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Creating a Sustainable Future for the Communities of Renfrewshire

We have and continue to have an established and valued partnering relationship with the Council and the communities of Renfrewshire. Extending back to 2015 with the construction of St Paul’s Primary School & Foxlea Early Learning and Childcare Centre, to the recently completed National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland (NMIS), delivered to Net Zero standards, and the current exciting refurbishment and renovation of Paisley Town Hall.

On all our projects, we develop and implement an extensive range of education, employment and training initiatives that ensure tangible Social Value is distributed throughout the region, leaving a lasting legacy where communities continue to benefit long after our projects have been completed. By way of example, on our NMIS and Paisley Town Hall projects we delivered 29 new apprenticeships, 206 weeks of work experience, 597 hours dedicated to career support in local schools, and 121 hours of local volunteering schemes. These achievements have led to a staggering £24m of Social Value created, all of which has benefited the communities of Renfrewshire.

Our most recent initiative was undertaken in partnership with Renfrewshire Council and Invest in Renfrewshire and involved the creation of a bespoke training programme for summer school leavers. The aim of the programme is to provide them with the necessary resources and guidance on the range of opportunities within the construction sector upon leaving school. This involved taking students around the Paisley Town Hall project where our Site Manager delivered a detailed analysis of the works, followed by a presentation on how we can support them, moving forward, through our continued work in Renfrewshire.

The value and benefit of these initiatives and accomplishments was recently recognised by the Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce through the honour of receiving the ‘Invest in Renfrewshire’ accolade at the most recent ROCCO Awards.These achievements have us strongly positioned to continue our valuable work in Renfrewshire. Indeed, we are committed to further expanding and developing innovative offerings through our most recently awarded project, the Paisley Grammar School Community Campus. This provides us with another opportunity to demonstrate our passion and continued commitment to create opportunity and a better future for the communities of Renfrewshire.

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