Have you ever wondered
Where are the photographs of the children . . . grandchildren . . . grandparents . . . faithful pets . . . sporting activities . . . performances . . . special occasions . . . ? You will never be younger and more beautiful or handsome than you are right now. Artwork below is my interpretation of a child beginning a challeng- ing journey into adulthood.
Using today’s professional camera bodies, lenses, software, print- ers and fine art media, life size images are entirely possible with an archival life of more than 100 years. They can be produced with painterly techniques. Images created in this manner are printed on

high quality linen stock using no chemicals; only ink. Also available are canvas and acrylic images. We are able to duplicate the lighting and posing techniques used by Dutch Old Master artists including Rembrandt, Vermeer and Van Gogh.
If you want more than “smile and say cheeseburger” to capture your children, pets or family we offer no-obligation/no upfront cost service to south Florida families as well as companies in need of commercial work. Call 954-295-2154 for more information or e-mail bocapublishing@bellsouth.net. Fine Art Portraits by G. Rich- ard Booth is a division of Boca Publishing, Inc., a 30-year-old Flori- da corporation.
Thank you for taking the time to browse. We also have experience in commercial, theater, production and sports photography.Through our affiliation with three stage production companies here in South Florida, we have access to the world’s largest collection of Broadway costumes. We can turn you into the Phantom of the Opera, The Man of LaMancha tilting at windmills, a Scottish warrior with kilts and a sword in the Highlands or anyone in Little Women.
If most of your photographs are kept in a kitchen drawer, consider this. At some point in the future, your grandchildren will ask about photographs of your family. What will they find?
No upfront charges. Minimum purchase required. Call 954-295-2154 for a no-obligation appointment.

Fine Art Portrait Photography by G. Richard Booth is a division tion. We also offer print media, including books, magazines and
This online product is easy to read with no pop-up ads. And, eos. Reach thousands of potential customers without postage bocapublishing@bellsouth.net.

division of Boca Publishing, Inc., a 30-year-old Florida corpora- and portfolios in addition to digital productions such as this.
And, we can offer hyperlinks to e-mails, URL’s and YouTube vid- postage or mailing costs. Call today at 954-295-2154 or email at