P R O F E S S I O N A L W O M E N I N H E A LT H C A R E ® • W E C R E AT E L E A D E R S
PWH® Leadership p.8 Summit Update p.10
CORPORATE PARTNER: Dukal Corp. Gives Back to PWH® and More COACH’S CORNER: Six Trends Impacting Healthcare Delivery in 2020
HIDA UPDATE: p.16 HIDA Offers Resources on COVID-19, Medical Device Sterilization and More
PWH® Makes Mentoring Mutually Beneficial Eryn Marx and Suzanne Lord Share their Success
www.mypwh.org Issue 1 • Spring 2020
Pg. 3-4
PWH® 2019 CHAIR AWARDS Presented at January Board Meeting
Pg. 5
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT PWH® Makes Mentoring Mutually Beneficial Eryn Marx and Suzanne Lord Share their Success
Pg. 6-7
Pg. 8
Pg. 9
CORPORATE PARTNER SPOTLIGHT Dukal Corp. Gives Back to PWH® and More
Pg. 10
PWH® REGIONAL EVENTS Diversity and Inclusion Deconstructed
Pg. 11
COACH’S CORNER Pg. 12-13 Six Trends Impacting Healthcare Delivery in 2020 PWH® BOARD MEMBER RECOGNITION
Pgs. 15-16
HIDA UPDATE Pg. 16-17 HIDA Offers Resources: Education on COVID-19, Medical Device Sterilization and More PWH® NEW MEMBERS
Pg. 17
Connect Staff and Volunteers CHAIR OF PWH® MARKETING COMMITTEE Natalie Martin, Director, Creative Services, NDC nmartin@ndc-inc.com
ART DIRECTOR Brent Cashman Graphics Manager, BOCdesign, Inc. brent@bocdesigninc.com
EDITOR Rachel Bailey Penwan Communication Inc. rachel@penwancomm.com
EDITORIAL & CIRCULATION MANAGER Michelle Rydberg Executive Director, PWH® mrydberg@mypwh.org
FOOD & TRAVEL EDITOR Jackie Jones Director of Dental Sales & Marketing, NDC jjones@ndc-inc.com
PWH® MISSION & PURPOSE PWH® is an organization dedicated to ongoing professional leadership development for women and men in healthcare businesses. We are a member organization providing a national voice and progressive leadership for women in healthcare. Our goal is to reach all women in our industry and empower them in their personal and professional lives. We are also committed to integrated leadership development and gender equity for all individuals within the industries we serve. Our mission is to empower women to lead and succeed. Our vision is a healthcare industry equally led by women.
Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org
Be Bold and Find Your Voice Think about your last company meeting. Did you intend to speak up, but didn’t? Was it difficult to find your way into the conversation? Did you struggle to get a word in edgewise? Perhaps it just wasn’t the right time? Afterwards, did you experience the feelings of disappointment and frustration?
I’ve been there! Reflecting on my upbringing, I was raised to be respectful and let my seniors speak. Over the years, I had to train myself to be more assertive, which can be countercultural or completely different from many of our upbringings.
The reality is, women tend to be less assertive than men in the workplace. Women apologize or even minimize the importance of what they say when they do speak up. We have to be careful of this tendency because it appears as lack of confidence on our part.
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A recent Fast Company article reviewed 7,000 surveys on this topic and reported, “while men said their female colleagues weren’t loud enough, allowed others to interrupt them, apologized often, and failed to back up their opinions with evidence, women reported they felt outnumbered and have difficulty reading the room, were uncomfortable with conflict, and any trouble articulating their views was due to timing rather than emotions.” (Fast Company, “Why Women Fail to Speak Up at High-Level Meetings, and What Everyone Can Do About It,” May 2014)
A woman may feel extremely passionate about a topic, but can be interpreted as emotional. Studies prove, when men and women work together, companies are more equitable, they run better – they are more profitable. (Women in the Workplace 2019, McKinsey & Company and LEAN IN) So, what can we do to make our voices heard and what can leaders do to help? > Be Prepared – Write down what you want to achieve in the meeting. Prepare questions and key comments. If you are prepared, your confidence level will escalate. > Get Support – Talk to one of the meeting attendees beforehand so this “champion” hears your voice and you obtain support. > Learn How to be Assertive – If you get dismissed, try stating, “I hear your point, but I want to add something to that.” If time is running out, perhaps try, “I do still have something to add and if we don’t have time today, I will add it to the agenda for the next meeting.” > Stop apologizing – Own it! Do your homework, know your material, and be confident when adding input or making a statement. Be okay with conflict from others. > Don’t worry about being Liked – Focus on being respected and your contribution to the meeting. Men are more inclined to just jump right in and not ask
Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org
permission. If you are prepared, speak up and make your recommendation. Perfection is overrated. > Delivery, delivery, and delivery – Sometimes, it’s not so much what you say, but how you say it! A woman may feel extremely passionate about a topic, but can be interpreted as emotional. Personally speaking, I am a very passionate person. I have had to work on maintaining an even-keel tone in my speech. During a recent business trip to the Middle East, I gained greater exposure to cultures on a professional level, which deepened my appreciation for different/Middle Eastern customs – and our freedoms as female leaders in the USA. It was enlightening to watch a female CEO from a key Genetics organization, boldly balance her leadership, while thriving as a female in the Middle East. These tendencies do not describe all women. This advice is to help men and women who do struggle with speaking up. Leaders can encourage all team members, male and female, to contribute to their full potential. I would love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this topic: pwhchair@mypwh.org Cheers! Rachelle Ferrara PWH® Chair 2019-2020
PWH® 2019 Chair Awards Presented at January Board Meeting Professional Women in Healthcare® (PWH®), held its bi-annual board meeting in Charlotte, NC from January 19 – 22, 2020. Each year, two women are recognized for their outstanding contribution to the growth and success of PWH®. The recipients of the 2019 Outstanding Contribution Award were Ashleigh McLaughlin, CFO of IMCO and Chair, PWH® Membership Committee; and Laura Reline, Vice President, Supplier Management of NDC and Chair, PWH® Corporate Partners Committee. “Each of these women inspire me. Each has taken on a broader scope of responsibilities in 2019, contributing to the growth and health of PWH®,” stated Rachelle Ferrara, Chair of PWH® in her comments to the PWH® Board during the ceremony. “Laura is a new Chair, and she just hit the ground running, adding new processes and value to our Corporate Partner Program, and Ashleigh, she is what I define as “Superwoman”
The PWH® Board convened this January in Charlotte, NC.
The 2019 PWH® Chair Awards went to Ashleigh McLaughlin and Laura Reline. Pictured here left to right: PWH® Chair Elect Vicky Lyle, McLaughlin, Reline, and PWH® Chair Rachelle Ferrara. successfully launching our Associate Member initiative in 2019. Thank you both for your significant contributions to the development of female leadership within PWH® and our industry.” Ashleigh commented, “I was stunned when Rachelle called my name. I am honored to serve and can attribute my success to the incredible team of women that served alongside of me.” Laura commented, “It means a lot to be recognized, and I enjoy the work we do to elevate professional women in their careers.” Both recipients have been part of PWH® for many years and have foundationally contributed to the mission of PWH®, empowering women and achieving a healthcare industry equally led by women.
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PWH® Makes Mentoring Mutually Beneficial Eryn Marx and Suzanne Lord Share their Success Mentee’s Perspective Eryn Marx, Account Manager, KBK Communications Inc., Chair PWH® Mentoring Committee
Why were you seeking a mentor? Three years ago, I joined the PWH® Mentoring Program in hopes of getting help to grow in my career. At the time, I wanted a mentor because I wanted to have advice on how to get to the next level. I also wanted someone with more experience to ask questions to outside of my organization. I was lucky enough to connect with Suzanne Lord.
Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org
What have you learned from your mentor? Suzanne has been the support and guidance I needed to gain confidence in myself. She has been able to make me aware of valuable characteristics about myself that I was too afraid or nervous to develop. Having someone you can trust, outside of your organization is invaluable. She has provided so much advice and given me the gift of being able to trust myself, trust my judgement, my ideas, my opinions and realize that others will also benefit from them. Speaking up and taking chances can make a difference!
Who do you work with and what do you do? I have been in the industry for almost ten years and currently am the Account Manager for KBK Communications, a digital marketing agency that specializes exclusively in the healthcare industry.
What is your role with PWH®? I am the Chair of the Mentoring Committee and previously had vice chair roles with the Membership and Marketing Committees. I wanted to take on the role because I believe in PWH® and how mentoring can positively affect your career, so I wanted to have the opportunity to help others in our industry.
Mentor’s Perspective Suzanne Lord, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, with Med/Surgical Information Services International (MSISI), PWH® Board Advisor
Why were you seeking a mentee (or were you)? As a PWH® Board member, I wanted to actively support the PWH® Mentoring Program. I have been involved in a number of mentoring programs over the years, but none were ever successful. I was determined to make this relationship successful and mutually beneficial. I am happy to say, Eryn and I achieved success!
What was your mentorship goal? To make a positive impact in someone else’s life and career and learn about someone else’s experiences, challenges, aspirations, fears, etc.
What recommendations do you have for mentors and mentees just getting started? Both mentor and mentee have to be dedicated to the relationship; be comfortable with one another and not feel like the relationship is forced or unnatural. It is important to develop a rapport. It is also very important to develop a plan during the first encounter to understand what each person seeks from the relationship, especially the mentee. In our case, we discussed Eryn’s goals for the relationship, personally and professionally. Eryn kept a pseudo check list of goals and milestones, so we could ensure we stayed on track, but we agreed to keep it flexible as we evolved into and through our relationship.
Schedule regular calls or meetings (at least once a month) and keep to the schedule. As a mentor, be a good listener and really hear what your mentee is telling you.
What have you learned from your mentee? Even though I am the mentor, I have gained so much from our relationship, and I am still learning and growing, as a person and professional. I highly recommend the PWH® Mentoring Program!
About the Program How can PWH® members get involved in the PWH® Mentoring Program? Your first step is to visit the mentoring page on the PWH® website (mypwh.org/mentoring). At the bottom of the page there is a link to click to join the program. You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire (which should take five minutes or less) and from there you will be contacted by the PWH® Mentoring Committee. We will speak with you and get to know you better before connecting you with a mentor. We make an introduction for you and your match and provide some tips and recommendations to get started.
How does the PWH® Mentoring Program work? Once you are matched with a mentor, it is up to you to make the most of it! As a mentee, you need to take the lead in connecting with your mentor. They are here to help you! As mentioned above, we provide some tips and recommendations to help nurture the relationship. Communication is so important! Set expectations. Determine how often you can both commit to speaking. Let each other know your preferred format for communicating (email, phone calls, texts, in person meetings). Make clear what you want to accomplish from your mentoring relationship. The PWH® Mentoring Committee can provide support and guidance as needed if you have questions about what to do. We are developing additional resources and periodically reach out to mentors and mentees to see how everything is going. We also want to hear from you - please provide us feedback! This program gives you the ability to connect with people in our industry that you might not be otherwise able to meet. Take advantage of this program as a PWH® member benefit. We can guarantee, you won’t regret it!
