2 minute read

Reasons & Season Spring Wood Element Survival Guide

Spring energies connect us to the wood element, which is association to the feelings of anger, frustration and positive feelings of patience, kindness and altruism The element of wood relates to a person’s benevolence and gratitude and their capacity to anchor to a good heart, and a positive outlook on life, which allows us to be progressive in nature. This guide will explore all of the depth and dynamic of this wood element, its associated energies, and how you can begin to embrace seasonal living with day to day practices lifestyle medicine.


The “Deep Dive” educational podcasts presented this season will connect you in the science and philosophy of the wood energies and help you along with this guide of practices and presses curated for spring, create a simple and powerful framework for living with the rhyme of this season.

We associate the wood element to its relationship with the liver Yin energies and the gallbladder Yang energies. These two organ systems work together to take care of planning, organizing, and catalyzing our energy forward for growth and development throughout the year.

The liver is such an important organ in the body, it is responsible for the movement of qi, and blood. It stores the blood, works to filter the blood and has a dynamic relationship on how to move the blood while composing all these functions to set the tone of the energetics of the blood which help nourish our movement and direction in our daily lives, and on our life path. It has a big job of detoxifying, and is very sensitive to the energy of stress. Our livers tend to be pushed into excess and are working on overdrive due to our wester

Cultures of stress and the toxicity we are exposed to on a daily basis. It is important in the season of spring we invite in gentle detoxification processes and proper rest to set the tone of the livers health for the year to come. The liver produces bile which helps us to support digestion and synthesizing of the day to day energies we come in contact with. And it is responsible for storing up energy, that becomes the potential for movement and direction in our life.

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