JHC June 2022

Page 37



Significant Figures A Practical Guide to Unprecedented Cost Savings in Purchased Services

Supply chain and operational leaders know all too well the intricacies of what

ʯ Developing (Organizations in this

needs to happen behind the scenes to run a successful hospital. From sanitizing laundry

stage are at a critical point in gaining

and linens to keeping rooms clean to servicing a patient’s vital signs monitor to ensure

executive support, choosing the

it’s operating correctly.

right program leader, and gaining commitment from stakeholders)

ʯ Committed (These organizations have reached the inflection point

Indeed, third-party services are vital to a hospital’s operations and consume a sig-

from struggling with yesterday’s

nificant portion of budgets. But what many

problems to proactively focusing

don’t realize is that tackling third-party ser-

on tomorrow’s opportunities, and

vices represents an opportunity ripe for

will begin to pivot towards proactive

operational improvements and significant

initiatives, scaling activities and securing deeper investments)

savings. Based on Conductiv data, the

ʯ Advanced (Organizations that show

potential annual cost savings for hospitals across the industry is enormous – at

a willingness to experiment with new

$43 billion for third-party services spend.

techniques for spend management, adopting emerging best practices

So why aren’t more supply chain and finance teams prioritizing and optimizing

from other industries, and nurture a

this high-potential category?

culture of continuous improvement)

“Significant Figures: A Practical Guide to In Significant Figures, you’ll also learn

Unprecedented Cost Savings in Purchased Services” simplifies the narrative around third-party

from successful peers that share real-

purchased services and breaks down an im-

world examples, including Jon Ellsworth,

portant topic that has been left largely unex-

who is championing strategic planning

plored due to its complexity and magnitude.

and prioritization based on data transparThe book also delves into answering key

ency to guide organizations to financial

category’s complexities, but also a practi-

questions –“Where are we in our pur-

success; and Melia Moore, who has identi-

cal roadmap for supply chain teams. The

chased services optimization journey, how

fied more than $25 million savings on $80

authors provide Conductiv’s Purchased

does that relate to others in the industry,

million addressable spend as Director,

Services Program Maturity Continuum

and where do we go from here?” The au-

Strategic Sourcing for Conductiv.

Survey, a helpful tool that can serve as a

thors share best practices for four stages

starting point for teams in addressing pur-

of the purchased services journey:

The book offers a deep dive into the

While it’s easy to become fixated on potential cost savings, the authors of

chased services and all along their jour-

ʯ Legacy (Organizations with the

“Significant Figures” make the case that

ney. The authors share that this maturity

most to gain from a purchased

better oversight through visibility of pur-

continuum relies on four levels measured

services strategy overhaul

chased services spend holds tremendous

across 10 operating factors (activities,

in terms of cost reduction,

power that allows organizations to improve

capabilities, and attributes) that drive a

terms improvement, process

supplier relationships and operations –

successful third-party services program.

standardization and risk reduction)

and deliver a higher quality of care.

The Journal of Healthcare Contracting | June 2022


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