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How Can Product Design Improve Patient Experience and Healthcare Efficiency? There are more than 6,000 hospitals currently operating in the U.S. Within
Streamlining disinfection
these facilities, millions of nurses, infection preventionists, environmental services team
The introduction of single-use disin-
members, and more strive to deliver quality care while preventing healthcare-associated
fection wipes was a game-changer for
infections (HAIs).
efficiency, safety, and compliance. When
Disinfection needs continue to evolve, and healthcare facilities have initiatives rang-
nurses needed to quickly wipe down a
ing from improving efficiencies in day-to-day operations to reducing waste and optimiz-
machine or disinfect a surface, they no
ing storage spaces. Some of the latest innovations help address these challenges, and can
longer had to grab a bottle of spray and
remove barriers, lower costs, and encourage compliance amongst medical professionals
a cloth or dilute chemicals. Over time,
and patients.
challenges began to emerge. Surfaces and
December 2021 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting