Welcome to our 8th annual Red and Black Angus Bull Sale! We really appreciate the time taken by you to view our catalogue and even come and look over the offering we have for this years sale. We encourage you to come view the bulls before the sale!
This offering represents a concerted effort to continue a high standard in replicating the traits that we feel our customers demand. Those traits include among others structurally correct feet and legs, scrotals, hair, skull shape, and performance.
We have also grouped the bulls according to calving ease with our 3-star system to help producers in their selection.
Our sire groups continue to be made up of feature bulls that have come out of our own herd and from leading producers herds. Sires that have high producing dams who have proven themselves time and time again. No sale bulls have had their feet trimmed, as well, no herd sire or dam has had their feet trimmed! We go to great lengths to select on this trait!
Our heifer selection, again this year, is from our sire groups with a top representation from our replacements. Many heifers in the past have done great things for their new owners.
Feel free to contact any of us by phone or text or get ahold of one of our very capable sales consultants who we highly recommend!
Hope to see you on or before March 19th!
Brent & Lorri,
Parker & Ali, Bryton & Santaya, Jared & Carolyn, Brad & Taylor
Tuesday March 18
Come view the bulls and enjoy refreshments!
Wednesday March 19
View bulls all morning 11:30AM - Lunch
Post sale social to follow
Welcome to the 2025 edition of the Allison Farms Bull & Select Female Sale! In just a short order of time, The Allison program has elevated themselves into a front running spot as a source for elite Red Angus and Angus genetics. Their dedicated and strict breeding practices coupled with their personable people skills have earmarked Allison Farms as a quality and trusted source for elite genetics and the many repeat customers we see each year pile into their sale barn are evident of that. We want to invite you on behalf of the entire Allison clan as well as our BMS staff to their sale on the farm March 19th!
The bulls on offer are truly the cattleman’s kind. Soggy made, hairy, awesome coloured and sound made. The heavy emphasis on foot quality and do-ability around the Allison operation is as noticeable this year as ever before. Clash, Smack, Hush Money, Prototype, Dracarys and Jetstream to name a few are all well represented and have a tonne to offer the industry.
The select group of heifers available are a beautiful set and represent not only the popular sire groups but more importantly, the potency of the cowherd at Allison’s. These are program leading cow families that are from the heart of the replacement pen. Take advantage here of heifers of this quality early in the year to breed how you want.
We can’t endorse the Allison program enough and feel their 2025 Sale Bulls are as exciting as ever. Make plans to join us sale day and take part in one of the best displays of hospitality we see all year. The combination of great people and elite quality make this sale a MUST attend. We hope you can join us but if your busy schedules keep you away from sale day, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us listed from BMS as we would be happy to evaluate and source your next purchases for you.
Best regards,
The Bohrson Marketing Team
SIGHT UNSEEN: We certainly welcome you to attend our sale but if you are unable to attend or bid online then you can consider our sight unseen purchase program. Let one of the contacts know what type of bull you are looking for and we will fully guarantee satisfaction. Each order will be considered and handled with the utmost integrity.
DELIVERY: Free delivery to Alberta, Saskatchewan and central points in Manitoba and BC. USA sold bulls will have the necessary health papers and delivered to the border
BREEDER GUARANTEE: Allison Farms guarantees our bulls to be sound, fertile, and reproductive in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Canadian Angus Association for the first breeding season Claims must be made by September 1st of year of purchase. If your bull experiences a problem, please contact us immediatly and we will provide a suitable replacement if available or a sale credit. This guarantee does not cover death, injury, mismanagement, or the bull unable to freeze semen. Effort has been made to assure our bulls are sound by ourselves and an accredited Veterinarian.
INSURANCE: Insurance is a must if you are leaving your bull. Reps will be onsite.
IN-HERD SEMEN: Allison Farms reserves the right to draw semen for in herd use at our expense and the buyers convenience on any bull in the sale.
