Body Soul & Spirit Magazine - Issue 4

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EXPLORE EXPERIENCE ENLIGHTEN — EVOLVE. Celebrate the oneness of all life. WINTER 2010


w Alan Cohen

Inspires us this season


ReView It!

Unique movies reviews

w AstroVolution

Awakening through astrology

Your Green Choice!

BSS Magazine is printed using non-toxic, ultra-violet light printing system on bio-degradable paper and is compostable.

Your Holistic New Thought & New Consciousness Lifestyle Magazine

Pamela Shelly

is a Transformational Teacher with years of multifaceted training and works closely with the Archangels and Ascended Masters.

Sound Healing Workshop

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Mystery of Egypt Spiritual Tour

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2 • WINTER 2010

Holiday Greetings From the Body Soul & Spirit Expo and Magazine! Our Holiday Wishes for All! The Holiday Season is once again upon us and we would like to take this time to extend to you, our Most Valued Supporters, all the very best for 2011. This upcoming year promises to be an interesting year for Body Soul & Spirit Expo and Magazine. We will be opening an exciting new Expo in Toronto this spring and are expanding the magazine into the Ontario region! For the Expo and the Magazine, 2010 was a year of challenges for our staff due to the global recession. We did, however, with the combined support from our exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors and a creative staff, successfully reach our goals for 2010. We are moving forward with anticipation and excitement into the New Year. To All… May your personal and business lives be blessed with good fortune and prosperity. May you receive love and light from your fellow man and return it with good grace. May the upcoming year fulfil all your desires and dreams 100 times over. May we all experience personal and professional growth in our future. May we all find peace, happiness, health and prosperity this Holiday Season and throughout the coming years. Happy Holidays and many Blessings to everyone! From the management and staff of the Body Soul & Spirit Expo and The Body Soul & Spirit Magazine Happy Holidays to All! — Brad Simpson Publisher Body Soul Spirit Magazine Owner/Manager Body Soul Spirit Expo

On The Cover The Tree of Divine Oneness, by Aaron Pyne. This artwork is intended to help connect the viewer with many levels of reality that may or may not consciously be known. These realms include the realm of Nature & Tree, the realm of Creation through Sacred Geometry, the realm of Energy, and the realm of Divine Oneness. We are all intimately connected to these dimensions, and it is time that we become aware of it and be grateful for it. We could not survive, let alone exist without the perfect harmony and balance achieved because of the interconnectedness of these different dimensions. All of these dimensions are branches of the one Tree of Spirit. Open your mind, and more importantly open your heart and allow yourself to experience a greater cosmic view of the world. Invite it into your life and you will be guided to a life of Divine Oneness. Aaron Pyne of Portland, OR, is a Visionary Artist, Sacred Graphic/Web Designer, Energy Healer, and Meditation Teacher. Aaron has over 130 Visionary Artworks, which can be experienced on his website. He is also available for visionary graphic design and web design for spiritual, holistic, and eco businesses. In this time of drastic change, Aaron hopes his art and design can serve as a visual guide in the inner-evolutionary growth of the individual and the collective to assist in the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. His inspiration comes from meditations & dreams. Visit his webpage at to see his art gallery and learn about his services. You can also reach him at 503.213.3518 or


PUBLISHER: Brad Simpson EDITOR: Chandler Armstrong Advertising: Chandler Armstrong Printed at Star Press Inc. Subscriptions: See Body Soul & Spirit Magazine is produced by Body Soul & Spirit Expo 1-877-560-6830 Body Soul Spirit Magazine is produced four times a year and is available through subscription as well as distributed at the Body Soul & Spirit Expo throughout western Canada. For information about advertising, submitting articles or exhibiting at one of the upcoming expos, please visit or call 1-877-560-6830. 2011 Spring Body Soul & Spirit Expos Toronto, Ontario, (March 25-27) Calgary, Alberta, (April 15-17) Regina, SK (April 29 - May 1) Edmonton, Alberta (May 6-8) 2011 Fall Body Soul & Spirit Expos Edmonton, Alberta (Sept 23-25) Calgary, Alberta, (Sept 30 - Oct 2) Kelowna, BC (Oct. 14-16) Vancouver (TBA) BC, (Oct. 21-23) Saskatoon, SK (November 4-6) © 2010 by Body Soul Spirit Magazine. No material should be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the owners of BSSM. All submissions, editorials and contents of this Publication become the sole intellectual & common property of The Body Soul Spirit Magazine and may not be copied or used in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of The Body Soul Spirit Magazine. Any and all opinions, offers, and promotions expressed within in this publication, are solely those of the contributor or advertiser, and in no way reflect the opinions of the Body Soul Spirit Magazine, its agents, contractors, suppliers, or employees. The Body Soul Spirit Magazine, it’s parent company the Body Soul Spirit Expo, its agents, staff, contractors, and suppliers are in no way obligated by law to honour any or all advertisements and or promotions published within this publication and are furthermore to be held harmless in any and or all legal proceedings that may arise from opinions expressed in editorials, submissions, advertisements, and or promotions or offers expressed or implied within the contents of this publication. BSS Magazine is printed on recyclable material.

WINTER 2010 • 3

EXPLORE • EXPERIENCE • ENLIGHTEN SPRING 2011 expo TOUR Get ready for our most dynamic & exciting events yet! Come discover one of Canada’s most unique events, the Body Soul & Spirit Expo – where communities come together to celebrate life and explore all the options for living a happier, healthier, more conscious and successful lifestyle. From awakening presences, embracing the raw food lifestyle, reducing your carbon footprint or discovering natural alternatives – this show is an opportunity to connect and network with thousands of people. This show has something for everyone!



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1-877-560-6830 4 • WINTER 2010

Feed the Hungry By Alan Cohen

not present, you are absent, and if you are absent you have missed the most precious his is the time of year when gift of all: this moment. A fellow in one of many of us turn our attention to my seminars recounted that he had been feeding the hungry. When most feeling unfulfilled in his marriage for many people think about feeding the years, and he was disappearing daily. One hungry, we consider giving canned goods day his 11-year-old daughter told him, to the poor or serving at a soup kitchen. “You’re not here, daddy. You’re a ghost.” And what a benevolent service that is! Yet We’re all familiar with Ebenezer there is a hunger far more pervasive in our Scrooge’s Christmas Carol encounter with culture than the hunger for physical food, a the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and malady from which hundreds of millions of to come. If we were to put a modern spin people suffer every day. It is the hunger for on the story, Scrooge might meet himself as presence and connection. the ghost of Christmas absent. Christmas Recently I was sitting in a club lounge and the holidays may come and go, but at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport on a hectic day. if you are not here, all the protocols and Adverse weather conditions had delayed festivities are meaningless. most flights, and the sitting areas were I have had my own lessons in the crowded with frustrated travelers. As I got importance of being present and the tragedy settled, I noticed a woman across the aisle of being absent. After I moved to Hawaii, I from me. She appeared to be an executive, bought a lovely house in the country and I talking on her cell phone loudly, giving offered a married couple a rental unit on the orders to her subordinates. The lady seemed property in exchange for caretaking. At that generally irritated and upset, demanding, time I was very busy, traveling a great deal. and rather rude. She went on for quite a During my times at home, I was constantly while in this manner over a number of calls debriefing from the last trip or preparing to different people. for the next one. As soon as I felt present, A few minutes later a cleaning lady came it was time to go out again. I was on a through the lounge. A Hispanic woman, treadmill. roughly the same age as the executive, she One day the wife took me by the arm bore a kind smile and offered a pleasant, and invited me to stroll the grounds with “Hello, how are you?” to the folks she her. As we walked, she made a statement passed. As she picked up the trash and that proved to be one of the greatest wiped down the counters, she seemed at gifts of my life. She said, “Look at this peace with herself and her work, a sharp magnificent property, Alan! Here are contrast to the executive and many of the trees, birds, flowers, and glorious other travelers. sunrises. It is heaven on Earth. But how I marveled at the irony of the scene. much do you enjoy it? You’re hardly here, Here were lots of business travelers in a and when you are here, you’re rushing to club lounge that cost a lot to enter; the come and go. We’re your caretakers, and we patrons likely earned significant salaries, enjoy your property more than you do. lived in upscale houses, and were successful I wish you would experience the professionals. By contrast, this humble peace and joy that we do here.” cleaning lady wore a smock bearing the Now that got my company name “Scrub,” probably earned attention. My caretakers minimum wage, and lived in a rented were enjoying my home apartment. Yet she seemed like the happiest more than I was! That day person in the room. If ever there was a I made a commitment to teaching that happiness comes from the use my free time for soul inside out, here it was. satisfaction, not work, and As we move into the holiday season now, after years of practice, we will exchange gifts, most of which I am finally enjoying my you can touch with your fingers. Yet, as property as much as my I learned from the cleaning woman, the caretakers did. gift of presence runs far deeper. If you are I’m not suggesting you


need to move to Hawaii to be happy. To the contrary, the goal is to find connection wherever you are. Busy places are the most likely to distract us from connection, and the most powerful places to practice it. A supermarket checkout clerk counted that out of over 200 people she served on her shift, 57 were talking on their cell phones. Many of them, she reported, were discourteous, acting as if she was interrupting them from something more important, while she was simply trying to help them. It’s not what you get done that makes or breaks a life. It’s how you get it done.. Most people are hungry for human contact, many are starving for it, and some are dying for it. This holiday season let’s feed the hungry, starting with our own hunger for depth, meaning, and connection. Then maybe we can attain the extraordinary success of the cleaning lady. ◆ Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspirational books, including his new metaphysical thriller, Linden’s Last Life. Listen to Alan’s weekly radio show Get Real on Hay House Radio at www., and join him on Maui in March 2011 for the Life Mastery Training. For more information about Alan’s books, programs, or his free daily inspirational quotes via email, visit, email info@, or phone 1 800 568-3079.

Alan Cohen

WINTER 2010 • 5

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6 • WINTER 2010

Agora Starring: Rachel Weisz Director: Alejandro Amenabar


his is a movie that stays with you for a long time: it is not easily forgotten. It takes place in Roman Egypt in the 4th century AD, a time in history in which the city of Alexandra was an “ideal” city; one of education and culture – but also at a time when Christianity was gaining in popularity, which ultimately resulted in the looting and burning of the Library at Alexandra. Movie Thought The title of the film takes its name from By Sheryl Guillaume the Agora (a gathering place in ancient Greece similar to the Roman forum) and stars a character named Hypatia, a female teacher of mathematics, philosophy and astronomy. Surrounded by religious turmoil and social unrest, Hypatia struggles to save the library and the concept of science and education over the emotions of the new religion sweeping the land. The filming is amazing – this movie transports you with breathtaking realism to a city that no longer exists. The most asked question about this movie is…well everything works out ok…right? Well, unfortunately this is based on a true story, (the library was burned) and as a result we as humanity, lost 1200 years of knowledge, plus a lot of other things that make you look at ourselves a little differently going forward. It makes you think about what is the driving force behind us …. love – or fear? What comes to mind is “how many times have we as humans done this”? How many times have we burnt books or dismissed knowledge that disagreed with what we wanted to do, in order to justify our actions and try to make what we were doing “right”.◆

ReView It!

Movies that make you think rating 4.5/5.

The Door Starring: Mads Mikkelsen


ow far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? This movie is one that you may have started watching as a lark but then you end up going deeper and deeper into the metaphysical: the warning quote on the back of the cover says, “Be careful how you change the past”. It seemed like a fairly straight forward movie, but once into it your mind starts thinking this is going to happen because other movies you watched did it that way…but this is not how this movie ends up doing it at all. Before you realize it, the movie has drawn you into thinking about situations involving different realities and wondering if time works differently than what we were told it does. It is filmed in a unique style, similar to “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and “Played with Fire” series, and has that same foreign/exotic kind of feel. There are so many twists and turns in it - nothing is quite what you think it is. Fascinating! ◆

Movies that make you think rating 4.75/5. WINTER 2010 • 7

Find and Follow your JOY! By Hannelore


ne of the most recent studies We were on a sailboat catamaran on another of Maui’s sunny days. Two Humpback whales and their baby graced us with their presence and swam lazily around within 30 to 50 feet of our boat for well over half an hour. As they moved closer I climbed onto one of the pontoons. My being was filled with joy and exhilaration, caressed by the gentle breeze and feeling the water beneath my feet. The whales moved so close that I could see the texture of their skin and we had a brief moment eye to eye. In what seemed like slow motion, they gently submerged, went under the boat and almost touched my feet! One of the whales then turned around, came back and did a full breach about 10 to 15 feet in front of the boat! This cherished memory, along with many other magical moments experienced at my ‘Dolphin Retreats’ and swimming with my friends the Dolphins, is now placed into my

treasure box of truly are; to be Joy. Joy is the the Master of highest vibration circumstance and of energy. These to stay in balance joyful memories no matter how are part of my dark things seem. medicine to I choose to carry me through remember the life’s heavier Joy! This is not moments. We to say I ignore are often tested. challenges for Some of these they are but tests are small opportunities hurdles while to evolve and others contain a grow. I choose force that literally to see that there knocks us off our are no problems, feet. We have the only solutions. choice in how to We all have Free perceive any given Will. We live in circumstance and a world of duality we can implement – masculine and it, find the lesson feminine, good Hannelore or the good and and bad, light transcend what no longer serves. and dark, hate and love, and so on. We Our challenge is to remember the are the Writers, Directors, Actors and Divine Essence of whom and what we Editors of this Play called Life. We live in what has become a material world and it is our journey to find the balance of the Spiritual and Material. To experience Joy and Miracles is Visit your divine birthright. Your experience to try the program, is how you think and feel. Everything purchase it, participate in is linked to your belief, your thoughts. discussions with When you put out a thought that has a certified instructors, vibration of joy and passion, you are at and find news and information about the peak of manifestation. ◆ local classes close to your home!

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8 • WINTER 2010

HANNELORE is a Spiritual life coach, gifted intuitive, international speaker, author, teacher and Ordained Interfaith Minister. She teaches the ‘Ignite Your 6th Sense’ Intuition training program and facilitates the ‘Communing with Dolphins’ Retreats in Hawaii. She embodies wisdom, experience, humour and compassion. Her websites are: and

A Dream Is What Your Life Should Be By Kjarlune Rae


ife is about living. It isn’t about sitting back and waiting for things to happen. It is about moving forward taking steps, getting ahead, following a dream. See the secret is that it would not be a dream if you could not have it. There is a big difference between fantasy and dreams. A fantasy is a way to escape from life, never going to be a reality. Kjarlune Rae A genie in a bottle, with three wishes, and you can have anything. A fantasy is your mind's way of taking a break from the real world. Because you are unhappy with something, or because you do not feel like you can go after your dream. A dream is an idea you have not yet brought forward to be a part of your life. A dream is a reality you have not yet figured out you can do. Not yet given yourself the credit to believe in. We make the mistake of being scared to take a chance, when, in reality, we take chances every day. Fear is what is stopping you from getting the life you want. Con-


vince yourself of whatever you can but at the end of the day you are scared. We all are! It doesn’t matter how many thousands of people I see, it comes down to the same thing. We are scared, scared to fail, and scared to succeed. The problem is we are looking at it wrong. Why are we scared? Why fear? It cannot be because you can never do it, until you try you don’t know that. It cannot be because you have seen it a thousand times, and it hasn’t worked, not one of us have the same dreams. It also can’t be because we think that people can’t have it all, we all know of at least one person that does. There are people out there that are living their dreams. I am one of them, so I know this to be a fact. We are unfair to ourselves when we don’t take chances what is the worse thing that will happen? You will discover it isn’t what you want. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. Spend your life doing the same thing and being unhappy or spending your life trying things and learning and growing. What sounds better to you? We even try to tell ourselves that it is because we don’t know what we want, or we don’t know how, but it isn’t true. We


just get stuck in our own heads. We tell ourselves it isn’t possible. We tell ourselves it is too hard. Life is like buying a house. The first time is scary. What if I can’t afford it, what if I don’t like it, what if? If you want it, you will succeed in paying for it, and you will like it. This is the same with life! Too many of us have given up before we even try. If you need the help figuring out how to live your dream go see someone to help. If you don’t believe you can do it look back at all the things you have done. If you think you don’t deserve it ask yourself why. But for the love of all that is worth it, trying means success. Doing will give you the energy to do more. Living will make your world and yourself worth it. You have nothing to lose. If you are not happy with your life now, changing it is your only option. Check out my blog at Thought of the day. ◆ Kjarlune Rae has been classed as Canada’s Top Clairvoyant for coming on 19 years working with police and parapsychologists all over the world. With a repertoire of thousands of cases solved to date Kjarlune has had the pleasure of working with a vast clientele.

WINTER 2010 • 9



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1-877-560-6830 10 • WINTER 2010

PHYSICAL INITIATION An Ancient Tradition that Still Works By Devi Dombkowski

by our inner “knowing” and our Guides or Higher Self as we stepped into our spiritual lives. But the next step of physical ince the beginning of time transference of energy and power is not there have always been physical achieved. Every great Master of Light, initiations. In every culture around the world there is some Rite of Passage that including Noah, Enoch, King Solomon, Quan Yin, Siddhartha the Buddha, Jesus empowers spiritual growth, gives greater understanding of the world we live in, and the Christ, Leonardo DaVinci and more ultimately allows that individual to achieve have all had some form of physical initiation. greater service. When I began my spiritual journey Physical initiation is a calling down of more than 30 years ago, I started with spiritual energies through ritual whereby power and energy is transferred in order to inner guidance from the Goddess and I learned a lot. But it was after I physically enable the individual to achieve their full was initiated through rituals and power potential and purpose on their life path, transference as a Priestess in the Goddess and to gain greater connection to God. But why must another physical being do tradition of India that things really began a physical act in order to create a spiritual, to happen for me and I able to serve in a deeper way. emotional, mental and tangible change? I am greatly honored to have received Simply put, because we live in a physical the opportunity to be able to serve world. humanity during these changing times. Many of us as lightworkers went through a process of Self-Initiation, guided Now another powerful path has opened to me and I have been recently given the opportunity What’s in your Subconscious Mind ? to be initiated as a Teacher and Guide in the lineage of King Solomon. This allows me the privilege of initiating others through the Your Subconscious Empower Thyself Adept Initiation. Empower Thyself is the first step after self-initiation on the initiatory path “Wow, peace finally!!! …. it's NEVER been this easy!!!”


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of King Solomon. It is a step that gives you not only the authority but also the responsibility to act in a truly empowered way. It gives you 10 times more power to make changes in yourself and the world around you through whatever form of service you perform and in whatever healing or spiritual path you are on. We hear a lot about 2012 these days and wonder what will really happen. Mother Gaia is begging us to open our eyes and heal the world. Our markets are crashing, our brothers and sisters are suffering and our illusion of reality is crumbling beneath our feet. The world needs our help. For me I believe that it is all about the shifting of energies and a raising of vibrations so that we as a planet can create a world of peace, love, passion and acceptance. This world of peace is something we as humanity must work for and it won’t just happen overnight. It starts off, first and foremost with ourselves, by finding that peace, love and serenity within us. Then we need to take that next step into our empowerment through initiation to bring Light and Love flowing out into our communities and into the world.◆

Devi Dombkowski is a certified Mind Body Vibrance Coach and a Relationship Coach with the Hendricks Institute of Conscious Living in California. She is also a graduate of the Hendrick’s Leadership Transformation program. Devi and her husband operate the Pathways to Spirit Institute in Calgary, Alberta and teach workshops and programs. They are certified Teachers and Guides with the Modern Mystery School as well as Reiki Master/ Teachers offering Reiki, Life Activations and Energy Balancing.

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WINTER 2010 • 11

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12 • WINTER 2010

Cancer and Psychosomatic Therapy Psychosomatic Therapy (psyche = mind; soma = body) theorizes that there are psychological and emotional factors involved in both the onset and healing of cancer and other diseases.


By Carole Friesen


ne of the most recent studies on psychosomatic cancer therapy comes from Germany. Over the past ten years, medical doctor and cancer surgeon Ryke-Geerd Hamer has examined 20,000 cancer patients with all types of cancer. Dr. Hamer wondered why cancer never seems to systematically spread directly from one organ to the surrounding tissue. For example, he never found cancer of the cervix AND cancer of the uterus in the same woman. He also noticed that all his cancer patients seemed to have something in common: there had been some kind of psycho emotional conflict prior to the onset of their disease, a conflict that had never been fully resolved. After having examined 20,000 cancer patients with all types of cancer, Dr. Hamer has come up with some revolutionary information. X-rays taken of the brain by Dr. Hamer showed in all cases a ‘dark shadow’ somewhere in the brain. These dark spots would be in exactly the same place in the brain for the same types of cancer. There was also a 100% correlation between the dark spot in the brain, the location of the cancer in the body and the specific type of unresolved conflict. On the basis of these findings, Dr. Hamer suggests that when we are in a stressful conflict that is not resolved, the emotional reflex center in the brain which corresponds to the experienced emotion (e.g : anger, frustration, grief) will slowly break down. Each of these emotion centers are connected to a specific organ. When a center breaks down, it will start sending wrong information to the organ it controls, resulting in the formation of deformed cells in the tissues: cancer cells. He also suggests that metastases are not the SAME cancer spreading. It is the result of new conflicts that may well be brought on by the very stress of having cancer or of invasive and painful or

nauseating therapies. Dr. Hamer started including psychosomatic therapy as an important part of the healing process and found that when the specific conflict was resolved, the cancer immediately stopped growing at a cellular level. The dark spot in the brain started to disappear. X-rays of the brain now showed a healing edema around the damaged emotional center as the brain tissue began to repair the afflicted point. There was once again normal communication between brain and body. A similar healing edema could also be seen around the now inactive cancer tissue. Eventually, the cancer would become encapsulated, discharged or dealt with by the natural action of the body. Diseased tissue would disappear and normal tissue would then again appear.

"All your Issues are in your Tissues" Recent research in Germany, Austria, France, the US and Denmark has confirmed Dr. Hamer's findings; that emotional conflicts create cancer, and solving the conflicts in question stops the cancer growth. Dr. Hamer believes that cancer people are unable to share their thoughts, emotions, fears and joys with other people. He calls this "psycho-emotional isolation". These people tend to hide away sadness and grief behind a brave face, appear ‘nice’ and avoid open conflict. Some are not even aware of their emotions, and are therefore not only isolated from other people, but also from themselves. If we live our life in emotional isolation, our emotional centers will be under constant stress. If we then add a major conflict which we are not able to resolve, and which we may not even be quite conscious of, then the emotional centers of our brain are in danger of breaking down. We all experience "emotional-

isolation", more or less. We live in a society where we want to interact with other people in a way we have been brought up to regard as considerate. There are limits to what we feel we can say and do. We often even censor what we allow ourselves to think and feel. Having to change these lifestyle facts does not necessarily mean that we need to go out and hit our neighbor or cry in front of our friends. It is a question of how we can change our emotional patterns without creating even greater conflicts for ourselves. It can take time to make even small changes in our habits. The important thing is that we can start healing from the moment we have understanding of our emotional conflicts so we can start acting, even if this action is merely to start talking to somebody—a friend, a partner or a professional. In this way, we break the loneliness of our isolation, and the pressure is taken off the emotional centers in our brain. Cancer patients who choose psychosomatic therapy—whether professionally or with a good friend— are different from most other patients. They are not 'just' being treated by others, but play an active part in resolving how and why the disease occurred. The word 'patient' becomes redundant, and they enter into active co-treatment of themselves. It is not a question of trying to follow some ideal way of living, based on other people's experiences. Each one of us must find our OWN solution—a lifestyle that works for US. We become sick in OUR OWN WAY –and we must HEAL in our own way." ◆

"Self-Healing starts with Self-Awareness" Carole Friesen is an international teacher and speaker with endless flair. She has been teaching students from all walks of life, all nationalities for over 10 years.

