Samaa News Issue 1 for 2015

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Issue 1 of 2015

Newsletter of the South African Model Aircraft Association Published electronically/digitally. Our Mission: To add value to your flying experience through communication, information, promotion, education and the support of dialogue

Ficksburg 2015

Wynand Swart Anton van Wyk van Welkom met sy mooi F-16... ook een van die vlieëniers wat sy kant gebring het, en vir die volle twee dae gevlieg het.

Die manne van Ficksburg het reeds sedert Desember 2014 begin met die beplanning om die geleentheid te laat plaas vind, en hulle het talle e-posse gestuur om belangstelling te wek. Wel, almal het e-mails vir almal gestuur, en dit het tot gevolg gehad dat daar 'n baie goeie opkoms was. Daar was sedert Vrydag 27 Februarie al begin pak en ry. Party manne het hulle dames na Clarens geneem vir die dag, ander het om 04h00 uit Kimberley vertrek, waar die Bloemfontein manne 05h00 saam gery het as 'n groep. Welkom se deelnemers was net so vroeg op hulle pos. So het Ficksburg se vlieëniers ons vriendlik ontvang by die Maluti Air lughawe, met koeldrank , drie kaste perskes, en etekaartjies vir Saterdag en Sondag. 'n “Pilots Briefing” met al die moets en moenies vir die geleentheid het die deelnemers deeglik ingelig. Die hele geleentheid was gereël met alles in plek, veiligheidsbeampte, en beheerliggaam in plek. Na die amptelike opening en gebed vir die dag, is almal agter die stokke en word daar met mening gevlieg. Gedurende Saterdag 28 Februarie het daar 'n lekker bui reën oor die OosVrystaat uitgesak, maar dit het die manne net 'n lekker ruskans gegee en daar gaan hulle weer. Groot aktiwiteite het aan gegaan. Daar was ook Solo vaardigheids-toetse wat gedoen was met Pierre Fouche, Wynand Swart, en Werner Swart. Op die einde van die dag het sewe manne die Solo toetse geslaag nl: Gerhard Opperman, JC Fourie, Gert de Kock, Deon Kotze, Danie van der Merwe, Louis du Toit senior, en sy seun Louis du Toit junior. Baie geluk aan julle almal wat die SAMAA Solo toets geslaag het.

Saterdagaand was daar 'n bring-en-braai, en dit het gelyk of die manne net nie wil gaan slaap nie. Die Ficksburg-span het die kêrels bederf en almal het baie lekker gekuier. Sondagoggend was almal weer by die vliegveld en aan die gang. Wat veral opmerklik was, is die feit dat amper almal tot die laaste gevlieg het, en amper asof hulle nie huistoe wou gaan nie! Te lekker saam met die manne van Ficksburg...die rustige omgewing is 'n regte kuier plek, en goed vir die siel. Dankie aan Ficksburg se span, asook vir die gebruik van Maluti Air se vliegveld. Johan van Greunen, hoop ons doen dit gou weer. Wel gedaan!

Antic-dubbelvlerk behoort aan Vic Pretorius. Kragbron is 100cc, en vliegtuig is self gebou.

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Die pragtige Ficksburg-omgewing skep die ideale agtergrond vir hierdie landings-foto van Toit Venter (Central Radio Flyers, Bloemfontein) se 100cc Sbach.

Hierdie vrugte-vlermuis het ingevlieg om van daardie lekker perskes te proe!

Jakes van Heerden, lid van Flyzone en Central Radio Flyers in Bloemfontein, het die toeskouers op hulle tone gehad met sy T-Rex 700... hy mag maar!

Chris Venter van Welkom besig om sy YAK voor the berei vir vlug.

Ficksburg 2015

Outoppie Brian Smith van Kimberley, besig met die Boomerang Elan-jet.

Craig Bell se pragtige Extra 300.

Johan Swart van CRF Bloemfontein, met sy Extra 260.

Werner Swart met sy Boet Cat. Die Boet Cat het Sondag in die Leeukamp geval, en moes gaan haal word. Jammer Werner... ons kry maar ‘n ander een en probeer weer.

Anton van Wyk se F-16, gereed om die aanloopbaan te benut.

Hansie Peens van CRF Bloemfontein met sy pragtige 100cc Piper Pawnee, met 'n kamera op sy regterkantse vlerk. Hansie stoot die Pawnee, en Anthony Oliver help tydens die vlug.

Pierre Fouche met sy BAC Strikemaster so pas nadat daar 'n lekker bui reĂŤn daar geval het op Saterdag middag. In die agtergrond is 'n leeupark waar die manne hulle vliegtuie moet gaan uithaal as hy daar val!

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Ficksburg Fly-in, 28 Februarie en 01 Maart 2015 gehou op die Maluti Air lughawe, het een van die beste aanloopbane. Pragtige berge en gras groen omgewing met 'n pragtige Strikemaster in die lug.

Highveld Thermal League Jan Sime


Sunday 7 December, near Heidelberg, was a perfect flying day, bright blue sky, Cumulus, and later, Cumulonimbus clouds signaling the lift streets. The wind started as a gentle breeze from the North, later it was variable but never even moderate. Lift was plentiful but sometimes tricky, especially over the western side, it would take the glider to 1 1/2 times launch height and mysteriously disappear. The most constant thermals were to the W and NW, with some serious Electrolux models in attendance. (Nothing sucks like an Electrolux, 1960's advertisement).

For the final HTL contest there is a twist - SAW Tooth scoring – in teams. If you land on – or close to – an even minute, you score much higher than on an odd minute. Four-man teams are allowed, but only the top three count towards the final score. Please see the saw-tooth graph above. 12 minute working time - 10 minute flight - 200 landing points. As always, there were some last-minute scrambles. The Silverton winches needed new line on the one winch, and it was so time-consuming to wind-on that I was still assembling my back-up Pike Perfect while the prep-time was counting down to zero.

The teams for the last round of 2014 were made up as follows:

Team GEMS (Greenfields East Model Soarers): Herman Weber, Xplorer (pictured above). Dion Liebenberg, Maxa 4M, Paul Carnall, Supra. No-Body1.

This was nothing, compared to the panic Michelle had. With 30 seconds to go before working time, she realised she had the wrong fuselage on her Fosa Lift wings. A hurried change saw her launching 30 seconds after the workingtime buzzer went off!

Team BERG (Bartlett Egg Radio Gliders): Michele Goodrum, Fosa Lift, Craig Goodrum, (holding the Fosa Lift),Tshepo Molefe, Supra. No-Body2.

Round 1 Tshepo set the standard immediately with a 9:59 and 1m spot - worth 997 points. Dion matched him with an identical score. Paul sacrificed 5 points by landing one second earlier. Except for Eloff who was having control issues with his Stork, nobody was more than 18 seconds off 10 minutes. Conversely, Jan flew a perfect 10-minute flight but his 3-meter landing put him in 7th place. The heat is high in the kitchen.

Team Spot On: Wolfgang Steffny, Xplorer, Nigel Wilkenson, Xperience Pro, Derek Marusich, (here on launch with his Woody). No-Body 3.

Team SGC (Silverton Gliding Club): Gordon Brown, Xplorer. Eloff Maré, Stork. Ian Sime, Supra/Pike Perfect ET. Jan Sime, Supra. (Ian Sime preparing the Supra/Pike Perfect ET for launch).

Tshepo Molefe flew consistently, and emerged in top spot for the last round of the Highveld Thermal League 2014.

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Wolfgang Steffny using his body language to guide the Xplorer to a spot-landing.

Round 2 Dion decided it was time to turn up the heat and flew a perfect 10-minute flight and landed within 1m - 1000 points. Ian second, Paul 3rd, and Tshepo 4th. Tell me Karma does not exist - husband and wife, Craig and Michelle both flew 9 min 57 sec and landed within 1 metre for a joint 5th place! Round 3 Tshepo upped the ante once more with a score of 997. There was an incredible 4-way tie for 2nd in this round, Michelle, Craig, Paul, and Dion. Eloff decided that his unreliable radio system could cost him his model and widely decided to withdraw, taking up his trusty Nikon instead to document our endeavors. Just over halfway in the contest and BERG was leading with GEMS snatching back 2nd from SGC. Spot-On gamely bringing up the rear.

Nigel Wilkinson calling the conditions for Derek Marusich flying his Woody.

Ian Sime of SGC putting maximum effort into the launch of the Supra.

Round 4 Consistency wins competitions. Tshepo was showing how it's done with another round-winning score of 997 points. With SGC putting up a good score and Herman landing out, the fight was on between GEMS and SGC for second place. The last round would be tight. Round 5 If you look at the score sheet, (e-mail me for a copy) you will see that the whole contest was epitomised by tight, consistent flying, but the last round would be unbelievable. Never mind that Tshepo flew another near perfect 9 min 59 sec flight with a 1-metre spot. This flight was equalised by no less than three pilots from GEMS: Paul, Dion, and Herman - resulting in a four-way tie for first place in the last round. Great flying! Congratulations to everybody, but kudos to the great teamwork showed by all the contestants.

Two high-performance all-composite gliders taking a rest from the HTL action.

As with most Highveld Thermal League competitions in South Africa, attaining the flight-time is rarely the issue. Accuracy is extremely important with Saw-Tooth scoring and, with 200 bonus points on offer for a 1-metre landing, this is of paramount importance in the last contest of the year. One of the highlights of the last HTL every year is a visit from the kids of the orphanage. All the pilots call in friends, family, and business contacts to make the next 12 months as pleasant as possible for these youngsters. Food, essentials, toiletries and even some Christmas surprises are loaded on their bakkie. We hope that we make a small difference to their quality of life. Bearing testimony to the high standards of preparation and flying, there were few incidents. Ian snapped a flap pushrod and had to change to his Pike Perfect ET. This aeroplane has a much faster approach speed. This is difficult to adapt to, after the superb flaps on the Supra. He also miscalculated the penalty that a landing close on 7-minutes (odd) would cost him.

Camp HTL! Beautiful summer conditions were ideal for the 4th round of the Highveld Thermal League, flown on the farm of a relative of Derek Marusich.

We hope to see all of you in 2015. Have a great new year, drive carefully, and circle into great lift.

Summary of Results - 2014 Highveld Thermal League Name

1st HTL Silverton 23 Feb

2nd HTL GEMS 11 May

3rd HTL GEMS 11 Nov

Triathlon Heidelberg 7 Dec


Paul Carnall Ian Sime Jan Sime Gordon Browne Dion Liebenberg Jason Weber Craig Goodrum Tshepo Molefe Herman Weber Jochen Schmidt Ludwig Bouwer Nigel Wilkinson Wolfgang Steffny Wouter Kruger Alan Smith Chris Adrian Michele Goodrum Jethro van der Molen Johan Bruwer Sean Spence Juanita Smith Eloff MarĂŠ Derek Marusich

5000 4819 4569.2 4417.0

4989.9 4958.9 4648.8 3772.2 4980.7 4992.8 4938.2

4931.1 4643.0 4103.9 4692.7 4976.9 5000

4960.0 4485.0 4760.0 4244.0 4957.0

19880.9 18906.6 18081.9 17125.9 14914.6 9992.8 9868.2 9647.9 9129.8 8689.7 8550.5 7840.9 7332.9 4997.0 4994.2 4927.0 4910.0 4899.0 4656.0 4187.0 3819.0 2993.6 2987.0

Results Highveld Thermal League Triathlon - 7 December 2014, Heidelberg Teams



Individual Score Pos.

Team Score Pos.

