FRIDAY, February 21, 2025, Maxwell Sales Facility - Viking, Alberta
Welcome to the 30th anniversary sale. On behalf of the Maxwell and Rancier Families we would like to thank you for the interest in our programs and for taking your time to go through the catalog. As we celebrate this milestone, we recognize the dedication and hard work that has brought us to where we are today. It is very gratifying for myself and Kevin to look back over the last thirty years at the number of bulls we have sold and most importantly the relationships we have cultivated with you the buyer. We would like to thank our past buyers with some having purchased bulls at almost all thirty sales and look forward to working with new. I like to believe it is a testament to the continued trust in our programs as we continue to work with many of the same families that supported us back in the early 90’s at the Lloydminster Bull Sale and the Camrose ASA sale. We cherish these enduring partnerships and are eager to forge new ones.
It is also important to acknowledge the next generation of both families, who have stepped up with enthusiasm and a fresh perspective. Their involvement ensures that our legacy will continue to thrive, built on the foundations laid by those who came before them. We can’t thank them enough for lessening the workload, being a part of the decision making, and look forward to their future. The Rancier name is a household name in the beef business across the world. From starting out with a small herd of cows, growing to the numbers they have today, their ability to expand while going above and beyond in quality truly exemplifies this family’s commitment and passion for the industry. The RF prefix will show up in sale catalogs time and time again and is a herd built on great cow families. Just like their cattle they are equally as good of people and have been a pleasure to work with.
This sale will offer you red, black, and fullblood Simmental bulls, both calving ease and performance along with the percentage Sim-Angus cross and purebred Black Angus bulls there are two breeds available that compliment each other so well. We rely heavily on AI and ET to produce cattle that are functional and built for their environment. ET has allowed us genetics from the most superior cows in the breed fast forwarding the quality. We also do not take buying herd sires lightly. We both strive to get the best ones available to walk in our pastures.
The bulls are developed on a high roughage TMR ration and kept in large pens to allow them to get out and move around. The fact that over 85% of our customers are repeat buyers speaks loudly to the feeding programs these bulls are on. Attention to detail in feeding and management is very important to us. Both herds are frequently visited by experienced feed consultants. We guarantee you a bull that is structurally sound and has passed a semen test done by a licensed veterinarian.
We are very grateful of the support we have had over the past years from our customers. It is always exciting to tour new and old customers through the bull pens. One of the great parts of this business is the people we get to meet. Some have become long-time friends; you know that when a 5 minute phone call turns into an hour.
If you need any assistance in selecting your bulls, give any one of us a call, or better yet, stop by our farms before the sale. We are only a few miles apart. We also have a very competent sales staff that know our programs and will confidently handle your purchases. If you are not 100% satisfied, please let us know and it will be looked after immediately.
We invite you to Maxwell Sales Facility, Viking for February 21 and look forward to seeing you sale day.

Rancier and Maxwell Families

Garth, Angela, Kade & Abby Rancier (780) 385-2425
Garth’s Cell: (780) 385-5313 rancierfarms@xplornet.ca www.rancierfarms.com

Glen & Leigh Maxwell: (780) 336-2030
Glen’s Cell: (780) 385-5552
Bryce’s Cell: (639) 998-5053
Kevin & Pru Maxwell: (780) 336-2146
Kevin’s Cell: (780) 385-5625
Reece’s Cell: (780) 385-5394 gnlmaxwell@gmail.com www.maxwellsimmentals.com
30th Anniversary Bull Sale
FRIDAY, February 21, 2025 ● 1:00 PM ● Viking, Alberta
Maxwell Sales Facility

Sale Day Phones
Glen Maxwell cell: .......................................(780) 385-5552
Kevin Maxwell cell: .....................................(780) 385-5625
Garth Rancier cell: (780) 385-5313
Ryan Dorran ...................................................(403) 507-6483
Mark Stock ......................................................(306) 678-4811
Taylor Richards ............... (Bohrson Marketing)(306) 821-4169
Craig Flewelling (403) 556-0515
Bohrson Marketing Services
Scott Bohrson (403) 370-3010
Rob Voice ........................................................(306) 270-6082
Taylor Richards..............................................(306) 821-4169
Darryl Snider (780) 385-5561
Cody Haney....................................................(403) 845-8806
Billy Elmhirst ..................................................(705) 761-0896
Peterosa Exports
Roger Peters...................................................(403) 828-9815
Online Bidding

Mark Shologan (780) 699-5082

NEW location
FROM VIKING: Go 5 miles south on HWY 36 then 3/4 of a mile east on HWY 26 to range road 131. Then south 1 3/4 miles on the east side of the road. (first place on the left)
FROM WAINWRIGHT: Go west on HWY 14 through Kinsella. Turn left on HWY 26 to Camrose for 7 miles to range road 131. Then south 1 3/4 miles on the east side of the road. (first place on the left)
$100 off per lot if picked up sale day. Bulls will be kept free of charge for a reasonable length of time, usually until you need them. In rare cases and for convenience reasons, you may be asked to receive your bull(s) when delivering other bulls to your area. All bulls must be insured if going back to the seller’s farm unless arrangements have been made between the buyer and seller. Insurance will be available on sale day.
Because of the quality and consistency of bulls offered, they will sell in everyone’s budget. It is very likely you will be able to buy all of your bulls here. Those of you who purchase three or more bulls at this sale there will be a 5% discount applied against your total purchase price.
The two breeders guarantee to sell you a bull that is structurally sound and has passed a semen test done by a licensed veterinarian. Both herds are on a very rigid health program.
Every year more and more bulls are purchased sight unseen because of the increasing number of repeat buyers. Contact the seller of the bull(s) of your choice, they will discuss the bulls with you and then forward you on to one of our very knowledgeable sales staff members. Then you, the buyer can get your business done in very confidential and professional manner.
These bulls sell under the standard terms and conditions set forth by the Canadian Simmental Association.
The two breeders reserve the right to collect semen for in herd use only on any bull in our sale. Semen would be collected at the seller’s expense and buyers’ convenience.
Insurance representatives will be present on sale day. We strongly encourage you to insure your bull purchases.
View CATALOGUE Online At: www.cattlepics.com www.bohrson.com
View VIDEOS Online At: www.dlms.ca www.maxwellsimmentals.com www.rancierfarms.com

Garth, Angela, Kade and Abby Rancier
Ph: (780) 385-2425
Cell: (780) 385-5313 rancierfarms@xplornet.ca www.rancierfarms.com
Directions: From Killam, 2 miles west on HWY 13, 4 miles north on RGE RD 141
Watch our website, Facebook, and Youtube pages for updated information and videos.
*All bulls are DNA Parentage Verified

There isn’t much that needs to be said about this genetic package. We don’t just strive to make the dam of every bull as good as we can, we want to have every cow in his pedigree a fault free, easy doing, beautiful uddered, good footed, big bodied cow. This bull is the result of that. RF Intensified 4150 is a solid, homo black, full brother to the $100,000, RF Intensity, that sold to W2 and Canadian Sires and the $70,000 RF Intense that sold to Grass Roots Ranch and Muirhead Cattle Co. last year. A full sister was the winningest show heifer that the kids have ever shown with champion banners at Calgary Stampede’s Western Elite Invitational show, Supreme Female at the Cody Sibbald Legacy Classic, Grand Champion Simmental and Jackpot Champion at Summer Synergy, Grand Champion Purebred Yearling Heifer at the National Classic at the World Simmental Congress as well as many others. Another full sister was the Ultimate Legends All breeds champion at Farmfair International last fall. Needless to say, we can’t say enough about how excited we are about his dam, RF Scream 974G, and how productive she has already been in her short career. There is thirteen sons featured in our bull pen this year. Half interest in 974G sold at the Family Matters sale for $50,000 to Canadian Donors and Rust Mountain View Ranch and full sib embryos to Intensified sold in last years New Years Resolution for $5,000 each. RF Scream 974G, as well as her sons and daughters will play a major role in our program going forward. 4150 is a huge bodied, stout made bull that is hairy and super sound. He has big time performance numbers and EPD’s to match. He’s homo polled and homo black and the kind of bull to build a cow herd around.
RF Scream 3134
Full sister to Lot 1
RF Scream 974G
Dam of Lots 1-3

Confidence and Confident are a stout and soggy pair of exciting hetero black flush brothers. They are sired by the $70,000 Shakedown which makes them 3/4 brothers to the Lot 1 bull and RF Intensity 3142 and RF Intense 3144 that sold in 2024. We can’t say enough about how much confidence we have in their dam, RF Scream 974G and the impact we think she will have on our program. She is an awesome footed power cow that is in a league of her own with a massive rib and hip but is still feminine and has a beautiful udder. A full sister sold at Friday Night Lights for $25,000 and the full, 3/4 and maternal sisters to these two bulls are some of the most exciting young females we’ve put back into our herd. Both bulls have a ton of real performance too. 4130 had the misfortune of losing his recip dam in May when she cast herself and he went to grass with the rest of the bull calf pairs. It set him back from his true potential to weaning but he has definitely performed since. We will say it on all of the 974G sons selling but we truly believe they are the kind that will sire daughters that will leave a lasting influence on your herd and this pair of brothers won’t give up any ground in terms of performance on the sons either.

Capitalist and Capitalism are a pair Caliber sons with big time performance, some chrome and don’t give up ground in phenotype, mass and “look”. Capitalist 4206 was has the highest 365 adj wt in the whole pen and 4203 wasn’t far behind him. They are full brothers to WF Capital that was a many time champion for Wallgren Farms as a bull calf and went on to be the high seller at Friday Night Lights for $240,0000 to Double Bar D Farms. These two brothers are typical of the Caliber progeny with great hair, added performance, length and style. His dam has been a very good producer for Wallgren Farms and is another power cow with a ton of muscle and a great udder. We have two more maternal sisters to her by Caliber that have just calved this year and they are beautiful young cows that look like they are going to follow in her footsteps.
4206 does have a little extra birthweight, as some ET calves can have, and while we do think he’s a cow bull we aren’t worried about it. We sold a bull named RF Magnitude a few years ago with a 118 lb bw and used him ourselves a bit. He has been our go to bull on second calvers because he calves so easy and his sons selling this year have an average bw of 77 lbs. Their EPD’s read true with massive growth numbers both in the top 1% of the breed for ww and yw! Pounds pay more than ever and this pair of Caliber sons will give you real pounds!

RF Sheila 023H Dam of Lot 4&5

Another pair of heavy weaning Caliber ET brothers but this time out of the RF Scream 215Z donor. When we had the opportunity to purchase embryos back out of the 215Z donor that now resides at KT Ranches we jumped at it in hopes of getting some more daughters like our 974G donor. We didn’t get the daughters we wanted but when these two long bodied, stout topped brothers both pushed the scale down at over 1000 lbs and looking as good as they did on Sept 21 we were very happy with our embryo purchase. 215Z is in the pedigrees of many great ones and with 45 progeny registered to date she is the dam of many great sires like BGS/BM Captain Scream, Erixon War Paint and daughters that have become donors in many programs across the country. Docile bulls are tough to picture and we don’t think that 461’s picture is a true representation of him but watch for their videos closer to sale time or better yet, come for a tour and see these brothers and the other Calibers and Screams in our program.

RF Scream 974G Maternal Sister to Lots 6&7
RF Caliber 014G Sire of Lots 6-7

4164 and 4167 are a big topped pair of February born homo black Caliber sons out of the Honey donor. When we went looking for an outcross donor cow to add to our program with some good friends from Australia we found Honey 134G selling in the Springcreek Dispersal and she checked the boxes that we were looking for. She has turned into a big bodied, powerful donor cow with a beautiful udder. Two more Caliber sons that are so typical with their heavy straight hair, big tops, added length and extra performance. Check out the performance numbers on these two and the EPD’s to match being in the top 1% of the breed for WW & YW!

4207 and 4208 are a big hipped pair of brothers that are moderate framed and packed full of muscle. Their dam is one of the most phenotypically beautiful cows we’ve ever raised and has a little different twist to her pedigree. She has the unique combination of a big, wide hip, massive middle, near perfect udder and a refined, long, feminine front end that is so tough to make. Unfortunately we lost 786E, but not before she had some successful flushes that have left a legacy for her. 10 progeny have sold in the past year for an average of $29,450 including 5 full brothers that sold last year that were spread from Alberta to North Dakota to Quebec and are working for JK Bar & Westman, Anthony Fortier, Derek Sutter & Rick Kendall, Shane Stammers and Rust Mountain View Ranch. A highlight full sister sold to Wallgren Farms and Double RN for $80,000 at Friday Night Lights and you will hear more from her in the future.

A younger pair of big topped, homo black maternal brothers out of the Mollydooker 090H donor. She is another Capacity daughter with a beautiful udder and adds a new cow family with the great 34C donor that has been so productive. Her first son is working for Ken and Brenda Martin’s family and a March born Caliber daughter was Reserve Champion Junior heifer calf at Farmfair and sold to Black River for $22,500 at Friday Night Lights. If you come for a tour make sure that you see their other sister by Caliber in the replacement pen too, she is a favourite. Caliber is always an easy, never miss mating on Capacity daughters and it worked again with 4172 posting the highest 205 adj weight of 938 lbs and does it in a hairy, stout and soggy package. The Kaboom son is the natural calf off of the 090H donor and that mating sure clicked too. Kaboom is a full brother to our high seller in 2023, Boomer. Kaboom sold to Riverside Farms, the Tobers, and he stacks generations of great females into his pedigree. His dam 850F is one of our favourite cows and its no wonder when she has 5 generations of donors lining the bottom side of her pedigree. Don’t miss these two because of their age

When the R Plus dispersal catalogue came out, Satin 1389J was a must own female for us. We partnered on her as a high selling bred that day with Canadian donors and Elite Cattle Co in Australia. She has not disappointed dropping a near perfect udder, stands on awesome feet and legs, has a tremendous amount of mass and is still so proud and feminine fronted. It doesn’t hurt that her dam is the great Tula 104Z either. 4352 is just like his dam being moderate framed, big middled and soft sided but still has the Caliber hair and big stout hip and top. He has a unique pedigree packed full of a combination of some of the best maternal cattle in the breed along with some big time performance cattle. Check out his epd’s too. Top 3% for WW, top 2% for YW, top 15% for MCE and still in the top 40% for CE!

The only Structure son in the pen this year but a very unique pedigree with his dam being the legendary 404B donor. Some of the most productive cows that we own are 404B daughters and we have too many grand daughters and great grand daughters to count but that still isn’t enough. When we had the opportunity to purchase a pregnant recip carrying a 404B embryo we jumped at it and hoped for a heifer. 453 wasn’t a heifer but being a full brother to one of the most popular bulls in the breed in recent history, Caliber, isn’t a bad thing to be. Especially when he has so many of the same characteristics as his brother and crossed the scale on Sept 21 at 980 lbs. He’s homo polled and homo black, is a bigger framed power bull and is backed by generations of maternal power.
R Plus Satin 1389J Dam of Lot 14

A long, smooth made, blaze face No Limits son out of one of the favourite cows on the farm. His dam, 956G, was a Jenna/Flirt sale high seller at $110,000 for 2/3 interest to Double Bar D farms and is a massive bodied, beautiful uddered female. 956G gets found on every pasture tour and is one of the most impressive females on the farm. His sire, No Limits, was a $90,000 high seller in 2022 to LA Ranch and Bar M and has quickly sired high sellers across the country himself. We think his daughters will be his legacy as the foot quality on his progeny is outstanding and his first set of milking daughters have dropped impeccable udders. Another bull that you’ll want to keep all of the daughters by and he has the chrome that the buyers like to see on a pen of steers in the fall.

469 is a long bodied, hard muscled bull that is still so smooth made. These are the second set of Magnitude calves and we are excited to get a few bull calves after getting just about all heifer calves the year before. What is even more exciting is the Magnitude daughters that are calving and how beautiful of cows with great udders they are. His dam is the first calf off the high selling RF Certainly Flirtin 956G and has turned into a beautiful cow with a square udder with excellent attachment. 469 has double digit calving ease EPD’s, he’s in the top 1% of the breed for bw and was still 838 lbs on Sept 21.

RF Certainly Flirtin 1115J Dam of Lot 17



Magnitude has found his spot as a go to bull on second calvers because he makes them so smooth made and easy calving. RF Solution 444 is a prime example of that with his 66 lb bw and still pushing down the scale at 890 lbs on Sept 21. He is smooth shouldered, has a deep soft side, has extra presence and look and still has that round muscle shape and thickness. His dam and her two full sisters are tough to fault with their great udders, awesome feet and are moderate framed but extra stout, very productive and very feminine. 1102J’s first calf was one of the very favourite halfblood bulls in last years sale that sold to Woywitka’s at Legal and she just had a Boomer heifer calf this year that looks exciting already. We flushed a full sister to 444’s dam and are excited about what she and her 2 sisters will do. You’ll want to fill your pastures with daughters of 444.

