10 Back Saving Tips You Have Never Heard Before part 2

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The World’s First Back Strengthening & Posture Correction Exercise Machine.


Beyond the Curve LLC (BODY-ALINE) 180 South Western Ave (Suite #180) Carpentersville, IL 60110 www.improveposturenow.com www.bodyaline.com 888-901-4616

Copyright 2013. Beyond the Curve™ LLC. All rights reserved.


Welcome to Part II of 10 Back Saving Tips You’ve Never Heard Before. Integrate Them Into Your Daily Life & You Will See & Feel a Difference!

#1. Avoid Sitting on Stools at All Cost. Never. Almost anything you sit on, unless ergonomically designed to adjust to your shape, can be bad for your posture; but stools are the absolute worst. There is zero back support and the height of the stools usually forces your legs to be bent at angles that cause your upper body to slouch forward in order to counterbalance. In fact, if you have good posture, sitting on a stool should be painful within 15 minutes. Stay away from stools! Find a chair instead, or stand.

#2. Massage the Trapezius Muscles. The trapezius muscles run from your shoulders to the base of your skull and they are chronically tight on nearly everyone with poor posture. When these muscles are tight they draw the shoulders up and forward, which reinforces poor posture. When loosened (via massage) the shoulders relax and naturally move down and back, which reinforces good posture. You can get a professional massage, or have a friend, relative or spouse do it. If those are not an option, you can massage your own traps by hand or with an electric massager. Whatever it takes. Keep these muscles loose!

Copyright 2013. Beyond the Curve™ LLC. All rights reserved.

#3. Imagine an Invisible String Running Through Your Center. This tip is based entirely on visualization (no tools required). While walking or sitting, imagine an invisible string running through the center of your body starting at the bottom of your feet all the way through the top of your head. Now imagine this string is being pulled upward. When done properly, your posture will IMMEDIATELY become more upright. Try it now while sitting. Did you notice how much lighter your body feels? Did breathing become easier? Feel less pressure on your low back? There’s a reason for that. Next, try it while walking. When done right, you’ll feel like your floating on air as your perspective on the world changes a bit from the slight increase in height. Stay diligent with this tip and you’ll have beautiful, graceful posture while others diligently slouch their lives away.

#4. Rotate Your Palms Forward While You Walk. If tip #3 doesn’t appeal to you, try this one instead. While walking, take a look at the position of your hands. If you have poor posture, most likely your palms are facing somewhat behind you. To correct your posture, try walking with your palms rotated towards the front. This may seem awkward at first but don't worry about it. You’ll actually look more upright and graceful, especially when compared to palms facing behind you, which gives you the caveman/cavewoman appearance. By facing your palms forward when you walk, it will cause your shoulders to naturally roll down and back, and instantly give you a more upright posture. This healthy habit may be difficult to master at first but stick with it. Soon, when you retrain your body, you won't even have to think about it; and you'll walk this way all the time looking poised, graceful & confident. This is a subtle change in biomechanics that can make a huge difference! Try it and see.

#5. Clasp Your Hands Behind Your Back Whenever Standing. Sometimes the simplest answer is the best. An easy way to have good posture while standing is to clasp your hands behind your back as shown. With your hands affixed in this position, the shoulders naturally draw down and back. This raises the chest and head making it nearly impossible to slouch. Plus, this is a bona-fide way to quickly improve your appearance and make a better public impression. You’ll immediately look dignified, relaxed and professional, especially when compared to hunching.

Copyright 2013. Beyond the Curve™ LLC. All rights reserved.

#6. The Quad/Hip Flexor Stretch: Common contributors to body misalignment are chronically tight quadriceps (thigh) and hip flexor muscles (the muscles between your hip bone & top of the thigh). These muscles are chronically tight on just about everyone who has poor posture, especially if you’re a runner or drive a lot. A simple stretch can be done practically anywhere. Just balance yourself with one arm, grab the back of your ankle with the opposite arm, then, using the same hand as the side of the leg your stretching, gently bring your heal toward your rear (as shown). You should feel a mild stretch from the bottom of your thigh to the front of your hip. As you become more flexible & comfortable with this stretch, pull a little harder and lean your torso backward slightly to emphasize the hip flexors. Repeat the same stretch for each leg and ALWAYS keep your balance. You should do this daily!

