Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design

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Xuemei Wu

I am deeply committed to creating environments that embody a vision for a sustainable and resilient future. Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a passion for sustainable environmental design, focusing on integrating methodologies that actively mitigate the impacts of climate change. Each project I undertake presents an opportunity to implement practices that enhance the built environment while contributing to the broader Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

My work emphasizes innovative solutions that incorporate renewable resources, energy efficiency, and ecological enhancement. By prioritizing green building materials and urban biodiversity, I strive to create designs that significantly reduce carbon footprints and improve community well-being.

From the beginning of my career, I have been driven to understand how design can address the challenges of climate change. My academic background and professional experiences have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of sustainable design's complexities. I have continually sought to expand my knowledge of sustainable practices, renewable energy systems, and environmental design principles.

Sustainable Building Energy Process

Site: Genoa, Italy

Date: 09/ 2022 - 01/ 2023

This project intended to serve as a unique school welcoming students of all ages, along with their parents. The design process began with a thorough analysis of the natural environment, including wind patterns, rainfall, and sun paths, using advanced tools like QGIS and Rhino.

The core of the project lies in the sustainable energy building design. I strategically incorporated features to optimize natural ventilation and regulate sunlight exposure during different seasons. Rainfall collection systems were integrated for daily use, and an efficient passive cooling and warming system was employed to minimize energy consumption while maximizing reuse.

Structure material selections were crucial in enhancing the building’s sustainability. I used energy-saving walls and windows, alongside a green roof equipped with solar panels. These panels capture solar energy, which is then used to power the indoor spaces. Finally, the Building Life Cycle Assessment was applied as a key evaluation method to ensure long-term sustainability and efficiency of the building.


The design is centered around maximizing energy efficiency and environmental harmony through the strategic use of passive heating and cooling methods.

Cooling Methods:

During warmer months, passive cooling strategies are employed to maintain comfort without air conditioning. The building’s thermal mass,absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night, aided by natural air exchange. Cross-ventilation allows cool air to enter low and warm air to escape high, naturally cooling the interior. A green roof enhances cooling by providing insulation and mitigating the urban heat island effect through evapotranspiration. Additionally, strategically placed shading devices like overhangs and louvers prevent direct sunlight from overheating the interior, ensuring a cool environment even in peak summer.

Warming Methods:

In colder months, the building's thermal mass absorbs heat from sunlight during the day, thanks to large windows and optimal solar gain. As temperatures drop at night, the stored heat is gradually released, keeping the interior warm without relying on additional heating systems. This passive heating approach enhances energy efficiency. Additionally, the rainwater collection system not only conserves water but also helps regulate the building's microclimate, indirectly supporting both passive cooling and heating strategies for a more sustainable and efficient environment.


Urban and Environment Design

Site: Barcelona,Spain

Date: 02/ 2023 - 07/ 2023

This Urban and Environmental Design project aligns with SDGs 3, 11, and 13, focusing on creating a sustainable, resilient city,responding to the climate change crisis.

I employed Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) across meso , micro and nano scales, integrating green infrastructure, urban forests, and sustainable transport to enhance biodiversity and reduce carbon emissions. Neighborhood revitalization included green roofs, vertical gardens, and ecological car parking to improve air quality and lower the city’s carbon footprint.

Detailed environmental assessments quantified the impact of vegetation in absorbing CO 2 , SO 2 , and O 3 ,further contributing to pollution reduction and a healthier urban ecosystem.

Green Spaces Fragmentation

Building Aging Problem

Better Sustainable Infrastructure

New Green Corridor

New Ecological Protection Park

High Energy Consumption

Excessive Non-permeable Surfaces

Noise Pollution and Air Pollution

The core of the project involves designing a new green infrastructure plan along the key axis stretching from the western part of the city to the center. This plan is underpinned by the strategic application of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) across three scales: meso,micro and nano, each tailored to address the specific challenges and opportunities at different levels of urban development.

Meso Strategies:

At the meso level, the focus is on broad urban planning that connects the city through a network of green corridors and urban forests. They act as ecological corridors that enhance biodiversity by providing habitats and migration pathways for various species, and they help in sequestering carbon, thereby contributing to the city’s climate action goals.

Additionally, the plan includes the promotion of sustainable transportation options, such as creating dedicated cycling paths, and enhancing pedestrian-friendly zones.These initiatives aim to reduce the city’s reliance on private vehicles, thereby cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality.

Micro Strategies:

The micro scale targets neighborhood-level interventions designed to revitalize and make communities more sustainable.The project emphasizes urban agriculture and public parklands as key components of sustainable neighborhood revitalization.

Urban agriculture initiatives, including community gardens and public farms,providing local food sources and fostering community engagement, which help reduce the urban heat island effect, improve air quality, and promote social interaction. Additionally, the development of public parklands enhances access to recreational areas, increases biodiversity, and supports mental and physical wellbeing.

Nano Strategies:

At the nano scale, the project focuses on fine-grained urban interventions that contribute to the overall sustainability and livability of the city. Urban greening is a key strategy here, involving the planting of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation in streetscapes, parks, and even on building facades.

The vegetation is carefully selected for its ability to absorb pollutants such as CO2, SO2, and O3, while releasing oxygen, thus directly improving air quality. This green infrastructure not only contributes to the reduction of urban heat islands but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the city, making it a more pleasant place to live.


Green ways
Urban forest
Green facade
Green roof
Urban agriculture
New green connrction point
New green way
Existing green way
Running way
Hiking way

Furthermore, detailed environmental impact assessments were conducted to quantify the benefits of these micro-scale interventions. Calculations were made to determine how much CO2, SO2, and O3 the planted vegetation could absorb, and how much oxygen they could release, demonstrating the tangible environmental benefits of the project.

These assessments also provided data to inform future urban planning and policy decisions, ensuring that the city continues to move towards a more sustainable and low-carbon future.

Smart and Low Carbon Mobility

Site: Piacenza, Italy

Date: 02/ 2024 - 06/ 2024

This Smart and Low Carbon Emission Mobility Design project in Piacenza, Italy, focuses on transforming urban transportation by reducing air pollution and carbon emissions while enhancing mobility efficiency. Our approach is grounded in the analysis of Piacenza’s climatopes— areas with distinct microclimates—to tailor strategies that address the city’s specific environmental challenges.

The core of the project is the development of a smarter mobility system that integrates Mass Rapid Transit Systems (MRTS) with Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms. This integration is designed to optimize public transport usage, reduce the reliance on private vehicles, and lower overall carbon emissions. By creating a seamless, user-friendly interface for commuters, we aim to make sustainable transportation more accessible and convenient for all residents.

Additionally, we have developed a comprehensive roadmap for the future of smart mobility in Piacenza. This roadmap outlines the steps necessary to implement advanced technologies, such as electric vehicle infrastructure, autonomous transit solutions, and real-time data analytics, to further enhance the city's mobility system.


Piacenza, a historic city with a growing population, faces challenges related to urban mobility and environmental sustainability. The city’s current reliance on private vehicles contributes to air pollution, traffic congestion, and high carbon emissions.

To address these issues, Piacenza aims to transition to a smart, sustainable, and low-carbon mobility system that enhances the quality of life for residents and reduces its environmental carbon footprint.


MRTS-MaaS Full Integration: Complete the integration of MRTS with the MaaS platform, enabling seamless, multimodal journeys across various transport modes.

Urban Green Corridors: Develop urban green corridors and expand public parklands along transport routes to enhance air quality, biodiversity, and shade for active transportation.

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: Begin the widespread installation of EV charging stations, focusing on hightraffic areas, public transport hubs, and residential zones.

Urban Mobility Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current mobility landscape, identifying key areas for improvement and opportunities for reducing emissions.

MRTS Expansion: Begin the expansion of the Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS), including the development of new bus rapid transit (BRT) lines and improvements to existing public transport infrastructure.

Cycling and Walking Infrastructure: Invest in the development of dedicated cycling lanes and pedestrian pathways, particularly connecting residential areas with major employment centers, schools, and public spaces.

Smart Mobility Platform Launch: Introduce the first phase of the MaaS platform, allowing residents to access public transport, cycling, and car-sharing services through a single app.


By 2034, Piacenza will become a smart, low-carbon emission city with an integrated, efficient, and sustainable urban mobility system. The city will be characterized by reduced reliance on private vehicles, increased use of public and active transportation, and significant reductions in carbon emissions.

Piacenza will promote accessibility, connectivity, and environmental stewardship, ensuring that all residents have access to clean, efficient, and affordable mobility options.

Complete Public Transport Electrification: Achieve 100% electrification of the public transport fleet, significantly reducing the city’s carbon footprint.

Long-Term Sustainability Plan: Develop and begin implementing a long-term sustainability plan, focusing on continuous improvements in mobility, air quality, and urban resilience beyond 2034.

Smart Traffic Management: Implement smart traffic management systems that optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and prioritize public and active transportation.

Zero-Emission Zones: Designate specific areas in the city center as zero-emission zones, restricted to electric vehicles, public transport, and active transportation only.

Advanced Urban Agriculture: Further integrate urban agriculture and community gardens into green corridors and public spaces, contributing to local food production and improved air quality.

MaaS Platform Expansion: Expand the MaaS platform to include ridesharing, car-sharing, and electric scooter services, providing more sustainable mobility options.


•Reduced Carbon Emissions: Achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions from the transport sector by 2034.

• Increased Public Transport Use: Double the share of trips made by public transport by 2034.

•Enhanced Active Transportation: Significantly increase the number of cycling and walking trips by 2034.

•Improved Air Quality: Achieve significant reductions in air pollutants, including NO 2, PM 10, and CO2

•Smart Mobility Integration: Full integration of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) with Mass Rapid Transit Systems (MRTS), enabling seamless, sustainable travel across the city.

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