430 is a big volumed, soft middled, deep flanked 3/4 blood Magnitude son that pushed the scales down with a 1005 lb actual Sept 21 weight. His dam is a nice uddered, high capacity, easy doing Ajax daughter. Her first son is working for Leighton Sorenson at Millet. If you’re looking for a smooth made, good haired bull to add some extra rib and softness to a calf crop look up 430.

RF Flirt 162J Full sister to dam of Lot 18
KT Ms El Tigress 347H Dam of Lot 19
RF FLIRT 1102J Dam of Lot 18

RF Hardline 460 has been one of the favourites all year. He has the extra look and is packed full of muscle and shape and some added chrome. His dam is one of the favourite young cows on the farm. She is a great uddered, awesome footed, super docile cow that has hit it out of the park on her first two calves. Her first calf was a $31,000 high seller to Lewis Farms at the Camrose Country Classic Sale as a bred, Hardline is her second calf and she has another bull calf on the ground this year that looks like a little stud already. She has a bit of a unique maternal twist to her pedigree being sired by the outcross sire, RF Maximus, that sold to Labatte Simmentals and Clifford Land & Cattle. He started at just 90 lbs on New Years Eve and crossed the scale on Sept 21 at 1000 lbs!

RF Payweight 492 is a performance bull with extra depth and length and pure pounds. His dam always does an awesome job but the cross with Boomer was a home run. Payweight was the pen heavyweight in the fall when he crossed the scale at 1140 lbs and hasn’t slowed up posting a 1579 lb Adj YW. Not only that but he has generations of great donor cows in both the Simmental and Angus breeds lining his pedigree. Boomer is the result of 5 generations of donor cows in our program. On the bottom side he stems from some of the most productive and well known Rose cows in the Angus breed like Rose 1019 and Rose 918. Bulls like 492 sire calves that weigh more and pay more. His real weights are just like his EPD’s that rank him in the top 1% of the breed for WW & YW.
Rust Miss Rose 7305E Dam of Lot 21
RF Magnitude 1178J Sire of Lots 17-20
Soo Line Rose 1019 Granddam of Lot 21


410 is a big Guardian son with extra depth of body and check out his performance numbers after he started with just a 67 lb bw. We have used Guardian for quite a few years on heifers and he calves well, his calves perform to weaning, feed well, and his daughters have turned into beautiful young cows. 410’s dam is a Caliber daughter and they have been very exciting to put into production and he will certainly be known for his daughters for a long ways into the future. Check out the EPD’s that are above average for 11 out of 13 traits and his real performance that matches it with a 976 lb Sept 21 weight and a 1524 lb Adj 365 day weight.


The lone red bull in our offering this year and he is a long bodied, bigger framed bull with lots of length. His dam is a beautiful Absolute daughter that has two daughters that have sold through the Camrose Country Classic sale to Southpaw Cattle Co and a Caliber daughter to LA Ranch in BC. He will add some size and length to a calf crop.

RF Flirt 739E Granddam of Lot 22
RF Red Divine 9104G Dam of Lot 23
RF Boomer 262K Sire of Lot 23

If you are looking for a calving ease option that won’t sacrifice growth and performance and muscle check out 407. We have used Warrior for 3 years now and he is one of the most consistent heifer bulls we have ever used and still leaves you with something to be proud of in the fall. Add his beautiful Guardian sired dam to the mix and you get double digit calving ease numbers and a set of EPD’s that are way above average in 12 of 13 traits and top 2% for CE & BW and an impressive top 10% for YW and top 15% for WW! When his real numbers match it makes it even more exciting with his 67 lb bw B and September weight of 950 lbs and a 1412 lb 365 adj wt. A little chrome won’t hurt when you sell your calves in the fall either.

Another smooth made Warrior x Guardian combination that provides double digit calving ease, a low birthweight and doesn’t sacrifice growth and performance. As you can see in the picture of both 4131 and his 3/4 brother 407, the Guardian daughters have made beautiful uddered cows with extra femininity and great depth of body. Much like his brother, he has an outstanding set of EPD’s that match his real performance being in the green in 12 of 13 traits!

4140 is a solid halfblood bull that has extra dimension and depth and started at just 86 lbs out of a heifer. We purchased his Everlast dam in the Camrose Country Classic sale from the Johnsons and she has exceeded expectations with her first calf. She is a nice uddered, big bodied young cow. His sire, Knockout has been a calving ease sire for Johnson’s and certainly didn’t disappoint on this son.
RF Flirt 207J Dam of Lot 25

RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075

RF Adrenaline 4134 exemplifies exactly what we try to accomplish with our halfblood program. He is the product of the best we have of both breeds. As an individual he is so exciting with his commanding presence, power and soundness and is so docile. You won’t find a more maternal pedigree than 3134 and his 9 half brothers that follow him in the catalogue. We talked about his dam earlier in the catalogue but she is one of the most impressive donors we have ever had both in terms of phenotype and consistent production. Her sire, Capacity, is one of the most consistent cow makers we’re ever had and you can’t have too many Capacity cows in your herd. Glacier adds to the maternal power in the pedigree with legendary cows like Donna 439, Donna 714 and Blackcap May 4136. The Glacier daughters and sister to 3134 in our replacement pen are exciting to say the least. In terms of performance, 3134 is no slouch either with a Sept weight of 1075 lbs and a 1542 lb adj yw. Truly a bull to build a herd of daughters around that will have a lasting influence.

A group of 9 flush brothers that raise the bar for maternal power and consistency more than any set of flushmates that we’ve ever had. We can write pages about their dam, Scream 974G, and her and her daughters accomplishments but what is even more exciting is how she is a “never miss” cow in terms of production and her daughters are coming into production and look like they will raise the bar even higher. What is even more exciting is the large group of daughters in the replacement pen, including the full sisters to these bulls. Needless to say, 974G is having a big impact on our program and we think her progeny is going to do the same. You don’t need to look at too many pedigrees in the Angus breed to quickly understand how legendary of a cow maker Density has been, and continues to be 21 years after he was born. We believe this is the ultimate combination SimAngus and whether you want them solid black or with some chrome, homo black or an outcross hetero black, there is some serious options. These are bulls you can build a cow herd around.
RF Scream 974G Dam of Lot 27-36


A pair of soggy and smooth, great haired full brothers in blood with some extra performance out of heifers. These bulls were easy to find in the two year old group from a young age and aren’t your typical bulls out of heifers. The Best Answer calves are the real deal being born unassisted out of heifers with low bw’s and explosive growth to weaning and not slowing down after weaning. The dams of these two bulls are full sister flush mates out of the great Famous 409B cow which also makes them maternal sisters to RF Capacity and they are a pair of big bodied very productive young cows that have proven themselves with these two sons. Check out the curve bending performance on these short gestation bulls out of first calf heifers.


409 is another early gestation, low birthweight, Best Answer son with extra depth and length. His dam is the favourite Yuma daughter in the herd and her dam is one of our favourite donors from the Flirt cow family. If you follow 850F’s pedigree back you will find that she is a 5th generation donor in our program. Feet, udders, and big, deep ribbed cows are locked in on this cow family. Check out the curve bending performance numbers on this guy for a bull out of a first calf heifer too!

RF Lineage 4117 is a proud fronted, nice headed, homo polled and black halfblood Bloodline son with loads of maternal power. 4117 will be one of the first sons to sell out of the Bloodline bull that was our high selling percentage bull two years ago to Labatte Simmentals & Oberle Circle 7 for $45,000. Bloodline progeny are all so similar in their deep rib and flank and are an extremely docile group. His dam, 997G, is an outstanding halfblood female with a near perfect udder at 6 years of age and has been an outstanding producer. Last years son, RF Rizzini 394, was our high selling percentage bull to Labatte & Oberle for $50,000. Rizzini’s full sister was Abby’s show cow that earned her a few banners throughout the last

years, most notably, being crowned the Grand Champion Percentage
a calf. If you are looking for a Homo
group of daughters you’ll be proud of without sacrificing performance on his sons, check out Lineage 4117.
RF Flirt 266K Dam of Lot 39
RF Flirt 850F Dam of Lot 39
RF Americana 997G Dam of Lot 40
RF Americana 274K Maternal Sister to Lot 40

RF Pedigree 4113 is a moderate framed, deep ribbed and flanked Bloodline son. His dam is a feminine, level uddered, productive female that has a calving ease son working for Rick Pochipinski at Rosthern, and her second calf was a No Limits daughter that was our donation heifer to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction that was won by Brad Snider in Ontario and raised over $92,000 for the foundation. 053H is also a maternal sister to RF Capacity, who’s legacy will live on for a very long time in the breed as a bonafide cow maker.

Bloodline 431 is a low birthweight, early gestation, deep middled halfblood Bloodline son. His dam is a moderate framed Security daughter and sister to 997G. 431 started with just a 77 lb birthweight and his dam is always short gestation. A maternal sister to 431 sold in December at the Camrose Country Classic sale to Rosegarland, Danny Suddaby at Viking. He’s homo polled and homo black and a smooth made halfblood option with lots of maternal power in his pedigree.
RF Famous 053H Dam of Lot 41
RF Americana 997G
Maternal sister to the dam of Lot 42

489 is a long bodied, pounds heavy, rugged made Bloodline son. His dam is a big bodied, red Yuma daughter who’s first son was a low bw, high performance bull that sold in last years bull sale to Erskine Farming. His maternal grand dam, 614D, has been a very productive cow with 3 sons selling in the bull sale, 2 daughters selling at Friday Night Lights, one more at the Camrose Country Classic Sale and 2 more daughters retained in the herd. We used Bloodline to incorporate a combination of great cows and high performance bulls from both the Simmental and Angus worlds.

4103 is deep bodied, big hipped, high performance bull that is still smooth made. Much like the other Bloodline progeny he is docile and easy going. His beautiful dam is a super productive female with 3 sons selling to ALTA Genetics, Pheasantdale Simmentals, and Derek Sutter. Two daughters have sold at Friday Night Lights and in December a red daughter sold in the Camrose Country Classic Sale to Wilson Stock Farms. Great females line the pedigree of 4103 on the top and bottom for generations.

Another long bodied, great haired, moderate framed halfblood Bloodline son. His dam is an 11 year old cow with an udder like a 3 year old that never changes and is a poster girl for productivity and longevity. Two sons have sold to Klutz & Westman and another to R3. Daughters have sold to Muirhead Cattle Co and Labatte Simmentals through the Camrose Country Classic Sale. Come for a tour we’ll show you his dam and Bloodlines dam and we think you’ll be excited to get a group of daughters and enjoy selling the soggy set of steers.
RF Flirt 614D
Dam of Lot 44 & Granddam of Lot 43


402 is a long bodied, low birthweight, short gestation halfblood Triumph son. His Supercharged sired dam certainly did her job on her first attempt at motherhood and is a big ribbed, great footed young cow. We saw a group of full sisters to Triumph at Colemans in Montana this past summer and couldn’t be any more excited about the maternal power along with real performance these Triumph sons offer.


Another long bodied, smooth made Triumph son with a low birthweight and curve bending performance. His dam is another Supercharged x Flirt combination and they are certainly proving their worth as young cows. The halfblood Triumph sons were popular in last years sale selling to Woywitka Farms and Three Hills Colony and the daughters in the replacement pen are an exciting set to turn into cows. Triumph brings calving ease along with a big maternal impact from all the great cows in his lineage.

A Christmas born Triumph son with extra look and style that started at just 72 lbs and exploded to 940 lbs in September. He has extra length from his Yuma sired dam that goes back to a full sister of the legendary 404B cow that is the dam of Caliber. Really balanced set of EPD’s being in the top 10-25% for CE, BW, WW and YW. His docility ranks in the top 5% of the breed and we can certainly confirm that after trying to get his attention in the picture pen.
Lawsons Chloe C815 Dam of Coleman Triumph

A very attractive and proud, homo polled and homo black Triumph son out of a Caliber first calf heifer. His dam is a beautiful uddered, young, docile cow and she just had a Dateline bull calf this year. Lots of maternal power along with early gestation and low birthweight in this smooth made package with some extra shape for a bull out of a heifer. We can’t tell you how excited we are about the first two crops of Caliber daughters and the job they’re doing on their calves.
The only National halfblood bull but this homo black bull has extra depth and smoothness in a moderate package. His dam is a full sister to the Canadian Sires bull, WJS Traliblazer, and she and another full sister are exciting pair of peas in a pod young cows. They are big ribbed, and have beautiful udders, and are very feminine, attractive females. COLEMAN CHARLO 0256

Coleman Triumph 9145 Sire of Lots 46-49 RF Joys Elegance

RF Minus 64 4114 has been a favourite for his massive rib shape and square hip since he was a baby. He’s pround fronted and sound and pushed the scale down just over the 1000 lb mark in September. His dam is an Angus power cow with a perfect udder and stands on great feet. His pedigree is lined with great cows like Beauty 6R, Rose 918, Donna 439 and 714 and Blackcap May 4136, it doesn’t get much better than that. Last winter we set records at Killam being the third coldest place on earth the middle of January at -47 with a windchill of -64. 4114 does have one short ear after that, but quite honestly I’m amazed more don’t!
RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075

4147 is the natural calf off our 912G donor. He’s an easy doing bull with extra length and started with just a low 75 lb bw like her natural calves always do. Just like his maternal brother, his pedigree is lined with legendary Angus donors like Beauty 6R, Rose 918 twice, Rose 1019, and Madame Pride 0151. 912G has calving ease sons working for Hagers at Provost and Mohlers at Strome.

420 is a smooth made, deep sided son of the calving ease, female making legend, Final Answer. His dam is a massive bodied, beautiful uddered Bloodline daughter out of the 912G donor. The kids showed her at some jackpot shows as a yearling and she gathered up a couple champion banners for them along the way. 420 was born early at just 74 lbs and was still 878 lbs in September.


A big, deep bodied National son with extra length and smoothness. 4134 is a high performance bull that was close to 1000 lbs in September and hasn’t slowed down. His dam is out of the Linz program and has been a big time donor for Canadian donors with a beautiful udder, outcross pedigree and great set of numbers. Even better is her production record in both the Canadian and US herd books. National just adds to the pedigree with the matnerla giant, Renovation on the top side and the huge income, beautiful 1019 on the bottom side.
RF Beauty 239K Dam of Lot 53
Linz Lady Blaster 453-9202 Dam of Lot 54

Another long made, stout topped Glacier son with just an 88 lb bw. Anytime you get a chance to acquire a son out of a Natural Law cow its a good idea to take it. Adding great sires like President and Renown and legendary cows like 4136 twice, Donna 439 and Donna 714 sure doesn’t hurt either. There is performance and muscle combined with a big maternal punch in this one.

This Glacier son is another favourite in the Angus pen. He is so nice on the profile and has so much herd bull presence. He’s easy to love from behind with his bit top and deep quarter. Genetically you can’t find a much better pedigree lined with legendary sires and some of the most prolific cows in recent memory. His dam is part of the Canadian Donors arsenal and is so typical of the Beauty cows. His maternal grand dam, 8187, sold for $80,000 for half interest and a heifer calf of hers sold for $50,000 this past fall at the Brooking Female sale. There is big time power in the blood on this herd sire candidate.
Coleman Glacier 041 Sire of Lots 55&56
Brooking Beauty 8187 Granddam of Lot 56

Investment 4301 is a big middled, low bw ET son of Investment. He provides a very unique opportunity to get a son of the famed Bar EL Bride 28C that sold as 7 year old cow for $100,000 to Brooking Angus, Coleman Angus and Canadian Donors. The next year a flush in her sold for $75,000 and she is nothing short of impressive in terms of phenotype and production. Merit Investment was an $85,000 high seller and now resides at Duralta and Murray Ranches and has quickly become a predominant sire in the Angus breed with progeny topping sales everywhere. As impressive as he has been working, his dam might be even more exciting. The maternal power 4301 brings to the table is second to none.

Firebrand 4157 is a big ribbed, stout hipped, docile Firebrand son. His dam is another big time Natural Law daughter with a beautiful udder and is massive in her rib shape and so deep ribbed. She was crowned Supreme Champion female at both Farmfair International and Canadian Western Agribition but is even more exciting in production with 65 progeny registered so far and a long list of sons and daughters that are making an impact. Another Angus pedigree with too many great cows stacked in it to list all of them. If you want a bull to lock in the maternal power without sacrificing the sons, check out 3157.
Bar EL Bride 28C Dam of Lot 57
Brooking Countess 7077 Dam of Lot 58

Rancier Farms implements a comprehensive herd health program developed with Lacombe Veterinary Centre. The cows and bulls are all SelectVac GOLD+ verified. The bulls are fully vaccinated with a modified live respiratory and 8way clostridial vaccines and receive an internal/ external parasite control program. A breeding soundness evaluation, including semen testing, is performed on all the bulls.
Skylar Bieleny, DVM”

It is such a pleasure to be working with the Rancier family who are so dedicated to the cattle industry. The Rancier bull pen is a must see; the bulls are always so impressive, and a tour of the cowherd will have you quickly seeing why it is one of the best in Canada.
The bull feeding program is built to maximize forage utilization and gut health; they are developed on grass with their moms on a strict mineral program. All the forages are sampled and analyzed to ensure quality forages are used. Once the calves are weaned, they are slowly moved onto a balanced TMR.
The bulls are challenged with a forage-based TMR to help them develop and express their genetic potential. Matching suitable protein sources with proper starch is key to promoting lean muscle growth. Organic minerals are used to ensure proper immune function and overall health. If you have any questions about the nutrition program, please feel free to reach out. Buy with confidence knowing the bulls have been developed on a balanced nutrition program. Best of luck on sale day!

Tom McNeely Co-Founder

(780) 679-7220

(780) 336-2243

Check our website and Facebook page for updated information.
Find us on Google maps.
DIRECTIONS: 45 miles east of Camrose on HWY 26 crossing HWY 36 to Range Road #130 sign at corner turn south 4 miles then east ¼ mile. We look forward to visitors.

For a Homo polled bull to have this much thickness, maturity at a young age, eye appeal, depth of body and length is really hard to find. He is thick haired and out of a beautiful young cow that came from Ap-plecross. She has an awesome udder and really a high quality individual. This guy combines 2 of our very bust cow families, going back on Advantages bottom side to 424B and 92L who are powerful and produc-tive cows and to 862U on the cow side who was an awesome producer for her entire long life. Don’t miss this guy on sale day as he is a true breeding piece.

BW Sep1 Jan5 365Adj

A pair of Advantage flush brothers that have a little extra length and frame to them. They are both double goggled and powerful and are backed by our great 462B donor cow. 462B has been a really high producing cow, she has left us 4 really nice daughters and her most notable bull would be NUG Rambler 228K that is working at Skywest Simmentals. Expect these polled brothers to add pounds and frame to their offspring and leave a wicked set of daughters.

NUG Miss 462B Dam of Lot 60&61
NUG Rambler 228K Maternal Brother to Lots 60&61

Another really strong polled Advantage son that has that extra length of body and is so smooth made. These Advantage calves are so consistent and nice made, it’s really impressive when there is this big of a sire group that is so strong all the way through. Another bull that goes back to a really good cow family with some of our best walking herd bull throughout his pedigree.

A trio of flush brothers from one of the most productive, phenotypically ideal cows that we’ve ever had the pleasure of owning. 675D is ideal in terms of feet and udder quality, she’s moderate framed, dark red and super quiet. Pair her up with Advantage and you get high performing, long bodied, dark red, sound made bulls in a polled package. 675D produced a high selling heifer calf 2 years ago at FNL going to Robb Farms that happens to be a flush sister to these bulls. Last year we sold the pick of our fullblood heifer calves and Crossroads selected a 675D daughter as their pick. Maternally stacked bulls with tons of per-formance and one of the brothers coming in a homo polled package.

Here is a bull with some added frame and length in a dark red, polled package. He has a moderate birth-weight and pushed the scale down at both weaning and yearling time. This Advantage X Outlook combina-tion has been one of the best crosses that we have made. Pay attention to these Advantage bulls on sale day as they are high quality and consisted as an entire sire group.

A pair of polled Reputation flush brothers with loads of performance and character. Their donor dam is one of the most powerful big bodied and productive cows in the herd. She has put numerous high selling bulls through the sale and always adds power to her calves. A pair of bulls that would sure compliment a set of British type cattle. That’s the exciting thing about these jammy fullblood bulls, they make an awe-some cross in the commercial environment that drives the cattle industry.

A pretty cool goggle eyed, dark red, moderate framed Reputation son that’s out of an awesome young Inscription x Imax cow. A bull that has built in calving ease with bulls like Imax, Legend, and Bravo in his pedigree. 238J’s first calf was a high seller in last year’s bull sale to Mark and Deanna Biggs.

Well here is the bull we call PITBOSS. He really is an exciting individual. He is the first calf from our SBV Emma 911K. It has been said that Emma is one of the best fullblood females that has ever been offered for sale and she sure didn’t disappoint with her first try at production. She has gorgeous udder and absolutely perfect feet. We campaigned PITBOSS this fall at The Immortals show in Stettler and Farmfair where he was crowned Champion Fullblood Bull Calf. An exciting opportunity to get in on a bull that has a ton of future and excitement around him.

SBV Wildcard 500J Sire of Lot 71
SBV Emma 911K Dam of Lot 71
NUG 9L Paternal Brother to Lot 70

This Kaptain Cook calf is really an impressive individual that we are proud to have bred and raised. He’s super stout made from front to back, he’s long bodied and sound made with an awesome set of feet and legs. He has the color that we have come to expect from the Kaptain Cook calves. He is backed by a beautiful uddered young Fusion daughter that goes back to one of our most productive cow families. He was a favorite of visitors alongside his mother all summer and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to change. Be sure to find this guy on sale day.

The best word I can think of to describe 79M would be ‘complete’. He’s as dark and hairy as you can make one, he’s long bodied, stout made and super sound on his feet and legs. He’s out of a dark red, highly pro-ductive cow with a really nice udder that came from our good friends at Tri K. 12G has a heifer retained in the herd and has a daughter that was a high seller in the female sale going to Mark Land and Cattle.

NUG 103K
Maternal Sister to Lot 73


A really stout made, long bodied Kaptain Cook bull with a little extra frame. These Kaptain Cook calves are sure thick made, long bodied and dark red just like their sire. Out of a really good Virginia cow that has a strong udder, good feet and is dark red. She is the dam of our high selling fullblood female in the Camrose Country Classic sale this past fall to Westgold Farms.

Another super dark red, dense made heavy muscled Kaptain Cook bull that’ll be a popular one on sale day. He is sound made, moderate birthweight and out of a nice young Denali cow. This is a new sire group for us and we are sure excited what they can do for our commercial customers. Their sire was selected for his added growth, dark red color and extra hair. It looks like his sons should pass that along to his calves just as he has.

The only Motown calf in the sale this year and he’s a good one. The Motown sired calves have been really well received the last few years and the sisters to those bulls have developed into really nice young cows. He is super dark red, heavy muscled and thick haired with a little extra herd bull character. 116M is out of a beautiful Hilton cow that goes back to 92L. 92L being a really good donor cow for us in the past and being the same cow family that produce the great Advantage bull.

Anchor D Motown 865E Sire of Lot 76
Jayshaw Mr Kaptain Cook
Sire of Lots

A little throwback pedigree here. A direct Legend son that has the built in calving ease of legend and the big power and performance from the cow side. Dark red, thick haired, long bodied with character and style to burn. Tie into this guy with confidence that he will add pounds and calve easy. With calf prices these days it’s sure nice to turn a bull out that you know is going to add some pounds to his calves come weaning time.

Here is the youngest fullblood bull in the offering and happens to be the only polled Battle son. This bull was a favorite of ours all summer alongside his really nice Raptor dam. 149M is a lot of what we look for in a bull, he dark red and hairy, awesome footed and moves so easy. He’s super deep and soggy made while still being thick and rugged. This guy has a really strong, balanced set of EPD’s. His dam, 16G is a beautiful uddered Raptor cow that had our lead off bred heifer 2 sales ago at the Country Classic sale.
NUG 145K
Maternal Sister to Lot 78
Double Bar D Chesapeake Maternal Grandsire of Lot 78

This deep dark red and extremely hairy bull is just a mid-February calf and still stands right in with the big boys. He is soft made and easy doing with the nice herd bull character and the Battle stamp to him. He is out of a direct daughter of Avalanche, as you flip through the book you will notice that a lot of these bulls have Avalanche sired cows in the pedigree, they are really productive. Expect this bull to calve like a dream and still have lots of growth and performance.

A super hairy, goggle eyed, Battle calf that sure does a lot right. He’s long and deep bodied, thick made and has the exceptional foot quality we have come to expect from the Battle sired cattle. His dam, 166E, is a really impressive Avalanche cow that’s super deep bodied and easy doing and also has a nice udder. Her dam, 650S, was one of our very best cows that was in production until she was 13 years without missing a year. Longevity and predictability are built into this guy.

Black Gold Battle 40H Sire of Lots 78-80


102M is a little bit of a different throwback pedigree on the sire side of things. His mother is a nice young IMAX cow that has a nice udder and really good feet that goes back to Blueprint and Hanna 94X. This pedi-gree is big time on the female side of thing. This genetic powerhouse packaged up in a dark red, double goggled, long bodied, and soggy made, easy doing bull.

Here is the lone Sugar Ray calf in the sale. He is a soggy made heavy haired thick made individual that really gets out and moves well. Oh yeah, and he’s polled. His dam is a maternal sibling to our top fullblood donor cow, 675D. 34F is sired by Avalanche, he sired some of the most productive cows in our herd and 34F is no exception. She has had 3 bulls sell through this sale and we have retained her only daughter.


Here at Maxwell Simmentals we pride ourselves on having a comprehensive Herd Health program. The cow herd receives an annual dose of Express FP 5/Somnugen which is a modified live vaccine for IBR, PI3, BRSV, BVD types 1 and 2, and Hemophilus somnus. They also receive an 8 way Clostridial vaccine and Scour bos 9 as a protection against scours. The cows receive a dose of Ivermectin Pour On in the fall and will have follow up in the early winter with either Cylence, Clean Up or Boss.
The bull calves will have had three separate doses of modified live respiratory vaccine: they receive Once PMH intranasal shortly after birth, Pyramid 5 Presponse in May/June and again in the fall at weaning. We also administer Toltrazuril capsules to all of the newborn calves as a protection against Coccidiosis. The bull calves have had two doses of a Clostridial vaccine, once before turn out and once at weaning. They have received a dose of Ivermectin Pour on this fall as well as having access to an oiler with lice control product available at all times.
Sibelle Sugar Ray 25F Sire of Lot 82

Here is a really exciting dark red bull that checks almost every box there is when selecting a herd bull. He is soft made and attractive, he’s long bodied and sound on his feet and legs. He has been an impressive calf that has drawn attention since he was just a month old.
she has an impressive son working for Ribstone Farming. A true herd bull in the making here.

Here is a really deep bodied, sound made, easy moving, blaze faced Rancher son that checks a lot of box-es. He has that herd bull character and is backed by a really nice young Land Mark cow. We sold 212J’s first calf as a feature bred heifer through our female sale this fall. Another chance to stack up some really strong cow families that know how to produce every year.

A moderate framed, dark red, long bodied Rancher son that comes from our ET program. His young donor dam is a super feminine Brooke daughter that can sure produce. These Rancher calves are sure easy to find when you tour the bull pen. They all have that extra eye appeal and performance that we’re all looking for. Whether you’re looking for a bull to add pounds and power to your steer calves or one to improve the heifer pen, this guy can do it.

The biggest framed brother from this successful flush. This guy will add a little frame, has that nice dark red hair coat, is super long bodied and he’s backed by the great Brooke and Sammie cow families. 256J is a flush sister to the NUG Jackpot bull that has some sons in the sale and has left us an incredible set of daughters that are just hitting production. I would expect the sons of 256J to do just the same thing.
Springcreek Brooke 68Z Maternal Granddam of Lots 85&86
NUG Brooke 256J Dame of Lots 85&86

Landman is one of the most intriguing bulls in the sale. He is super dark red and soggy made with that extra style and herd bull character. He has been a personal favorite from a young age and is a bull that we feel will advance any program that chooses to utilize him. He is backed by our 31G donor cow who just seems to get it done year after year. One that is worth a serious look if you’re looking for the next great red herd sire.

It’s always encouraging when you see a set of flush brothers that are all good. 39M is dark red and hairy, he’s sound made and god footed. He is long bodied, deep sided and the Loyalty sired calves give our cus-tomers a little different pedigree to work with.

Here is the biggest framed bull of this flush with a perfect blaze face and that awesome cherry red color. He has had that impressive herd bull character from a young age and continues to impress as he matures. If you are wanting to add a little frame without sacrificing the easy doing soft made type, here’s your bull. Not very often does someone tour our place without noticing 31G for he overall mass and power.

Another really nice Loyalty son here that’s backed by one of the nicest young cows on the farm. He is a smooth made, deep sided, easy moving bull that is the cattlemans kind. Expect the daughters of this guy to be easy doing and big middled with awesome udders. He is out of a beautiful 56U x 417B cow that is 1 of 6 full sisters that we have in the herd. You will notice a really good black Fleetwood bull out of a full sister. A very predictable bull here.

NUG Goldie

Here is a true sale feature. He is super deep bodied, long spined, thick made and extremely low set. He was our heaviest bull at weaning time and certainly hasn’t slowed down since then. He is the natural calf off our 319B donor cow who has been as productive as any cow that has every walked the pastures here. 22M is going to sire those big strong calves that everyone is after and his females will be extremely high quality. We have a ton of confidence in this bull and think he will do great things for his new owner.

Here is a smooth made, dark red, fault free bull that will be easy to find sale day. He is out of a really nice young Matrix daughter that does a lot of things right. Pair that up with the great Landmark bull and you have a female making bull that will still sire those dark red heavy steer calves.

SKORS Katie 319B Dam of Lot 91
Daughter of NUG Landmark 310G

The Landmark sired cattle have been really well accepted the last few years and rightly so. In general they are soft made and easy doing with lots of natural rib shape and thickness. Possibly the greatest part about landmark is his daughters. They have had extremely high udder quality and fertility and have been super productive for a young group of cows. Expect 107M to pass these traits along to his calves. His dam is a really broody, easy doing Brooks daughter that we purchased from Triple R a few years ago.

132M is one of the most interesting and exciting bulls in the sale. He stands on big dark feet, he holds his head with herd bull presence, he’s also long bodied and soft made with ample thickness. We had 4 full sis-ters to this bull a few years ago. 1 of them has her first calf as a highlight in the replacement pen, 1 has her first calf in this bull sale, 1 entered the donor pen immediately after she had her first calf and the fourth one was a high seller at FNL to Duncan Kueber where she entered their embryo transfer program. Here is a bull with as much excitement and predictability around his pedigree as you can get while it still remains outcross.
NUG Brooke 91K Full Sister to Lot 94
BW Sep1 Jan5 365Adj
SVS Brooke 669D
Maternal Grandsire of Lot 93

With Brooke 68Z now deceased, her direct sons will be few and far between. 68Z has produced so many great breeding bulls in her time, most of them were noted for the daughters they sired. I expect 113M to be no different. Being sired by Brooks should only add to the maternal strength. 113M is a thick made su-per attractive, sound bull that ranks in the top 10% for calving ease and top 15% for birthweight. A bull with this pedigree, performance and calving ease is hard to come by.

The lone Red Whiskey calf in the offering this year. If you have been following the bull sale the last number of years then you will know how poplar and productive these Red Whiskey calves have been. 27M is a moderate framed, super hairy, thick made bull that is just the kind that we try to raise. Here is a fault free bull in the flesh and one that has about as predictable of a pedigree as you can make.

MRL Red Whiskey 101B Sire of Lots 96&97

Red Whiskey sired bulls of the years have sure been a staple around here. This guy is super thick made and wide based, he’s dark red and has lots of hair. He has a really impressive set of growth numbers. The pen of red bulls this year is about as strong and deep in quality and consistency as it’s ever been and we think they are worth a drive to see in person.

What a set these Precision sons are this year. This guy is long bodied and smooth made with loads of hair and performance. His dam, 192F, had a really nice dark red heifer in the female sale this fall that went to Tri K. This guy will have lots of admirers on sale day.

A nice mix of calving ease and performance in a dark red, moderate framed package. These Precision bulls have been sale highlights around here for years now. We unfortunately lost Precision after 7 years and without much of a semen bank on him, this might be the last year to get your hands on a Precision son.

Rangeland is a very impressive individual. He is long bodied, deep sided, thick made and about as dark red and hairy as you can make one. He was a real stand out all summer long and was one of our heaviest bulls at weaning. He is out of a really nice uddered Carhartt dam. You will notice that there are 3 really strong Loyalty bulls in the sale that are out of a full sister to Carhartt. It’s sure pleasing when these pedigrees start to stack up.

Here is another dark red, hairy, thick made, deep bodied Precision son that just does everything right. It starts to seem like I’m repeating myself while writing these footnotes on the Precision bulls and that’s be-cause they are all so similar. Another bull that is backed by a really strong cow family with some of the most highly productive bulls scattered throughout his pedigree.

NUG Carhartt
Maternal Grandsire of Lot 100
NUG Fancy 417B
Maternal Grandam to Lot 101

This guy will have lots of people around his pen on sale day. He is long bodied and with added frame and thickness. Being out of a direct daughter of Brooke 68Z and Precision, you can expect the females this bull produces to be excellent. 18H has an impeccable udder and is super easy doing and attractive. The con-sistency of these Precision bulls is something we are very proud of.

Another high performing, thick made, super thick haired precision bull that has that extra maturity and herd bull character. He is sound footed and out of a super impressive, broody, good uddered Westcott cow. He ranks in the top 5% of the breed for weaning weight and top 10% for yearling. Again expect big heavy, hairy steer
and broody, powerful replacement females.

