JHC Dec 21

Page 12


ACOs: Still Standing Reducing ‘unnecessary care’ is key to their success

Experts are convinced that to preserve our healthcare system, the U.S. must

Program is tweaked

move away from fee-for-service to a managed care model. They argue that doing things

The first ACO program – the Pioneer

the old way – that is, rewarding healthcare providers for performing more procedures

ACO – was launched by the Centers

and shielding consumers from the full financial impact through insurance – leads to

for Medicare & Medicaid Services In-

a bigger national healthcare bill. And they point to statistics indicating that despite all

novation (CMMI) Center in 2012. The

the money spent on healthcare, Americans aren’t all that much healthier – and in many

ACO model has since been adopted by

cases, are less healthy – than people in countries that spend less.

Medicaid and even commercial payers. In fact, McKinsey & Company reports that of the roughly 33 million lives

Their solution is better care manage-

receive the right care at the right time, while

covered by ACOs in 2018, more than

ment, with an emphasis on wellness,

avoiding unnecessary duplication of ser-

50% were commercially insured and ap-

prevention, coordination of services, and

vices and preventing medical errors.

proximately 10 percent were Medicaid

management/monitoring of people with

In an ACO, physicians and hospitals

lives. CMS has been tweaking the ACO

chronic illnesses. And right now, account-

assume responsibility for the total cost of

program ever since the Pioneer days by

able care organizations, or ACOs, are the

care for a given patient population. When

resetting benchmarks, quality goals and

leading model.

an ACO succeeds in delivering high-qual-

risk arrangements.

ACOs are part of the Medicare Shared

ity care and spending healthcare dollars

In January 2016, CMMI launched

Savings Program, which was established by

more wisely, its participants can share in

the Next Generation Accountable Care

the Affordable Care Act of 2010. ACOs

the savings achieved on behalf of the

Organization (NGACO), designed to

are groups of doctors, hospitals and other

Medicare program. Increasingly, ACOs

test whether stronger financial incen-

healthcare providers who voluntarily join to

are required to pay back some Medicare

tives, paired with tools to support patient

give coordinated, high-quality care to Medi-

dollars if they fail to meet certain quality

engagement and care management, could

care beneficiaries and ensure that people

goals or financial benchmarks.

improve health outcomes and lower expenditures for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries, according to McKinsey. A key attribute of the NGACO model was a higher level of shared financial risk and reward than what was available under other Medicare ACO models. In 2018, ACO participation dipped when the Trump Administration launched “Pathways to Success,” whose intention was to push ACO participants to take on downside risk after just two years in the program. (When the Medicare Shared Savings Program began in 2012, ACOs had six years of one-sided risk – that is, the potential to share savings without


December 2021 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting

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