JHC Special Edition 2020

Page 22


AHRMM Senior Director to supply chain leaders:

Review and implement CDC strategies To help answer questions on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the U.S.

associations, suppliers, and distributors

healthcare supply chain, The Journal of Healthcare Contracting reached out to Michael Schil-

from across the health care field, sharing

ler, CMRP, senior director, Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Manage-

information and solutions around resource

ment (AHRMM), a professional membership group of the American Hospital Associa-

allocation conservation, supply continuity

tion (AHA). The following were his responses from the early spring.

and availability. JHC: What do supply chain leaders need

Healthcare organizations are encour-

The Journal of Healthcare Contracting:

to know about the supply and distri-

Can you provide us with some insights

aged to work with their suppliers, under-

bution of the coronavirus test kits?

into what is going on at a national level

stand product shortages and allocations

Schiller: Supply chain leaders should

in the U.S. healthcare supply chain?

they may be facing or expect to face, and

work closely with their laboratory depart-

Michael Schiller: The FDA issued an

identifying and implementing conservation

ment and staff on the procurement and

Emergency Use Authorization for use of

measures, as well as work with their State

inventory levels, and management of the

NIOSH approved N95 masks to supplement

and Local emergency management agencies.

COVID-19 test kits.

the CDC has issued strategies for optimizing

JHC: How is the government

JHC: How are you advising hospitals

the supply of N95 respirators. A checklist

coordinating with providers, GPOs,

and health systems to navigate any

for healthcare facilities and utilization

associations, etc.? What are the

supply disruptions?

of N95 masks beyond the manufacturer

conversations like?

Schiller: First and foremost we recom-

designated shelf life can be found at

Schiller: AHA has coordinated a number

mend healthcare organizations visit the


of calls with healthcare executives, regula-

CDC COVID-19 website (www.cdc.gov/


tory agencies, State, Local and Metropoli-

coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html) to ac-

healthcare organizations’ mask inventory, and

The CDC has also

tan Hospital Associations.

cess the resources and information they

stated that based on local

All conversations have been

have compiled. We are encouraging supply

and regional situational

extremely collaborative,

chain professionals to review and imple-

analysis of PPE supplies,

focused and engaging.

ment the CDC strategies for the extended

facemasks are an accept-

use and limited reuse of N95 filtering face

able alternative when the

JHC: What product

piece respirators in the healthcare setting

supply chain of respirators

categories are most

and, review the surgical N95 masks that

cannot meet the demand.

affected by COVID-19?

have been approved for use. For a com-

More information regard-

Schiller: Personal protective

prehensive listing of the NIOSH approved

equipment (PPE) including

masks visit www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/

gowns, gloves, and respirator



masks, and blood supplies

caln95.html. Lastly we encourage reviewing


are the most affected catego-

the CDC’s strategies for optimizing the

ing these recommendations can be found at www.cdc.


Michael Schiller


ries. It has been projected that there are over

supply of N95 respirators; crisis and alter-


1,900 medical/surgical items and pharma-

nate strategies by visiting www.cdc.gov/


ceutical items on allocation. AHRMM is



actively working with healthcare leaders,


Special Issue 2020 | The Journal of Healthcare Contracting

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