Share your mentoring success stories! We want to hear from you! In future issues of the PWH® Connect newsletter we will be featuring mentors and mentees and their experience with our program. Email Eryn Marx at emarx@kbkcommunications.com.
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Save the Date Next summer, the PWH® Leadership Summit takes place May 17-19, 2021 in Denver, CO
PWH® is built upon a strong history of women leaders in the healthcare supply chain industry who continue to create a platform for progressive leadership and mentoring for the next generation.
Dear PWH® Members, As a healthcare organization, Professional Women in Healthcare (PWH®) firmly believes in the safety of our customers and our industry. With the mission to empower women to lead and succeed, we know this is a critical time for all of us to serve our industry first and foremost. To that end, our executive board has been closely monitoring developments related to COVID-19 to keep abreast of the latest information and guidance available. Based on the current and rapidly changing information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), we have made the difficult decision that the 2020 PWH® Leadership Summit, scheduled for June 3 – 5 in Minneapolis, will not take place this year. We are disappointed that you will not see and hear the impactful presentations that our fabulous line up of speakers were planning to deliver, but we are hopeful to move the majority of the programming to our 2021 PWH® Leadership Summit, scheduled for May 17-19, 2021 in Denver. Be sure to save the date now! We will miss the networking opportunities and content-rich education of the summit this year, but it is certainly more important to support our shared mission of improving the health of our communities and supporting our companies by having all hands on deck to be available as needed. PWH® remains committed to our members and our industry and will continue to provide relevant and timely content via webinars to support the challenges we are navigating. To view upcoming webinars, please visit: http://www.mypwh.org/events-PWH. Moving forward, we will transfer your existing registration from 2020 directly over to the 2021 PWH® Leadership Summit. If you booked hotel accommodations at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis through the event room block, PWH® will cancel your hotel accommodations for you. We hope to see you at our 2021 PWH® Leadership Summit. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact PWH® Executive Director Michelle Rydberg at mrydberg@mypwh.org. Thank you for your understanding and support of PWH®! Regards, The PWH® Leadership Summit Committee
Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org
PWH® Distance Learning this Spring
• Register at www.mypwh.org/events-PWH
Emerging from the Pandemic: Resource Forum Discussion Series 2 FREE Webinars | Hosted by the KBK Communications Team Part 1: Working from Home – April 1, 2020 | 12 pm ET; Part 2: Technologies to Use at Home – May 1, 2020 | 12 pm ET Covid-19 has impacted every individual’s life one way or another. This resource series will be provided as a two-part series that dives into how to digitally transition in our rapidly changing world and use technology to your advantage. > Tips and tools for working from home > How to manage your team in a remote environment > Without trade shows and conferences, learn how to network in a digital first environment
> How to collaborate and be able to still get your job done > How can you touch your customers digitally? > How to continue to nurture your leads and grow your business > Are your website and technologies helping you? …and more
This is an interactive online forum where we want to hear from you. Please email Michelle at mrydberg@mypwh.org with questions or look for our forum posts on social media to submit your questions or concerns and we will incorporate them into our discussions. About our Speakers Jan Beery, CEO, KBK Communications President of KBK Communications Jan Beery began her career in healthcare manufacturing selling, managing, and opening up new markets in med device, capital equipment, distribution, group purchasing, industrial med, and veterinary medicine. After 25+ years in medical manufacturing, she moved over to media to focus on the healthcare market and support agency clients in Chicago. Eryn Marx, MBA, Account Manager, KBK Communications Eryn brings nearly 10 years of healthcare marketing experience in medical device manufacturing and distribution as well as an undergraduate degree in Marketing from St. Johns University and an M.B.A with a concentration in Information Systems Management from Auburn University (War Eagle!). Eryn has spent most of her career using data and analytics to develop strategies specific to
your business. She is passionate about understanding customers’ needs and creating a strategy that helps them reach their goals. As KBK’s Account Manager, Eryn works with KBK clients to create and execute strategic marketing plans for brand recognition and lead generation. Daryn Smith, Chief Strategy Officer and Managing Director, Huble Digital Daryn Smith is Chief Strategy Officer and Managing Director of Huble Digital, a fullspectrum international business marketing consultancy. Former co-founder of CRM and CX agency MPULL, Daryn was instrumental in building the company from the ground up, helping attract global customers through his clear focus on creating and sustaining customer confidence. With a background in both computer science and marketing, Daryn is a driving force behind the accelerating intersection of technology and marketing for Huble Digital.
The Role of Mentoring in Your Professional Career
• May 20, 2020 | 12 PM ET
Hosted by PWH® Vice Chair of Mentoring Eryn Marx, MBA | Account Manager, KBK Communications Join our industry peers as they share their experiences on how mentoring has positively impacted their career. In this webinar, we’ll learn from their insights and advice as they address questions from both a mentor and mentee perspective, such as: > As a young professional, how did mentoring help you advance in your career? > What would you recommend to a mentee that’s looking to grow and move up in their company? > Now as an experienced professional, how are you mentoring others? > What would you recommend to other mentors to help them foster successful relationships?
