Ddf landscape m1 journal

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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M1 JOURNAL - Mengli Pi 743074 Josh Group 7


Measured Drawings

Elevations of half-open paper lantern and folded form.

Horizontal Elevantion of the lantern and the direction it operates.

Deconstructed Parts - 2 x paper tape to fix the top and bottom ends of lantern, 2 x metal bone to add stiffness to the paper structure meanwhile play as handles to unfold the lantern, 1x card bone to add stiffness to the paper struture.


Deconstructed Part- 4 x paper sheets (480 mmx 370mm), 25 folds each, formming the main body of the lantern.

The lantern is half-open and put down onaA2sheetfacingdowntobetraced. Thedimensionsofthelandternaremeasured on the tracing sheet. The half-open elevations was drawn first,andtheotherdrawingarebasedon someofthedimensionsmeasuredinthe Half-open elevation.

After the dimensions needed were acquired,thelanternisdeconstructedin to component parts. To create a component sheet. Single partsarelaidonanA2sheetandtraced around dimensions are also measured based on the tracing. The lantern consists of 1 x Curved Card Bone. 2 x Curved Metal bone. 2 x Paper Tape. 4 x Folded(25 folds each) Paper Sheet ( 480 mm x 370 mm)



Each folded sheet is devided into 26 strips. The 2 ends of the sheet are compressed tightly togetherandbendverticallyintoaquarter-sphere, as a quarter of the main body of the lantern. These four reshaped sheets are glued together , withpapertapesfixingitstwoendsandcardbone, metal bone stiffening its shape.

The material system of the lantern is actually [anel and fold intead of skin and bone, although it does have “skin’ and “bone”. Each strip is created by simply folding the paper sheet and it is actually panels interms of the material system. The structure is created by folding and unfolding these panels.


This series of sketches show how the lantern operates within the scale of half open.

This sketch show How the lantern is assembled.


Digital Model

3D Model of fully unfolded lantern.


Using circle and ellipse to define the width of each panel

Right elevation of single fold

Single fold profile shaded Trim off redundant half

Adjust angle on Z axis to create a single fold profile

ArrayPolar the single fold to the fully expanded lantern.


Reconfigured Model

The tracing papers are folded to add stiffness

Theendsaeslicedapartalongthefoldsto provide

Testing the boundaries of the stiffness of the folded and the flexibility of


the connections.

In this reconfiguration, I imitated the way the paper was folded in the lantern.However,thewaythelantern wasfoldedgavemetheideaofexperimentingwiththefoldingpatternsand the flexibility of the connections. Thepaperwasfirstlyfoldedandsliced attheedgetocreateflexibleconnections, which also helps to distort the naturallystraight-linedformofthepaper,thereforecreatingcertainvolumes. Moreover,thefoldsprovidechancefor movementslikeshrinkingandexpanding as well.


Sketch Design #1 Contrast, safety , flexible, personalised.

How does this respond to your personal space? Thefoldedpanelonthetwosidesofthepodhaveasharp,edgytexture,whichmakesthe users feel that their personal space is well protected without losing control of communicating with external environment.


Sketch Design #2 Rotation, Seperate, parallel, personalised.

How does this respond to your personal space? Personalspaceisapersonalthing,individualsmayhavedifferentstandardsforpersonal space.Thissleepingpodisformedbymanyringswithagaponeachofthem,whichcould be arranged in desired postions by simply rotating them.


Sketch Design #3 Sliding, extension, re-oriented.

How does this respond to your personal space? Individuals are sensitive about different parts of their bodies, which means that people needmoreorlesspersonalspacefordifferentpartsoftheirbody.Thissleepingpodallows users to define which parts of their body need better protection.


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