Nakladnik Ecos Za nakladnika Anto Rajković Uredništvo Kolektiv poduzeća Ecos Grafičko oblikovanje, prijelom i naslovnica Marketing Ecos Lektura Matea Rajković Prijevod Ivana Mašunić Fotografija Foxmedia, arhiv poduzeća Ecos, privatni arhivi djelatnika Tisak Grafotisak Naklada 1000 primjeraka Godina 2013.
Osvrti Reviews
Anto Rajković vlasnik i generalni direktor owner and managing director
Ono što čovjeka najviše može činiti sretnim i ponosnim je kada vidi sreću i zadovoljstvo svojih bližnjih. U ovom trenutku, petnaest godina nakon što sam osnovao poduzeće Ecos, ja to uistinu mogu i reći. Ponosan sam u prvom redu na svoju užu obitelj, a potom i na svih 120 djelatnika, na njihove sposobnosti, vještine i lojalnost, jer vjerujem kako je upravo kombinacija ovih vrlina pravi recept za dugoročan uspjeh jednog poduzeća. Ponosan sam i na naše kupce i dobavljače te vjerujem kako velikim dijelom svoj uspjeh dugujemo i njima.
What can mostly make a person happy and proud is to see happiness and satisfaction of the ones closest to him. In this moment, fifteen years after founding the company Ecos, I can truly say that. I am primarily proud of my closest family and then of all of my 120 employees, of their abilities, skills and loyalty, because I believe that exactly the combination of these virtues is a true recipe for the long-term success of one company. I am also proud of our customers and suppliers and I believe that we greatly owe our success to them as well.
Često volim naglasiti kako su ugodna radna atmosfera, dobra komunikacija i kvalitetni međuljudski odnosi unutar organizacije možda i od krucijalne važnosti za uspješno poslovanje. Gledajući zadovoljne osmijehe na licima svoje obitelji, na licima djelatnika Ecosa iz dana u dan čini mi se da je ova moja, naša, velika obitelj zaista i sretna
I often like to emphasize that pleasant working atmosphere, good communication and quality human relations within organization are perhaps of a crucial value for the successful performance of business. Looking from day to day at the satisfied smiles on the faces of my family, on the faces of Ecos’ employees it seems to me that this my, our, big family is happy indeed.
Dr. Gerhard Glinzerer direktor i vlasnik poduzeća Herz d.d. owner and managing director Herz d.d.
Kada me moj prijatelj Anto Rajković pitao da za monografiju o 15 godina postojanja poduzeća Ecos napišem nekoliko riječi o našem prijateljstvu i dugogodišnjoj suradnji, postao sam svjestan koliko godina se poznajemo i zajedno radimo.
When my friend Anto Rajković asked me to write a few words about our friendship and long-standing collaboration for the monography on 15 years of existence of Ecos company, I became aware for how many years we knew each other and worked together.
Naša suradnja je od samih početaka i malih nesnalaženja prešla u današnju izvrsnu suradnju sa zajedničkim projektima, suradnju s obostranim razumijevanjem, a Ecos je u međuvremenu postao jedan od najvećih partnera.
Our collaboration went from the very beginnings and small disorientations to the nowadays excellent collaboration with mutual projects, collaboration with mutual understanding and Ecos has, in the meantime, become one of the biggest partners.
U lipnju 2010. godine imao sam priliku sudjelovati u Vitezu na “Danima trgovine 2010”. Razmišljao sam što reći. Ja, koji sam najveći dio svog djelovanja radio u uređenim i stabilnim europskim okvirima i tržištima. Što reći ljudima koji su u poslijeratnim uvjetima imali hrabrosti, viziju, trud i volju napraviti ekonomsko čudo u Vitezu. To sam tada i rekao, a i danas mislim: ja bih imao što naučiti od Franje, Ante, Pere, Nikole, Dragana i drugih hrabrih ljudi iz Viteza, kako se u teškim, gotovo nenormalnim uvjetima, grade uspješne, moderne, europske firme sa dobrom budućnošću. Ljudi koji su to uspjeli u Vitezu, uspješno mogu raditi bilo gdje u svijetu.
In June of 2010 I had a chance to participate on “Market days 2010” in Vitez. I thought about what to say. I, who have spent the biggest part of my activity working within regulated and stable European frameworks and markets. What to say to people who in the postwar conditions had courage, vision, effort and determination to make the economic miracle in Vitez. On that day I had said that and today I also think like that: I would have something to learn from Franjo, Anto, Pero, Nikola, Dragan and other courageous people from Vitez how, in difficult, almost abnormal conditions, the successful, modern, European companies with great future can be built. People who succeeded to do that in Vitez can work successfully anywhere in the world.
Ljudske i profesionalne kvalitete zaposlenika Ecosa, vođenje i briga o zaposlenicima su dobro postavljeni temelji za budućnost ovog poduzeća.
Human and professional qualities of Ecos’ employees, management and concern about employees are well set foundations for the future of this company.
S Antom dijelim još puno toga, ponajprije našu zajedničku strast za proizvodnjom i vezanost za zavičaj. Možda je i to jedan od razloga zašto se dobro razumijemo, iako Antin njemački još nije perfektan, a moj hrvatski je skroman.
I share with Anto a lot of other things, primarily our mutual passion for production and our connection to the homeland. Perhaps that also is one of the reasons why we understand each other so well, even though Anto’s German language still isn’t perfect and my Croatian is modest.
U ime svih Herz zaposlenika i svoje ime, Anti, njegovoj obitelji i svim zaposlenicima poduzeća Ecos, želim i u idućim desetljećima zdravlje, radost u životu i poslovni uspjeh.
On behalf of all Herz’s employees and myself, I wish Anto, his family and all employees of Ecos company health, happiness in life and business success in the following decades.
Ivan Sajević utemeljitelj i voditelj UM Enter i GKM Vitez founder and director of UM Enter and GKM Vitez
Osnovni cilj, a i svrha postojanja svakog poduzeća je uspješno poslovanje, odnosno poslovanje koje donosi profit. Međutim, da veći profit nije isključivi i jedini cilj, na najbolji način svojim poslovanjem pokazuje viteško poduzeće Ecos. Kroz razgovore s menadžmentom i dobrim dijelom djelatnika Ecosa, kao i na osnovu djela, osobno sam se puno puta uvjerio kako je ideja da se društvena odgovornost preuzme kao način ponašanja poduzeća u čitavom rasponu njegovog djelovanja, postala svojevrsno „stanje duha“ kod svih djelatnika što je javnost Viteza prepoznala i u velikoj mjeri cijeni. Ecos je od samog osnutka gajio osjećaj društveno odgovornog poduzeća, koje nastoji, a dobrim dijelom i uspijeva, dati potporu humanitarnim akcijama, organizacijama civilnog društva, kulturnim i sportskim događajima. Usprkos krizi, koja je tijekom posljednjih godina u velikoj mjeri pogodila gospodarstvo, Ecos nije prekinuo svoju tradiciju društveno odgovornog poslovanja. Značajno je naglasiti kako je Ecos, zahvaljujući višegodišnjoj podršci, uspostavio partnerske odnose, između ostalih, s viteškim košarkašima i nogometašima, Udrugom mladih „Enter“ i Gradskim kazalištem mladih Vitez, Caritasom, Centrom za djecu s poteškoćama u razvoju „Duga“ te Osnovnom školom
The main goal, and also the purpose of existence of each company, is successful business, namely business that brings profit. However, that greater profit is not exclusive and only goal in the best way is shown in business of Vitez company Ecos. Through conversations with the management and a bigger part of employees of Ecos, as well as on the basis of its actions, I have personally been ascertained lots of times about how the idea that social responsibility should be accepted as the manner of the company’s behavior in entire range of its activity became a kind of “state of mind” for all employees which has been recognized and highly appreciated by everyone in Vitez. Since its foundation Ecos nourished the feeling of socially responsible company which strives, and in a great part it succeeds, to give support to charitable actions, organizations of the civil society, cultural and sport events. Despite the crisis, that during past several years greatly affected economy, Ecos did not stop its tradition of doing socially responsible business. It is important to emphasize that Ecos, thanks to longterm support, established partnerships with, among others, Vitez basketball players and football players, Youth Association “Enter” and Town Youth Theatre Vitez, Caritas, Center for children with developmental disabilities “Duga” and Elementary school “Bila”. Projects
„Bila“. Brojni su projekti koje je Ecos tijekom posljednjih godina podržavao, a svakako vrijedi istaknuti brigu za socijalno najugroženije, što ovo poduzeće definira kao izuzetno snažno. Ecos-ovci svake godine daruju umirovljenike naselja Jardol, u kojem je i sjedište poduzeća, a darivali su i najmlađe stanovnike romskog naselja Sofa u Vitezu. Ecos je prepoznao vrijednost i rezultate Udruge mladih Enter i Gradskog kazališta mladih, koje uz materijalnu potporu, prati i u svom časopisu Ecos News. U očima javnosti Ecos je istinski brend. Sa 121 djelatnikom, više od 45 stipendista i 30-ak učenika praktikanata koji tijekom ljeta imaju priliku raditi, ali i ponešto naučiti i zaraditi, Ecos odaje sliku izrazito poželjnog poslodavca, ne samo u okviru Viteza i Središnje Bosne, nego i u granicama Bosne i Hercegovine. U modernom dobu često čujemo kako je društvena odgovornost jako bitna, no rijetko kada su riječi potkrijepljene djelima. Raduje me da je ovoga puta situacija obrnuta i da su gore napisane riječi potkrijepljene brojnim dobrim djelima koje je Ecos učinio kao društveno odgovorno poduzeće. Ecos naš Vitez čini boljim. U ime velikog broja onih, prije svih Vitežana, koji dijele moje mišljenje, od sveg srca zahvaljujem kolektivu Ecosa.
that Ecos supported during the last years are numerous and it certainly needs to emphasize the care for socially most vulnerable, which defines this company as extremely strong one. Each year Ecos’ employees give presents to the pensioners of village Jardol, where the residence of the company is, and they also gave presents to the youngest residents of gypsy village Sofa in Vitez. Ecos recognized value and results of Youth Association Enter and Town Youth Theatre that, with the material support, it follows in its magazine Ecos News as well. In the eyes of the public Ecos is a true brand. With 121 employees, over 45 scholars and 30 students on practice who have opportunity to work during summer, but also to learn something and make money, Ecos gives the image of an extremely desirable employer, not only within Vitez and Central Bosnia, but also within the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In modern age we often hear that social responsibility is very important, but rarely are the words supported by deeds. I am happy that this time the situation is reversed and that the above mentioned words are supported by numerous good deeds that Ecos did as a socially responsible company. Ecos makes our Vitez better. On behalf of a large number of those, primarily residents of Vitez, who share my opinion, I thank the entire staff of Ecos from the bottom of my heart.
Bernard Bodulović voditelj komercijalne službe head of commercial service
Mojih petnaest godina rada u poduzeću Ecos mogao bih sažeti u nekoliko cjelina od kojih je svaka imala svoje izazove, uspone i padove.
I could summarize my fifteen years of work in company Ecos ltd. in several units of which each had its challenges, ups and downs.
Počeci mog djelovanja u Ecosu bili su ispunjeni zadovoljstvom zbog novoosnovanog poduzeća koje je imalo tendenciju rasta, stvaranja novih vrijednosti i težnje za prepoznavanjem poduzeća kao vodećeg brenda na domaćem tržištu i šire.
Beginnings of my work in Ecos were filled with pleasure because of a newly founded company that had tendency of growth, creation of new values and aspiration for recognition of the company as the leading brand on domestic market and wider.
Ostvarenje očekivane vizije podrazumijevalo je mnogo truda, zalaganja i prekovremenih sati jer na početku poslovanja nismo imali razvijenu organizacijsku shemu. Poslovi nabave, prodaje na veliko i malo, a nerijetko i ostali administrativni poslovi postaju dio moje svakodnevnice.
Realization of expected vision implied lots of effort, dedication and overtime hours because at the beginning of doing business we did not have developed organizational scheme. Works of procurement, wholesale and retail sale and not rarely other administrative works become a part of my everyday life.
Širenjem poslovnog prostora i uvođenjem organizacijskih jedinica i odjela, temeljito je olakšano poslovanje, stoga sam tada, kao dio komercijalnog sektora, svoja zaduženja i zamisli mogao lakše realizirati. Prvi korak bio je formiranje sposobnog i uhodanog tima ljudi zaduženih za poslove nabave i prodaje, zatim upoznavanje dobavljača i kupaca, sklapanje poslovnih ugovora, pri tom osluškujući i poštujući njihove potrebe i sugestije, što je uvelike pridonijelo rastu poduzeća.
By expansion of business area and initiation of organizational units and departments the business is thoroughly facilitated and consequently then I was able, as a part of commercial sector, to realize my responsibilities and ideas much easier. The first step was forming of a capable and well-established team of people in charge of the procurement and sale works, then meeting suppliers and customers, concluding business contracts, at the same time listening and respecting their needs and suggestions, which greatly contributed to the company’s growth. Visits to the
Posjete partnerima u zemljama Bliskog Istoka (Saudijska Arabija, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati), Dalekog Istoka (Kina), mnogobrojnim europskim zemljama (Italija, Njemačka, Turska, Francuska, Španjolska, Austrija, Mađarska, Bugarska, Švicarska) te zemljama bivše Jugoslavije, uvelike su doprinijele mom poslovnom sazrijevanju. Umijeće njihovog uspješnog poslovanja pokušao sam primijeniti i na naše poduzeće.
partners in the countries of Middle East (Saudi Arabia, United Arabian Emirates), Far East (China), numerous European countries (Italy, Germany, Turkey, France, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Switzerland) and to the countries of former Yugoslavia, greatly contributed to my development in terms of business. I tried to apply the art of their successful business to our company as well.