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Dukal Corp. Gives Back To PWH® and More Dukal Vision: To be our customer’s first choice as a leading global supplier of healthcare products and solutions with unparalleled supply chain and customer relationships. Company Name: Dukal Corp. Corporate Headquarters: Ronkonkoma, NY Year Established: 1991 Number of Employees: 80 Number of PWH Members: 30 Leadership Team: Gerry LoDuca President Rick Kinsella CFO Ellenmary Martin CSO Donna LoDuca Vice President Human Resources and Finance Heather Llorca-Kropp Vice President Marketing and Channel Management Charles Abbinanti Vice President Operations Michael Sedlock Vice President Information Technology
Products and Services: DUKAL manufactures products for the medical, dental, veterinary, health & beauty and consumer markets. Our core products are traditional woundcare, equipment, personal care, patient care and infection control.
Top Initiatives for 2020-2021 DUKAL is focused on bringing innovative products and services to the healthcare community. We are currently upgrading our website to improve our customers experience and increase our resources. We are also consolidating our three warehouses into two larger, bicoastal facilities to support our growth and to better serve our customer base.
Why Dukal became a PWH® Corporate Partner: DUKAL believes in diversity and inclusion and has supported our team in being PWH® members from the very beginning. Heather Llorca-Kropp (PWH® past chair) was a charter member of the organization and since then President Gerry LoDuca has supported multiple members of the DUKAL team who served on the board or volunteered.
Dukal Philanthropy: DUKAL employees engage in various foundations and nonprofits on a local and national scale that support children, veterans, animals and the environment. DUKAL partners with these organizations to create and drive programs that raise money and awareness for these social causes. Camp Anchor www.campanchor.org; Thomas Scully Foundation thomasscullyfoundation.org; TRI CYA (Tri Community & Youth Agency) www.tricya.org; Toys for Tots www.toysfortots.org; Paws of War pawsofwar.org.
Unique ways Dukal supports PWH®: DUKAL has provided creative and printing services for PWH® for over 10 years. DUKAL also houses and sends out PWH® new member packets. DUKAL additionally supports the travel of its numerous board members to attend meetings.
Dukal Corp. Mission:
How PWH® benefits Dukal:
To provide innovative products, programs and services to the global healthcare community to enhance patient care and improve efficiency.
PWH® brings DUKAL education, leadership training and industry insight.
“ PWH® has given my team the leadership training that they need. My team has gained this training not only from the education but also through volunteering on committees and serving on the board alongside some of the brightest minds and strongest leaders in our industry.” ~Internal PWH® Champion and Past PWH® Chair Heather Llorca-Kropp
Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org
Diversity and Inclusion Deconstructed By Beth Williams, Regional Business Manager, AngioDynamics > Chaun Powell, Group Vice President, Strategic Supplier Engagement, Premier > Moderator: Lindsay Powers, Vice President for Organizational Development & HR Business Partners, Premier
Panel from left to right: Chaun Powell, Premier; Dr. Danni Green, SAGEsse Consulting; Camille Gilmore, Boston Scientific; Kinneil Coltman, Atrium Health; Moderator: Lindsay Powers, Premier.
“Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” These were the impactful words spoken by Lindsay Powers, Premier Vice President for Organizational Development & HR Business Partners, at the January 2020 PWH® Regional Networking Event. This line jumped at me that evening and still resonates weeks later. It is not enough to simply invite someone to a meeting, participate in a project or sit on a committee; we must ask for that individual’s input and then actually listen to what they have to say.
This group of healthcare professionals shared much valuable insight during the event, truly too much to capture in one page. However, here are a few highlights that stood out: > Diversity and Inclusion will create fewer blind spots on your leadership team. > Progress comes over time, not overnight. Overnight is not sustainable. > We are better, not in spite of our differences, but because of them. > Find your passion, give your heart and you will never be under-rewarded. As a new PWH® member, joining just a few months ago, I was unsure of what to expect during my first PWH® networking event. Would I know anyone? Would I feel welcomed into this new organization? Would the content pertain to me and help me develop professionally? Well, I am happy to report this event, and the PWH® organization, exceeded my expectations. A core value of PWH® is Diversity and Inclusion. What a great display of that core value, inviting a new PWH® member to share her insight and perspective on a recent event. Thank you for asking me to dance!
PWH® organized an impactful panel discussion on ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ at The Lodge at Ballantyne in Charlotte, NC. The esteemed panel shared insight on how Diversity and Inclusion have influenced careers and impacted organizational success. The panel included: > Kinneil Coltman, DHA, Senior Vice President, Chief Community & External Affairs Officer, Atrium Health > Camille Gilmore, Vice President, Human Resources and Global Chief Diversity Officer, Boston Scientific > Dr. Danni Green, Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, SAGEsse Consulting
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In a reversal of a trend where more care was being referred to specialists, primary care is seeing a resurgence of relevance and expanding capabilities.
Six Trends Impacting Healthcare Delivery in 2020 By Dr. Tom Schwieterman, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer, Midmark Change in healthcare has accelerated to a point where rapid innovation is not just a business advantage, but a business imperative. There is extreme pressure on healthcare organizations to be at the forefront of this change to ensure valuable interaction and relationships occurring at the point of care remain intact. Likewise, those serving the business of healthcare, need to know how technological trends are impacting provider-patient interactions. Below are six identified trends that will shape how care is delivered at the point of care in 2020:
1. D ata analytics drives the next step in enhanced care and outcomes Having sufficient and accurate data is the life blood of good medicine. As connected technology and devices are introduced in
Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org
ambulatory care, they are paving the way for digitization of the point of care ecosystem. This greater connectivity is allowing providers to capture more data at the point of care than was previously possible. In certain cases, home data can be more accurate and relevant, and may be invaluable to augment a future patient visit. On a larger scale, advanced analytical engines that are being used to examine genomic, population health and social determinants data are ushering in a more personalized level of care for individuals. Using advanced computing capabilities, artificial intelligence and machine learning systems are being employed to determine risk profiles such that clinical teams can more appropriately target interventions, strengthening customized screening scenarios, insights into behavioral modifications and targeted therapeutics.