Exactly what we’ve come to expect from the Precision sons. Dark red, hairy, long bodied and heavily mus-cled. 88M is the type of bull that we strive to produce year after year and never go out of style. He stands on big black feet and really pushed the scale down at weaning and yearling time, just like his calves will.

96M is one of the highest performing bulls in the pen with a weaning weight of 960lbs and an adjusted yearling weight of 1646. He is so long bodied and soft made and still so incredibly sound. 68E is a really sound made cow with an awesome udder and is the kind of cow that looks good any time of the year in any environment. Duracell is a bull that is often picked out by visitors and will surely sire those big heavy weaning steer calves and leave you a group of heifers that are second to none.

Here is a true performance bull with all the bells and whistles. He is super long bodied, thick made from end to end and can really get out and move. 1M has that really attractive, long, front third that catches your attention with his nice skull shape and extra crest. He is backed by some of the very best red donor females in all of the breed like Darlin, Sage, and Payton. A bull that you’ll want to keep every female from.

Mader Walk the Line 92J Sire of Lot 106

cow that has a nice udder and excellent feet.

A dark red, moderate framed, thick made bull with a ton of herd bull character. He has about as proven and predictable of a pedigree as you can make. Sired by The Godfather and out of a really nice Beef Mark-er cow that goes back to Authority and Cobra. You start stacking bulls like that up and you know this guy is going to produce and so will his daughters.

83M is a real calving ease option without sacrificing much performance. He is in the top 3 and 5 percent for calving ease and birthweight respectively. When you find a calving ease bull with cows like Brooke 68Z and Rock 14X along with Venom and Yuma you know they have to be good.

A really impressive Top Tier son here with loads of thickness, length and a little added frame. He is super hairy, masculine and stands on a big square foot. As you read through the catalogue you’ll notice we talk a lot about the cows behind these bulls and that’s because we think it’s very important to have good cow families backing these herd bulls. 9M goes back to our 417B donor and the great Sage 506C cow on the bottom side of his pedigree. Calving ease, maternal strength and performance all in one.

Another Top Tier son that is a prospect for the heifer pen without lacking any performance. 15M has a nice balanced set of EPD’s and could be used in a variety of ways. His dam came is a group of flush sisters that we purchased from the Skoretz family and is a fault free, nice uddered powerful 4W daughter. A really in-triguing calving ease bull that has a maternally stacked pedigree.

This guy is a big time calving ease prospect in our eyes. He is a direct son of the calving ease specialist, Top Tier and out of a Yuma x Brooke cow. He sports a perfect blazed face and stands on a nice dark foot. He is thick made and dark red with plenty of hair and presence. You may notice that 75K is a full sister to the 256J donor that has the 4 Rancher sons in the sale. A cool pedigree with big time calving numbers.

8M is a really nice combination of calving ease and performance. He is an attractive, smooth made, deep sided bull with plenty of thickness. He is out of a first calving Walk This Way x Mollydooker female that is really easy to like and happens to be a full sister to NUG Paying Debts who is working at Indian River. She is ideal in terms of her udder and foot quality and is one that looks good without much management. If you’re looking for a highly maternal calving ease bull that has lots of performance, this might be the bull for you.

Here is a pretty neat red bull with an allblack pedigree. Lots of crest and muscle shape along with length and thickness best describes this bull. His dam came to us from Sather Simmentals at Hughenden and this is her second calf through the sale in 2 tries. 126M is a nice made bull out of a productive young cow that would work well on a group of second and third calvers.

Loads of hair, thickness and masculinity in this guy. He is the youngest calf in the sale and stands right in with the bulls that are almost 2 months older than him. Another red bull from two black parents with a lit-tle different pedigree for our long time repeat customers. Expect 164M to calve like a dream and for his calves to grow like crazy.

A super powerful, impressive Fleetwood bull that is out of an awesome young Carhartt cow that unfortunately doesn’t have papers. She has a really good udder and an awesome set of feet and legs. 101M is a very impressive individual that deserves a serious look on sale day as he is the commercial cattlemen’s kind.

A nice blazed face bull here that would work really nice on a young set of Angus cross cows. He is the result of breeding some of our nicest fullblood heifers to red calving ease bulls. 59M is a low birthweight, low set bull and is the cattlemen’s kind. Expect his calves to come easy and get up and grow, exactly what we all strive for.

49M is a really interesting prospect for the heifer pen. He has plenty of frame and length of body so he doesn’t lack in the growth department. Sired by the calving ease specialist Epic and out of beautifully femi-nine young Landmark x Brooke female. I think everyone is going to hear a lot about these Landmark x Brooke daughters as they get further into production.

A nice moderate framed, dark red, hairy bull here from the great Tycoon bull and out of the great Sage 506C. 92M is as predictable as you can make one and about as proven of a pedigree in the breed. We have a full sister to this guy in the replacement pen and she is a really special one. A bull that is a lot better in person than in his picture and is one you will want to find on sale day.

Here is a pair of flush brothers from the legendary Sage 506C cow. When we purchased these embryos we were kind of hoping for a couple of heifers, our loss is your gain. These two bulls should sire daughters that high quality and highly sought after. They are dark red, long bodied, thick made and hairy. Check out the EPD profile on this pair, these 2 bulls will calve with ease and the calves will get up and grow like crazy. Time to jump on the opportunity to acquire a direct son of the great Sage cow.

A pair of big time herd bulls in the making here. Heritage is a bull that has been on our radar since the day he was born. He is so stout made and soft middle with an incredible amount of herd bull character and presence to him. A sound made bull that weaned off the cow at 965lbs and his yearling weight adjusts up to 1586lbs. Onyx is a bull that is so deep bodied and big middle with a ton of eye appeal and style. He was impressive at weaning and yearling times also. They have a super fresh yet proven pedigree being direct sons of the great 404B, grandsons of 202Z and sired by Loyalty who has been leaving his mark on the breed. A super exciting breeding piece that we feel have a lot to offer the industry.

A super stout, deep bodied, heavy muscled Fleetwood son that is the ideal combination of calving ease and performance. That really is the strength of the Fleetwood sired cattle, they are truly curve bending cattle that are born with such ease and grow like crazy. Patriot goes back to our great 2X cow that was near per-fect in the flesh and left us some beautiful highly productive daughters including 277J. Big time herd bull opportunity in this bull.

A bull that combines power and maternal greatness in one package. Fleetwood himself is from the awe-some 9495G donor cow. 128M is from a really nice Liner 56U cow that goes back to our 417B donor and the awesome 1Z cow that was a visitor favorite around here for years. 128M has a beautiful hair coat, he’s stout made and stylish and he is super sound out on the move. With an adjusted yearling weight of 1546 and a pedigree full of donor cows, we think this guy is the real deal and has a lot to offer.

Miss R Plus 9495G Paternal Granddam of Lots 125-128
NUG Fancy 417B Maternal Granddam of Lot 126

Super stylish, lots of hair, long bodied and thick made. These Fleetwood bulls are calving ease and perfor-mance in one package and are bred to improve the females in any program. Majestic is a bull that is backed by about as nice of a cow as you will find. 51H is potent in her pedigree and flawless in the pheno-type with awesome feet and a perfect udder. Not only is he nice to look at but she gets it done in produc-tion. We sold a heifer calf from 51H in the Family Matters sale a couple summers ago to the really good people at 7 Lazy T 7.

The youngest black bull in the pen that came with an actual birthweight of 85lbs and weaned off at 825lbs would be a prospect for the heifer pen. He has an attractive small head and is really smooth made while having enough performance to get your attention. He is out of an awesome young terminator cow that has had an incredibly productive track record in her young career. 3 straight bulls calves all through the sale isn’t an easy thing to do around here as we are very selective on the quality of bulls that get to make the sale pen.

NUG Lady May 51H Dam of Lot 127
R Plus Fleetwood 1012J Sire of Lot 128

These two are a result of some embryos that we purchased from the Rancier family. These Shakedown sired cattle are performance cattle with loads of length and style that are built to last. Their dam would be a full sister to RF 404B who is a breed legend. We think the strength of these bulls will be the performance they will add and the females that they will leave. They are flush brothers to The Immortals Champion Simmental heifer calf NUG Flirty 205M who we showed this fall and sold as a high seller at Friday Night Lights.

Here is a big time herd bull in the making with a really stacked pedigree. This bull is thick made, super long bodied with a lot of rib shape and has a lot of herd bull character. He was a pasture favorite all
your watch list if you’re looking for a Homo black power bull that is maternally bred.

