JHC April 22

Page 63



Five Trends Healthcare Suppliers Should Watch and Leverage in 2022

will continue to grow. Finding ways to build a stronger, healthier, more resilient supply chain that can withstand disruptions brought on by the virus and other economic factors is vital – to ensure we emerge from this pandemic better prepared for the future. Where is the healthcare supply chain headed in 2022? What follows are the five

It’s been nearly two years since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and

main trends that we believe will define the

disruptions continue to rock the global healthcare supply chain. There have been short-

industry and some insights on how sup-

ages of raw materials, labor and manufacturing; issues surrounding shipping, transporta-

pliers can set themselves up for success.

tion, warehousing and distribution; and now rising inflation hitting the entire healthcare continuum, from manufacturers to distributors to hospitals and everyone in between.

No. 1: Putting eggs in different baskets One of the things that COVID-19 highlighted was an over-dependency on the

Adding to the rocky landscape are

“great resignation”, a.k.a. “the big quit”,

production of products from Southeast

the historic number of supplier mergers

where the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Asia, specifically China. This included

and acquisitions in 2021 (activity has been

reports an overall turnover rate of more

everything from personal protective

more robust than anticipated with over

than 57 percent for the year.

equipment (PPE) like face coverings,

3,000 total transactions expected by

It’s a long list of disruptors and given

gowns and exam gloves needed to care

year-end, an increase of more than

the fact that the fight against COVID-19

for patients, to products like cotton

25 percent as compared to 2020) and the

is far from over, chances are the list

swabs needed for COVID-19 testing

The Journal of Healthcare Contracting | April 2022


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