Silverton Gliding Club SGC SGC SGC

Jan Sime Ian Sime Gordon Browne Eoff MarĂŠ

1 2 3 4

4760 4485 4244 712

6 7 8 13


Bartlett Egg Radio Gliders BERG BERG BERG

Craig Goodrum Michele Goodrum Tshepo Molefe AN Other 1

1 2 3 4

4930 4910 4978 0

4 5 1 15


Greenfields East Model Soarers GEMS GEMS GEMS

AN Other 2 Paul Carnall Dion Liebenberg Herman Weber

1 2 3 4

0 4960 4957 4165

15 2 3 9


BERG 2/Spot On BERG2/Spot On BERG 2/Spot On BERG2/Spot On

Nigel Wilkinson Derek Marusich AN Other 3 Wolgang Steffny

1 2 3 4

2999 2987 453 3214

11 12 14 10






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3912 4569

4669.9 4964.8

4930.0 4978 4165.0

4841.9 4118.9

2999.0 3214.0

4777.7 3981.5

4997 4994.2 4927.0 4910.0 4899.0 4656.0 4187.0 3819.0 2281.6

712.0 2987.0

Fun Fly Masters 2014 Anton van Wyk

Judges for the 2014 Fun Fly Masters were Chris Britz, Willem Johnson, and Dawie van Wyk. Norman Kemsley was one of the flight line directors (at back).

The Fun fly Masters for 2014 did not take place due to a technicality. This was a much discussed issue in the aviation media. All issues were resolved through mediation and it was decided to host the 2014 Masters in the first few months of 2015, and the 2015 Masters in November. The Fun fly Masters is a contest where pilots are participating by invitation. The invitation is based on how a pilot performs during three qualifying rounds held during the year. The top 24 pilots are invited to fly in the Masters event. This year, 45 pilots participated in the qualifying rounds. There are three classes: Sportsman, Masters, and Veterans. Twenty pilots accepted the invitation to participate in the 24th Funfly Masters held at the facilities of Welkom Model Aircraft Club, from 20 to 22 March 2015. We had one very late withdrawal the day before the competition. Sportsman had 8 participants with Masters 7, and Veterans 4. The AGM was held on Friday night 20 March, and we had a head count of 27 members. For the first time in recent years, we were honoured by the attendance of a SAMAA management committee member – Mike Brews. With the formalities completed, a nice braai followed. We had to start early on Saturday morning as the weather prediction for the weekend was gloomy...100% rain for Sunday!

of the first four rounds. Matt Hirst took round three, and Roston Dugmore round four. Of note was the steady performance of David Potgieter, Riaan van Wyk, and Tiaan van Rooyen. Master events makes for complicated, very tight, fast flying, but with the steely nerves of the pilots, it is usually the spectators that stress more than the pilots. The Veteran class (Kierie class) was fiercely competed for by four over-50 year old pilots, with myself being the senior member at 60! Our fingers are more stiff, and it is difficult to lean on a walking stick whilst flying, but we definitely gave the Master pilots a run for their money, posting good scores. Veterans fly the same manoeuvres as the Master class. Unfortunately the rain started after event 5. Everyone was entertained on the veranda by showing of videos of jet activity in Welkom and some videos of the recent Ficksburg Fly-in. The rain stopped and rounds continued until 17:10, and on Saturday evening, it was time for socialising and the traditional Welkom sheep-braai. Day two started cloudy with bad weather predicted all day. Flying started at eight and again Alwyn and Barry, in Sportsman, led the pack with very steady flying. Fiona was now the master of her nerves and put up consistent scores as with Daniel scoring very consistently.

Of note at this stage, is that for the first time in the history of twenty four Masters Fun Fly competitions, we had a lady, Fiona Graham, competing in the Sportsman Class.

The rain bucketed down on Saturday afternoon, temporarily halting activities.

Fiona Graham (Barnstormers) was the first lady competitor in the history of the Fun Fly Masters! She gave a good account of herself!

Saturday's flying was started by the Sportsman pilots, and it soon became apparent that the team from Lomac was going to be the pilots to beat. They were the only competitors who still fly with nitro motors but they had this well tuned. Their 'Big Sticks' performed well. Nerves got hold of Fiona in the first two rounds but she settled in to put up a solid performance in the next five events and won the longest glide event! Daniel Finch is the youngest competitor at 11 years old and was placed fourth after day one of the competition. Nerves was a major obstacle for the rest of the pilots not performing well on day one. Master pilots are not nervous, and they fly their specialised aircraft with no fear. The whole bunch kicked off like wild horses with no fear. It was difficult to predict a winner after the first four events, but Christopher Johnson took two

Daniel Finch of Barnstormers, looking very happy with his achievements.

Lemmy had to vacate his previous third position, when in the Limbo event, the one pole jumped in front of his Stik, putting a huge dent in the wing. Alwyn's Stik had the same fate, but because of the consistent way he flew, he managed to outscore the rest of the pack. Gert Cloete posted consistent good scores on day two to clinch the third spot from Lemmy. Daniel unfortunately had a very bad score in round 8, robbing him of a better placing. In the Masters event, Roston took the bull by the horns and took top spots in three of the last five rounds. In the Limbo event, he managed 13 passes in one minute, by looping the passes. He was followed by Riaan with 10 passes. Matt posted an excellent score of 13 with Limbo, but on trying to better his score by using his wildcard, he had to walk away with only 3 passes. Riaan, Jaco, and Roston stuck to their scores, but the rest of the field all tried to improve their scores on Limbo with their wildcards. The decision to do this had disastrous consequences for some of the pilots when they posted lower scores than their first attempts. The very tight flying was very entertaining to the spectators.

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Some statistics: Oldest pilot Anton van Wyk (60) Youngest pilot Daniel Finch (11) The Fun Fly Masters has the following old and young international competitors in its ranks: Springbok: Anton van Wyk, R/C Scale Protea colours: Roston Dugmore, F3A aerobatics (Junior world champ) Protea colours: Roston Dugmore, F3P indoor aerobatics Protea colours: Christopher Johnson, F3P indoor aerobatics Protea colours: Tiaan van Rooyen, F3K hand-launch gliders Anton van Wyk, 1st place in the Veterans Class. Prizes handed over by Nelia van Wyk.

Pieter van Rooyen placed 2nd in the Veterans Class. Nelia is NFFSA committee member.

Third place in the Veterans went to Ernst van der Toorn.

The Veterans class had Anton and Piet changing positions after every round, but in the end the oldest pilot won. Both Piet and Ernst put up 6 Limbo passes with the line 1,5m off the ground. The Limbo event spelled the end of a very challenging, competitive weekend. In all, it was again a very successful Masters, with pilots fiercely contesting top honours. Again, as with the last Masters, it was a pity that the previous champion could not defend his title due to work pressure. Pilot skills are improving and was so close that one tiny mistake could have cost you your placing. See the scorecard at the end of this report.

First in the Sportsman class was Alwyn van Schalkwyk of Lowveld Model Aircraft Club.

Barry van der Vyver (LOMAC) was second in the Sportsman class.

Welkom MAC can be proud of Gert Cloete; placed third in the Sportsman class.

Masters champion in the 2015 Fun Fly Masters, Roston Dugmore.

Second place in the Masters class was achieved by Riaan van Wyk, of Welkom MAC.

Christopher Johnson took 3rd in the Masters class. Flies at Barnstormers Kempton Park.

I would like to thank the following people who assisted in making this event possible. My wife Nelia, Eva, the ladies of the Vroue Landbou-unie, Gerda, Marie, tannie Alet (84 years old), Cornelia, Lidia, Antoinette, Monique, Maria, and Nita, who saw to all the hungry stomachs during the weekend. Neil and Nita for the table settings and decorations. Chris Britz, Chris Venter, Billy, Riaan, and Josef for preparing the flying site. Gert, Chris, and Riaan for the entertainment during our rain spells. My thanks as well to the judges, Dawie van Wyk, Willem Johnson, and Chris Britz. The flight line organisers Norman Kemsley and Marius Botha. Ludwig Fourie for the 3D helicopter display during lunch time. The FunFly Sig committee, Malcolm Mason, Nelia van Wyk, Manie Besselaar, and Mike Brews for their support and assistance in managing the Sig. The regional reps Malcolm Mason (Free State), Willem Johnson and Graham Finch (Gauteng), Anton Botes and Matt Hirst (Gauteng North), Lemmy Dolezal (Lowveld area), and Dennis Steenmans (KwaZulu Natal). Thanks to our sponsors, Anton van Wyk, Graham Finch, Master RC Models, Welkom Model Aircraft Club, Mark Lesch at Genflow, and Lemmy Dolezal. Lastly but most importantly, a great big thanks to the pilots participating in the qualifying rounds and the Fun Fly Masters. Without you, all this will not be possible. Our website is currently being reconstructed, with a link from the SAMAA web page. Please visit for more details.

Winner of the 2014 Fun Fly Masters (Masters-class), Roston Dugmore.

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Black Horse still on 15% discount Special!


The style of a champion! Roston doing Limbo passes. (inset: Fun Fly Masters trophy).

L-39 Albatross Bo-209 Monsun (Glow and EP)

(Glow and EP) Results 2014 NFFSA Fun Fly Masters - Welkom Model Aircraft Club 21 - 22 March 2015 Sportsman Class Pos.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Alwyn van Schalkwyk Barry van der Vyver Gert Cloete Lemmy Dolezal Daniel Finch Chris Venter Fiona Graham Manie Besselaar

Lowveld MAC Lowveld MAC Welkom MAC Lowveld MAC Barnstormers Welkom MAC Barnstormers Welkom MAC

Score day 1

579 536 435 473 458 371 278 286

Score day 2

911 801 752 720 704 578 479 456

Pos day 1

1 2 5 3 4 6 8 7

Pos day 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Masters Class 1. Roston Dugmore 2. Riaan van Wyk 3. Christopher Johnson 4. Tiaan van Rooyen 5. Matthew Hirst 6. Jaco Botha 7. David Potgieter

Barnstormers Welkom MAC Barnstormers Silverton MFC Silverton MFC Welkom MAC Lowveld MAC

511 495 554 460 498 374 304

938 854 808 766 744 645 516

2 4 1 5 3 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Veterans Class 1. Anton van Wyk 2. Pieter van Rooyen 3. Ernst van der Toorn 4. Richard Castignani

Welkom MAC Silverton MFC Barnstormers Barnstormers

384 326 179 124

604 558 335 191

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Visit to Eastern Cape clubs Marthinus Potgieter View of the Indian Ocean, a sight which the members of ELMAC enjoy with every flying session.

On Saturday, 13 December 2014, I had the privilege of visiting Grahamstown Radio Flyers in one of South Africa's academic capitals. The 18 members enjoy facilities adjacent to the full-size airport, situated in a picturesque location just outside the town.

Was R2 009 Special: R1 708.00!

Was R5 244.00 Special: R4 458.00!

Was R5 010.00 Special: R4 259.00!

Specification Wing span: 1,320m Length: 1,240m Weight: 1,9kg Parts listing required (not included) Engine .25 2-stroke Radio: 4 channels Servos: 4 - 5 servos Electric motor: EMAX BL2826/06 Battery: 4 cells, LiPo 14.8 3,200mAh Speed control: 60A All balsa/plywood construction. Covered with Oracover

Specification Wing span: 1,450m Length: 1,860m Weight: 4,6 - 4,9kg Wing area: 43dm2 Wing loading: 113g/dm2 Wing type: NACA airfoils Gear type: Electric retract Gear size: 73,5 x 44 x 28mm (not included) CNC suspension metal struts (included)

Specification Wing span: 1,600m Length: 1,184m Weight: 3,1 - 3,3kg Parts listing required (not included) Radio: 5 channels Servos: 4 - 5 servos Engine: .46 -stroke, or 9ccm gasoline Electric motor: Rimfire 46 Battery: 5-6 cells LiPo 15,8 - 22.2V 55090mAh Speed control: 60A Propeller: 11 x 5

Shop No. 2, cnr Eland & Monument Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park 1619. Tel 011-972-9134 Fax 086-551-5199 grandsons. His son, Glen, and grandson, Dylan, fly in Gauteng and I have also had the privilege of spending many hours flying with them in the past. Unfortunately, ELMAC endures a lot of ransacking and vandalism and it is not an easy task to maintain the club. However, the club is a very attractive venue for model flying as long as you can fly with lots of rudder to manage the wind as Cliff demonstrated at the youthful age of 85. I was once again extremely impressed with the high level of safety that is maintained as they are situated in the East London CTR. Thank you to Bryn and Cliff for their hospitality and warm welcome; it was highly appreciated. I applaud your efforts to keep ELMAC alive under sometimes difficult conditions. Well done!

I was advised to arrive early as flying conditions seem to be best early in the morning before the wind starts to play havoc, and received a very warm welcome from the club chairman, Mr Les Reynolds. The facility was in excellent condition with a rather large block of mowed grass instead of just a single, narrow runway. This arrangement cleverly accommodates any prevailing wind. For the guys with bigger aircraft and runway eaters, there is a longer strip available. A large variety of models were on display from the eight members in attendance. I was extremely impressed with the amount of attention given to safety, since they are adjacent to the full-size airfield. Two-way radio communication equipment is also present, and even though the full size activity does not operate anywhere close to the radio control models, the members are very aware and alert with regards to them.

Marthinus Potgieter (left) with members of the East London Model Airplane Club: Gordon Stiles, Cliff Roberts, and Bryn Roberts.

Grahamstown is surrounded by beautiful hills and mountains, and I was led to believe by the members of GRF, that there are amazing slope soaring sites around there. So if you plan to have your next holiday in the Grahamstown vicinity, pack a “slopie� or other aircraft and go and visit this amazing facility. Well done to Les and all the members who run such a fantastic facility. My next port of call was East London Model Aeroplane Club situated next to the Prince George Motor Raceway in East London. My hosts were the legendary father-son duo, Cliff and Bryn Roberts. Cliff is the chairman of the club and has had ties with the club since the 1940's. ELMAC is one of the oldest clubs in South Africa and was established early in 1939. All three of Cliff's sons are avid modellers and SAMAA members and so are his two

Members of the Grahamstown Radio Flyers (l-r): Terry Longman, Les Reynolds, Dave Forsyth, Steve Craigie, Peter Locke, with Christian Carver and Ted Botha in front.

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Development report Ludwig Steyn Happy group of fliers from St Helena Bay Radio Flyers, during proficiency tests conducted by Michael Basson and Ludwig Steyn.

During the past year we had quite a number of Development activities, and I am happy that it appears as if we are making some headway. Initially the idea was to hold workshops throughout the country but that would be very expensive and we simply do not have the budget available for that. As a result of inadequate finances I thought it best to get the local clubs and club instructors involved and I feel a small measure of success has been achieved. As reported in past communications, the bulk of the Workshops happened in the Cape as that is where I am situated, but lately quite a number of workshops were held in other parts of the country as well. Another aspect of the Development portfolio is Proficiency testing and in that aspect we had considerable success. Thank you to all the hardworking instructors and please keep up the good work. During the year I had quite a bit of correspondence from a number of Instructors and once again, thank you for you interest and time spent. I feel it is important to get the members to aim for a better proficiency rating as it is a small measure of their ability as a model pilot and of course also a motivation for fellow pilots to try increase their own level of competence. I suggested to some clubs to have a list of all their paid up members in the clubhouse and display the member's proficiency rating on that list. This is bound to act as an incentive for other members to also increase their ratings. The report I got from some clubs were very positive. Thanks guys. It was pointed out to me that the MOP dealing with Proficiency testing needed some 'streamlining ' and it has been said that it is too long-winded and complex and there were one or two 'errors' which crept in during the printing process. The documents were in PDF format and unfortunately it took quite a bit of time to get the documentation in a format suitable for editing but I am happy to say that I have finally received it. I hope to have my proposed changes approved by the SAMAA Management Committee in due course. I will notify all if and when this process is completed.


We have expanded Al’s Hobbies, to provide you with more stock to choose from. Spoil yourself with RC equipment and hobby goods. Planes, helicopters, cars, boats, composite gliders. Convenient location, parking, expert advice and service. New shipment of composite gliders arriving soon! Check out our website, for best prices, latest stock, and on-line ordering and payment!

Exit 136 Boksburg from N17 highway (Rondebult Rd R21). North for 2km, right into Lancaster. 600m to intersection with Hertzog & Waterson, Parkdene. S26 14 08 E028 15 11

Tel. 011 026-3313 Shop 4, Parkdene Shopping Centre, Lancaster Rd, Parkdene Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri = 09:00 - 18:00; Wed 12:30 - 18:00. Sat 08:00 to 13:00. Closed on Sundays and public holidays


SAMAA Badge and Proficiency Badges R30 each. Add R5.00 postage. For proficiency badges, member must hold appropriate proficiency.

I noticed that, for example, in the Silver Proficiency test the horizontal loop was omitted and I found some other errors regarding punctuation and clarity that I will attempt to correct. The same applies to the MOP regarding Helicopter Proficiency testing, and the Heli SIG is in the process of revising it and once that is done, submit their proposals to the SAMAA Management Committee for ratification. (If any helicopter pilots feel they can add suggestions or would like to comment on some of the testing maneuvers, please submit your comments to the Helicopter SIG.) During last year I sent out an e-mail requesting the Instructors to forward their opinions and suggestions regarding changes they would like to see in the Proficiency rules and tests and some of these will also be incorporated in the proposed changes I will submit to the Committee. Thanks to all that took the time to comment. I was invited to attend and host a workshop at the newly formed St. Helena Bay Radio Flyers and found a lively and eager group of modelers and a well organized runway. Some twelve pilots attended the workshop and even though the wind was very strong, four pilots flew and passed their proficiency tests (two gold and two silver tests were done). Well done to those individuals. (Their runway is on a salt pan and during winter months they just add floats and continue flying!). Please feel free to contact me any time you might have a request or suggestion and please report any Development activity at your club. Have fantastic flights and may the number of landings equal the number of your take-off's. Ludwig Steyn. Development Portfolio. 082-951-1874. 021-854-8027. SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 8

Roston Dugmore South Africa’s Aerobatic Junior World Champion by Roston Dugmore Snr

Roston tried his best but could not score well enough in regional competitions to qualify for an invite to the SA Masters; disappointing, but he kept trying. The following year (2011 February) at the NW champs in Klerksdorp, Roston flew a foamie Rainbow (borrowed from Richard Castignani and RC Pilot) in big wind and getting really blown about. Mark Hubbard and Danie Potgieter junior put a scheme together for Roston to get John Clements' Alliance. This OS140-powered ex Pierre Marais plane was his first F3A plane. Wow! A different world! From not qualifying for the 2010 Masters, he went on to win Sportsman class at the 2011 Nats. He also heard at these Nats that SA would have a junior F3A team member at the 2013 World Championship. Roston then decided he would be that junior; so began two years of intense effort. He first had to move up from Sportsman to F3A in a year, a big ask but possible. There was no time to gradually and methodically move up from Sportsman to Advanced and then Masters before finally getting to F3A in 3 or 4 years’ time. He went directly to Masters and his first competition in this class was 2011 NW League in Klerksdorp later in the year; Nico Erasmus and Rui Martins were very helpful, teaching him 8-point rolls. Roston was by now flying 4 times a week, mostly funfly and indoor planes but also serious F3A, and by April he was able to enter F3A at the 2012 Nats where he finished top junior and 10th overall. His goal of making the team had been achieved.

Roston Dugmore, and his grandpa, Roston Senior, with his FAI trophy, and organiser’s trophy. This was at the prizegiving at the Riverside Sun hotel.

Once he knew he would be in the team for the world championship, he set his sights on doing well, practising every Saturday morning at JOMAC with Clinton Carter-Brown and Grant Brooke, and then again on Sunday afternoons with André Stockwell at PRF, thinking constantly about shapes, sizes, and smoothness. Once again, SUPPORT and HELP from fellow modellers contributing to his development. The six months before the World Championship was a very busy time. Roston practised every day, sometimes in very unpleasant, hot, dusty, and windy conditions. At the World Championship competition in August 2013, caller and mentor André Stockwell and team manager Clinton Carter-Brown, gave him wonderful support. Conditions were very difficult and the competition was fierce; the final result was only decided in the very last round by about half a percent - Roston had won - and South Africa had their very first aerobatic world champion junior. A stunning result! Thank you Mike Brews for your positive influence when Roston first started RC flying at 11 years old, and thank you also Dave Kambouris and Richard Castignani for sponsoring Roston's first season of pattern flying in 2010 with the Iconic thereby setting him on the path which led to him winning the World Championship in 2013. The 2015 World Championship at Dübendorff in Switzerland is now approaching and Roston is still a junior. He must defend his title and also - very importantly - do well in his final year of school, so the fun (and some hard work) continues. Good luck!

The FAI Championship Diploma says it all...Champion of the World!

Roston - at 16 years old - F3A Junior World Champion. Many wonder how he learned to fly so well. What did it take for him to become what he is? The most important element, in a nutshell, has been the SUPPORT and HELP from so many people that this wonderful hobby has brought him into contact with. Roston grew up surrounded by his grandpa's control line planes and every Saturday - since he can remember - was a fun day spent at the control line club. When he was four years old, he started copying what he saw, making little stick planes and swinging them around on a piece of string. His first real plane was a 6mm balsa profile model with a Baby Bee motor which he soon learned to take-off and land – when the motor would run properly! By the time he was 7, he had his own little Flight Streak with a 2.5cc motor. This plane flew a lot better than the Baby-Bee powered one, and Keith Renecle, SA's top control line pilot took an interest. Grown ups do not always realise how they can influence youngsters, how great kids feel when an IMPORTANT person helps them, thank you Keith. SUPPORT and HELP from Keith Renecle played a huge part in Roston's development as a control line flyer and he was top junior at a number of control line aerobatic competitions. Eventually Roston became more and more involved with radio control flying. Roston's first RC plane was a Gentle Lady glider and he learned the basics. Once again SUPPORT and HELP, this time from the members at Barnstormers Model Flying Club, Willem and Christopher Johnson taught him to fly a Wasp trainer and Richard Castignani, a most easygoing and patient man, sometimes let him fly his planes.

For all your employment law requirements

The next big step forward for Roston came in 2008 when he was 11, once again SUPPORT and HELP this time from Mike Brews at RC Pilot model shop who gave him a low wing Astro Hopper trainer which he used in his first aerobatic competition. Roston still treasures the photo Mark Hubbard gave him of this plane at his first competition. Roston flew okay, showing his determination by doing a cross-wind landing on the narrow designated runway when most other pilots chose to sacrifice the landing points and not use the designated runway. Roston began to think he could maybe compete seriously in RC aerobatics. Then again major SUPPORT and HELP, this time from David Kambouris who had taken over RC Pilot model shop. David offered to sponsor Roston in aerobatics, sportsman class with Richard Castignani as coach and Roston gratefully accepted the opportunity. The plane was an electric powered Iconic and this really started his career in precision aerobatics. The first season was a massive learning experience. SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 9

Michael Botha

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Chairman’s Report

“LOP” sal tussen die klub-bestuur en die naaste ATSU-kantoor (Air Traffic Service Unit) onderhandel word. Hierdie verwikkeling het 'n aanloop van meer as drie jaar, en die bestuurskomitee sal poog om die ooreenkomste so eenvoudig en prakties as moontlik te maak. Ons het ongelukkig geen keuse nie, en klubs wat nie die nodige ooreenkoms onderteken nie, sal ongelukkig hulle status as 'n geregistreerde modelvliegklub verloor. Die SAMAA-kantoor sal, sodra die basiese ooreenkoms tussen SAMAA en ATNS bereik is, die nodige dokumente vir die betrokke klubs aanstuur.