Timski rad u odjelu, suradnja s ostalim organizacijskim jedinicama te podrška i razumijevanje koje sam imao od direktora, pogodovali su ispunjenju očekivanja s početka poslovanja, kao i zadovoljstvo da sam i sam dio cjeline koja uspješno vodi poduzeće Ecos prema budućnosti.
Team work in department, collaboration with other organizational units and support and understanding I had from the director, suited the fulfillment of expectations from the beginning of business, as well as the satisfaction of being myself a part of the group that successfully leads Ecos company toward the future. Willingness to cope with all temptations resulted in my advancement from function of the warehouse manager to the head of commercial service.
Sadržaj Contens
Povijest Ecosa
Djelatnici godine
Ecos danas
Ecos u društvenoj zajednici
Uvod Introduction
Iako po svojoj definiciji monografija predstavlja “znanstveno, stručno ili esejističko djelo u kojemu se iscrpno govori o jednoj osobi ili pojavi”, knjiga koja je pred vama mogla bi se nazvati “monografija na Ecosov način”. U njoj su, kroz četiri cjeline, isprepleteni događaji i ljudi i zabilježeni najvažniji trenuci našeg poduzeća od početka do danas.
Although by its definition the monography represents “scientific, expert or essayistic work where one person or phenomenon is illustrated in details”, the book that is before you could be called “monography in Ecos’ way”. In it, through four parts, events and people are intertwined and the most important moments of our company from its beginning till today are registered.
Povijest Ecosa kroz slike i pisanu riječ priča priče iz davnina i svjedoči o nastanku i razvoju jednog poduzeća od prvih koraka i sedmoročlanog kolektiva do složene organizacije sačinjene od 120 djelatnika i kompleksnih poslovnih procesa.
Hystory of Ecos through photographs and writing tells the stories from the old days and gives evidence about formation and development of one company from its first steps and staff composed of seven members to the complex organization composed of 120 employees and complex business processes.
Drugi dio knjige, Ecos danas, prezentira poduzeće sada, 15 godina nakon osnutka, i upoznaje čitatelje sa djelatnošću, proizvodnjom, asortimanom, uslugama te organizacijskim jedinicama unutar samog poduzeća.
The second part of the book, Ecos nowadays, represents the company now, 15 years after its foundation, and introduces readers with the activity, production, assortment, services and organization units within the company.
Ecos u društvenoj zajednici kroz kolaž fotografija govori o humanitarnom radu Ecosa kroz petnaestogodišnji period, što uključuje razne humanitarne akcije, donacije, stipendiranje studenata, sponzorstva sportskih klubova te brigu o okolišu.
Ecos in the social community through the photo collage talks about charitable work of Ecos during the fifteen years period which includes different charitable actions, donations, giving scholarships to students, sponsorships of the sport clubs and concern about environment. How much we appreciate our staff and strengthening of the spirit of community we showed
Kako jako držimo do kolektiva i jačanja duha zajedništva, pokazali smo u četvrtom dijelu monografije 18
pod nazivom druženja, gdje smo fotografijama dokumentirali zajedničke izlete, ekskurzije i proslave.
in the fourth part of monography, under the title socializing, where by photographs we documented our trips, excursions and celebrations spent together.
Upravo zato možemo reći da je u ovoj knjizi sve ono što nas je obilježilo u proteklih petnaest godina, što predstavlja svojevrsnu svjedodžbu jednog razdoblja. Stoga, ne sudite ako nismo strogo pratili pravila koncepta pisanja monografije i ako se ne možemo usporediti s nekim tko ima stogodišnju tradiciju poslovanja. Jer, jedina i osnovna namjera ove knjige jest da kao riznica uspomena pronađe mjesto na vašim policama i da vam, svaki put kada ju uzmete prelistati, izmami osmijeh na lice.
Precisely for that reason we can say that in this book is everything that has marked us during the past fifteen years, which represents a kind of certificate of one period. Therefore, do not judge us if we did not strictly follow the rules of a monography writing concept and if we cannot be compared to someone who has a hundred years old business tradition. Because, the only and main intention of this book is that it finds place on your bookshelves as a recollections treasury and that, each time you take it, it puts a smile on your face.
Povijest Ecosa History of Ecos
Svečano otvorenje poslovne zgrade Economic 1994. godine
Ceremonial opening of business building Economic in 1994
Počeci poduzeća Ecos, kakvo danas poznajemo, sežu u daleku 1987. godinu kada su braća Franjo, Vlado i Anto osnovali poduzeće “Rajković”, a 1992. godine ime se mijenja u Economic. Godine 1994. svečano je otvoren Economicov prvi poslovni objekt. Najstariji od braće, Vlado, već 1995. godine osniva poduzeće “Maks”, a najpoduzetniji u to vrijeme, Franjo, postao je načelnik općine Vitez te početkom 1996. godine pokreće najznačajniji projekt u Središnjoj Bosni,
The beginnings of the company Ecos, as is known nowadays, go back to the far 1987 when brothers Franjo, Vlado and Anto founded company “Rajković” and in 1992 the name was changed to Economic. In year 1994 the first business facility of Economic was ceremonially opened. The oldest of the brothers, Vlado, founded the company Maks in 1994 and the most entrepreneurial at the time, Franjo, became the may22
Anto Rajković bio je na mjestu direktora Economica od 1995. do 1997. godine
Braća Vlado, Franjo i Anto Rajković
Brothers Vlado, Franjo and Anto Rajković
Anto Rajković had been on the function of director Economic from 1995 to 1997
“Poslovni centar ‘96”. Najmlađi brat Anto veoma uspješno vrši dužnost direktora Economica od polovine 1995. do kraja 1997. godine.
or of Vitez municipality and by beginning of 1996 he started the most important project in Central Bosnia - Business centre ’96. The youngest brother Anto had very successfully performed function of director of Economic from the middle of 1995 till the end of 1997.
Sredinom 1998. godine, Anto i supruga Josipa osnivaju vlastito poduzeće “Ecos”
In the middle of 1998 Anto and his wife Josipa founded their own company “Ecos”. 23
Prvi koraci
First steps
Osnovna djelatnost novonastalog poduzeća Ecos bila je promet vodomaterijalom i materijalom za centralno grijanje, a u isto vrijeme pokrenuta je i proizvodnja fleksibilnih cijevi. Ime Ecos osmišljeno je kako bi bilo kratko, zvučno i pamtljivo, s namjerom da se ipak jasno vidi bratska veza s Economicom. Slovo “s” simbolizira sanitarije, slavine i spojke koji su prvi proizvodi Ecosa. Prve godine u Ecosu je, uz vlasnike, bilo zaposleno samo pet djelatnika (Bernard Bodulović, Lucinka Rajković, Marjo Čurak, Zdravko Taraba i Slavica Vidović). Ovih pet djelatnika obavljalo je više funkcija odjednom; bili su u isto vrijeme skladištari, prodavači,
Main activity of the newly founded company Ecos was sale of plumbing and central heating materials, and at the same time the production of flexible pipes has started. Name Ecos was thought out in order to be short, sounding and catchy and yet that there is a clear fraternal connection with Economic. Letter “s” symbolizes sanitary equipment, faucets and clutches that are the first products of Ecos. In the first year in Ecos were employed, along with the owners, only five employees (Bernard Bodulović, Lucinka Rajković, Marjo Čurak, Zdravko Taraba and Slavica Vidović). These five employees performed several functions at
Djelatnici i vlasnici ispred prve Ecosove poslovne zgrade
Employees and owners in front of the first Ecos’ business building
komercijalisti, vozači, računovođe i blagajnici. Svi su radili sve, a posao je izuzetno dobro napredovao. Poslovanje je te prve godine obavljano u skladišnoj zgradi koja je uz male adaptacije prenamijenjena u veleprodaju i maloprodajni salon. Tada je proizvodnja bila smještena u objektu udaljenom oko jedan kilometar od poslovne zgrade i bazirala se samo na montaži baterija, slavina i montaži (konfekcioniranju) fleksibilnih cijevi.
once; they were at the same time the storekeepers, salesmen, commercialists, drivers, accountants and cashiers. Everyone did everything and the business progressed extremely well. In that first year the business was performed in the warehouse building that was, with minor adaptations, conversed to wholesale and retail sale showroom. In that period the production was located in a facility approximately a kilometer away from the business building and it was based only on assembly of batteries (faucets) and (confectioning) of flexible pipes. 25
Prve djelatnice računovodstva: Ljubica Pejaković, Slavica Vidović i Josipa Rajković
First employees in accounting: Ljubica Pejaković, Slavica Vidović and Josipa Rajković
Ariston, Silmet, Saleri Sanitari, Vogel & Noot, s kojima Ecos i danas uspješno surađuje, neka su od imena prvih dobavljača. Prve godine radilo se punom parom, a cilj za sljedeću godinu bio je adaptacija postojeće poslovne zgrade u funkcionalniji poslovni prostor koji bi više odgovarao djelatnosti poduzeća, djelatnicima olakšao poslovanje, a kupcima omogućio kvalitetnije pružanje usluga.
Ariston, Silmet, Saleri Sanitari, Vogel & Noot, with whom we successfully collaborate even today, are the names of the first Ecos’ suppliers. In the first year the work was performed with the highest capacities and the goal for the following year was adaptation of the existing business facility into more functional business area that would be more suitable for the company’s activity and that would make business easier to the employees as well as enable more qualitative service providing to the customers. 26
Prvih pet djelatnika u isto vrijeme bili su skladiĹĄtari, prodavaÄ?i, komercijalisti, vozaÄ?i i blagajnici
First five employees were storekeepers, salesmen, commercialists, drivers and cashiers all at the same time 27 15 godina s Vama | 25
Prva adaptacija poslovne zgrade 1999. godine
First adaptation of the business building in 1999
Radovi na adaptaciji poslovne zgrade počeli su u proljeće 1999. godine. Od mnoštva projekata, usvojen je projekt poduzeća Entasis iz Zenice na čelu s arhitekticom Vedinom Babahmetović. Ovim projektom zgrada se znatno proširuje, gradi se maloprodajni salon, dodatni uredski prostori te caffe i kuhinja za radnike.
Works on business facility adaptation began in the spring of 1999. The project of the company Entasis from Zenica, on the head with the architect Vedina Babahmetović, was finally adopted out of many projects. With this project the building is significantly expanded, the retail showroom is built, additional office areas, coffee shop and restaurant for employees. In this same year, by purchasing the first knitting machine for flexible pipes, the production sets onward. By implementing knitting machine into the production drive the production was additionally intensified because from that moment Ecos was able to produce its own flexible pipes
Iste godine, kupnjom prve pletilice za fleksibilne cijevi, proizvodnja kreće uzlaznom putanjom. Uvođenjem pletilice u proizvodni pogon, proizvodnja je dodatno ojačana jer je od tog trenutka Ecos bio u mogućnosti proizvoditi vlastite fleksibilne cijevi.
Otvorenje nove poslovne zgrade
Opening of the new business facility
U travnju 2000. godine radovi na poslovnoj zgradi konačno su privedeni kraju, a 23. 4. 2000. godine vrata nove zgrade svečano su otvorena uz nazočnost djelatnika i mnogobrojnih gostiju. Čast presijecanja vrpce pripala je gospodinu Antoniju Manislaviću, predstavniku talijanske kompanije Luxor, s kojom je Ecos u to vrijeme imao izuzetno dobru suradnju. Novo i moderno lice Ecosovog objekta bilo je nešto sasvim drugačije od dotadašnjeg i gotovo da nije imalo ništa zajedničko sa skladišnom halom od prije godinu dana.
In April 2000 the works on business facility were finally completed and on 23rd of April 2000 the doors of new building were ceremonially opened with presence of employees and numerous guests. The honor of cutting the ribbon had Mr. Antonio Manislavić, representative of the Italian company Luxor, with whom Ecos had had extremely good collaboration at the time. New and modern face of Ecos facility was something completely different from up to that time and it had almost nothing in common with the storage hall from a year ago.
Sada je Ecos i svojim vanjskim izgledom davao pravu sliku o sebi, a to je uspješno, ozbiljno i ugledno mlado poduzeće. U 2000. godini broj djelatnika porastao je na 19, a Ecos je u svojoj sredini stekao imidž mladog, zdravog i uspješnog kolektiva. U to vrijeme Ecos je zaista bio mlad kolektiv jer je prosjek godina djelatnika bio 32. Sve to, a prije svega vrijedan rad i maksimalno zalaganje cijelog kolektiva, dovelo je do konstantnog rasta posla, a samim tim i broja proizvedenih i prodanih artikala i ukupnog godišnjeg prometa.
Now Ecos with its external appearance as well gave a true picture of itself and that is successful, serious and respectable young company. In year 2000 number of employees increased to 19 and Ecos obtained in its surrounding the image of young, healthy and prosperous group of employees. At the time Ecos had really young employees, because the average age of employees was 32. All of that, and primarily hard effort and maximum engagement of all employees, led to the constant growth of business, and by that to the constant growth of number of produced and sold items and total annual turnover.
Svečano otvorenje nove poslovne zgrade 23. 4. 2000. godine
Ceremonial opening of the new business building on 23rd of April 2000 29
U 2001. godini posao u novom poslovnom prostoru već se dobro uhodao. Ecos je tad imao ugovore s više od 200 veleprodajnih kupaca te preko 50 dobavljača. Najvažniji dobavljač bilo je poduzeće Vogel & Noot iz Austrije za čije je pločaste radijatore Ecos dugi niz godina bio ekskluzivni distributer za tržište Bosne i Hercegovine.
In 2001 work in new business facility had already been well established. At that time Ecos had contracts with more than 200 wholesale customers and over 50 suppliers. The most important supplier was the company Vogel & Noot from Austria, for whose laminated radiators Ecos had been the exclusive distributor on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a long sequence of years.
Proizvodnja fleksibilnih cijevi i montaža sanitarnih armatura u konstantnom je porastu. Ecos je svojim proizvodima pokrio cijelo područje zemalja bivše Jugoslavije, a prodaja se širi i na područje Austrije, Njemačke i Mađarske.
Production of flexible pipes and assembly of sanitary fittings is in constant growth. With its products Ecos covered the entire area of former Yugoslavian countries and the sale spreads to the area of Austria, Germany and Hungary as well.
Vlasnik s poslovnim partnerima u obilasku proizvodnog pogona
The owner with business partners visiting the production drive
Ova godina bila je uspješna i za Ecos i za njegovu najužu poslovnu okolinu. Poslovna zona PC 96 koja se proteže uz magistralni put M5, utemeljena je 1996. godine i otada bilježi rapidni rast te postaje neizostavno ime kada se radi o gospodarstvu Bosne i Hercegovine.
This year was successful not only for Ecos but also for its closest business surroundings. Business sector PC 96, which spreads along highway M5, was established in 1996 and since then it has been recording the rapid growth and becoming the indispensable name when it comes to econom of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Zahvaljujući razvoju PC 96, tradicionalni Dani trgovine BiH od 2001. godine održavaju se u Vitezu. Ecos je svih ovih godina bio aktivni sudionik Dana trgovine nudeći posebne pogodnosti za kupce i sudjelujući u organiziranju i sponzoriranju različitih gospodarskih, kulturnih i sportskih manifestacija.
Thanks to development of PC 96 the traditional Market days of B&H have been held in Vitez since 2001. During all these years Ecos has been an active participant of Market days offering special privileges for customers and participating in organizing and sponsoring different entrepreneurial, cultural and sport manifestations.
Anto Rajković aktivni je član Udruge poslodavaca Vitez i jedan od osnivača manifestacije “Dani trgovine BiH”
Anto Rajković is an active member of the Association of entrepreneurs of Vitez and one of the founders of manifestation “Market days B&H”
Vizualni identitet poduzeća Ecos Vitez proistekao je iz vizualnog identiteta matičnog poduzeća osnove Economic od kojega je preuzet osnovni font logotipa - Cooperblack Italic kao i detalj trokutića. Naknadnim preinakama je crveni trokutić uvećan i izvučen izvan logotipa te je njemu dodan još jedan trokutić. Tako je nastao novi vizualni element - dvobojno slovo V (plavo/crveno) koje je usto i uvećano te je tako na sebe preuzelo vizualnu markaciju nauštrb logotipa. Ovaj zahvat bio je pogrešan jer je novi identitet u sebi sadržavao vizualni konflikt između geometrijskog i slovnog dijela (trokut i font) i unutar samog geometrijskog dijela (dodirivanje trokuta u dnu). Bilo je očigledno da je nužan redizajn logotipa u smislu njegovog pojednostavljenja pa je shodno tomu uklonjen trokut, zadržan je font logotipa, a umjesto trokuta u slovo “o” je umetnut crveni ovalni dio. Njegova simbolika je očigledna jer se ovaj detalj nalazi na većini artikala iz Ecosovog prodajno-proizvodnog programa. Crveni kružić na bateriji simbolizira toplu vodu, na
Visual identity of the company Ecos Vitez emerged from the visual identity of master company Economic from which the basic logo font was taken - Cooperblack Italic, as well as a little triangle as a detail. By subsequent modifications the little red triangle was enlarged and extracted outside the logo and another triangle was added to it. In that way a new visual element was created - dichromatic letter V (blue/red) which is withal enlarged and by that took upon itself the visual markings at the expense of the logo. This intervention was wrong because the new identity comprised in itself the visual conflict between geometric and letter part (triangle and font) and within the geometric part itself (contact of the triangles at the bottom). It was obvious that redesign of logo is necessary concerning its simplification and according to that the triangle was removed, logo font was kept and instead of triangle the red oval part was inserted in letter O. Its symbolism is obvious because this detail is to be found on most items from Ecos’
U bojama Ecosa, plava boja simbolizira vodu (vodomaterijal, baterije, kupaonice, kade), crvena boja simbolizira grijanje. Vizualnu identifikaciju i redizajn logotipa uradio je Mile Srdanović.
In colors of Ecos the blue color symbolizes water (plumbing material, batteries, bathrooms, bathtubs) and the red color symbolizes heating.
Visual identification and redesigning of logo were done by Mile Srdanović
C 0, M 0, Y 0, K 0 C 70, M 0, Y 0, K 0 C 100, M 100, Y 0, K 0 C 0, M 100, Y 100, K 0
elektro uređajima crvena lampica označava njihovu uključenost, a mnogo šire crvena boja simbolizira energiju i toplotu. Drugi karakterističan detalj je izbačeni natpis u odnosu na podlogu. Svrha ovog detalja je dodatna vizualna atrakcija i prepoznatljivost.
Godine 2010. odjel marketinga napravio je redizajn logotipa. Izbačen je svijetlo plavi kvadrat i tamno plava boja mijenja nijansu. Kao takav upisuje se u registar žigova kod Instituta za intelektualno vlasništvo BiH i od tada nosi prepoznatljivu oznaku ®.
sales-production program. The little red triangle on the battery symbolizes warm water, on electric appliances the red lamp signifies that they are activated, and much wider the red color symbolizes energy and heat. Other characteristic detail is extracted sign in relation to the background. The purpose of this detail is additional visual attraction and recognition.
In year 2010 the marketing department made the logo redesign. The light blue quadrant was removed and dark blue color changes its shade. As such it is entered in the trademarks register at the Institute for intellectual ownership of B&H and since then it has had the recognizable mark ®.
C 0, M 0, Y 0, K 0 C 100, M 90, Y 0, K 0 C 0, M 100, Y 100, K 0
Uvođenje ISO standarda
Implementing ISO standard
Jedna od značajnijih godina za poslovanje Ecosa bila je 2002. Naime, ove godine, Ecos je postao ponosni vlasnik međunarodnog certifikata ISO 9001:2008. Riječ je o međunarodnoj normi koja se odnosi na upravljanje kvalitetom, a primjenjiva je na sve organizacije, neovisno o vrsti djelatnosti i veličini organizacije. Temelji se na osam načela upravljanja koja su odraz dobre poslovne prakse, a njihovom se primjenom u cijelosti ostvaruje poboljšanje učinka organizacije.
One of more important years for business of Ecos was 2002. Namely, in this year Ecos became the proud owner of international certificate ISO 9001:2008. It is an international standard which refers to quality management and is applicable to all organizations notwithstanding the type of activity and size of organization. It is based on eight management principles that are reflection of good business practice and by their implementation improvement of organization impact is accomplished in entirety.
Dakle, certifikat ISO 9001:2008 podrazumijeva kvalitetu poslovanja u smislu organizacije dokumenata i procesa, a poslovnim partnerima jamči kvalitetnu uslugu i profesionalan odnos prema poslu. Samoj dodjeli certifikata prethodile su mukotrpne pripreme, kreiranje procedura i dokumentacije te organiziranje i izmjena postojeće organizacijske sheme.
Therefore, certificate ISO 9001:2008 implies the business quality concerning organization of documents and processes and to business partners it guarantees the quality service and professional attitude toward work. The assignment of certificate was preceded by hard preparations, creation of procedures and documentations, organizing and modification of the existing organizational scheme.
Pripreme za uvođenje ISO standarda obavljene su u suradnji s konzultantskom kućom BHM iz Zenice na čelu s gospođom Mensurom Beganović. Na svečanoj dodjeli, predstavnik certifikacijske kuće TUV Cert Croatia iz Slavonskog Broda, Krešimir Bogunović, uručio je certifikat suvlasnici poduzeća i menadžerici za kvalitetu Josipi Rajković.
Preparations for implementation of ISO standard were made in collaboration with the consulting company BHM from Zenica on the head with Mrs. Mensura Beganović. At the ceremony the representative of certification company TUV Cert Croatia from Slavonski Brod, Krešimir Bogunović, consigned the certificate to the co-owner of the company and the quality manager Josipa Rajković.
U naredne dvije godine nije bilo nekih drastičnih promjena niti novih radova na poslovnoj zgradi. Ecos nastavlja uspješno poslovati i u ovom periodu te rasti iz mjeseca u mjesec. Asortiman robe se širi, kao i broj novih dobavljača. Ecos surađuje s najznačajnijim proizvođačima u Europi, a kako bi povećao konkurentnost, pojedini repromaterijal i gotove proizvode počinje uvoziti iz Kine i Indije. Sukladno rastu poslovanja, ukazuje se i potreba za povećanjem broja djelatnika. S razvojem poslovanja razvija se i svijest o društvenoj odgovornosti. Ecos je oduvijek, u skladu sa svojim mogućnostima, sudjelovao u humanitarnim akcijama i davao potporu raznim sportskim i kulturnim događajima. U ovom periodu gotovo da ne postoji turnir, koncert, izložba ili bilo kakvo drugo kulturno ili sportsko događanje na području naše općine i šire, a da Ecos nije sudjelovao novčanom ili nekom drugom vrstom donacije.
In the next two years there were neither drastic changes nor new works on business facility. Ecos continues successfully doing business in this period too and it also continues growing from month to month. Range of products is expanded, as well as number of new suppliers. Ecos collaborates with the most significant manufacturers in Europe and, in order to increase the competitiveness, it starts importing certain material and finished products from China and India. In accordance with the growth of business the necessity for increasing the number of employees occurred. Along with the business development awareness on social responsibility is also developed. Ecos has always, in accordance with its abilities, participated in charitable actions and given support to different sport and cultural events. In this period there were almost no tournament, concert, exhibition or any other cultural or sport event in the area of our municipality and wider, that Ecos had not participated with either financial or some other type of donation.
Prva posjeta Kini 2003. godine: Damir Mijić, pokojni Darko Rajković, prevoditelj Henry, Bernard Bodulović i Anto Rajković
The first visit to Chine in 2003: Damir Mijić, deceased Darko Rajković, translator Henry, Bernard Bodulović and Anto Rajković
Adaptacija zgrade
Building adaptation
U 2005. godini Ecos je nastavio s uspješnim poslovanjem; širi se asortiman roba kao i kolektiv koji sada čini 65 stalno zaposlenih djelatnika. Upravo zbog toga, radni, skladišni i izložbeni prostori opet postaju skučeni i nedovoljni za nagomilanu robu i sve veći promet posjetitelja i kupaca. U ljeto te iste godine Ecos je, zadovoljan prethodnim projektima, ponovno angažirao poduzeće Entasis za idejno rješenje, a zatim i projekt adaptacije i proširenja poslovne zgrade. Kako se asortiman robe širio u smjeru nabavke ekskluzivne kupaonske opreme, namještaja i keramičkih pločica, krenulo se u realizaciju izgradnje izložbenog
In 2005 Ecos continued with successful business; range of products is expanded as well as the number of staff which now consists of 65 permanently employed people. Exactly for that reason the working, storage and exhibition areas become again too small and insufficient for the aggregated goods and constantly larger number of visitors and customers. In the summer of the same year Ecos, satisfied with the previous projects, engaged again the company Entasis for conceptual design and then also for the project of adaptation and expansion of business facility. As the range of products spread in direction of purchasing
Druga faza izgradnje poslovne zgrade
The second phase of business building construction
exclusive bathroom equipment, furniture and ceramic tiles, the realization of exhibition bathroom showroom construction started. Apart from that, the additional adaptation of retail showroom, office areas and restaurant for employees was planned.
salona kupaonica. Pored toga, planirana je dodatna adaptacija maloprodajnog salona, uredskih prostora i restorana za djelatnike. Cijelu 2006. godinu obilježili su radovi na adaptaciji zgrade. Tako se, silom prilika, radilo u jednoj polovici zgrade, dok su se u drugom dijelu odvijali građevinski radovi. Unatoč otežanim radnim uvjetima i svakodnevnoj buci, posao se odvijao besprijekorno i uspješno kao i prethodnih godina. Zahvaljujući dobroj poslovnoj perspektivi, konstantnom napretku i zdravoj radnoj atmosferi, Ecos prati sjajna reputacija te slovi za jedno od najzdravijih i najpoželjnijih poduzeća za rad u široj okolici.
Entire 2006 was marked with works on building adaptation. By the force of circumstances in one part of the building people worked while in the other part were performed construction works. Despite difficult working conditions and everyday noise, the work was done flawlessly and successfully as in the previous years. Thanks to the good business perspective, constant progress and healthy working environment Ecos has great reputation and is considered to be one of the most healthy and most desirable companies for work in wider area.
Uviđajući važnost proizvodnje za normalan i zdrav razvoj poduzeća, Ecos je kupovinom prvog stroja za pletenje fleksibilnih cijevi 1999. godine osigurao kvalitetne temelje budućeg poslovanja, čime postaje jedan od najjačih i najkvalitetnijih proizvođača fleksibilnih cijevi u ovom dijelu Europe. S obzirom da se cijeli proces proizvodnje fleksibilnih cijevi odvija u
Recognizing importance of production for normal and healthy development of the company, Ecos ensured qualitative foundations of future business by purchasing first machine for knitting of flexible pipes 39
in 1999. In that way Ecos becomes one of the strongest and most qualitative producers of flexible pipes in this part of Europe. Considering that the entire process of clutch production is performed in Ecos and that validity of product is primarily guaranteed due to the qualitative material and to the qualitative staff as well, under whose supervision not even the tiniest mistake can slip, Ecos managed to get certificate DVGW.