HEALTH: All bulls are on the BovaShield Gold program and treated with Ivamec and Cylence.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cattle will sell under the standard terms & conditions put forward from the breed association. These are available upon request.
ACCIDENTS: Although every precaution will be taken, neither sales management nor Allison Farms assume any responsibility in this matter and disclaims any liability, legal or otherwise in the event of accident or loss of property.
-FROM RED DEER: East on highway 595 until the stop sign, North on highway 21 for 4 miles. East on TWP 384 for 1.25 miles. The sale barn is in the farm yard.
-FROM STETTLER: West on highway 12, turn onto highway 11 for 4 miles. Turn south onto highway 21 over the Red Deer River. Take the first left on RR 224 for 1 mile. Turn west on TWP 384 for 1.75 miles. The sale barn is in the farm yard.
Clash was the high selling powerhouse bull in our 2023 bull sale to Canadian Sires and W Sunrise. Semen was in hot demand for the breeding season and we are blown away by the resulting progeny! Clash’s ability to provide power, muscle shape, bone, and mass without sacrificing moderate birthweights is rare and unique! Clash is noted for his exceptional breeding ability, muscle, bone, testicle development, foot
and performance! Clash’s dam, Red Allison Spring Rose 51G, is the only sister to the $115,000 Red Allison Paradigm 74L and the $56,000 Red Allison Smack 17J bulls who have been high sellers in the past few years!
Red Allison Black Flag 133M is the elite Clash son who has been a standout since birth! Black Flag comes with extra lenghth, shape, and muscle. His attractive dark red appearance is in high demand, as well as his excellent feet. His pedigree is stacked with elite females who have proven in production and udder quality! Black Flag is the maternal brother to a sale feature last year who sold to Cockburn’s for $38,000. Their dam is an exeptional outcross Colossal daughter with an incredible udder and production record. Every calf of hers has sold in our bull sale making her an elite donor cow in the spring of 2024. Black Flag comes with a moderate, reliable, birthweight and accelerated performance! Two Elite cow families combined, The Lottie’s and the Spring Rose’s. The females are feminine, and bulls are masculine.
Red Allison Clash 176M is a dark red performance bull with extra shape and character. His sire, Clash, stamped him just as we hoped for. Extra long and extra thick. The Cresta cow family came from Terron Farms and 78G is a moderate excellent uddered female that does excactly what we expect, raise performance bulls, and feminine females. She is a must see cow and 176M is highly recommended for participation in the great cow herd rebuild!
Red Allison Helix is a dark red, massive ribbed, herdsire with extra bone that we are very excited about. His Maternal sister, Red Allison June 186J landed herself in the donor pen at a young age and she has raised Lot 5 and 22 in this year’s sale. All 3 of these bulls are sale features providing proof of consistency. Helix gets on the move with ease and holds himself like an attractive herdbull should. He is a powerhouse of a bull that is popular among visitors.
Red Allison Smack 17J was our 2022 high selling bull to Terron Farms for $56,000. Sired by Mooney 62G that went to SSS and sired the $95,000 Moon Pie 680K elite bull. Smack has been one of our most prestigious bulls raised here. A true herdbull with thickness, muscle expression, hair, and length. He is backed by arguably the most valuable cow, Spring Rose 74B who has not only raised Smack but the $115,000 Red Allison Paradigm 74L owned by Southview Ranch. Smack has proven himself withh characteristics that are hard to find and we couldnt be more proud to offer a great set of attractive sons!
Pub Crawl is a sale feature bull that we are very proud of and intend to use in our program. His elite dam, Red Allison June 186J entered the donor pen at a young age due to her incredible udder quality, easy fleshing ability, foot structure, and feminine qualities! Drac daughters have been in high demand averaging alomost $20,000 and collecting multiple Grand Champions and Champions at CWA, Lloyd Stockade, Farm Fair over 4 years and June 186J is no excepetion. Pub Crawl is sired by the $56,000 Red Allison Smack owned by the prominent breeders Terron farms. Pub Crawl checks all the boxes for us, explosive rib shape, hair, foot quality, massive muscle shape, excellent skull shape, masculinity, and the matrons behind him to sire a group of bulls.
Unbound and Smack 64M are flush mates with extra rib and maternal strengths. These two hairy, attractive, and excellent footed bulls are sure to sire a pen of elite replacement females. Their dam, Allison Bessie 72E is an outcross female that has been a donor cows for the past few years. She has an incredible udder, excellent feet, and her daughters are exceptional. Breeding leading females together such as 74B and 72E pound the consistency of maternal greatness!
Sentinal and Wager are two ET calves that are loaded with hair and muscle. Their donor dam, Red T-K Countess 95C, is an extremely attractive cow with excellent feet and udder quality. She is the moderate type of female we like. Easy doing all year round and keeps her flesh. The goal with flushing her is to propogate the package she brings to the table and these two masculine and powerful bulls accomplish this. Sired by Smack, these bulls are a complete maternal package.
4ACES 2193Z
A big bodied, hairy, and long masculine bull from one of the most elite females on the farm. Smack 40M is attractive, smooth made and has a great skull shape. A highly ranked ET son from a royal pedigree!
A unique bull with excellent feet and structure. His dam is one to come see. The drac daughters have proved to have excellent udders, leading foot quality, extra hair, and extra pounds at weaning. A highly ranked bull to produce females and steers that weigh up come weaning time.
A moderate Smack son from a donor cow that attracts your attention when you walk in the pen. She has produced many replacement females in our herd including Red Allison Lassie 121G who is a leading donor cow, Red Allison Prototype 150K who sired 11 bulls in this years sale, and 4 full sisters to Blur in the raplacement pen! Highly recommended for producing replacement females.
Red Allison Hush Money 3K is our elite calving ease sire! We have consitently moderated birth weights with excellent growth and performance. The replacement females are developing extremely well! Hush Money was purchased by the one of the most elite breeders, Pieper Red Angus in Nebraska! Hush Money is one of the most valuable bulls in our semen tank and we continue to use him. His foot quality is exceptional, skull shape, and muscle mass is next to none! His dam, 115G is a maternal sister to 74B who has produced bulls such as the $115,000 Paradigm, and the $56,000 Smack. An elite cow family!
Testify is an elite 3 star calving ease bull we intend to introduce into our program! Sired by the elite calving ease bull Hush Money, Testify came out at 68lbs and grew to over 800lbs at 205days! His dam, Aster 111K is dark red, attractive, and has an excellent udder! Testify is deep flanked, soft sided, and has a proud herdbull presence!
Cranking out 69lbs at birthweight and over 700lbs at weaning! Hush Money strikes again as a leading calving ease sire. Grand Prix
a royal
stacked with elite cows and sires. Expect to retain females from Grand Prix and excellent weaning weights.
A calving ease bull with low birth and almost a 700lb 205day weight! He has a negative birth weight epd and backed by the Betdoll cow family known for maternal greatness! Heifer bulls have to be thick with enough muscle and the Hush Money’s understood the assignment.
Irish Goodbye is a Hush Money with a little more birthweight to him. This thick, big middled, hairy bull has a great look to him and from an incredible cow, Padell 125F. The Certified daughters are among the strongest group of females in our herd. They are highly productive, fertile, and easy to look at!
A black hided Hush Money! A low 74lb birthweight this guy will calve easy to heifers but put the weight on! Extra muscle and body mass with an excellent skull shape. He has calving ease written all over him!
One of the most exceptional calving ease bulls we have raised! In 2023, Westphal Red Angus in Montana selected Prototype and we collected on him before he left the country. He has unique herdbull characteristics that make his progeny standout in a bull pen. Proud, thick, smooth, and an excellent small heads. His foot quality is second to none!