#7. Alternate Your Sleeping Position(s). One of the most understated contributors to misalignment is your sleeping position. We are creatures of habit & tend to sleep in the exact same position every night. Placing your body in the exact same position for 6-9 hours everyday can have a dramatic effect on muscular alignment (even at rest). For example, in the picture shown to the left notice how she sleeps with her torso twisted in the same direction every night. Over time, this causes her postural muscles to rotationally misalign, which reinforces overall body misalignment. In the picture to the right, notice how she has “mirror imaged” her normal sleeping position. Overtime, this new position will rebalance her muscles & reverse the misalignment from the other position. This may be very difficult for you to do at first because the normal position is comfortable and helps you fall asleep. However, comfort leads to habituation and habituation leads to misalignment, which can become permanent. Would a car drive nearly as well with its entire chassis twisted, as in, say, after an accident? Certainly not. The car would be totaled. Don’t “total” your body by sleeping in the same position all the time. Try this. It works!

Copyright 2013. Beyond the Curve™ LLC. All rights reserved.

#8. Don’t Carry a Wallet in Your Back Pocket. Carrying a fat wallet in the same back pocket for years can permanently misalign your hips & your back. Carry your wallet in the front pockets. If you don’t like how the bulge looks, get rid of some contents. You don’t need all that stuff.

#9. Only Use Back Belts/Braces on “Special” Occasions. In spite of the popularity of back belts/braces, their constant use can actually do more harm than good. Although, the extra support helps to stabilize the back & prevent injury, constant daily use causes back muscles to weaken because they don't have to “work” as hard to keep you upright. In other words, daily activities like standing, walking and sitting help strengthen your back muscles on a regular basis. These muscles have to maintain constant tension against the unceasing downward force of gravity in order to keep you upright & functioning. This steady tension exercises them. When back belts/braces are worn all the time, the extra support does the job of the back muscles; thus, making the muscles weaker. Back belts/braces should ONLY be used on “special occasions”, meaning times where you may knowingly be subjecting yourself to awkward twisting motions like: shoveling snow, moving furniture, gardening, carpentry, etc. Additional back support is NOT necessary for “normal” activities that don’t have this potential because you should easily be able to maintain proper posture during “expected” type movements. For example, you don’t need a back belt while exercising (unless it’s for heavy leg press or squats) because all exercise should be done with proper form; this helps to strengthen your back & reinforce good posture. If you have a specific medical condition that requires you to wear back support then, of course, do so.

#10. Wear High Heels Sparingly. The price of fashion can be a steep one in the case of high heels. The constant forward body lean created by 2-5 inches of lift underneath your heals can wreak havoc on your posture, along with the potential to misalign your arches, ankles & hips. High heels should be avoided at all costs but if you have to wear them, do so no more than once a week - and the shorter the better. The symptoms may not be bad now but just wait until your 60 years old. If you’re a dedicated high heel wearer, this is the most important tip we can give you. Copyright 2013. Beyond the Curve™ LLC. All rights reserved.

Thanks for reading! Same as part one of this E-book, we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce (or reintroduce) you to the BODY-ALINE. The BODY-ALINE is the world's first back strengthening & posture correction exercise machine. Now, in just minutes a day, 3-4 times per week, you can strengthen your back & realign your spine in 1 easy motion without changing clothes or breaking a sweat. Just have a seat, hold onto the grips, lean back & rotate your arms. That's it! The BODY-ALINE stretches & strengthens postural muscles to realign your spine, while providing a therapeutic back massage. The targeted exercise motion is so effective, you’ll literally stand-up taller every time you use it! Poor posture is not only the proven root cause of most back pain; it makes you look tired, frumpy, old, and accelerates the symptoms of: arthritis, osteoporosis, carpal tunnel and chronic fatigue. In short, using the BODY-ALINE for just a few minutes a day is one of the most cost & time effective investments you can make for your overall health. Click on the links below to get started!

START YOUR RISK FREE 30-DAY TRIAL TODAY!* www.improveposturenow.com www.bodyaline.com

Copyright 2013. Beyond the Curve™ LLC. All rights reserved.

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