Ecosu i da je ispravnost proizvoda zajamčena, prvenstveno zbog kvalitetnog repromaterijala, a potom i zbog kvalitetnog kadra pred čijim okom se ne može potkrasti niti najsitnija pogreška, Ecos je uspio dobiti certifikat DVGW. Ovaj njemački certifikat potvrda je kako materijal od kojeg je napravljena fleksibilna cijev ni na koji način ne utječe na kvalitetu i zdravstvenu ispravnost vode koja kroz nju prolazi. U to vrijeme Ecos je bio jedini proizvođač u BiH koji posjeduje ovaj prestižni certifikat.
This German certificate is confirmation of the fact that material of which flexible pipe is made in no way affects quality and health validity of water that runs through it. In that time Ecos was the only producer in B&H who owned this prestigious certificate.
Novi izgled poslovne zgrade nakon adaptacije 2007. godine
New look of the business building after its adaptation in 2007
Djelić atmosfere sa svečanog otvorenja
A fraction of atmosphere from the ceremonial opening
Moderno doba
Modern age
U sklopu Dana općine Vitez, 27. 4. 2007, upriličeno je svečano otvorenje preuređenog poslovnog objekta Ecos. Nova je poslovna zgrada Ecos postala sinonim za funkcionalnost, eleganciju i luksuz. Tamno staklo, mramor i aluminij, uokvirili su ovo moderno i urbano zdanje i dali preduvjet za ostvarivanje novih i poboljšanih poslovnih procesa, prevladavanje izazova i kreiranje pozitivne radne atmosfere.
The ceremonial opening of recently restored business facility Ecos was arranged within Days of Vitez municipality, on 27th April 2007. New business building Ecos became a synonym for functionality, elegance and luxury. Dark glass, marble and aluminium framed this modern and urban building and gave precondition for accomplishment of new and improved business processes, overcoming challenges and creating positive working atmosphere.
Maloprodajni salon, adaptacijom i proširenjem, doživljava ekspanziju u pravom smislu riječi te sada zauzima 1500 m2 izložbenog prostora. Ponuda izloženog asortimana obogaćena je već postojećim i novim renomiranim svjetskim imenima iz područja kupaonske i opreme za centralno grijanje.
Retail showroom, by adaptation and expansion, experiences expansion in the real meaning of the word and now occupies 1500 m2 of exhibition area. The offer of exhibited assortment is enriched with already existing and new renowned world names from the area of bathroom equipment and equipment for cen-
Uredski prostori, do sada skučeni, oživljavaju pravu poslovnu atmosferu, ne samo svojom veličinom, već 41
tral heating. Office areas, so far small, revive a true business atmosphere, not only by its size, but also by informatics and accompanying infrastructure. Number and furnishing of working places for the existing employees completely satisfy high standards of modern business processes, but also leave possibility of further expansion and employment.
i informatičkom i popratnom infrastrukturom. Broj i opremljenost radnih mjesta za postojeće djelatnike u potpunosti zadovoljavaju visoke standarde modernih poslovnih procesa, ali ostavljaju i mogućnost daljnjeg širenja i zapošljavanja. Restoran, osim usluge pripreme hrane, svojim uređenjem dobiva status „mala duša Ecosa“, nudeći proširen i raznovrstan izbor toplih jela i slastica, spravljenih od biranih i visokokvalitetnih namirnica. Proširenjem i adaptacijom, restoran ostvaruje veće mogućnosti skladištenja namirnica te gotovih i polugotovih jela po strogim sanitarnim pravilima.
Restaurant, apart from the services of food preparation, by its restoration gets the status “little soul of Ecos” offering expanded and diverse selection of warm meals and desserts, made out of exquisite and high quality ingredients. By expansion and adaptation, restaurant achieves greater possibilities of storage of food, prepared meals and ready-to-cook meals in accordance with strict sanitary regulations.
Odjel proizvodnje doživljava svoj procvat na 1500 m2. Proizvodnja fleksibilnih cijevi uvelike se olakšava, proces proizvodnje se ubrzava, a kontrola i praćenje samog procesa i gotovih proizvoda odvija se po strogim kriterijima.
Department of production experiences its revival on 1500 m2. Production of flexible pipes is facilitated, production process is accelerated and control and monitoring of the process itself and finished products are performed by strict criteria. 42
Načenik općine Vitez, Vlado Alilović i Anto Rajković, vlasnik poduzeća
The mayor of Vitez municipality, Vlado Alilović and Anto Rajković, the owner of the company
Djelatnici godine Employees of the year
Zaposlen je u Ecosu još od samog osnutka poduzeća. U početku je radio u odjelu veleprodaje, a zahvaljujući svom predanom radu i trudu nakon izvjesnog vremena biva unaprjeđen te prelazi u odjel komercijale. Danas radi kao komercijalist prodaje za podučje Srednjobosanske i Unsko-sanske regije.
Zdravko Taraba
Dragan Mandić
djelatnik godine 1998. employee of the year 1998
djelatnik godine 1999. employee of the year 1999
He has been employed in Ecos from the very foundation of the company. At the beginning he worked in wholesale department and after certain time, thanks to his dedicated work and effort, he gets promoted and goes to the commercial department. Today he works as a sales commercialist for the area of Central Bosnia and Una-Sana region.
Na samom početku svog radnog staža bio je zaposlen u odjelu veleprodaje. Širenjem poslovanja, nameće se potreba učestalije distribucije i isporuke robe kupcima, a samim tim i osnivanja Ecosove vlastite službe transporta. Dragan je jedan od prvih djelatnika ove službe, a zahtjevnu ulogu vozača vrijedno i odgovorno obavlja i danas.
At the very beginning of his working career he was employed in the wholesale department. By expansion of business, the need is imposed for more frequent distribution and shipment of goods to customers and by that for the establishment of Ecos’ own transportation service. Dragan is one of the first employees of this service and he responsibly performs the demanding role of a driver today as well.
S Ecosom je od samog početka. Prvobitno radi u veleprodaji, a s vremenom stječe bogatije poslovno iskustvo i preuzima posao komercijaliste. Godine rasta i razvoja Ecosa, učenje i usvajanje novih praksi, vode ga do mjesta voditelja komercijalnog sektora, što uspješno obavlja i danas. Timski rad, suradnja s ostalim organizacijskim jedinicama, podrška i razumijevanje između zaposlenih učinilo ga je dijelom cjeline koja uspješno vodi poduzeće Ecos.
Bernard Bodulović
Goran Žuljević
djelatnik godine 2000. employee of the year 2000
djelatnik godine 2001. employee of the year 2001
Svoje radne navike i iskustvo stječe još za vrijeme obavljanja stručne prakse u Ecosu, a odmah po završetku srednje škole, 2000. godine, tamo se i zapošljava. Kao djelatnik odjela veleprodaje pokazuje iznimnu predanost i marljivost te je za svoj rad nagrađen titulom djelatnika godine već 2001. godine.
He has been with Ecos from the very beginning. Primarily he worked in the wholesale department and in time he acquires richer business experience and takes the job of a commercialist. Years of growth and development of Ecos, learning and acquiring new practices, take him to the place of the head of commercial sector, the function he successfully performs today as well. Team work, collaboration with other organizational units, support and understanding among employees made him a part of the group that successfully leads Ecos company.
He acquires his working habits and experience already during the period of performing the professional practice in Ecos and immediately after finishing the high school, in year 2000, he takes employment there. As an employee of wholesale department he shows extreme dedication and diligence and for his work he is, already in 2001, awarded with the title of employee of the year.
Damir Mijić
Svoj rad u Ecosu započinje u veleprodaji iz koje, nakon kraćeg vremena, prelazi u odjel komercijalne službe. Zahvaljujući upornom radu, komunikacijskim vještinama i znanju, Damir vrlo brzo uspijeva postati neizostavni član Ecosovog tima koji redovno posjećuje dobavljače, sajmove i poslovne partnere. Damir je danas jedan od menadžera nabave prodajnog asortimana poduzeća Ecos.
Franjo Brković
djelatnik godine 2002. employee of the year 2002
djelatnik godine 2003. employee of the year 2003
He starts his work in Ecos in the wholesale department from where, after short period of time, he goes to the commercial service department. Thanks to his hard work, communication skills and knowledge, Damir rapidly manages to become the indispensible member of Ecos’ team who regularly visits the suppliers, fairs and business partners. Today Damir is one of the procurement managers of the Ecos’ sales assortment.
U Ecos dolazi 2002. godine, a glavna zaduženja su mu bila održavanje strojeva u proizvodnji i servisiranje reklamiranih artikala. Samo godinu dana nakon zapošljavanja u Ecosu, Franjo je nagrađen titulom djelatnika godine. U Ecosu ostaje do umirovljenja 2011. godine.
He arrives to Ecos in 2002 and his main assignments were maintenance of machines in production and servicing the products that are the subject of complaint. Only a year after taking employment in Ecos, Franjo is awarded with the title of employee of the year. He stayed in Ecos until his retirement in 2011.
U Ecosu radi od 1999. godine u odjelu veleprodaje na poslovima skladištara. Svojim predanim radom i trudom zaslužio je priznanje za djelatnika godine. Danas, petnaest godina kasnije, Dragan i dalje slovi za vrijednog djelatnika koji svojim radom svakodnevno doprinosi uspješnom izvršavanju radnih zadataka.
Dragan Mlakić
Gordana Pranjković
djelatnik godine 2004. employee of the year 2004
djelatnica godine 2005. employee of the year 2005
Radila je u odjelu proizvodnje još 1998. godine u vrijeme kada se prostor proizvodnje nalazio izvan poslovne zgrade. Tijekom godina prolazi sve proizvodne procese te je za svoj trud i nagrađena 2005. godine titulom za najboljeg djelatnika. Godine 2007. prelazi u odjel maloprodaje gdje i danas radi.
He has been working in Ecos since 1999 in the wholesale department on storekeeper works. With its dedicated work and effort he earned the acknowledgement for the employee of the year. Today, fifteen years later, Dragan still stands for a hardworking employee who with his work every day contributes to successful execution of working assignments.
In 1998 she worked in production department in period when the area of production had still been located outside the business facility. During the years she went through all production processes and in 2005 she was awarded for her effort with the title of the employee of the year. In year 2007 she went to the retail sale department where she works today as well.
Po završetku srednje škole, 2000. godine zaposlila se u Ecosu gdje je na početku radila na poslovima tajnice, a nedugo zatim prelazi u odjel računovodstva. Pouzdanost, odgovornost i pedantnost, vrline su koje su je dovele do priznanja za najboljeg djelatnika 2006. Ivana je danas zadužena za financijsko računovodstvo i odnose s bankama.
Ivana Bodulović
Lucinka Rajković
djelatnica godine 2006. employee of the year 2006
djelatnica godine 2007. employee of the year 2007
After finishing the high school she took employment in Ecos in year 2000 where she at first worked as a secretary and soon afterwards she went to the accounting department. Reliability, responsibility and accuracy are the virtues that led her to acknowledgment for the employee of the year 2006. Ivana is today in charge of financial accounting and relations with the banks.
Lucinka je zaposlena 1. 7. 1998. godine i dio je početne petorke Ecosa. Na početku radi u odjelu prodaje, a kasnije prelazi na mjesto službenice za izradu otpremnica i izlaznih računa. Zahvaljujući brzini, spremnosti na suradnju i uspješnom obavljanju svojih zadataka, Lucinka je 2007. izabrana za najbolju djelatnicu Ecosa.
Lucinka was employed on 1st of July 1998 and she is a part of Ecos’ starting five. At first she works in the sales department and afterwards she becomes the referent for issuing the bills of lading and output accounts. Thanks to her promptness, willingness for collaboration and successful execution of her assignments, Lucinka was elected for the Ecos’ employee of the year in 2007.
Dalibor Mlakić
Josip Babić
dipl. oec.
djelatnik godine 2008. employee of the year 2008
Tijekom školovanja u Ecosu je obavljao stručnu praksu, a po završetku srednjoškolskog obrazovanja primljen je u stalni radni odnos 2003. godine. U odjelu veleprodaje svakodnevno vrijedno, odgovorno i marljivo izvršava sve zadatke koji se pred njega postave.
djelatnik godine 2010. employee of the year 2010
Dalibor je tijekom studija menadžmenta u Dubrovniku bio stipendist poduzeća Ecos, a nakon stjecanja zvanja diplomiranog ekonomista, tamo se i zapošljava. Neko vrijeme prolazi kroz različite odjele upoznavajući se s načinom rada i prodajnim asortimanom, a potom prelazi u odjel komercijalne službe gdje radi i danas kao menadžer nabave artikala iz segmenta grijanja.
He performed his professional practice when attending the high school and after finishing it, in 2003, he was admitted to permanent employment. In the wholesale department he performs diligently and responsibly all assignments set before him on a daily basis.
While studying management in Dubrovnik Dalibor was the scholar of Ecos company and, after acquiring the vocation of graduated economist, he took employment there. He spent a certain period of time going through different departments and getting acquainted with the work method and sales assortment and afterwards he goes to the commercial service department where he works today as a product procurement manager from the heating segment.