A proudly presented calving ease son of Prototype! Enigma is a moderate bull packed with muscle! His dam is the full sister to the dam of Hush Money! Consistency and proof of production makes Enigma a reliable choice for a heifer bull with a bit more birthweight for cold Canadian winters making him a 2 star calving ease bull! The Spring Rose females need no introduction and they get
Nudge is another typical Prototype son! A thick bull with big middle and will fit the deisre for a bit more birthweight on heifers making him a 2 star calving ease bull. He is strong through his spine and into his skull! Excellent feet and hairy! His dam, Carmella 65D is Benny’s favorite cow! She has an incredible udder, foot structure and phenotype.
Prototype stamped this stud! Calving ease and stoutness written all over him. Mutiny is built with extra hair, big ribbed, and muscle expression. Hes been popular among visitors with how correct he moves!
Prototype 205M is a stout stud full of hair and body! He has an excellent set of feet under him and comes from an elite cow family!
A performance Prototype son with thickness and quality. A massive 820lb 205day weight from the famous Kassie cow family! A highly reccommended bull to place high quality females in the replacement pen and big ol’ steers at weaning time!
A long spined, thick, dark red calving ease bull. The Burgess cow family came from the Glesbar Ranch and has had a significant influenece in our herd. Added performance and soundness.
Prototype 195M slams down the scales with a 770lb 205day weight! He is one of the more powerful sons of Prototype. The Padell cow family is productive, powerful, and fertile.
A Prototype son from an EF Colossal dam! This black version is a unique bull with rib, length, and muscle. His dam is a soggy, moderate, hairy cow that has the ability to carry condition all the time!
When we bought Black Wheel Dracarys 86G from Wheelers Stock Farm things changed. A bull that does so many hard things correctly! Moderated birthweights without the sacrifice of perfromance. In fact, weaning weights and yearling weights were increased, skull shape improved, added bone, udder quality, maternal instinct, and coat color. Drac progeny have been in high demand with females averaging around $20,000 over 4 years, and sons and grandsons being high sellers year after year! Its a great honor to have owned such a unique bull that made providing such a high quality product for our customers. Year after year we have feedback that is so postive. Herdbulls that consistently out perform other breeds of cattle in data managed herds! The sons offered this year are no different in type and kind!
Drac 180M is another feature Drac son that has been on our radar all summer. He carries the calving ease and performance just as his sire does. Hes thick, long, and wide based. His exact calving ease rank would place him 2-3 making him a performance heifer bull that can eventually be moved up to cows. This is the type of bulls Drac produces and we couldnt be more proud. Excellent feet and added heel. His dam is a Kassie known for maternal qualities such an her excellent udder and moderate size. Ranks top 2% for weaning and yearling weight!
Dracarys 172M is another Drac son that ranks in the top 2% for weaning and yearling weights! He also comes with a 2-star calving ease making him appropriate for well developed heifers and then moving up to cows. He is packed with muscle expression and character in a dark red package! Drac 86G was used for 2 years breeding heifers.
Kershaw ranks in the top 2% and 1% for the breed respectively. Pushing the scale down with an 800lb 205day weight which is typical of Drac sons! A very resonable birth weight. Kershaw comes with an excellent set of feet, heel, and added hair. Drac sons are known for their small heads and soundness while on the move.
Dune’s dam was selected at the Canadian Red Roundup from W Sunrise. She raised a full brother last year that went to Y coulee for $16,500. This calving ease breeding is no different this year coming in at 71lbs!
Another Drac performance bull. Spy is the type of bull that is loose hided and soggy. The Rina cow family came from the famous T-K female dispersal and has not disapointed! Excellent footed and added heel.
The Lakima cow family came to us from the powerful Glesbar Ranch dispersal. Those cows hold some big time power and performance that are bred for our cold climates. For us, we desire baby calves with thick ears, hair, and extra fat at birth. This is the only black Drac offered in 2025!
