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100775 Audit Special Investigation

Item Title (Attach) (URL) Taskcards completion error rate is trending above set standards (2.0)(5)(0)

Review ID Category


CAPA Plan Status ID by Created Due (History) Person On Date

O(11) Non Conformance

Olson, G




CAPA Impl Due Date

11-30- 032010 31-


CAPA Impl Prime Cmpl Resp Date Person

Last Resp Status Person Dt

Ni, Daniel Ni, D; Chen, J; He, X


CAPA Finding: Based on the Boeing Shanghai Maintenance Issue Matrix the quality of Jobcards properly/timely completed/

stamped has been trending over the treshhold of 2.0. Currently the average severity is 3.2. The current error rate on taskcards on first review is average 30+%, last aircraft far exceeds at near 50%. CAPA Remedial 1. Made correction when mistake were found. Action: CAPA Plan: Set paper work improvement project to follow up the problems.

1. Create a taskcard sign-off procedure to specify the process, responsibility, training time requirement (for 1st aircraft, one week before the aircraft gets in), training courseware, exams, recurring training requirement and emergent training plan. 2. Create a discipline policy for repeated mistakes, (Internal management, recurring training & exam, withdraw of the authorization, etc.) 3. Review the procedure and include the specific requirements on: What kind of material or service tags need to be attched? Which level of reference documents are required to attach? What/How to N/A? 4. Publish the CPM and keep updating it. 5. Check the missing items and record the total numbers of defects according to each team at the first sign-off time. Detail please refer to the project. CAPA Root Cause: Project team is locating the root cause, will find a effective action plan for improvement.

1. Lack of in-time effective communication/training/briefing 2. Working Attitude 3. Poor English 4. QC standard Detail please refer to Paper-work improvment project Last Status Desc: The data for S7 (not attached) also appears accurate.

Appears total errors 40 which would be 4.7% error rate. 100816 Audit Special Investigation

Job Card 145-2 Buy-Off Without Work Being Performed(4) (0)

O(10) Non Conformance (1 of 5)4/18/2011 9:43:29 AM

Ochs, PA


10-13- 032010 22-


Chen, Junrong

Li, E; Chen, J; He, X


CAS GSMS Item List

CAPA Finding: During walk-around on Evergreen RD773 (N488EV)it was discovered that there was no grease applied on the

L/H Body Landing gear as stated in page 4 (pin of the retract actuator) and page 8 (outer cylinder) of the maintenance job card 3127003. Job Card was already bought off and completed in Planning room. Mechanic applied grease after witnessing surveillance being performed. Once grease was applied, it was not properly cleaned around the area for excessive grease. Could not tell if it had been properly cleaned before application of grease CAPA Remedial Perform Inspection and lube as required reference DR request (waiting for a NRC number). This included lube Action: cards 3127001,3,4,and 5. And record all findings.

NRC115 Raised. All grease fittings in job cards 3127001,3127003,3127004,3127005 has been re-inspected and no further findings. Excessive grease has been removed. please see attachment: Re-inspected Grease Fitting. CAPA Plan: 1. Brief to all production staff to understand lubrication is an important job to keep aircraft safe.

2. Assigned 2 HM engineers for 100% buy back all lubrication jobs 3. Evaluate the result after 3 aircraft. (The first 100% buy back was done on Jeju C check, quality is improving) CAPA Root Cause: 1. Some mechanics are lack of awareness of the severity of poor lubrication. Last Status Desc: xiaofeng.he added as responsible to enable him to work MET item for JR in system.

Operator/ Customer Input


Complaints 145-2 after C-Ch VP-BVH(2)(0)

Safety Hazard/Risk Product


Chen, S



Chen, Junrong

Chen, J; He, X


CAPA Finding: The customer complains three failure of defect item which has been fixed in PVG were recurring again after C-

Check. CAPA Remedial 1.Inform managment of the event. -HM Manager (JR) was informed of this enent on 2/24/2011. Action Action: completed

2. Forwarded the investigation report to customer regarding customer concern by project manager Eric on 28FEB11. detail as attachment. Action completed 3. waiting the customer feedback for above issues and action follow based on customer requirement.Action open. CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc: xiaofeng.he added as responsible to enable him to work MET item for JR in system. Added the following

personnel as FYI Gary Olson, Gayle Moore, Xue Chenglong & A. Cerda. Review ID changed to latest revision and Cause Code/s added to Finding No. Field. Operator/ Customer Input


The cancelled of lamp installation need to clarify(2)(0)


General Workflow Activity


Chen, S



Chen, Junrong

Chen, J; He, X


CAPA Finding: Customer concerns why installation of Lamp PN 0312-0700(NRC0060) was cancelled. The detail see

attachment. CAPA Remedial 1.Inform managment of the event. -HM Manager (JR) was informed of this enent on 2/24/2011. Action Action: completed

2. Forwarded the investigation report to customer regarding customer concern by project manager Eric on 28FEB11. detail as attachment. Action completed 3. waiting the customer feedback for above issues and action follow based on customer requirement.Action open. CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc: I could not find link to the "lamp 0312-0700 (NRC060) in the investigation report.

Observation/ 101080 Other

The tow bar 145-2 broken during the A/ C VP-BAX towing(4)(0)

Safety Incident Product (2 of 5)4/18/2011 9:43:29 AM


Chen, S



04-07- Chen, 2011 Junrong

Chen, 04-11J; 2011 Xin, W; He, X

CAS GSMS Item List

CAPA Finding: During the A/C VP-BAX towing from ramp into hangar bay 3,the tow bar disconnected from aircraft caused by

the lock pin of tow bar broken. CAPA Remedial 1.Inform managment of the event. - Manager (JR) was informed of this incident on 3/11/2011. Action completed. Action: 2. Attached the un-serviceable tag on 767 towbar and transfered to facility department for repair on 14 MAR11.