Zdravko Petrović
Dragan Maroš
dipl. oec.
djelatnik godine 2011. employee of the year 2011
Zapošljava se u Ecosu 2006. godine u odjelu proizvodnje, odnosno u sklopu centralnog servisa. Zahvaljujući svom predanom radu i stručnosti, svakodnevno uspješno radi na servisiranju reklamiranih proizvoda na terenu i u centralnom servisu. Upravo zbog toga 2011. godine zasluženo dobiva priznanje najboljeg djelatnika.
djelatnik godine 2012. employee of the year 2012
He took employment in Ecos in 2006 in the production department, namely within the central service. Thanks to his dedicated work and expertise he successfully works on servicing the products (that are the subject of complaint) on the field and in the central service every day. Exactly for that in 2011 he gets the merited acknowledgment for the employee of the year.
Zdravko je tijekom studija ekonomije u Mostaru bio stipendist Ecosa, a po završetku, 2007. godine, tamo se i zapošljava. Nakon kraćeg upoznavanja s načinom rada i poslovanja poduzeća Ecos u odjelu veleprodaje, prelazi u odjel računovodstva gdje radi i danas na poslovima financijskog računovodstva.
While studying economy in Mostar Zdravko was the scholar of Ecos and after graduation, in 2007, he took employment there. After brief introduction in the wholesale department with the method of work and business of Ecos company he goes to the accounting department where he works today on the activities of financial accounting.
Ecos danas Ecos nowadays
Poduzeće Ecos danas slovi za pouzdanog strateškog partnera i to zahvaljujući strategiji koja se gradila kroz proteklih petnaest godina. Poslovna politika i danas se ponajviše temelji na ljudskim potencijalima i kompetencijama koji su od samog početka pa sve do danas bili najvažniji Ecosov kapital što se ogleda u niskom stupnju fluktuacije ljudi.
Company Ecos is nowadays considered to be a reliable strategic partner owing to the strategy that has been built through past fifteen years. Even today the business policy is mostly based on human potentials and competences that have been from the very beginning up to today the most important Ecos’ capital which is reflected in the low rate of people fluctuation.
Broj djelatnika
Number of employees
0 1998
U tu svrhu, Ecos ulaže dodatne napore za edukacije, specijalizacije i obuke svojih djelatnika. Kontrola kvalitete proizvoda i usluga te unaprjeđenje poslovnih procesa kroz uvođenje ISO sustava svakako su, uz ljudski potencijal, bili ključni čimbenici u uspjehu ovog poduzeća.
For this purpose Ecos invests additional efforts for educations, specializations and trainings of its employees. Quality control of products and services and improvement of business processes through implementation of ISO system have been definitely, along the human potential, the key factors in success of this company.
Ecos danas pozicioniran je kao jedan od lidera na području grijanja i vodomaterijala s jednom i osnovnom svrhom: Svojim kupcima dati uvijek za stupanj više.
Ecos is today positioned as one of the leaders in the area of heating and plumbing material with one and basic purpose: Always provide its customers with one level higher.
Znak posebno osmišljen za petnaestu godišnjicu Ecosa
A symbol specially designed for the fifteenth anniversary of Ecos
Ecos danas posjeduje proizvodni pogon koji se proteže na 1 500 m2 i koji je smješten u sklopu upravne zgrade u Poslovnom centru ‘96 u Vitezu. Kompletan proces proizvodnje Ecoflex cijevi od pletenja, izrade mesinganih dijelova, sječenja, presanja, montaže i pakiranja odvija se u skladu s propisanim procedurama ISO sustava. Ecoflex cijevi služe za transport vode, plina i goriva, a o kvaliteti i ispravnosti samog proizvoda svjedoče brojni certifikati kao što su: DVGW, ZIK, Tehnoinspekt i mnogi drugi.
Nowadays Ecos owns the production drive which spreads on 1 500 m2 and which is located within the administrative building in Business centre ‘96 in Vitez. The complete production process of Ecoflex pipes from knitting, fabrication of the brassy parts, shearing, pressing, assemblage and packing is performed in accordance with the assigned procedures of ISO system. Ecoflex pipes serve for transportation of water, gas and fuel and numerous certificates, such as: DVGW, ZIK, Tehnoinspekt and many others, are confirmation on quality and validity of the product itself.
Godišnje se u Ecosu u prosjeku proizvede 1 200 000 komada fleksibilnih cijevi, raznih dužina i promjera, a neki od proizvođača koji ugrađuju Ecosove fleksibilne cijevi u svoje proizvode zvučna su imena: Liv, Unitas, CR i drugi. Cijevi se također plasiraju na tržišta Bosne i Hercegovine, Austrije, Hrvatske, Albanije, Slovenije, Italije, Crne Gore i Srbije te sa sigurnošću možemo reći kako je Ecos danas vodeći proizvođač fleksibilnih cijevi na Balkanu.
On average, annually in Ecos is produced 1 200 000 pieces of flexible pipes of different sizes and diameters and some of the producers that install Ecos’ flexible pipes into their products are famous names as: Liv, Unitas, CR and others. Pipes are also placed on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Croatia, Albania, Slovenia, Italy, Monte Negro and Serbia and we can with all certainty say that today Ecos is the leading producer of flexible pipes on the Balkans.
Fleksibilne spojke
Flexible hoses
1 600 000
1 400 000
1 200 000
1 000 000
800 000
600 000
400 000
200 000
0 1998
Pored proizvodnje, trgovina predstavlja osnovnu djelatnost poduzeća Ecos. Kroz proteklih petnaest godina, broj kupaca i dobavljača, kako stranih tako i domaćih, rastao je iz dana u dan. Kontinuiran rad na kvaliteti asortimana i usluga rezultirao je širokom lepezom proizvoda iz programa vodomaterijala i grijanja koji ispunjavaju zahtjeve različitih profila kupaca. Činjenica kako danas ima preko tristo ugovorenih veleprodajnih kupaca kazuje kako je Ecos prepoznat kao vrijedan poslovni partner. “Misli globalno, djeluj lokalno” - načelo je kojim se Ecos vodi u nastojanju praćenja trendova svjetskog tržišta i prilagodbi domaćem, uzimajući u obzir želje i potrebe krajnjeg kupca. U nastojanju da zadrži renome kakav već duži niz godina uživa, poduzeće Ecos neprestano radi na osvježavanju prodajnog asortimana uvodeći nove i modernizirane tehnologije, novitete i unaprijeđene postojeće proizvode.
Apart from production the trade represents the main activity of Ecos company. Through past fifteen years number of customers and suppliers, foreign as well as domestic, grew from day to day. The continuous work on quality of assortment and services resulted in wide range of products from the program of plumbing material and heating that fulfill demands of different customers’ profiles. The fact that today it has over three hundred contracted wholesale customers shows that Ecos is recognized as a valuable business partner. “Think globally, act locally” - is the principle by which Ecos is led in its effort of following world market trends and adjusting to the domestic market, taking into consideration wishes and needs of the final customer. In its endeavors to keep the prestige that has had for a long number of years already, Ecos company constantly works on refreshing of sales assortment by introducing new and modernized technologies, novelties and improved existing products.
Biti jedan od lidera na domaćem tržištu na području konvencionalnih načina grijanja, pri čemu se osobito misli na centralno grijanje, od samog je početka bila vizija poduzeća Ecos. Nakon 15 godina iskustva i praćenja trendova na tržištu, Ecos se kao takav i ostvario. Asortiman na području grijanja danas je raznovrstan i podijeljen na nekoliko načina: prema energentu, prema načinu zagrijavanja te prema izvedbi ogrjevnih tijela. Prodajni asortiman u Ecosu podijeljen je na lokalna i centralna grijanja, pri čemu je u svoju ponudu već od samog početka uvrstio peći za grijanje i kuhanje kakve odavna pamtimo. No, danas su i takvi, lokalni načini grijanja, modernizacijom postali sistemi grijanja.
From the very beginning the vision of the company Ecos was to be one of the leaders on domestic market in the area of conventional methods of heating, where it is specifically referred to central heating. After 15 years of experience and following trends on the market, Ecos accomplished itself as such. Assortment in the area of heating is nowadays diverse and divided in several ways: according to the energy-generating product, method of heating and according to the performance of the radiators. The sales assortment in Ecos is divided to local and central heating, where from the very beginning it included in its offer the furnaces for heating and cooking as we remember long since. But, today through modernization even such as those, local methods of heating, became the heating systems. 68
Where Ecos most certainly precedes are the central heating systems where the offer ranges from the biggest parts of the system, such as boilers, to the smallest trifles, such as suspension supplies. Boilers that today Ecos has in its assortment are far more qualitative than before due to the higher degree of utilization, great performances, modern design, easier method of usage because of the accompanying automatics and easier installation method. Company Ecos can proudly say that in the area of heating so far it has developed partnerships with numerous domestic and foreign producers who have different types of boilers in their offer: boilers on solid fuels, fuel oils, electricity and gas.
Ono u čemu Ecos zasigurno prednjači su sistemi centralnog grijanja gdje ponuda seže od najvećih dijelova sistema, poput kotlova, do najmanjih sitnica, poput ovjesnog pribora. Kotlovi kakve danas Ecos ima u svom asortimanu daleko su kvalitetniji nego prije zbog većeg stupnja iskorištenosti, odličnih performansi, modernog dizajna, lakšeg načina uporabe zbog pripadajućih automatika te lakšeg načina instalacije. Poduzeće Ecos s ponosom može reći da je na području grijanja do sada razvilo partnerske odnose s brojnim domaćim i stranim proizvođačima koji u ponudi imaju razne vrste kotlova: na kruta goriva, loživa ulja, električnu energiju i plin. “Stvarati veću vrijednost za kupce” vodilja je na svim područjima poslovanja Ecosa, pa tako i na polju grijanja, čemu svjedoče brojna europska imena u proizvodnji visokokvalitetnih pločastih i kupaonskih radijatora, ventila, razdjelnika i općenito popratne opreme za instalacije sistema grijanja.
“Creating greater value for customers” is a guiding thought in all areas of business in Ecos as well as in the area of heating, which is confirmed by the numerous European names in production of highly qualitative panel and bathroom radiators, valves, separators and of accompanying equipment for heating systems installation in general.
Renewable sources of energy have been certainly for some time one of the most important preoccupation of Ecos. Following the world and domestic trends, and in accordance with the ecological awareness, Ecos decided to include in its offer the heating systems based on the energy of the sun, air, water, earth and similar.
Obnovljivi izvori energije svakako su već neko vrijeme jedna od važnijih preokupacija Ecosa. Prateći svjetske i domaće trendove, a u skladu s ekološkom osviještenosti Ecos je odlučio u svoju ponudu uvrstiti i sisteme grijanja temeljene na energiji Sunca, zraka, vode, zemlje i slično. Shodno tomu, vakuumski i pločasti kolektori, spremnici, kotlovi na biomasu, toplinske pumpe i regulacije svakako su našli svoje mjesto na tržištu. Nastojeći se što bolje približiti željama i potrebama kupaca i općenito tržišta, Ecos danas ide i korak dalje te svojim kupcima nudi kolektore vlastitog branda Rocco s deset godina garancije i visokom kvalitetom što potvrđuju europski certifikati. Kao dokaz kako Ecos vjeruje u alternativne izvore energije svjedoči i kotlovnica na biomasu u vlastitoj poslovnoj zgradi čija je instalacija provedena u suradnji s proizvođačem Herz.
Accordingly, vacuum and panel accumulators, tanks, boilers on biomass, heating pumps and regulations definitely found its place in the market. Striving to better meet the wishes and needs of the customers and market in general, Ecos nowadays goes even one step further and offers its customers accumulators of its own brand Rocco with a ten year guarantee and high quality which is confirmed by European certificates. As a proof that Ecos believes in the alternative sources of energy there is a boiler plant on biomass located in its own business facility, whose installation was conducted in collaboration with the manufacturer Herz. 70
The owner and the head of the company had had for some time the project in creation that was the idea of their own brand and in 2012 that project had finally been realized. The name that will in the near future have some selected products from Ecos’ assortment is ROCCO – short, sounding, catchy name, readable in all languages and at the same time it has sentimental meaning because Roko is the name of the first grandson of the company’s owner. The first group of products, that already has the brand ROCCO, are vacuum and laminated solar accumulators, produced in accordance with the high world standards as evident by the certificate Solar Key Mark, one of the most recognized in the world of solar systems.
Ideja vlastitog branda već je neko vrijeme bio projekt u povojima vlasnika i rukovoditelja poduzeća, a 2012. godine konačno je i realiziran. Ime koje će u skoroj budućnosti nositi odabrani artikli iz Ecosovog asortimana je ROCCO - kratko, zvučno, pamtljivo ime, čitljivo na svim jezicima, ujedno ima i sentimentalno značenje jer je Roko ime prvog unuka vlasnika poduzeća. Prva grupa proizvoda koja već nosi ROCCO brand su vakuumski i pločasti solarni kolektori, proizvedeni po visokim svjetskim standardima čemu svjedoči i certifikat Solar Key Mark jedan od najpriznatijih u svijetu solarnih sistema.
Neizostavni dio Ecosove prodajne ponude zauzima široki asortiman vodomaterijala i kupaonske opreme. Vodoinstalacije su, kao i na području grijanja, doživljavale promjene, poboljšanja i modernizaciju. Nekada su se razvodi kućnih vodovodnih instalacija radili šavnim pocinčanim cijevima, no danas gotovo da ih i nema na tom polju. Zamijenile su ih cijevi izrađene od suvremenijih vrsta materijala kao što su: PPR, Pex-Al-Pex, PERT i druge. Ecos već dugi niz godina svojim kupcima osigurava kvalitetan prodajni asortiman, ali i jamči kako neće prestati pratiti trendove zapadnih tržišta u ponudi razvoda tople i hladne vode.
