Saturday, February 22, 2025 :: 1pm MST
Spruce Grove, Alberta

Kyle Lewis (780) 220-9188
Ken Lewis (780) 818-3829
Lenny Mark (780) 842-7207
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
Saturday, February 22, 2025 :: 1pm MST
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Kyle Lewis (780) 220-9188
Ken Lewis (780) 818-3829
Lenny Mark (780) 842-7207
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
Lucas Williams (519) 938-6064
Dexter Wideman (780) 242-8215
Bohrson Marketing Services
Scott Bohrson (403) 370-3010
Taylor Richards (306) 821-4169
Rob Voice (306) 270-6082
Jaxon Payne (306) 830-0456
Nate Marin (306) 869-7130
Billy Elmhirst (705) 761-0896
Northern Livestock Sales
Jim Pulyk (780) 787-0646
Stettler Auction Market
Gary Rairdan (403) 740-6823
Ryan Dorran (403) 507-6483
Dan Skeels (403) 783-1217
Mark Stock (403) 357-8104
Rod McLeod (403) 540-7986
Nate Marin (306) 869-7130
Taylor Richards (306) 821-4169
CSA President - Jennie Mutch
CSA Vice President - Randy Noble
CSA Fieldperson - Dwayne Martin
CAA President - Ronnie Ford
CAA Vice President - Greg Pugh
Cattle will sell under the standard Terms & Conditions set out by the Canadian Simmental Assocation, Canadian Angus Association and Lewis Farms. These are available on request.
Online bidding will be avalible through DLMS
Mark Shologn (780) 699-5082
Completed and online early February. Videos can be viewed at or
Lewis Farms is located 2 miles south of Spruce Grove on Secondary Highway 628 between Range Roads 271 and 272. The main yard and sale barn is located on the South side of the road. Address - 27115A TWP 524, Spruce Grove, AB.
Best Western Stony Plain (780) 968-1716 Holiday Inn Express Spruce Grove (780) 571-1101
Purchasing bulls is very important for the direction and production of your cow herd. It is a never-ending search for bull power to improve traits. Being hands on in our breeding program and knowing your cow herd, we would be pleased to assist you in identifying bulls suited for you. We have developed a wide genetic base in our bulls from power bulls to heifer pen orientated, calving ease bulls throughout every segment.
Welcome 40 years! We’re excited to show you our offering but were also excited to show you the progress and change over the last 40 years. The cattle, the customers, our help and family. Our goals and visions, I’m sure, are much the same. To keep raising the bar in terms of quality of livestock, raising the bar in customer service, and genetic enhancement. This catalogue has a vast offering of elite genetics and per usual 2 significant age groups. Allowing our customers more choice and options. We really strive to be transparent with these bulls, we are offering as much information as possible.
We’re excited to work with the Mark family for this event. Lenny and Rhonda are leaders in the Fullblood and Fleckview world. They’ve been involved with this sale for 15 years. Lenny purchased Fullblood bulls many years prior to that. They’ve consigned a world class set of bulls again. Performance bulls, and maybe even a larger lineup of low birth bulls.
Don’t hesitate to call anyone regarding questions for this offering. Lewis family or employees will do their best to provide the details. The BMS team, Jimmy, Gary and Mark also have a boot on ground knowledge of the offering. We look forward to this event, helping long time and new customers. It’s a fun and rewarding time to be in the cow business.
Ken & Corrie Lewis
Kyle & Alexis, Dysen, Rylan, Kolter & Haizley Lewis 27115A TWP RD 524 Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3M9
Dexter Wideman
Lucas Williams
Dean Zaft
Javier Lopez Robles
Richard Garden
Tyler Graham
Lucy Salmon
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A number of black bulls have been color tested for color expression if not knowing by parentage. A homozygous black bull will not sire a red calf. A heterozygous black bull could sire a red calf. Full blood bulls marked duluter free have been tested.
With regards to exporting bulls out of the country or for testing for admission to stud, Lewis Farms will arrange for all the tests, but the cost will be borne by the producer.
All bulls to be sold are vaccinated and boostered against; IBR, PI3, BVD (type 1 & 2), BRSV, Histophilus, Mannhaemia, Pasteurella, 8-Way Blackleg. Vaccines given are Vista Once and Vision 8 Somnus. Treatment in the summer (Safeguard) for internal parisites and Saber for fly control. Treatment in the fall with Ivermectin for internal and external parasites.
This comprehension health program allows our bulls to be as healthy as possible and protected against all the common communicable diseases or the core vaccines used in the industry.
Footrot vaccine is given; initial shot January and boostered at semen evaluation time (February). This is indicated on the semen evalution form as footrot vaccine. Please have a close look at the semen evaluation form and any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.
PAGES 110 - 113 Roy Lewis DVM
A minimum of 2 bulls purchased can trigger the volume discount. The Discount will start at 2% beginning at $25,000 and will increase by 1% every $10,000, up to a maximum of 10% on the entire purchase. The discount will only apply to bulls that are paid for in full on Sale Day. Absentee buyers will have 30-day extension for their discounts. Partner bulls do not apply.
Option A: Free delivery will be provided in Western Canada at the convenience of Lewis Farms, Eastern Canada will be cost shared.
Option B: Lewis Farms will keep bulls until May 1, 2025 for no charge. Then by that time the bulls will be picked up unless previous arrangements have been made. Lewis Farms insists all bulls be insured or covered with the Lewis warranty while at Lewis Farms.
Option C: Purchasers wishing to pick up their animals on sale day will receive at $100 discount per bull purchased.
A majority of the red and black Simmental bulls are homozygous polled tested. If it simply says Polled, it is because the bull was not tested. Our herd is over 95% homozygous polled. If we had a heterozygous test, it is illustrated. Homozygous polled represents that the progeny can not have horns irregardless of the dam.
We look for 3 factors: Spermatozoal motility, morphology and scrotal circumference as well as doing a physical examination and watching the bulls walk. During collection of semen we closely check the penis and inspect for signs of abnormalities.
All bulls are sold who exceed one year of age will have been classifies as satisfactory in all categories and give us all indications they will go out for you and become good breeding herd bulls. All scrotal measurements will be posted on the supplement sheets.
Deferred on semen bulls will be announced sale day. The only components which are not tested are the libido and the bulls ability to breed. This component is up to you, the purchaser. It is absolutely essential to watch your bull on his first few services to make sure successful breeding is occurring. Any problems or concerns with your purchase(s), please direct back to Lewis Farms and we will check into them for you.
Lewis Farms reserves the right to collect semen for in herd use only on any bull in our sale.
15% sell between $9000-$11000
40% sell over $11,000
45% of bulls sell between $4500-$9000
Lewis Farms guarantees to sell you a bull that is structurally sound, a bull that has passed semen test done by a licensed veterinarian.
56% of bulls sell between $4500-$9000
Should any Lewis bull fail to be satisfactory breeder, unable to physically service a cow or heifer, he will be replaced with a bull of equal value. Should this not be possible, an adjustment will be made to reflect the value of the bull in question or a credit will be given towards the purchase of another bull. We guarantee to provide you with a sound breeding bull. We, however, will not provide replacement or adjustment for physically injured or mismanagement. Bear in mind, we stress the importance of Lewis Farms Breeding Season Warranty or a third party insurance provider.
Our warranty program offers a warranty in a language you can understand. While under our warranty your bull is covered for injury, sickness or death. We will service you needs with another bull or a credit to next years sale. Should you have any problem with a bull, contact Lewis Farms directly at (780) 962-5050 or through Kyle or Ken’s cell phones. We require your veterinarian to complete a report and fax or email it to Lewis Farms. We will work with you to make sure your cows get serviced and your are satisfied with your purchase.
We have back up bulls set aside for customers.
Lewis Farms Breeding Season Warranty has been developed to protect your purchase during the most critical, high risk time of a bull’s life, the breeding season.
JUSTIN ROSADIUK (780) 902-0274
TOM MCNEELY - (780) 679-7220 for seed stock, and the LFE brand remains associated with some of the top genetics in the world.
Working on the nutrition program at Lewis Farms has been a great pleasure. The owners and staff put such focus on nutrition
Exceptional forage quality in the haylage, corn silage, cereal silage, and dry hay laid a great foundation for diets on both the bulls and cows. The cows are on a year-round mineral
23% sell between $9000-$11000
11% sell over $11,000
We offer the following options which are the buyers responsibility to purchase at time of settlement:
1 3 Months
Notify Lewis Farms immediately by phone (780) 962-5050. Employ a licensed veterinarian to treat, diagnose and/or fill out a vet form. If the animal dies, a post mortem may be required.
Coverage – During Breeding Season - In case of loss, Lewis Farms will not be responsible for anything up and above the purchase of the bull.
OPTION 1 & 2 - Covers 100% of the purchase price less salvage value when possible
OPTION 3 - Extended season, covers the animal during and after breeding season. We will cover 80% if the original value, less salvage when possible.
Lewis Farms is responsible to make settlement of an approved warranty claim with a suitable replacement.
Exclusions to Warranty - Injury or death due to malicious, willful or intentional acts or mistreatment by you or your employees are fraudulent claims.
program, with a focus on hoof health, fertility, and pre- and post-natal success. Mineral status in the cow herd is so important for setting the bulls up for longevity and reproductive success as well. The bull ration is balanced to maximize forage utilization, promote lean muscle deposition, and demonstrate the genetic potential of these animals. When building the bull supplement to balance the ration, there is a focus on optimizing rumen health, and elevating immune response with organic microminerals. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the nutritional program at Lewis Farms. Best of luck to the whole team on sale day with an excellent set of bulls.
• Clean cut Cabby son. Sharp front
• Dam 631G is a ET daughter of Profit Maker and Donor Sheila 621Y
• Maternal brother sold to Travis Penner last spring
• The heavy weight of The Cabarets
• Dam 2193D has sired a lot of the good ones over the years
• 2 good sons working in the herds of Leedale Colony and Jack Krawchuk
• A sister to lot 2 was a feature in the 2024 leading Ladies selling to Triangle K
• A standout from a young age.
• Dam 95F is a moderate set, maternally made ½ blood cow
Percentage 3/4 Homo
• Herd bull with all the options
• Dam was purchased in the Evolution sale hosted by Black Gold and Greenwood
• Hairy, big bellied, wide topped and low birth
• One of the front runners to lead this section off.
• Unmatched in presence, hair, foot quality and true eye appeal
• His dam is a standout Gotham daughter at 9 years of age, prior sons have sold to Tyler Houston and PV Farming
• We have future intentions with this bull. He will be collected for in herd use and new owner use prior to the sale
• A standout since a young age. A fault free individual out of our favorite Cash daughter.
• A maternal brother sold last spring to Rocking Heart Range
• This is a bull we will collect prior to our sale, a bull we intend to use heavily ourselves
• Big statured, high performing Cabby son
• 19Z is a long, highly productive dark Night Cow. She is responsible for LFE Hoover who sold to Rocking Heart, as other sons working in the good herds on Berry Creek Colony,
• The soul member of this successful flush that was a male
• 17D is a long-time high end producing Dark Night daughter
• This is a big impact bull with a world of future in front of him
• These Crocus cows go back
• Attractive Caliber son in a low birth package
• Dam 618A has done it all here, including raising our high selling bred in 2018 to Quinn Wilson
• A real solid calf to Harbin Welding and a donor cow LFE 102G to TZ Livestock
• Another low birth Caliber son. This guy has style, hair and a quiet disposition
• Dam 25F has 2 daughters in the herd we like 148J & 83H
• Long bodied, proud fronted, and big bellied
• Prior sons and daughters have sold to Black Chrome Livestock, Berry Creek Colony, and Cliff Jameson
• Feature herd bull, baldy off the great Hanibal and donor 51D
• Full extension through front end
• 51D is the grandam to Cabaret and mother to our lead donor 671E
• Lots of areas this bull can be used in
LFE 671E - Sister
• Cool outcross mating for us. The 73A cow from Hanfords has worked well.
