July 2022 • Vol.13 • No.4
The Job of a Lifetime Cancer survivors are growing in numbers, and increasingly, physicians and health systems are accompanying them on their lifelong cancer journey.
SONOCHECK™ When the ultrasonic cleaner is supplying sufficient energy and condi�ons are correct, SonoCheck™ will change color. Problems such as insufficient energy, overloading, water level, improper temperature and degassing will increase the �me needed for the color change. In the case of major problems the SonoCheck™ will not change color at all.
TOSI® Reveal the hidden areas of instruments with the TOSI® washer test, the easy to use blood soil device that directly correlates to the cleaning challenge of surgical instruments. TOSI® is the first device to provide a consistent, repeatable, and reliable method for evalua�ng the cleaning effec�veness of the automated instrument washer.
LUMCHECK™ The LumCheck™ is designed as an independent check on the cleaning performance of pulse-flow lumen washers. Embedded on the stainless steel plate is a specially formulated blood soil which includes the toughest components of blood to clean.
FLEXICHECK™ This kit simulates a flexible endoscope channel to challenge the cleaning efficiency of endoscope washers with channel irriga�on apparatus. A clear flexible tube is a�ached to a lumen device with a test coupon placed inside; the en�re device is hooked up to the irriga�on port of the endoscope washer.
HEMOCHECK™/PROCHEK-II™ Go beyond what you can see with all-in-one detec�on kits for blood or protein residue. HemoCheck™ is simple to interpret and indicates blood residue down to 0.1μg. The ProChek-II™ measures for residual protein on surfaces down to 0.1μg.
2 Stretched to the Limit
In long-term-care facilities, who has time to see suppliers when there’s so much work to do?
12 The Job of a Lifetime
Cancer survivors are growing in numbers, and increasingly, physicians and health systems are accompanying them on their lifelong cancer journey..
22 Clinic vs. Clinic
A look at the physician office market.
The Journal of Healthcare Contracting is published bi-monthly by Share Moving Media 1735 N. Brown Rd. Ste. 140 Lawrenceville, GA 30043-8153 Phone: 770/263-5262 FAX: 770/236-8023 e-mail: info@jhconline.com www.jhconline.com
PUBLISHER John Pritchard
EDITOR Graham Garrison
ART DIRECTOR Brent Cashman
The Journal of Healthcare Contracting (ISSN 1548-4165) is published bi-monthly by Share Moving Media, 1735 N. Brown Rd. Ste. 140, Lawrenceville, GA 30043-8153. Copyright 2022 by Share Moving Media All rights reserved. Please note: The acceptance of advertising or products mentioned by contributing authors does not constitute endorsement by the publisher. Publisher cannot accept responsibility for the correctness of an opinion expressed by contributing authors.
The Journal of Healthcare Contracting | July 2022
Stretched to the Limit In long-term-care facilities, who has time to see suppliers when there’s so much work to do?
It’s no wonder that many people call the current staffing situation in
Longstanding issue
long-term care a crisis. Nursing homes lost 220,000 jobs – 40% – from March 2020
More than 1.4 million people live in over
to October 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Compare that to hos-
15,500 Medicare- and Medicaid-certified
pitals, which experienced a 1.6% loss during the same period, and home health, which
nursing homes across the nation. For
experienced a 1.2% loss.
years, those nursing homes have been
“I’ve been in this industry for nearly a decade and this is by far the biggest issue
underfunded and understaffed, often
facing long-term-care,” says Guy Cunningham, vice president of sales for Clock
delivering inadequate care to their vulner-
Medical Supply. “Facilities that never used agency for staff are having to do so while
able residents, according to healthcare
being forced to pay higher wages for directly hired employees. Additionally, staffing
policy experts in a recent issue of Annals
agencies are now having difficulty finding willing participants, which is adding further
of the American Academy of Political
stress on our market.”
and Social Science. “The spread of the
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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virus across the country introduced a new
Staff shortages weren’t the only
experience disproportionately high case
emergency to a long-term care sector that
factor contributing to those deaths, of
and death rates during the recent Omi-
had already been in a state of crisis for
course. The highly transmissible nature of
cron surge). Several factors are respon-
multiple decades.”
SARS-CoV-2, the nature of congregate
sible, including high rates of vaccina-
In the past two years, more than
care settings, and the high-risk status of
tion among residents, rising vaccination
200,000 residents and staff in nursing
people who reside in nursing homes all
rates among staff, an increased empha-
homes died from COVID-19 – nearly
played a role.
sis on infection control procedures, and
a quarter of all COVID-19 deaths in
And there is some positive news.
declining nursing home occupancy.
the United States, according to the
According to January 2022 data from
White House. “The pandemic has
the Centers for Disease Control and
highlighted the tragic impact of sub-
Prevention, the share of COVID-19
A watchful eye
standard conditions at nursing homes,
deaths in long-term-care facilities has
The Biden-Harris Administration has
which are home to many of our most
decreased since the start of the pan-
every intention of maintaining the trend.
at-risk community members.”
demic (though nursing homes did
In January, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services began posting nursing home staff turnover rates (as well as
‘ Directors of nursing, administrators, and non-direct-care staff are being forced to work the floors and do the jobs that others once did, and they don’t have time for personal meetings with suppliers/vendors.’
weekend staff levels) on the Medicare.gov Care Compare website, and the agency will be including this information in the star rating system starting in July 2022. “This information helps consumers better understand each nursing home facility’s staffing environment and also helps providers improve the quality of care and services they deliver to residents,” according to the agency. In February, the White House ordered steps be taken to ensure that:
ʯ Every nursing home has a sufficient number of staff who are adequately trained to provide high-quality care.
ʯ Poorly performing nursing homes are held accountable for improper and unsafe care.
ʯ The public has better information about nursing home conditions so that they can find the best available options. The adequacy of a nursing home’s staff is the measure most closely linked to the quality of care residents receive, according to the White House, citing one
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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study, published in the Journal of the
rooms increase residents’ risk of con-
required licensed nursing and CNA staff
American Geriatrics Society in June 2020.
tracting infectious diseases, including
to meet government standards.”
That study found that in one state –
COVID-19. CMS will explore ways to
Connecticut – nursing facilities that
accelerate phasing out rooms with three
staff are more prevalent, are managing
increased registered nurse staffing by
or more residents and to promote single-
better than others, he says. “However,
just 20 minutes per resident day encoun-
occupancy rooms.
they are paying up to $7 more per hour
Facilities in urban areas, where willing
tered 22% fewer confirmed cases of
for staff than they have historically. This
COVID-19 and 26% fewer COVID-19
is a result of both supply and demand as
deaths. CMS intends to propose mini-
A willing staff
well as inflationary pressures. Several of
mum standards for staffing adequacy and
Some long-term-care facilities have
our customers have closed entire wings of
will conduct research to determine the
been forced to close for lack of a willing
their facilities to reduce fixed and ancillary
level and type of staffing needed to en-
staff, says Cunningham. “The reason is
costs as well as staffing relief.”
sure safe and quality care. Proposed rules
simple: From a monetary standpoint,
will be issued by February 2023.
inflation coupled with a lack of increased
affect medical suppliers, says Cunning-
Staffing shortages among customers
reimbursement are crippling the indus-
ham. “Directors of nursing, administra-
nursing homes to reduce resident room
try. Census was significantly reduced
tors, and non-direct-care staff are being
crowding. Most nursing home residents
during the pandemic and many [certified
forced to work the floors and do the jobs
prefer to have private rooms to protect
nursing assistants] who had previously
that others once did, and they don’t have
their privacy and dignity, but shared
staffed those buildings left. Some [didn’t]
time for personal meetings with suppliers/
rooms with one or more other residents
want the vaccine and as a result, left the
vendors. My staff used to spend most
remain the default option. According
industry. Now, many facilities can’t accept
of their pre-pandemic days in buildings,
to the Administration, multi-occupancy
residents because they don’t have the
meeting with long-term-care staff, trying
The White House has also instructed
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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to understand their issues and pressure points while formulating solutions to help. This has been cut by 70%. [But] this is getting better as the pandemic normalizes to some degree.” Reps can help their customers in a few ways, for example, by assisting them make supply choices that can affect outcomes in a positive way and help with cost-in-use, he says. But such help can only go so far. “It is never my immediate instinct to look to the government for answers to private sector problems, but in this case, they have caused the problem. The only way to fix this, in my opinion, is to increase reimbursement, which will give facilities the ability to pay a competitive wage to those willing to take care of our seniors.”
Nurse practitioners Some believe that recruiting more nurse practitioners will help long-term-care facilities address staffing shortages. In the Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care
‘ It is never my immediate instinct to look to the government for answers to private sector problems, but in this case, they have caused the problem.’
Medicine in February 2022, three researchers made the case that the pandemic “revealed
acute medical problems prior to progres-
a sense, COVID took the life out of that
the consequences of years of inattention to
sion to more complex, life-threatening
for a while, because it isolated staff and
the many challenges facing nursing homes,
situations, prevent adverse outcomes, and
residents from the outside community. But
including lack of access to primary care
reduce resident suffering.”
we’re slowly recovering. Families are back
providers – physicians or NPs [nurse practi-
to visiting on a regular basis, and whether
tioners] – both of whom bring a comple-
they realize it or not, they are providing
Better days ahead?
care, even if it’s not direct patient care.