Marthinus Potgieter Hierdie is die eerste uitgawe van die SAMAA-nuus vir 2015. Die SAMAAbestuurskomitee het alreeds twee geskeduleerde vergaderings vir hierdie jaar gehou en verskeie items geniet tans hulle onverdeelde aandag. Daar is vanjaar vier spanne van die SAMAA wat internasionaal gaan deelneem: MAASA gaan 'n span van vyf na Switserland stuur om aan die FAI se F3A klas (kunsvlieg) wêreldkampioenskappe deel te neem. MHSA stuur 'n drie-man span na Oostenryk vir die F3C helikopter-wêreldkampioenskappe. Die MGA het ‘n senior en junior span (vier lede elk) na Kroasië vir die F3K (handgelanseerde sweeftuie) wêreldkampioenskappe, en ook ‘n F3B (veelvuldige sweef dissipline) wat die wêreldkampioenskap in Holland sal bywoon. Ek wil by voorbaat al die deelnemers en spanbestuurders die allerbeste toewens, en hoop dat uitstekende resultate behaal sal word. Die reëlings vir die Gekombineerde Krag Nasionale-kampioenskappe verloop vlot en 'n sub-komitee is gevorm wat alle reëlings sal hanteer. Die inskrywingsvorm word elders in hierdie uitgawe gepubliseer en ek hoop dat ons lede hierdie inisiatief sal ondersteun. Soos reeds aangekondig, sal die kampioenskappe by die Klerksdorpse PC Pelser lughawe aangebied word. Kontak asseblief vir Bob by die SAMAA-kantoor met enige navrae wat hierop betrekking het. Ek was bevoorreg om gedurende die afgelope Desembervakansie, twee klubs in die Oos-kaap te besoek en daar word elders in hierdie nuusbrief 'n kort verslag en foto's gepubliseer. Ek was ook bevoorreg om as beoordelaar by vaardigheidstoetse by Cornerstone College op te tree, en verslag hieroor sal in die volgende nuusbrief verskyn. Die feit dat minder as 50% van alle SAMAA-lede 'n bevoegdheidsgradering het, bly steeds 'n kwelpunt. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van klubkomitees en klubvoorsitters om toe te sien dat hulle lede ten minste 'n “Solo” bevoegdheid het, en dat dit binne 'n aanvaarbare tyd bekom word. Daar was onlangs ‘n insident by die SAMAA-kantoor gerapporteer; Die betrokke lid vlieg reeds vir ses jaar maar sy status is nog steed dié van 'n student. Die lid het met 'n redelike groot EDF (Electric Ducted Fan) Jet in 'n motorvoertuig vasgevlieg en die ongeluk het natuurlik skade aangerig. Die totale bedrag van die skade was egter minder as wat ons huidige bybetaling is en gevolglik is daar geen eis by ons versekeraars ingedien nie. Ek glo dat dit nalatig van enige klubbestuur is om lede wat nie die nodige bevoegdhede het nie, toe te laat om hoëspoed en potensieël meer gevaarlike vliegtuie sonder die nodige toesig te vlieg. Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem dat die SAMAA-versekering nie 'n korttermyn polis is nie, maar wel 'n publieke regsaanspreeklikheid-polis met dekking tot en met R20m. Die bybetaling van die eerste R10 000.00 van die eis is egter die lid wat die ongeluk veroorsaak het, se verantwoordelikheid.

Soos voorheen gerapporteer, het die SAMAA se finansiële jaareind-datum na 31 Desember van elke jaar verskuif, en ek moet lof aan ons tesouriere Juanita Smith en ons ondervoorsitter George Sly betuig. Hulle het hierdie proses op baie kort kennisgewing bestuur en laat realiseer. Die gevolg hiervan is dat ons Algemene Jaarvergadering baie vroeër as in die verlede gehou sal word. Daar sal dus op die 2015 Jaarvergadering net oor tien maande se finansiële sake gerapporteer word aangesien die finansiële afsluitingsdatum vanaf einde Februarie na einde Desember vervroeg is. Probeer asseblief om die Jaarvergadering by te woon en vir die komitee positiewe en konstruktiewe idees te gee sodat ons die SAMAA verder kan uitbou. Die Algemene Jaarvergadering sal op 25 Junie 2015 om 18h00 by die SAMAA kantore in Bonaero Park gehou word. Die bestuurskomitee het onlangs met 'n paar belanghebbendes in die multirotorkultuur, asook 'n verteenwoordiger van die modelhelikopter belangegroep, samesprekings gehou om die bal aan die rol te sit met betrekking tot die daarstelling van 'n SAMAA multi-rotorbevoegdheid. So 'n bevoegdheid sal eersdaags gepubliseer word en ek beveel ons lede aan om hierdie bevoegdheid te bekom indien hulle in die dissipline belangstel. Baie dankie aan Gary McDonough en vriende wat hulle tyd vir hierdie doel afgestaan het. Daar is ongelukkig 'n vertraging met die vrystelling van ons nuwe webtuiste. Ons het gehoop dat dit reeds in Januarie 2015 lewendig sou wees. Bob en ek werk hard om al die inligting na die nuwe tuiste oor te dra en dit sal hopelik eersdaags in werking gestel word. Ek hoop dat al ons lede hulle stokperdjie terdeë sal geniet en sien daarna uit om julle iewers by die vliegveld raak te loop, waar ons lekker kan gesels en vriendskappe kan smee. Vlieg veilig!

Producers of wire -cut XPS Foam Sheeting. Custom thickness on Quotation Weller Gun tips for foam cutting Jigs for foam cutting “ V” grooves in foam for Weller type guns Foam cutting Wire for your cutting bow Cutting bows, Transformers, Bandsaw-style foam cutting machines Various foam-related products: Bedroom scale, planes for boys, ceiling-hung mobiles Free plans to build your own feather cut automated cutter for wing profiles. Contact: Johan Rheeders @ : Telephone: 011-792-8665. Cell: 0768594752

Lede van die SAMAA se bestuurskomitee het samesprekings met Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS), wat basies die hele lugruim in Suid-Afrika beheer, begin. Hierdie onderhandelinge het spesifiek betrekking op klubs wat binne die beheersone (CTR) van 'n beheerde lughawe geleë is. Betrokke klub-besture sal 'n “LOP” (Letter of Procedure) moet onderteken. So 'n


Pricelist: send me an e -mail Free telephonic Help and Information . “Talk to Me” Web:

And lots more in store! Shop No. 2, cnr Eland & Monument Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park 1619. Tel 011-972-9134 Fax 086-551-5199

FPV Flying 420-line Camera R539.00

7" to 11" 5.8G Receiver-integrated FPV Monitor From R1 599.00

YS-X4 V2 IT Autopilot/ Automatic Control From R7 599.00

Carbon propeller set (one CW, one CCW)

DJI Naza Lite + GPS Combo From R2 200.00

From R129.00 up to R499.00 per pair

SAM A A News Issue 5 of 2015 - Page 10

DYS Camera From R1 799.00 Will be arriving soon!

From the office I can devote two or three pages to describe my discontent with the stupid post office, but it’s not going to serve any purpose. Suffice to say, many SAMAA members are affected by the “We don’t deliver, whatever we take” attitude of this most dysfunctional institution. If you have made a renewal and you have not received your membership card within two to three weeks, please contact me and I’ll issue a replacement. Ironically, we are still dependent on the post office to deliver these replacement cards! Shut it down and privatise it, I say. Proficiencies There is currently an explosion of proficiencies, and many clubs are doing almost weekly proficiency tests of their members. This is great news, and it is of course another way of enhancing the overall skill level within the Association. However, there are still far too many SAMAA members who fly regularly, without a Solo rating.

Many of the older members will remember Pieter (Bossie) Bosman, who for many years, worked at Redipak. Bossie sent by courier from Springbok, a large parcel with several vintage RC sets, of great historical value. An 8channel (4 function) Kraft Custom tuned reed set, with tone receiver and some Bonner Duramite and Transmite servos. Also an OS Minitron singlechannel Tx, and receiver. There is also an Orbit 10-channel reed set, and a Futaba FT-5E, and a Graupner Variophon 5, and a brand new Webra Variomix 5+2, and, and, and.

The unusual Graupner Variophon transmitter, and the 10-channel (5-function) Varioton plug-together receiver, and a few Bellamatic servos.

The immaculate Kraft Custom 10-channel reed transmitter, one of the first Phil Kraft products to start his company as the world-leader.

If you do not hold a rating, please get in touch with your club administrators, and arrange for the simple process to fly and qualify for your Solo rating. New website I’m asking members to be a little patient...the SAMAA website is under development, and gradually Marthinus and I will migrate the plethora of information from the “old” site to the new. I would like to use this opportunity to sincerely thank John Godwin for maintaining the site over the last 15 or so years. John was always eager to help, and spent many of his leisure hours on the site, adding MOPs, maintaining the BLOG, and the Diary of Events, etc. A few weeks ago, John asked if the SAMAA would be interested in books, magazines, and Free Flight newsletters that he had collected and subscribed to over the years. Lots of interesting information, and a welcome addition to the SAMAA historical preserrvation project. Many thanks, John!

The single, hard-valve receiver The Orbit reed set and usual five The Bonner Transmites were very of the Telecommander, with two REMAT relay-less servos (rudder, popular with reed fliers. Servo in tuning slugs on the right. elevator, motor, aileron, and trim). green print used for elevator trim.

Hugh Edmunds has recently moved from Kempton Park to Lambert’s Bay. It was with a heavy heart that he parted with his trusty OS Cougar Z transmitter. He knows, however, that it is in good company in the SAMAA office, with many other RC sets of historical significance.

Historical preservation project Incredible how this project has taken off in the last few months, with members eagerly donating material of historical value. I was in Klerksdorp for the North West Championship early February, and the trio of Martin Bower, Roy de Beer, and John Trethewey donated three historical RC sets for the SAMAA Museum. One of them was a Bramco single-channel transmitter and 3-valve receiver. The other set was a Zebra 2-10 reed transmitter, and a few Bonner Transmite and Duramite servos, that was used by Bennie Muller ca. 1964. Martin Bower donated a Multiplex set, and although a more modern RC set, it is still of historical interest. Display in the SAMAA office: (l-r) Reed Tx ZS-6KD built by MT Wessels, OS Minitron (ex Bossie), Reed set by MT Wessels, Constellation 7 (Glen Roberts), Zebra 2-10 (John Collin), Kraft Custom 10 (Bossie), Zebra 2-10 (John Trethewey), Orbit 10 reed Tx (Bossie), Babcock BCT-2 (Neil Allen).

(L-r) Roy de Beer, John Trethewey, Bob Skinner, and Martin Bower. Bob is holding the South African designed and built Zebra 2-10 tuned reed transmitter. Developed in 1964 by Joop Koper and John Collin. The Zebra was marketed by Dries Welgemoed from his hobby shop Bambi, in Sunnyside. It \had a short li9fe-span, since it came at the end of the reed area, where many fliers were opting to invest in the more expensive, proportional sets (Kraft, Orbit, EK Logictrol, Bonner Digimite, etc.)

A few days later, Glen Roberts surprised me with the donation of a whole box of electronic goodies, and a Constellation 7 proportional transmitter and receiver. The Constellation was designed and built in 1965 by Dr Derek Ashpole, a South African electronics engineer. Glen also donated a 1958 Telecommander 1061 single-valve carrier-wave transmitter.

(L-r, top): Kraft propo Tx (Dave Armitage), Reptone RC Tx (Roy de Beer), Graupner Variophon 10 (Bossie), Bramco single-channel Tx (J Trethewey/Roy de Beer), Futaba FT-5E set (Bossie), Logictrol 5 (DA). (Bottom): Futaba J6, Skyleader FM-TS, Unknown single-channel Tx (DA), Telecommander Tx (Glen), Webra Variomix (Bossie), Omega FM (built in SA by Hennie Reynecke and Jan van Wyk), and Heathkit 5 Tx, popular in the 60s and available in kit form. More equipment on lower shelves.