• She’s the mother to SRH Hannibal
• A low birth Countertime son that can be used in many areas
• This calf has style, hair and proven track record from mom
• His full sister was a sale feature this fall selling to the Kamieniecki family • Big
• A pedigree
made • ¾ sib to Lot 836L • Sister to dam sold in the Family Matters sale, hosted at Bohrson Marketing
The Canadian Livestock Industry Leader of the year award is a prestigious award presented at the stock show in Denver. We couldn’t think of a more deserving recipient. Congratulations to Mark and Joanne Shologan as well as the entire DLMS crew.
The first time Mark and DLMS were a part of our marketing team was 17 years ago at our 2008 bull sale. Mark had helped us at sale time for many prior years – chasing bulls around, running equipment or wherever needed.
The internet was fairly quiet our first couple of years, chipping away at a few but not a real force. Then about 2011, we had a dump of snow prior to the sale. It must have been a foot. Many of our neighbors used the net to bid and buy on. It was definitely the best insurance we could have had. So, I guess you could say it for us and the industry the rest is history in the level of confidence with DLMS. But it hasn’t happened on its own and isn’t just a consequence of timing. Mark has been not only the leader and builder on the purebred scene with DLMS, but he has been the driving force behind it, nurturing DLMS along to where it is today.
As Always Mark, a great job done and well-deserved award.
• Calvary son, a cow bull with a soft docile look
• Well balanced, multi tooled blaze face
• Appropriate for 2nd and 3rd calvers
• Sweeping rib cage with correct foot
• High quality bull in this yearling division
• 601A is an elite donor, 601A’s calf sells as Lot 101. He might be the best bull in the extra division
May 21, 1991 - December 1, 2024
If you knew him, you loved him. His silliness, sense of humor, and kindness. Nobody could liven up a room like Kyle.
Kyle tragically passed away in a farming accident near Rich Valley, Alberta at the age of 33 years old leaving behind his loving wife, Kristina, and their three young children - Tanner, Harper, and Sawyer.
Kyle’s memory will live on in the stories, laughter and love he brought into this world. He was truly one of a kind, always one to lend a hand to anyone who needed it, and always going above and beyond for everyone in the community. His good nature made him easy to talk to about everything from farming to the Oilers, and he had an incredible knack to build or fix absolutely anything. His family farm was not just an achievement, but his passion in life, and brought him so much joy.
• Unmatched birth to weaning spread
• Sire, Rolling Stone was a ¾ blood sale feature selling to Parkview Livestock
• 848L is a long-bodied smooth made ¾ blood
• Rolling Stone was used exclusively here and Parkview, he was utilized strictly in the heifer pen
• 397M is a high growth bull off a first calving Warzone daughter
• Another real good
to weaning spread
• 38K is one of the nicest 2yr olds in production here
• 367M is suitable for heifers
Shirley Wild has been our bartender for our Female and Bull Sales since 1997.
Shirley and Allen, along with their 3 boys own and operate Wild Farms. We are so fortunate to have such amazing and longtime friends. She says she may not always remember a name but will remember a face and what you drink.
Shirley, we appreciate you more than words can express.
• 3022L’s brother Gametimes sold to Hadways in the 2023 sale
• Caliber and this cow sure click, big time performance and style in this package
• A highlight in this section, standout since a young age
• 601A is an accomplished matron here, many daughters retained, and several herd sires
• Hamptons and Yellow Rose bought a highlight son LFE Unlimited off 601A
Purebred Homo
• Maternal pedigree here in a robust package
• Maternal brother at Schiller Farms
• 611E is medium framed, medium boned, beautiful udder Beast Mode daughter
Purebred Homo Black
- 93
• Hairy, heavy, big scrotal, balanced and sound
• Study the video here, one of the best black bulls to sell
• We targeted low birth weight, moderate framed cows that work well with Caliber
• A maternal brother to 3034L sold to Byemoor Colony last spring
• Title Shot was the sale feature and high seller from 2021 sale for $107,500
• His progeny are generally bigger framed, huge ribbed and always a shot of chrome
• Title Shot’s dam is none other then the great Heaven Cow 659D
• The soul entry from 3064H
• 3064H was purchased by KP and then later resold to Jenna Olsen
• 3044L is a low set, lots of hair, huge middled bull, he’s balanced and sound
• Countertime progeny have carved a good swath in a short time in Canada
• Females are well into production, 2 crops of bulls have sold, been put to work and breeders have reaped the benefits of Countertime’s contribution
• LFE Rip was the lead off and high seller in the 2021 sale to Rocking Heart Range
• Rip progeny are massive, rugged, with adequate birth weights
• Solid Rip son, good for 2nd calvers and older
• Byemoor Colony bought a real good brother in last years sale to 3267L
• Moderate, balanced, with a typical Rip quality foot
• Bottom side of this pedigree has had good success for us and customers
• Grandam LFE 25X was the lead off and high seller in our 2011 Leading Ladies sale, selling to Ray Frehlick, she went on to sire a Broker son that year that made an impact in the breed
• Rip son out of a 16-year-old long time producing black female
• Longevity, stay-ability and fertility bred right into this moderate son of Rip
• A heifer friendly option by Rip
• Strong topped, good footed, backed by a 10-year-old dam
• High quality Rip son out of a 9-year-old cow
• Brothers working for Halcourt’s at Beaverlodge and Rolling Hills Cattle Co
• Leading off these Warzone sons. Warzone was purchased in 2020 by the Walgren family
• Warzone would put size and thickness into his calf crop and moderate birth
• Warzone’s dam was our favorite 680S daughter. Between Beast Mode and Warzone, the females have made extra good cows, by no mistake
for heifers and cows
• Warzone son, and a brother to the $60,000 herd sire Middle Man who sold to Crossroad Farms
• Good honest Warzone, solid foot, athletic
• Maternal brother sold to Miles Weiss at Willow Pine near Beaverlodge
Congratulations to Lewis Farms on their 40th anniversary of being in the purebred Simmental and Angus bull business. I started in the livestock marketing in Vermillion-Lloydminster area in 1984 and have been
involved with the Lewis families for 35 of those years. It hasn’t been all about marketing bulls, it’s been a pleasure to be part of the family association year round. The quality of bulls have changed immensely over the past 40 years. Dealing with this type of quality of Simmental and Angus bulls has made it easier for myself to purchase animals for my customer base to make their herds strong and easier to market their feeder and replacement cattle. The mix of black and red Simmental, black and red Angus plus the high end Fullblood bulls from Mark Land & Cattle. With the two age groups give customers a broad range of bulls to pick from. I wish the Lewis & Mark families many more years of success in the purebred business and hope to be part of them as well.