COVID-19 has presented serious chal-
Their presence gives residents something
care facilities with nurse practitioners
lenges for long-term-care providers, says
to look forward to and helps staff feel less
have lower rates of depression, urinary in-
Dennis Loflin, director, NH Med Services,
isolated in what they do.
continence, pressure ulcers, and residents
an extended care distributor in Denton,
with aggressive behaviors, they said. More
North Carolina. But he believes the indus-
tract COVID from the equation, you’d find
residents experience improvements in
try is slowly recovering, to the benefit of
the culture in these communities has been
meeting personal goals, and family mem-
their communities, residents and staff.
getting better and better. We’ve all worked
mentary skill set to the LTC sector.” Studies have found that long-term-
bers express more satisfaction with medi-
“A nursing home is a living, breathing
“If you go back five or 10 years and ex-
hard to make them seem more like home
cal services. “By being onsite, NPs can
organism. It is a big part of the larger com-
instead of institutions. And they are becom-
identify changes in residents’ status, treat
munity and is home to a lot of people. In
ing much better places to work too.”
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
How to leverage point-of-care testing to help improve patient care & generate revenue With the rising demand for point-of-care testing (POCT), health systems
the right lab operations for better health
and physician practices are finding new ways to improve patient care and
systems management.
outcomes, strengthen operational efficiencies with in-office laboratories and
“It’s extremely important for health systems to have a well-defined and
access new revenue sources.
streamlined laboratory solution for their network,” says John Harris, vice presi266,000 laboratories in the United States
Meeting the demand for point-of-care testing
laboratory market. More than 120,000 of
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased
those facilities were physician office labs
the demand for point-of-care testing
and point-of-care testing can ensure that
(POLs), including independent practices
and diagnostics in the United States and
healthcare providers are able to diagnose
and hospital-affiliated physician offices with
globally, boosting revenues in the
and treat patients in the most efficient
point-of-care lab testing, according to the
laboratory testing market by 9.1%
way possible.”
2021 HIDA Laboratory Market Report.1
year-over-year since 2020.1
In 2020, there were upwards of
If your health system or physician
dent of strategic accounts, laboratory, at McKesson Medical-Surgical. “Having the right mix of central lab
At the same time, lab testing for a
practice is seeking ways to increase patient
lengthy list of other acute and chronic
satisfaction and build revenue-generating
conditions and diseases is always in
services that set you apart from the com-
demand. To keep up with patient ex-
Point-of-care testing can help generate revenue for your health system
petition, adding or upgrading an in-office
pectations for quality care, services and
When your health system or physician
lab and point-of-care testing could be a
convenience, your physician office or
practice implements and establishes
profitable solution.
health system must be supported with
point-of-care testing, your business becomes more appealing to patients. At the same time, you’re taking steps toward generating additional revenue and controlling costs. Leveraging your health system’s in-house lab for revenue generation offers the ability to:
ʯ Reduce or eliminate payments to other labs
ʯ Exert greater control over setting lab fees
ʯ Provide direct oversight of labtesting quality
ʯ Eliminate or reduce delays in sendout testing
ʯ Receive direct reimbursement by
The Journal of Healthcare Contracting | July 2022
insurance and Medicare to create more efficient healthcare revenue-
These expenses can include:
ʯ Renovation and downtime costs.
Work with your distributor to plan & prepare
You may need to upgrade electricity,
When developing the best point-of-care
ʯ Maintain a competitive advantage by
add water lines and lighting, and
testing strategy for your health system,
providing lab services unavailable at
do other renovations that could
your distributor can help you design and
other healthcare provider offices
create downtime
prepare your business plan.
cycle management
ʯ Schedule fewer follow-up
ʯ Equipment purchase or rental
appointments, creating openings for
costs. These can include a lab-only
McKesson Medical-Surgical specializes in
new patients and reducing staff time
(no food allowed) refrigerator,
laboratory testing, products and services,
spent contacting patients who don’t
centrifuges, rocker, and supplies
offering expertise and guidance on many
follow through with off-site lab testing
such as urine collection cups and
aspects of implementing an expanded lab
phlebotomy consumables
and point-of-care testing, including:
ʯ Lab manager salary and other lab Point-of-care testing can help increase patient satisfaction
staff wages
payer mix
ʯ Regulatory fees, including
ʯ Equipment setup and purchasing
Providing in-office lab services to patients
federal CLIA fees for a moderately
sets your practice or health system apart
complex point-of-care lab,
from competitors. Most patients welcome
inspection fees, and state inspection
the convenience of not having to drive to a
or other fees
Faster turnaround times for lab results
vs. rental costs
ʯ Knowledge and assessment of testing demand
ʯ Creation of a value-based care analysis
separate lab for diagnostic testing or schedule a follow-up appointment for results.
ʯ Analysis of patient population and
With point-of-care testing at more than one location, it’s important to
ʯ Standardization of supply chain operations
can also lead to a speedier diagnosis,
standardize products and processes to en-
which means treatment can begin sooner
sure that all point-of-care labs are using
“It’s important to understand the
and patient outcomes can be improved.
the most appropriate and cost-effective
goals of the health system and build lab
products to generate higher revenue and
solutions around them,” says Harris.