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RCRC is equipped with electronic equipment to do accurate diagnostics. Peter Frost will give personal service and repairs to your RC set, to get it to as-new working condition. RADIO CONTROL REPAIR CENTRE Visit me at731 Great Dane Street, Garsfontein East.

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 11

RCRC Specialized in JR/Spektrum radio repair and service

Hobby-X 2015 Every year, the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association), participates at Hobby-X. Paul Lastrucci contacted SAMAA to take up some of the exhibition space, because the Teddy that the EAA members are working on, is now nearing completion, and it is quite a daunting task to transport it to the Northgate Dome, and to part-assemble it. The Aero Club of South Africa, and the Airplane Factory also shared the space, and it created a great opportunity to promote sport aviation. The SAMAA had a control line aircraft, a trainer, and an old timer aircraft on display, and although this provided enough interest, we will try to have more

model aircraft on display at future events, to showcase a more extensive range of aeromodelling activities. We had many back-issues of SAMAA News to give to the constant stream of inquisitive visitors, and there was enough printed information and promotional material. The two public days (Saturday and Sunday 7 and 8 March) naturally had the best attendance of the show. Many of the visitors also needed to know where they can view some aeromodelling activity, and we were able to direct them to their nearest club. This is often the first point of contact, and if a potential model aircraft enthusiast is able to view, first-hand, the activity, it sows the seeds. Next step is his nearest hobby shop, where he can now enquire about the models he saw at the flying site. An opportunity was made available to several dealers, at NO cost, to supply promotional material for those visitors who wanted to know “where can I buy a model aircraft”. To those dealers who did not see the value in this FREE promotional lost out! Three dealers took up the offer, and their supply of leaflets and business cards ran out before the end of the show! Thanks to Al’s Hobbies, Aerial Concepts, and Frasers RC Models. The SAMAA values your participation! We will continue to involve you in future opportunities like this. Safe flying, and remember to always keep your contact details updated, especially now that the SAMAA News is distributed to you via your e-mail address that appears on the membership programme.

The SAMAA stand had plenty of promotional material for visitors. Three dealers also saw the value of having promotional material on the stand...opportunity was free, but shunned by some of the hobby dealers. Many thanks to Frasers RC Models, Al’s Hobbies, and Aerial Concepts for their participation.

Rob Nilius (EAA) and Bob Skinner discussing the future of sport aviation.

(L-r) Mariska Skinner, Ollie Larsen (Henley) and Bob Skinner.

The SAMAA stand had three basic model aircraft on display, and the models were perfectly adequate to explain to the visitors their function.

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 12

2014 Aero Club Annual Awards Bob Skinner. Photos by Juanita Smith


The 2014 Aero Club Annual Awards took place in Hangar 5 at the Swartkop AFB, on Saturday evening 8 November. On this occasion, our competitive aeromodellers are honoured with the official award of their Protea Colours, for participation in world championship events during 2014. The chairman of the Aero Club, Jeff Earle, presides over this function. Earlier in the year there was a nomination process, and the Model Gliding Association, a Special Interest Group of the SAMAA, nominated Herman Weber for the Aero Club Silver Wings award. This is for Herman’s unwavering dedication to the sport, for a protracted period. The Aero Club board members deliberated in September 2014, and a decision was made to award Herman with Aero Club Silver Wings, and this was formally conferred at the Awards function.

Herman Weber receiving the Aero Club Silver Wings award from Jeff Earle, chairman of the Aero Club of South Africa.

The Junior F3J gliding team of Tshepo Molefe. Jethro van der Molen, and Jason Weber, with their team manager Craig Goodrum, achieved an FAI Silver medal for the team’s second place at the world championship in Martin, Slovakia, and the team was awarded the Aero Club SA Eagle Trophy. It is now the third year in succession that SAMAA members have been awarded the SA Eagle Trophy. Keith Renecle was the sole member of the F2B Control Line team to Poland, but unfortunately he was not able to make it to the Awards Dinner. The guests were going to be treated to a fly-past of a few historic aircraft, but a terrific thunderstorm was fast approaching from the south, evident by the very dark overcast skies. Wisely, Lt Col Rama Iyer abandoned his plans of a fly-past with the historic SAAF DH-115 Vampire. The torrential rain did not dampen the spirits inside the hangar and the ceremony was a great success. The catering was good, and the SAMAA tables provided constant light entertainment to the rest of the assembly, with several Mexican Waves!

Some of the recipients of Protea Colours: Tshepo Molefe, Michelle Goodrum, Wouter Kruger, Jason Weber, Alan Smith, Jethro van der Molen, and Craig Goodrum. For some obscure reason, Herman Weber was missed out (team manager of senior team).

Going home was certainly a challenge. It was still raining heavily, and with the incomplete earthworks to the drainage systems all over the base at Swartkop, there were puddles of water and mud between the hangars and the parking area! A very pleasant Aero Club Awards Dinner, at a different venue, and a reduced SAMAA attendance. The coming year will see many more attendees, since there are more championships taking place.

The South African F3J Junior team receiving the SA Eagle Trophy from Aero Club chairman, Jeff Earle. Jethro van der Molen, Jason Werber, Tshepo Molefe, and team manager Craig Goodrum.

The SAAF Museum DH-115 Vampire to be flown by Col Rama Iyer; grounded due to a thunderstorm.

PROFICIENCY TESTING at Stellenbosch Model Aircraft Academy 16 April 2015 16 May 2015

The usual SASCOC certificates had not been signed by Tubby Reddy or Gideon Sam, and Jeff handed out letters instead, certificates to follow.

Michelle Goodrum and Ben Stuthridge sharing some light relief. Ben was one of the towmen at the world championship in Martin, Slovakia.

20 June 2015 19 July 2015

16 August 2015

Contact Nic van Rensburg 082 700 1856

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 13

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 14

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 15

From time to time, SAMAA News has published test reports, or product reviews, to inform our readers and members of what is available on the market. Usually these reports are accompanied by advertising, and the “advertorial” opportunity is open for use by all dealers in South Africa.

Test report - Pilot RC servos Terence Lesser. SAMA A member 15093 First I will make it clear that I have no vested interest in PILOT RC. I fly at Walker Bay Radio Flyers, and this report was undertaken as an independent RC enthusiast who had the opportunity to use and test the prototype servos mentioned herein. Back in November 2013, I responded to an advert and purchased a selection of PILOT RC's first batch of servos for trial testing, both the 27kg and 38kg. These were the first production prototype models, and it's where this report starts.

to neutral, even from a slow stick movement through to a very fast full swing on the control surface, resulted in pin-point accuracy”. I was doubtful of fitting one servo on that big rudder surface, however I had no problem performing a knife-edge loop and several repetitive yaw manoeuvres. On inspection immediately after, the rudder servo was not even warm. I'm very impressed.” I fly aggressively and put a model through a strict routine, so I need perfection. The pattern manoeuvres I did, like slow rolls and eight-point rolls, were very accurate. I use double the normal throws and have up to 80o of movement on elevators and 70o on ailerons (see linkage setup). The speed of travel is second to none. These servos, if priced reasonably, will outperform most available.” WARNING - do not try to stop one of these with your fingers, as a trapped finger between the arm and servo body hurts! Trust me on this!

On first impression, I was impressed with the build quality, aesthetically, very high standard. Fitting the servo arm was difficult, the fit was too tight! I tried using the centre screw to pull the arm on, then had second thoughts as I could see a sheared screw about to happen. Suggestion 1: improve arm fit on servo drive shaft. To enable me to test the servo on an aircraft, I extended the centre slot in the arm to open the jaws, allowing an easy fit to servo. Here are the dimensions of the final version of the servo arm. All hooked up to my Futaba 8J and their R2008SB, first impression was “Wow” how fast, unbelievable, centre-positioning very accurate, delicate movement with applying max negative expo was jumpy, particularly noticeable using the extreme throw position on the rudder for maximum movement. Suggestion 2: review positioning potentiometer quality or programming of movement. Now, not wishing to dramatise these two points out of proportion, I felt PILOT RC has the making of some top quality servos if they take into account and act on comments received from the various trials that were ongoing, and make some small changes. I sent feedback to Tony and he advised that he had similar reports and was taking corrective action. At that time he advised the servos were being re-programmed to make them smoother. The servo arm issue, I would find out later the action Tony took. Here is a little more background information for those interested. Initial testing at PILOT RC facility put the servos through a rigorous testing regime – minimum of 140,000 operations at 50% max load, using the PILOT RC servo arm pulling from the max throw position, which extends some 31.8cm from servo spindle centre. Tony was concerned over excessive wear found on one gear after testing. This was originally made from 7075 AL. He immediately had this re-manufactured with a hard compound metal, and told me to replace the gears after sending a full replacement pack. That's dedication of the first order. Well done Tony! Tony informed me that a new batch should be ready when I visit the factory in July, so I returned the prototypes in advance of my visit. He mentioned he had similar comments from other sources. (Something I must add about Tony Tan, which was apparent through correspondence and confirmed in my mind after we met. He is a man of integrity and sincerity. He strives to make his product the best he can, and he does this by listening to the people who count, you, the customer. Okay before I have you all in tears and sending Tony bunches of flowers we move on. December 2014 was the launch of the tried and tested PILOT RC 27kg and 38kg servos to complement their existing 20kg servo. So what can we expect in way of performance? Here are the respective specifications at hand, to date.

Practical usage of the final production servo showed no signs of erratic movement and the servo arm issues were taken care of. Tony informed me during my visit he changed the manufacturer of servo arms as they were not up to his standards. The fit is now perfect to the servo spindle. Practical usage of the final production servo showed no signs of erratic movement and the servo arm issues were taken care of. Tony informed me during my visit he changed the manufacturer of servo arms as they were not up to his standards. The fit is now perfect to the servo spindle. Further, on testing the effectiveness of the locking bolt I was pleasantly surprised to see that the accuracy of the fit of the central screw could not be better, don't make the mistake of trying to remove the central screw without first loosening the side locking screw, it really works and holds the spindle screw tightly in place. I have not used Locktight on the central screw threads, and after several flights, there is no sign of it coming loose. I did however use a little Locktight on the side-locking screw. It's much easier to remove these when required, than trying to undo a locktightened servo arm screw, as the side-screw has a good sized hex bolt head supplied with the arms. Oh yes! I am informed that the smoothing of servo arm movement was achieved by reprogramming of servo software, just as Tony predicted. Also, Tony changed the brushless motor for a new, higher quality unit that has significantly-improved current draw. The results of my current and pull tests will follow. Note: each servo comes with a servo arm as shown. This PILOT RC servo is the only one we know of that comes with an aluminium extended arm, and 18” wire leads, (that in reality is 20 inches. See photo).

27kg Rated Servo Model: PW27AH Speed: 0.119 s / 60o @ 8.4v & 0.136 s / 60o @ 7.4v Power Supply: 6.0 ~ 8.4vdc Dimensions: 40 x 37.8 x 20mm Weight: 76.3g Torque: 27 kg cm (375 @ 8.4v & 23 kg cm (319 @ 7.4v 38kg Rated Servo Model: PW38AH Speed: 0.129s/60o @ 8.4v & 0.147s/60o @ 7.4v Power Supply: 6.0 ~ 8.4vdc Dimensions: 40 x 37.8 x 20mm Weight: 76.3g Torque: 38 (528 @ 8.4v & 34 (472 @ 7.4v

First some comments from my friend Louis Genade who installed a full complement of the final production servos along with the newly manufactured arms on the PILOT RC YAK 55M with a DLE111cc. The servos used were: 4 x 27kg on wings (two each wing) and one 38kg on rudder. Asked for comments Louis said: These PILOT servos are fantastic, they are extremely fast and precise, neutral alignment is very accurate, every return

Having stripped down a servo, I'm impressed yet again with all the qualityenhancing features: • O-rings on all case bolt heads • O-rings on case top and bottom joints • O-ring on servo shaft, to prevent ingress of dirt and dampness • PCB circuit board neatly constructed, and has overall lacquered coating for corrosion protection • Gear set is special hardened steel, with two ball races on main drive shaft, and inset bronze bearings on lay shaft.