Jim Pulyk
• 3285L is a brother to Cabaret and son of the great Kat 671E donor cow
• Perfect blaze, great calving capabilities.
• Expectations are high for 3285L
• 3027L’s dam is one of our favorite Simmental cows in the summer program, she’s a moderate, big
good footed black baldy cow
• Royally bred, 2078D is the queen B in the summer deal, unmatched in her phenotype and production records. Her Stratton son was the second high seller last spring for $45,000 to Jean Francois Leblond and 3064H was the $41,000 high seller from 2021 to Ken
• 3198L is long, big sided and built to breed
Calvary sons
Calvary was purchased by Rocking Heart Range in 2022.
Alma Stav passed away on January 3, 2025, just 2 days shy of 93 years old. She was married to Ivan Stav for 55 years, until his passing in 2006. Alma was a mother of 5 (Corrie being the youngest), grandmother to 11 (including Kyle & Kirbie), and great grandmother to 13 (including Dysen, Rylan, Kolter and Haizley). She loved to curl in her younger years and was an avid gardener, knitter and
1932 - 2025 overall homemaker, always supporting her family in every way possible. Alma was very involved with all her grandchildren, babysitting whenever asked and loving every minute of it. She loved birds and could name most by their sound. We hope she is soaring freely and without struggle now, listening to her favorite song,
“Take Me Home, Country Roads”.
Loved dearly by her family and friends.
• Perfect blaze, easy moving Turnout son
• Maternal brother sold to Simon Loewen of Prespatou, BC
• Turnout was purchased in 2019. Hays Land & Cattle were able to select him
• His progeny have stretch and extension, they’ve got bone and lots of scrotal
• Bourban x Riddler
• 2051D is a big frame, huge bodied Riddler daughter, A brother was selected by Peter Wheeler of Prespatou, BC
• A Balanced, blaze face son of Turnout • Brothers to 3241L were selected by Byemoor Colony, Kamieniecki Farms, Michael Lutz and Garth Dinwoodie
• 3212l is a Beast Mode grandson off a first calving heifer • The Violets are a
in this guy
• Another heifer confirmed option
• Double shot of Calving ease, easy fleshing
• These May calving heifers don’t have much room for error calving on a quarter section
• Low
“Congratulations Lewis Family on your 40th Annual Bull Sale and in creating a program that has withstood the tests of time. Lewis Farms is known industry wide for their commitment to agriculture and for their continuing
efforts towards the betterment of the Canadian cattle industry. Backed by a no-nonsense approach to business and a strong adherence to the adages of integrity and transparency, Lewis Farms dedication to the improvement of the Simmental and Angus breeds is one to be admired.
They continue to produce high-functioning and high-performing cattle, all the while adhering to the foundations of confirmation, balance, and fertility. Their cattle are developed to thrive in a wide range of conditions and they have always kept focused on meeting the needs of the commercial cattleman. The contributions of Lewis Farms genetics in our own cow herd cannot be understated. A large portion of each years calf crop is sired by bulls carrying the left rib freeze brand LFE. We run a short, demanding breeding season. Bull vigour and performance is essential to our operation and every year the LFE bulls thrive. The resulting steers and heifers are well sought after and purchased by repeat buyers. We take an immense amount of pride in raising high-quality, Alberta Beef and the Lewis’s help us to accomplish this goal.
They are the kind of people to prefer a critique over a compliment, to go unnoticed instead of receive praise, and above all strive to do right by their customers.
The working relationship and friendship that was started long ago, continues today, and hopefully grows with future generations.
• Best Answer was raised here. Purchased by Bohrson Marketing & Brooking Angus
• 3045L is exactly what we are striving to achieve in this half-blood program
• Low birth, highly maternal, attractive cattle
• Sharp fronted, big sided and built for heifers or cows
• Low set, this guy is loaded with rib and muscle
• Watch for him to be a standout on sale day
to Wadeside Feeders
• One of the best half bloods to sell
• Bold sprung, big foot, chiselled fronted
• High Ranking ½ blood
• Dam is a power cow, Cobra daughters have been amongst the best cows in the breed
• Moderate stature, balanced and effortless on the move
• Heaven 659D has been a go to female in the donor pen.
• Heavy muscled, built like a tank
• Sire LFE 807G was the high selling angus bull in 2021, he sold to Sandy Hills for $60,000
• Crowd favorite, perfect blaze, deep bellied and big chest
• Sound traveling bull, low set but upheaded
• Medium boned, suitable for 2nd calvers
“Congratulations to the Lewis family on your 40th bull sale! I have attended all but the
first two, I believe. We have purchased many bulls and have been very pleased with the consistency of the progeny. The large sire groups represented allow for predictable offspring and we’ve seldom been disappointed. We finish all of our steers and are pleased with the performance and quality. The last several years, we have been selling large numbers of our heifers as replacements to mostly repeat customers who appreciate the uniformity. The Lewis family have become great friends, and we enjoy the opportunity to meet with many progressive producers at their sales. It’s a great time to be in the cattle business.