“Point-of-care testing is critical to the success of a patient’s overall wellness,” says Harris. “Whether you’re confirming strep
minimize loss.
“We take a holistic approach when it
Many health systems evaluate their
comes to lab strategy and planning, be-
before providing antibiotics or monitoring
product and supplies with a full value-
cause success looks different from system
a patient’s A1C levels to adjust treatment,
analysis team. The team may include
to system. We’re diligent in understanding
having testing results at the point of inter-
clinicians, nurses, quality management
those needs and have a robust team of
action can dramatically affect the patient’s
and supply chain experts. The analysis
lab specialists who can partner with our
treatment and overall health.”
team may also create patient-education
customers to ensure maximum success.”
and infection-prevention resources and guidelines.
Considering the cost of an in-house lab
operational and financial outcomes of a
McKesson Medical-Surgical special-
Providing point-of-care testing for
lab strategy, several departments should
izes in laboratory testing, products and
your patients can pay off by generating
be involved in the process,” says Harris.
services across the non-acute continuum.
revenue in the long run. However, your
“There are many elements to a labora-
We offer specialized implementation
practice or health system must consider
tory decision. Having a diverse team
teams, equipment setup, lab consulting
and plan for some initial and recurring
of experts can ensure that the right
and a wide array of other laboratory
costs that may accompany the implemen-
decisions for the entire system are
system solutions to help seamlessly inte-
tation of POCT.
being made.”
grate your lab operations.
“When thinking through the clinical,
We’re here to help
1: 2021 HIDA Laboratory Market Report
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
The Job of a Lifetime Cancer survivors are growing in numbers, and increasingly, physicians and health systems are accompanying them on their lifelong cancer journey.
As of January 2019, there were 16.9 million cancer survivors in the United States. That’s 5% of the population. The number was projected to increase to 22.2 million, by 2030, and to 26.1 million by 2040. The number of people expected to live five or more years after their cancer diagnosis was projected to increase 33%, to 15.1 million. In 2019, 64% of survivors were age 65 or older, and it was estimated that by 2040, 73% of cancer survivors in the United States would be age 65 or older. Five-year and 10-year survival rates for those with childhood cancer now exceed 80%. In 2020, there were an estimated 500,000 survivors of childhood cancer in the United States. It’s all good news. But being a survivor doesn’t mean patients or their healthcare providers can leave cancer behind. Patients with a history of cancer live with the threat of recurrence and late effects of treatment. Both they and their primary care doctors need to keep an eye out for treatment-related effects and cancer-related medical issues and comorbidities, even years after the cancer occurrence.
There are approximately 18 million
social determinants of health – which can
of breast cancer are strongly encouraged
cancer survivors in the United States,
determine a survivor’s access to care –
to get annual mammograms. Peripheral
says Lidia Schapira, M.D., FASCO, pro-
can impact outcomes.”
neuropathy – numbness of the feet – can
fessor of medicine at Stanford Univer-
be a sign of chemotherapy-induced nerve
sity School of Medicine, and director
injury. Similarly, liver dysfunction could be
of Cancer Survivorship at the Stanford
Burden of late effects
Comprehensive Cancer Center and
In general, cancers that typically require
Cancer Institute, Stanford, California.
intensive multimodality therapy (e.g., radia-
healthy eating, plenty of exercise – is par-
“When you look at it like that, you can
tion and chemotherapy) carry a higher
ticularly important for patients with a his-
see that every healthcare professional –
burden of late effects, says Dr. Hudson.
tory of cancer, as it can reduce the risk of
primary care physicians, orthopedists,
Examples include brain tumor survivors,
recurring cancer and secondary infections,
dermatologists and others – will have
high risk/advanced stage solid malignan-
says Dr. Abraham. “We are especially
cancer survivors in their panel.”
cies (e.g., sarcomas), Hodgkin’s lymphoma,
mindful of making sure cancer patients
and solid and hematological malignancies
give up potential risk factors. Someone
treated with hematopoietic cell transplanta-
who had lung cancer is encouraged not
tion. “The prevalence of health conditions
to smoke; someone who had liver cancer
People with a history of cancer can
increases with aging and with increasing
shouldn’t drink.”
experience impairment in function due
time from cancer diagnosis and treatment.
to organ loss (i.e., surgical removal) or
Multimorbidity is common.”
infiltration with cancer, says Melissa
related to radiation-induced lung toxicity.