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 16

As far as the build goes, absolutely no obvious issues. The very generous 18” wire lead ensures that in most cases, plugs will reach the fuselage body without connectors; it is in fact in reality, on the servos I had, 20” long. Performance testing So, how does the overall performance fare with all this high-powered flapping of control surfaces? Movement throws were checked and found in excess of o o 68 and 62o either side of neutral. Total movement is 130 , and with end points set at 140%, this provides a massive 72mm linear throw with the PILOT RC arm.

Further tests on the electrical performance, have determined that the initial problem of erratic movement has been completely corrected, (see video on my FB page). The final production models are smooth and very accurate. They centre spot-on, no matter what speed in any direction, and at any end point setting, they come back to the same spot with literally, pin-point accuracy, “yes you got it”. Practical bench-testing To evaluate repetitive neutral-positioning and smoothness of operations, we set the servo on a test stand and extended the servo arm to exaggerate movement to show finite movement differential and neutral alignment precision. I can confirm that they returned to the centre spot every time after slow, erratic, and fast continuous operations. Using the servo test feature on the Futaba T8J, a channel was programmed to run the servo through a complete movement. With transmitter front trims set to centre, and the software sub-trim set at zero, movement was calibrated. Channel 1 was selected and end-points in both directions set at 100%. Whilst in neutral position, the arm neutral position was recorded by placing a needle at the tip of the extended pointer. Full travel in each direction was then recorded. End-points were re-set to 140% in both directions, and full travel in each direction again recorded. Having obtained the 100% and 140% set points, the end-points were then re-programmed in 10% increments in both directions, and the results of full travel limits recorded. Each test, regardless of end-point positioning, concluded that the neutral alignment was <0.3mm, and that was at the end of an extended arm some 165mm (6.5”) long. Remarkable accuracy! Static and Dynamic load testing Not having advanced laboratory instrumentation to complete full load tests on the 27/38kg servos as would be the case in the factory, I am informed that servo testing methods are “a very closely-guarded secret” among servo manufacturers. Here is where the manufacturers load-testing methods enter a mythological state and the secrecy begins on actual rating methods used. Quality-branded servos of lower load ratings, up to 10kg (my testing shows), do manage to lift a dead load of their specified rate. However, servos of 15 to 20kg, or more, all fall short of those magical figures quoted in the manufacturers specifications. The question is: how far short? Tony did advise me that he carried out tests against other brands at his factory. He shared the results which show just how these brands fared under load testing. These are the combined results of other brands versus PILOT, as recorded at PILOT RC. Brand


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

JR HiTec HiTec JR JR Savox Savox Pilot Pilot Pilot

8911 HS-7990TH HS-7955TG MP91TWV DS8921HV SB-2270-SG 1256TG PW-38AH PW-20AH PW-27AH

Specs torque ( 25 44 24 21.7 36.5 32 20 38 20 27

Test torque ( 14.8 29.7 15 11.1 20.5 17.5 9 22.9 11.9 15.6

Not satisfied, we wanted to load the servos to a determined amount, in this case 10kg, to find their electrical characteristics. So, leaving the real load testing methods to the secret agents and their expensive equipment, we moved on to what all RC modellers like, “practical testing” and, “how does the PW27AH/PW38AH effect my battery life?” Current drain, is the answer!

Using three criteria, we logged results for the following tests: 1. Current draw, no load 2. Current draw, static load (10kg) 3. Current draw over 50 operations at 10kg My load test (the set up is shown in the photos), comprised of using a highlyspecialised, very technical, and accurate system, called “a bucket of stones”, duly calibrated on another very technical appliance, “a bathroom weighing scale.” Well, let's be practical! At this point after picking up the bucket to hang on my test rig, a thought came to mind: “What would happen if I hung this on my elevator or aileron?” The preceding thought was: “What are the real loads on the model aircraft we fly?” Anyway, just a thought! While I'm in a nostalgic mood, I was reflecting on the gear issue, as I had not tested this part yet, and pondered on how to test them. Remember the comment about the gears! As mentioned, PILOT RC rectified a gear-wear concern, by manufacturing a new gear with a harder compound steel. The new version will have a tried-and-tested gear train. I did test the gears also! I took the professional approach and loaded the arm to 30kg on both models, left it hanging there for about 15-mins, waiting for a failure. Nothing happened, and I accepted they were strong enough. Delighted with the result, I reported back to Tony with the news. He replied: “I already tested gears...took big hammer and hit the arm very hard, also did not break, only took me 15 seconds, no time to waste”. I'm still laughing, an old Chinese proverb. Confucius says... “A good nail does not fear the hammer”. In this case nor does a PILOT servo! Back to business. The tables below show results based on criteria used for my electrical tests. Note 1. Tests 1 and 2 were allowed to stand for 15 minutes so that the temperature and associated current stabilized Note 2. The temperature thermocouple was positioned on the servo case next to the motor.

PW27RH - PILOT RC Servo Test Criteria #

Branded servo comparison chart No.

The purpose of showing the average, is having an assurance of what can be expected in a model when a combination of one brand of servos is used.

Spec/Test achieved 59% 68% 63% 51% 56% 55% 45% 60% 59% 58%

Average %



2 3.

PILOT RC servo comparison chart, based on Terry’s RC testing




Pilot Pilot

PW-38AH PW-27-AH

Specs torque ( 38 27

Test torque ( 23 18

Spec/Test achieved 60.53% 66.67%

0.90 Amp



One servo and receiver. Amp readings taken after 15 mins


1.75 Amp



Rapid operation of 50 full movements, and 25 slow operations.






0.22 Amp



One servo and receiver. Amp readings taken after 15 mins


1.10 Amp



Rapid operation of 50 full movements, and 25 slow operations.

PW38RH - PILOT RC Servo 1




I set up a spring balance with direct linkage to each servo, and independently initiated a pull test to determine the stalling load of the PILOT servos, the results of which are shown below.

1. 2.

No load (servo and system turned on but no weight/load connected to servo arm Static load. Servo arm is connected to load, no movement. Dynamic load, with 50 operations

Weight Current T1 OC T2 OC Remarks used kg draw in (start) (stop) mA & Amp One servo & receiver, mA 0 46.3mA 26 27 readings taken after 15 mins.

Average % 63.59


No load (servo and system turned on but no weight/load connected to servo arm Static load. Servo arm is connected to load, no movement. Dynamic load, with 50 operations

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 17

One servo & receiver, mA readings taken after 15 mins.

Interestingly, it can be seen that the higher-rated PW38RH ran cooler at lower currents than the PW27RH, exactly as expected as I did not pro-rate the weight based on a percentage of the servo’s output specification. As a follow up to this report, we will run the above tests again on both servos with prorated loadings based on specification, thus, 27kg servo x 27% = Load 7.29kg, and 38kg servo x 27% = 10.26kg. Pure coincidence that it worked out to 27%... it's based on my maximum bucket size load! In addition to the above, I carried out: • Servo neutral alignment tests, using an extended point arm of 165mm to highlight misalignment deviations. • Servo neutral alignment tests with Tx end-point adjustments set at 100%, 140%, and from 10% up to 100%, in 10% steps. • Slow operation tests, to see smoothness of movement at low speed. • Extended operation for 20 minutes, using a spring balance giving approximately 9.5kg loading. Destructive testing Remembering my trapped finger incident, and the fact it did not jamb the servo arm, I thought, what would happen if it did get jammed? I fixed the 38kg servo on the test stand and installed a jamming post... “technical term” for big screw, about 20 degrees to one side of the neutral position. I reluctantly accepted that I would destroy one of my servos. Thinking back at the hammer test, I thought I now have one that Tony did not do, and we shall see how long his servo lasts!

It's clear that the protection circuitry works. The rapid increase was controlled at 85-90o as predicted, and through current/torque regulation, the servo temperature was maintained in operational limits. Full marks in my book. Conclusion This report started out with our observations on the prototype servos, and highlighted two initial issues, both of which were rectified by PILOT RC on the servos tested. • The arm fit on servo is excellent • The lock screws are very effective • From my experience no loosening of the arm bolts • The extended servo leads of 18” are in fact are 20”... unique on any servo I know of • The build quality is excellent • Servo seals are effective • The SOFTSTART feature is excellent • Casing is aluminium and heat dissipation is effective • PILOT RC comparison to other brands does understate performance which we found superior • Our flight tests proved excellent control • Neutral alignment tests exceeded expectations, pin-point accuracy • End-point settings maintained accuracy without variations • The slow-operation test verified the smoothness of movement throughout the travel range • The extended-operation “experiment” I shall call it, was very successful (I can see why, with the built-in protection circuitry). As for the electrical findings in the tables, it's time for your feedback during use. I have it on good authority from Tony that the new brushless motor performs to perfection, it did for me! Finally, as for my intended destructive test, it proves this servo has got to be a winner; it will protect your models and your investment in a hobby that's by no means cheap, what more can you ask for.

The set up was simple... two temperature meters, and a current meter. The thermocouples were taped on the casing, one at each end. Notice the small, high-tech clock positioned on the left to time the event. What transpired was o an eye opener. Notice the ambient temperature of 23 C and the idle current of 0.04Amp or 40mA. Rather than a blow-by- blow account, look at the chart! PILOT RC 38kg servo destructive test results Time 17.38 17.38 17.41 17.42 17.43 17.45 17.50 18.00 18.05 18.10 18.20 18.29 18.33 18.39 18.41 18.55


T1 C 23 23 55 56 73 85 91 94 90 92 92 94 94 93 92 24

T2 OC 23 23 50 51 68 83 89 92 86 90 88 92 91 91 90 25

Amps 0.04 2.25 2.25 2.23 2.15 1.58 1.24 1.23 1.23 1.25 1.32 1.33 1.28 1.28 0.04 0

5-star rating "Excellent." 4-star rating "Above average." 3-star rating "Average." 2-star rating "Below average.”

Build quality Flight performance Innovation Test results Endurance under load Price

Remarks System turned on. Arm not engaged. System arm engaged on post. Checked servo operation; working perfectly o

Protection circuit kicks in between 85 - 90 Checked servo operation; working perfectly.

Checked servo operation; working perfectly Checked servo operation; working perfectly Servo arm disengaged and system turned off. System recovery took 13 minutes.

I gave up after one hour. I could not destruct the servo. Again, I sent Tony a message with the results and said I have just spent an hour and a half doing a destructive test, but the servo is still working. Tony replied: “I already done all those tests Why you waste more time. You should have asked me.” He went on to say: “My servos have built-in current protection circuitry, so in event of total jam, the servo will not burn out, and more importantly, nor should your plane, but I don't guarantee your plane is as good as my servo!” He added: o o “The servo will work up to 100 C, and at 85-90 C, the circuit is designed to reduce torque by 10% to a maximum of 50% and save the servo. o Temperature should not go higher than 100 C under normal operating jammed condition. When servo cools down, full torque is restored automatically”. What can I say, except, again well done again PILOT for the innovation. They say a picture paints a1000 words, you dissect the results!

