Rijless is more

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rijles is more

executive summary Unemployed youth volunteering for Hotspot Hutspot are offered driving lessons during which they transport residual flows from their source to the restaurants of Hotspot Hutspot, this way they are optimizing the utilization of food waste and increasing their employability. Rotterdam has, compared to other Dutch cities a high percentage unemployed youth. At the same time there are job opportunities in logistics. The mean costs for achieving a drivers license in The Netherlands is high, whereas the mean income for unemployed youth is â‚Ź 230/month. And although achieving a license would increase their employability, the cost are not endorsed by the unemployment agency. Hotspot Hutspot wants to improve chances of unemployed youth by offering them driving lessons. By combining these driving lessons with the transportation of the residual flows Hotspot Hutspot uses in their menus they solve their need for drivers, since only 10% of all involved volunteers at Hotspot Hutspot is in possession of a license, and optimize the residual flow towards their restaurants. Every three months five subjects will be able to achieve their license, equalling 20 subjects a year. At the same time Hotspot Hutspot wants to reduce their CO2 emission by using hydrogen cars. Rotterdam has the only public hydrogen filling station near one of the restaurants in Rhoon. The objective is that Hotspot Hutspot uses 80% of their products from residual flows. The money that is saved from reduced cost can be used as one of three cashflows to finance Rijles is more. As soon as the logistics run smoothly, transport services can also be offered to other organizations. Hotspot estimates that 25% of the costs can be covered this way. Finally the youth also contribute financially by investing their voluntary fee (approximately â‚Ź 75 a month). when the project is successful it can be implemented in other cities where Hotspot Hutspot is active and other projects can use the rijles is more transportation services, thus creating new job opportunities.

bob richters | bob@hotspothutspot.nl | 0651 810675 dorine ruter | dorine@hotspothutspot.nl | 0657 938693

innovation a. What is the problem you’re trying to solve? 33,4% of the total Rotterdam population is under the age of 27 (staat van de jeugd, 2017). Unemployment among Rotterdam youth is high compared to other Dutch cities: 6,2% of all youth between 15 -26 years old is registered as unemployed and receive (above 18 years) benefit, whereas 8,7 % of the youth in this category is labeled ‘invisible’: not in sight of any governmental agency (www.rotterdam.incijfers.nl). A lot of these are the young drop-outs, unemployed, sometimes with a history of addiction and ‘sofa hopping’ (living with varying friends and family) because they have no residence. This is typical the population of youth that ends up at Hotspot Hutspot. Achieving a drivers license in The Netherlands is relatively expensive with a mean cost of € 2300 (CBR, 2017). A single unemployed youth receives € 230 a month and married youth receive up to € 461 a month. This makes achieving a license (or any other kind of certificate) for young unemployed almost impossible since driving licenses are not reimbursed by the employment agency. b. What is your idea for solving this problem? Hotspot Hutspot is a social enterprise active in the Rotterdam urban area and currently also active in Zutphen. Plans for expansion to other communities in the Netherlands are progressing. With our restaurants and gardens focussed on healthy food Hotspot Hutspots enables youth (10 - 89 years old) to participate in the workforce, gain experience and achieve diploma’s and certificates that are directly relevant to the workforce. The ‘Rijles is More’ project stands in that light. Rijles is the Dutch term for driving lessons and Hotspot Hutspot wants to make more out of it. By combining driving lessons with transportation of goods to the restaurants, Hotspot hutspot offers young unemployed youth (17 - 27 years old) the opportunity to: • be part of a relevant working environment in which they can achieve experience, working skills and be socially involved. • have the opportunity to achieve a driving license, improving their employability.

residual flows Hotspot Hutspot works with local residual flows: residues of the local vegetable auction, the local supermarket or other sources are being used to prepare menus in the Hotspot Hutspot restaurants where local residents can eat for a small price. The purpose is to make healthy food available for everybody, especially people

living in poverty and creating social hotspots where people can network and meet each other. The restaurants focuses on providing children from 10 years on an educative and fun after school activity where they can learn more about healthy food by letting them help prepare the menus under guidance of a master cook. At the end of the day, they have a healthy meal with each other. 24% of children in Rotterdam grows up in poverty (staat van de jeugd, 2017). For most children frequenting Hotspot Hutspot it is the only place indoors they can go to after school and for some it is the only healthy meal they have in a day: fun and playfulness are therefor the main ingredients.