Valor was selected at the 2023 SSS Red Angus bull sale as our pick. He has great feet, big rib, and muscle expression in a dark red package! Valor is an incredible breeding bull and we expect that to translate into his progeny. Valor is the newest herdsire on the ranch and we are excited to offer the first set of rippin bulls!
Another dark red Valor son that holds performance and bone. His dam is one of our quietest cows that gets out and does her job. Valor
chest floor, and big hipped!
A dark red bull with muscle and rib! White Hot is a 2 star calving ease bull that ranks high! Great feet and skull shape to go with his weaning performance!
One of the quietest bulls in the sale. Kandahar has an elite dam with an excellent udder, awesome foot quality, and dark red in color.
A deep, dark red bull out of a Carlee female! The Carlee cow family has been very popular and with good reason. They have incredible udders, attractive look, and are productive! Valor 198M is long bodied, wide topped, and deep bodied!
Clandestine and Influence are sale feature flush mates that are powerful and backed by elite genetics. Their dam, 51G has been in the donor pen for a couple years and raised the high selling bull in 2023 Red Allison Clash 13K. Her Maternal brothers hold the top spots in 2022 (Red Allison Smack 17J) and 2024 (Red Allison Paradigm 74L). These are the only 2 Red Allison Elysium sons that we will have to sell this year and will be the last since he is deseased and we no longer have semen. The Elysium sons were hot in demand at Jensens Red Angus and Diamond T! These two bulls are full of muscle, power, and character!
Hoodie is a sale feature bull with extra character and attractivness. He is a performance bull with a moderated birthweigh. His dam is a donor cow and his full sisters are incredible! Hoodie is a big middled, big hipped, and proudly presented bull.
Keener 253M is as thick as they come! A moderate made bull that is massive in body and red meat! Keener was selected as our pick from the 2023 Terron Farms bull sale and we have a large crop of calves from him this year. He was bred to cows and heifers and we are very happy with the results. A moderate bull to produce moderate females but not give up pounds at weaning.
A sale feature calving ease bull! This dark red, big ribbed, soggy bull is a must see! His dam is the 2018 Intermediate heifer Calf Champion at Farm Fair International and remains one of the most eye appealing females! His sire, Allison Refine 78K was selected by the Shiloh crew in 2023 as their pick of our bull sale. Refine has calving ease written all over him, the maternal cows, and an attractive skull shape. We are excited about the future of this stud!
A big time performance 3 star heifer bull! Another sale highlight from Allison Refine, owned by Shiloh Cattle Company! Scoville has an attractive skull, big middled, and big hip on him! Refine is known for his foot quality and calving ease look that he has passed onto this incredible son! These are the type of heifer bulls that we aim to produce, easy calving but grow in an appropriate fashion. A performance Refine bull! One of the few black hided bulls in the sale. His dam is a donor cow that is a must see! Scarlet is a deep broody cow with a great udder structure and unbelievable feet! Longevity has been built into this pedigree. Maternal sister sold in Angus Collection for $18,000
Red Flying K Jetstream was chosen as our pick of the Flying K bulls in 2022. Jet’s calving ease is incredible and the bulls have a great look to them! We have 7 sons on offer that are all 3 star calving ease bulls! Get them heifers bred with sleep easy bulls. Jets are dark red, excellent footed, and small skulled. Our feature Jet’s son sold to SSS last year for $35,000.
Another Jet son out of a donor cow! The Meg cow family is productive, fertile, and carries longevity! Moomba has a negative birth epd making him a 3 star calving ease bull! Jets are dark red with a unique look!
Once again a negative birth EPD making Blue Blood a 3 star calving ease bull! Top 6% for calving ease. This herdbull is quiet and stands on great feet! Slipstream has
with no issues at calving!
A 3 star calving ease bull. Jet 202M sets out at 79lbs with a 744 205day weight! Lots of hair and a moderate bull. His dam has a great udder and she is very productive!