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 18


July 2015

June 2015



Warthog RF Tygerberg MFC Klerksdorp Barnstormers

Warthog Mudbath W Cape Monthly Aerobatics N West Aerobatic League Vintage Fly-in No. 295

Martin van Staden Stuart Nix Sebastiano Sacca Colin Matthysen

082-782-2115 082-855-4920 083-294-3814 082-697-5019

Nationwide 1-3 TBA 2-3 Durban 10 Warthog Radio Fl 16 Stellenbosch MAA 16-17 Welkom MAC 17 Umbila Radio Fl 17 Gauteng TBA 17 Peninsula RF 24 Benoni Radio Fl. 24 National 24 Gauteng TBA 24 Howick MAC 30 Swartkop AFB 31 Swartkop AFB 31 Gauteng TBA 31 Barnstormers 31 Pretoria RF

Gliding Postals Gliding Nationals KZN Aerobatic Championship Series Scale 1 Proficiency testing Free State Aerobatic Champs Fun Day Highveld Thermal League 2 W Cape Monthly Aerobatics Vintage Fly-in No. 296 Fun Fly Round 1 F5J Electric Comp. KZN Monthly Aerobatics Warbirds Jets at Swartkop Warbirds F3K HLG League Comp. Airshow 2015 Gauteng League Aerobatics

Herman Weber Herman Weber Neil Allen Koos Pretorius Nic van Rensburg Anton van Wyk Leon Hattingh Herman Weber Stuart Nix Colin Matthysen Anton van Wyk Ivan Williams Neil Allen Gert de Klerk Zane Mannell Herman Weber Colin Butler Matthys Botha

082-453-8551 082-453-8551 073-231-4141 082-928-0368 082-700-1856 082-554-2390 082-414-3872 082-453-8551 082-855-4920 082-697-5019 082-554-2390 083-263-7889 073-231-4141 084-399-6461 082-827-8410 082-453-8551 084-580-9562 073-895-9909

6 7 13-16 20 20 20-21 25 28 28

White Hills RF Gauteng TBA PC Pelser KDP Stellenbosch MAA Bela Bela TOSS Cape Town SAMAA office Irene Radio Flyers Pretoria Radio Fl.

Club Aerobatics F3K HLG League Comp 2015 Combo Power Nationals Proficiency testing Bela Bela Valke Fly-in PSS Black Eagle Slope 2015 Annual General Meeting Gauteng Monthly Aerobatics Vintage Fly-in No. 297

V Zyl Koegelenberg Herman Weber Danie Potgieter Nic van Rensburg Braam vd Merwe Kevin Farr Bob Skinner Matthys Botha Colin Matthysen

083-659-4381 082-453-8551 082-875-8228 082-700-1856 082-723-7539 083-228-7860 011-973-3679 073-895-9909 082-697-5019

2 - 12 2-5 4 5 5 5 18-19 19 19-31 26 26 26 26-2/8

Klopeinersee, Aus Bultfontein Gauteng TBA Kingsburgh MFC Helderberg RF Rand Model AC Central RF Stellenbosch MAA Ludbreg, Croatia JOMAC National Rand Model AC Deelen, Holland

F3C Helicopter W Champs Jets-r-Us Fly in F3K HLG League Comp KZN Aerobatic Monthly W Cape Aerobatic Monthly Series Scale Round 2 F State Aerobatic League 1 Proficiency testing F3K World Championship Gauteng Aerobatic League 3 Fun Fly Round 2 Vintage Aircraft Memorial Day F3B World Championship Boet Denysschen 082-449-4623 Herman Weber 082-453-8551 Neil Allen 073-231-4141 Stuart Nix 082-855-4920 Koos Pretorius 082-928-0368 Anton van Wyk 082-554-2390 Nic van Rensburg 082-700-1856 Matthys Botha 073-895-9909 Anton van Wyk 082-554-2390 Colin Matthysen 082-697-5019

18-19 19 26 26

083-263-7889 073-895-9909

5 6 13 19-20 20 24-27 27 27 27

Rand Model AC Helderberg RF Gauteng TBA TBA Warthog Radio Fl Witsieshoek Nationwide (Benoni RF) Howick MFC

Spring Pylon Races W Cape Aerobatic Monthly Highveld Thermal League 3 Gauteng Aerobatic Champs Series Scale Round 3 Slope Fly-In Fun Fly Round 3 Vintage Fly-In No. 300 KZN Aerobatic Monthly

Arrie Schoeman Stuart Nix Herman Weber Matthys Botha Koos Pretorius Herman Weber Anton van Wyk Colin Matthysen Neil Allen

082-789-9500 082-855-4920 082-453-8551 073-895-9909 082-928-0368 082-453-8551 082-554-2390 082-697-5019 073-231-4141

3 4 17-18 18 25 30-1 29-1

Rosslyn AM Gauteng TBA TBA Gauteng TBA JOMAC Bultfontein Springbok

Club Aerobatics F3J Team Trial SA Aerobatic Masters F3K HLG League Vintage Fly-In No. 301 Greg Casson Memorial NASA Fly-in & Khoisan Fest

V Zyl Koegelenberg Herman Weber Andre Stockwell Herman Weber Colin Matthysen Boet Denysschen v Zyl Koegelenberg

083-659-4381 082-453-8551 083-645-4579 082-453-8551 082-697-5019 083-449-4623 083-659-4381

1 7 7-8 8 22 28

Nationwide Gauteng TBA Barnstormers Welkom MAC Kingsburgh MAC Rand Model AC Rand Model AC

Gliding Postals F5J Electric Comp Club Aerobatics 2015 Fun Fly Masters KZN Aerobatic Monthly Vintage Fly-In No. 302 Summer Pylon Races

Herman Weber Ivan Williams V Zyl Koegelenberg Anton van Wyk Neil Allen Colin Matthysen Arrie Schoeman

082-453-8551 083-263-7889 083-659-4381 082-554-2390 073-231-4141 082-697-5019 082-789-9500

6 Gauteng TBA 12-13 Gauteng TBA 20 Barnstormers

Highveld Thermal League 4 Final F3K (Sleepover) Vintage Fly-In No. 303

Herman Weber Herman Weber Colin Matthysen

082-453-8551 082-453-8551 082-697-5019

August 2015


Herman Weber Philip Lewis V Zyl Koegelenberg Sebastiano Sacca Johan Bruwer Nic van Rensburg Neil Allen Colin Matthysen Stuart Nix Ivan Williams Matthys Botha

September 2015


Glider Postals 2015 LOMAC Airshow Club Aerobatics F3A World Championship N West Aerobatic League GPS Triangle World Masters Proficiency testing KZN League Aerobatics Vintage Fly-in No. 299 W Cape Monthly Aerobatics Jet World Masters F5J Electric Comp Gauteng Monthly

Oct 2015

May 2015

Apr 2015


Nationwide Lowveld MAC Irene Radio Flyers Dubendorff, Switz Klerksdorp Vipava, Slovenia Stellenbosch MAA Maritzburg MAC Barnstormers Peninsula RF Leutkirch, GER Gauteng TBA Umbila Radio Fl

Nov 2015

Use this facility to advertise your events in SAMAA News (club event, local, air show, fly-in, provincial competition, national competition, team-trials, etc.). This service is free of charge.

1 1 6-15 6 8-15 16 16 23 23 23-29 30 30

Dec 15

The S AM A A Activity Calendar

082-453-8551 082-727-8425 083-659-4381 083-294-3814 082-788-2594 082-700-1856 073-231-4141 082-697-5019 082-855-4920

Bultfontein Fly-in NASA Fly-in @Springbok! & Nama-G么i Festival

2-5 July 2015 Boet Denysschen 082-449-4623

-31 29 Oct5 1 20

details to follow, or contact van Zyl Koegelenberg 083-659-4381

The Pretoria Military RC FLyers Club


Sat 30 MAY&& Sunday 31` MAY


For more information, contact: Gert de Klerk 084-399-6461 SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 19

SAM A A Annual General Meeting

Thursday 25 June 2015 at the SAMAA offices, Building R4, Denel Technical Academy 131 Atlas Road, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park. 18:00 AGENDA 1. Welcome. 2. Apologies. Attendance. 3. Agenda additions. 4. Minutes of 2014 AGM. Corrections and acceptance. 5. Matters arising from these minutes. 6. Chairman’s Report. 7. Treasurer’s Report. Budget. 8. General Manager’s Report. 9. General. 10. Closing. Note: Any member wishing to raise any matter at the AGM under item 8, is required to submit notice of this to the chairperson, at least seven days before the meeting, especially if documentation is required. More information is available from the SAMAA office, 011-973-3679, or, or from the SAMAA chairman, details on the list of committee members, near the end of the newsletter.

Please support the AGM The SAMAA is your association!

NB. NB. Friday 1 May and Saturday 2 May 2015 The Aero Club Airweek 2015 is organised to give a platform for members of the AeCSA and SAMAA where camaraderie and friendship between members of the various sections may be enhanced. The objective is to generate new prospects and friendships, with networking, workshops, seminars, and aviation-related issues. Several of the Aero Club’s sections will be present, and entrance is free to all SAMAA/Aero Club members. You will be required to produce your membership card. Flying may be possible, but cannot be guaranteed. Bring your large scale, aerobatic, helicopter, or jet aircraft along, and enjoy the day fraternising with aviation enthusiasts. The safety officers will endeavour to secure a model aircraft flying slot. There will also be a flea market/car boot sale. Contact the Aero Club/RAASA on 011-082-1000, or Sarie van den Berg on 083-449-3378 to book space.


Spot landing competition, aerobatic judges’ training workshop, Airplane Factory, camping on site, arena activities, restaurant on site.

Communication from the Aero Club of South Africa

NATIONALS! 13 - 16 June 2015 PC Pelser Airport Klerksdorp See next pages for details and entry form!

During 2013, the members of the SAMAA received unsolicited communication from the Aero Club, much to the chagrin of many. The current SAMAA management is in negotiation with the Aero Club for every SAMAA member to also become a member of the Aero Club, but at a reduced rate. Until these negotiations are completed and a resolution found, we ask that members who do not wish to receive communication from the Aero Club, to please advise the SAMAA management of this, so that we may add a flag to your membership profile. Please indicate your choice by either sending an e-mail note to the SAMAA office, or a copy of this notice, or a telephone call, or a fax. Contact details appear under “Administration & Office towards to back of the SAMAA News. YES, I would like to receive aviation-related communication from the Aero Club of South Africa. NO, I would not like to receive direct communication from the Aero Club of South Africa, and would prefer communication from the SAMAA. Member name................................................ SAMAA no. ............... Mark only one of the boxes with a cross, and return to SAMAA office, Or fax to 011-973-3679. Or fax-to-e-mail on 086-607-8733 or telephone 011-973-3679.

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 20

13 - 16 June 2015 The

NATIONALS! PC Pelser Airport, Klerksdorp

• Control Line • Pylon Racing • Large Scale Aerobatics

• Precision Aerobatics • Scale • Jets

The 2015 Aerial Concepts Combined SAMAA Power Nationals is open for participation to all paid-up SAMAA members (specific SIG membership waived for Nats). Large areas available for simultaneous flying of several disciplines. All flying in prime disciplines hidden away. Sharing of judges/officials. Catering on site. Practice flying at Klerksdorp Radio Flyers. Plenty of shelter, camping, and accommodation in town. Camping also at KRF. CLOSING DATE for entries: MONDAY 25th MAY 2015

! s t a N t a e r g e h t f o t r a p Be emand!

More information from

rd a l u p o p y Back b

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 21

Danie Potgieter - 082-875-8228 Burt Botha - 072-066-9628 Herman Weber - 082-453-8551 Bob Skinner - 011-973-3679


13 - 16 June 2015


PC Pelser Airport Klerksdorp Entry Form Closing date 25 May 2015

The South African Model Aircraft Association invites all members in good standing to participate in the 2015 Aerial Concepts Combined Power Nationals. Membership to each individual SIG is waived for this Nats. (This entry form available as “live” MS Word form. Simply replace Xx with required information). Contact SAMAA office, or SIG chairmen.


