Earl Swensson & Associates Specifies
Bianco Assoluto Polished Laminam by Crossville for 24 Bathrooms in Delray Medical Center Patient Tower Project
M. J. Harris Construction Services, LLC, Birmingham, AL was general contractor on the project. The new facility multiplied ca pacity with 96 new private rooms and two hybrid operating rooms as well as a Regis tration Services Center. On the top of the tower, the general contractor constructed a new helipad with direct access to the Emer gency Department. Along with the tower expansion, M. J. Harris transformed 96 existing semi-private rooms into single pa tient rooms in a multiple-phase renovation process that ensured minimal disruptions to patients, staff, and the public.
Architect on the project was Earl Swensson & Associates, Nashville, TN. The Nashville Business Journal ranked them as the largest architectural firm in Nashville. There were 24 bathrooms on the project where Lam inam by Crossville was specified by the architectural firm. Tile contractor for the bathrooms was Professional Flooring Contractors, Coral Springs, FL. More than 5,000 sq/ft of Bian co Assoluto Polished 5.6 mm Laminam by Crossville was specified and installed in 24 private Accordingbathrooms.toTomMoore, partner at Pro fessional Flooring Contractors, “Each sec tion of Laminam is1meter by 3 meters. We could not bring that into the elevators so we had to premeasure all the bathrooms, and cut the tile to size before we brought
The New Patient Tower at the Delray Medical Center in Delray Beach, FL is a comprehensive addition to the existing community hospital that involved extensive renovations to established patient rooms and support spaces.

it up to the actual installation site. Once we got past the logistical problem, it was smooth sailing.
“We got dry packing, shower pans and waterproofing done before we brought in three crews for the Laminam installation. Our crews were trained at the Mapei sem inars and the three day training at Cross ville, Inc. in Tennessee.” Laminam is available exclusively through Crossville, which has headquarters in Crossville, TN. This beautiful tile can be ap plied as an extra large facade with style and eminence. On the other hand, Laminam surfaces for home usage knows no bounds. This is a unique porcelain of precious mix ture that produces Laminam ceramic panels for flooring, walls, corridors, lobbies, and several other surroundings. Thickness is available in 3 mm and 5.6 mm to suit ev ery style and to craft home or office design with supremacy. The collections range from stunning colors with flawless pigmentation, artistic veining, plain & classic tones, and others that remain intact with passing time. There are endless application possibilities of Lami nam surfaces. Whether façades, wall clad ding, indoor flooring or interior furnishings, the stylistic features of our slabs and the versatility of their availability will make it possible to accomplish results of the utmost aesthetic impact, concurrently marked by timeless elegance and extreme functionality and Surfacesdurability.thatsurpass their natural inspiration. Laminam porcelain slabs, a symbol of the finest Italian craftsmanship, combine respect for the environment with aesthetic elegance, offering contemporary design solutions which blend architecture and Earldesign.Swensson & Associates has received numerous industry and design-related awards of merit, from organizations like Behavioral Healthcare Design, Learning by Design, American Public Works Asso ciation, Soliant Health, and the American Society of Interior Designers. With architects registered in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, they have designed healthcare, senior living, hospi tality, education, corporate office, and arts & community projects in 48 states and 16 countries. Visit their website at https://esarch.com for additional informaFortion.information on Laminam by Crossville, visit their site at com/Search?tab=0&searchTerm=Laminam.https://www.crossvilleinc.