1 minute read
dear reader,
“Joy comes to us in moments — ordinary moments.
We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary.” —Brené Brown
Brené also says, “Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience.”
In this final issue of the Navigating series, we are navigating one of the most potent, yet fleeting human experiences: Joy.
Before we go any further, take a moment to remember the times in your life where you allowed yourself to be fully immersed in the energy of joy.
Allow those moments to fill every cell of your body and notice what shows up for you.
For me, the energy of joy is like a dance.
Sometimes, it’s a light and happy dance. Sometimes, the dance is slow and sultry. But, the energy of joy is deeply connected to the power and presence of life itself.
Even as I write these words, I can feel joy percolating around me: my dogs snoring at my feet, my son laughing downstairs, the
wind blowing through the leaves outside, the thought of every person who reads these words.
The more I surrender into the moment, the more joy permeates my soul.
I know the past few years have been tough on all of us as we have been navigating a global pandemic, a racial reckoning, and a climate crisis. Right now, it might feel reckless, selfish, or even rebellious to feel joy.
And yet...
Joy reminds us of our interconnectedness.
Joy lives in the ordinary moments that connect all of us.

............................................................. Joy is the underpinning of our humanity.
What if JOY is the healing that all of us need right now?
As always, BodyMind Living is a place for us to explore together what it means to LIVE LIFE CONNECTED. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and find a place to get cozy.
Let’s navigate JOY together.
In this together,
PS: Please make sure to like and share these articles over at @BodyMindLiving on Instagram!

What would shift if we stop resisting joy and let it in?