In many ways, primary care physi-
Promoting overall wellness – e.g.,
Hudson, M.D., director, Cancer Survi-
cians approach their patients who
Adult cancer survivors are especially sus-
vorship Section and co-leader, Cancer
have had cancer similarly to those who
ceptible to comorbid illnesses, according
Control & Survivorship Program, St.
have not, says George Abraham, M.D.,
to the American Cancer Society. People
Jude Children’s Research Hospital,
MPH,, MACP, FIDSA, president of the
who are treated for cancer, even those
Memphis, Tennessee. “Cancer treatment
American College of Physicians and chief
treated in childhood, tend to have a
also plays a large role, and toxicities are
of medicine at Saint Vincent Hospital,
higher prevalence of chronic illness later
related to specific modality, dose, and
Worcester, Massachusetts.
in life. Age-related health conditions
therapy combinations.” Dr. Hudson is part of The Children’s Oncology Group (COG), a National Cancer Institute-supported clinical trials group, and she is co-author of “Long-
‘ Every healthcare professional – primary care physicians, orthopedists, dermatologists and others – will have cancer survivors in their panel.’
term Followup-Care for Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivors,” a September 2021 clinical
“We watch lipid counts, diabetes risk
appear earlier and with greater severity than might otherwise be expected.
report from the American Academy of
and risk of infection, much as we do with
Pediatrics. The report is based on care
any of our patients,” says Dr. Abraham,
Using 2002-2018 National Health
guidelines developed by the COG.
who is professor of medicine at Univer-
Interview Survey data, among 30,728
sity of Massachusetts T.H. Chan School
cancer survivors, increasing trends were
an important role, and understanding
of Medicine. But there are differences.
observed in the prevalence of hyperten-
mechanisms that make a survivor more or
For example, people with premenopausal
sion, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease
less vulnerable represent a focus of ongo-
breast cancer may be at risk for early heart
and morbid obesity. Cancer survivors with
ing research,” she adds. “Comorbid health
failure depending on the type of chemo-
multiple chronic conditions increased
conditions can increase vulnerability, and
therapy used, and those with a history
from 4.7 million in 2002 to 8.1 million in
“Health behaviors and genetics play
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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2018. The increase was more pronounced among survivors aged 18 to 44 years. Among adults without a cancer history, the prevalence of multiple chronic conditions also increased, but more slowly than among survivors.
The long-term plan Primary care providers – pediatricians, family practitioners, internists, practitioners trained in internal medicine and pediatrics, and advanced practice providers – are likely to have an increasingly vital role in caring for this rapidly growing population, according to The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, the largest and most extensively characterized cohort of five-year survivors of childhood cancer in North America. But there are hurdles
months.’ But their lives don’t necessar-
says Dr. Schapira. Survivorship care plans
to jump.
ily go back to the way they were before
have been recommended for almost 20
“We consistently hear about long-
their diagnosis. Survivors are dealing
years, but implementation by medical
term consequences of treatment that
with collateral damage, and they lack
professionals remains uneven, she says.
aren’t well managed by the care team,”
regular support and communication. It’s
says Shelley Fuld Nasso, CEO of the
emotionally challenging.”
National Coalition for Cancer Survivor-
“The problem is, the early versions of care plans were long, laborious, and not
Survivorship care plans – which spell
helpful to primary care doctors.” Further-
ship, which conducts an annual cancer
out diagnosis, therapy, potential late effects
more, they were paper-based and difficult
survivorship survey.
and long-term surveillance guidelines – can
for care providers to access and share
While receiving treatment, the cancer
help the patient and primary care doctor
with colleagues. But today, clinical special-
patient is closely monitored by a team of
navigate survivorship. “Part of what we
ists and generalists have access to easy-to-
oncologists, she says. But when treat-
do is empower survivors to be advocates,”
complete forms, such as those available
ment ends, patients may feel they’ve
she says. “But not everyone can or will be
online from the American Society of
been left on their own to deal with the
able to advocate for themselves. And they
Clinical Oncology and other groups.
fatigue, depression and anxiety, which
shouldn’t have to. Having a cancer diagno-
are common. That’s not to mention
sis is hard enough.”
Dr. Abraham says that because large healthcare systems and multispecialty practices share common electronic plat-
longer-term effects, such as cardiotoxici-
forms, secure messaging among providers
ty or heart damage due to chemotherapy, or monitoring for recurrent or additional
The disconnect
is more doable today. “There’s less of a
primary cancers.
Advocates for cancer survivors speak of
disconnect than what we saw with paper-
a disconnect between oncology and pri-
based systems, which relied on dictated
help during the first year after treatment,
mary care, with potentially harmful results
notes and passing paper.”
she continues. “You may be seeing your
for the patient.
Cancer survivors often need special
care team daily, then you’re told, ‘Your treatment is done; come see us in three
Technology is not the only barrier
“I’ll confirm the disconnect, and I’ll confirm it’s not good for the patient,”
to effective communication between oncology and primary care, according to
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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experts. Putting together individualized
forgotten they even received such a plan.