Action completed. CAPA Plan: 1.Briefed with all HM staff the maintenance tips for aircraft towing and towbar installation between A/C and tow

truck,and assigned wensheng xin (employee number 363) as towbar training instructor to take the responsibility for new type towbar training. action completed at 22MAR11. 2. Required all HM staff to acknowledge the HM checklist regarding aircraft towing without power in hangar. action completed at 07APR11. CAPA Root Cause: HM mechanics did not perform the training regarding aircraft towing without power in hangar. Last Status Desc: maint tip attachment will not open appears .pdf removed from file name. 101116 Safety Hazard/Risk

Repeat Item 145-2 Ref: MET # 100949 Non Compliance with PRO-12M22 R4(2)(0)

Non Compliance


Cerda, AR



Chen, Junrong

Chen, J; He, X

CAPA Finding: "We have open Fuel Tanks"

Repeat Item Ref: MET # 100949 - Non Compliance with PRO-12-M22 R4 Page 2 of 12. There were no "warning signs" posted at power receptacle; unable to verify flight deck entrance door to flt. deck was locked. MET item 100949 was closed on 30Mar11 The enclosed attachments are for refrence only and not to used as part of CAPA Plan. This escape was a CAAC item of particular intrest, and very sensitive in nature. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Observation/ 101125 Other

Failure to control rework required because improper fluid added to NLG(2)(0)



Olson, G



Li, Eric

Li, E; 04-03Chen, J 2011

CAPA Finding: During the prep for shoring the NLG was improperly serviced with MIL-H-5606 with lubrication additive. PM and

Team notified that NLG would require draining and reservicing iaw AMM. 3Apr2011 NRC for NLG was shown to me as evidence of actions taken, NRC had no corrective action recorded, and work on nose landing gear was reported complete. I asked PM and Team leader what actions taken, and the described actions did not include complete draining, or draining down to side port of outer cylinder. At this point I informed PM and Team leader that fluid inside inner cylinder was not drained. Findings: 1. Failure to sign off work iaw PRO 10 M02,working progress sign-off 2. Failure to perform required rework to rectify previous error in servicing. CAPA Remedial Drain Nose Landing Gear of fluid and reservice iaw AMM. Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc: The servicing with servicing cart labeled Mil-H-5606 and red fluid leaking from connection point was witnessed.

This person came to me with concerns about the process no paperwork at work site. When they asked for taskcard or paperwork none was provided. (3 of 5)4/18/2011 9:43:29 AM

CAS GSMS Item List

Observation/ 101126 Other

RAT area not made safe(0)(0)


Safety Hazard/Risk Personal/ EHS


Olson, G



Chen, Junrong

Chen, J

CAPA Finding: RAT (Ram Air Turbine) was not made safe per established procedures. Reported to Team 3 leader, and then

Daniel, JR, and Eric in Surveillance report of 2Apr2011, then at 1230 lcl of the 3rd still no safety barrier established. Previous MET item # 100862 had Maintenance Tip established BS_MT_2010-11-7 which states warning sign per Figure 3. CAPA Remedial Make the area of the RAT safe. Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc:

Audit Regulator


RSQCM 2 procedures for assessment of Airworthiness Directives should be developed.(0) (0)

O(1) Non Conformance

Sun, X


02-18- 032011 25-


Sun, Tong, Xianghua F; Qiu, L; Sun, X


CAPA Finding: RSQCM procedures for assessment of Airworthiness Directives should be developed. This assessment should

include training requirements, tooling and recordation requirements. In addition, RSQCM should include a description of procedures to obtain an alternate method of compliance (AMOC) if needed. REF: 14 CFR Part 145.209(c), 145.211(c)(1)(ii) CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: Quality revises RSQCM 4.6 to address FAA requirement. The amended manual will be submitted to FAA for

acceptance on or before Feb-28-2011.Engineering will revise the PRO-12-M55 accordingly to address FAA requirement by Mar-25-2011. CAPA Root Cause: Understanding to 14 CFR Part 145 corresponding requirement was different when the Boeing Shanghai

RSM&QCM was initially developed. An amendment to the RSM&QCM is planned to comply with the requirement. Last Status Desc: RSQCM 4.6 has been revised to address FAA comments.

Safety Incident


Presure gauge missed during Line maintain(1) (0)



Chen, S



Song, Song, Chengzhe C

CAPA Finding: Incident Report:

23 Mar, Around 21:00 at ramp 301, The LM performed pre-flight check on ship N451PA,during PDC,got NLG strut service request form customer's representative due NLG strut low. After discussed with customer's MGR. make a Agreed to cancel the SVC job to make the flight on time. After A/C taxi away, The LM mechanics walked back from A/C side and forgot to take back the guage which was put on the N2 Bottle cart and cause missed. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc: (4 of 5)4/18/2011 9:43:29 AM

CAS GSMS Item List


Missing one 2 walkie talkie in course of line maintenance. (1)(0)


Safety Incident Product

Chen, S



Song, Song, Chengzhe C


CAPA Finding: Incident Report:

LM reported Missing 1 walkie talkie on N1 shift 29Mar 11 after departure the A/C 497, and A/C 409. The concerns mechanics checked the lift truck and Ramp where they even worked area , even the way they driving ( could be falling from truck) but cannot find the walkie talkie. CAPA Remedial Action: CAPA Plan: CAPA Root Cause: Last Status Desc: Upload the incident report.

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