Tel/Cell no.

e-mail address SAMAA membership expiry date


I wish to participate in the following disciplines and classes of the 2015 Aerial Concepts Combined Power Nationals:


Intermediate Stunt

Expert Stunt


Slow Goodyear

Open Goodyear




Hot Quickie




PYLON RACING Standard Quickie







SCALE Sport Scale

JETS Sport Jets


Entry fee is R250 for the first event, with R100 for the next discipline/class, Large Scale Aerobatics Unlimited Standard Quickie 500 and R50 for each additional event or class after that. See example. Hot Quickie 500 Entry fee payment may be made via EFT to the SAMAA account: Nedbank, Menlyn Centre (branch 1605 4500), current a/c 1605 126 772. Your Stand-off-Scale Sport Jet reference must be very clear: Name, followed by Nats entry. Entry forms Sportsman Aerobatics and proof of payment must be e-mailed to the SAMAA general manager, at Novice Stunt Entries will only be accepted if accompanied by proof of payment. Entry fees are not refundable in case of cancellation.

= = =

R250 R100 R50

= = = =

R250 R100 R50 R50

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRY IS MONDAY 25th MAY 2015. By entering for the 2015 Aerial Concepts Combined Power Nationals, I agree to abide by the SAMAA rules and regulations. I also agree to abide by the Sporting Code rules of each of the individual SIGs whose events I participate in (excluding membership). Furthermore, I agree to abide by the decisions of the contest directors, the judges, and the jury. I will act in a sportsmanlike manner in all my dealings with fellow competitors, officials, organisers, hosts, and members of the public. I will not hold the organisers, their agents, or the landowners responsible for any damages or injury that may occur.



SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 22

SAMAA management committee Marthinus Potgieter George Sly Johan Sieling Ludwig Steyn Mike Brews Herman Weber Juanita Smith Vacant Vacant

Chairman Vice-chairman Secretary/Compliance Development Marketing Special Interest Groups Treasurer Club Representative Regions Representative to be appointed to be appointed

082-377-6493 083-560-7545 082-898-8810 082-951-1874 082-358-7404 082-453-8551 083-630-8975

Johan Ehlers Vacant

CIAM Representative Newsletter editor to be appointed


Administration & Office PO Box 7116, Bonaero Park 1622. Tel/fax 011-973-3679. Fax 086-607-8733. Office 24, Building R4, Denel Technical Academy, 131 Atlas Road (Denel North entry), Bonaero Park. GPS Coordinates: S26 08 41.80 E028 15 59.04 (co-ords for main entrance to building R4) Bob Skinner General Manager. 011-973-3679, 083-283-1681.


SAM A A News publication, material, advertising

SAMAA News is the digitally-published newsletter of the South African Model Aircraft Association. The publication is produced in-house until the position of editor is advertised and filled. The SAMAA general manager has been tasked to edit, produce, and distribute SAMAA News in the meantime. The appointment of an editor will coincide with the election of the new management committee during 2015. PO Box 7116, Bonaero Park 1622. Tel 011-973-3679. Fax 086-607-8733.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Keith Renecle Control Line Association of SA (CLASA). 083-415-1409 André Stockwell Model Aerobatics (MAASA). 083-645-4579 Herman Weber Model Gliding Association (MGA). 082-453-8551 Wessel Vosloo Model Helicopters SA (MHSA). 082-607-7686 Arrie Schoeman South African Miniature Pylon Racing Association (SAMPRA). 082-789-9500 Koos Pretorius Nat Ass Scale Aeromod. (NASA) 0829280368 Zane Mannell SA Model Jet Association (SAMJA) 082-827-8410 Gavin Walton Large Scale Aerobatics (LSA) 083-408-4296 Anton van Wyk National Model Fun Fly Ass. (NMFFA) 082-554-2390

To join the SAMAA: Request application form 011-973-3679. Visit for MS Word form, under “Membership - How to join”. On-line application from Or submit details by e-mail: name, ID, address, tel, fax, cell, club, to: Subscription fees From 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2016 • Regular/adult members (18 to 60 years of age) R360 • Junior members (18 & younger. Students over 18 considered to be adults) R200 • Senior Citizens/Retirees (60 years and older) R240 Payment by internet (EFT), or cheque. SAMAA current a/c 1605 126 772 at Nedbank, Menlyn Pretoria, code 1605 4500. Use clear reference of name/ surname, and membership number if renewing. DO NOT USE “Subs”, or “Membership” , or “SAMAA”, or “New”, since this cannot be identified correctly. Fax or e-mail this proof of payment with your application or renewal. Change of address: and sign in with your log-in and password. No log-in and password? Request automatically, if you have a correct e-mail address on the membership programme. No internet? Contact the SAMAA office on 011-973-3679 to change your address.

Protecting and serving your interests The SAMAA needs your help, to ensure that your rights and privileges are protected. Through the SAMAA, its Special Interest Groups, and numerous registered clubs, you can experience the protection of your rights, and enjoy the real benefits in all aspects of model aviation. • Advice On building, flying, competition, airshow planning, club layouts, displays, special air events, competition, illegal flying, etc. • Clubs Enjoyment of your activity in a group context. All SAMAA clubs are approved and registered with the SAMAA, RAASA, and Civil Aviation. • Insurance Cover of R15m for damage to property, or injury or death to third parties (and member-to-member cover). • Proficiencies Recognition for flying proficiency, at all levels, and all disciplines. • Guidelines On starting and registering a new club. For frequency operations. Interaction with full-size aviation. Manuals of operation. • SAMAA News To inform, educate, advise. Your mouthpiece. Great promotional value. • Rules Local and international, specs of models, frequencies, safe flying practices. • Web pages Good aeromodelling content, great links, regular updates, BLOG. Excellent membership site for self-maintenance. • Representation The SIGs represent all competitive branches of aeromodelling. • Affiliations To the Aero Club of South Africa, and the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Also to other institutions (RAASA, SAAF, Denel). • Frequencies Protection by ICASA of frequencies in spectrum allocated to R/C. • Airspace Manage airspace at registered sites, through the CAA and RAASA. SAMAA is the only CAA-approved Aviation Recreation Organisation (ARO) for aeromodelling. • CIAM Direct link with CIAM (Commission for International Aeromodelling). Governs all world-wide competitive activities, and records. These are just a few of the services that the SAMAA is able to offer its members. Benefit from these services, and let our combined membership add to the voice and strength of SAMAA.

Get a non-member to join today, and let’s make SAMAA stronger!

The views expressed in the SAMAA News, and the advertisements placed, do not necessarily represent the views of the SAMAA, or its management committee. These are published and placed for the interest, benefit, and comments of our members, and are not specifically endorsed, or verified. Submission of material: The closing dates for submission of material: 20 February (to appear 20 March), 20 April (to appear 20 May), 20 June, 20 August, 20 October, 20 December. Photographs (conventional & electronic), are welcome. Long articles must be computergenerated, and must be in either MS Word, or editable text. Limit articles to 1 000 words - which is about a page-and-a-half in SAMAA News. You may e-mail your contributions, including graphics and pictures to: Ensure that captions accompany all pictures, and that the pictures are of reasonable resolution, not e-mail resolution. To advertise: Contact the SAMAA office. You must supply finished artwork in JPG format, to at least 300 dpi at the final size. Terms for all advertising, is payment on receipt of invoice, as per the rate card below. Bank details are listed below. The SAMAA account, for payment of advertising, is held at Nedbank, Menlyn Centre, Pretoria, branch code 1605 4500, current account number 1605 126 772.

SAM A A News advertising rate card Description/size (rates valid until further notice) Full page (A4) Half page (landscape or portrait) Quarter page Eighth page Your Local Dealer advert, per insertion Swops & Smalls, for a reasonable number of items advertised (call SAMAA office for more details)

Contents of Issue 1 for 2015

Full-colour R2 100 R1 200 R700 R400 R100 R100


Ficksburg Fly-in 2015 - Wynand Swart 1, 2 Highveld Thermal League 2014 - Jan Sime 3-4 Free Flight Masters 2014 - Anton van Wyk 5-7 Visit to Eastern Cape Clubs - Marthinus Potgieter 7 Development activities - Ludwig Steyn 8 Roston Dugmore - Roston Dugmore Snr 9 Chairman’s Report - Marthinus Potgieter 10 From the Office - SAMAA GM 11-12 Aero Club Annual Awards 2014 13 Test report on Pilot RC Servos - Terry Lesser 16-17-18 SAMAA Activity Calendar 19 2015 Annual General Meeting Notice 20 Aero Club Airweek at Parys 20 Communication from Aero Club 20 The 2015 Aerial Concepts Combined RC Power Nationals 21 Entry form for Combined Nationals 22 SAMAA information details, management committee, SIGs, etc 23 Your Local Dealer adverts 24

SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 23

Your Local Dealer

Country wide

Somerset West


Durban Westville


Model Aviation Sole agent for ASP Glow Engines Danie: 083-501-8756

Boksburg South

Weltevreden Park Shop 4 Parkdene Centre Lancaster Road S26 14 08 E028 15 11

Tel. 011 892 1084 011-026-3313

Alan and Juanita Smith

Springfield, Durban

RADIO ACTIVE MODELS Recognised as an excellent hobby shop by SAMAA members!

Shop 10, Hillfox Power Centre

t011-475-8640. f011-675-0797

Shelly Beach Margate

HOBBIES Shop 115 Est.1984 The Home Centre cnr Umgeni Rd & Ilala Ave, Springfield, Durban

HOBBIES Shop 108 Est.1984 Entrance 4 Shelly Centre, Shelly Beach, KwaZulu Natal

Tel 031 263 2507 Fax 031 263 2964 Tel 087 805 8842

Tel 039 315 1640 Fax 039 315 7732 Tel 087 805 8844


Kempton Park


We stock a large range of aircraft, kits, cars, helicopters and we are the largest stockist in SA of model trains and accessories. We also have the largest on-line shop in South Africa for you to order all your hobby goods.

121 Hofmeyr Road, Westville, KZN

Tel. 031 266 4472 • Fax 031 266 7160 •

55 Fourth Avenue, Newton Park, PE

041 365 1371 082 651 8665 fax

041 368 7544

(* p

Is thisert? adv your

Garsfontein Pretoria

ould This cadvert... ur * be yo r R100 fo er insertion)

Menlo Park Pretoria

Your location

011-972-9134 083-269-6785 082-854-9840. Fax 011-972-7598

011 802 8500

315 Lynnwood Road cnr Ox and Lynnwood Rd, Menlo Park 0186

Tel 012-362-4925 Menlyn Pretoria

Pretoria North


RADIO CONTROL REPAIR CENTRE Peter Frost for personal service

731 Great Dane Street, Garsfontein East Fax 012-998-3049 * Cell 082-854-0012

Shop B5, Menlyn Retail Park Cnr Lois and Garsfontein Roads

Tel 012 348 0308 • Fax 012 348 0309

Specialized in JR/Spektrum radio repair and service

Pretoria East

+27 31 702 7017

Port Elizabeth

Port Elizabeth

cnr Monument & Eland Rd, Aston Manor Flown with Passion

Mark Savage




Radio-controlled Planes, Helicopters, Cars, Workshop & more

SA Modelsport We make dreams come true! Speak to Henke for all your RC helicopter requirements

Your one-stop Hobby Shop! for Radio Controlled Models tel (012) 807-4667 e-mail website Shop 1E, Willow Way Shopping Ctre, Lynnwood Rd, Pretoria

3 Kingsbrook Road Hatton Estate Pinetown 3610, KZN

Shop 11, Doornkloof Mall, Protea Str., Doornkloof

Tel 012 667 5757 e-mail


Cnr South & Heuwel Streets, Centurion, Gauteng

Tel 012-663-3895 Fax 012-663-5570

Your RC Helicopter Specialist

Tel & fax

+27 11 425 0850



RC Services


FUTABA Service Centre

156 Third Street, Springs

Pieter Bosman (Bossie) Tel/Fax 027 712 3762 Cell 082 926 9221 Benoni (www)

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+ 27 11 849 1527

+27 84 831 4533

SA home of LADO electric retractable undercarriage systems

Support your local dealer...they are supporting you! Book your space here. Send details to, or telephone 011-973-3679 SAM A A News Issue 1 of 2015 - Page 24

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