“A 25-year-old software engineer,
treatment summaries and care plans isn’t
“Years after their treatment, they may de-
who was treated for leukemia when she
easy, says Fuld Nasso. It calls for coopera-
velop breast cancer or a heart problem,”
was four, moves to Silicon Valley and
tion among medical oncologists, surgical
she says. “They can request their records,
looks for a primary care doctor. But
oncologists, radiological oncologists and
but they don’t need information on what
she is not a typical healthy 25-year-old,
others. Nor is there adequate reimburse-
their blood counts were 20 years before.
and we need her primary care doctor
ment for their time spent doing so. “As
They want a concise plan with all their
to assess her health risks to make
one expert said, ‘If it were easy, it would
treatment information.
sure she gets good advice and care. A
be done all the time,’” she says.
“At St. Jude, we strive to educate
75-year-old man treated with radiation
our patients and families about why the
for early-stage prostate cancer when he
patients who have been treated for cancer
care plan is so important. Some people
was 65 may develop a urethral stric-
need more than a piece of paper or PDF
embrace it; others don’t so much. Some
ture at age 75 and come to his primary
to guide themselves and their physicians
of it is cultural, some relates to health
care doctor with symptoms of urinary
through long-term care plans. “It’s about
literacy. But we need them to understand
frequency. A woman treated with radia-
communication and discussion,” she says.
how their cancer history during childhood
tion to the chest as a college student is
“It’s helping people use the care plan,
can affect long-term health.” Similarly,
at risk for developing breast cancer, and
share it with physicians, see that it is up-
primary care physicians need to appreciate
we recommend screening with mammo-
dated over time, and make sure it remains
that they are caring for a cancer survivor
grams and MRIs, if possible, eight to
tailored to the individual.”
who may have unique health risks.
10 years after treatment. And the car-
What’s more, studies show that
diac health of someone whose treatment included exposure to cardiotoxic
The prevalence of health conditions increases with aging and with increasing time from cancer diagnosis and treatment.
drugs may be affected.” Cancer survivors need to understand their risks and what they need to do to stay healthy. “If they were treated as a child, they may need to learn enough about the disease and treatment to ‘own’
their history,” says Dr. Schapira. Similarly,
individuals involved in the care of the pa-
Dr. Schapira’s research has focused on
primary care doctors need to understand
tient anticipate their healthcare needs and
improving communication between
the protocol those patients underwent
surveillance, and make plans to coordinate
patients and physicians. The Stanford
years before and how the exposures to
ongoing care, share responsibilities about
team has opened a faculty-embedded
cancer treatments can affect the health of
education and risk mitigation, and help
primary care practice specifically for
the patients in their office.
the survivor gain access to the care they
cancer survivors and offers a free online
need,” says Dr. Hudson. “Hospitalized
CME course on the care of patients
“How can we include the patient in
patients routinely get a discharge summary
with a history of cancer. “It’s a great
their continuing health in a way that
upon discharge, but cancer patients don’t
resource for primary care doctors and
is empowering but not overly burden-
necessarily get a survivor care plan. “It just
nurses,” she says. Last fall, CRC Press
some?” Several organizations and
makes good sense that they do.”
published “Essentials of Cancer Survi-
associations, including the National
vorship: Guide for Medical Profession-
Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, have
a care plan doesn’t mean the survivor or
als,” edited by Dr. Schapira, for cancer
developed care guidelines for patients
their provider knows what to do with it,
clinicians as well as generalists and
and primary care physicians. “The
she continues. People who were treated
specialists who meet cancer survivors
whole idea is to become more proactive
for cancer in their youth might have
in their practices.
with these tools.”
“Care planning is a process where
Furthermore, the mere existence of
“It’s about co-managing,” she says.
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
Redefining Partnerships between IDNs and Manufacturers Collaboration is paramount as global supply disruptions remain two years into the pandemic Partnerships between IDNs and manu-
to understand their pain points, innovate,
for companies like Ansell to have strong
facturers have been redefined during
and find solutions together as they’re faced
partnerships with their ocean carriers to
the pandemic. It’s been two years since
with new challenges on a weekly basis.
secure the freight capacity needed to move
the first COVID-19 outbreak which dra-
Leading healthcare suppliers like Ansell
their product. It’s also emphasizing important
matically impacted the supply chain process
are consistently searching for ways to stay
investments in distribution capabilities.
globally. Large IDNs are still facing supply
agile and continuously innovate in ways to
“We’ve added a new distribution
disruptions throughout the world, leaving
meet customer ongoing demands for PPE
center in New Jersey for our medical seg-
healthcare facilities to face increased pres-
by way of emergency preparedness. With
ment,” Campbell said. “We have addition-
sure to secure critical product needed for
their most recent investment, Ansell’s
al network investments in North America
patient care. As the waves of COVID-19
unique manufacturing footprint across the
coming up that will enable delivery of
outbreaks continue to persist, demand
world helps mitigate risk of these disrup-
a full suite of Ansell product portfolios
remains strong while a host of logistical
tions as the very dynamic market continue
within two days to our customers.”
constraints from ports congested to ship-
to embark on the new normal.