The indispensible part of Ecos’ sales offer has the wide range of plumbing material and bathroom equipment. Plumbing had, just as in the area of heating, experienced changes, improvements and modernization. Formerly the ushering of house plumbing works was performed with galvanized welded pipes, but today they almost do not exist in that area. They were replaced by pipes made of more modern types of materials such as: PPR, Pex-Al-Pex, PERT and others. For a long number of years already Ecos has been ensuring its customers the quality sales assortment, but it has also guaranteed that it will not stop with following western market trends concerning the offer of warm and cold water ushering.
3D vizualizacija kupaonica prema željama i zahtjevima kupaca
3D visualization of bathrooms in accordance with the customers’ wishes and demands
Apart from the equipment for ushering the plumbing systems, Ecos can also boast with rich offer for bathroom equipment. The customers that visit Ecos can find a wide assortment of products necessary for equipping or adapting the bathrooms: modern ceramic tiles, bathroom furniture of top-quality design, quality sanitary facilities, bathtubs and showers, boilers, embedded and prefabricated lavatory cisterns, various batteries and bathroom equipment. Apart from the standard offer of classic and modern plumbing equipment for bathrooms, Ecos also introduced in its offer the program for persons with disability and equipment for kindergartens. This confirms that Ecos is at the top in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning the offer of plumbing materials.
Osim opreme za razvod vodovodnih sistema, Ecos se može pohvaliti i bogatom ponudom opreme za kupaonice. Kupci koji posjete Ecos mogu pronaći širok izbor proizvoda potrebnih za opremanje ili adaptaciju kupaonica: moderne keramičke pločice, kupaonski namještaj vrhunskog dizajna, kvalitetne sanitarije, kade i tuš kabine, bojlere, ugradne i montažne vodokotliće, raznovrsne baterije i kupaonsku galanteriju. Osim uobičajene ponude klasične i moderne sanitarne opreme za kupaonice, Ecos je u svoju ponudu uveo i program za osobe s invaliditetom i opremu za dječje vrtiće. Ovo potvrđuje kako je Ecos u samom vrhu na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine kada je riječ o ponudi vodomaterijala.
Od osnutka do danas, Ecos je razvio široku servisnu mrežu koja danas broji 33 servisna centra u Bosni i Hercegovini te po jednu u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Centralni servis smješten je u poslovnoj zgradi Ecosa u Vitezu i u suradnji s ostalim servisnim centrima rješava reklamacije u kratkom roku. Ecosovi serviseri na poziv kupca vrše besplatnu intervenciju i servis svih prodanih proizvoda koji podliježu jamstvu.
From its foundation till today Ecos has developed a wide service network that now has 33 service centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and by one in Croatia, Serbia and Monte Negro. The central service is located in Ecos’ business facility in Vitez and in collaboration with other service centers it solves complaints in an instant. At a customer’s call Ecos’ repairmen perform free intervention and service of all sold products that are the subject of guarantee.
Ecosova servisna mreĹža, s centralnim servisom u Vitezu, broji 33 servisna centra u Bosni i Hercegovini
Ecos’ service network, with the central service in Vitez, has 33 centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Na kvalitetno organiziranom centralnom skladištu veličine 12 000 m2 smješteno je preko 5 000 različitih artikala, a vrijednost lagera, ovisno o sezoni, varira od 10 do 12 milijuna konvertibilnih maraka.
Over 5 000 different products is located in a well organized central warehouse of 12 000 m2 size and the value of the warehouse, depending on the season, varies from 10 to 12 millions of BAM.
The goods are delivered free on a daily basis with vehicles from its own vehicle fleet to almost all cites of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the addresses of Ecos’ contracted wholesale, retail sale and the final customers.
Roba se svakodnevno besplatno dostavlja vozilima iz vlastitog voznog parka u gotovo sve gradove Bosne i Hercegovine na adrese Ecosovih ugovorenih veleprodajnih, maloprodajnih te krajnjih kupaca.
Vodstvo poduzeća Ecos od samog početka drži kako je ljudski potencijal najveća vrijednost poduzeća. Ecos je, ulaganjem u svoje djelatnike i njihov razvoj, svjestan kako određene kompetencije donose dodatne vrijednosti za djelatnike, poduzeće i njihove klijente.
From the very beginning the management of Ecos company has believed that human potential is the greatest value of the company. Through investing in its employees and their development Ecos is aware that certain competences bring additional values to employees, company and their clients.
Tijekom cijele godine, poduzeće Ecos kontinuirano vrši interne i eksterne edukacije. Interne edukacije odvijaju se u Ecosovoj poslovnoj zgradi, a svrha im je obučiti svakog pojedinog djelatnika koji će imati doticaj s prodajnim asortimanom o namjeni, mogućnostima i prednostima pojedinog artikla u odnosu na konkurentske. Eksterne edukacije podrazumijevaju prezentacije određenih proizvoda ili grupe proizvoda kod Ecosovih poslovnih partnera, bilo kupaca ili dobavljača.
During the entire year company Ecos continuously performs internal and external education. Internal educations are performed in Ecos’ business facility and their purpose is to train every single employee, who will have contact with the sales assortment, about purpose, features and advantages of certain product in relation to the ones of the competitors. External educations imply presentation of certain products or group of products at Ecos’ business partners, either customers or suppliers.
One of traditional and ascertainable good methods of introducing certain products or novelties is the visit of Ecos’ customers, installers and employees to the factories of famous suppliers such as: Herz (Austria), Kovina/Unitas (Slovenia), Vogel & Noot, Austria Email (Austria), Oventrop (Germany), Vargon (Croatia) and Viega (Germany). The specified expert excursions
Jedan od tradicionalnih i provjereno dobrih načina upoznavanja određenih proizvoda ili noviteta je posjeta Ecosovih kupaca, instalatera i djelatnika tvornicama poznatih dobavljača kao što su: Herz (Austrija), Kovina/Unitas (Slovenija), Vogel & Noot, Austria Email (Austrija), Oventrop (Njemačka),
Vargon (Hrvatska) i Viega (Njemačka).
are organized on annual level and almost always is required “a ticket more”, primarily because of new knowledge, but also because of the pleasant atmosphere and lots of fun, which never lacks.
Navedene stručne ekskurzije organiziraju se na godišnjoj razini i gotovo uvijek se traži karta više ponajprije zbog novih znanja, ali također i zbog ugodne atmosfere i veselog druženja kojeg nikada ne manjka.
Rukovodstvo poduzeća Ecos za zadatak ima planiranje dugoročne strategije poduzeća, kreiranje i održavanje poslovne politike, postavljanje dugoročnih ciljeva i praćenja njihove realizacije. Drugim riječima, osnovni zadatak je usmjeravanje ljudskog kapitala i materijalnih resursa u odgovarajućem smjeru.
Management of Ecos company has for its task planning of long-term strategy of the company, creating and maintaining of the business policy, setting of long-term goals and monitoring their realization. In other words, their basic task is steering the human capital and material resources in corresponding direction.
Rukovodstvo čini ukupno osam članova, što uključuje voditelje odjela i članove uprave. Na redovitim sastancima analiziraju se rezultati poslovanja na mjesečnoj, kvartalnoj i godišnjoj razini.
Management consists of eight members in total, which includes head of departments and members of the board. Business results on monthly, quarterly and annual level are analyzed at regular meetings.
Nadalje, teme sastanaka su i kratkoročni planovi, smjer ostvarenja istih, donošenje prijedloga za unaprjeđivanje poslovnih procesa i još niz drugih. Svaki član rukovodstva odgovoran je za svoj odjel i donesene odluke provodi i kontrolira na razini svog odjela.
Furthermore, meetings’ topics are also the shortterm plans, direction of their realization, making proposals for improvements of business processes and number of other topics. Every member of management is responsible for his department and conducts and controls the adopted decisions within his department.
Anto Rajković
Josipa Rajković
vlasnik i generalni direktor Owner and managing director
Svoju radnu karijeru započeo je u poduzeću “Vilenica” u Novom Travniku gdje je bio uposlen 15 godina. Godine 1987. zajedno s braćom Vladom i Franjom osniva zanatsku radionicu “Rajković” koja potom prerasta u privatno poduzeće “Economic”. U razdoblju dok je bio uposlen u “Economicu” neko je vrijeme vršio dužnost generalnog direktora. Godine 1998. zajedno sa suprugom Josipom osniva poduzeće “Ecos” koje i danas, više nego uspješno, vodi.
zamjenica direktora deputy manager
He started his working career in company “Vilenica” in Novi Travnik where he had worked for 15 years. In year 1987, together with his brothers Vlado and Franjo, he established the craft workshop “Rajković” which afterwards outgrew in the private company “Economic”. In the period of his employment in “Economic” he performed the function of managing director for some time. In year 1998, together with his wife Josipa, he founded the company “Ecos” which he has been, more than successfully, leading today as well.
Po završetku srednje građevinske škole uposlila se u poduzeću “Vilenica” u Novom Travniku gdje je radila sve do 1987. godine kada prelazi u poduzeće “Rajković”, odnosno “Economic”. Bogato radno iskustvo stečeno u navedenim poduzećima prenijela je u poduzeće Ecos koje je, zajedno sa suprugom Antom, osnovala 1998. godine. Josipa Rajković najzaslužnija je za uvođenje ISO standarda u Ecos stoga i postaje prvi manager za kvalitetu 2002. godine. Godine 2004. postaje zamjenica direktora, a tu funkciju obavlja i danas.
After finishing the secondary school for civil engineering she took employment in the company “Vilenica” in Novi Travnik where she worked till 1987 when she made transition to the company “Rajković”, namely “Economic”. She brought her rich working experience, gained in the mentioned companies, to the company Ecos which she, together with her husband Anto, founded in 1998. Josipa Rajković is the most creditable for implementation of ISO standard in Ecos and hence she becomes the first quality manager in 2002. In year 2004 she becomes a deputy manager and she performs that function today as well.
Bojan Rajković
Svoje prve dane u Ecosu provodi kao dijete na ljetnim praksama, a po stjecanju diplome iz ekonomije manadžmenta u Dubrovniku vraća se u obiteljsko poduzeće. Svoja ozbiljnija radna zaduženja u Ecosu počinje kao voditelj transportne službe gdje se upoznaje s problematikom distribucijske mreže i pomaže u njezinoj izgradnji. Bogatije iskustvo u samom poslovanju Ecosa stječe kao komercijalist prodaje za Srednjobosansku regiju. Po uzoru na svoje roditelje, neprestano uči te kroz vlastito iskustvo i rad stječe titulu zamjenika direktora 2009. godine.
Bernard Bodulović
zamjenik direktora deputy manager
voditelj komercijalne službe head of commercial service
Svoj radni vijek započinje u poduzeću “Economic” 1996. godine gdje radi u odjelu skladišta na prijemu i otpremi roba. Godine 1998., zajedno sa supružnicima Rajković, prelazi u poduzeće Ecos gdje je na početku radio u odjelu prodaje. Tijekom svog rada, stječe bogato radno iskustvo te je 2002. godine unaprijeđen u voditelja komercijalne službe. Danas komercijalna služba broji 14 djelatnika, a Bernardova osnovna uloga je svakodnevna koordinacija, raspodjela radnih zadataka i donošenje važnih odluka za nabavku i prodaju robe.
He spends his first days in Ecos as a child on summer practices and, by acquiring diploma from the economy of management in Dubrovnik, he returns to the family company. He starts his more serious working assignments in Ecos as a head of transportation service where he gets acquainted with the issues of distribution network and helps its building. He gains richer experience in Ecos’ business as a sales commercialist for the Central Bosnia region. Inspired by his parents, he constantly learns and through his own experience and work he gains the title of deputy manager in 2009.
He started his working life in the company “Economic” in 1996 where he worked in warehouse department on admission and shipment of goods. In year 1998, together with the spouses Rajković, he makes transition to the company Ecos where, in the beginning, he worked in the sales department. During his work he gains the rich working experience and in 2002 he got promoted to the head of commercial service. Today the commercial service has 14 employees and Bernard’s main role is everyday coordination, distribution of working assignments and making important decisions concerning procurement and sales of goods.
Milena Marjanović dipl. oec.
Mladen Pranjković
voditeljica službe računovodstva head of accounting service
voditelj odjela proizvodnje head of production department
Radnu karijeru započeo je u poduzeću “Sebešić” u Travniku, a nastavio u Općini Vitez. Zaposlenik je Ecosa od 1999. godine, a s obzirom da je od samih početaka upoznat s procesom proizvodnje fleksibilnih cijevi i montaže sanitarnih armatura, Mladen je 2000. godine imenovan voditeljem odjela proizvodnje. Danas odjel proizvodnje broji 27 djelatnika, a glavni zadaci voditelja su organizacija djelatnika, planiranje proizvodnih procesa i redovita komunikacija s ostalim odjelima.
Prva radna iskustva stječe kao praktikantica tijekom ljetne prakse u Ecosu, a potom i kao stipendistica tijekom studija na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Po stjecanju diplome, zapošljava se u Ecosu na mjestu referentice računovodstva gdje je svoje teoretsko znanje obogatila iskustvom na tom polju. Radom i marljivošću, 2009. godine biva unaprijeđena u voditeljicu službe računovodstva čija zaduženja odgovorno obavlja i danas.
He started his working career in the company “Sebešić” in Travnik and continued it at the Municipality Vitez. He has been employed in Ecos since 1999 and, considering that he had been acquainted from the very beginnings with the flexible pipes production process and installation of sanitary fittings, in year 2000 Mladen was appointed to head of production department. Today the production department has 27 employees and the main assignments of the head of department are organization of employees, planning of production processes and regular communication with other departments.
She gains her first working experiences as a practitioner during the summer practice in Ecos and afterwards as a scholar during her studying at College of Economy in Sarajevo. After acquiring a diploma she took employment in Ecos working as the accounting clerk where she enriched her theoretical knowledge with experience in that field. Thanks to her work and diligence, in 2009 she got promoted to the head of accounting service whose assignments she performs responsibly today as well.
Ana Zirdum dipl. oec.
Dragana Martinović
supervizor za marketing i maloprodaju marketing and retail sale supervisor
Baš kao i brat Bojan, već od malih nogu, svoje slobodno vrijeme provodi radeći u Ecosu i stječe osnovne radne navike i iskustva. Po završetku studija, 2006. godine, stalno se zapošljava u Ecosu te iste godine postaje voditeljica službe marketinga. Znanja stečena na Američkom koledžu za menadžment i tehnologiju u Dubrovniku donosi u Ecos, primjenjuje ih te obogaćuje promotivnu politiku Ecosa novim i svježim idejama. Bogato iskustvo, predan rad i trud nameću joj nova zaduženja te krajem 2012. godine postaje supervizorom za marketing i maloprodaju.
dipl. ing. poljoprivrede menadžer za kvalitetu quality manager
Po završetku studija poljoprivrede u Sarajevu, zapošljava se kao profesorica biologije i kemije u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi u Novom Travniku. Godine 2004. dolazi u Ecos, a iste godine postaje menadžerom za kvalitetu. Draganini zadaci su, između ostalog, osiguravanje da se sustav upravljanja kvalitetom implementira, održava i stalno unaprjeđuje.
Just as her brother Bojan, since she was a child, she has spent her time working in Ecos and thus gains the basic work habits and experiences.After finishing college in 2006 she gets the permanent employment in Ecos and in that same year becomes the head of marketing service. She brings to Ecos her knowledge, acquired at American college for management and technology in Dubrovnik, applies them and enriches the promotional policy of Ecos with new and fresh ideas. Her rich experience, dedicated work and effort impose her new assignments and by the end of 2012 she becomes the marketing and retail sale supervisor. 87
After finishing the college of agronomy in Sarajevo she took employment as a professor of biology and chemistry in elementary and secondary school in Novi Travnik. In year 2004 she came to Ecos and in that same year she became the quality manager. Dragana’s assignments are, among other things, ensuring that the system of quality management is implemented, maintained and constantly improved.
Bernard Bodulović voditelj komercijalne službe
“Uspjeh je na strani onih koji znaju.” “Success is on the side of those who have knowledge.”
Komercijalna služba u sebi ujedinjuje komercijalu prodaje i komercijalu nabave roba. Godinama se u Ecosu tražio dobar recept za unaprjeđenje poslovanja ove službe. Tako su na početku svi radili i prodaju i nabavu. Vremenom se služba interno podijelila na prodaju i nabavu i na taj način funkcionira i danas.
Commercial service unites the sale commercial and the procurement of goods commercial. For many years in Ecos they have been trying to find the good recipe for business improvement of this service. Thus at the beginning everyone worked on both sale and procurement. In time the service internally divided to sale and procurement and in that way it functions today as well.
Odjel nabave broji šest članova podijeljenih na tim za centralno grijanje i tim za vodomaterijal, sanitarije i kupaonsku opremu. Osnovni zadaci odjela nabave su nabavka repromaterijala za proizvodnju i održavanje, planiranje i ugovaranje nabave, analiza prometa roba te praćenje cjelokupnog procesa od trenutka naručivanja do prijema robe u skladište. Osim osnovnih i svakodnevnih zaduženja koje komercijalisti imaju u ovom odjelu, donose se i neke zajedničke odluke vezane za projekte, strategije, istraživanja tržišta, mjesečna izvješća i zapažanja, a sve u suradnji s rukovodstvom.
Procurement department has six members divided to team for central heating and team for plumbing material, sanitary facilities and bathroom equipment. Basic tasks of the procurement department are purchasing the materials for production and maintenance, planning and contracting the procurement, analyzing transportation of goods and monitoring the entire process from the moment of ordering to the admission of the goods to the warehouse. Apart from the basic and everyday assignments that commercialists have in this department, some mutual decisions are made concerning projects, strategies, market exploring, monthly reports and observations, and all in collaboration with the management. 91
Odjel prodaje broji osam članova podijeljenih na regije koje vode. Prvi korak koji komercijalist prodaje mora napraviti je istraživanje tržišta kako bi stekao osnovna znanja o postojećim, ali i potencijalnim kupcima, njihovim potrebama i zahtjevima. Na temelju toga, svaki komercijalist razrađuje analizu i plan prodaje. Najzahtjevniji zadatak svakog od njih je svakako praćenje zadovoljstva kupaca gdje ih jasno vode procedure propisane ISO sustavom prema kojima su obvezni planirati i evidentirati svaku posjetu kupcima, njihove prijedloge i primjedbe te, u skladu s tim, djelovati.
Sales department has eight members divided to regions that they lead. The first step that a sale commercialist must take is exploring the market in order to gain the basic knowledge on existing, but also on potential customers, their needs and demands. On the basis of that every commercialist elaborates the analysis and sales plan. The most demanding assignment of every sale commercialist is certainly monitoring satisfaction of the customers where they are clearly led by procedures assigned by ISO system according to which they are obliged to plan and record every visit to the customers, their suggestions and observations and to act accordingly.
Stručnost i fleksibilnost komercijalne službe leži u činjenici kako je većina djelatnika od samih početaka s Ecosom. Kako je rastao Ecos, raslo je i njihovo iskustvo, a poznanstva su se širila. Ulaganjem u edukacije i zapošljavanjem, redom mladog i obrazovanog kadra, stvorio se odličan preduvjet za poboljšanje svih poslovnih procesa ovog odjela.
Expertise and flexibility of commercial service lies in the fact that most employees have been with Ecos from the very beginning. As Ecos grew, their experience grew as well and acquaintances broadened. By investing in education and employing young and educated staff the great precondition was created for improvement of all business processes of this department.
Predstavnici Ecosa na izložbenom štandu Herz-a, sajam ISH Frankfurt 2013. godine
Ecos’ representatives at the Herz’s exhibition booth, the fair ISH Frankfurt in 2013
Milena Marjanović voditeljica računovodstva
“Sav napor se isplati ukoliko ne odustajemo od onog što smo naumili.”
Napolen Hill “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”
Napoleon Hill
Sve informacije o proteklom i tekućem poslovanju sadrži odjel računovodstva. Ovaj sektor je posljednja stanica svakog dokumenta koji dospije u poduzeće Ecos, bilo da se radi o proizvodnji, veleprodaji, maloprodaji, uvozu ili izvozu robe. Računovodstvo Ecosa u svakom trenutku raspolaže s podacima na osnovu kojih se rade različite dnevne, mjesečne i godišnje analize i izvješća. U odjelu računovodstva zaposleno je osam djelatnika podijeljenih prema specifičnim radnim zaduženjima koje obavljaju: financijsko računovodstvo, robno-materijalno računovodstvo, obračun osobnog dohotka, blagajna i likvidatura.
Accounting department has all information on previous and current business. This sector is the last station of each document that arrives to Ecos, whether it concerns production, wholesale, retail sale, import or export of goods. In each moment the accounting of Ecos disposes with data on basis of which are made different daily, monthly and annual analysis and reports. In accounting department there are eight employees divided according to the specific work assignments they perform: financial accounting, material accounting, personal income calculation, treasury and liquidation.
Accounting department is closely related to the work of a secretary through whose hands pass all documents that enter and exit the company and who is also the first connection between Ecos on the one hand and business partner on the other. Important segment in general affairs is also the legal service that is in charge of management of personnel records and legal documentations.
S odjelom računovodstva usko je povezano radno mjesto tajnice kroz čije ruke prođu svi dokumenti koji ulaze i izlaze iz poduzeća i koja je ujedno i prva veza između Ecosa s jedne, i poslovnog partnera s druge strane. Važan segment u općim poslovima je i pravna služba koja je zadužena za vođenje kadrovske evidencije i pravne dokumentacije.
Vesna Matković voditeljica marketinga
“Briljantnost bez sposobnosti komuniciranja bezvrijedna je u bilo kakvom pothvatu.”
Thomas Leech “Brilliance without the capability to communicate is worth little in any enterprise.”
Thomas Leech
Za imidž poduzeća najviše se brine marketing tim kroz aktivnosti koje se svakodnevno provode u ovom odjelu, a to su: priprema i osmišljavanje reklamnog materijala, uređivanje i održavanje web stranice, dizajniranje pakiranja vlastitih proizvoda, kao i osmišljavanje kompletnih reklamnih kampanja. Posebna pozornost posvećuje se kvalitetnom predstavljanju Ecosovog prodajnog asortimana kroz različite kataloge, letke, brošure i časopis Ecos News.
Marketing team is mostly concerned about the company’s image and does that through activities that are conducted in this department every day and those are: preparation and design of advertising material, editing and maintaining the website, designing packages of their own products, as well as designing complete advertising campaigns. Special attention is dedicated to quality presentation of Ecos sale assortment through different catalogs, fliers, brochures and
Sredinom 2007. godine pokrenut je časopis Ecos News kojem je glavni cilj informiranje kupaca i poslovnih partnera o novitetima u ponudi i uslugama koje poduzeće nudi. Časopis je dobio prilično dobre kritike i veliku pažnju čitatelja jer se konstantno ulaže mnogo truda kako bi se obradile teme zanimljive Ecosovim poslovnim partnerima, djelatnicima i široj društvenoj zajednici. Ecos News besplatan je časopis koji izlazi dvomjesečno i dostavlja se na adrese Ecosovih kupaca i dobavljača čime lako dolazi do ciljane skupine čitatelja.
In the middle of 2007 magazine Ecos News was initiated. Its main goal is informing customers and business partners on novelties in the offer and services that the company provides. The magazine got extremely good reviews and great attention of readers because lots of effort has constantly been invested in order for processing topics interesting to Ecos’ business partners, employees and wider social community. Ecos News is a free magazine that is published every two months and is delivered to the addresses of Ecos’ customers and suppliers whereby it easily reaches the target group of readers.
Važno je napomenuti kako je Ecosov tiskani reklamni materijal na zavidnoj razini kada je u pitanju dizajn, kvaliteta izrade te sama prezentacija poduzeća i cjelokupnog asortimana. Važan čimbenik u kvalitetnom izvršavanju zadanih ciljeva je dobra komunikacija sa svim odjelima u poduzeću, posebice s odjelom komercijalne službe što rezultira uspješnom pozicioniranju Ecosa na tržištu.
magazine Ecos News. It is important to mention that Ecos’ printed advertising material is at the enviable level when design, production quality and presentation of the company and entire assortment itself are concerned. Important factor in quality execution of the set tasks is good communication with all departments in the company, especially with commercial service department which results in successful positioning of Ecos on the market.
Jedan od članova odjela marketinga zadužen je za održavanje računalne mreže, telekomunikacije i tehničku podršku.
One of the members of marketing department is in charge of maintaining the computer network, telecommunications and technical support.
Djelić reklamnog materijala nastao u radionici Ecosovog marketing tima
A fraction of advertising material made in the workshop of Ecos’ marketing team
Jedan od zadataka odjela marketinga je brendiranje voznog parka
One of the marketing department assignments is branding the vehicle fleet
Dragan Krezić voditelj maloprodaje
“Posao se gradi na odanim kupcima koji se vraćaju i sa sobom dovode svoje prijatelje.” “Business is built on loyal customers who return and bring their friends with them.”
U sklopu poslovne zgrade u Vitezu, nalazi se Ecosov jedini maloprodajni centar gdje su u ugodnom ambijentu predstavljeni proizvodi iz ponude centralnog grijanja, vodomaterijala te opreme za kupaonice. O kvalitetnoj prezentaciji koja vodi uspješnoj prodaji brine se četrnaest educiranih i ljubaznih djelatnika. Kako bi u tome bili što uspješniji, djelatnici maloprodaje konstantno unaprjeđuju svoje znanje po-
Ecos’ only retail center is located within the business building in Vitez where, in pleasant atmosphere, are presented products from the offer of central heating, plumbing material and equipment for bathrooms. Fourteen educated and complaisant employees are in charge of the quality presentation that leads to successful sale. In order to be more successful in that, retail sale employees constantly improve their
hađajući razne seminare, prezentacije i obuke, a ljubaznost, stručnost i spremnost odgovoriti na sva pitanja kupaca je ono što ih razlikuje od drugih. Maloprodajni prostor veličine 1500 m2 podijeljen je u dvije etaže. U prizemlju su izloženi svi proizvodi iz programa vodomaterijala i centralnog grijanja kako bi bili lakše dostupni instalaterima koji svakodnevno posjećuju Ecos. Na katu se nalazi izložbeni salon u kojem je kompletirano dvadesetak kupaonica s pripadajućom opremom koje mogu poslužiti i kao inspiracija prilikom 3D vizualiziranja buduće kupaonice.
knowledge by attending different seminars, presentations and trainings and what differentiates them from others are complaisance, expertise and readiness to answer all customers’ questions. Retail sale area with size of 1500 m2 is divided to two floors. On the ground floor are exhibited all products from the program of plumbing material and central heating in order to be more accessible to the installers that visit Ecos every day. Upstairs is the exhibition showroom where twenty bathrooms are set with the accompanying equipment that can serve as inspiration during 3D visualization of the future bathroom.
