Golf Ferrule Pricing Brochure

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Golf Ferrule Pricing Ferrule are now offered in packs of 12, 100 or 1000. 12pk = $3.95 each 100pk = $17.60 each 1000pk = $107.35 each

FERRULE SPECIFICATIONS Metalwood Ferrules ITEM NUMBER #24 #37K #37 #23W #35 #41W #44 #45 #54 #4 #14 #14G #12 #55

FERRULE LENGTH inches .150” .250” .250” .500” .500” .500” .500” .500” .500” .625” .750” .750” .875” .380”

INSIDE DIAMETER mm Inches mm 3.81 .338” 8.59 6.35 .335” 8.51 6.35 .337” 8.56 12.70 .335” 8.51 12.70 .335” 8.51 12.70 .335” 8.51 12.70 .335” 8.51 12.70 .339” 8.61 12.70 .335” 8.51 15.88 .335” 8.51 19.05 .335” 8.51 19.05 .339” 8.61 22.23 .335” 8.51 Oversized Tip Metalwood Ferrules 12.19 .350” 8.89

BOTTOM OUTSIDE DIAMENTER Inches mm .495” 12.75 .480” 12.31 .480” 12.31 .550” 13.97 .510” 12.95 .528” 13.41 .475” 12.06 .475” 12.06 .478” 12.14 .472” 11.99 .480” 12.19 .480” 12.19 .510” 12.95 .520”


Iron Ferrules ITEM NUMBER #34 #38K #38 #23 #36 #41F #41 #42 #39B #40B #8 #29 #29T #31 #25B #16 #26B #49

FERRULE LENGTH inches .150” .250” .250” .500” .500” .500” .500” .500” .625” .625” .750” .875” .875” .875” 1.000” 1.000” 1.000” .500”

INSIDE DIAMETER mm inches mm 3.81 .374” 9.49 6.35 .370” 9.39 6.35 .372” 9.45 12.70 .370” 9.39 12.70 .370” 9.39 12.70 .368” 9.35 12.70 .370” 9.39 12.70 .375” 9.53 15.88 .370” 9.39 15.88 .375” 9.53 19.05 .370” 9.39 22.23 .370” 9.39 22.23 .365” 9.27 22.23 .370” 9.39 25.40 .370” 9.39 25.40 .370” 9.39 25.40 .375” 9.53 “Insert” or “Step” Iron Ferrule 12.70 .370” 9.39

BOTTOM OUTSIDE DIAMENTER inches mm .535” 13.58 .530” 13.46 .530” 13.46 .550” 13.97 .525” 13.34 .528” 13.41 .528” 13.41 .528” 13.41 .530” 13.46 .530” 13.46 .543” 13.79 .525” 13.34 .525” 13.34 .560” 14.22 .528” 13.41 .575” 14.61 .528” 13.41 .540”


Metalwood Ferrules Item #: 24 Length: .150” or 3.81 mm I.D.: .338” or 8.59mm O.D.: .495” or 12.75mm

Item #: 37K Length: .250” or 6.35mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .480” or 12.31mm

Item #: 37 Length: .250” or 6.35mm I.D.: .337” or 8.56mm O.D.: .480” or 12.31mm

Item #: 55 Length: .380” or 12.19mm I.D.: .350” or 8.89mm O.D.: .520” or 13.20mm

Item #: 23W Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .550” or 13.97mm

Item #: 35 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .510” or 12.95mm

Item #: 41W Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .528” or 13.41mm

Item #: 44 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .475” or 12.06mm

Item #: 45 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .339” or 8.61mm O.D.: .475” or 12.06mm

Item #: 54 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .478” or 12.14mm

Item #: 4 Length: .625” or 15.88mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .472” or 11.99mm

Item #: 14 Length: .750” or 19.05mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .480” or 12.19mm

Item #: 14G Length: .750” or 19.05mm I.D.: .339” or 8.61mm O.D.: .480” or 12.19mm

