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Dublin, Ireland

Research Support for an Automated Analysis of Sustainable Development Goal 15 Host entity UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development Country Türkiye Duration /8 weeks Assignment status End of assignment Assignment id/1709800098579712 /Duty station Volunteer category Related DoA /DOA-Assignment/1709432856373521 OSDG is a joint initiative of IICPSD’s SDG AI Lab, PPMI and a growing community of researchers that aims at developing an open-source and transparent tool for classifying texts according to SDGs. The initiative brings together experts in the areas of Sustainable Development, Data Science and Digital Transformation to solve various SDG-related problems using cutting-edge tools and methodologies. To date, we have initiated work in three major areas, namely ontology building, data collection and machine learning. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) classification tool. They will be invited to regularly participate in SDG 15 data annotation and text labelling exercises via a newly built Community Platform. The volunteers will be able to help us develop a common understanding of SDGs while deepening their own knowledge of the topic. The results of their work will not only improve the OSDG tool, but also enable international organizations, companies and academics around the world to advance their research on sustainability and help to more accurately define the contribution of various research fields to SDGs.
