Giving Company Support
What can my company do? Partnership in our books is a win, win situation. Whether it is transforming the Children’s Centre with a magical makeover, raising funds through sponsored events or sharing your expertise and knoweldege, Body & Soul has a wide range of opportunities for you and your colleagues: Painting: Body & Soul is lucky to benefit from a beautiful modern building. We like to keep the building looking at its best for our members, but with over 250 members coming through the doors each week, this requires a lot of work.
Ideas Days: If you and your colleagues have experience and expertise that you think could be beneficial to Body & Soul, perhaps an Ideas Day with selected staff from Body & Soul could be the best way to volunteer your time. Recent Ideas Days have focussed on the theme of: Developing a Communications strategy; Establishing a social enterprise; and Youth targetted campaigning. Children’s Centre: Every so often we like to transform the Children’s Centre into a themed wonderland so the children can immerse themselves into an evening’s activities. Recently the Children’s Centre has been transformed into a winter wonderland and a tropical rainforest, and others have been influenced by books such as Narnia and The Jolly Postman. Donating Skills: Many of Body & Soul’s most valued partnerships have arisen from companies wishing to share their talents with our members on a longer-term basis. A great example is our work with ITV and Hogan Lovells in providing a highly valued monthly Law Clinic for our members.
Charity of the Year: Many larger companies have “Charity of the Year” schemes in place, which allow one or two charities to be the primary beneficiaries of any fundraising events throughout the year. Nominating Body & Soul as one such charity could not only help us raise much needed funds, but would also help us to raise awareness about how HIV affects children, young people and families in the UK. If your company doesn’t have a Charity of the Year scheme, why not suggest it! Event Sponsorship: Body & Soul hosts a number of events throughout the year. For many of these events, there is scope for a Corporate sponsor, either to offer financial support or in-kind support. Whether this be a donation of a PA system, food and drink or printing services, this kind of support is always very welcome at Body & Soul and is a great way to support us publicly.
Team Sponsored Events: We love it when a team comes together, and with an everincreasing number of exciting activities to get involved with in the country (and beyond), we’re happy to support any idea you may have. Whether it’s running 10K through London, hurling yourself out of an aeroplane at 10,000 feet or even running a marathon, team events are not only a great way to make money, they really help a team of colleagues pull together. Matched Giving: Many companies offer to match any funds an individual employee raises for charity. Don’t forget to ask if you’re getting involved with fundraising for Body & Soul! Social Enterprise: Commission Brave, Body & Soul’s social enterprise to deliver its’ unique training courses on leadership, communication, HIV and empathy.
Five Good reasons to partner with Body & Soul: 1. The Corporate Volunteering Programme is dedicated to ensuring high quality, mutually beneficial partnerships with corporate organisations. 2. You gain greater understanding of how to support people living with HIV in your workplace. 3. You stand out from the crowd and enhance your organisation’s reputation through working with a strong brand, with ambitious and visionary goals. 4. Body & Soul has a broad range of volunteering opportunities, from transforming our Children’s Centre into magical settings, to direct service delivery working with young people. 5. By partnering with Body & Soul through volunteer days or training, your staff team will benefit with increased satisfaction, commitment, morale and motivation.
Registered Charity No 1060062 and Company Limited by Guarantee No 3245543.
Corporate involvement makes a vital contribution to Body & Soul’s ability to support the thousands of children, young people and families living with and affected by HIV. Our approach to working with Companies is to develop mutually beneficial partnerships. We want to capitalise on the unique skill set offered by the Corporate sector to complement our existing capabilities, while at the same time offering a valuable Corporate experience. Your expertise, time and money is central to helping us meet the needs of an often forgotten population.
A Corporate volunteer day at Body & Soul Our volunteering days offer an outstanding team building experience to organisations who are interested in making a real difference and giving back to the local community. They are designed to motivate employees and develop a range of creative, communication and interpersonal skills, with an emphasis on increasing participants’ awareness of the issues around HIV.
We offer team volunteering days for Corporate groups ranging in size from 10 to 100. We tailor the day to meet your team’s size, skills and requirements, and a typical volunteering day might look something like this: 10.00 Meet at our purpose-built centre and begin with a tour to find out more about our members and the work we do to support them. 10.30 Paint The Building Challenge. We believe that keeping the building looking beautiful plays an important part in showing our members that they are thought about and valued. But we couldn’t do it without your help! Bring your team together to work towards a common goal and give an area of the building a makeover. 12.30 The team breaks for lunch and heads over to the food stalls and cafes on nearby Exmouth Market. Alternatively, teams are welcome to bring their own lunch, or Body & Soul can provide food for an additional charge. 13.30 HIV Gameshow Challenge. Split into two rival teams and put your HIV knowledge to the test! 14.00 Creative Challenge in the Children’s Centre. Each week the children’s centre explores a different theme, and we need you to help us prepare props and activities for the children. Recent teams have transformed the centre into Narnia, made a chariot and armour for Roman Night, and built a mini cinema. 16.00 The group comes together for team photos and to review the day. Volunter days start from £35 per person. This fee helps cover the cost of materials, staff and administration as well as, a hot and cold drinks throughout the day. We would love to explore how your company could be involved with Body & Soul, so get in touch: Email or call 0207 923 6880