Item #: 12 Length: .875” or 22.23mm I.D.: .335” or 8.51mm O.D.: .510” or 12.95mm

Item #: 34 Length: .150” or 3.81mm I.D.: .374” or 9.49mm O.D.: .535” or 13.58mm

Item #: 38K Length: .250” or 6.35mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .530” or 13.46mm

Item #: 38 Length: .250” or 6.35mm I.D.: .372” or 9.45mm O.D.: .530” or 13.46mm

Item #: 23 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .550” or 13.97mm

Item #: 36 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .525” or 13.34mm

Item #: 41F Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .368” or 9.35mm O.D.: .528” or 13.41mm

Item #: 41 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .528” or 13.41mm

Item #: 42 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .375” or 9.53mm O.D.: .528” or 13.41mm

Item #: 49 Length: .500” or 12.70mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .540” or 13.72mm

Item #: 39B Length: .625” or 15.88mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .530” or 13.46mm

Item #: 40B Length: .625” or 15.88mm I.D.: .375” or .530mm O.D.: .530” or 13.46mm

Item #: 8 Length: .750” or 19.05mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .543” or 13.79mm

Item #: 29 Length: .875” / 22.23mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .525” or 13.34mm

Item #: 29T Length: .875” / 22.23mm I.D.: .365” or 9.27mm O.D.: .525” or 13.34mm

Item #: 31 Length: .875” / 22.23mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .560” or 14.22mm

Item #: 25B Length: 1.00” or 25.40mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .528” or 13.41mm

Item #: 16 Length: 1.00” or 25.40mm I.D.: .370” or 9.39mm O.D.: .575” or 14.61mm

Item #: 26B Length: 1.00” or 25.40mm I.D.: .375” or 9.53mm O.D.: .528” or 13.41mm

Iron Ferrules

All Bohning ferrules, both metalwoods and irons, have a 20 degree countersink in the bottom inside diameter to help protect graphite shafts.

Golf Ferrule Terms and Policies The Bohning Company, Ltd. 7361 North 7 Mile Road Lake City, Michigan 49651-9379 Telephone: (231) 229-4247 or 800-253-0136 STANDARD TERMS: 2%, 15/Net 30 days from invoice date. All shipments F.O.B. our plant. Please enclose a copy of your invoice with payment. Merchandise will be shipped on open account basis only to firms with established credit. To obtain open account status, submit six (6) current trade references (manufacturers) and the name of your bank, or your Dunn & Bradstreet #. Please allow 10 days to process credit work. By placing an order with The Bohning Company, Ltd., you agree to our terms and conditions only. Any other terms and conditions attached to an order will be considered void. GUARANTEE: All goods are fully guaranteed by The Bohning Company, Ltd., regarding quality of material and workmanship. You must call us within 10 days regarding any claim of defective merchandise before returning it to us.

PRICES: All prices are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to alter or improve any of our products at any time PRICES: All prices are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to alter or improve any of our products at any time

Fax: (231) 229-4615 Website: Email: SHIPPING: The Bohning Company, Ltd., ships all goods via the best routing as determined by us unless otherwise specifically requested. The Bohning Company shall not be held liable for higher shipping charges incurred due to transit strikes, weather related delays or other circumstances beyond our control.

SHORTAGES: Any shortage or discrepancy PAST DUE ACCOUNTS: A service charge of 2% per with any order must be claimed month (24% annually) will be within 10 days of receipt. charged on all past due invoices. A service charge of RETURNS: $25 will be charged on any Returns will not be accepted check returned. without factory authorization. No merchandise will be Return labels will be provided shipped on an open account upon request. Returned basis if there is a past due merchandise will receive a 10% amount unless prior restocking fee unless other arrangements have been arrangements have been made made. in advance. INVOICE PAYMENTS: All invoices payable in U.S. funds and payable at U.S. banks. We accept your payment in U.S. dollars.

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