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Item No (View/ Edit)

Observation/ 101080 Other

Item Title (Attach) (URL) The tow bar broken during the A/ C VP-BAX towing(4)(0)




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Safety Incident Product

Chen, S


CAPA Impl Due Date




CAPA Impl Prime Cmpl Resp Date Person

04-07- Chen, 2011 Junrong

Last Resp Status Person Dt

Chen, 04-11J; 2011 Xin, W; He, X

CAPA Finding: During the A/C VP-BAX towing from ramp into hangar bay 3,the tow bar disconnected from aircraft caused by

the lock pin of tow bar broken. CAPA Remedial 1.Inform managment of the event. - Manager (JR) was informed of this incident on 3/11/2011. Action Action: completed.

2. Attached the un-serviceable tag on 767 towbar and transfered to facility department for repair on 14 MAR11. Action completed. CAPA Plan: 1.Briefed with all HM staff the maintenance tips for aircraft towing and towbar installation between A/C and tow

truck,and coordinated with purchase department to require that towbar manufactory should assign engineer to perform the new type towbay training for all HM staff. meanwhile, training record or certification is neccessry for QA approvement. action completed at 22MAR11. 2. Required all HM staff to acknowledge the HM checklist regarding aircraft towing without power in hangar , which mentioned the pressure of brake accumulator as AMM requirement. action completed at 07APR11. CAPA Root Cause: 1.HM mechanics did not perform the towbar training.

2.insufficient training regarding aircraft towing without power in hangar. Last Status Desc: maint tip attachment will not open appears .pdf removed from file name.

Audit Internal


Some 145-2 calibration tools have no calibration labels.(1)(0)

O(2) Non Conformance

Xue, C 03-222011


Olson, Gary

Olson, G


CAPA Finding: PRO-10-M07R3 3.B: Each piece of measuring/test T/E must be attached with an appropriate label indicating

its current status. Users are required to operate per the status identified in the labels. Audit found some calibration tools and equipment have no calibration label. For example: rulers BSAS0301SM656 and BSAS0301SM612 in SM workshop have no calibration label. Engine wash machine BSAS02030043 in bay 3 has no calibration label. Radom moisture meter in composite workshop has no calibration label. CAPA Remedial The engine wash machine BSAS020300043 without OEMÂĄÂŻs Certificate should be stopped using and will be Action: put into use after the result of calibration is in tolerance

Stick to the serviceable label on the radome moisture meter and then put into use. (1 of 7)4/19/2011 3:18:52 PM

CAS GSMS Item List

CAPA Plan: The newly-purchased T/E will be labeled on according to the calibration requirements raised by back shop.

The new-purchased T/E should be kept in the receiving area until it is stick to calibration label All newly-purchased T/E should be received and inspected by tool/equipment receiving personnel. For the tools that are evaluated to be calibrated by tool engineer, tool engineer should notify calibration administrator to stick to the calibration label on them and the receiving & inspection sheet should be filed Calibration administrator should get a report from SAP of all new tooling to check for possible missed items every two weeks. CAPA Root Cause: (1) Those tapes & rulers without calibration labels are newly purchased and received on Mar. 9th, 2011. The

user department of back shop should put forward the calibration requirements of tools to the person who is assigned to take charge of calibration. The person who is assigned to take charge of calibration feedback the calibration requirements to calibration administrator and the tools will be controlled. But calibration administrator has not received any calibration requirement from back shop. During these days the person who is assigned to take charge of calibration is on leave and back shop is busy with production task, so it leads to the result that the user department didn¡¯t put forward the calibration requirements to calibration administrator in time and didn¡¯t keep these tools without calibration labels in the quarantine area. Calibration administrator received ¡°the evaluation report of measuring/test T/E without calibration required¡± of the newly-purchased tools on Mar. 23th, 2011. £¨2£© SAP SYS. Show that the engine wash machine BSAS020300043 was received on May.3rd,2010. But Calibration administrator didn¡¯t known about the calibration requirement of the equipment after it was inspected and put into use. Now there is no receiving & inspection sheet and manufacture¡¯s certificate found except for the operation manual. £¨3£© The radome moisture meter BSAS0305CO01 in composite workshop was shipped to Boeing Shanghai on Nov. 9th,2009. The equipment was found out-of-tolerance during the receiving and returned to manufacture for repair. It was recalibrated after modification on May. 4th 2010 and was put into use without control by calibration administrator. £¨4£© Now all the newly-purchased T/E of the tool rooms including back shop, facility, HM/LM, NDT& training center aren¡¯t assigned appropriate personnel for receiving and inspection. It leads that some calibration T/E without control was entered to tool room and was used for production Last Status Desc: CAPA and root cause updated and attached QACAR2011_01

Audit Internal


The calibration administrator can not monitor the loaned/ leased tools calibration condition.(1) (0)


O(2) Non Conformance

Xue, C 03-222011


Olson, Gary

Olson, G


CAPA Finding: PRO-10-M07R3 4.I.ii: Calibration Administrator is responsible for control of these T/E during the loan/ lease

time period so as to ensure these equipments are under control within Boeing Shanghai facility. Files will not be established; these equipments will not be coded and labeled per Boeing Shanghai procedure. This is to ensure that equipment due for calibration during the loan term, are removed from work sites. Audit found, the calibration administrator can not monitor the loaned/leased tools calibration condition. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: 1. PRO-10-M07R3 4.I.i: To meet the production needs, when measuring/test T/E may be loaned/leased from

outside sources, calibration administrator should be notified about the information of the loaned/leased calibration tool/equipment by supply chain department. Supply chain department should ensure that a calibration sticker/tag should be attached indicating the tool is within its calibration cycle. The latest calibration report is also required for calibration controller evaluation if the supplier is not an ASL approved sub-contractor. The receiving inspector should check the calibration label when receiving. Calibration administrator should evaluate result report timely. 2. Sent email to support chain manager & operation support manager to the requirement that calibration administrator should be advised of an calibration tool loaned/leased before used PRO-10-M07 4.I.i on 18 April 2011. This should ensure that above procedure is followed. (2 of 7)4/19/2011 3:18:52 PM

CAS GSMS Item List

CAPA Root Cause: Now Supply Chain department don¡®t offer calibration administrator the information about the measuring/test

T/E that is loaned/leased from outside sources according to PRO-10-M07R3 4.I.i. Last Status Desc: CAPA and root cause updated, and attached QASCAR_02

Audit Internal


The process 145-2 of SOOT evaluation is not executable.(1) (0)

O(2) Non Conformance

Xue, C 03-222011


Olson, Gary

Olson, G


CAPA Finding: PRO-10-M07R3 4.F.ii.c is out of tolerance calibration tools procedure.

Audit found the process of SOOT evaluation is not executable. For example, the calibration tools used records can not tracked to specified maintenance practice, so the engineering can not evaluate the impact on aircraft. After the evaluation, the follow-up process is not specified. CAPA Remedial Back Shop and NDT Shop could trace the used records of calibration tool/equipment by manual system. Action: CAPA Plan: 1. Back Shop and NDT Shop could trace the used records of calibration tool/equipment by manual system.

2. The PRO-12-M57 has procedure that states job card is traced Refer to the Form PRO-12-M57C by operation support department. 3. Xu Haiqiang, the leader of operation support department will ask IT for help to modify the SAP system to control tooling to task card level. 4. Revise PRO 10-M07 include procedure for QA to return completed PRO 10M07l form for filing. Clarify some other verbiage ie Description or Evaluation, Departmental Title changes. Estimate revision of procedure to be available for approve by April 28, 2011 CAPA Root Cause: Now in main stores the computer program outside of SAP only trace the used records that when and which

plane out-of-tolerance T/E is used for and can¡¯t trace which task of work card it was used for. So are back shop and NDT shop. It leads to the result that engineering department can¡¯t have an evaluation of the impact on the product and QA department can¡¯t take further action according to the evaluation. Last Status Desc: Updated CAPA and root cause, attached QASCAR _03

Audit Internal


Some load 145-2 test tools are not controlled. (1)(0)

O(2) Non Conformance

Xue, C 03-222011


Olson, Gary

Olson, G


CAPA Finding: Audit found some hoist equipments were controlled as calibration tools, but some are not.

For example, BSAS020200139 fishpole hoist and BSAS020200276 MLG R&I equipment were not controlled by calibration. CAPA Remedial Remedial action is that operation support department to ensure that all tools/equipments needing proof test, Action: load test, etc are currently controlled. CAPA Plan: 1. Draft procedure to control the tooling and equipment needing the proof load test or magnetic force

inspection inside of the Tooling Calibration system. Estimate October 2011. 2. Operation support department supplies a 100% complete listing of all tooling and equipment from the SAP system to calibration administrator and tool engineer so that all BSAS items could be traced. Tool engineer categorizes all tooling and equipment in different groups that which needs the proof load test or magnetic force inspection. Estimate June 2011. 3. Calibration administrator picks up a list of tools/equipments needing the proof load test or magnetic force inspection according to the result of categorization. Estimate Budgetary changes and get LT agreement. Estimate October 2011. 4. Remedial action is that operation support department to ensure that all tools/equipments needing proof test, load test, etc are currently controlled. CAPA Root Cause: The MLG R&L Equipment BSAS020200276 has been controlled since it was received. Please check the

certificate of calibration on the web \\\bsdms\Quality\Calibration\calibration certificate report\HM \BSAS020200276. The fish pole hoist BSAS020200139 wasn¡¯t controlled as calibration equipment because it was evaluated as the equipment that isn¡¯t required for calibration during the receiving and inspection. Now, calibration administrator only controls the measuring tool/equipment, not including the equipment that needs the proof load test or magnetic force inspection. The some hoist equipments were controlled as calibration equipments, because they were evaluated as calibration equipments during the receiving and inspection. So Calibration administrator put them into the list of calibration tool/equipment and controlled as schedule. Last Status Desc: CAPA and root cause updated, and attached QASCAR_04 (3 of 7)4/19/2011 3:18:52 PM

CAS GSMS Item List

Observation/ 101090 Other

Inspection 145-2 Taskcards signed without required access gained per Taskcards(3) (0)


Olson, G



Chen, Junrong

Li, E; Chen, J; He, X


CAPA Finding: Taskcards 20-006-02 and 20-003-01 on Aerosvit UR-VVF were signed off without access required per

Taskcard gained. 1. Inspection of flt ctl cables over center wing tank- seat and floor boards not removed. 2. Inspection of flt ctl cables in floorbeam cavity in bulk cargo compartment - ceiling panel not removed. Note: Access for STA 955 modification does gain you access to see cables in the sta 785 -852 area. Nor does ceiling in fwd cargo compartment (fairleads block view). Taskcard has specific instruction that must be followed unless you get written documented alternate means of compliance from authorized authority. CAPA Remedial Removed access panels from STA 785 to STA852 and ceiling panels 161BCX for Job card CONTROL CABLE Action: TURNS - LOWER FUSELAGE, and re-inspected the cable as per the job card 20-003-01 and 20-006-02

requirements and re-signed off the job card 20-003-01 &20-006-02 at 21MAR11.Action completed. CAPA Plan: 1. Coordinate with planning to prepare the STA and access panel picture to attach on board in planning room

before each A/C maint project input.Action completed at 31MAR11. 2. Require PM to enhance the team coordination at the daily meeting. All PM acknowledge and action completed. CAPA Root Cause: 1.Since no reference picture regarding STA and ceiling panel attached on the original job card, mechanic

made a misunderstanding of job card requirement and only remove the access panel from STA852 to STA955. 2.Insufficient coordination between flight team and cabin team for ceiling panel 161BCX removal (Flight team take the responsibility for cable inspection,and cabin team take the responsibility for bulk ceiling panel removal.) Last Status Desc: Add He Xiaofeng as Responsible.

Audit Regulator


The CRS 145-2 sampled in base maintenance did not refer to the latest version of the Operator's work scope. (0)(0)

O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Sun, X Xianghua

CAPA Finding: The Certificate of Release to Service sampled in base maintenance did not refer to the latest version of the

Operator's work scope for the maintenance check so as to demonstrate that all maintenance ordered has been properly carried out by the organisation. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Audit Regulator


MOE Section 145-2 2.16 "Release to Service Procedure" is not adequated.(0) (0)

O(0) Non Conformance (4 of 7)4/19/2011 3:18:52 PM



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAS GSMS Item List

CAPA Finding: MOE Section 2.16 "Release to Service Procedure" does not adequately describe the procedure to be followed

for the release to service of an aircraft from base maintenance. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Audit Regulator


MOE section 145-2 2.20 does not describe the sub-contract control procedure required by AMC145.A. 75(b).(0)(0)

O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAPA Finding: MOE section 2.20 does not describe the sub-contract control procedure required by AMC145.A. 75(b). CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Audit Regulator


Some lower 145-2 order procedures are not approved or controlled via the MOE(0) (0)

O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAPA Finding: The fundamental principles and limitations of all Part 145 compliance are not set out in the MOE procedures.

In several areas lower order procedures, which are not approved or controlled via the MOE, are referred to for compliance purposes, e.g. MOE section 3.4.4 refers directly to a lower order procedure for certifying staff authorisations. All MOE procedures need to be reviewed in this regard. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Audit Regulator


The list of certifying staff is not contained in MOE section 1.6.(0)(0)


O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAPA Finding: The list of certifying staff is not contained in MOE section 1.6, and there is no MOE procedure permitting the

delegation of approval for the list of certifying staff to the organisation. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc: (5 of 7)4/19/2011 3:18:52 PM

CAS GSMS Item List

Audit Regulator


The responsible level three NDT person is not identified in the MOE.(0) (0)


O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAPA Finding: The responsible level three NDT person is not identified in the MOE. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Audit Regulator


MOE Section 145-2 1.9 does not include the NDT methods used in the course of maintenance under the organisation's A1 rating.(0) (0)

O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAPA Finding: MOE Section 1.9 does not include the NDT methods used in the course of maintenance under the

organisation's A1 rating. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Audit Regulator


MOE Section 145-2 3.4 does not clearly identify the privileges of the Category A, B1, B2 and C certifying staff.(0)(0)

O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAPA Finding: MOE Section 3.4 does not clearly identify the privileges of the Category A, B1, B2 and C certifying staff. In

addition the restriction for Cat A staff to only release tasks for which they have performed themselves is not detailed. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc: (6 of 7)4/19/2011 3:18:52 PM

CAS GSMS Item List


Audit Regulator

MOE section 145-2 3.4 does not include Part 145 Appendix IV requirements for the authorisation of certifying staff not qualified to 145.A.30(i) 1 and 2(0)(0)

O(0) Non Conformance



Sun, Qiu, L; Xianghua Sun, X

CAPA Finding: MOE section 3.4 does not include Part 145 Appendix IV requirements for the authorisation of certifying staff

not qualified to 145.A.30(i) 1 and 2. EASA User Guide CAO 00006-001 Section 7 should be used for compliance. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

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