Kako bi djelatnici odjela maloprodaje svoj posao obavljali besprijekorno, neizostavan je timski rad te komunikacija s komercijalnom službom i marketingom što vodi jednom jedinom cilju: zadovoljnom kupcu.
In order for retail sale department employees to perform their work flawlessly, the team work is essential as well as communication with the commercial service and marketing which leads only to one goal the satisfied customer.
Mladen Pranjković voditelj proizvodnje
“Planinu će pomaknuti samo onaj tko je na početku pomicao kamenčiće.” “Mountain will be moved by the one who moved small stones at the beginning.”
S 27 djelatnika, odjel proizvodnje je drugi najbrojniji odjel u poduzeću. Osnovni zadaci djelatnika odjela vezani su za proces proizvodnje “Ecoflex” fleksibilnih cijevi te montažu sanitarnih armatura. U odnosu na razdoblje prije petnaest godina, metode i procesi su se znatno unaprijedili te je danas proizvodnja serijska, a radna mjesta organizirana su prema fazama proizvodnog procesa: namotavanje, pletenje, sječenje, montiranje, presanje, kontrola, označavanje i pakiranje.
With 27 employees the production department is the biggest department in the company. Main assignments of this department’s employees are related to the production process of “Ecoflex” flexible pipes and installation of sanitary fittings. In relation to the period fifteen years ago, methods and processes have significantly improved and nowadays the production is serial and working places are organized in accordance with the production process phases: winding, knitting, shearing, installation, pressing, control, marking and packing.
Tijek proizvodnje fleksibilnih cijevi se od početka do kraja odvija u skladu s propisanim procedurama ISO sustava. Za svaki nalog u proizvodnji, glavni tehnolog pravi specifikaciju potrebnog repromaterijala te otvara radne podnaloge koje preuzimaju izvršitelji u proizvodnji. Strojevi na kojima se radi su automatski i poluatomatski, a svaki djelatnik obučen je za rad na stroju, educiran i upoznat s radnim zadacima i nalozima. Dio djelatnika proizvodnje zadužen je za montažu, kontrolu i pakiranje sanitarnih armatura.
The course of flexible pipes production, from its beginning till the end, is performed in accordance with the regulated procedures of ISO system. For each order to production department the main technologist makes a specification of the necessary materials and opens the working sub-orders that are taken over by the executors in production department. Machines, on which the work is performed, are automatic and semi-automatic and each employee is trained for working on the machine, educated and acquainted with the work assignments and orders. One part of production department employees is in charge of installation, control and packing of sanitary fittings. 113
Voditelj proizvodnje zadužen je analizirati i raditi tjedno izvješće o proizvidnji fleksibilnih cijevi i utrošku repromaterijala, a godišnji i periodični planovi donose se u suradnji s rukovodstvom i komercijalnom službom.
Head of production is in charge of analyzing and making the weekly report on flexible pipes production and consumption of materials, while annual and periodic plans are made in collaboration with management and commercial service.
U sklopu odjela proizvodnje nalazi se i centralni servis poduzeća Ecos čija je uloga servisiranje svih artikala iz prodajnog i proizvodnog asortimana kao i održavanje strojeva u proizvodnji. Centralni servis raspolaže skladištem rezervnih dijelova za sve Ecosove servisne centre.
The central service of Ecos company is located within production department and its role is servicing of all products from sales and production assortment, as well as maintaining machines in production department. The central service disposes with the warehouse of spare parts for all Ecos’ service centers.
Zdenko Bodulović voditelj skladišta
“Nismo najbolji, ali za bolje od nas ne znamo.” “We are not the best, but we don’t know about the better ones than us.”
Skladište je odjel u kojem je zaposlen 31 djelatnik čiji se radni zadaci svode se na prijem, skladištenje i otpremu robe. Prilikom skladištenja, vodi se briga o zaštiti proizvoda od fizičkih, kemijskih, atmosferskih i ostalih utjecaja.
Warehouse is a department where 31 persons are employed whose working assignments are admission, storage and shipment of goods. During storage the products are carefully protected from physical, chemical, atmospheric and other influences.
Također, cjelokupan proces izvršavanja radnih zadataka u odjelu skladišta u skladu je s procedurama propisanim ISO standardom zbog čega su greške u prijemu i isporuci robe minimalne.
Also, the entire process of the working tasks execution in the warehouse department is in accordance with the procedures regulated by ISO standard wherefore the mistakes in admission and shipment of goods are minimal. 122
Najveću ulogu u svakodnevnom izvršavanju radnih zadataka u odjelu skladišta igra timski rad jer samo uz kvalitetnu komunikaciju te zajednički rad i zalaganje mogu se postići dobri rezultati.
The biggest role in everyday execution of working tasks in warehouse department has team work, because only with quality communication and mutual work and dedication good results can be accomplished. 124
Dario Halilović voditelj transporta
“Od svih ratnika najjača su dva: vrijeme i strpljenje.”
L. N. Tolstoj “The strongest of all warriors are these two – time and patience.”
L. N. Tolstoj
Svaki dan, 12 vozača transportne službe poduzeća Ecos uputi se u različitim pravcima Bosne i Hercegovine kako bi isporučili robu na tristotinjak adresa ugovorenih veleprodajnih kupaca.
Every day 12 drivers of transportation service of Ecos company set off in different directions of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to deliver goods to three hundred addresses of contracted wholesale customers.
Pored isporuke unutar Bosne i Hercegovine, transportna služba vrši dostavu robe i izvan njezinih granica i to u Hrvatsku, Srbiju, Sloveniju i Crnu Goru. Usto, sukladno potrebama i dogovorima između komercijalista nabave i dobavljača, Ecosov vozni park povremeno služi i za dopremu robe od dobavljača.
Apart from the shipment within Bosnia and Herzegovina, transportation service also delivers goods outside its borders, namely to Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Monte Negro. Withal, in accordance with the needs and arrangements between procurement commercialists and suppliers, Ecos’ vehicle fleet occasionally also serves for delivery of goods from suppliers.
Jedan Ecosov vozač kamionom mjesečno prijeđe u prosjeku 6 400 km. Za godinu dana svog rada, svaki vozač prevali 76 800 km. To je otprilike kao da je svaki od dvanaest vozača tijekom jedne godine obišao dva puta Zemljinu kuglu.
One Ecos’ driver monthly crosses in average 6 400 kilometers by truck. In one year of his work every driver crosses 76 800 kilometers. That is approximately as if every out of twelve drivers during one year twice went around the Earth.
U sklopu svoje poslovne zgrade, poduzeće Ecos posjeduje suvremen i funkcionalan restoran u kojemu se svakodnevno hrani 121 djelatnik Ecosa. Profesionalna oprema u kuhinji, izvrsni kuhari te ťirok izbor visokokvalitetnih namirnica kombinacija su za nekoliko vrsta ukusnih jela koja se djelatnicima svaki dan nude na jelovniku.
Within its business facility Ecos company owns a modern and functional restaurant where 121 employees of Ecos have their meals on a daily basis. Professional equipment in kitchen, excellent chefs and wide assortment of high quality food are combination for several kinds of delicious meals that are offered to employees every day on the menu.
Svaki posao zaslužuje biti nagrađen odmorom i dobrim jelom koji krijepe tijelo i duh
Predah tijekom radnog dana djelatnici koriste u moderno uređenom prostoru Ecosovog caffe-a gdje se mogu osvježiti uz razne vrste napitaka. Odjel ugostiteljstva čini pet kuhara i tri konobara.
Employees use the break during the working hours in modernly furnished area of Ecos’ coffee shop where they can refresh themselves with different kinds of beverages. Catering department consists of five chefs and three waiters.
Ecos u društvenoj zajednici Ecos in the social community
Ecos u društvenoj zajednici
Ecos in the social community
Ecos od samog osnutka gaji svijest o društvenoj odgovornosti poduzeća i aktivno sudjeluje u kreiranju kvalitetnije društvene zajednice. Tijekom petnaest godina postojanja poduzeća, Ecos je stipendirao 45 studenata koji su pohađali različite studije - od ekonomije i marketinga do medicine i filozofije. Pored toga, gotovo da ne postoji sportski kolektiv na području općine Vitez koji na neki način nije potpomoglo poduzeće Ecos, bilo da se radi o novčanoj donaciji, sponzorskim ugovorima ili sportskoj opremi.
From the very beginning Ecos has nourished the company’s awareness on social responsibility and actively participated in creating more quality social community. During fifteen years of the company’s existence, Ecos gave scholarships to 45 students that attended different colleges - from economy and marketing to medicine and philosophy. Apart from that, there is almost no sport team in the area of Vitez municipality that hasn’t been supported in some way by Ecos company, whether by financial donation, sponsorship contracts or sport equipment.
Svake godine Ecos daruje umirovljenike sela Jardol
Every year Ecos donates the pensioners of village Jardol
Povodom blagdana Božića 2009. godine Ecos je prigodnim paketićima darivao najmlađe stanovnike romskog naselja Sofa u Vitezu
On Christmas 2009 Ecos gave appropriate gifts to the youngest residents of the gypsy village Sofa in Vitez
Stipendisti na ljetnoj praksi u Ecosu
Scholars on summer practice in Ecos
Detalj s BoŞićnog koncerta u kongresnoj dvorani Franťiznog centra
A detail from the Christmas concert in the congress hall in Franchise centre
Instaliranjem vlastite kotlovnice na biomasu, odnosno primjenom obnovljivih izvora energije, Ecos je dokazao i kako drži do važnosti očuvanja okoliša.
By installment of its own boiler plant on biomass, namely by application of renewable sources of energy, Ecos proved that it also values the importance of environment protection.
Predstavljanje Ecosove kotlovnice na biomasu
Presentation of Ecos boiling plant on biomass
Košarkaška utakmica između Igokee i Viteza odigrana je za liječenje malog Davida iz Viteza
Basketball match between Igokea and Vitez was held for the treatment of little David from Vitez
Najmlađa postava NK Jardola
The youngest line up of NK Jardol
Ecos na planinskim vrhovima s članovima Planinarskog društva Vitez Ecos at the mountain peaks with the members of the Mountain club Vitez
Svoje humano djelovanje Ecos je nebrojeno puta pokazao podržavajući razne humanitarne akcije, koncerte te donacijama za socijalno ugrožene osobe.
Ecos showed its philanthropic activity numerous times by supporting different charitable actions, concerts and by donations to socially vulnerable people.
Mladi i talentirani šahist iz Viteza, Dejan Marjanović Young and talented chess player from Vitez, Dejan Marjanović
Veliko hvala za Ecos od najmlađe postave judo kluba “Vitez”
A big thank you to Ecos from the youngest line up of judo club “Vitez”
Ecos je jedan od glavnih sponzora HOKK “Vitez”
Ecos is one of the main sponsors of HOKK “Vitez”
Direktor Bojan Rajković uručuje nagradu vođi pobjedničke ekipe na turniru ulične košarke “Streetball challenge 2009” Vitez
Director Bojan Rajković hands the award to the leader of the winning team at the street basketball tournament “Streetball challenge 2009” Vitez
Potpisivanje ugovora između Ecosa i NK Vitez kojim je Ecos postao generalni sponzor kluba za sezonu 2009/2010. Anto Rajković, vlasnik i direktor Ecosa i Vlatko Kafadar, predsjednik Kluba
Signing the contract between Ecos and NK Vitez by which Ecos became the major sponsor of the club for season 2009/2010. Anto Rajković, owner and director of Ecos and Vlatko Kafadar, president of the Club.
Dru탑enja Socializing
BeÄ? 2004. godine
Plitvice 2002. godine
Zlatibor 2005. godine
Dubrovnik 2006. godine
Klek i Međugorje 2008. godine
Biograd 2007. godine
PotoÄ?ani 2009. godine
Ćifluk 2010. godine
Vlašić 2011. godine
Vlašić 2012. godine
Direktori poduzeća svake godine, povodom međunarodnog Dana žena, daruju djelatnice Ecosa prigodnim poklonima
Every year, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, directors of the company give appropriate presents to the female employees of Ecos
Sve djelatnice Ecosa na zabavi povodom Dana žena 2012. godine
All female emploees of Ecos at the party held on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 2012
Djeca u iĹĄÄ?ekivanju Djeda Mraza
Children in anticipation of Santa Claus
U krilu Djeda Mraza, Roko i Maris Rajković. Podjela paketića 2012. godine
Sitting in Santa Claus’ lap, Roko and Maris Rajković. Handing of the gift packages in 2012
Maškare u Ecosu
The carnival group in Ecos
Logotip Ecosa izrađen od 2000 zajedničkih fotografija na dar vlasnicima Ecosa od svih djelatnika. Novogodišnja proslava 2010. godine
Ecos’ logo made out of 2000 shared photographs as a gift to the owners of Ecos from all employees. New Year’s celebration in 2010
Direktor i zamjenici s nagrađenim djelatnicima za 2010. godinu
Director and deputy managers with the awarded employees for the year 2010
Prebrojavanje glasova za djelatnika godine, novogodiĹĄnja proslava 2008. godine
Counting the votes for the employee of the year, the New Year’s celebration in 2008
Torta za rukovodstvo povodom 10. obljetnice poduzeća
Cake for the management on the occasion of the company’s 10th anniversary
Autori nagrađenih fotografija s natječaja za Ecosov kalendar 2007. godine
Authors of the awarded photographs from the bidding for Ecos’ calendar in 2007