Dave Solverson
• Heavy haired, bold rugged
• Sire, Casey 838F
to Rocking Heart Range in the 2019 sale
• Long
• Safe for 1st and 2nd calvers
• Twin
• Black baldy off a baldy Cash daughter
• Low birth, suited for 1st and 2nd calvers
• Heavy haired, cherry red, huge weaning calf out of our old Cocoa donor • Dam 658C gets it done every time, she is the mother to the $62,000 LFE Cocoa selling to Westman Farms, the $100,000 Hall Pass to W2 & Westman Farms and LFE Fortress to Scherger Ranching, A full sister to Lot 300 sold to Perkin Land and Cattle in our previous female sale.
• Highest ranking red bull on offer
• This Red Wood son has style and presence, smooth shouldered, with a seamless rib cage
• He’s big butted and heavy haired
• Dam KHG 2D is a big time producer with sons working in the good herds of Westman Farms, Westgold Farms, MCG Simmentals and Pleasant Valley Farming
• A full brother, LFE 344L was a high seller to Westgold last spring
LFE 344L - Full Brother
• A true beef bull and standout son from Redwood, long, stout and dark
• A sister 105J is one of the best young cows in our winter group
• A pair of near full brothers, Loyalty x Tycoon is about as good of cross in the red Simmental business as you’re going to get.
• 313 was our favorite red calf this summer, 300 has really caught up ground this fall, both perfect blazes. 71J and 56J are a lot alike, bigger framed, big footed and perfect udder. Not to mention their both descendants from the best Amber line and Amber cow LFE 205T
Loyalty progeny are low set, great footed, dark red with an early maturity
A full brother sold last spring to Eastlight Farms and Feedlot
• A high level Briggs son, dark red, heavy haired, loads of muscle, balanced on a sound foot and big stride
• Briggs is the $60,000 Stratton son that Sold to JK Bar and Westman
• Briggs x Amber 205T on both sides of the pedigree
• Heavy muscled, big hair. 33G is likely the most attractive current Amber daughter
• One of the heaviest weaning calves on offer. Big sided, big scrotal, herd bull
• Tycoon females are incredible young cows and terrific herd bull makers
• Stout, hairy, huge topped, heaviest muscled red bull on offer
• His dam is the sister to last springs high selling red bull LFE 821K
• Herd bull alert. Typical Briggs, big hair, big feet, blaze face
• Dam is a calving ease Coach daughter, plan to keep replacement females off this bull
• Brothers to LFE 842L working at Westman Farms and Pleasant Valley Farming
• Red Blaze Briggs son
• Low
• A high profile flush off one of the top red cows in the breed
• IPU Pocahontas 117F has proved herself over and over. Producing high value, highly sought after sons and daughters. 6 Pocahontas daughters have averaged $24,000 and her sons have averaged north of $45,000. With sons like Loyalty, Redwood, 846K contributing to the average
• This flush to American red, was a change in pedigree and a bull we thought compliments 117F
• Bold Sprung, dark red with extra calving ease
• A pair of ¾ brothers.
• We thought Walk the Line was a perfect sire match for a majority of these young Stratton daughters. LFE 8J is a full Sib to Loyalty & Redwood
• Both 327M & 328M are long bodied, heavy muscled with perfect blaze
• A low birth weight Crank son
• Crank was the high lead
and high seller to Hays Land and Cattle
• Dam WLB 466E is a model Sheriff daughter. Big bodied, good footed and dark red
• Maternal brothers working in the good herds of Springview Colony, Westman Farms & Galas Stock Farm
• Big bodied, heavy hair, sweeping rib cage
• Same style and kind WTL adds to progeny, a rib longer, herd bull presence, with a long, extended, masculine front end
• This is a low birth bull, his brother sold to Westman Farms last spring
• All these Trax sons are off first calving heifers
• Trax x Heat Wave, suitable for heifers
• Double bred calving ease
• Trax son suitable for heifers
• Dam was purchased from Yellow Rose Cattle
• Another low birth bull, this guy has 2 shots of Calving ease
• These Heat Wave cattle are
• Sound, maternal and really easy calving
• Dark red, big
• Dam LFE 2120B is a prolific Springsteen daughter. With sons working in the good herds of Rocking Heart and Woodwind Ranching
• High end Redwood son. Redwood progeny are big growth, modest at birth. The first batch of milking daughters are as good as we’ve seen
• Brother sold last spring
• High quality Redwood son,
• Dam LFE 26B is a Cornerstone female with 5 daughters retained in herd.
• LFE 2078F raised an Amber son selling to Blair Whitfield last spring
• Long, dark, Redwood progeny are superior footed with extra frame
• Talk about a mother cow that’s been getting it done for over 10 years
• LFE 162Z has 4 daughters retained in herd.
• 3161 is true Redwood, long, dark with the right fundamentals
• ¾ brother to Lot 404
• 3178 is balanced, heavy muscled, with a big long stride
• Dark red and hairy
• About 12 years ago, Amber LFE 27H was a 15 year old cow. We were able to get one last flush out of her to Springsteen. Dam Amber 44B is a product of that flush • A Warzone son, Warzone has 13 sons selling in the black Simmental section • 3216L is a product of 2 black parents. 2002D has son working at Tom Braggs
• Maybe the best red extra aged bull to sell
• This style of mating has been dominating the sale results here for 5 years
• Stratton, on big framed cows
• Short in stature, wide based, low set
• Classic red blaze son from Stratton
• Crank son with all the bells and Whistles
• LFE Crank was the high selling red bull in 2020 to Hays Land and Cattle
• Stratton grandson, Sire 388J was a sale feature selling Werstroh Simmentals
• 3141 is a top 5 bull in this division of bulls. Grandam MAF 5C is one of the go to producing red cows in our summer calving group
Stratton grand
• High performing Amber son, one of the real good power cow bulls
• Amber 857F was the high selling red bull from the 2019 sale, selling to WestGold Farms for $107,500
• Amber progeny are early maturing cattle, big scrotal, they wean off heavy, dense muscled bulls on a medium frame
• 3215L is an honest, sound traveling herd bull
• Low set, bold ribbed, backed by many generations of real good red cows
• A brother sold to Lougheed Colony in 2023
• Balanced, stout with a lighter colored coat
• A brother sold last spring to Kelly Broadhead of Keg River
• One of the heavier weaning bulls
• We purchased great grandam from MRL a number of years back, 700W and 2000A were great red cows
• Herd bull suitable for cows. Out of a Tycoon daughter, Tycoon has sired some of the best young females in the breed. Definitely a bull the industry could use more of.