Lot 132, 133 & 134 are an awesome trio of flush brothers that are extremely powerful and stout with extra length of body and a ton of hair. They are out of our great ETZ 319B donor that has produced multiple high selling bulls though this sale and left us some incredible daughter. If you are looking to add some power and pay weight to your calf crop, have a look at these three studs. Make sure you go find 319B’s natural calf in the red section sired by Landmark, it just adds to the excitement of these outcross black bulls.
RF Mollydooker 090H Dam of Lot 131


Lot 132, 133 & 134 are an awesome trio of flush brothers that are extremely powerful and stout with extra length of body and a ton of hair. They are out of our great ETZ 319B donor that has produced multiple high selling bulls though this sale and left us some incredible daughter. If you are looking to add some power and pay weight to your calf crop, have a look at these three studs. Make sure you go find 319B’s natural calf in the red section sired by Landmark, it just adds to the excitement of these outcross black bulls.

NUG Brooke 256J Full Sister to Sire of Lots 132-134
SKORS Katie 319B Dam of Lots 132-134

Here’s a pair of super stylish flush brothers that are sired by Rancher and out of a beautiful young Yuma cow. They both have lots of growth and performance while maintaining moderate birth weight and bal-anced EPD profiles. We try to stack cow families as much as we can and we think this is a good example of that. You have Sammie on the sire side and the great Brooke 68z on the bottom. The daughters from these guys will be super productive and fun to watch develop into cows.


A really thick made, square hipped, deep bodied Sage son that has lots of character. Another good black bull with a moderate birthweight, high weaning weight and a super balanced useful set of EPD’s. Over the last few years we have invested some money into these great Sage 506C genetics and we are sure glad we did. We feel she is one of the most potent producing cows in the breed and 41M should pass that along to his calves. A bull you will want to keep every female from.

The lone Captain Morgan bull that is out of a really good Commissioner cow that is often picked out by visitors. Sporting a nice blazed face and being as sound as can be, he is the commercial cattleman’s kind. His dam had our high selling black heifer in the Country Classic sale going to Labatte Simmentals and has had a bull last year going to Laurenceson Farms.

Big framed and stout made and square hipped best describes this impressive Walter bull. He has a lot of herd bull character and like all the Walter calves, he is so incredibly sound. He is backed by a really nice En-ticer cow that produced a full brother a couple years ago going to Derek Sutter. He has a balanced set of EPD’s with a moderate birthweight, high weaning weight and an impressive yearling weight. Expect 29M to be an improver of foot and udder quality while adding performance and pounds.

WFL Red Sage 506C Dam of Lot 137
MRL Walter 47H Sire to Lots 139&140

A super attractive Walter ¾ blood bull that sports a really impressive set of EPD’s with the actual numbers to back it. He’s long, thick, deep and sound just like all these Walters. Low birthweight, high weaning weight and backed by a beautiful Bank Note cow that has been an awesome cow for us. If you are looking for a bull to keep every daughter from, this would be your guy. The Walter females are awesome in terms of body shape and mass and udder quality and 1703 just adds to that.

The homo black option of the 1703 calves in the sale. This Caliber bull is a stout made bugger with a lot of length, style and character. He is big footed and sound made bull with generations of awesome donor cows on both sides of his pedigree. Another bull that you’ll want to keep all the daughters from as 1703 is an ideal ½ blood cow and the Caliber daughters are sure turning out nice. We sold a full sister to this bull last year at Friday Night Lights to Deeg Simmentals.

NUG Brooke 411L Full Sister to Lot 141


Here is a really low birthweight calving ease prospect that doesn’t give much up to the power bulls. These halfblood bulls are so predictable and really are the best of both worlds. Expect 12M’s calves to be born small and really grow, just like he did. He has moderate bone structure and is smooth through his front end and shoulder. His dam is a really nice young cow with a nice udder and good feet that came from the good people at Horner Cattle Company.


An intriguing calving ease bull here that is long bodied and smooth made with a nice small head and a lot of eye appeal. His dam is a 186F x Captain Morgan cow that has a beautiful udder. Lots of maternal strength in this guy with 4W, Bravo and Donna 714. You know exactly what you’re going to get with these awe-some ½ blood bulls. They will calve easy and the calves are going to perform while leaving an awesome set of daughters.

Coleman Triumph 9145 Sire to Lot 142
Lawsons Chloe C815 Paternal Granddam of Lot 142
Coleman Donna 714 Paternal Grandam Lot 143
Emma Maxwell


Our Angus division this year is small in numbers but boy is it high in quality. 66M has been a pretty impres-sive individual from a young age. He is the kind of bull that can always be found standing with his head proud and looking good. He is a long bodied, solid footed, big ribbed bull with a ton of breed character. His dam was selected out of the Brooking program a few years ago as a high seller that we invested in due to her elite phenotype and her beautiful dam, 6051. 6051 is also the dam of the great breeding bull, Brooking Emerald. Sired by Coleman Glacier. We toured the Coleman Ranch this summer and one of the true high-lights of the herd were the two full sister to Glacier in the donor pen. It’s no wonder this guy is as good as he is with this much maternal greatness stacked into his pedigree.

Brooking Beauty 1036 Dam of Lot 144
Coleman Glacier 041 Sire of Lot 144
Rancier Farms
Killam AB T0B 2L0

Thank you to all our buyers and bidders. We enjoy meeting our new buyers, and a special thanks to our repeat buyers. Thank you for your continued confidence in our programs. We all look forward to seeing you and visiting with you at the sale.
619 Land & Cattle & Lenny Mark
777 Cattle Ltd. and Sky Track Ranch
870 Cattle Company
Andres Stock & Seed and Jason Becker
Anthony Fortier - Ferme Roger Fortier et Fils
Bar 17 Little Valley
Barry Mckenzie - Many Brands Ranch Ltd.
Beagle Simmentals
Brad Mohler - Mohler Farms (1998) Ltd.
Brad Paulgaard
Brandon & Kelli Penman
Bryon Mailer
Bueligen Ranch
Byron Dempsey - Byden Welding Ltd.
Cache Schiller
Clayton Davies
Clifford Land & Cattle
Coal Valley Acres
Czech-Mate Livestock & NA Bar Land & Cattle Ltd.
Dallas Bristow
Danny Suddaby - Rosegarland Cattle Co.
DanVal Stock Farm Ltd.
David Mohr and Blair Anderson
DC Farming
Derek Sutter & Rick Kendall
Double F Farms 2015 Ltd.
Duff Cattle Company
Dylan Laurenceson
Eddleston Farming Inc.
Erskine Farming
Flying TL & Triangle 33 Simmentals
Greyson and Silver Ridge
H Bar M Land & Cattle & Ellwood Farms Ltd.
Horner Cattle
Jason Swainson - S5 Cattle Corp
JK Bar & Westman
Joel & Gill Pochipinski & Forreiter Land & Cattle
JP Dechaine
Kaelberer Simmental Ranch
Karvonen Land & Cattle Inc.
Kevin Mykytuk - Angus Creek Ranch
KJ Larre Ranching Ltd. and Robb Land & Cattle Ltd.
Labatte Simmentals and Oberle Circle 7
Lake Bend Land & Cattle
Laurenceson Farms Ltd.
LC Ranch
Lee Crawford
Leedale Farming
Len Chrapko
Leonard Babcock
Lewis Farms
Mark & Deanna Biggs
Mayfield Ranching
Mike & Deanne Paterson
Mike Fahey - Bar Two Three Ranch
Muirhead & Grass Roots Ranch
Norway Valley Farms
Oasis Ranching
Paul Murray Farms Ltd.
Portage Creek Simmentals
Prairie Skye Farms
PV Farming Co
Rafter 17
Randy Gielser
Randy Hillman - South Ridge Ranch Ltd.
Ribstone Colony
Riverside Farms
Robert Ellingson
Rocking Heart Range
Ron Symes
Rust Mountain View Ranch
Ryan Patterson - Wild Ry Environmental
S Lazy A Ranching
Seven L Ranch Ltd. - Lane Lorenson
Shane Stammers
Sjogren Farms Inc.
Skurdalen Farms Ltd.
Small Ranch
Starland Colony
Steffraa Farms Ltd.
Sunny Slope Simmentals
T8 Ranch Ltd.
Three Hills Colony
Travis Bell
Tri Star Cattle Co.
Two Mile Simmentals
W2 Land & Cattle and Canadian Sires
Wayne Trenerry
Willow Creek Ranch
Wilson Colony
Wood Hall Farms and BVC Farms
Woywitka Farms
Zevola Farms Ltd.
FRIDAY • FEBRUARY 21 2025 • 1:00