2. Primary care steals spotlight back from specialists In a reversal of a trend where more care was being referred to specialists, primary care is seeing a resurgence of relevance and expanding capabilities. Primary care physicians are being empowered and better equipped to do more for their patients, including provide comprehensive and sophisticated interventions at the point of care. Primary care is becoming increasingly armed with smaller patient cohorts and a fully holistic approach to care. Likewise, in dentistry and veterinary medicine, general practitioners are beginning to offer more specialized and complex procedures. In both areas, this trend is gaining strength as practitioners see it as a viable strategy to improve customer retention and revenue that have been challenged with the growth of Dental Support Organizations (DSOs), disruptive channel innovators, corporate veterinary groups, and mass-marketed online merchandisers.
3. Customer experience takes hold in healthcare Research has shown that a good experience with a physician, dentist, or veterinarian is impactful to the health and well-being of the patient. The quality of interaction the patient or pet owner has with the provider and the broader care team can translate to a better understanding of the clinical situation and a higher likelihood of all participants becoming activated to get more involved, which can improve health and lower costs. Patients and pet owners are expecting and demanding a better experience for themselves and their pets when they visit medical, dental and veterinary offices. They want the same type of experience they receive from other retail and service industries. There is more attention being given to how patients, pet owners and providers engage and interact at the point of care. This is driving a focus on everything from practice design for comfort, efficiencies and workflow to technology that enables better patient care plans.
4. Self-empowered patients take control of their care Driven in part by the consumerization of healthcare, patients are demanding to be connected with and in control of their healthcare in the same way they are within other aspects of their lives. Wearable technology, online clinical information, vastly expanded options for care access, and new technologies to diagnose and treat at the individual level are changing how people engage in their healthcare. Self-guided and self-diagnosis care are becoming plausible options. Readily available technologies like smart watches and fitness trackers, as well as apps that help patients manage chronic conditions, are allowing patients to be more proactive with their own healthcare. They often choose to engage with
a provider only after they do their own research. Pressure is growing for healthcare organizations to incorporate these devices and tools into workflows and the care continuum. A new level of empowerment is also taking hold within veterinary medicine, as pet owners use technology, such as health tracker apps, to take more control of their pet’s health and preventative care.
5. Risk shifts from insurers to providers Traditionally, insurance companies have existed to manage risk within populations of healthcare patients. The insurer absorbed the risk while the provider was guaranteed a payment mechanism. The advent of value-based payments is causing a change to that Driven in model. Increasingly, the provider part by the consumerization is absorbing the risk. This is being done to both control costs and align of healthcare, the interests of stakeholders. patients are This shifting of risk is changing demanding to the relationship between vendors, be connected payers, providers and healthcare with and in systems in fundamental ways. control of their These players are beginning to work healthcare... more closely together to improve value. More equipment, technology and solutions are being designed to boost the clinical and financial performance of providers while improving patient health.
6. A healthy body begins with the mouth becomes best practice An increasing amount of clinical evidence is demonstrating that the health and wellness of the oral cavity (i.e., teeth, gums and dentition) is critical to the overall health of the patient, whether that patient be a person or animal. Oral pathology is directly linked to multiple systemic illnesses. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, over 90 percent of all systemic diseases produce oral symptoms. A growing majority of the healthcare community understands that holistic interventions to improve outcomes in many disorders require care teams to look to the mouth. They see treating the mouth and oral cavity as essential to lowering costs and improving disease outcomes. As a result, more effort and point of care solutions are being focused on aligning the dental and medical worlds. On the animal health side, the demand for oral health products and services continues to grow with increased understanding that animal dentistry can improve the quality and lifespan of pets.
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Henry Schein
Healthcare Solutions Group Senior Director, Global Enterprise President
and International Sales
B. Owens Braun Medical, & Minor Inc. (Aesculap) IMCO, Inc. Product Manager | Surgical Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Chief Financial Specialty Products
HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP VICKY LYLE RACHELLE FERRARA VICKY LYLE ® VICKY LYLE PWH ®Past Chair Mentoring Committee Chair PWH ®Chair Elect Mentoring Committee PWH Chair Elect Chair
PWH® Chair Treasurer Brasseler Medical Committee Chair PWH Chair Committee Chair Shippert Medical Senior Director, Marketing Healthcare Solutions Group Shippert Medical Technologies Midmark Corporation Healthcare Solutions Group and Enterprise Sales President Midmark Corporation (An Innovia Medical Company) President Media and Communications Manager President Media and Communications Manager President
ELIZABETH DAY-CURI HEATHER DAVIS HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP LLORCA-KROPP ALLISON THERWHANGER HEATHER DAVIS HEATHER ® Corporate Partnership HEATHER DAVIS Regional Connections Treasurer PWH® Past Chair Regional Connections Committee Chair PWH Past Chair Committee Chair Secretary Shippert Medical Technologies DUKAL Corporation Committee Chair DUKAL Corporation
President Vice President, Marketing HealthFirst HealthFirst Vice President, Marketing HealthFirst Director Account of Sales, Manager & Channel Management National National Account Manager & Channel Management National Manager National Account Distribution/Medical
Committee Chair PWH® Chair Elect Strategic Oversight PWH Chair Elect Committee CorporateChair Partners Committee Chair Brasseler Medical Committee Chair Brasseler Medical
Director offor Sales, Coalition Independent SeniorCare Director, Marketing NDC, Distribution/Medical Inc. Senior Care Director, Marketing Coalition for Independent National COO and Enterprise Sales and Enterprise Sales COO Vice President, Supplier Management
al al
ALLISON THERWHANGER Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org Treasurer Treasurer
DUKAL B. BraunCorporation Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) Healthcare Solutions B.Healthcare Braun Medical, Inc.Group (Aesculap) Solutions Vice President, Marketing Product Manager | SurgicalGroup President Product Manager | Surgical President & ChannelProducts Management Specialty Specialty Products
gies gies
B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) NDC, Inc. Product Manager | Surgical Director, Creative Specialty Products
DUKAL Corporation Owens & Minor Brasseler Medical Owens & Minor Vice President, Marketing Owens & Minor Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Senior Director, Marketing Operating VP, Service Line Strategy & Channel Management Operating VP,Sales Service Line Strategy and Enterprise
PWH Past Membership Committee Chair ® ® PWH PastChair Chair PWH Chair Membership Committee Chair
p p
Membership Committee ChairCommittee Chair Marketing
Membership Chair Mentoring Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair
Mentoring Committee Chair Professional Development Mentoring Committee Chair Owens & Minor Committee Chair
KBK Communications Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Midmark Corporation AccountManager Manager Media and Communications
Professional Development Membership Committee Chair Regional Connections Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap)
Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) Midmark Corporation B.Aesculap Inc. (A B.Braun Company) Product Manager | Surgical HealthFirst Product Manager | Surgical Media and Communications Manager Product Manager | Surgical Specialty Products National Account Manager Specialty Products
Specialties (Neurosurgery Division)
Mentoring Committee Chair Strategic Chair Oversight Strategic Oversight Committee Chair Committee Mentoring Committee Chair Committee Chair Owens & Minor HealthFirst Midmark Corporation Owens & Minor Operating VP, Service Line Strategy Coalition for Independent Care National Account Manager Operating VP,Resources Service Lineand Strategy VP Human COO
Corporate Communications
SUSAN KAISER KAISER Strategic Oversight SUSAN Professional Development Committee Chair Professional Development Summit Committee Chair Committee Chair Committee Chair Coalition for Independent Care
Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation Media and Communications Manager Mediaand andCommunications Communications Manager Media Manager
Regional Connections Regional Connections Committee Chair Committee Chair
Brasseler Medical Senior Director, Marketing and Enterprise Sales
Midmark Corporation Media and Communications Manager
PWH® Chair Elect
Professional Development Committee Chair
Regional Connections Committee Chair ODRA ANDERSON
Treasurer JULEE ShippertPREFER Medical Technologies ®
® PWH PWH ChairBoard Advisor, Summit President
Preferred Solutions, Inc. PWH ® ADVISORY BOARD, 2018 President Healthcare Solutions Group
Membership Committee HealthFirst Laura Reline, ChairChair
National Account Manager B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap)
Jennifer Ramthun, Chair C-Suite Relations Product Manager |ROSTER, Surgical Vice2018 PWH ® LEADERSHIP Specialty Products
ELIZABETH DAY-CURI PWH® Board Advisor Corporate Partnership
PWH Board Advisor, CPC
Vizient LLORCA-KROPP Committee Chair HEATHER ® Vice President, Senior PWH Past Chair Georgia Pacific Sourcing Director of Operations Sales, DUKAL Corporation PWH ® ADVISORY BOARD, 2018 Market Sales Director
Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Partner Optimization Carmel Veron, Vice Chair GPO Engagement STRATEGIC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Courteau, Vice Chair Distribution Engagement SUZANNE LORD Chair Suzanne Lord,Kimberly Strategic Oversight Strategic Oversight Tina Richter, Vice Chair Sue Hulsmeyer, ViceLYLE Chair Chair Organizational Manufacturer Engagement VICKY Committee Mentoring Committee Chair Chair Provider Engagement Leadership Development Rebecca Benga, Vice Coalition for Independent Care ®
PWH ROSTER, 2018 Owens Minor Marketing COO NatalieLEADERSHIP Martin, Vice& Chair Strategy
National Distribution/Medical Vice President, Marketing & Channel Management
Operating VP, Service Line Strategy
& Brand Guidelines
Amy Swift, ViceOVERSIGHT Chair Committee Liaison STRATEGIC COMMITTEE Natalie Martin, Chair
® PWH Board Advisor ® Board PWH Advisor PWH Board Advisor
Suzanne Lord,Beth Strategic Oversight Clifford, ViceChair Chair
PWH® Marketing Kristy Spairana, Vice Chair Odra Anderson, Membership Committee ChairContent MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Sue Hulsmeyer, Vice Chair Organizational
Vizient Vizient Bovie Medical Senior Vice President, Vice President ofVice SalesPresident, Group Senior RACHELLE FERRARA Sourcing Operations ® PWH Chair Elect
Leadership Development SUSAN KAISER
Professional Development Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Engagement Sourcing Operations, Analytics and COE Natalie Martin, Vice Chair Marketing Strategy
Committee Chair & Brand Guidelines Shannon Trahan, Vice Chair Market Intelligence
Brasseler Medical ODRA ANDERSON Senior Director, Marketing JOAN ELIASEK and Enterprise Sales Membership Committee Chair ®DEZSO JANIS
Ashleigh McLaughlin, Chair Amy Swift, Chair Committee Liaison Eryn Marx, Vice PR & Marketing Media and Communications Manager Midmark Corporation
® PWH Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor ® Medical, Inc. (Aesculap) B. Braun PWH Board Advisor
McKesson Product ManagerMedical-Surgical | Surgical McKesson Bovie Medical President, Specialty Products President, Vice President of Sales Extended Care Sales
Extended Care Sales
SHARYL GARDNER Shippert Medical Technologies ® ® ® Board PWH Advisor VICKY LYLE PWH Board Advisor President PWH Board Advisor
Katarina Ivkovic, Vice Chair New Member Experience
MEMBERSHIP REGIONAL CONNECTIONS AmyCOMMITTEE Denny, ViceCOMMITTEE Chair New Member Outreach Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair Heather Davis,Jessica Regional Connections Committee ChairExperience Wells, Vice Chair Member Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events Engagement HEATHER DAVIS
Amber Alexander, Vice Chair Market Intelligence Geri Lamano, Committee Chair Vice Chair Regional Events
Regional Shannon Trahan, Vice Chair OPEN, Vice Chair PDCConnections LiasonMarket Intelligence
Eryn Marx, Vice Chair PR & Marketing HealthFirst
Mentoring Committee Chair McKesson Midmark Corporation Midmark Corporation President, Owens & Minor Chief Administrative Officer Operating VP, Service Extended Care SalesLine Strategy
Eryn Marx, Chair
Heather Regional Connections Committee Jennifer Davis, Ramthun, Vice Chair Strategic Partners Chair Khaki Weber, Vice Chair Mentor Support Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution
Justine Albright, Vice Chair OPEN,Reline, Vice Chair PDC Liason SUZANNE LORD Laura Vice Chair Sales Manufacturing
Corporate Partnership CINDY JUHAS SHARYL GARDNER Committee ® ® Chair
Strategic Oversight Selena Culpepper, Carmel Veron, Vice Chair Sales GPO Vice Committee Chair
® Board PWH Advisor PWH Board Advisor PWH ® EXECUTIVE BOARD, 2018 PWH Board Advisor
Mentee Support Chair Technology
CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE Suzy Carlino,Coalition Vice Chair PR & Marketing for Independent Care Elizabeth Day-Curi, Corporate Partners Committee Chair COO
CME Director Midmark Corporation CMEof Sales, SUSAN KAISER National Distribution/Medical
Professional Development Chief Strategy Officer Committee Chair
Jennifer Ramthun, Chair Strategic PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OdraVice Anderson, Chair Partners
Midmark Corporation PWH®and Chair Media Communications Manager ANNE EITING KLAMAR CINDY JUHAS Healthcare Solutions Group ® ® ® Board PWH Advisor PWH Board Advisor PWH Board Advisor President
Midmark Corporation CME Midmark Corporation Chair, Board of Directors
ODRA ANDERSON Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution Susan Kaiser, Professional Development Committee Chair Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars Membership Committee Chair Laura Reline, Vice Chair Sales Manufacturing Enid Oquendo, Vice Chair Summit Programming Jessica Lucio, Vice Chair Education & Innovation B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap)
Carmel Veron, ViceProduct Chair GPO Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Sales Chair Webinars Manager | Surgical
Specialty Suzy ViceEducation Chair PRProducts &&Marketing OPEN,Carlino, Vice Chair Innovation
Susan Kaiser, Chair April Shomper, Vice Chair Content Susan Kaiser, Professional Development Regional Connections Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair Committee Chair HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP Erin Vice Chair Hospitality Committee Chair Enid Oquendo, Vice Hyatt, Chair Summit Programming Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring PWH®EITING Board Advisor HEATHER LLORCA-KROPP ANNE KLAMAR VICKY LYLE HealthFirst ® Natalie Martin, Marketing Liaison ® PWH Past Chair Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars PAMELA WEDOW Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring Mentoring Committee Chair PWH Board Advisor DUKAL Corporation National Account Manager ® PWH Board Advisor DUKAL Corporation Kim Thies, Vice Chair Summit Sponsors OPEN, Vice Chair Education &&Innovation Shelley Bache, Vice Chair &PR Marketing Owens Minor Midmark Corporation Vice President, Marketing Chair, Board of Directors
Vice President, Marketing Chair, Board of Directors
Operating VP, Service Line Strategy
Channel Management && Channel Management
PWH Board Advisor Strategic Oversight PAMELA WEDOW Committee CoalitionChair for Independent ®
® RACHELLE FERRARA PWH Board Advisor Care Coalition for Independent
Chief ® Operating Officer PWH Chair Elect
COO Brasseler Medical Senior Director, Marketing and Enterprise Sales
Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair Chair Sue Hulsmeyer,
Susan Hunter-Vinson, Vice Vice Chair Chair Individual Mentoring Amy Swift, Committee Liaison
Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring
Danni Green, Vice Chair Inclusion & Diversity
KAISER Shelley Bache, ViceSUSAN Chair PR & Marketing Brooke Elliott, Vice Chair Organizational Leadership Development Professional Development Committee Chair Midmark Corporation Media and Communications Manager
www.mypwh.org • Issue 1 • spring 2020 15
HIDA Offers Resources Education on COVID-19, Medical Device Sterilization and More By Linda Rouse O’Neill, Vice President, Government Affairs
COVID-19 Resource Center
Medical Device Sterilization
HIDA has set up an online information clearinghouse on the COVID-19 outbreak for supply chain news and resources of particular interest to U.S. distributors, manufacturers and other industry stakeholders. The Resource Center includes important information for the supply chain, including reminding supply chain leaders to talk to their customers and avoid behaviors such as over ordering and duplicative ordering. The Resource Center includes HIDA’s Lessons Learned Fact Sheet as well as a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) calculator developed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The calculator also includes guidance for dealing with SARS, MERS and “novel influenza.”
There recently has been increased discussion regarding the environmental and health impact of ethylene oxide (EtO), a gas used to sterilize 50 percent of all of the medical devices sold in the United States. HIDA has been actively involved in educating policymakers and others about the complexities of device sterilization in order to protect patients, circumvent unintentional supply chain disruption, and avoid product shortages. The discussion about EtO has involved banning or restricting the use of the gas, which would require identifying and validating an alternative method. Unfortunately, that currently doesn’t exist. For many medical devices, EtO sterilization is the only method that effectively sterilizes and does not damage a device during the sterilization process. Should regulatory policy or actions limit or abolish the use of EtO as a sterilization agent, the negative effect on healthcare providers and patients would be profound. HIDA recommends a thoughtful approach that considers the impact on the delivery of healthcare nationwide. Any changes to EtO policies must include a realistic and feasible plan to anticipate and address any potential product disruptions and patient care. Disruption at even a single sterilization facility can have a magnified impact across the country as devices sterilized in one facility support patient care in all 50 states. HIDA’s resource page outlines important news and information about medical device sterilization via EtO. It includes HIDA’s activity on the issue, government resources and educational information from key government agencies with oversight of medical product safety and the environment. Visit HIDA.org/ETO to learn more about this important developing issue.
HIDA has been updating the web page with government resources made available from agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration and Department of Defense. The Resource Center also includes the latest relevant news articles. The surge of COVID-19 greatly affects the medical products supply chain, and HIDA continues to closely monitor the situation and provide resources. You can access resources at HIDA.org/hida/govt-affairs/issues/ distribution/advocacy/industry-issues/Device-Sterilization.aspx. (Some of the resources are available only to HIDA members.)
Spring 2020 • Issue 1 • www.mypwh.org
Medical Device Tax Permanently Repealed HIDA and its members cheered when President Trump signed into law late last year a full and permanent repeal of the 2.3 percent excise tax on medical devices as part of a broader deal to fund the government.
HIDA members rallied for a decade to definitively end the tax, which was created as part of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010, but suspended several times since its inception. The repeal is a huge win for the industry, the nation’s economy, and for medical innovation. It demonstrates the value of remaining engaged with policymakers. By abolishing the tax, the medical industry has a greater ability to make multiyear investments in research and development, hiring and growth. The law also fully repealed the “Cadillac Tax,” a levy on high-cost health insurance plans that was scheduled to take effect in 2022, and a tax on health insurance firms based on a company’s market share.
Welcome New Members* Mary Lynne Billy IFHC
Kathleen Gustafson Atrium Health
Lyndsy Marcoux Midmark
Stephanie Resnick StatLab
Lateshia Boston AvKare
Beth Harrison Covetrus
Jennifer Marsh PDI
Jenn Richards Dukal
Kim Bracey AvKare
Angela Hartmann StatLab
Dawn Martin AvKare
Kristie Rodgers Midmark
Elizabeth Brackett Vizient
Lexi Hassler Intalere
Cayce Martin Premier
Robert T. Schruender Sekisui Diagnostics
Sarah Brock StatLab
Karol Ann Hoffman AvKare
Demi Meeks Vizient
Debra Siena StatLab
Lindsay Carroll Health o meter Professional Scales
Karen Hruska Vizient
Monica Meilinger Midmark
Madeline Sims StatLab Medical Products
Alex Christopher Brasseler
Erica Johnson Midmark
Julie Nakos PDI
Nancy Daniels Medpricer
Sara Jusseaume Vizient
Lea Sorrells BI Worldwide
Callie Nigrelli HIDA
Maris Stern B. Braun Medical
Abby Norfleet Kurin
Beth Walters Midmark
Deanna Oliver Midmark
Beth Williams AngioDynamics
Nina Pittner B. Braun Medical
Stephanie Williams Integra Lifescience
Stephanie Pitts B. Braun Medical
Sheila Woodlief Gauss Surgical
Heather Debrock Maple Leaf Medical Services Alex Deleonardis Dukal Kerry Dilley AvKare
Mariesa Kanetzky Premier Brandi Kerns StatLab Sydny Koerner PuraGraft
Amber Downton Vizient
Kelly Krupa Pelstar/Health o meter Professional Scales
Christine Duborg Veeva
Katelyn Lambert Graham Field
Wendy Purvis Provista
Amanda Yavorsky McKesson
David Dunston AvKare
Krista Lee NDC
Lisa Ramthun Premier
Lisa Zobrist Premier
Judi Fern Steris
Mara Maddocks MAC Medical Supply
Carole Rennert ConvaTec
* From October 30, 2019 through February 25, 2020
www.mypwh.org • Issue 1 • spring 2020 17
Diamond Partners
PWH Patrons
Emerald Partners
Ruby Partners