• Low set, heavy muscled Amber son
• Modest birth weight
• Red Bull that checks the boxes, low birth, big square feet, with a good hair coat and good young Amber mom
• Arguably a heifer bull. This guy is suited for certain heifers, 2nd calvers and cows
• Low set, balanced, beef bull
• Wide based, heavy muscled Amber son.
• Cocky fronted bull with extra presence and shape
• A brother sold last spring to New Pine colony
• Double bred Calving ease, if you’re an EPD enthusiast, they don’t get any better
• This Heat Wave son is a long stretchy, smooth made bull, suitable for heifers. Cherry red with a huge weaning weight
Over the years
Welcome to the 40th annual sale at Lewis Farms. I want to thank the Lewis family for their continued support of my Fullblood program and their tireless hours spent organizing and getting ready for the day. I also want to say a big Congratulations to the Lewis family on 40 years of selling quality seed stock. It is a testament to them on the quality they produce year after year.
The day after the bull sale, I start planning for next year’s annual sale. I strive to have a group of bulls to offer that are powerful with lots of muscle, fluid on their feet, deep red with goggles and eye catching. I am very proud of this offering and hope I have something for all Fullblood buyers.
I would like to share with everyone that Rhonda and I have became grandparents. To say the least it is nothing short of fantastic. I finally get what I always hoped for – boys!! Our two grandsons were born this past year. Payton and Dustin welcomed Wilder Lennyn Aykroyd in May. Kailee and Billy had an early arrival. Bryden James Steele came seven weeks early in November. They have stolen our hearts! We are so proud of them. We are confident they’ll love cows as much as their papa!
PS I would like to thank all my loyal customers and always welcome new ones. My dream would not be possible without all your support.
• Dark red, heavy Haired Jackson son
• Dam DBD 275B is a big framed, great udder cow from Dimlers
• Maternal sisters have sold off the DBD cow to Rick Shaw Simmentals, Star West and Pine Creek Simmentals
• A highlight flush of Jackson sons, soggy made bulls, with a ton of rig and substance
• Dam SBV Choice is a highlight reel cow, her daughters (full sibs) averaged $25,000 this fall, and another pair of daughters (full sibs) sold to Amber Morris of Indiana. The American sold heifers went on to win champion female at the NAILLE
• Belly dragging Jackson son, we’ve got him scored high
• Dam is a tanky Inscription daughter, with a big-time udder. She descends from the KOP dispersal cows
• Dam SBV Choice 630H is a dark red Curfew daughter, she is also a flush mate to the mother of the Jackson sons selling Lots 503-506
• Take the opportunity to acquire a Jackson son • Large
• Pair of flush mates that check the boxes, Lot 510 is a real standout calf
• Dam Kananaskis 96F dark medium framed cow, she is also currently a donor cow for the Stout family.
• This will be the biggest sire group in the fullblood division, dating back forever. Jacksons walking rights sold this summer for $100,000. This is a rare chance to get in on the best bull making Sire we’ve seen
• Typical Jackson son, dark pigment, double goggled • Off a dark colored, big footed Mortal daughter
94C and Great Grandam Beat 162W are pinnacles of
MLC program and pillars in the
• A pair of high-end flush mates, both homo polled and dark red as they come
• Dam Rhea 54C is the most accomplished cow at MLC and one of the most in the breed
• 54C is the mother to Reputation and Inscription, her daughter and full sib to 704 and 710 sold for $25,000 at FNL to Shodown and Dunmac Farms
• Oldies, but good ones. This was the “Go To” mating 7-8 years ago
• Miss Beat 94C keeps getting it done. She is a full sister to Curfew and maybe the heaviest cow to walk at MLC
• One of the top individuals to sell
• A Jackson son that’s worth the drive
• Dam was purchased from Carl Wright, a maternal brother sold 2 springs ago to Karvonen Land and Cattle
• Dam
• Our pick of the bulls, a low birth Calving ease option, this guy has an incredible birth to weaning spread.
• Dam is a direct Reputation daughter and
• Low birth calving ease tool, tanky, hairy and sound to the ground
• The Merlot cow is rated # 1 for her age group and a daughter to the great 641Z
• Balanced, soggy and big scrotal
• Comes off a fertile 3 yr old Renegade daughter
- 84 ADJ WWT - 865
SBV MERLOT 277E Fullblood Horned
• Best for last
• A pedigree that combines savvy calving ease genetics with some of the best & proven cows from the MLC herd
• 501M backs it up on paper and in flesh, he’s good!
• A striking Equity son. Sharp fronted, big hipped • Grandam was purchased from Six Mile and flushed a couple times
• Robust built, heavy haired,
• Maternal brother sold to Ron Govenlock
• Brothers were selected in the past by Morinville Colony, Plateau Cattle Co, and Ralph Nault
• Dam 661D is a big bodied, real cowy South Dakota daughter
• Equity was purchased from Ellingson Angus. They are low to modest birth cattle that really excel in growth, foot quality and temperament
• 345M is a heifer bull option
• Bank Note daughters are low set, big bodied, easy doing with an ability to produce
• 838L is stout rig, big topped, built right to travel. He has brothers at Sunnybend colony and Houston Farms
• Performance bull out of a moderate Final Answer daughter
• Big scrotal, long body, built for cows.
• Brother sold 2 years ago to Rocking Heart Range
• An Exciting calf
flushed 624H last spring to Density
• 811L is a big bellied, deep chested Judgement son
• Dam, Abigail 17J is an exciting young cow.
• Her first calf was selected by Kevin Anderson
• 824L strikes a pose, he’s long, athletic with a robust build
• A phenotypic standout, low birth, big footed,
• recorded a big scrotal and weaning weight
• Dutton was selected in the 2020 bull sale by Rocking Heart Range
• 857L is dense built, his sister sold in the Angus collection to Brandl Cattle Co
• Highly anticipated set of Glacier sons,
• Dam, Erica 38D is our favorite Harvestor cow to date and the most consistent producing Angus cow in our short 26-year tenure breeding Angus cows
• She has been flushed many times. Weve flushed 38D daughters, 601G and 624H, 624H son sells as lot 606
• These Glacier sons are bigger framed, vastly long, with the right running gear and durability
• Game Night was purchased from Greenwood. He moderates progeny, adds hair, thickness, and a genuine foot. The females are incredible
• Dam 608G is our favorite
• Sitz Stellar son. Grandam is 653C
• This guy is a highquality heifer bull
• Safe for heifers. Stellar x Bravo
• We purchased Grandam Kathlene 23A from Everblack
• Study this Best Answer division, they are some of the best angus bulls on offer, with low birth results and a built-in maternal pedigree that has worked
• Equity sons push the scale down. There also real correct on the ground and in their movement
• 3255L is off a first calf heifer
• Suitable for heifers or cows
• Sister sold in our 2024 Leading Ladies sale to the Wilms family
• Low birth Equity son
• Suitable for heifers and cows
• Equity daughters are entering motherhood. They’re beautiful young cows
• Grandam 10C was the main angus donor here. She’s the dam, grandam and great grandam to many of our good young cows
• Maternal brothers were selected by Pine Meadow Colony and Elite Ag Services
• This 11-year-old Iron Mountain daughter stands the test of time
• 3128L is a high profiling, low birth, high growth GN son
• A modest birth Game Night son
• We acquired Game Night from Greenwood. He has been heavy utilized on both Angus and Simmental cows
• Dam 2005C is our
• Brothers previously
and Rocking Heart Range
by Plateau Cattle
Game Night x Resource. Dam 2013C has 4 daughters actively in production in our summer program • 3107L is strong footed and highly maternal. The type of bull to retain females from •
Turner’s down by Milk River
• Herd bull alert here. This Sooner son is at the top of his class and from the better end of the donor pen
• Abigale 111Y has 22 registered progeny to her name. We have flushed 2
• Equally as good in the flesh and nearly the same pedigree to Lot 719. These Abigale cows are the real deal
• Safe for heifers and cows
• Sooner with a refined calving ease built, less bone and shoulder in this calving ease package
• Sooner out of a powerful Harvestor cow.
• 3159L is a heavy packed beef bull, recording one of the heaviest weaning weights
• Soggy, easy fleshing low set Sooner son
• Eriskay 4F came in-dam from Coleman Angus
• A full sister sold to Willy Doolaege in our 2024 female sale
• This Legacy daughter is in her 12th year of production.
• Brothers to 3200L have been
by Ron Govenlock, Granum Colony, Kris Nickalson & Iron Saddle Ranch
- 94
WWT - 799
• Reno son with all the bells and whistles
• Maternal brother sold to Pine Meadow Farming
• High performing cow bull in this Reno sire group. Bow Canyon bought the full brother last spring
• Long spined, smooth made Reno son. Big sided
• These Reno sons are multipurposed, for the most part, low birth and real easy calving. A group of them will be safe heifer options
to verify this heifer bull
• Built for heifers or cows.
• Basin Rainmakers 4404’s are cow makers. Our high selling female this prior fall was a 4404 selling to Bar-E-L
3009L was the chosen one in this group. His mother has spent the fall and winter at Davis Rairdan embryo transplant center
Maternal brother was selected by Chris Hannas of Calmar
- 68
WWT - 773
• Safe for heifers. Long bodied, good footed BA son
• Highest performing Best Answer in this section
• Maternal brothers selected by Benuik Farms, Boychuk’s and Chamulka’s
• Built to run with heifers, brother sold last spring to Beniuk farms
• We bred a number of Harvestor daughters to Best Answer.
• Maternal brothers working in the
Plateau Cattle Co and Hilly Haven
• Heavy weight in the whole group. This bull is built for cows
• Powerful design, well balanced and athletic
• Ultra-low birth, curving bending Best Answer son, dam was the highest performing cow in the summer herd
• This guy is suitable for heifers or cows
• Wide backed, deep ribbed Stellar son.
• Stellar was used solely in the heifer pen.
