Boca Publishing, Inc., a 32 year old Florida cor- poration offers for your consideration, a collection of images captured during travel throughout America as well as England, Scotland and Italy.
Digital technology, combined with major advances in camer- as, lenses and software have allowed us the opportunity to blur the lines between reality and fantasy.
What began more than 25 years ago with Photoshop, allowed us to mostly adjust exposure, sharpen and resize images to fit specific formats. Modern equipment and technology allows us to now make composites and literally create images that only exist in our minds.
We’ve all been to the movies and enjoyed Harry Potter and Top Gun. The objective is not to de- ceive but to entertain and pres- ent images that only we can see. Unless you are part of a Holly- wood film crew, you don’t have time to wait for hours until you
can capture a scene without peo- ple walking through it or dealing with grey, flat skies. Thankfully, we can fix most of that.
Finally, most of us make our own prints. The old days of wet labs and chemicals have mostly been replaced by high-end digi- tal printers which yield beautiful color and black and white prints on a variety of stock, suitable for framing. No more prints that turn orange after a few years. It is simply ink on paper. Archival life can be up to 100 years.
Pricing for prints offered at South Florida events: 8x10 prints in 11x14 white mounts/ foamcore backing - $25 16x20 prints in 20x24 white mounts/ foamcore backing $60.
Major credit cards accepted.
Sample portraits are incuded at the end. Years from now, your children will look for family pho- tos. What will they find? Call us at 954-295-2154 for more infornation. Never a charge for a photo- shoot.