WINTER 2010 • 13

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◗ DIET & WEIGHT LOSS ❉ LEARN TO RESHAPE YOUR HEALTH! Customized health programs, to help you with your health issue or health goals, with Holistic Nutritionist Veronica Vargas. 403-263-4809 403-397-2497

◗ NATURAL PAIN RELIEF PRODUCTS ❉ Natural Pain Products – For the treatment of acute and chronic pain – Health Canada approved. 403-279-9766

◗ TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE ❉ Symmetry Wellness Centre - TCM consultation and application to help treat problems such as allergies, bone/ joint injuries,

◗ AROMATHERAPY ❉ SweetScense Aromatherapy – Merge your Mind, Body & Soul with our natural, ecofriendly line of products. 403-279-9766 ◗ ENERGY HEALING ❉ Pathways to Spirit Institute - We are Reiki Master-Teachers, healing practitioners, teacher/guides offering metaphysical classes, meditations and initiations in the ancient spiritual lineage of King Solomon. 403-226-5442 ◗ ANGELS ❉ Transform Your World with Reiki Sessions & Angel Readings, classes, Ortho Bionomy (gentle body work), Bio-Energetic Release, Sound & Crystal healing. 403-828-7395

PSYCHIC/INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT INTENSIVE November 21 thru 27th 2010 Calgary, Alberta WITH NORMA COWIE Psychic Consultant, Teacher, & Author For further information - Phone 250 490 0654 or Email:

Seven Days to totally develop your Psychic/Intuitive Abilities Norma Cowie has a unique method of clearing all psychic channels so after the seven days you can ‘read’ anything!

Change Your Coffee Change your Life Invigorate your imagination and stimulate your tastebuds! ORGANO GOLD is a refreshing new coffee that contains Ganoderma — an ancient Chinese herb that has been used for more than 4,000 years to enhance wellness. ORGANO GOLD has developed a healthy choice coffee over regular coffee that not only tastes great, it makes you feel great!

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For more information contact Rhinda, Independent Distributor 14 • WINTER 2010


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◗ HEALING ARTS ❉ Pathways to Spirit Institute - We are Reiki Master-Teachers, healing practitioners, teacher/guides offering metaphysical classes, meditations and initiations in the ancient spiritual lineage of King Solomon. 403-226-5442

◗ REIKI ❉ Pathways to Spirit Institute - We are Reiki Master-Teachers, healing practitioners, teacher/guides offering metaphysical classes, meditations and initiations in the ancient spiritual lineage of King Solomon. 403-226-5442

◗ RECONNECTIVE HEALING® ❉ Debra Hadley, Reconnective Healing®/The Reconnection®. Specializing in aiding animals and their people. Comprehensive, hands-off, cellular healing for releasing disease and trauma. Distance or in-person. 403-771-6141

◗ BODYTALK ❉ BALANCE YOUR BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT Our bodies know how to heal naturally until an energy block has created disease. BodyTalk is a consciousness-based, non-diagnostic therapy that works with the body in its healing process. Lesley Caul 780-720-4710

❉ Richard Honig - Offering Reconnective Healing/The Reconnection. Encompassing healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, allowing your true potential to unfold. 403-830-2873



◗ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ❉ Enhance your life. Create a healthier more financially secure future. Work from home. No inventory, No selling, No risk. Contact Karen Urusky. www.womenswealt ◗ COUNSELING AND ADDICTION SERVICES ❉ Alberta Counseling and Drug Addiction Services Offering help Mind, Body and Spirit. www.albertacounsellinganddrug 780-997-0450

Empowering Individuals through Advanced Spiritual Training

resource directory VANCOUVER AND AREA

❉ INTUITION-ENHANCED PSYCHOTHERAPY Joseph Eliezer is an intuitive, psychotherapist and author. He practices a unique form of therapy, called Intuition-Enhanced Psychotherapy, which combines Joseph’s highly developed innate intuitive abilities with his counselling and psychotherapy training. 604-739-3010 ◗ HEALING ARTS PRACTITIONERS ❉ Spiritual Healings, Soul Channeled Spiritual Readings, Mentoring Sessions, Shifting underlying self destructive beliefs with brain wave patterning with Nenari “Diamondlady” 778-475-1053


◗ HOME AND BUSINESS ❉ Enhance the beauty of your home or business with Shades of Nature. Contact Lynn today! 250-825-4790


◗ SPAS ❉ Serenity Spa - Relaxation, Renewal & Rejuvenation - Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology, Aqua Chi Footbaths, Infrared Sauna, Healing Touch, Microderm abrasion, Esthetic Services with Eminence products and more... 250-785-0263


◗ NATURAL PAIN RELIEF PRODUCTS ❉ Natural Pain Products – For the treatment of acute and chronic pain – Health Canada approved. CALL NOW! 403-279-9766 ◗ AROMATHERAPY ❉ SweetScense Aromatherapy – Merge your Mind, Body & Soul with our natural, ecofriendly line of products. CALL NOW! www. 403-279-9766

Okanagan and Area

◗ NATURAL PAIN RELIEF PRODUCTS Natural Pain Products – For the treatment of acute and chronic pain – Health Canada approved. CALL NOW! 403-279-9766

Programs & Services: Life Activation Reiki, Energy & Chakra Balancing Crystal Healing Pathway to Initiation Empower Thyself Workshop & Adept Initiation Spiritual Intuition Classes Sanctuary Meditation Classes Sacred Geometry I Sacred Geometry II - Crystal Magick Intenders Circles Visit us at the Body Soul & Spirit Expo in Calgary September 17 to 19, 2010, Booth #37 Devi and Dietmar Dombkowski are healing practitioners and Reiki Master Teachers. They are also certified Teachers and Guides of the Modern Mystery School and offer metaphysical classes, meditations and initiations in the ancient spiritual lineage of King Solomon. Devi is also a priestess in the Goddess Tradition of India and Dietmar follows the path of Shamanic Wisdom.