• Joker off a first calf heifer. The most complete Joker son to sell
• Past brothers have sold to Mannville Colony and Rocking Heart Range
• The Princess cows are some of the best, they go back to 3X purchased from Bar E L • Crossfire son ready to
• Dam is a sister to Lots 800 and 801
• This guy is moderate and low birth
• All 4 of these Rebello sons go back to Red Wildman Rebello 625S
• Moderate, dark red and low birth
• Heifer friendly option of Crosswire, also off a first calf heifer
1986 – 1ST Annual Bull Sale
• 48 Bulls – Average $2,315
• High Seller LFE Telex 117T$7,200 sold to Westerlea Simmental
1987 – 2nd Annual Bull Sale
• 58 Bulls – Average $2,215
• High Seller LFE Ultra Star 221U$5,700 sold to Four L Simmental
1988 – 3rd Annual Bull Sale
• 54 Bulls – Average $3,291
• High Seller LFE Gizmo 266W$8,800 sold to Silver Willow
• LFE Attraction 209W - $8.400 sold to Deeg Simmentals
1989 – 4th Annual Bull Sale
• 70 Bulls – Average $4,270
• LFE Ultra Fox 212X – Semen Interest $38,900 sold to LaBatte, Adamson, Triple V & S Bar
1990 – 5th Annual Bull Sale
• 80 Bulls – Average $4,168
• High Seller LFE Resistol 218Y$33,000 to Thompson & Bamford
1991 – 6th Annual Bull Sale
• 78 Bulls – Average $4,513
• High seller – LFE Mascot 302Z$44,000 to Cloverleaf – Jayview
1992 – 7th Annual Bull Sale
• 91 bulls – Average $4,296
• High Seller – LFE Navajo 347A -
$71,000 to Prospect Hill Simmental
1993 – 8th Annual Bull Sale
• 108 Bulls – Average $5,126
• High Seller – LFE Dallas 303B
- $62,000 to Anchor Lazy U, Pine Valley, DN Simmentals, EDN, X Bar T and Dean Baker & Steve Stone (Australia)
1994 – 9th Annual Bull Sale
• 121 Bulls – Averaging $4,611
• High Seller LFE Red 318C$18,200 to G Oien Shruygalo & Graham Alexander
1995 – 10th Annual Bull Sale
• 113 Bulls – Average $5,241
• High Seller LFE Eliminator 347D –
$59,000 GM Simmentals
1996 – 11th Annual Bull Sale
• 103 Bulls – Average $3,593
• High Seller LFE King Willaim 357E
- $13,500 to Westway Simmentals
1997 – 12th Annual Bull Sale
• 104 Bulls – Average $4,305
• High Seller LFE Kodak 818E -
$26,000 to Brockhoff
1998 – 13th Annual Bull Sale
• 112 Bulls - Average $6,671
• High Seller LFE Mr Lewis 300G$19,000 sold to Kimlake Simmentals
1999 – 14th Annual Bull Sale
• 103 Bulls – Average $4,003
• High Seller LFE Boss Pepper 337H
- $13,000 sold to Double KL
2000 – 15th Annual Bull Sale
• 144 Bulls – Average $4,240
• High Seller LFE Mr Lewis 421J -
$13,000 sold to 3 L Cattle Co
2001 – 16th Annual Bull Sale
• 147 Bulls – Average $5,387
• High Seller LFE Mr Lewis 313K -
$20,000 sold to 3 L Cattle Co
2002 – 17th Annual Bull Sale
• 145 Bulls – Average $5,115
• High Seller KJLI the Rock 1L -
$32,000 sold to 3 L Cattle Co
2003 – 18th Annual Bull Sale
• 173 Bulls – Average $4,046
• High Seller LFE Red Enticer 364M
- $12,750 sold to Double Bar D
2004 – 19th Annual Bull Sale
• 175 Bulls – Average $4,025
• High Seller LFE Warden 498N$27,000 sold to Kimlake Simmentals
2005 – 20th Annual Bull Sale
• 175 Bulls – Average $4,230
• High Seller LFE Rock Solid 366P
- $25,000 sold to Anchor Lazy U & Brockhoff Simmental
2006 – 21st Annual Bull Sale
• 189 Bulls – Average $4,305
• High Seller BISS Toby 818P
- $30,000 sold to Double Bar D Simmental
2007 – 22nd Annual Bull Sale
• 215 Bulls – Average $4,217
• High Seller LFE FS Lewis 472S$14,500 sold to Kotowich Evergreen Farms
2008 – 23rd Annual Bull Sale
• 230 Bulls – Average $4,430
• High Seller LFE Brave 307T$20,000 sold to Jaydawn Farms
2009 – 24th Annual Bull Sale
• 221 Bulls – Average $4,384
• High Seller BISS Blackadvance 426U - $15,000 sold to Kenner Simmental & Bouchard Livestock
2010 – 25th Annual Bulls Sale
• 232 Bulls – Average $4,262
• High Seller LFE Strait Up 454W$25,000 sold to Westway Farms
2011 – 26th Annual Bull Sale
• 241 Bulls – Average $5,591
• High Seller LFE Justified 7328X$52,000 sold to Bouchard Livestock
2012 – 27th Annual Bull Sale
• 289 Bulls – Average $5,704
• Volume Buyers Anchor Lazy U & Double F Farms
2013 – 28th Annual Bull Sale
• 305 Bulls – Average $5,841
• High Seller LFE Beer Money 811Y
- $29,000 sold to Anchor Lazy Cattle Co.
2014 – 29th Annual Bull Sale
• 271 Bulls – Average $6,813
• High Seller LFE Commissioner 811Z - $30,000 sold to Rust Mountain View Ranch
2015 – 30th Annual Bull Sale
• 309 Bulls – Average $9,263
• High Seller LFE The Riddler 323B$170,000 sold to Bouchard Livestock & Ashworth
2016 – 31st Annual Bull Sale
• 309 Bulls – Average 8,981
• High Seller LFE McDavid 413C$95,000 sold to Brian McCarthy
2017 – 32nd Annual Bull Sale
• 277 Bulls – Average $8,433
• High Seller LFE Blockbuster 3011C
- $65,000 sold to WLB Livestock
2018 – 33rd Annual Bull Sale
• 264 Bulls – Average $8,643
• High Seller LFE Night Hawk 3013D
- $59,000 sold to Bouchard & TSN Livestock
2019 – 34th Annual Bull Sale
• 269 Bulls – Average $8,262
• High Seller LFE Game Face 338F
- $69,000 sold to Bouchard Livestock & Robb Farms
2020 – 35th Annual Bull Sale
• 269 Bulls – Average $9,272
• High Seller LFE Hall Pass 851G$100,000 sold to W2 Land & Cattle & Westman Farms
2021 – 36th Annual Bull Sale
• 271 Bulls – Average $9,035
• High Seller SBV Reputation 707F$165,000 sold to Bohrson Marketing & Black Gold Simmentals
2022 – 37th Annual Bull Sale
• 260 Bulls – Average $9,726
• High Seller LFE Loyalty 836H$200,000 sold to Bohrson Marketing & Wilson Stock Farms
2023 – 38th Annual Bull Sale
• 294 Bulls – Average $10,541
• High Seller LFE Cabaret 847J$140,000 sold to Bohrson Marketing, Black Gold Simmentals & KT Ranches
2024 – 39th Annual Bull Sale
• 290 Bulls – Average $11,272
• High Seller SBV Modano 518L$170,000 sold to Labatte Simmental, Oberle Bros & Bohrson Marketing