Physicians on the Move The number of physicians employed by hospitals and health systems is growing, according to a recent study.
With all the challenges healthcare has faced in the last couple of years, it’s no
Results of the study
surprise that the industry as whole is constantly shifting and changing. The latest trend
In the study, Avalere looked at two
signifies a greater shift towards consolidation in the healthcare marketplace, which com-
consolidation trends occurring on the
pletely changes the practice landscape for physicians.
national and regional levels of healthcare:
A recent study by Avalere Health and the Physicians Advocacy Institute shows that,
1 Acquisitions of physician practices by
as of January 2022, 74% of physicians in the United States are employed by hospitals or
hospitals/health systems and corporate
corporate entities, growing from 62% in January 2019.
entities like insurers and private equity firms
August 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting