2 minute read
Come on inside...
Welcome to BodyMind Living! It is truly an honor to have you here in this sacred space to explore and learn what it means to LIVE BodyMind.
I’ve been in the personal growth & wellness space for nearly two decades. I’ve read hundreds of books, listened to countless podcasts, ventured half way around the world to attend retreats, invested tens of thousands of dollars in coaching, fi lled up dozens of journals with affi rmations… and still felt like there was ‘something else’ out there that I needed to uncover to fi nally feel whole.
Along the way, I had these moments… moments where everything clicked. Moments where I experienced what it meant to live the paradox of life — you know — those moments where you literally feel what it means to be, as Rumi says, ‘the ocean in a drop’.
I started to get curious and what I realized was that the moments I felt like I could fi nally stop chasing and start living were the moments I felt fully EMBODIED.
And that is why we are here.
From a young age, we are conditioned in our culture to disconnect from the body and give allegiance to the mind. Instead of the body being a source of deep connection and wisdom, it becomes something we need to control, shape, perfect, and quiet. And we hit our thirties and wonder why we never feel good enough and step into this world of ‘personal development’ and ‘self help’.
But that same root cause of separation has permeated the personal growth world as well. I believe the biggest challenge in this industry is this belief that we can ‘think’ our way forward. That somehow, knowledge will save us and if we can ‘fi gure it out’ and ‘think positive’ enough, that the pieces will fi nally fall together. Oh… and… at some point when your intuition kicks in, you should listen to that too.
My experience has been the total opposite. As soon as I got out of my head and into my body… my life fi nally started to make sense.
The thing is… I know you KNOW this. The real work is consistently LIVING BodyMind.
But what does that look like… what does that feel like… in your day-to-day life?
I created this magazine and invited some of my dear friends and BodyMind Coaches to explore what BodyMind Living means in actual practice. We believe that Living BodyMind is a revolution because the systems and structures set up in our lives are rooted in disconnection.
Living BodyMind is about coming back home into ourselves and fully living connected.