JHC June 2020

Page 48


Contracting News & Notes Recent headlines and trends to keep an eye on

Piedmont Atlanta Hospital opened tower four months early for coronavirus

hospitals the telehealth resource centers

wrote Congress this week asking for fa-

nearly $165 million to combat COV-

cilities and providers responding in good

ID-19. Funds will go to 1,779 small rural

faith to be shielded from unwarranted

Piedmont Atlanta Hospital’s Marcus

hospitals and 14 HRSA-funded telehealth

liability during the pandemic. Not every

Tower is opening four months early,

resource centers. The funds target smaller,

state has acted on executive orders or

on April 13, to help treat the surge

rural hospitals and is separate from the

enacted legislation to support their health-

of coronavirus patients expected this

CARES Act. Approximately $30 billion in

care facilities and professionals, so these

month. The early opening will add three

the CARES Act was recently distributed

organizations are asking for a federal

ICU and acute nursing units to Atlanta’s

to hospitals nationwide.

legislative approach to ensure a consistent

capacity. It will add 132 beds, with 64

level of protection is available for every

designated as critically needed ICU beds.

facility and provider. The organizations representing these hospitals and health

Aug. 1 but accelerated its work schedule

AHA says hospitals stand to lose $200B by end of June

and deliveries of equipment to make it

The American Hospital Association

possible to open early.

(AHA) has released a report stating that

ʯ America’s Essential Hospitals ʯ American Hospital Association ʯ Association of American

The 16-story tower was set to open on

systems include:

America’s hospitals and health systems stand to lose $202.6 billion by the end of

Hospitals receive $30B in CARES Act by direct deposit

June, during the four-month period of the

CMS has announced the release of $30

port attempts to quantify the effects of the

billion of the $100 billion earmarked for

outbreak over the short-term, including:

hospitals in the CARES Act. The money is separate from the $34 billion in advance payment loans to providers announced last week. CMS later increased the amount in the Accelerated and Advance Payment Program (AAPP) to $51 billion. The CARES Act funds began being distributed via direct deposit on April 10.

coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. The re-

ʯ The effect of COVID-19 hospitalizations on hospital costs

ʯ The effect of cancelled and forgone services, caused by COVID-19, on

Medical Colleges

ʯ Catholic Health Association of the United States

ʯ Children’s Hospital Association ʯ Federation of American Hospitals ʯ National Association for Behavioral Healthcare

ʯ Premier Healthcare Alliance ʯ Vizient, Inc.

hospital revenue

ʯ The additional costs associated with purchasing needed PPE

ʯ The costs of the additional support

Premier, America’s Physician Groups recommend APMs for CMS

All facilities and providers that received

some hospitals are providing to

Premier Inc. (Charlotte, NC) and

Medicare fee-for-service reimbursements

their workers.

America’s Physician Groups have recommended ways CMS can provide

in 2019 are eligible for the distribution.

alternative payment models (APMs)


for financial stability during the CO-

HHS awards close to $165M to rural hospitals, telehealth centers

Groups representing America’s hospitals, health systems seek liability protection

HHS, through the Health Resources and

Multiple organizations representing

urged CMS Administrator Seema

Services Administration, is awarding rural

America’s hospitals and health systems

Verma to:

VID-19 pandemic and also preserve the future of the models. The groups

June 2020 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting

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