4 minute read
Here I am again, living in the space of uncertainty.
Not the good kind of uncertainty that is exciting and full of hope, but the dreaded kind. The uncertainty that results from a shattered existence.
I catch myself in an old pattern of attempting to control everything while I am in this place of uncertainty, fearful that if I allow myself to sit in it, I won’t survive. Yet, the more I try to control, the more my body is plagued by fear until the moment when my fight and flight response has exhausted its limits and I am paralyzed.
I’ve allowed fear to run the show.
Fear of what is going to happen. Fear of what others think. Fear of disappointing others. Fear that I have failed. Fear of breaking promises, no matter what the cost.
Each time I allow fear to lead I feel like I lose a little piece of myself. I become hyper-vigilant about controlling the external to eliminate any uncertainty and attempt to be completely self-reliant over any fear. My human flesh trying to lead out of habit. I have been here before, and this way of responding to situations of uncertainty doesn’t work.
I arrive at a crossroad, having to choose to follow the path of uncertainty with fear as my guide, or navigating a new path where I put my trust in God and allow my faith to be my compass.
Although my current situation is different, I have been here before. It was during a time when life was falling apart and I chose to align with God and trust in His promises. This was a decision that was not natural for me but completely foreign… and, if I’m being honest, it wasn’t a decision at all, but a complete surrender, throwing my hands up in the air, exhausting all other options.
For the first time I prayed.
Help. I don’t know what to do.
There were no magical answers. Nothing on the external changed. Yet, there was this washing of peace that came over me. A deep breath filled my lungs, and, in the exhale, I was able to release.

I noticed my body in a new way. Experiencing all the sensations without being paralyzed, I was able to feel the fear.
With each breath the sensations of fear gently released and I felt supported.
I’ve learned that “fear not” is in the Bible 365 times, once for each and every day. I find this comforting because I often catch myself living and making decisions out of fear. Trying to break the habit of being self-reliant to control the uncertainty.
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7
As I write this I am stepping forward into another chapter of uncertainty in which the voice of fear has been deafening, and all I can do is remember.
Remember to be aligned and surrender to God.
Remember that I have walked the path of uncertainty before and not only survived but became stronger. Remember that:
...................................................................................................................... “They say it only takes a little faith To move a mountain Well good thing A little faith is all I have, right now.
But God, when You choose To leave mountains unmovable Oh give me the strength to be able to sing It is well with my soul.
I know You’re able and I know You can Save through the fire with Your mighty hand, But even if You don’t My hope is You alone.
I know the sorrow and I know the hurt Would all go away if You’d just say the word, But even if You don’t My hope is You alone.”
“Even If” by MercyME

Watch here for Halinka’s favorite tool to use in navigating through fear and uncertainty. (CLICK THE
each time I allow fear to lead I lose a little piece of myself.


#Aligned #Help #Surrender #Uncertainty #HelpInFaith #SupportInFaith

Certified BodyMind Coach
Halinka is the creator of The Happy & Healthy Place. With her 14 years as a massage therapist, Halinka learned that just treating physical discomfort only provides a band aid approach. As a BodyMind Coach, Halinka works with women who experience chronic stress and pain, helping them align with possibility so they can live happy and healthy on purpose.
Her clients discover they don’t have to live in a constant state of chaos. Instead they learn to treat their bodies as a best friend learning new behaviour patterns that beat stress and decrease pain to allow them to be fully present in their life.
Halinka also holds a Health Science degree and is a yoga instructor. Halinka’s faith is her anchor and driving purpose in life. She lives in Ontario, Canada.
thehappyandhealthyplace.com IG: @HappyHealthyPlace FB: happyandhealthyplace