Ansell’s ship-to-promise (STP) is
ping container shortages remain.
a key measurement for its customer
Ocean container line schedule reliabil-
experience. “Our global planning tools,
ity dropped to an industry low of 35.8%
given our large reach, help us deliver
in 2021, according to Denmark-based
our products in full and on time to our
Sea-Intelligence, a leading provider of
customers,” Campbell added. “Our
research and analysis for the global supply
reach across many countries allows us
chain industry. That compares to 63.9%
to increase product volumes for delivery
in 2020 and 78% in 2019. It also showed
to our regional locations.”
U.S. consumption at record levels in 2021.
Campbell says it’s been extremely hard
“The demand, coupled with con-
work in supply chain during the past two
strained supply of ocean vessels, hampers
years. But the challenges have reiterated the
the ability to get containers through ports, onto rails and to delivery points,” said
importance of IDNs and supplier partners “It’s important we have redundancy
being connected to the supply chain,
Allison Campbell, Vice President of Global
and dual sourcing capabilities in our
knowing where the demand signals are
Logistics for Ansell. “The market has not
Ansell owned manufacturing footprint as
coming from, having the agility to respond,
seen recovery to pre-pandemic times.”
well as our expanded network of manu-
and integrating different components
Acknowledging the new norm is
facturing partners,” Campbell said. “Our
to serve the customers that rely upon sup-
how to embrace the future. Manufactur-
products are able to be made at multiple
pliers like Ansell. Campbell ends with
ers that are agile in a changing market
locations to increase or expand produc-
“A manufacturer, closely collaborating with
coupled with contingency plans in place
tion as needed. We seek redundancy in
your customer has become paramount.”
is the recipe for building resiliency in
our raw materials supply too.”
supply chain. It’s eminent for healthcare
Current global supply chain con-
manufacturers and supply chain leaders
straints are highlighting the significance
1 2
Learn more about Ansell at www.ansell.com.
Seatrade Maritime News: Container line schedule reliability plunges to 35.8% in 2021 Container News: Sea-Intelligence sees no end in U.S. demand boom
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
December 2021 • Vol.17 • No.6
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We are proud to partner with The Journal of Healthcare Contracting. The unique educational content and market knowledge JHC provides serves as a vital resource to the supply chain and GPO communities. The benefit we receive has far exceeded our investment. — Bob Davis, AVP, Marketing & Communications, HealthTrust
Clinic vs. Clinic A look at the physician office market.
Not long ago, big health systems appeared to be the biggest challenge for
ʯ Amazon Care: Works with
independent physician practices. And truth be told, they probably still are. A December
Care Medical, an independent
2021 study published in Health Affairs showed that from 2014 to 2018, hospital and
practice based in Seattle, to deliver
health system ownership of physician practices increased by 89%, from 24% to 46%.
healthcare to Amazon Care
But increasingly, health systems are competing for the physician market with health
members, and plans to expand the
insurers, drugstore chains and other retailers.
program across the United States. The company provides telehealth
They’re not new to the game. They’ve tried many approaches before. But they’re per-
as well as “mobile care RNs” (the
sistent. Here’s a rundown on what’s happening among some of the big retail players.
latter in a handful of locations).
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
Managing NPWT doesn’t have to be complicated. NPWT systems that are easy to use. A payment model that’s easy to manage. It’s a win, win. Similar to other reusable equipment, Medela’s risk-share payment model provides a flat, predictable spend. No hidden fees or fluctuating costs. Realize potential cost savings and simplify inventory management without compromising care.
We make NPWT easier. Learn more at medelahealthcare.us Medela wordmark and logo, Invia and Invia Motion are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Liberty and Science of Care are trademarks of Medela. 1549857 A 0222 © 2022 Medela
ʯ Best Buy: Acquired Current Health
stores. In 2021 CVS announced
ʯ Walgreens: In October 2021 agreed
for $400 million in November 2021.
it would convert as many as one
to invest $5.3 billion in VillageMD to
According to Best Buy, Current
thousand existing stores into
accelerate the opening of at least 600
Health “integrates patient-reported
HealthHUBs, offering treatment
Village Medical primary care locations
data with data from biosensors –
for common illnesses, chronic
– staffed by primary care physicians
including their own continuous
care management, telehealth,
and pharmacists – in more than 30
monitoring wearable device – to
pharmaceutical consultation and
U.S. markets by 2025. (VillageMD
provide healthcare organizations
medical products.
remains independent, but Walgreens
with actionable, real-time insights into the patient’s condition.”
ʯ Walmart: As of September
Meanwhile, Best Buy’s Geek Squad
partnership in 2020 with London-
installs personal emergency response
based Babylon, a telehealth
2021, provides healthcare services
systems, medication management
provider which, in March 2021
(including primary care, x-rays,
devices, remote patient monitoring,
acquired Fresno, California-based
labs, wellness classes) in 20 health
and “Senior Living Safety Systems”
FirstChoice Medical Group, with
centers, called Walmart Care
in the home.
