed by artistic language and presented in some form of artistic expressions. Even though KURS is primarily associated with artistic production as a way of expression and articulation, in our work we also strive to join the political struggle and to bring about the cooperation with left-orientated organizations.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

GAUDEAMUS IGITUR: SELF-ORGANIZED ARTIST IN THE STATE OF DOMESTIC AGORAPHOBIA Mariela Cvetić The project Gaudeamus igitur: self-organized artist in the state of domestic agoraphobia is artist’s book titled Gaudeamus igitur and edited in limited edition. Public lecture that presents the work will be a part of the project. The artist’s book consists of photos of piles and floors in general from all the institutions the artist have passed through in the process of becoming self-organized individual-artist who constitutes own artistic practice. The following text in the book is popular academic song mainly performed at university/school graduation ceremonies – Gaudeamus igitur. The project therefore questions the role of (educational) institutions in the age of self-organization in art.

Mariela Cvetić – PhD is an artist and art theorist. She is associate professor at University in Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture and guest professor at University of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies of Arts and Media. Her artistic practice and theoretical work explore the relationship between subject and space. She is an author of many solo and group exhibitions and member of author’s team whose floor installation wonhlich was selected to represent Republic of Serbia on 11th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, 2008. She is the author of the book Das Unheimliche: Psychoanalitic and Cultural Theories of Space (Das Unheimliche: psihoanalitičke i kulturalne teorije prostora (Beograd, 2011) and The Artist’s Book/Umetnikova knjiga, (Beograd, 2013)).

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

REMONT – CASE STUDY Description of the Position Marija Radoš / Miroslav Karić There is a need to illuminate unsustainable conditions of cultural models in order to redefine them and find a way to bring them back to social environment as its organic part. Remont exists since 1999 as an independent, self-organized structure. The most important thing which Remont stuff had to work out through their practice is to operate within unstable, changeable, undefined environment and, at the very same time, to stay a support for many others. Many layers of unstable environment – geo-political, social, cultural, global, local, personal… lead to paradoxical everyday situations which require flexible reactions and sometimes truly personal decision making. On this occasion we will try to depict and analyze paradoxical, blurred, gray-zone situations from our everyday working experience in some kind of open textual form or correspondence among actors. Assumptions: - Old floating cultural models in new environmental constellations are partly or totally non functional - Cultural initiatives and public should find a way to overcome simple, prevalent consuming models - Everything can start by admitting and depicting invalid situations - Redefined needs and roles should lead to new, non-functional models

Marija Radoš (Belgrade, 1977) – Graduated from Faculty of Philosophy, History of Art Department, Belgrade University 2005. Since 2005 works within Remont – Independent Artistic Association based in Belgrade as art manager, curator, PR. Colaborated on many local, regional and international projects. Besides engagement in Remont association she is also author of several curatorial projects, exhibitions’ texts, art selections and also a member of several artistic boards – Remont Gallery, Blok Gallery, Youth Cultural Center Belgrade, November Salon (Čačak)... Miroslav Karić (1975) – holds a BA in Art History from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (2000) and since 2001 has been a secretary and curator at the Remont-Independent Art Association. Miroslav has been a member of the editorial team of Remont Art Magazine and also in period from 2004 – 2010 he was regularly editing the Exhibitions section in the monthly cultural guide Yellow Cab Belgrade. Last fiftheen years Karić has been professionally engaged as curator, cordinator/organizer and PR on contemporary art and cultural projects. Recent activities includes: Art in Serbia since 2000, Donumenta festival, Regensburg; Ex–ordinary, collaborative exhibition project/ workshops with regional curators and artists, Kanjiza, Belgrade, Sarajevo, Podgorica; Sensing Realities (curatorial project with Sasa Janjic), Galerie B -312, Montreal

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

druga scena – self-organized platform of independent scene in Belgrade Marijana Cvetković druga scena / other scene was among the first self-organized networks of organizations and individuals who were active in the field of contemporary arts. Its creation came as a response to the then articulated cultural policies of the first post-Milosevic governments and their clear liberal orientation. druga scena, based in Belgrade, was gathered around regular critical discussions on the current policies and processes, claiming the space for independent scene. This research will try to uncover reasons for the deletion from public memory of druga scena and will found its arguments in the ideology shift in early 2000s in Serbia.

Marijana Cvetković − Cultural worker and activist. Co-founder of Station Service for contemporary dance and Nomad Dance Academy, Balkan platform for development of contemporary dance and performing arts. Lecturer at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Works with museums. Publishes texts and edites books on dance, performing arts, cultural policy and musuems. Main interests are in the fields of independent culture, contemporary performing arts, museum studies and cultural policiy. All these fields are approached through critical theory and practice, institutional critique and transdisciplinarity.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

KAMENDYNAMICS A Scheme Depiction of Class Struggle in Kamendin Nebojša Milikić & Tadej Kurepa How to visualize and possibly contextualize with a mural the class relations and dynamics in periphery capitalism? The activist research explores the possibility of realization of the mural about class relations and class struggle in the neighbourhood Kamendin in the suburb of Zemun polje, where large numbers of poor people, particularly Roma families, are situated in social apartments. The research and documentary approach is focused both on relations towards problems of class society on the capitalist periphery and on communal or institutional capacities for realization of a critical political work in public space. The idea will be discussed with inhabitants of Kamendin, local authorities and the institutions in charge for social housing.

Nebojša Milikić − Cultural worker, researcher and activist. Involved in organizational, artistic and curatorial practice in visual and socially engaged arts. Participates in research projects and activist campaigns. Occasionally writes about cultural and artistic production. Works in Cultural Center Rex in Belgrade, as the initiator and coordinator of the debate programs. Tadej Kurepa − Journalist from Belgrade. He is the coordinator of Cultural Center REX and works on projects "Who Builds the City", "Speech programs" and “Corners of Europe”. His professional interests are media, publishing, cultural theory and the theory of ideology. The area of his closest interest is political cinema and film in general as means of political communication.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

EXPIRATION DATE Disappearance of Cultural Institution as a Function of Investment Cycle Nikola Radić Lucati Inherent instability of institutional memory on the case study of Serbian cultural institutions. The starting point of the documentary-analytical artwork proposed, intends to treat the inherent instability of institutional memory on the case study of Serbian cultural institutions. The production of the term “memory” will be traced over its twofold position: its disappearance, dependent on impermanent social structures – personal, generationally structured memory, the effects of the process of economic and digital rot, eroding the pre-digital, pre-liberal cultural institutions in Serbia. The counterpoint to these processes framing the impermanence of culture will be the investment in the structuring of Serbian national narrative through projections of dominant socio/economic narratives of the investors – nations and international bodies, by charting their shifting focus and goals.

Nikola Radić Lucati − is an artist who has been exhibiting regularly since 1994. He taught multimedia art at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts in Jerusalem and photography at the Camera Obscura and Kalisher colleges in Tel Aviv. He explores the intersections of history, human rights and culture through prisms of photography, text and installation. Has focused his recent work on the issues of Holocaust history and remembrance as the right to minority self-interpretation and representation.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

U10 ART COLLECTIVE GROUP EXHIBITION OF SEVEN ARTISTS U10 Art Collective (Lidija Delić, Marija Šević, Iva Kuzmanović, Isidora Krstić, Sava Knežević, Nina Ivanović, Nemanja Nikolić) Seven artists will present their artwork and themselves as organizers, curators and members of the art collective through one group show. In the framework of the project Acropolis, the Art Collective U10 will realize seven individual art works on the theme of self-organization. Completed works will be presented at the exhibition, with a discussion and presentation of experiences to date of the artistic group in the field of self-organization.

U10 Art Collective − Art Space U10 opened on 3 May 2012 as an independent exhibition space. The first exhibition titled 10+1 opened the space to the Belgrade public with an appeal to novel and quality contemporary art. A self-organized team was put together for this occasion consisting of Isidora Krstić, Iva Kuzmanovic, Lidija Delić, Marija Šević, Nina Ivanović, Sava Knežević and Nemanja Nikolić who is also the initiator of the project. The fundamental point of the art space is to promote young artists at the beginning of their artistic careers who haven’t had the opportunity to be adequately presented to the local public. The presence of all forms of artistic media so far created a vibrant and dynamic program which allowed the space to be transformed according to each artists own facet of artistic practice. Up to this date, over sixty solo and group exhibitions have been carried out along with other events such as public guidings, debates and concerts. In 2015, U10 has been presented at few group shows, festivals, and art fairs: LISTE Art Fair Basel; Kolarac Take Over, Kolarac Foundation, Belgrade; “Beyond Space”, gallery Hanikah, Sarajevo Winter Festival; U10 at Parallel Vienna and U10 at Budapest Art Market.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

HOW TO ORGANIZE AN ORGANIZATION Urban Incubator members in cooperation with the City Guerilla members Self-organizational capacity building programme for young people active in the field of urban development and improvement. Within the Actopolis Project, Urban Incubator will develop a capacity building programme based on generational and non-formal learning methods in order to help young people improve the self-organizational, leading, management and communication skills. The target group are young people active in the field of urban development and improvement, working actively with other young people, already running or on the way to establish a new organization or non-formal group. In colaboration with City Guerilla.


Urban Incubator − Urban Incubator association stands for an independent, non-governmental and non-profit association oriented to urban development and improvement of contemporary cities as well as creating learning, research and idea exchange in the realm of architecture, urbanism, design, culture and art. The goals of the Association are professional research of contemporary cities, education of architects, urban planners, designers, artists and other experts, students and citizens, capacity building of associations dealing with planning and development of modern cities and rising of awareness and the possibility of city area improvement. In the first two years the NGO has developed and included projects that are investigating Savamala (the urban, architectural, historic, visual, acoustic, social and other specific phenomena of the area), are active for at least three months and visible to the public. The projects allowed for knowledge transfer among international and local experts and/or between experts and inhabitants and have been designed for long-term impact in the area.

ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

indivisible unalienable socially owned propriety in relation to knowledge, physical and social capital and ways of self-organisation Vahida Ramujkić / Noa Treister Normalization of private propriety in all spheres of social relations and human existence constantly adjourns us from imagining any other concept of propriety. Socially owned propriety is a guarantee for self-governance and self-management as well as for the protection of common societal regards; contrary to self-organization driven by joint individual/private interests. Privatization concerns not only material propriety like equipment and real-estate or mean of production such as factories and internet based social networks but is also ownership of work capital along with symbolic capital and means of production of historical narratives or cultural values privatized through authorship, expertise and excellence. Normalization of private propriety in all spheres of social relations and human existence constantly adjourns us from imagining any other concept of propriety. Two round tables on the topic of socially owned propriety in relation to knowledge, physical or financial capital, ways of self-organisation and social capital will be organised in public space.

Vahida Ramujkić − is artist and activist born and living in Belgrade. Long-term research projects that she mostly do evolve in time passing through different stages, and taking different forms and formats: books, events, workshops, etc. Conceived as collaborative processes/practices her artwork/research turns around designing protocols for augmenting and employing skills and knowledge for establishing new social relations trough creatve work/engagement. In 2001 she co-founded the Rotorrr collective in Barcelona with Laia Sadurni. Until 2008 they have undergone series of collaborative researches, staged events and produced works in public space related to the ongoing urban transformations in Barcelona neighborhoods (Explorations Poble NOW, Sculptures’ Climbing Olympics, Telechronicas, AirAutonomy, Manual GPS, etc). Research in the field of EU foreign policy concluded in a book: Schengen with ease (2006). Her most important long term and ongoing projects are Disputed Histories (since 2007), history textbook library and a series of workshops that compare and analyze opposed historic narratives and Documentary Embroidery (since 2008), a project and a technique for documenting social reality from multiple perspectives. Noa Treister − an artist, curator and activist whose work is dedicated to articulation of various possibilities of economic and political relations and scission in society. Finished the Bezalel Art and Design Academy in Jerusalem, Israel and currently is taking Postgraduate studies at the Media and communication program of the European Graduate School. Noa focuses on rethinking socio-economic-political issues in both curatorial and artistic projects. Since 2011 she is a founding member of the Ignorant Schoolmaster and its committees – a platform for self-education. In that framework she is the co-author and leading member of Naming IT War – cooperation of war participants and anti-war activist of the 90s‘ War against Yugoslavia; a member of Legal Help for Workers’Fighting against Privatization and for Workers’ Rights and a funding member of the cooperative Proleterka. Other projects: “Spacing” – 2011 Oktober salon, Belgrade,“Art Interventions: The Return of the Gastarbajters” – Kučevo, Serbia 2007/ Požarevac, Serbia 2008-2010;“Women Factory” – Majdanpek, Serbia 2008-10; “Art Interventions: Sex in Transition”, Kučevo, Serbia 2008-9; “Art Interventions: Between Town and villages”, Majdanpek, 2006; “Employment”, group exhibition, 2003/ 4, Prague, Czech Republic.

imp reS sum ACTOPOLIS | The Art of Action A project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane K端nste Ruhr Production Goethe-Institut Belgrad

Media support:

ACTOPOLIS | ART OF ACTION Project by Goethe-Institut and Urbane Künste Ruhr Head of project: Juliane Stegner (Goethe-Institut Athens) • Concept: Angelika Fitz • Artistic directors: Katja Aßmann; Angelika Fitz; Martin Fritz • Project coordination: Natalia Sartori (Goethe-Institut Athens) • Project management / Urbane Künste Ruhr: Daniel Klemm • Design © NODE Berlin Oslo • Co-Production: Goethe-Institut Ankara: Thomas Lier / Raimund Wördemann, Goethe-Institut Belgrad: Matthias Müller-Wieferig, Goethe-Institut Bucharest: Beate Köhler, Evelin Hust, Goethe-Institut Bosnia and Herzegovina: Charlotte Hermelink, Goethe-Institut Croatia: Katrin Ostwald-Richter, Theater Oberhausen: Peter Carp • Curators: Ankara/Mardin: Pelin Tan, Athens: Elpida Karaba / Glykeria Stathopoulou, Belgrade: Boba Mirjana Stojadinović, Bucharest: Stefan Gheniciulescu / Raluca Voinea, Oberhausen: geheimagentur, Sarajevo: Danijela Dugandžić, Zagreb: Ana Dana Beroš ACTOPOLIS BELGRADE • Co-Production: Goethe-Institut Belgrad • Head of project: dr Matthias Müller-Wieferig • Curator: M.F.A. Boba Mirjana Stojadinović • City Guerilla and Urban Incubator project coordinator: Zorica Milisavljević • Secretariat: Milica Lalić • Coordinator: Sunčica Šido • Participants: Aleksandar Nikolić, Aleksandra Sekulić & Ivica Đorđević, Anica Vučetić, Irena Ristić, KURS, Mariela Cvetić, Marija Radoš & Miroslav Karić (Remont), Marijana Cvetković, Nebojša Milikić & Tadej Kurepa, Nikola Radić Lucati, U10 Art Collective, Vahida Ramujkić & Noa Treister, City Guerilla, Urban Incubator • PR: Ana Đokić • Blog contributions: Sandra Stojanović • Photographer: Marija Piroški • Layout: Kristina Pavlak

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