Pathways to Spirit Institute ▪ Calgary, AB. 403●226●5442

Specializing in jewelry of all kinds: • Rocks • Crystals • Metaphysical • Magickal gifts and many other products. Visit our online store at Contact us at or 403-730-7911 WINTER 2010 • 15

How To Follow Your Compass By Brendon Lumgair


It was 10 years ago that I first felt the Truth. The Professor in my University Philosophy class read aloud from Eckhart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now” and something inside me went PING! After class I ran up to the front and thumbed through the book. It hit me again like an invisible lightning bolt. It resonated with something deep inside of me, it rang True. I had read the great philosophers Kant, Hegel, Plato but nothing prepared me for this. It was like someone held up a mirror in front me and I could see my Self for the first time. Unknown, yet undeniable. This was knowing the Truth in my own direct experience. Beyond concepts, teachings and beliefs. That same feeling has been my compass ever since. A feeling-awareness that I call “Truth-sense”. It has guided me to embrace or reject spiritual teachers, books and other opportunities like buying a house or going

with a business idea. In fact, it is extremely practical. That’s a clue because our life purpose is the ultimate expression of practicality. It is how our unique gifts and talents are shared with the world. We know when we are not in alignment with the Truth inside of ourselves. It feels icky, not-quite-right, like a radio in the background playing the sob song of discontent and dissatisfaction. We use various strategies to drown out this radio by cranking up the volume of drama in our lives. Unfortunately, in my opinion, this has recently manifested as a massive increase in the consumption of antidepressants and sleep pills. So it’s up to you and I to use our own Truth-sense and follow this compass the best we can. We may not know what is over the next hill, but we do know the next most obvious step. Take that step that you know you need to take! ◆

Brendon Lumgair has helped over 25,000 people in their spiritual journey. Learn how to discover your inner compass today with his free video on

resource directory ◗ AROMATHERAPY SweetScense Aromatherapy – Merge your Mind, Body & Soul with our natural, eco-friendly line of products. CALL NOW! www. 403-279-9766


UK: leading biorhythm research organization and Ki Publishing Co-operative. Detailed research on complementary lifestyle, including new International Raw Food Restaurant Guide. ◗ COUNSELING AND ADDICTION SERVICES Alberta Counseling and Drug Addiction Services Offering help Mind, Body and Spirit. www.albertacounsellingand 780-997-0450

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WINTER 2010 • 17

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Inspire Your Children to Change the World


ur lives have become so fast-paced that we don’t take the time to reflect on how fortunate we are. Even simple things like clean drinking water and fresh air become just a “given”. If we could just slow down and look, we would see the beauty and plenty that surround us every day and realize we have so much, while countless others are faced with tragedy and/or forced to struggle for survival. It has become apparent we need to share with others so everyone can feel the fortune. Catherine Ryan Hyde understood that when she started the ”Pay it Forward” moment, encouraging and challenging all of us to perform random acts of kindness. We believe, as Margret Mead did, “one selfless act can change the world”.

We have all been in a situation when we either don’t know what to get someone or the gift received isn’t exactly what we wanted. Sadly, we can’t enjoy the message of the gift because we are wrapped up in the gift itself. Why not have both the person who gives the gift and the recipient share in giving of themselves with one who will truly be thankful. Teaching our children the value behind appreciation, sharing and empathy changes how they see themselves. They develop a sense of pride in helping others and their own self esteem grows. Feeling loved and appreciated, they grow to be better people. Children are the future and we need to show them that not everyone has a cupboard full of food, a warm bed to sleep in, and a closet full of clothes. We have the obligation to teach our children that they can be the change they want to see in their own lives and communities. We believe we can start with one birthday at a time. Forward Sharing Ltd. Okotoks, Alberta 403.938.7440

WINTER 2010 • 19

Voice Activated Hydration Systems By Crystal Babcock


an you imagine what it is like living in an environment that is 100% your own energy & thoughts.... can you imagine what you can accomplish when working in an environment without energetic residue left behind....the possibilities are endless.... At a time when the world is shifting & changing from a place of fear, judgment & retribution into a place of love, compassion & understanding, we individually embark on a journey to become connected to wholeness. Along that journey we explore ourselves and many modalities of healing or opening our self to the joy of being connected. It is in this journey that I discovered this technology..... my life has changed because I did. It is very hard to explain this in a language that is so limiting in comparison to our understanding. The results from the experience are also difficult to verbalize. I AM going to try to make a little sense out of science-The protection tube is a personal unit that can be used to keep our homes clear of any unwanted energies including- thought forms and is used in conjunction with a supplied sound track CD that has been programmed with white noise (ocean waves) & heart beats to create a balance between moments of rest & activityplaying it will clear energies-playing your personal CD (should you choose to have a personal session) in it, will enhance your tansformation/transmutation. Our voice vibrates on a certain frequency & contains our life story within it. Using VAHS technology we record & alter it to a

series of strange sounds, play it back, and allow the sound to entrain brain waves in such a way it creates a coherent field. During a personal session you receive both a CD & imprinted hexagonal water to support your new energy. As we are individualizing these waves to our self and then playing it thru scalar energy (zero point) using a series of coils & frequencies, the energy is cleansed & charged to create a positive atmosphere. This then changes the vibrational frequency in our etheric being, our self, our water, and our body to gently balance & ground us in a way that has not been available for use since Atlantean times. It has returned much sooner than originally anticipated due to the 4th dimensional interference we are experiencing. The effects are its best explanation... For some the effects are instant & for some dramatically life changing- you will know depending on your sensitivity to energy what the personal effects are- the results from the experience are just as difficult to verbalize as the technology itself. Bottom line here is IF you prefer to stay as you are & do NOT want to experience a shift in your energy or consciousnessplease do not experience this-BUT if you have any stress in your world-this will help you release it gently in ways that are not comprehensible...and cannot possibly be explained without the experience. â—†