180 primary care and 1,000 specialty
Clinics, in Arkansas, Georgia and
providers. In July 2021 Dollar
Illinois. Walmart Health is building
General hired its first chief medical
seven primary care clinics in
officer, Albert Wu, M.D.
Northeast Florida.
ʯ CVS: MinuteClinic® clinics are in 1,100 CVS Pharmacy and Target
has a 63% ownership stake.)
ʯ Dollar General: Established a
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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Along with these retailers add UnitedHealth’s Optum unit, which Bloomberg says has more than 60,000 employed or “aligned” physicians, about half in primary care; and Humana,
Conventional wisdom has it that young people prefer the perceived simplicity and speed of dealing with a retail clinic rather than a family physician or practice.
which is reported to be bringing its primary-care footprint to about 250
patients seek the relationship, local access
companies enjoy, says Dr. Daghestani.
locations in 2022.
and market knowledge.”
“But we respond by investing in the
Austin Regional Clinic is a 42-year-old
future and looking for strategic partner-
multispecialty group with 380 physicians,
ships, whether with large organizations or
Austin Regional Clinic
nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
with local and regional ones.”
All that said, independent practices, such
The Clinic cares for 580,000 patients in
as Austin Regional Clinic, based in Austin,
33 locations in the Austin and Central
practices have over many retailer-based
Texas, remain strong. “Our advantage is
Texas area. It represents 19 specialties, but
clinics is their ability and desire to solve
being local,” says CEO Anas Daghestani,
65% of its physicians and advanced prac-
for total care, not pieces of it, he says.
M.D. “Healthcare is still local, and there
tice providers focus on primary care.
“People need a quarterback to guide their
are pieces you can solve by providing a
It’s true that independent practices
digital experience or applying [artificial
lack the scale and access to the infrastruc-
intelligence]. But at the end of the day,
ture or financial solutions that national
Another advantage that independent
care, and we can be that quarterback.” Chief Medical Officer Manish Naik, M.D., says, “One of the biggest challenges
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
SUBSCRIBE TO JHC FOR YEAR-ROUND COVERAGE JHC PUBLISHES YEAR-ROUND 6 PRINTED • 6 DIGITAL To ensure you are receiving every issue please email Anna McCormick at amccormick@sharemovingmedia.com or visit our website at www.jhconline.com
companies such as Amazon, Walmart and the others face is that they’re addressing one piece of the puzzle, such as an urgent care issue or something from a menu of common minor ambulatory conditions.” That approach exacerbates the fragmentation of healthcare, he says. “You may address the sore throat, but you haven’t addressed things like blood pressure or blood sugar. You’re not caring for the whole patient. An organization like Austin Regional Clinic supports patients in managing all aspects of care, and if we do a good job of that, the total cost of care is less.” Conventional wisdom has it that young people prefer the perceived simplicity and speed of dealing with a retail clinic rather than a family physician or practice. “It may be harder to attract [young people], but it’s doable,” says Dr. Naik. “You have to provide a digital front door, whether it’s a patient portal, telemedicine or digital access, like online scheduling and text reminders, and we’ve had success doing that. “Still, there’s a limit to what you
‘ People need a quarterback to guide their care, and we can be that quarterback.’
can accomplish digitally. AI or a patient portal are tools like any other tools. But how do you connect that digital care
‘Unfair advantages’
advantages” every which way. “Yes,
with in-person care?” After all, AI is
Retailers and insurers are trying to solve
national companies have access to capital
only as good as the input fed into it, and
for the same issues that all physician
and technology, and they have a new way
that should be based on feedback from
practices are, including access, patient
of looking at things, because healthcare is
clinicians taking care of patients in their
satisfaction, and recruitment and reten-
new to them. But our unfair advantage at
offices, he says.
tion of patients, says Dr. Daghestani. And
Austin Regional Clinic is this: We think of
Young doctors coming into practice
they have significant and impressive tools
ourselves as organized medicine. We are
today were brought up in the digital world
to address those issues. But the challenge
local, we have relationships with patients
and find it easy to adjust to electronic
they face is that they are fragmented
and employers, and for us, healthcare is a
medical records and patient portals, says
from the larger healthcare ecosystem. If
career, not a project.
Dr. Naik. But young doctors aren’t the
retailers are to maintain a presence in the
only ones who are mastering these skills
healthcare market, they would be well-
our respective ‘unfair advantages’ so that
at Austin Regional Clinic. “Some of our
advised to partner with local practices,
independent practices and national compa-
most senior doctors have contributed
such as Austin Regional Clinic, he says.
nies can both be successful, that’s where the
Insofar as competition from bigger
magic can happen. And if we can’t figure
significantly to the progress we’ve made with cutting-edge digital solutions.”
players goes, Dr. Daghestani sees “unfair
“If we can figure out how to channel
that out, we risk further fragmentation.”
July 2022 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting
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