Jet 203M’s dam was purchased from the crew at Shiloh Cattle Company. This is her 3rd bull in our sale! Excellent calving ease and fertility! A 3 star calving ease bull ready to hit a pen of heifers!
A performance 3 star calving ease bull! The only black Jet in the sale. His dam is a Drac daughter known for excellent udders, easy fleshing, calving ease, and performance! Stacked pedigree with consistency in foot quality, fertility, and calving ease.
We don’t often sell Bessie females. They are an important cow family here at the ranch. They have power, longevity, and femininity. Bessie’s sire, Keener was selected as our pick at Terron Farms in 2023 for his maternal strengths, thickness, and moderate build.
A Clash sired female! Padell 200M is a big ribbed, long bodied, hairy female that will have a great future. This breeding is full of power, character, and maternal excellence.
Full brother sold to Jordan Livestock last year for $10,000. Jet females are incredible! The only Jet daughter we showed became Grand Champion Female at the 2024 Canadian Red Round Up! She will have an amazing udder, feet, and be a productive female.
The only Valor daughter in the sale! Valor has done a great job for us this year and his daughters are developing very well. Her dam has an excellent udder, performance, and a long body.
The Spring Rose females have produced many high selling bulls including the $115,000 Paradigm and $36,000 Clash. Females have also been highly demanded when we part with one! Red Allison Spring Rose 194M captures the type of female we like to produce! Not to mention she is a Drac! This is an amazing combination of power and maternal attributes.
A rare opportunity to obtain a Refine female! Refine was purchased by the great people at Shiloh Cattle company and this heifer is a gem! Beauty fronted, great footed, and lots of hair. She is an Aster female which is a highlight cow family at the Ranch.
The bull feeding program is built to maximize forage utilization, gut health and as a result quality sperm production. Nutritional status of a bull, particularly from the previous 60-days can affect the semen quality being ejaculated today. Sperm production is a continuous process and proper nutrition is critical to maintain peak fertility and longevity of bulls. Bull calves are generally developed on grass with their mom’s on a quality mineral program.
Once bull calves are weaned, they are slowly moved onto a balanced TMR. The bulls are challenged with a forage-based TMR to help them develop and express their genetic potential. This is important for consistency of maturation and puberty of bull calves. Sampling and analyzing
forages are important for properly balancing the overall ration. Forage quality and digestibility are important for maximizing ruminal health. Matching suitable protein sources with proper starch with the available forage sources is key to promoting lean muscle growth. The addition of organic minerals are used to ensure proper immune function and overall health of bulls. All of these factors contribute to semen quality and conception within a herd. If you have any questions about the nutrition program, please feel free to reach out. Buy with confidence knowing the bulls have been developed on a balanced nutrition program.
Best of luck on sale day!
South View Ranch
Cockburn Red Angus
Westphal Red Angus
O’Hare Ranching LTD
Richards Land & Livestock
Ryglen Holdings
Kattle Kountry
Joe Dahm
Cody Warren
P&H Ranching
XXX Red Angus
Wingello Cattle Co
Nu Horizon Angus
Hahn Cattle Co
Shellaun Farms
Ian Campbell
Kenray Red Angus
Jackson Cattle Co
Westwick Ranching
Stefan Bossart
Hamloc Farms LTD
Mike Ducherer
Murray Valley Ranching
Y Coulee Land & Cattle
TJ Kubinec Farms
Dave Gibbs
Michel Robin
Brent Hale
Glen Smith
SSS Red Angus
Jordan Livestock
Shane Rowley
Staden Farms
Tom McCrindle
Cornerview Ranch
Anchor 1 Angus
Mike Steen
Lacombe Research Centre
MN Herefords
Byron Lawrence
GNA Cattle
Cam Morris
Robin Pirness
Wilbar Cattle Co
Oberle Circle 7
Half Moon Angus
John Baier
Riverside Angus