Crystal is a complex multi-dimensional personality that has lives her life walking to the energy dance that Spirit plays for her. To get to know her better check out her websites www.;; or

To advertise call 1-877-560-6830

20 • WINTER 2010


Chillax this holiday season

s we fast approach the holiday season, ing through the shopping malls, stop and I am reminded of the undo stress we enjoy an egg nog latte, watch the school kids place on ourselves. (Should I buy sing in their choirs. Admire the decorations him/her this gift, need to get the and CHILLAX! house spotless and decorate just Instead of killing yourself worryright) ing if the house is perfect, remember I say to myself each and every year the guests you have during the holi“Not this year, I am not stressing days are coming to see you, not your myself out” home. They have seen it in all stages But I do, I have to stay in budget, of cleanliness, make it clean yes, but I have to have everything just so. do you really need to clean your Why do we do this to ourselves? Brad Simpson home as you never would do any The sad thing is it isn’t just over the Publisher other time of the year? CHILLAX! holidays that we stress ourselves out, Instead of worrying over finding we seem to fit it into our daily routine, just and being able to afford that perfect gift, like brushing our teeth or having our morn- make something from scratch, something ing coffee. from your heart. Homemade gifts will take As a promoter I see it (stress) everywere. care of two burdens, money and pushing Exhibitors worrying about the guy in the through a crowded mall to find that perfect booth next to them. Is he going to show up? gift. What does she do? Will he like me? So now you can CHILLAX! People we need to learn to chill and relax Gifts ideas: – or as I like to call it, CHILLAX! Bake some cookies and put them in decroSit down this holiday season. Snuggle un- tive tins der the covers on the couch, in front of the Knit some toques or scarves for the winter fire with a good book and a warm drink. What better way to say I love you than As you go thorugh the hetic pace of shop- with some beautiful pottery or a painting, ping and preparing for the holidays, take something made from the heart. time to stop and enjoy them. Instead of rushFind some time for yourself, enjoy a night

on the couch curled up with a good book or a favourite TV program and CHILLAX! Trust me CHILLAXING works and it works big time! As for the rest of the year. Do we need to stress over half the stuff we do stress over? I am one to talk, I am guilty all to oftnn of stressing out over trivial things in life. I find we stress out over the silliest things. Let’s take a minute to just kick back have a glass of water or coffee or sit outside in the sun and CHILLAX! Look at the situation and CHILLAX! You will find more often the answer to the situation will appear in a calm and rational manner. So In closing folks, take it easy. Nothing is so wrong and difficult that it can’t be done. Take the time to look at the situation from a different perspective. The answer I guarantee, will appear with out all the stress and drama. Your life will be more joyfull and energetic, and that bounce in your step will return. So please CHILLAX! and enjoy life. ◆ God Bless You All! Brad

Let’s Make A Better Tomorrow

The “Pay It Forward” movement, inspired by a book written by Catherine Ryan Hyde and movie starring Kevin Spacey, Haley Joel Osment, and Helen Hunt, has encouraged people everywhere to carry out random acts of kindness for strangers and in doing so, have experienced the joy of giving. We’d also like you to experience the joy of giving by starting with just one good act. Our mission is to teach all children how to be a generation that inspires compassion, caring and sharing while at the same time protects and preserves our global community and the environment.

We Can Change The World, One Birthday At A Time

With so many gifts are given at birthday parties, can anyone truly appreciate them or the kind thoughts behind them? Unfortunately, many end up in a closet collecting dust, or get broken and thrown away. Teaching children to help others inspires them to feel good about themselves and instils pride and genuine happiness. We can be the change we want to see in our lives and it is our responsibility to make a better world for the next generation. Many of our friends and neighbours here and throughout the world need a helping hand. We are a global community that must work together and our Forward Sharing Birthday Kit provides the means to inspire our children!

Forward Sharing Birthday Kit

Each Forward Sharing Birthday Kit contains 10 copies of “Shelby’s Special Birthday!”, an inspirational colouring book describing the intent of the party, 10 invitations and 10 “Double Dip” reusable bags in which to deliver party invitations and the colouring story book, plus an instructional letter. All materials in the kit can either be reused and/or are made from recycled or post consumer materials wherever possible.

Forward Sharing Ltd.

Contact us at 403.938.7440 or Visit us online at WINTER 2010 • 21

How an animals behaviour reflects yourself and the people around you By Richard Sykes


hose funny Squirrelly Squirrels jumping around and their tails flittering in short circles, searching for where they left there nuts in the ground and sometimes if you watch them closely there are unable to remember where they put them. Have you ever noticed that when they do manage to find a nut or two to eat they scamper up a tree so nobody watches them eat? Do you also notice, that we are just like the squirrels when we are living in the woods we dig in an area of the ground and put the food in the ground then cover it up with some grass, moss and twigs to keep it cool, or a bottle in the cool water lake or river which acts like a refrigerator. That was the old way of doing it and is done today as well when needed for survival in the wilderness. You might be also be interested in the black and grey and red squirrels for they

22 • WINTER 2010

are very territorial as most animals are. But some of the squirrels are more aggressive than others like the black and red squirrels, the grey squirrel is more of a passive animal and will back away when confronted. The lesson the squirrel brings to us is put enough away for a rainy day yet you don’t have to be a miser either. Do not forget to play and love what you

are doing at all times and communicate everyday. There is no need to be territorial orcontrolling for any reason for we need to spread harmony, balance and joy as well as sharing and caring. ◆

Hiy Hiy all my relations, Richard Sykes, Native name Buffalo Heart, Metis nation Pipe Carrier

Shadowdivination & Bonnie Milner

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AstroVolution - Awakening through Astrology by Chandler Armstrong

Although my interest in astrology has been more esoteric in nature, including past-life, spiritual unfoldment, destiny, fate and healing – the vast majority of my clients over the years have sought answers predominately in three areas - Money, Career and Relationships! I’ve decided to focus on these three areas for each sign this issue! I do this with one caution! While Sun Sign astrology can give some basic insights, it does not, and can never provide the depth or accuracy of a personally erected astrology chart based on your birth information! If you have never had your chart done, or if it’s been a while, I highly recommend it. I’ve also started posting this column as well as more astrological insight at ◆

December 1, 2010 to March 1, 2011 ✪ Aries (March 21- April 19) Whether you work for yourself or someone else you may be getting or giving yourself a raise, or finding a promotion or greater recognition in the coming quarter as a reward for striving to do your best and standing a cut above the crowd. Responsibility and obligations in relationships of all kinds – from your spouse, children and even parents may also come into focus during this period. ✪ Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Major responsibilities surface and the need to re-structure and re-organize your daily routine at work or in your career. Depending on decision made a while back either you will find that more responsibility is given to you as well as an opportunity to turn your hard work into an advancement in your career, or you are finding your current employment is restrictive and start looking to move in a different direction. Relationship, either a new friendship or romance may emerge from someone that’s been right in front of you or that you’ve been casually communicating with but never really noticed or took note of before. ✪ Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Relationships and Career have the possibility of coming together in some interesting circumstances. If you’re in relationship advancements may come through your spouse or partner! It is also just as possible that if you’re not in a relationship one may come out of a connection from your work or career. For some the relationship may be romantic and others more professional depending on what is appropriate or may be allowed by you right now! Either way there is a “mutual forward momentum” that has the potential to advance both parts of your life simultaneously. ✪ Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Cancer has a lot of wild cards in the hand they were dealt in the coming months, and at times it might seem like parts of your life are being decided by fate rather than your free will, but much of what is happening is based on a deep inward urge to move beyond your comfort zone and explore what life has to offer you. If you have been holding on to the past your subconscious may manifest circumstances and situations

that may feel uncomfortable but are moving you towards what you desire – change! If you just let go and trust where the adventure is taking you – not only will you avoid a lot of emotional turmoil, but like can truly become an adventure. ✪ Leo (July 23 - August 23) During the next quarter either a relationship takes you on a trip – whether literally or figuratively - travel results in new relationships, friends and partnerships. The possibilities of travel, higher learning and relationships come together to widening your horizons. Travel is not only highly likely, but favorable for Leo during the next period. ✪ Virgo (August 24 - September 22) The next quarter finds many Virgos in a period of discovering what is of true value. This may involve becoming more self reliant and taking responsibility and account of what you have created in your over the last few years and deciding if it is really what you want. Choosing to do this consciously and becoming clear on what it is you want will likely be much less painful than what your subconscious is likely to manifest should you choose to mask you situation through blame or denial. The result on being clear of what you do want and what is important to you leads to a course correction toward what you really want in life. ✪ Libra (September 23-October 22) Libra, this is a time of crucial review of who you are and your place in the world. With several factors bringing changes in relationships (family, friends, business) your very emotional security may bear the brunt of the impact if you choose to take things too personally. Life can almost instantly become an adventure if you accept what is and start moving forward rather than looking for validation from others and holding on to what was. ✪ Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Scorpio finds a sense of newness in their relationships this quarter. New relationships or renewal of old relationships that come into your life right now are part of the emergence from the social cave you’ve been in for the last while! There are several factors that indicate new business and opportunities for money and success, There may be some unexpected changes at work or in business that are really an opportunity if you are about to see it in the mist of the chaos.

✪ Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) Sagittarians may find a financial opportunity or career advancement come through joining a team or group effort during the next quarter, and joining any type of group, social or otherwise can expand your possibilities during this period. A new or existing romance may also blossom as well as take you on a few twist and turns during this same period. ✪ Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) The past quarter has been a time of deep inner changes and transformation in your life, many that may seem beyond your control. The past few months In particular have been a more inner focused period and a time of clearing out old unconscious patterns in preparation for a more outward and phase of life that will begin early in 2011. ✪ Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) Money and financial opportunities can come in form the most unusual places right now! It’s also a time when you need to closely look at any “to good to be true” offerings that may come your way, as well as to make sure you are not being overly optimistic or have any false expectations when it comes to business deals! Likewise potential relationships may either be silver tongued slicksters -romantic or otherwise - with their own agenda, or a true romantics, mystics, poets or soulmates depending on what lesson you’ve decided to learn this time around. ✪ Pisces (February 19 – March 20) This is a time when you may need to realize that you don’t have to do things on your own! Partnership, mutual financial ventures and financial responsibility held with others come into focus as you find that what you are creating needs additional support greater than your personal resources which may be a combination of financial, skills, and experience. As a result you may find yourself both co-operating and depending on others. There is more of a need for recognition in your more personal relationships as well over the next few month – however it’s important not to let your more sensitive perceptions cause doubt – simply be clear and don’t take things that are simply oversights personally. Chandler is co-founder of the Body Soul & Spirit Expo, editor of Body Soul Spirit Magazine, Marketing Director, Publicist and Astrologer. His specialties inlcude Esoteric Aatrology (astrology of the soul), Relationship Analysis, Financial Astrology, and the Astrology of Past Lives. His expertise in astrology has come from the thousands of charts he has done for people from almost every walk of life. WINTER 2010 • 23

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