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E v e ly n B e n c i c o va
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Richard S i lv e r
Sandy Sko glund
13 16 19 Tim Wa l k e r
William Wegman
Zeren Badar
E v e ly n be n c i c o va choreographic symbolism
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For Evelyn Bencicova, the content of the picture is not just the person or the object that it depicts, but rather the thoughts or concepts the image evokes. Her images go beyond the apparent, without however being symbolic or representational: for her, a photograph is just a moment in a longer and multilayered creative process, since she sees herself more of a creator of scenes or sculptural compositions than ‘just’ a photographer, admitting that she is not really interested in the technical aspects of what she does. Through her treatment of the body as more of a sculptural or choreographic device, she creates poignant visual gestures which do not ‘stand for’ something, but rather bring actual relationships into existence – relationships between the individuals who pose for her, the body and its environment, the viewer and Bencicova herself.
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She creates poignant visual gestures which do not ‘stand for’ something
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Richard S i lv e r exclusive i n te r v i ew
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We got the pleasure to publish an exclusive interview with the photographer and get to know more about him and his inspirations. Get to know better Richard Silver work!
How and why did you get into the photography Industry? My first real break was because a friend of mine worked for Lumas a German Photo company with international galleries. She presented my work, it was accepted and from that point on I’ve been selling my photos. Where did you study, etc? I’m self taught but have taken numerous courses in NY at ICP and SVA too. How would you describe your photography style? I would say it’s experimental. I’m always trying to figure out new and different ways of showing my work. I shot way before digital was around and now digital gives me the freedom to experiment with my imagination. How varied are your photographies?
Very. I do Tilt Shift, Vertical Churches, ( I came up with that) and Time Slice ( which I like to think I was the first).
Do you have a signature touch with your works?
I would say my signature work these days area Time Slice series. I travel the worlds great cities and photograph them in this style. What do you love about being a photographer? The freedom to travel and go photograph the world.
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What are some of your most popular works? My Tilt Shift photos sold through Yellowkorner Galleries. I’ve sold thousands of these photos throughout our 4 year relationship. Tell us a bit about some of your work and what you love about it. I love the uniqueness of my work. My Vertical Church Series gets the most positive feedback of all of my work. Most people are amazed with the results. Why I also love this series is that I never know how they will look until I work on them on Photoshop. What’s your favorite and why? I would say my South Africa church due to its spectacular stained glass colors. Cathedral of Christ our King, Johannesburg, South Africa. Is there anything exciting that you are working on at the moment that you can tell us about? I’m always traveling and doing my 3 series: Tilt Shift, Vertical Church and Time Slice but nothing newer than continuing with these Series. What is your philosophy on photography and life? See as much of the world as you can. Simple. What are your photographic dreams/goals? To be on the cover of National Geographic and get paid to travel and photograph (more). This past month on the cover of United Airlines Hemispheres magazine so I’m on my way. Describe yourself in three words. Globetrotting Travel Photographer
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“Why I also love this series is that I never know how they will look until I work on them on Photoshop�
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Sandy Sko glund m o n o c h r o m at i c surrealism
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Sandy Skoglud is famous by her artistic photography. Decades before Photoshop was available, American artist Sandy Skoglund started creating surrealist images by building incredibly elaborate sets, a process which took months to complete. Her works are characterized by an overwhelming amount of one object and either bright, contrasting colors or a monochromatic color scheme. Skoglund studied studio art and art history and she started working as a conceptual artist, dealing with repetitive, process-oriented art production through the techniques of mark-making and photocopying. In the late seventies the artist desire to document conceptual ideas led her to teach herself photography. This developing interest in photographic technique became fused with her interest in popular culture and commercial picture making strategies, resulting in the directorial tableau work she is known for today.
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Overwhelming amount of one object and either bright, contrasting colors or a monochromatic color scheme
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Tim Wa l k e r st o r y te l l i n g ta l e n t
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It’s amazing how Tim storytelling talent is captured in every shoot. How can you be focus on the clothes when an fantastic athmosphere like this is capturing all your senses? During the shoot out there was a time where the lion wasn’t so happy and the team had to lock themselves in a cupboard … true or not, is just fantastic to imagine! You need to thank Atlas the lion for this mind picture, he was one of the fantastic models in this session, and the most captivating too I’m sure…. a true fashion King. Tim Walker never stops amusing us, he is kind of a dream-maker always with an drama atmosphere around is genious scenes. We need to thank Tim Walker, Katie Grand, Ediie Campblee, Karen Elson, and of course Atlas the Lion King for this fantastic shoot out. Keep them coming Tim!
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Always with an drama atmosphere around is genious scenes
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William Wegman AR T I S T IC DOG
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William Wegman was born in 1943 in Holyoke, Massachusetts.By the early 70s, Wegman’s work was being exhibited in museums and galleries internationally It was while he was in Long Beach that Wegman got his dog, Man Ray, with whom he began a long and fruitful collaboration. Man Ray, known in the art world and beyond for his endearing deadpan presence, became a central figure in Wegman’s photographs and videotapes. In 1981, Man Ray died. It was not until 1986 that Wegman got a new dog, Fay Ray, and another collaboration began marked by Wegman’s extensive use of the Polaroid 20 x 24 camera. Wegman has created film and video works for Saturday Night Live and Nickelodeon and his video segments for Sesame Street have appeared regularly since 1989.
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Zeren Badar Accident S e r i es
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Zeren Badar is a self-taught photographer from Turkey, who lives in New York. He is obsessed with art. He enjoys long walks all around Manhattan and take long breaks at art shows In Accident Series he shows his influence by dadaism and neo-dadaism. In this photography project, he explores a peculiar combination of photography, painting, collage. Zeren creates three dimensional collages with found objects, food and cheaply printed old paintings, then he turns pre-existing works of art into Duchampian already made and take photographs of them. In this works the artist uses copies of old masters paintings initially evoke viewers memory. By using unexpected juxtapositions of objects, he creates ambiguity and pull viewers’ attention deeper to his art. This works got so viral that it has been featured over 167 million blogs.
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Always with an drama atmosphere around is genious scenes
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