we need to move There are in total 4 Hotspot Hutspot restaurants and the logistic team consist of 3 people. Although there are over a 100 volunteers active at Hotspot Hutspot, only 10% has a license. Therefor there is great need of a logistic team to transport the residual flows from the auction, supermarket or other sources to the restaurants. Many youth (17 - 27 years old) involved in the activities of Hotspot Hutspot are eager to drive, but have no access to driving lessons because of financial boundaries. They are currently unemployed, often in a complex situation and therefor active at Hotspot Hutspot. Having a drivers license would improve their employability because there are currently many job opportunities in logistics. With the ‘Rijles is More’ project, Hotspot Hutspot tackles two relevant issues: • by combining driving lessons with logistics Hotspot Hutspot has a logistic team what’s instantly operative • by achieving their drivers licenses the unemployed youth have better opportunities to be employed The driving instructor will be part of the Hotspot Hutspot team and will be a skilled coach able to handle the sometimes multi problematic youth who come to Hotspot Hutspot, teach them working skills and social skills that enable them to function in a normal working environment.

Impact a. How will your project create impact for beneficiaries? ACTIVITIES


With ‘Rijles is More’ Hotspot Hutspot is able to purchase an electric delivery van. With 1 van we can train 5 unemploye d youth every 3 months: 20 each year.

INNOVATION IMPACT 2b. What assumptions will you test Participating is easier when a person is: • socially capable • has a network • has a daytime activity • has income • feels involved • feels valuable • feels welcome • is mobile or has local access to provisions


2a. What new innovation do you aim to create? Outcome 1 When they benefit social welfare, finding payed work will save money. Outcome 2 Achieving a drivers license will have a positive effect on their attitude and will therefor contribute in their ability not only to get a job, but also to keep it and to be willing to further educate themselves

INNOVATION CAPABILITIES 3b. What assumptions will you test See above

3a. What capabilities and skills do you aim to stimulate? Outcome 3 Rijles is more will lead to development of working skills including social skills

INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM 4b. What assumptions will you test?

• Rijles is more will increase transportation capacity

• Transport in diesel vans is more

polluting compared to transport in hydrogen cars

4a. What influence do you aim to have on the wider ecosystem? Outcome 4 Transporting the residual flows from their source to the restaurants of Hotspot Hutspot with hydrogen cars will lead to a reduction of CO2 output compared to the current transport method Outcome 5 Having a logistics team will lead to a more optimal use of residual flows in the Hotspot Menus compared to the current situation.

IMPACT Each year 15 unemployed youth that achieved a drivers license, through ‘rijles is more’ will get a job

With ‘Rijles is More’ Hotspot Hutspot is able to purchase an electric delivery van. With 1 van we can train 5 unemployed youth every 3 months: 20 each year. When they benefit from social security, enabling them to find payed work will save money for sure. More important is it that these young persons learn to trust in their own abilities and are coached toward ambition, setting goals for them selfs in an effective manner. The young people active at Hotspot Hutspot often have a problematic background raising boundaries for a successful entrance of the labor force. There is often a language barrier, a history of addiction, poverty and earlier dropping out of school. They need a hand to get back on track. Achieving a driving license is a concrete opportunity: young people are eager to have one, it’s practical and provides opportunities. Achieving a drivers license will have a positive effect on their attitude and will therefor contribute in their ability not only to get a job, but also to keep it and to be willing to further educate themselves. This also turn out the result of Hotspot Hutspot in the past 7 years. Young people experiencing success are more willing to set goals for themselves and achieve more. This is in accordance with the theory of goals setting by Locke and Latham (Locke and Latham, 2002). The impact of the ‘rijles is more’ project is therefor direct, but also indirect. b. What impact do you expect to create?

KPI’s - how will you know when this Targets - what target outcome has been achieved are you aiming for

Indicators - what data will you collect to evidence your impact?

Outcome 1

When the subject achieves payed work and is no longer depending on social welfare

All subjects will be monitored up to a year after achieving a drivers license

Outcome 2

When the subjects last for at least six 6 months after starting months in a new job in a new job the subject and the employer still report positive results

All subjects will be monitored up to a year after achieving a drivers license

Outcome 3

Feedback from the driving lessons reports gaining skills

Increase in social skills and working skills

evaluations by the instructor coach and selfreports

Outcome 4

The miles that are now made with the diesel vans, are made with hydrogen cars

100% switch to hydrogen in transport

miles made with hydrogen cars

Outcome 5

There is a 80 - 20 percent ratio between use of residual flow and products bought

80% of all products used in the restaurants are from residual flows

ratio residues vs purchase

75% of all subjects each year will find payed work after achieving a drivers license

c. How will you know whether this impact has been achieved? Please discuss how you will collect and analyse data to measure your impact and evidence the change your project creates in the community. You could discuss: ! ! ! !

Your impact evaluation process (e.g. milestones - what/when) Methods you will use to collect data (e.g. survey, interview or focus group) Stakeholders you will involve in the evaluation (e.g. end users, service providers) How will this data help you understand whether your logic model works and whether it is your solution that is making a difference?

d. Beneficiaries ● ●

Who are the intended beneficiaries for your project? How big is the pool of potential beneficiaries? How do you intend to identify beneficiaries and encourage them to buy your product, use your service or take part in your project?

Sustainability The ‘rijles is more’ project is sustainable in more than one way: • sustainability of materials: first it enables Hotspot Hutspot to utilize the residual flows optimally: immediately after the start of ‘rijles is more’, there is a logistic team that can transport residual flows from their source to the restaurants • social sustainability: within three months the first youth’s will achieve their drivers license. Hotspot hutspot will mediate them toward work • sustainable energy: the van’s used for ‘rijles is more’ will be powered by hydrogen. a. Testing with users Hotspot Hutspot already has experience with driving lessons for young refugees, dropouts and homeless youth. Recently a young Syrian man got a payed job as a courier after achieving his driving license at Hotspot Hutspot. he all ready had experience as a courier in Syria, but had no means to acquire a Dutch driving license. Hotspot Hutspot payed for his driving license and within weeks he had a payed job as a courier. Having a driving instructor/ coach available would be much more effective than purchasing driving lessons is less sustainable than having a team member that endorses the Hotspot philosophy and shares the values. b. Delivering and implementing ‘Rijles is more’ is a fairly straightforward project: we need a hydrogen car and a driving instructor/ coach. As soon as these to conditions are met the project is of. From the start of the project on, each three months a new group of five youth can start in the project. Hotspot Hutspot collaborates with several addiction treatment centers, mental health care institutions and special education. We estimate that, with all preparations, the project can start immediately, since there are always youth involved at Hotspot Hutspot for whom this is an opportunity. 
 c. Financial sustainability What is the business model you have decided upon? Where will the funding for your project come from long term (who is paying for it)?

•With a functional logistic team Hotspot Hutspot can work more efficient and save on costs for products by utilizing the residual flows more optimal. Currently Hotspot Hutspot is not able to transport all the products that are offered and we have to make choices which products we collect and which we leave at the auction for destruction. The mean cost for a menu are € 3,50. The aim is 80% of the products coming from residual flow and 20% purchase. Currently Hotspot Hutspot

serves 960 menus a month, which would mean a saving of 80% from 960 * € 3,50 = € 2688 • As soon as the logistic team is operational there is an opportunity to offer transportation services to other organizations. Offering services provides means to finance the instructor. Mean costs for an instructor are € 30 / hour: € 240/ day —> € 4800/ month. Tariffs for transportation are mean € 6,- starting costs, followed by € 0,65/ km. An average ride through Rotterdam is 10 km, which means that 25% of the costs can be earned by transporting goods for other organizations. • The volunteers can contribute to the driving lessons by investing their voluntary fees in their driving lessons. Each volunteer receives an average of € 75 voluntary fee a month. One instructor can teach 5 volunteers, leading to € 375 a month from voluntary fees. • Hotspot Hutspot has a network of partners willing to contribute in their activities. Hotspot Hutspot will raise the money for a hydrogen car from this network

cost instructor

benefits 4.800

Savings on cost for the menus


income from transportation services


Voluntary expenses



-€ 557

d. Use of the prize money •

Hotspot Hutspot would like to invest the price money in financing the cost for an instructor for the first year so there is enough time to develop the business model for rijles is more: Making sure that the logistic team can offer enough quality and continuity to offer their services to external parties and acquiring a costumer base e. Team The Hotspot Hutspot team will be expanded with a new member, a driving instructor. This new member must share the core values of Hotspot Hutspot and have excellent coaching skills.

 Rijles is more will start in Rotterdam. There are three Hotspot Hutspot locations in Rotterdam, which will lead to enough transportation miles to enable driving lessons. The project can easily be upscaled to other cities or other projects because the concept is simple and practical. Rijles is more can easily be implemented in the logistic plans of other projects with comparable goals concerning employability of youth. a. Growing, spreading and scaling Hotspot Hutspot started in 2012 with one restaurant in Rotterdam, but is expanding rapidly. Recently a branch started in Zutphen, medio 2019 a new branch will start in Schiedam and there are branches planned in Woerden and Alphen. Rijles is more is easily implemented with the start in these new cities. 
 b. Changing systems

By considering the miles driven during driving lessons as valuable miles that can be utilized for transportation, Hotspot Hutspot introduces an innovative way of looking at an old concept in new ways. Combined with the CO2 neutral transportation, Hotspot Hutspot changes an old system into a chance gaining relevant working experience and achieving a license at the same time.

Annex A: Delivery Plan

description Preparations: • purchase of electric delivery van. • hiring driving instructor/ work coach • selecting youth. 1st cohort 2nd cohort 3rd cohort 4th cohort








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